TOP 97 inexpensive gift ideas for children +19 gifts and tips

Remember yourself as a child, did you ever think about the cost of a gift, especially if it struck a chord with you at first sight? Therefore, when choosing inexpensive gifts for children, look at them through the eyes of a child, think about what will please him and help him develop.

Try to give something interesting and exciting, then your gift will be a success, despite the low cost.

Don’t panic ahead of time, the wide range of gifts from the budget category offered here will become your cheat sheet. You will certainly be inspired by interesting ideas that will suit both girls and boys for Birthdays, New Years or any other holiday.

Choosing an inexpensive gift for a child is one of the most difficult tasks. After all, everyone wants to give something worthwhile, an item that will lift their spirits and be useful in everyday life.

If you don't know where to start, just take a few free minutes to carefully study a selection of original products that will captivate children for a long time and force them to put their gadgets aside.

What to give to a baby under 1 year old?


Before you go shopping for a birthday present for your child, you need to consult with his parents. If parents have no options, then the following list will come to your aid.

Cloth. You can buy T-shirts, overalls, and socks for your baby. The only condition is that at this age you should not buy clothes in size. Parents will definitely be happy with pants or a blouse a couple sizes larger, because it is known that babies grow by leaps and bounds.

Diapers and other hygiene items. Any parent will confirm that such things do not come in abundance. The only thing worth paying attention to is the manufacturer of the diapers. Ask your parents which brand they prefer to use and buy it so that your baby does not get irritated by the new, unusual material. By the way, so that the gift does not look trivial, you can make a cake out of diapers with your own hands and decorate it with a satin ribbon.

A metric is a currently fashionable photo frame on which height, weight, date and time of birth are indicated. Parents love to decorate their children's room with this accessory.

Cardboard books. You won’t believe it, but many parents read books to their children from birth, and many children are interested in bright illustrations and independently turn through the thick pages as soon as they begin to sit down. The shelves of children's stores now offer a wide range of children's books, among which you are sure to pick up something worthwhile.

Products for baby development, for example, a busy cube, finger paints, play dough, and a developmental mat. Many children are interested in modeling and drawing from infancy.

Recommendations for choosing a gift for all ages

Gifts given to a one-year-old baby will be very different from surprises given to a ten-year-old child. However, we will try to provide general advice for all ages.

  • Listen carefully to everything the child says after being at school/kindergarten/visiting: what friends’ toys he liked, what they did, etc. If he speaks so enthusiastically about other people’s things, it means he would like them for himself. Take note of this.
  • Keep in mind that this is the 21st century. A very small toddler will be delighted with an interactive book, but this will not surprise a ten-year-old boy or girl. If you don't want it to gather dust on the shelf, give older children an e-book.
  • Don't forget how old the child is. Protect children from flammable and sharp objects for their own safety.
  • Consider your health status. It is better not to give soft toys to allergy sufferers and asthmatics.
  • Take into account the type of temperament and character. A noisy toy can make a phlegmatic child lose his temper. You don't want to get hysterics instead of cheers, do you?

What to give to a child aged one to three years?

Cloth. Choosing clothes for a child is not at all difficult, the main thing is to remember the size. What to give children clothes for New Year or birthday: a terry robe, warm pajamas, socks, a suit, overalls and much more. Can you knit? Then you have the opportunity to please your baby with warm socks or mittens, a hat or a ball. You should not buy shoes as a gift for your baby, since a mandatory condition for purchasing shoes is trying them on. If you still want to give your baby a pair of sandals or boots, then do it in the form of a gift certificate.

Books are a universal gift for children of any age. After a year, the baby becomes open to the world, strives to learn a lot of new and interesting things, and a book can become his best friend in his endeavors.

Tickets to visit the zoo. Kids love animals and when buying tickets to the zoo, you can be sure that your little one will really like it there. If your city has a petting zoo, where you can not only look at the animals, but also touch them, then your baby will be doubly happy.

Supplies for creativity - paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, sketchbook, coloring books. This list can be continued endlessly. Remember that after a year, children are actively interested in modeling, drawing and other interesting things that expand their horizons.

If the baby is active, mobile and does not sit still for a minute, then give him a bicycle, scooter, skis, tolokar or soccer ball. Always remember that if you buy gifts for twins, they should be the same to avoid disagreements between children.


Nowadays it is not difficult to choose an original gift for children of any gender and age. The assortment of stores helps to do this with minimal time. All toys are divided by price category, so it’s easy to find an option for your wallet. But before you make a purchase, ask yourself a couple of questions. To begin with, who will like this gift - the parents or the child himself? And doesn’t it pose a threat to the baby’s health? Take the item to the checkout only if you have answered yes to both questions.

Gifts for children from 3 to 7

A gift for a child aged 3 to 7 years for his birthday or New Year should correspond to his interests and expectations. This age is characterized by sociability and curiosity, so the following gifts would be ideal:

  • A bicycle, scooter, ball, sled or tubing for downhill riding.
  • Sets for creativity, sets for experiments and the study of physical phenomena.
  • Books – age-appropriate fiction and encyclopedias.
  • Tickets to theatre, cinema or museum.

