30th anniversary: ​​choosing an original gift for a man

The 30th birthday is very important in a man’s life. This is a kind of symbolic transition from adolescence to adulthood. The first “serious” anniversary, the twentieth anniversary, was celebrated while still a student, and the thirtieth anniversary was the first “conscious” anniversary. The man most likely already has a lot, he has achieved some success in his career, maybe he has a family and his own home, a car. He can buy a lot of things he needs for himself, but he should give something really interesting and unusual. We offer a list of 70 original gifts for a man on his 30th birthday, among which you will definitely find both the craziest and simply non-standard options for different budgets that you simply never thought about.

How to choose the right gift

Every person is unique. What will delight one man will leave another indifferent. And it might even offend someone. Therefore, any gift, be it an inexpensive souvenir or a chic gadget, must be chosen in strict accordance with the interests and character of the birthday person.

There are several facts to consider when choosing a 30th birthday gift:

  1. Features of the floor . The stronger half of humanity is indifferent to beautiful but useless trinkets like figurines, lamps and musical cards. Men are pragmatic creatures, and evaluate any subject from the point of view of its benefits. Flowers or a set of scented candles after the end of the holiday will go to the back shelf in the closet and, at best, will be used by the wife of the birthday boy.
  2. Social status . A person’s interests directly depend on what place he occupies in society. A successful businessman will certainly be pleased with items that reflect his high social status: an expensive organizer, tie cufflinks, high-quality alcohol. But these same things can seem like a joke to a person who has lost his job or is still searching for his calling.
  3. Hobby . Any hobby, be it fishing, collecting or a passion for reading, will always be a goldmine for friends and colleagues looking for gift ideas.
  4. Family status . The choice of a gift for a single man is limited only by the financial capabilities and imagination of the guests. From close friends, not only serious and decent gifts, but also souvenirs on the verge of a foul would be quite appropriate. A completely different matter is a gift for a person who has already found his soul mate. In this case, obscene and even simply humorous items can be perceived negatively and offend not only the spouse, but also the hero of the day.
  5. Habits . They are able to give guests a lot of ideas in terms of choosing a gift. Perhaps the birthday boy is a passionate coffee lover and doesn’t start the day without a cup of home-brewed cappuccino? In this case, you can safely buy an expensive coffee set, a beautiful set, or even a modern coffee machine. But be careful: if the hero of the occasion drinks only instant coffee, a coffee grinder will only cause him disappointment, and at the same time it will show that you are not too attentive to your friend or colleague.
  6. Temperament . Who is he, the happy hero of the day? A phlegmatic pedant, an extreme seeker seeking new experiences, or just a calm homebody who values ​​most a cozy chair and an interesting book? Pay attention to the character of the person you are invited to and, most likely, you will not go wrong with your choice of gift.

Important! Remember that any person appreciates attention to himself. Therefore, you should not buy standard souvenirs for such a significant anniversary, even if they are considered “fashionable” and “relevant”. Presenting such an item will give the birthday boy the impression that the guests remembered the holiday at the last minute and simply ran to the nearest gift boutique. And the likelihood that other invitees will buy the same thing is very high.

How to surprise a car enthusiast?

It would be appropriate to give the following surprises to a male car enthusiast:

  • DVR – every driver needs such a thing. And if a friend has not yet purchased it, it is worth purchasing such a device, since the recordings will be guaranteed to protect or amuse the birthday person when viewing them;
  • A compressor is a device that allows you to pump up your car’s wheels anywhere. It is important to clarify which one will suit the man’s car;
  • a set of tools is an ideal gift for a person who not only drives a car, but also repairs it himself. It is worth giving preference to devices from a quality manufacturer; Chinese sets break down too quickly;
  • car seat covers - you can choose different seat covers. They can be simple, massage, heated. It is worth clarifying which ones the birthday boy would like and presenting them to him;
  • thermal mug - it is desirable that it can be operated from a cigarette lighter. However, some experts do not recommend giving such a gift, since its frequent use can cause a short circuit in the wiring;
  • car mats – the birthday person will be pleased to receive mats both in the interior and in the trunk. It is worth choosing high-quality items made from high-quality materials;
  • certificate for visiting a car wash, car service. The main thing is to give preference to an establishment that the car enthusiast constantly turns to.

The ideal gift: what is it?

