Texts for letters of gratitude to parents for raising children - from the class teacher

Here is a collection of texts for a letter of gratitude to parents (for raising children) from the class teacher and school administration.

If there is a need to express gratitude to students’ relatives for their active participation in the life of the school, use a separate selection of texts.

All first and last names, dates, names of organizations and localities were used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to replace them with the ones you need.

Recommendations for design are at the end of the page.

Option #1

Dear Eduard Filimonovich and Yulia Yakovlevna!

I express my sincere gratitude for the conscientious fulfillment of parental responsibilities, for your caring attitude to school and the excellent results of your daughter

Ekaterina Eduardovna Polushkina.

Your patience, sensitivity, prudence and high responsibility contribute not only to the successful general physical development of the child, but also to instilling in him the norms of moral behavior, ethics, respect for elders and humanity towards younger ones.

Thank you for your creative activity!

I wish you further success, stability, self-confidence and health!

Cl. Head 2 "B" class of secondary school No. 1

A. K. Sinistratova



“Thank you” from the teacher to the parent committee in prose

Gratitude can also be expressed in prose.

“Thank you, dear members of the parent committee, for your dedication and interest. Thanks to you, I had no problems either with stationery or with organizing an interesting learning process. You also regularly united all children and parents, organizing joint holidays, hikes and entertainment events. Thanks to you, four years of study passed easily and without hassle. Thank you very much for the properly organized process of study and leisure.”

Option No. 2


Nina Anatolyevna and Oleg Petrovich Mekbudov!

We express our heartfelt gratitude to you for the good upbringing of your son, for your interest in his educational activities, and in the life of the school in general.

A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility.

We sincerely wish you good health, family well-being, success in your professional path and in the further education of your child.

Thank you for your responsiveness, we will be glad to develop our cooperation and mutual understanding!

Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 20

G. D. Interkrusova

Classroom teacher

R. Zh. Chalavanova



What words and emotions to include in the text of gratitude

A variety of ideas can be included in thanking students' parents from the teacher. The teacher, if desired, can highlight some parents who invested their time and skills as much as possible in the development of their children. You can also separately note those who made significant material contributions to the transformation of the class or school as a whole. And, of course, you can express gratitude to parents from the teacher in general poetic or prose forms.

Of course, every teacher knows what words to fill rhymes and prose with. In any case, there should be words of gratitude, and words of regret at farewell, and words of joy for the younger generation.

Option No. 4

Dear Arina and Rodion Spiridonov!

I express my gratitude and say a huge human thank you for your participation in raising your child.

Undoubtedly, it is parents who are the springboard in life for a little person. It is their daily work, patience, responsibility, sensitivity to needs and responsiveness to any need that becomes a reliable start on the path to future success.

I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.

With all my heart I wish you active longevity, family happiness and prosperity!

Cl. Head of 4th "A" class

GBOU secondary school No. 5

E. E. Mitsarova


December 2021

Congratulations to parents on the last call

Our parents are worried about us, After all, they were the ones who got us ready for the first grade in our lives. They worried, nursed, and dreamed!

And now our souls ache for us: We are graduates, new roads. And again they won’t sleep a wink for long And survive the worries and anxieties.

Thank you, dear ones, for your love, for your endurance, patience and wisdom. We promise to make you happy again and will not allow you to be saddened.


Your children have grown up, Before you could blink, They were rocked in a cradle, And now they are on their way to adulthood.

May there be tears of happiness And smiles on your face, And may all your dreams and wishes Come true in the end!


Our beloved parents, today we, your children, have become older and have overcome an important stage in life - graduating from school. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support, help, care and wise advice. We hope that we will always be a source of pride for you and will adequately meet your expectations.


Our dear parents, Today we want to tell you that we cannot find something dearer, dearer and closer than you in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything and didn’t have sleepless nights. We were taught, raised, treated, surrounded by their care.

On this day, together with us, you are also ready to share our feelings. We are spending our school years, We will never forget about them!


Well, that's all, we are adults! Look, parents, at us! And, remember, you took us to the happy first grade for the first time!

Thank you for all your efforts, For the fact that we always grew up in love! We will meet your expectations so that you can be proud of us!

Cool congratulations to parents on the last call


Our mothers and fathers, dear ones, you are just as worried as we are. You are beautiful and young, you graduated from school with us!

