Congratulations in Chinese on the New Year, birthday, Valentine's Day, wedding

Congratulations from the Chinese on a woman's anniversary

​, ​for the birthday boy, a head of cabbage)​ ​with meat,​ ​A flatbread with fox ​Drinking ​ ​, ​ ​(Gives to the birthday girl or 1.

The saw blade is not flat,

​you,​, ​Treat your guests!​Work hard, don’t labour.​(pies)​1. We want to kiss

Congratulations from. Chinese

​, ​–​ ​Harden the money,​ ​They gave you a sawmill ​trample down.​ ​, ​

​They brought a carload of cabbage​ ​Work a little.​ ​far away,​And don’t carry ​ ​sites: ​First:​ ​saw kaltozka,​ ​1. If we ​put on​ ​Information received from ​You drink vodka!​ ​2. Well, in ​Mozna vodka, mozna tsai!​ ​Them on their feet ​Register and communicate!​ ​According to feng tsui, we’ll call you friends!​ ​drink, a hundred hotses,​take,​ ​YOU!​Second:​ ​Us for dinner ​With horseradish ​ ​You're waiting for them ​Our HOUSE ​ ​Sorry, a hundred barefoot!​Cabbage, money, everything is a hundred hos!​ ​delight.​2. Shoes, Tanya, plinimai,​ ​Enjoy, read and register!​ ​the “hare”​ ​will be thick:​You ​ ​Two Vietnamese shoes for all guests.​ ​Important information. ​We got to Russia ​ ​What is important in life ​ ​don’t be bored!​

​plivezli​• Welcome, dear guest!​Nado Hu. Let's pour it!​

​cabbage?​2. Here are eight and ​We are a gift ​to the table.​

​Stop singing songs,​ ​1. There is horseradish in the pilozok. (takes out horseradish root)​ You Tanya, don’t bully us,​ ​The “Chinese” are invited to the festive ​

​It was a long, long drive.​ ​to the family.​ ​Every woman loves ​ ​1. We are funny XU. LI!​ ​dorozka!​and LI​ ​Zdi additions to ​ ​any​If together, then HE. NYA.​ ​It would have been more fun ​2. From Thailand XU ​Two eggs - neither “Be” nor “Me”,​But in time ​ ​Daughter - HE, son - NY,​ a little​ ​And we’ll give a massage.​with a chip of a fellow!​ ​pelemen,​ ​us:​If we eat ​we'll name)​ ​You'll be in ​There are a lot of ​ ​A hundred kids in ​First:​ ​let's name, (We'll give you ​ ​eggs?​ ​everyone knows​ ​you​ ​will sparkle !​We will tell you ​ ​2. There are two ​1. After all, we have ​ ​2. We will please everyone ​Like in Russia ​ ​don’t take off your clothes.​ ​It will get so bad.​to tears.​ ​If together, then HA .NA.​

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

​in China​Here you ssas ​

​That in life ​It will make you all laugh ​HA - one, the other - NA,​We will tell everyone ​1. You, Tanyusa, don’t be shy, you’ll get a hundred inside,

​We have been given away - the luckiest,​there is a wife.​Second:​

​This Thai massage.​Call us natsinka.​scarlet los,​After all, we have ​Daze lutsse books!​

Congratulations on your wedding in Chinese

In China, newlyweds are shouted “Bitter!” so yes! [qīn yīxià], which simply translates to “Kiss!”

  • Thank you! [Zhù nǐmen yǒng jié tóngxīn, bǎinián hǎo hé! Xīnhūn yúkuài, tián tiánmì mì!] I wish you to be together forever, happiness for many years to come! Happiness to the newlyweds and sweet life!
  • Thank you! [Zhùfú nǐmen xīnhūn yúkuài, xìngfú měimǎn, jīqíng yǒng zài, báitóuxiélǎo!] I wish the newlyweds joy, a lot of happiness, undying passion, and live in peace and harmony until they turn gray!
  • 愿你俩永浴爱河,白头偕老! [Yuàn nǐ liǎ yǒng yù àihé, báitóuxiélǎo!] I wish you two to bathe in love and live in peace and harmony until your gray hairs!
  • Well done! [Yuàn nǐ liǎ ēn ēn'ài ài, yì dǔ qíng shēn, cǐshēng àiqíng yǒnghéng, àixīn yǔrìjùzēng!] I wish you to be devoted to each other, love each other forever and that your love grows day by day!
  • Please! [Tiān shì nǐmen xǐ jié liángyuán de rìzi,wǒ dàibiǎo wǒjiā rén zhùhè nǐmen, zhù nǐ liǎ xìngfú měimǎn, yǒng chóu xiélǎo!] Today, on your wedding day, I congratulate you on behalf to all my family, I wish you long and happy years together !
  • 相亲相爱幸福永,同德同心幸福你俩情比海深! [Xiāngqīn xiāng ài xìngfú yǒng, tóng dé tóngxīn xìngfú zhǎng. Yuàn nǐ liǎ qíng bǐ hǎi shēn] I wish that there will always be love, kindness and happiness in your family, and that mutual understanding will increase your happiness. I wish your feelings to be as deep as the sea!

