Wedding anniversaries by year: names, gifts and symbols

A wedding and honeymoon usually fly by in a flash, and before the couple has time to look back, they already need to celebrate a new joint holiday - the wedding anniversary. It is customary to celebrate such an event together or with family, remembering what good the past year of family life brought! Not without touching congratulations, and, of course, gifts. In order not to miss any of these beautiful holidays, the portal advises you to keep a list of all wedding anniversaries by year:
  1. 1-10 years from the wedding date
  2. 11-20 years from the wedding date
  3. 21-30 years from the wedding date
  4. 31-40 years from the wedding date
  5. 41-50 wedding years
  6. 55-100 years from the wedding date

Name of weddings by year

All weddings by year can be divided into groups according to their symbolism:

  • Metal: nickel, silver, gold, etc.
  • Stone: turquoise, emerald, ruby, etc.
  • Textile: calico, linen, lace, etc.
  • In honor of popular materials: leather, wood, earthenware, glass, etc.

Let's briefly look at each of them and discuss what wedding names exist by year and what they symbolize, and the photos will tell you what gifts will be appropriate for a particular date.

  • Wedding anniversary clip

1-10 years from the wedding date

  1. 1 year after the wedding - Calico, Gauze or Cotton wedding . Chintz, gauze and cotton wool are symbols of the first anniversary, very fragile materials, symbolizing the same fragile relationship between husband and wife. On this day, the couple exchanges chintz handkerchiefs and drinks a bottle of champagne given to them on their wedding day. If desired, wedding witnesses and parents are invited to visit. It is not customary to organize large celebrations;
  2. 2 years – Paper . The date symbol is paper, which is easily deformed and destroyed, just like a young union. Spouses must remember: once a sheet is crumpled, it will never become perfectly smooth, no matter how you smooth it out. Therefore, partners need to make every effort to save their marriage. Any paper products (postcards, books, certificates, money, etc.) are welcome as gifts;
  3. 3 years – Leather . Things and products made of genuine leather are given as gifts. This is the first more or less strong anniversary. The name of the wedding speaks for itself: leather is no longer as easy to tear or spoil as paper or gauze. If people have lived together for 3 years, it means that the grinding-in process is going well for them, for which they can be congratulated;
  4. 4 years – Linen . This wedding is symbolized by flax - a very durable material consisting of tightly woven fibers. Linen threads represent the spouses, who by this time had become very attached to each other. In the old days, the wife presented her husband with a linen shirt embroidered with her own hands. Modern couples like to throw themed parties, dressing in linen and encouraging invited guests to do so (dress code). Everything is clear with gifts;
  5. 5 years – Wooden.
    The first small, but real anniversary. Wood is a durable building material. You can give any gifts made of wood or symbolizing it. And according to tradition, on this day the spouses plant a small tree, which needs to be watered and fertilized in the same way as family ties.

  6. 6 years – Cast iron.
    She is also Ryabinovaya. She is Cypress. This date is marked by cast iron - the material seems to be durable and yet capable of cracking from high temperatures. In psychology, this period is considered a crisis: it accounts for a large number of divorces. The family had already grown stronger by this time, but the possibility of a split remains.

    On this anniversary, “newlyweds” are usually given cast iron cookware. The night before the celebration, the spouses must clean all the kitchen utensils in the house, symbolically washing away all the bad things from the marital relationship. You can also decorate your home with rowan branches, which drive away negativity from the family;