We say thank you today for the sleepless nights and excitement. For homework solved together, for exams, poetry!

Moms, dads, live happily, If you cry, it’s only from happiness. We will delight you, dear ones, and protect you from adversity and bad weather!


Our dear parents, we bow to you from all of us to the ground. Do you remember how you excitedly took first-graders to school?

Many years have flown by since then, We have grown up quickly, and now Time stubbornly leads us to the border of school life, as if by the hand.

You invested love and care, taught you how to solve problems, and apparently the time has come to put our knowledge and strength to work.

We will, of course, come for advice. And today we just want to say that we love you, and with this verse we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything.


I remember how you accompanied me, With flowers and a briefcase, to the first class. And on the line, like children, we were shy, we approached each other, holding on to your sleeve.

I remember the fear of the meeting, the pranks of my victories and successes. Thank you for all the memories, for the guidance, support and consolation.

Today, saying goodbye to childhood, Growing up, we go out into people. And this, undoubtedly, is definitely your greatest merit!


Thank you, parents, for the fact that we didn’t get enough sleep at night, that we, beautiful ones, were seen off to school early in the morning until the first bell!

Because they didn’t scold us if we misbehaved in class, or accidentally broke a huge window in the teacher’s room with a ball!

Thank you for your support, kindness, for the tenderness of your hands and kind words, for the true kindness of your heart, and the fact that you are always ready to help us!


We want to say thank you, Dear parents, beloved ones, That you were able to raise us, You were kind and patient.

We have sometimes upset you with our behavior and studies, But the bell rings for the last time And, of course, in a special way.

We promise not to let you down, We will be honest, hardworking, We will develop and grow, So that you can always be proud of us.

Last call wishes to parents


Thank you, parents, Today we are talking, Today we will close the school doors farewell.

Our last bell is ringing. You are nearby on this day. We step together with you to a new level.

Please accept gratitude for wisdom, kindness, understanding, devotion, love and warmth.


It’s the last call for your children. You can be proud of them. It’s not for nothing that you once didn’t sleep at night, And you helped them study.

Very big ones are standing next to you, And they are eager to start a new path, They want to reach new heights, To know everything, to find the essence in everything.

We wish them good luck, but we wish you love and patience, so that our hearts can reach them, so that the thread of communication does not break.


Today is our last day of school, I want to address those who were most worried and rooted for us, our best, most caring and most patient people - our parents. We are grateful to you for everything that you have invested in us, and continue to invest to this day, for supporting us even in the most difficult moments of our lives and for the fact that always, no matter how old we are, you treat to us with such tenderness, as if we were still little children. We love you very much!


Our parents are patient, I bow to you today. You are like guides for us, We are leaving our educational home.

You did your best for us, Education gave us life. And we are all so infinitely glad that the events are all so intertwined.

And thank you, dear ones, for your love, for your patience, for everything. You are like saints to us, There is no one closer to us!


Who are we without you, dear parents, both wise and very dear? We thank you for our lives, we say thank you for your care!

For the fact that they brought us to the first grade, For the fact that they could cope with us, That they loved us very much, helped us, Not often, but they only scolded us for the cause!

We wish you happiness and goodness, From us love, attention and warmth, And eternal and beautiful youth, And a very joyful, happy life!

Last call poems for parents


There is no need for notebooks now, And throw away the diary: Your baby is not a first grader, Today he is a graduate!

We wish you strength, patience, weekends instead of everyday life. And for those you raised, Be full of pride.


Parents, congratulations on the last school bell! You were so worried, we know, before this solemn day.

You have worked all these years, As if you were going to class with us, You studied everything with us. Oh, how much patience do you have?

You wasted your nerves and strength. You knew we would win! And we thank you very much. Now we speak from the heart!


Here are the echoes of the last call And sadness rolls in again, That your children have grown up, They can no longer return to their childhood.

Don't cry, moms, dads, because they have space ahead of them. The school gave them everything to start: Skills, knowledge, mood.

Good luck and achievements await them. There is only one thing left for you: When they stumble on the road, lend a strong shoulder.