It is known that the best gift for any person is an item that he has long wanted, but for some reason could not or did not have time to purchase. There are several tricks that will help you choose exactly what the hero of the occasion secretly dreams of receiving:

  1. Show attention to your loved ones. As a rule, people talk about what they really need - if not out loud, then in hints.
  2. If you have access to the birthday boy’s personal computer, you should temporarily forget about “personal space” and play detective: look through the list of “wished purchases” in online stores to which the birthday boy is subscribed, or simply scroll through the browser history.
  3. Look at the things that are in the most visible place in the birthday person’s house. These are precisely the items that are especially dear to the owner, and they can say a lot about his secret desires.
  4. If you have a fairly trusting relationship, ask them to help you choose a gift for someone whom the future birthday person does not know personally. In this case, as a rule, the psychological “mirror effect” is triggered: a person involuntarily names as the most interesting gifts those items that seem attractive to him.

Of course, before you start choosing an anniversary gift, you need to decide in advance on the amount you are willing to spend. You shouldn’t go for something expensive if your budget is limited: most likely, in the end you won’t be able to purchase the intended item, and you won’t have time to look for an alternative.

Original gifts that almost all men dream of at the age of 30

Turning thirty for many men is just a continuation of childhood. They say that men differ from boys only in the cost of toys, and this is often true. In any case, most men in online surveys say that they would like to get something from this list:

  • Quadcopter or drone . There are also quite inexpensive ones, but here it’s worth taking the best and largest one you can afford.
  • Radio controlled toys . Helicopters, ships, jeeps. Again - the largest and most durable. And only radio control, no wires, they are not at all that interesting.
  • Anti-gravity machine . A relatively new toy, which not everyone has heard of, can ride on walls and ceilings. Causes a lot of excitement!
  • Interactive robot . For example, the droid Sphero BB-8 from Star Wars is an absolute hit for all fans of this saga.
  • Lego constructor . Of course, something original, for example, the same “Death Star” from Star Wars, or a model of a Tank with all the details.
  • Constructor Ugears . These are models that are assembled from wooden parts, held together with rubber bands, no mechanisms. And at the same time they drive, fly, move.

Constructor Ugears

  • A pair of walkie-talkies . It will also come in handy to chat with your neighbor if you are driving two cars, or if someone has gone into the forest to collect firewood. Men love walkie-talkies.
  • Gamepad for smartphone . 100% worth giving to all gamers who play on mobile phones. This will be your most used item!
  • Table football or hockey . That's for sure - a toy for grown-up guys who love parties with friends. If you are a girl and you live with the recipient, give it taking into account all the features of the gift. The recipient will idolize you. The birthday boy's friends will admire you, but at the same time it will be difficult to kick them out of the house.
  • Punching bag . As a child, many people dreamed of her, to be like a superhero or a strongman from the movies. If you have the opportunity to hang it, give it, and even the most unsportsmanlike will sometimes start hitting it, imagining himself as a fighter.

Important Such gifts for a man on his thirtieth birthday are often given by friends, but receiving them from his beloved is much more pleasant and valuable.

30th Anniversary: ​​Age Matters

The passing of the years always leaves an imprint on a person’s personality: tastes and life priorities change, new hobbies appear. Even the perception of the world itself is undergoing huge changes: what still seemed incredibly witty at 25 can suddenly become “vulgar” or even “offensive” by the age of 30. So age characteristics must be taken into account so as not to get into trouble with the souvenir chosen as a gift.

By the age of 30, a person, as a rule, has already managed to achieve something in life and career, and begins to value more the stability and prestige of his own position. Therefore, any souvenirs that support his sense of self-worth will be more than welcome.

At the same time, it cannot be said that by this age a man has moved too far from childhood. If by the age of 25 the fair half of humanity already feels mature and tired of the follies of youth, then the representatives of the stronger sex still remain boys at heart. So, a variety of “toys”, be it a miniature model of an airplane, bladed weapons or an ultra-modern gadget for a car, will cause real delight in the birthday boy.

The ambiguity of the anniversary also lies in the fact that a man, no matter how proud he is of his successes in life, secretly begins to be burdened by the regularity of his life. This is a time of madness and unexpected actions. And why shouldn’t loved ones support the birthday boy’s emerging passion for adventure with a gift?

Adult "toys"

Scientists have proven that men are the same as children. This means that their craving for toys does not fade even with age. So, for example, an intellectual will be happy with a chess or poker set. A gambling person will be pleased to receive a Japanese puzzle as a gift. Anyone who dreamed of a career as an astronaut should give a home planetarium to someone who once raved about sports - table hockey or football. Well, anyone who grew up in a family with an average or low income, even at the age of thirty, will be glad to have their first radio-controlled car or a set of collectible soldiers.