  7. 6.5 years – Zinc .
    Weddings are usually celebrated by year, and few people know about the existence of “non-round” dates. It is not known for certain where this tradition came from. One can assume: in this way, the spouses are once again reminded that order in the relationship needs to be restored not only once a year, but more often. Let's not forget that this is a period of crisis and additional attention to each other has a positive effect (oh, wise ancestors!). The heroes of the occasion wash all the dishes again, paying special attention to galvanized utensils. Gifts should represent a symbol of the anniversary - give at least a galvanized bucket, or even a paid service for galvanizing the spouse's car;
  8. 7 years – Copper . Copper is not only a durable metal, but also valuable. Having gone through various difficulties together, husband and wife become even closer and closer. Do you know the expression “It shines like a polished copper nickel?” In the same way, in the family, all the rough edges in the form of major conflicts are smoothed out, and relationships become stable. It is symbolic to give each other copper coins;
  9. 8 years – Tin . To make tin shine, it needs to be constantly polished. The anniversary symbol serves as a reminder that you cannot relax: love requires care and careful care. After all, in a sense, good relationships are work. As for gifts: good dishes will never be superfluous, but money will never hurt a married couple;
  10. 9 years – Earthenware.
    Previously, an earthenware set in the closet was an indicator of wealth in the family. The best tea was drunk from beautiful cups on special occasions. A 9-year marriage, like that very tea, is considered “real” and good.

    But at the same time, relationships can crack due to the spouses’ mutual disdain for each other: it’s just as easy to break fragile earthenware. Traditional gifts on this day are beautiful dishes and souvenirs made of earthenware.

  11. 10 years – Tin.
    What kind of wedding is such a symbol. Tin, on the one hand, is hard: it cannot be deformed as easily as paper, for example. On the other hand, pewter objects are quite flexible. This means that a 10-year union has a stable support in the form of a common life, children, environment, material values, etc...

    Spouses have learned the art of compromise and know how to give in to each other, without leading minor quarrels to acute conflicts, as happens in the first years of family life. This wedding is also called Pink. You can give anything that, one way or another, relates to tin or roses. Or is associated with them in shape, color, semantic meaning.

The first 10 years are an indicator of how suitable people are for each other physically, psychologically, intellectually and in other ways. If during this time two completely different individuals managed to build a whole microcosm from scratch, adapting, forgiving mistakes, accepting the imperfections of their partner, then we can say that their meeting is by no means accidental. They have every chance to live together until the end of their days.


You can use both poetic wishes and congratulations in your own words. In any of these cases, the beauty of the union of the heroes of the occasion should be emphasized with the help of wedding anniversary symbols.

For example, for a faience wedding, the spouses can prepare the following words: “Today you are celebrating a faience wedding, and your relationship is as beautiful as this unique material. But you should take care of them so that they do not crack like fragile earthenware. But we are sure that everything will work out for you, and we will definitely celebrate with you the entry of your marriage into the “golden” stage of family life!”

Tip: in the list of anniversaries and their symbolism prepared above, you can find beautiful comparisons on the basis of which you can compose an original congratulation!

  • Congratulations on your wedding anniversary


11-20 years from the wedding date

What are weddings called by year of the second decade:

  1. 11 years - Steel wedding . Steel is strong, smooth, mirror-like. By this time, the relationship between the spouses becomes the same: without jagged edges or rough edges. Guests invited to the celebration can please the couple by buying them furniture, household appliances, dishes and other steel products as gifts. These can be beautiful carved armchairs, stools or a floor hanger. Husband and wife exchange silver jewelry and accessories (watches, cufflinks, earrings, bracelet, ring or signet, etc.);
  2. 12 years old – Nickel . There is a version that this anniversary should be celebrated when the family turns 12.5 years old, ignoring the 12-year mark. Some people celebrate both dates, others – one of them. Every man to his own taste. The same can be said about gifts: in addition to traditional dishes, any gifts without reference to a symbol are welcome;
  3. 13 years - Lily of the Valley or Lace . Both lilies of the valley and lace evoke in us a feeling of tenderness and awe. The name of this wedding seems to hint to the spouses that they should not forget about romance even 13 years later. Also, lace material reflects the intricacy of two destinies: a husband and wife are connected by a lot, which is why their union is of great value for both, which they should also remember. On this day you need to give something white (and anything can be white), fabric (bed linen, for example), with lace motifs. And, of course, don’t forget about the bouquet of lilies of the valley;
  4. 14 years old – Agate . Agate symbolizes well-being, prosperity, prosperity. By this time, the couple has grown-up children, a stable job and income, and established family values. There is order and comfort in the family. Such bonds are almost impossible to break. Objects made from (or from) the symbol stone are ideal as gifts: interior decorations and jewelry;
  5. 15 years – Glass.
    Aka the Crystal Wedding. More often people use the second name, since it, of course, sounds more beautiful. Crystal is transparent, like family ties after 15 years of marriage. You need to give something expensive and valuable (crystal vase, wall clock, souvenirs);