Today we are graduates. Goodbye school days. Big bow to the parents, Congratulations from all sides. We say thank you and sincerely thank you. After all, you tried your best, You woke us up in the morning, You sincerely scolded us for failing, And at the meeting you defended us. It’s a pity that in the life of an adult, it won’t be so easy and simple.


Our dear parents, Thank you for your love. Today is farewell to school, And on this day you are next to me again.

But it seems that just recently you led us by the hand. The years flew by so quickly. Oh, if only they could return them.

We will try our best in life so that people can be proud of us. Thank you very much for your help. We wish you happiness and love.

Funny, cheerful and comic congratulations on the last call


Together with us you passed the School test, You led us by the hand into the yard, Fighting for our knowledge,

And we shouted, “We don’t want to!”, through tears and sobs. Now we say thank you, tears of farewell flow.

We fell in love with these days and tell our parents that thanks only to them we went through the whole school path to graduation.

May your days be clear, And your life be joyful, Health, peace and love, Thank you! Be happy.


So the worries are over, the school years are over, there were joys and hardships, this is life - it’s always like that.

We went through it all together, From those distant, in September, First joyful moments, The very days.

Congratulations on a joint holiday, After all, the call is for all of us, Thank you parents, Everything you did was for you!


There is no need to cry, dear parents, that your children have become adults. You want to send them on their way, but you still have so many questions to solve!

We wish you never tire of being proud of them, May you fulfill everything you dreamed of together, May you be infected with the joy of childhood, May everything new be interesting to you.


Let the bell ring for you with a cheerful bell: The kids were taken to school, They straightened their jacket.

Now let pride fill your wise hearts - For love and hard work, we praise our mother and father!


How they scolded us for failing us and woke us up in the morning, How they forced us to study, We will never forget.

But now we have become smarter And we want to confess to you: That they taught us with a belt, We “Thank you!” we talk.

Having protected us from self-will, we helped you find your path, After all, without your control, we could have made a mistake.

We don’t hold grudges and we already understand everything. Thank you mom and dad, big hug.

Congratulations to the parents on the last call. Cool congratulations to parents on the last call


The bell rings - Our last lesson awaits! And we say thank you to our parents!

The best on the planet, With you the sun shines brighter, We are not afraid to live with you - Once again: thank you!


Happy last bell, dear parents! You're obviously as worried as the guys. They are the winners at this fabulous hour, Everyone has a bright and joyful look!

For them, all the desired roads are open, And you just help them choose one, And may your children glorify both families and our country in the long-awaited days!


We're finishing school and we'll all be leaving soon. Parents are ready to be there at night, during the day.

Thank you, dear ones! You are our best. Always ready to lend a shoulder. This is class!

We all promise you that we will not let you down. We will pave our own route, we will find a path.

And we will be worthy of you. We thank you all. So that you can be calm - We won’t let you get bored.


The school year has ended, your children worked hard, they studied well, they achieved a lot!

We congratulate the parents and from the bottom of our hearts we wish you that you all have a rest in the summer and don’t even mention school!


Congratulations to your parents, I was the last to call, Just recently I was the first for you. School time flew by quickly, Your children grew up imperceptibly. Let the last call be a new start, Children will make decisions themselves. I wish you, parents, Patience and strength, So that the first adult step in their life will be happy.

Congratulations to the parents on the last call. Last call poems for parents


Our beloved parents, we congratulate you with tenderness. The last call has come, we wish you patience.

We grew up, we matured, and we finished school. We thank you for everything, may fate bring you happiness!


Our dear parents, you, like no one else, know everything about us. You helped solve difficult problems, memorize foreign words and important dates from history... You studied with us, and for this alone you deserve a low bow. On this last call, we promise that no matter what difficulties we face, we will overcome them with dignity, as you taught. We wish you great happiness, peace and good health!


The last bell rings as if it were the first. It seems like yesterday we entered the classroom. And there is a lump in my throat from hidden tears, probably from pride and joy for us.

For you, parents, a farewell waltz is played, To remember ourselves at 17 years old, A solemn, sad bell rings, To wish us a happy journey ahead.


Moms, dads, greetings on a special day. The last bell rang, see your child off in happiness.

Thank you for your patience, for your care and understanding. Happiness to you in beautiful children, the embodiment of all desires.