Inappropriate gifts: what not to give

With all the huge selection of souvenirs for any occasion, there are things that should not be given to a man on his 30th birthday:

  1. First of all, it is better to forget about standard items: champagne, tea sets, etc. The only exceptions are expensive collectibles that emphasize the high social status of the birthday person.
  2. You should not buy items associated with external holiday paraphernalia: flowers, balloons, candy.
  3. Only a wife can give intimate things; from all other guests, even from close friends or parents, such a gift would be inappropriate.
  4. Forget about deodorants and other hygiene items: on such a day they will look like a real joke.

Note! Homemade gifts are unlikely to be appreciated. Handmade is great for romantic anniversaries or holidays with a close family circle; but on such an important anniversary, every person is waiting for something more serious and significant.

How to give a gift to a good friend?

A good friend will not have to present an expensive or original gift. As a sign of attention on his birthday, you can give him gifts such as:

  • sports mat;
  • leash for the dog (if you have one);
  • fragrant pendant for the car;
  • personal calendar;
  • sweet personalized card;
  • a box of fortune cookies;
  • personalized mug.

Such gifts do not have to be given on name day. They can be presented at a personal meeting on any other day, which will allow the person to be pleased, but will not make him obligated.

Creative and memorable gifts

As cliche as it sounds, turning 30 only happens once in a lifetime. So it is better to choose a gift so that the memory of this bright event will last a lifetime. For this day, items decorated with personalized engraving or specially created in honor of the special date are ideal:

  • portraits of the birthday boy, made on canvas or in the form of a tapestry (portraits using the flip-flop technique are especially popular now, allowing the birthday boy himself to participate in the creation of a work of art);
  • comic awards made especially for the anniversary: ​​medals, orders, “Oscar” or “Taffy” statuettes with personalized engraving;
  • bathrobe with a personalized print or embroidered monogram;
  • decorative personalized tableware - for example, a plate with a portrait of the hero of the day, silver spoons with an engraved name, a congratulation mug, etc.;
  • sets of expensive alcohol with signed glasses;
  • clothes with funny or simply memorable designs: for example, a personalized KFC-style cap, a T-shirt with the hero of the occasion depicted, a sweatshirt with a printed portrait or an apron with a cool inscription;
  • stationery and computer supplies with an engraved name: pens, organizers, flash drives, diaries with a dedication or a portrait on the cover, a mouse pad with a memorable photograph printed for the birthday person and much more.

Romantic ideas from your beloved or wife

A woman knows her man's true passions and dreams, what his daily needs are and what will make him the happiest in the world. One great occasion to show your husband how much he means to you is his birthday. So prepare a unique romantic 30th birthday gift for him:

  • Romantic dinner by candlelight
  • Romantic massage for two
  • Sightseeing flight in a hot air balloon
  • Weekend together on a yacht
    or in a country house.
  • Heart keychain
    with engraving and space for a photo.
  • Clock
    – Heart with photo frames.

Exceptional men deserve unique gifts! It is quite possible that from this day on your husband will start throwing out trash much more often, and scattered socks will magically disappear from your bedroom floor;)

"Traditional" ideas

It’s not always possible to find something unusual for a holiday. In such cases, traditional gifts come to the rescue, which do not require a good knowledge of the hobbies of the birthday person and are perfect for any special event:

  • high-quality alcohol: this can be vintage cognac, highly aged wine or rare drinks - for example, tequila, rum, Madeira;
  • gift certificates to electronics, fishing or household appliance stores;
  • exclusive tea and coffee sets;
  • branded diaries;
  • expensive lighters and ashtrays;
  • gift options for board and intellectual games: for example, miniature chess or backgammon.

Gifts for a colleague

Working together places some demands on items that can be gifted without fear of being misunderstood.

Gifts from colleagues should not be too personal, much less intimate. It’s also better not to buy something that is too expensive: it can cause embarrassment and create the impression that you are not at all interested in work. This is especially true when a woman gives a gift to a man celebrating his birthday.

The ideal option is an item that reflects the social status already achieved by a colleague and stimulates further career advancement:

  • leather wallet;
  • high-quality stationery set;
  • convenient organizer for your computer desk;
  • umbrella cane;
  • flash drive with large capacity;
  • portable charger for gadgets;
  • stylish tie clips;
  • a table clock;
  • smartphone stand, etc.

A gift for the manager can be purchased as a contribution from the entire team; then it could be something quite expensive and prestigious: for example, gold writing instruments, a natural wood organizer, a large globe for the office.

What original gift can be given to a business man for his 30th birthday?