  6. 16 years – Topazovaya (not celebrated according to some sources). The wedding is symbolized by topaz, a semi-precious stone that has the properties of a talisman. Spouses give each other any items whose elements are topazes. For example, you can give your wife a bracelet, beads or hairpin. Men will love a hunting knife with a handle decorated with stones, an expensive pen or a ring. Here it is necessary to rely on the interests and preferences of the person to whom the gift is intended;
  7. 17 years old - Tin or Pink . And this is not a typo. Such a wedding is celebrated 2 times in family life: after 10 and 17 years. For the first time, greater attention is paid to tin, as a symbol of the flexibility that was necessary for that period. The 17th anniversary is a time when spouses, having gone through a lot, can allow themselves to simply enjoy each other, filling their space with tenderness, care and romance. Traditional gifts are a bouquet of roses, anything in pink, red flowers and with symbolic prints. There should be rose wine or champagne on the table;
  8. 18 years old – Turquoise . People associate turquoise with calm, harmony, and something airy and light. This is the atmosphere that should prevail in a marriage that has reached 18 years of age. The children have grown up, careers have been accomplished, life is settled. All that remains is to enjoy the fruits of your labors and investments. Turquoise jewelry, items of turquoise color and its shades are relevant as gifts;
  9. 19 years old - Garnet . The symbol is a garnet, like a precious stone, symbolizing abundance, prosperity and luxury. Relationships are like good wine that increases in value with each year of storage. However, when choosing a gift, you can rely on the idea that a pomegranate is also a tasty, juicy fruit;
  10. 20 years - Porcelain wedding - an anniversary as elegant and beautiful as its symbol. But it is worth remembering: if you accidentally drop or deliberately throw the porcelain, it will easily break. This is a reminder to spouses that they need to appreciate and be attentive to each other even after 20 years. You don’t have to rack your brains over gifts: the most frequently chosen option is beautiful dishes and souvenirs.

41-50 wedding years

  1. 41 years after the wedding - the anniversary has no name and is not celebrated.
  2. 42 years old - Mother-of-pearl.
    Mother of pearl is endowed with mystical meaning: it is believed that it can bring people closer, establish mutual understanding in a couple, and bring happiness to lovers. According to tradition, the wife is given a snow-white necklace of 42 pearls. The wife can choose a gift for her loved one according to her taste - for example, a shirt with mother-of-pearl buttons or a decorative dagger with a mother-of-pearl handle;