The last call is an important holiday, a little sad, Our parents are all gathered here, Today we will thank them for everything, They raised us and gave us life, We promise them to continue to study, To please them with success, to do everything, We will always love them very much strongly, we will dedicate our victories to them!


The last bell has already rung, This is our common holiday with you. And each of us has already matured, We will no longer be students.

We are grateful to our parents for their support, care and love. For them, we are always winners, From our very first steps.

You were always with us, taught lessons, checked the diary. You are in high spirits today, After all, we are now a graduate in the rank.


Congratulations, our dads and moms! This is the bell ringing for you too, You were stubborn in your teachings, So that science gnawed at granite.

All the lessons have been learned, All the exams will be passed, The stormy streams of life will flow, We will be overwhelmed by them.

And for you, the parents of your loved ones, Millions of grateful words, You are wonderful and unique, You are the basis of all foundations for us!


The bell rings for the last time. We know that you are happy for us and how worried you are now, standing here with us.

Thank you for your patience, our dear mothers and fathers, for helping us in our studies at an important stage in life.

We wish you all good health, so that life brings only joy. To make sure this happens, we promise to make every effort to do so.


Our dear mothers, We are already quite big. The years flew by quickly, we didn’t have time to look back. Now the bell rings, “Goodbye” says. The years have not passed in vain, And they have done us good. Even though we didn’t know a lot, they helped us with our homework. They forced me to study and didn’t allow me to wander around. We have passed this road. Thank you all for your efforts,


Our children have grown up, school is a thing of the past. The years have flown by quickly, My heart is beating with excitement.

Drive away worries, let the guys find their way. You help them with this. It’s difficult without support.


For parents, today is undoubtedly a holiday. The last bell rings at school for your children.

The last time today you got them ready for school, The last time you repeated, So that they wouldn’t be late.

The last bell has died down And all sounds have died down, Adult life is ringing another bell Today it picks up.

I wish my parents Patience and strength, In the great life of the child, So that everyone can let go.


You have walked with us all these years, Shared joys and worries. Thank you, parents, guardians of our Fate.

Your children have already grown up. The last call was made. And its farewell bell sounds for you.

Now the adult roads lie before us, motley. We know you believe in us! And trust us with the choice.


The last bell rang, We will soon leave school, Without having time to say thank you to our beloved parents.

Thank you for your patience, for your help, care and affection, for the best example, inspiration, for happiness and life in bright colors!


Today our last bell is ringing, can you hear, moms and dads? We are grateful to you for your love, For such the best incentive, Now we say thank you to all of you For your support and faith, We will try to achieve all goals, After all, you were an example for us!


All the years have passed so quickly, The days were as long as a second... They will never return, Now the whole school is behind us.

The last bell rang, This is an unforgettable time. Parents, you have managed to do so many things for us!

You turned us into people, You taught us to appreciate everything around us, But now we have become more mature. Your efforts will not be forgotten!

Option #6

Dear Vasilisa Vladimirovna!

Thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the studies of your daughter Anastasia and your invaluable contribution to the successes she has achieved.

Her achievements and victories are an example of efficiency, determination, enthusiasm and dedication. This, of course, is your great merit!

Thank you for never getting tired of learning new things together with your child, supporting, controlling, overcoming difficulties, serving as a reliable support, and defeating worthy competitors. Your child’s victories are our common joy!

I hope that you will continue to be as attentive to the educational process and improvement of Anastasia’s abilities, so that we will continue to have a wonderful example for inspiration and imitation!

Class teacher of grade 7 "B"

L. D. Isidova


Gratitude to 4th grade parents from the teacher in prose

You don't have to rhyme to convey your worries and emotions. Sometimes gratitude from a teacher to parents can be prosaic. A sample could be as follows:

“Dear parents, today is the last day of school in the lower grades. Each of you made a significant contribution to learning and to the process of organizing school events. Four years ago I adopted little chicks who didn’t understand what was going on around them. Today I can say with confidence that this path will be carried out effectively and meaningfully.

Both you and I, dear parents, worked every day to educate and improve our children. Now fully grown, independent and literate people are leaving elementary school and rising to a new level in life. Thanks to each of the mothers and fathers, you have never been indifferent for four years, you have always taken part in organizing work and creating interesting forms of education for your children. I'm a little sad that such wonderful children are leaving from under my wing. I hope that I will be remembered only from the best side. Good luck!"