Congratulations from the Chinese on a woman's anniversary

​We have arrived, friends.​(Gives it to the birthday girl or ​ ​pour it!​ ​In it, ​Stob also poured ​ ​you here​ ​it! ​It will really save you​

​You suck, come on,​Be a piece of paper to perform.​ ​1. We are ​ ​far away to congratulate you on ​ ​from your chairs. For example, the scene: hu and li

Prepare for it. Be sure to come up with funny ones for five people. Prepare in advance five ​birthdays (happy anniversary) FROM the fireman. In full ​ ​company gear. This quiz can be ​ ​The path will be more fun!​

​1st. And now ​Guests are having a great time relaxing!​ ​Also he won’t ​Really save you ​ ​2nd. I have a gift for you ​ ​—​

​Drink vodka for you!

​any,​ ​After all, you have ​scarlet los,​ ​Stob also poured ​you.​ ​guests.​not plesidenta -​

​guests who came from ​so that the guests will fall ​ ​anniversary, then you need to carefully ​with your own hands. Congratulations can be distributed ​ ​• Congratulations on ​ ​the anniversary of the company or ​a little,​

​they'll sparkle!​2nd. Your anniversary is happy!​ ​will not happen -​In the abnormal dawn​ ​hall.)​We brought a wagonload of cabbage​ ​According to feng tsui, we will be together​We got to Russia ​

​"Chinese" gr. “White Day”, they enter with a mincing step. Happy Losing Day. ​ ​don’t be bored​ But in time ​ ​to tears.​ Not a bouquet of ​ ​Luba.​

​the letters of the initials of the birthday girl, the slippers are cut out from ​ ​guests.​ ​We are ​delighted and laughing for you. And what will ​ ​ be the names of foreigners ​ there will be a couple of skits that will make you laugh ​

​celebration of ​ ​anniversary. How to decorate chocolates ​ ​on the day of the formation of a company, pink...​ ​• Musical quiz on ​If you could eat ​

​Like in Russia ​Even better books!​ ​1st. If the seeds are ​good!​ ​and they throw them in ​ ​Grow up the oats!​Congratulations to the hero of the day.​

​Straight from Beijing.​An excerpt of a song is playing ​Mozno vodka, mozno tsai. ​Here are eight and ​ ​saddles,​ ​Her plinyos will make you all laugh

​You had fun with ​Stoba had more fun.​ ​Stay's single anniversary. ​ ​paper. In his hands is a gift wrapped in newspaper. At the end of the scene

​will invite guests ​for the anniversary. Hu and Li​ ​for guests. And it’s even better if you ​ ​If you arrange ​ ​• Chocolate congratulations on ​

​scenario of the decade with ​ ​Anniversary - 70 years. Part 0. Preparatory. Anniversary stylization Order: chamomile-style cake, congratulatory slideshow “70 years...​We will go sometime...​ ​in China,​Unfold, quote -​a fan from a newspaper.)​ ​We give the fan ​

​green balloons ​work hard,​ ​2nd. We were in a hurry to rate it very much. ​1st. We are cheerful Chinese,​ ​seasoning)​

Straight from Beijing.

​drink a hundred hotses,​ “CLEN”​ ​There’s a lot of ​

Congratulations to the hero of the day.

​I'm in for ​ ​a hundred grams,​

We've grown our oats!

​(Reads from a piece of paper):​say…​ ​by heart, read the rest from ​

​put on black ​head

We are giving a good fan!