  3. 43 years old – Flannel. Flannel is a soft material that can retain heat even at low temperatures. The anniversary symbol hints that a husband and wife, 43 years after marriage, should be able to keep the fire burning at home. Robes, pajamas, blankets, bedspreads and other flannel textiles are perfect as a present;
  4. 44 years old – Topazovaya. Another date whose symbol is topaz. And if the couple did not celebrate their first topaz wedding (16 years), now they have a wonderful opportunity to do so. For gift ideas, see the 16th anniversary description;
  5. 45 years – Sapphire. Sapphire is a protector from evil and negativity, a stone of love and kindness. The main gift for the other half is jewelry with a symbolic stone. It's like exchanging charms. Guests give gifts of their choice, but it must be something worthwhile (such a date!);
  6. 46 years old – Lavender. Lavender is a delicate flower that evokes calm. Spouses with 46 years of history behind them live just as calmly and harmoniously. They have lived and experienced a lot, they do not need fuss and stress. The closest people are invited to the celebration. The banquet decoration uses sky blue tones. Gifts should be aimed at creating coziness in the home (beautiful curtains, rocking chair, floor lamp, etc.) Well, and, of course, do not forget about the lavender bouquet;
  7. 47 years old – Cashmere. Cashmere is a pleasant, dense material, notable for the fact that it is completely non-allergic to humans. By this time, the spouses have not irritated each other for a long time. On the contrary, they are like two parts of one whole, unable to imagine life without their other half. Traditional gifts - cashmere items;
  8. 48 years old – Amethyst. Amethyst is transparent and pure, like a relationship in a couple. They have nothing to hide or share. They haven't worn masks for a long time and love each other with all their flaws. The main gift is jewelry with stones. Additionally, you can give anything you like;
  9. 49 years old – Kedrovaya. The anniversary is named after cedar, a tree that lives for several hundred years, steadfastly coping with negative conditions. Likewise, the spouses endured various life trials for 49 years and did not lose each other. Items made of cedar wood are the most symbolic gifts for this date (furniture, boxes, frames, frames, floors, etc.);
  10. 50 years - Golden wedding. On this anniversary, gold is given in any form: from gold jewelry to gilding on dishes. Living to see such an anniversary is like winning a significant prize; not everyone can achieve it. That is why the value of marriage is at the highest level.

21-30 years from the wedding date

  1. 21st wedding anniversary - what kind of wedding, what to give? The name of this anniversary is Opal . Opal is a symbol of fidelity, quality and strength. To confirm their feelings, spouses give each other jewelry with opal, for example, paired pendants or rings. It is not customary to invite guests to this date. However, if you really want to, why not? In this regard, friends and relatives can give any gifts they want;
  2. 22 years - Bronze anniversary - an indicator of the firmness and integrity of the couple. Gifts made of bronze or with a hint of it are welcome (a picture frame, a large mirror with a bronze frame, figurines, vases and other interior items). The date is significant. Gifts should be the same;
  3. 23 years old - Beryl . Beryl is a mineral of mental balance, harmony and love. But not all of its varieties are valuable stones. Likewise, a 23-year marriage may turn out to be a dummy, and not a union approved “from above.” To prove to each other the truth of their feelings, the “newlyweds” give each other gifts with expensive stones derived from beryl (for example, emerald or aquamarine);
  4. 24 years old – Satin . Represents a smooth, beautiful union, full of mutual understanding and support. You can give your wife a satin shirt and roses, your husband a shirt or tie, your friends a luxurious tablecloth or bed linen;
  5. 25 years – Silver.
    A quarter of a century is celebrated under the auspices of silver: for the celebration, friends are presented with gifts made of this precious metal (dishes, kitchen items, jewelry, etc.). Silver colors are also welcome when decorating the table and decorations of the room in which the anniversary celebration will take place;

  6. 26 years old – Jade . Jade is valued as a particularly durable material that is difficult to destroy even by chemical exposure. A 26-year marriage is supposed to have the same level of stability. Jade is also believed to have healing properties and attract good luck. The anniversary is celebrated without guests or in a very narrow circle. Gifts are appropriate;
  7. 27 years – Mahogany wedding . Mahogany is a sign of nobility, wisdom, patience and luxury. Gifts usually include figurines, furniture, household items, appliances, souvenirs and interior decorations made from wood of the named symbol;
  8. 28 years old – Nickel . With proper care, strong nickel shines and sparkles. The relationship between the spouses on this anniversary becomes just as strong and beautiful. Usually this and the following date are not celebrated - they save all their “strength” for the 30th anniversary. A husband and wife can have a great time together by exchanging symbolic gifts (cigarette case, glass holder, hairpin, comb, mirror, etc.);
  9. 29 years – Velvet wedding . Symbolizes warm relationships, care, support. By this time, the spouses become soul mates, knowing and accepting each other. Velvet is a luxurious material. It is better to celebrate your anniversary in a good restaurant with expensive dishes and drinks. According to tradition, spouses wear velvet clothes: the wife - a dress, the husband - a bow tie or trousers (whatever);
  10. 30 years – Pearl . Wisdom, purity and fertility are symbols of the 30th anniversary. This date is usually celebrated on a grand scale with children, grandchildren and close relatives. According to the old tradition, the husband gives his wife a necklace of 30 pearls. Men are presented with a tie clip or cufflinks with pearls (you can come up with your own version).