For a man who is building a career, running his own business, working a lot, it is difficult to choose something as a gift. Will he use it if he spends almost all his time in the office? And what should you present so that it is not just another tie, of which there are already dozens in your closet, but something original? We suggest ideas and options:

  • Wristwatch box . There are even rechargeable models.
  • Funny cufflinks . It seems to be a decent business accessory, but it is designer, with unusual or even a little funny decor. For example, with the WOT logo or a computer board, or an image of mountains.
  • Interior bar . So you can relax or seal the deal.

Interior bar

  • Tabletop fireplace or fountain . A good gift from the woman you love so that her man can take a little break from work and relax his soul.
  • Book safe . Keep important little things away from prying eyes.
  • Fingerprint flash drive . It will work solely based on your fingerprint, so the most secret information is inaccessible to anyone except the owner.
  • Smart pen . Such devices can serve as a portable scanner or can transfer handwritten text to a computer or phone in printed form, which is very convenient.
  • Belt with wooden buckle and wooden bow tie . For stylish and confident young leaders.
  • Bone conduction headphones . They allow you to listen to your favorite music and, at the same time, hear everything that is happening around you, the phone ringing or the steps of your superiors.
  • Smart Swiss watches . Or not Swiss, but in a classic style, and not in the traditional sports one. They look expensive and stylish, go well with the strictest dress code, and at the same time have the full functionality of modern smart watches.

Good idea There are very inexpensive sets of statuses for your desktop - look for offers on the Internet, such a thing can be an excellent funny addition to the main present and emphasize that even work can be treated with humor!

Gifts from relatives

We always expect something special from our loved ones. After all, these people live next to us, see us both in moments of joy and in moments of failure, they know all our weaknesses and hobbies. Who better than they can know what things we dream of receiving for our anniversary? Therefore, when choosing a gift for your son, husband, brother or father, you need to be especially serious. Banal, faceless souvenirs are not suitable here: they demonstrate indifference to the personality of the birthday person, which is acceptable for colleagues and acquaintances, but not for relatives.

Depending on the interests and needs of the hero of the occasion, the gift idea in such a situation could be:

  • expensive shaving set;
  • comfortable computer chair;
  • tablet or other modern gadget;
  • good wristwatch;
  • resort tickets;
  • and, of course, any items related to the birthday boy’s hobby.

Important: any man expects special attention from his beloved half. The closeness of the relationship suggests that the gift will not only be necessary, but also very personal, showing care and excellent knowledge of all the habits and secret desires of the husband. These can be intimate things, a ticket to a joint romantic vacation and much more.

Original impressions as a gift for a man who does not like extreme sports

Extreme is fun, but not for everyone. Some guys prefer quieter activities. No question, and in this area you can come up with something interesting:

  • Martial arts lesson or boxing master class.
  • Tasting of beer , whiskey, wine and cheese.
  • Training with the best trainer in the city .
  • Archery or crossbow shooting.
  • Visiting a shooting range with pneumatic or real military weapons.
  • Unusual massage session.
  • Making a 3D figurine of the birthday boy.
  • Barista master class.
  • Bartender master class.
  • Restaurant certificate for two.

Note: A good option for an intellectual man is a certificate for going to an quest room, where you will need to solve riddles and show all your best abilities.

Surprises from friends

By the age of 30, as a rule, only those people with whom friendship has stood the test of time remain nearby. Therefore, gifts to a friend should, on the one hand, be useful, and on the other, remind of the roads traveled together. It could be:

  • a new exhibit for a personal collection, if a man collects something;
  • tent, sleeping bag or new backpacking backpack;
  • sports accessories: skis, bowling balls, hoverboard, etc.
  • tickets for paintball or strikeball;
  • virtual reality glasses;
  • a cool knife for cutting pizza, made in the shape of a bicycle;
  • and even comic gifts that help you remember your cheerful youth: for example, a personalized straitjacket or a motorcycle helmet with a cool design.

What will your husband be happy about?

There are more than enough options for what to give your husband. Some of the most popular options are:

  • joint visit to the spa - not a single man admits that he could use an excellent massage or a Turkish bath or sauna. A useful and pleasant vacation will definitely benefit not only the young man, but also the relationship;
  • a romantic dinner - a decorated roof of the house, a man's favorite dishes, strong drinks and warm blankets - an ideal congratulation option for a tired person, for example, after a working day. Such a dinner can be held in a luxury hotel, having pre-booked a room, or in your husband’s favorite restaurant. This type of gift is also ideal when a couple has small children, which means certain restrictions on spending time together;
  • a tour for two to the favorite city of the birthday boy.

It is best to give such gifts along with handmade souvenirs. A jar filled with notes indicating the best qualities of a man or the reasons why his wife chose him will definitely be a pleasant gift for her husband. If a man is not of a romantic nature, an item directly related to his hobby would be an excellent gift option.