Make money, make money, and the rest is all rubbish!


- the most common and universal gift not only from parents, but also from all guests.
The amount may vary, but it is definitely more than from other relatives and friends. Creative parents, instead of the usual envelope with money, can give an impressive size piggy bank, of course, not empty
An alternative to a piggy bank is a money tree with “green” bills
on the branches,
a certificate with a specific purpose,
account in the name of the newlyweds.

Newlyweds will love rain of money

What to give to children of primary school age

When choosing a gift for your school-aged son’s birthday, be sure to take into account his wishes and interests.
If a boy loves books, then an encyclopedia, a book about myths, a book about history or about dinosaurs will be an excellent gift for him.

A child of primary school age may also be interested in a microscope or telescope.

Children at this age love to copy adults, so a mobile phone or wristwatch will be a good and useful gift.

As for a birthday gift for a 7-12 year old daughter, it could be a set of age-appropriate cosmetics, a set of hairpins or elastic bands, handicraft kits, for example, bead weaving, a knitting machine, an easy-to-use sewing machine or an electric waffle iron.

An unusual gift for a teenage high school student

When choosing a gift for a high school student, adults often reach a dead end. Teenagers have fickle tastes. A good and practical gift would be:

  • Alarm
    . You can choose the original model with a target. The kit includes an alarm body and a laser gun. The student sees a screen with a clock and a moving target on the case. The gift runs on batteries; it is better to stock up on a set of the required format in advance. An original alarm clock will not only help a teenager get up on time, but also serves as a home shooting gallery. The gift leaves no chance of sleeping peacefully after the call. You need to hit the target by choosing a certain difficulty.
  • Scratch posters
    . You can give a high school student a poster that can be used as a challenge, writing down new tasks in studies or sports. The scratch poster contains 100 things to do and motivates the child to do great things and serves as a motivator. By writing down assignments, the student seeks a balance between his interests and identifies his strengths. The poster will be a pleasant memory of your childhood.
  • Desktop piggy bank
    . High school students often save money for some interesting things that are important to them. A desktop piggy bank will be a useful gift for a teenager. You can choose a stylish model in the shape of a robot. Modern piggy banks have a password function, and the child does not have to break the gift to get the accumulated money.

You can choose a piggy bank with a built-in lamp, or with musical accompaniment.

An electronic piggy bank will be much more interesting than a standard porcelain piggy bank

Gifts for a teenager

After 12 years, a child is able to choose a gift for himself, but he still wants to delight him with surprises. So, the list of gifts for a teenager looks like this:

  • Movie tickets, planetarium, museum, robot insert and so on.
  • Books.
  • Watch.
  • Hoverboard, electric scooter, bicycle.
  • MP3 player and headphones.
  • Gaming mouse and wireless keyboard for computer.
  • Tablet.
  • New model smartphone.
  • Chocolate, cookies, candies and other favorite sweets.

Paris is a city for those who are in love


– one of the best and most desirable gifts for newlyweds. Ideally, it is presented jointly by parents on both sides. The country and city can be very different, it all depends on the budget of the parents and the preferences of the children. Paris, Venice or the Maldives undoubtedly take the lead in this case. But if in doubt, you can simply pay for a tourist certificate, and leave the right to choose the destination and time for a romantic trip to the newlyweds.

A honeymoon in Paris will add romance to a relationship

And it will come in handy!

In the next article, find out what to give your brother for his wedding.


Children are open to new things, are not afraid of thrills and are ready to experiment. A joint trip for a walk to another city, a picnic in nature, a trip to a water park or a football match, a pizza or cake making master class, a ribbon show, a soap bubble show and many more events that will give the birthday boy a storm of emotions and will be remembered for many years .

Clothes and accessories

Young people are no less careful about their appearance than women, especially if the man works in business and often meets with business partners.

The following clothes can be donated:

  • three-piece business suit;
  • designer shirt;
  • ties;
  • sweater;
  • trousers;
  • T-shirt;
  • coat;
  • stylish raincoat.

Here it is important to pay attention to the general image of the birthday boy’s clothing, so as not to make a mistake. After all, it will be more pleasant if the son wears the donated clothes, and not just keeps them in the closet.

The most preferred accessories for my son are:

  • folding umbrella;
  • leather briefcase;
  • reliable belt;
  • purse;
  • business card holder

There is also an offer - to give a set at once, for example, a belt, a wallet and a business card holder in the same style.

DIY gift

If nothing can surprise your child, then prepare for him a special gift made with your own hands:

  • Knitted socks, mittens, hat, ball.
  • Patchwork quilt.
  • Money box.
  • Photo frame.
  • A sweatshirt or T-shirt with your favorite print.
  • Pillow.
  • Night light.
  • Soft toy.

DIY sweet gifts for a child:

  • Cookies with fortunes or wishes.
  • Gingerbread with painting.
  • Multi-tiered cake with fruits and berries.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Meringue.
  • Delicious, original dessert.

How to make a gift for your child's birthday yourself?

Are you completely confused and can’t choose a toy or gadget from a huge selection of stores? If you're stuck, try making a gift yourself. Create a unique item that no one else will have.