31-40 years from the wedding date

Surely you have noted that the names of wedding anniversaries by year were not invented just like that. Each of them (names) carries a special meaning that reflects the relationship in a couple at different periods of family life.

We can say that our ancestors, based on personal experience, literally compiled instructions for spouses describing what and how should happen in marriage in different years. And we move on.

  1. 31st wedding anniversary - Dark or Sunny anniversary. There is no specific symbol here. You can give each other and your “culprit” friends everything that is associated with warmth, joy, and sun. This could be a beautiful chandelier, a trip to the sea (if the date falls in the summer), a fireplace, a yellow sweater. In general, there is room for your imagination to run wild;
  2. 32 years old - Copper. Copper is bright and beautiful, but it oxidizes under the influence of various substances. Maybe that’s why the ancestors advised not to celebrate this date;
  3. 33 years old – Kamennaya. It is also called Strawberry. The family unit is as strong as a rock. Two destinies are intertwined like strawberry bushes. What to give? Products made from any stones - simple and valuable (from a table with a stone top to jewelry with expensive stones). There will be a basket of strawberries in place;
  4. 34 years old – Amber. The main symbol is amber. And again for good reason. Before becoming a beautiful, valuable stone, amber goes a long way from the state of a viscous resin to a solid substance. Likewise, marriage changes and improves over the years, becoming a value for the couple. It’s clear with gifts;
  5. 35 years – Coral or Linen.
    Linen is a durable material, which characterizes marital ties that can no longer be broken by 35 years of marriage. Coral is known for growing into a complex but beautiful network. This is about the fact that two people are the ancestors of subsequent generations (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.)

    There are many ideas for gifts here: products made from linen and coral (clothing, bedspreads, bags, curtains and other textiles, jewelry, souvenirs). Don’t forget that coral color is also used when choosing a gift;

  6. 36 years - in Russia the date has no name and is not celebrated;
  7. 37 years old – Muslin. The main symbol is muslin - an expensive, beautiful material, the production of which takes a lot of time. The parallel with family relationships is clear: marriage requires moral investment and endurance from its participants. There is no need to organize big celebrations. Spouses give each other clothes made of muslin;
  8. 37.5 years – Aluminum. This intermediate date is another reminder to spouses that flexibility and the ability to compromise will never be superfluous. The most popular gift choice is tableware. As a joke, spouses can exchange aluminum spoons with symbolic inscriptions on the handles;
  9. 38 years old - Mercury. Mercury is a metal, but it is liquid, which is associated with hardness and softness at the same time. Of course, you can’t give it away (its vapors are life-threatening). In this case, any gifts of red and silver colors will do (and it can be anything);
  10. 39 years – Crepe wedding. This name comes from dense fabric - crepe. This refers to the strong bond between spouses, the strength of the couple. Those closest to you are invited to the celebration, gifts are mainly made of crepe (as a rule, these are wardrobe items);
  11. 40 years - Ruby anniversary. The anniversary is symbolized by a ruby, a red gemstone. And red is the color of the royal robe, associated with luxury, nobility and strength, just like a 40-year marriage. An ideal gift for both wife and husband would be jewelry with rubies (ring, ring or paired rings, bracelets, necklace, etc.);

First date

The first month after traditional marriage is called green. This is due to the fact that previously young people entered it inexperienced and immature. They just had to get to know each other's characters and habits, find common ground and mutual understanding. Despite the fact that life has changed somewhat today, most traditions do not lose their relevance.