Option No. 7


Valentina Egorovna and Nikolai Dmitrievich!

I thank you for conscientiously raising your child.

Thank you for the fact that for many years you persistently instilled hard work in your child, served as a guide, motivated him for self-development, achieving high results and a friendly attitude towards people, and this is the key to a prosperous life for any person.

I wish you peace and prosperity, health and family happiness, success in the further education of your child! Let him continue to delight you with his achievements!

Best wishes,

Cl. supervisor

R. P. Mertsalova



Solemn words of gratitude to parents from children and teachers at kindergarten graduation

Usually, teachers and children say solemn words of gratitude to parents at the very end of the graduation party in kindergarten. Since by this point the guys are already slightly tired, it is important not to drag out the speech and not to overdramatize the moment. On popular Internet portals you can find a variety of poems with good wishes. But these formulaic lines are unlikely to seem to anyone present to really come from the depths of their souls. Another thing is poems composed jointly by teachers and children, with direct appeals to parents and short references to funny stories from the life of the group. This option is much better than the previous one. But even more appropriate are prosaic, solemn words of gratitude to parents from children and teachers at a kindergarten graduation. Planned or even spoken out impromptu.

A selection of touching thank you speeches to parents from kindergarten teachers

Dear moms and dads! Saying words of gratitude makes your soul sad. After all, children need to move on - go to school. We wish that your children grow up to be successful people, do well in school and not forget their teachers. We wish you happiness, success and thank you for being with us all these years!

Today is our graduation party. Time passed quickly and the children became adults. Together with your grown-up kids, we are grateful to you for your support and for always helping the teachers. You are the best parents and your children give you their poems and this applause!

Our dear parents! You have been bringing your children to our kindergarten for many years. During this time, you have done a lot of good for our institution and for the children of our group. From the bottom of our hearts we say “sincere thanks.” We invite you and your children to visit. Don't forget about those who cared, and come to us at any opportunity.

Option No. 8

Dear Petrovs

Maria and Vyacheslav!

We express our deep gratitude to you for raising a sociable, friendly, purposeful, artistic, erudite daughter, Petrova Varvara, who has shown herself to be a student capable of deep thinking, able to overcome difficulties, and show excellent results.

Thanks to your support, understanding and responsibility, we will be able to continue to educate the younger generation, striving for knowledge and creativity.

We wish you optimism, health, inexhaustible energy, prosperity and all the best!

Director of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4

S. Yu. Tseginusova

Cl. supervisor

K. A. Korneforsova


December 2021

Option No. 9

Dear Ulyana Makarovna!

I express my sincere gratitude for the great work done in raising your son

Artemyev Igor.

For your activity in uniting the children's team and educating the younger generation of high moral qualities - special thanks to you.

With all my heart I wish you good health, personal happiness, family well-being, and further success in raising a child.

Cl. Head of 5th "B" class

MBOU secondary school No. 71

Y. N. Sarina

Maykop, 2021

Option No. 10


Diana Alekseevna and Yakov Fedorovich!

As a result of hard and persistent work, your son graduated from school with excellent grades.

With your sensitivity, attention and patience, you helped him achieve excellent results in his studies, supported his desire for everything good, beautiful and bright, and actively participated in the social life of the class.

The teaching staff of the school thanks you for the good upbringing of your son, for your beneficial cooperation and attentive attitude to school problems.

Head teacher

U. D. Kayamova

Cl. supervisor

O. B. Minkhirova


May 25, 2021

Option No. 11


Fedor Maksimovich and Olga Dementievna!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for your active participation in the life of the school and for the excellent upbringing of your son, Nikita Fedorovich Zakharov, who showed himself to be a capable student striving to acquire new knowledge.

I wish your family inexhaustible health, happiness, good luck and prosperity!

I hope that your creative activity will continue in high school!


class Head of 9th "D" class

P. Zh. Fafnirova



How to write a thank you letter to parents

You can use standard template expressions and phrases, or add sincere, emotional words of gratitude from the heart into the text.

The letter should begin with a respectful address to each parent by name and patronymic, without allowing abbreviations or indicating status (spouse, dad, mom, parents, etc.)