Practical gifts

Many men prefer to receive as a gift something that will be useful in the household. True, there is a nuance here: the item given to the happy birthday person should be intended only for him, and not for the whole family. There are a lot of ideas for such practical gifts:

  • cutting-edge gadgets;
  • a set of tools for car repair or carpentry;
  • ergonomic keyboard;
  • portable TV for the garage or car;
  • grill or barbecue set;
  • good camera;
  • back or leg massager;
  • orthopedic cover for a car seat;
  • and much more.

Remember that only a gift that matches the interests, character, health and habits of the birthday person will be truly useful!


Every man at least once in his life held a hammer in his hands. And there are those who cannot imagine their life without fixing, building or repairing something. It is appropriate to give the following gifts to people who are passionate about repairs:

  • a set of screwdrivers - it is best to give preference to those that include 11 items or more;
  • hammer made of hardened steel;
  • wrenches - there can be from 16 pieces in a set;
  • door-screwdriver - it is advisable to give preference to a model that can drill both wooden and metal surfaces;
  • a jigsaw is the “best friend” for a man who works with wood;
  • hammer drill - necessary for those who have to cope with the most difficult tasks - drilling holes in walls and others;
  • a box designed to store tools;
  • laser tape measure;
  • construction stapler.

As additional gifts and accessories for tool sets, you can add heavy-duty gloves for construction and repair work, as well as a headlamp with a battery, a stepladder-stool and a set for sharpening knives.

Extreme ideas

30 years is the time for some unusual adventure, for which there was not enough time in the career struggle and family everyday life. If the birthday boy is not averse to risk, a ticket to some extreme event would be an excellent gift for him. It could be:

  • parachute jump;
  • bungee jumping (known to Russian people as “tarzanka”);
  • swimming with sharks in a cage;
  • excursion to an active volcano;
  • climbing Everest;
  • rafting or kayaking on the river.

As a last resort, you can present the hero of the occasion with a ticket to an amusement park or a ticket to a karting club.

What to give to a computer genius?

If you are sure that a friend is interested in computers, the ideal gift options would be:

  • the latest generation multimedia keyboard is a multifunctional device that will make the life of a computer genius much easier;
  • a mouse that belongs to the “gaming” category - such a gift will be useful to a person who not only plays computer games, but also spends a lot of time on a PC due to work;
  • devices for listening to music - high-quality speakers will definitely appeal to a person who cannot imagine his life without music during rest and work;
  • computer chair - such a gift should be chosen taking into account its main characteristics. It is best if the chair is able to “adapt” to the curves of the computer geek’s back, which will avoid fatigue;
  • An external hard drive is a pretty popular gadget these days. It is especially important for people who constantly work with a lot of information.

Gifts for hobbies

Any souvenir associated with a favorite hobby will bring a man much more joy than stylish but faceless “traditional gifts.” Depending on the interests of the birthday boy, you can present him with:

  • a selection of books by your favorite author;
  • burning set;
  • a new exhibit to the collection of bladed weapons;
  • a smartphone case with the logo of your favorite football team;
  • strings, tuning fork or guitar pick.
  • unusual bookends (for example, in the shape of a Japanese katana or a mountain dagger);
  • accessory for a car or motorcycle;
  • a set of drawing supplies, etc.

This is interesting ! Hobby gifts are absolutely win-win: even the tenth spinning rod or stamp album will evoke only positive emotions in the birthday boy - of course, provided that the donor shows a little attention to the items already in the collection.

Buying a 30th birthday gift for a man is not an easy task, but it is worth the effort. Moreover, the seriousness of the celebration does not mean that you need to forget about jokes or unusual ways of decorating your “present”. Pack the gift in several dozen boxes of different sizes or present the hero of the day not the item itself, but a map leading to it. This will turn the holiday into a real quest and provide the birthday boy with a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Gift ideas for men: gift categories and advice on choosing.

List of bad birthday gifts for a male executive

A mistake in presenting a gift to a man’s boss for a celebration is unforgivable, so leave the following surprises for your loved ones:

Home bathrobe

It is not customary to give clothes to people higher on the career ladder. This is too personal a gift. Even a certificate for sewing a business suit as a gift can be misinterpreted by your boss.

“Devil in a Box” (gigs with gags)

Cool gifts for the boss are gaining popularity. As a well-mannered person, he will accept the surprise politely, but his opinion about the donor may radically change. Just remember the face of the building manager from the famous film “The Diamond Arm,” when Nikulin’s character gives her a box with a devil jumping out of it.

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