In many cultures, the color green symbolizes freshness, youth, and purity. Therefore, it is not surprising that the symbol of a green wedding was the myrtle leaves in the wedding crown - a reflection of the innocence and naivety of young people who have just entered into a legal relationship, whose feelings, like young greenery, are just blossoming.

It is interesting that the green wedding is celebrated not only a month later, but also after two, three, four months and so on (until the first anniversary). This holiday is rightfully considered the longest of all existing wedding events. The countdown of the celebration begins on the day of the marriage, and it is customary to celebrate it every month throughout the year on the very date when the union was concluded.

This is a great opportunity to once again remind each other of your feelings, to show love and care for your loved one.

A green wedding is a real treat for those who love romance and want to preserve it for many years.

Table: Symbols of wedding anniversaries in different countries

Number of yearsEastern EuropeGermanyNetherlandsEnglandUSAFranceScandinavian countries
1StrawCottonChintzCottonPaper (modern watch)CottonPaper
2PaperPaperCardboardPaperCotton (modern porcelain)LeatherCotton
3LeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeather (modern crystal, glass)WheatLeather
4Linen (wax)AmberSilkFruits and flowersLinen (silk) (modern devices)FlowerWax
5TreeTreeForestWooden craftsWood (modern silverware)TreeTree
6Cast ironSugarGypsumSugarIron (modern wood products)ChypreIsland
7CopperCopperWool fabricWool, copper (modern desk writing instrument)Wool
8TinSaltBronzeSaltBronze (modern linen, lace)PoppyPoppy
9FaienceCrystalFaienceCopperCeramics, porcelain (modern leather goods)FaienceFaience
10TinRoseTinTin, aluminumTin, aluminum (modern diamond)TinTin
11SteelSteelSteelSteelSteel (modern costume jewelry)CoralZinc
12NickelNickelCanvasSilk and fine linenSilk (modern pearls and colored gemstones)SilkSilk
13Lily of the valleyLily of the valleyCopperLaceLace (modern fabrics)Lily of the valleyLily of the valley
14AgateIvoryLeadIvoryIvory (modern gold jewelry)LeadLead
15CrystalGlass (Crystal)[[Crystal]]CrystalCrystal (modern watch)CrystalCrystal
16TopazTopazTopazSilver plateSapphireTopaz
21OpalBrass, nickelOpal
23BerylSilver plateBeryl
24AtlasMusical instrumentsAtlas
25SilverSilverSilverSilverSilver (modern sterling (alloy))SilverSilver
26NephritisOriginal paintingsJade
27Red treeSculptureRed tree
29VelvetNew furnitureVelvet
30PearlPearlPearlPearlPearl (modern diamond)PearlPearl
31SunWatchBazan, sheepskin
35CoralLinenCoralCoralCoral; nephritis RubyCoral
36Bone chinaMuslin
38MercuryBeryl, tourmalineMercury
42NacreLand with houseNacre
45SapphireEdelweissSapphireSapphireSapphireGilt silverSapphire
46LavenderOriginal poemsLavender
48AmethystOptics (telescope, microscope)Amethyst
65IronIronBlue sapphireRosewood
75CrownMercyDiamond and similar stones, goldAlabaster
80OakOakOakOakDiamond, pearlOakWalnut
85MoonstoneWineDiamond, sapphireMorganite
90GraniteGraniteGraniteGraniteDiamond, emeraldGraniteGranite
95Diamond, rubyBaobab
100Red platinumSky

We have provided a complete list of wedding anniversaries by year that await a married couple during their life together. In conclusion, it is worth giving a couple of important tips that will be useful to both spouses and guests invited to such a holiday.

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