The main text of the letter, as a rule, contains an expression of deep sincere gratitude and appreciation for specific merits and human qualities:

  • for the good (worthy, excellent) upbringing of a son/daughter (last name, first name);
  • for raising your child, who has shown himself to be a capable (purposeful, responsible, active) person;
  • for active (fruitful, close) cooperation;
  • for active participation in the affairs of the children's team (organization, group, association);
  • for their demonstrated interest in the learning process (upbringing, creative development) of the younger generation;
  • for an active life position. Etc.

In conclusion, one should express confidence or hope for further fruitful (long-term, close) cooperation and sincerely wish success, well-being, health, prosperity and all the best to all family members.

The letter is signed by persons expressing gratitude.

The date and stamp of the institution are affixed.

Option No. 12


Gavrila Vladimirovich and

Yana Leonidovna!

The administration and teachers of school No. 333 in the Avtozavodsky district express gratitude to you for the decent upbringing of your son

Boris Zhuchkov,

as well as for invaluable assistance to the class teacher in organizing and conducting extracurricular activities.

Head teacher

V. Kh. Rotaneeva

Cl. supervisor

G. L. Tubanova

Nizhny Novgorod


Graduation is coming: it's time to write letters to parents

A physics teacher wrote to the teachers' council, who in a month will be graduating from the class for the first time. He needs to prepare letters for his parents, and this is the problem: he writes that he can fix an iron with his eyes closed, but he cannot write a smooth text at all. The teachers' council is ready to help! We have written several texts that may be appropriate for certificates from the class teacher to parents. We hope that these texts are useful to you.

Thanks to parents for raising children

Text 1

Dear _______________________________________!

The administration and teaching staff ______________________________ thanks you for raising a beautiful daughter.

Over the past 5 years, we have come to know ___________ as a purposeful, responsible, honest, generous person, aware of the value of knowledge, and respectful of himself and others. We are sure that it was the family that laid the foundation for the development of her personality in ___________.

Thank you for your hard work as a parent!

Text 2

Dear _______________________________!

The administration and teaching staff __________________________ thank you for raising a beautiful daughter.

In ____________ all these years we have seen the fruits of your parental labor. Your daughter has repeatedly demonstrated commendable hard work, diligence, varied interests, a kind disposition, and a benevolent attitude towards the world.

Thank you for raising ___________ exactly like this!

Text 3

Dear _______________________________!

The administration and teaching staff of the gymnasium ____________ thanks you for raising your beautiful daughter.

For all 5 years, ____________ has delighted us with her successes, her responsible attitude towards her studies and her life, her love of life and decency. We are aware that it was your daily parental work over many years that turned a small child into a beautiful girl respected by everyone.

Thank you!

Text 4

Dear _______________________________! The administration and teaching staff _______________________ thank you for raising your son. _______________ has repeatedly demonstrated his positive qualities, which, we are sure, were instilled by his family.

Thank you for your help to the class teacher in conducting class-wide activities.

Text 5


The administration and teaching staff _________________ thank you for raising a wonderful son. __________ showed himself to be an extraordinary, creative and comprehensively developed personality, quickly winning the respect of his classmates and teachers. The class teacher thanks you for your regular help to the class.

Thanks for the help to the class teacher

Text 1

Dear ___________________________!

My deepest bow to you for your invaluable help to the class teacher and all our children! You became a strong shoulder that I could always lean on. It was thanks to the attention and help of my parents that I, as a class teacher, worked calmer and more comfortably. Thank you very much!

Text 2

Dear ______________________________!

For me, all these years, you have been an example of a creative attitude to life, an inexhaustible love of life, and a responsible solution to any problem. Your help and support have become a real gift for me, the support that is so necessary for any class teacher. Many of the performances of our class were so bright, memorable, enchanting precisely because of your imagination, your responsible attitude to the matter, your enthusiasm. Please accept my gratitude for your work!

Text 3

Dear _______________________!

Thank you for your attentive and active attitude to the problems and needs of our class! I have always highly valued your willingness to help, provide support, and make efforts to solve the problems that have arisen. Thank you very much!

Text 4

Dear ________________________!

From the bottom of my heart I write to you words of gratitude for your invaluable contribution to the life of our class. The ability to count on your support helped me in the most difficult moments. Your devotion to our children, your enthusiasm, your responsible attitude to business are treasures that cannot and cannot be priced.