The hero of the occasion is unlikely to remain indifferent to:

  • Floor hanger for clothes, mannequin made of twigs.
  • A sewn helper from Fixies.
  • Power bank made by hand.
  • Toys (knitted/sewn).
  • Masks or dishes made from papier-mâché.
  • Clay/resin/button necklaces.
  • House for toys (made of wood or cardboard).
  • Leather or fabric bag with original clasp.
  • Leather or beaded bracelet.
  • Interior basket made of knitted yarn. The product can be supplemented with images of cartoon characters.

Night light “Endless corridor”

Stock up on the necessary materials:

  • A block of wood.
  • Wire/glue.
  • LED strip.
  • Aluminum strip.
  • A piece of translucent glass.
  • Acrylic mirror.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take a drill/jigsaw. Drill grooves in the block. They should fit the edges of glass and mirrors.
  2. Form a rectangle from the aluminum strip. Secure it between the cuts using bolts.
  3. Take the LED strip and wrap it around the aluminum insert. Secure it using glue or wire.
  4. Fix the mirror in the grooves. You can give a lamp!

Headphone storage case

Materials for production:

  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.
  • Buttons.
  • Scissors.
  • 20 cm piece of leather (artificial/natural).

Let's get started:

  1. Draw a rectangular “house” with a roof on the skin. Cut out the shape.
  2. Choose a location and make an incision. The resulting strip of leather will serve as a holder for the wires.
  3. Decide where to place the button. To do this, fold the pencil case and mark the selected location with a pencil.
  4. Insert a button. The product is ready!

Gift wrapping

Children love gifts and surprises and look forward to every holiday. Buying a gift is not enough. It is also necessary to present it beautifully. A children's gift should be beautifully packaged in a bright box or paper and decorated with ribbon. You can also come up with a whole adventure, a quest, the ending of which will be receiving a gift.

It doesn’t matter for whom you choose a gift: for your children or for strangers. The main thing is to choose a gift with all your heart, trying to please and please the little birthday boy.

When choosing a gift, first of all, focus on the baby’s hobbies, interests and hobbies.

If you have any doubts that you can please your baby, then take him with you to the store and let him choose for himself a worthwhile, and most importantly, the gift he needs. Buying a gift for someone else's child? Buy a certificate to a children's store and feel free to go to the holiday.

How to choose the right gift for a teacher: advice from a psychologist

Choosing a gift is not the easiest task, especially when it comes to an unfamiliar person. How to make an unforgettable gift that will evoke only positive emotions in the teacher, says consulting psychologist Veronika Tyurina .

  1. It’s good if you were attentive enough to your child’s teacher at least shortly before choosing a gift, for example, you learned more about her hobbies and what she likes. She is a teacher at work: look at her as a person who has her own tastes and preferences. This will make it clearer to you in which direction to look.
  2. Give something that the teacher is unlikely to buy for herself. This could be some rare thing: an exclusive copy of a book or a subscription to a paid music application.
  3. The most commonplace option - flowers - can be played up in an original way and given as a bouquet, for example, made from handmade soap.
  4. Do not give too intimate things: personal hygiene products or perfume. The gift must fit into the format of your communication.
  5. A great option is a subscription or certificate, for example, to a bookstore or health food store.
  6. The main thing is the very fact of attention and your sincere feelings. You can give a box of chocolates, but do it with your soul: order a product from a professional confectioner, conjure up the design of the gift wrapping, sign a card with warm words - and then even the simplest gift will give a pleasant impression.

Photos of gifts for children

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And a dacha to boot

Gift option for newlyweds from parents in the form of an apartment

a car
a plot of land
is the most valuable, but also the most expensive. Not everyone can afford this, even if they act together. But if the parents chose this gift, the children will be very happy and there will be no need for additional emotions.

Keys to a new house or apartment - rarely will anyone refuse such a gift

How to give a New Year's gift to a child: 3 original ways

Even an inexpensive gift can be presented in such a way that the gift will be remembered for a long time. No matter what age the child is, wrap the gift beautifully and leave it under the tree to wait for the owner. Sometimes the anticipation during the unboxing process is as impressive as the gift itself.

How to give a gift in an unusual way:

  1. Make a treasure map - draw a floor plan of the apartment and use crosses to indicate the location of the gifts. The method is well suited for preschool children.
  2. Ask an adult you know to ring the doorbell at the agreed time and leave, leaving a gift.
  3. Place notes around the house with clues, based on which the child will find a gift.

Anti-gifts: what not to give on New Year's Eve

In short: you should not give something that the child will not be happy about. What exactly children don’t want to find under the Christmas tree:

  • hygiene items such as soap or shower gel;
  • casual clothes or shoes;
  • items related to study: textbooks, office, school backpack.

Of course, these points can and should be neglected if the child himself asked for something from this list.

The gift is important. But the New Year's atmosphere in the house is no less important. Together with your child, decorate the Christmas tree, hang garlands, and set the table beautifully. And then your baby will remember the New Year in his parents’ home with warmth, even when he becomes an adult!

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