Low bow to you!

Text 5

Dear ___________________!

I am immensely grateful to you for the help that you never refused me! I have always seen you as a reliable support, a faithful adviser. Please accept a deep bow from the class teacher and our entire class!

Option No. 13

Dear Alena Grigorievna!

Please accept my words of sincere gratitude for the excellent results of raising your daughter Ivashkina Lyudmila, as well as for the invaluable assistance in uniting the children's team, creating a warm and creative atmosphere in the classroom, for initiative and enthusiasm, determination and responsibility.

For your assistance in developing patriotism and citizenship in children, the desire to learn and goodwill - a special thank you to you.

All this will certainly be useful to them in later life.

I wish you good health, prosperity, warmth and care from loved ones, optimism and success in your work.

Cl. supervisor

S. Ya. Altaisova



Congratulations to parents on graduation from teachers: texts and samples

School graduation is one of the most touching events in everyone's life.
Most of us, even after many years, fondly remember all the events of the day when they said goodbye to school for the last time. Students, parents and the entire school staff prepare in advance for this holiday: poems, songs, scripts for the celebration are written, and the hall is decorated. Traditionally, the graduation ceremony is held in two stages:

  • Official part. At this time, certificates and diplomas are awarded and congratulations are heard to students, parents, and teachers.
  • The ceremonial part, which includes a festive feast, dancing, competitions, and games.

At the holiday, there must be parting speeches to students, congratulations to parents on graduation, and gratitude from students to the school. In order for these warm words to remain in memory for a long time, they must be truly sincere and beautiful.

Congratulations for parents from teachers

For parents, graduation party is an even more significant and solemn holiday than for the graduates themselves. After all, they, too, together with their children, had been moving toward this day for many years. It was thanks to their support and care that the children were able to finally enter adulthood, and the teachers, thanks to parental education, were able to pass on their knowledge to their students. Therefore, at the graduation party, words of gratitude to parents from teachers must be heard.

Option No. 14

Dear Platon Sergeevich and Anzhelika Lukinichna!

The management and class teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Kaluga Secondary School No. 2” in Kaluga express gratitude to you for the excellent studies of your son Timofey, a student of grade 3 “B”, who became an excellent student at the end of the second quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year thanks to hard work, perseverance, a diligent attitude to study, as well as thanks to the responsible and attentive attitude of parents to their responsibilities, creating comfortable conditions for the successful development of the child’s abilities.

We wish you good health, patience, optimism, family well-being and success in raising your children.

Head teacher

M. Yu. Edasikhova

Cl. supervisor

O. Yu. Tilkova


Option No. 15


Pelageya Ilyinichna and Ruslan Gennadievich!

I express my sincere gratitude for the good upbringing of Lukyanov’s son Semyon and attentive attitude to his studies.

I am pleased to note that at the end of the 2020-2021 school year, your son has succeeded in mastering subjects that previously caused him difficulties and today all gaps in his knowledge have been eliminated.

Semyon showed himself to be a responsible, persistent and hardworking student, took a creative approach to the tasks and assignments given to him, showed initiative and actively participated not only in the work of the class, but also in school-wide events.

All this, undoubtedly, is the result of enormous parental work.

I wish you good health, success in all your good endeavors and faith in your strength!

Cl. Head of 3rd "G" class

L. B. Shedarova



Why express words of gratitude to parents from the teacher?

Graduation party for a junior school is a holiday that is filled with strings of regret, tears of joy and emotions, as well as farewell notes that sound in everyone’s hearts. Sometimes children go to other educational institutions after graduating from primary school, sometimes they remain within the walls of their native school, but leave their usual classrooms, entering a new level of knowledge. In any case, gratitude to parents from an elementary school teacher is appropriate and should be present during the prom process.

The teacher can create rhymes on his own, or he can express all his experiences in prose. This is not the point, the most important thing is that these thanks and congratulations flow from the heart and from a pure heart. At the graduation party of junior classes, parents read words of gratitude to the teacher, and the teacher expresses his reverent attitude towards yesterday’s first-graders, who have grown up rapidly and are on the threshold of a new stage in their lives.

Sincere gratitude to the parents of the class in poetry from the teacher or prosaic expressions of thoughts will help set the right mood for the holiday. After all, this solemn event is filled with both joy from the fact that the children have grown up and sadness from how quickly time has flown by.

Option No. 16

Dear Sofya Alekseevna!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for the conscientious upbringing of your grandson Miroslav Demyanov, who has shown himself to be an integral, creative person who has his own view of things and is able to competently defend what he considers right.

For your active life position, openness to everything new, curiosity, good spirits and inexhaustible faith in yourself, your strengths and in the bright future of your grandson - special thanks to you. You serve as an excellent example of determination, resilience and optimism to the entire teaching staff of our school.

I wish that you never leave that powerful force that gives you energy, will and love for life, and forces you to constantly move forward. Warmth to you and your loved ones, stability and peace, active longevity and prosperity!

Cl. Head of 5th "B" class

V. Yu. Sementsova



Heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation - in prose from the teacher

For many girls and boys, ninth grade will be the final year of schooling - ahead of entering college or entering the workforce. Today it has become extremely popular to celebrate the graduation party in the 9th grade on a large scale, inviting teachers, parents and friends of the “culprits” of the occasion as guests. With special warmth and gratitude, the parents of the graduates address the teachers present at the celebration, saying “thank you” for their professionalism, emotional sensitivity and boundless patience. In response, the teachers express heartfelt words of gratitude to the parents of their beloved students, who have become the real pride of their school. As a rule, such a speech in prose is made by the class teacher or another subject teacher on behalf of the entire team. Of course, not everyone has the gift of improvisation to give such a speech “on the spot” - in this case, we recommend choosing one or more words of gratitude in prose presented below.

Texts with words of gratitude in prose for parents of 9th grade graduates

Dear parents of graduates! Let me, on behalf of our entire school, all our teachers and staff, express our gratitude to you for your children. For being able to raise them as they are. For helping them in their studies, in life and giving them necessary and correct advice. It is you who will always be both parents and teachers for your children.

Because looking at you, your child strives to be even better, to make you proud of him. Continue to help your children, and in the future they will help you. Thank you for the great students!

Dear Parents! On behalf of the entire team of our school, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you. You and I are one whole, because you worked at home, and we worked at school. Together with you, we did everything to ensure that our children were ready for adulthood. And no matter how strange it may sound from a teacher, grades are not the most important thing in life. The main thing is that over all these years, together with you, we have raised and raised real people whom we want to be proud of. I am sure that very soon we will experience a sense of pride when learning about the achievements of our graduates - your daughters and sons!

For children, parents will always come first. And this is right, because parents are educators, teachers, and educators for life. And today I want to say words of gratitude from our school to all the parents who helped not only their children over the years of study, but also our school. I am truly sorry that your children are graduating, because it was a pleasure to work with such students. I want to wish you to follow the same path in the future, not to turn away from it and to constantly help your children. And let this graduation party be a big step forward to an adult and independent life, where success, a brilliant career and a friendly family will await everyone.

On this beautiful summer day, our friendly school team is in a hurry to congratulate all parents and their children on graduation. Our dears, we will really miss your cheerful laughter, funny jokes and exemplary behavior. We want to say to parents: “Thank you for your children!”

May all the wishes and congratulations on today’s graduation be for you, dear parents. You raised your children properly and maybe someday they will thank you for it. And we, the school staff, want to wish you and your beloved children all the best.

Recommendations for design:

  • After the header (the top of the sheet), in the center of the page, the main text is laid out. It is allowed to lay out the text along the width or along the left edge in cases where the design of the sheet or the length of the text does not allow it to be placed in the center.
  • After the main text, the position of the author is indicated on the left. If there are several authors, indicate the positions one below the other (the director will be in the first place, followed by everyone else).
  • Opposite the position on the right edge of the page indicate the initial letters of the name and surname of the author of the letter.
  • Between the position and surname, the seal of the institution and a personal signature (or several, depending on the number of authors) are placed.
  • The last entry on the page will be the name of the locality and the date of writing. The date may be shortened, leaving only the month and year, or only the year.
  • If somewhere on the page the name of the locality or date has already been mentioned (for example, the academic year was indicated), then they do not need to be indicated at the end of the page. See how samples No. 5 and No. 14 are designed.
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