It’s difficult, look at the picture. I made a bandage​ ​It became more fun.​It’s a single anniversary,​

​say. ​anniversary of the hero of the occasion. Only some names

​is a great option

Toze he is not a fox!

​draws and games ​ ​of chocolates. It would be great...​

The fireman comes out. Firefighter. What's happened? Like nothing? Where is the source of the fire?…​

The guests are having a great time!

​feel free to include in ​• A fragment of the script. Scenario for Romashkovy ​ ​return​We will tell everyone ​

We'll go sometime.

​he! (They give the hero of the day a big ​toze -​ ​Treat your guests! (Take the ​1st one out of the bag. We love ​

​Sorry for being barefoot.​with a shuttle bag, they are addressing the hero of the day.​

​hands over horseradish roots, or in a jar ​ ​With horseradish it’s mozno ​

​Every woman loves ​ ​everyone knows​ My best friend ​


Happy New Year greetings in Chinese

  • 新年快乐! [Xīnnián kuàilè] Happy New Year!
  • 恭贺新禧! [Gōnghè xīnxǐ] Happy New Year!
  • Please! [Quántǐ dàjiā xīnnián kuàilè! Wànshì rúyì! Shēntǐ jiànkāng! Hé jiā xìngfú!] Happy New Year everyone! Fulfillment of all desires! Good health! Happiness to the whole family!
  • 祝您龙年吉祥!万事如意!幸福安康! [Zhù nín lóng nián jíxiáng! Wànshì rúyì! Xìngfú ānkāng!] I wish you a happy year of the dragon! Fulfillment of all desires! Happiness, prosperity and health!
  • 祝你和你的全家拜年了!龙腾虎跃! [Zhù nǐ hé nǐ de quán jiā bàiniánle! Lóngténg hǔyuè!] Happy New Year to you and your family! Fly high like a dragon and advance to success with tiger leaps!
  • 祝你新年大吉大利! [Zhù nǐ xīnnián dàjí dàlì!] I wish you extraordinary luck in the new year!
  • 新春祝你事好,生活妙,工资高! [Xīnchūn zhù nǐ shì shì hǎo, shēnghuó miào, gōngzī gāo!] In the new year, I wish you success in business, a wonderful life and a high salary!
  • 新年到,短信早,祝福绕,人欢笑,生活好,步步高,重环保,健康牢,多关照,新目标,加力跑,乐淘淘! [Xīnnián dào, duănxìn zǎo, zhùfú rào, rén huānxiào, shēnghuó hǎo, bù bù gāo, chóng huánbào, jiànkāng láo, duō guānzhào, xīn mùbi āo, jiā lì pǎo, lè táo táo!] New Year is coming, we send congratulatory SMS , we wish everyone happiness, people laugh merrily, everything in life is good, we walk high, we wish everyone good health, we quickly achieve new goals and joy flows like a river to us! (Rhyme, literal translation)
  • 2012 年新年快乐! 合家幸福! 在新的一年里好事多多! 笑容多多! Well done! [2012 nián xīnnián kuàilè! Hejiā xìngfú! Zài xīn de yī nián lǐ hǎoshì duōduō! Xiàoróng duōduō! Happy New Year 2012! Happiness to the whole family! There are many joyful events throughout the new year! A lot of smiles! Joy every second, fun every day, happiness all year round, health forever!

Cool congratulations from the Chinese

Good afternoon, dear readers, Gennady Korolev in the original topic of congratulations on your anniversary in the form of a skit.

On her birthday, a woman expects an unusual and beautiful congratulation from her beloved man, and if it is cool and also, and if it is also an anniversary, then serious preparation is needed.

I decided to congratulate my beloved wife in the form of a scene, of course in an original way, with Congratulations. joke on behalf of the Chinese.

If you want to do something similar, listen to my How:

Chinese guest.

I’m sorry to tell you... Styas... get some paper... I’m not a plesident for you - It’s a damn thing to speak out.

Stay happy anniversary. A lot of guests need a visa. (looks at the guests) That’s why I and Plisola Stoba wanted to kiss.

I want you to have more fun. Having drunk a hundred grams each, we went crazy at Galina’s. Stob poured you some more.

I brought her a bouquet of scarlet ones, my best gift, it will make you all laugh until you cry,

After all, you know life There are many different things in everything, But in any season, the woman loves “HLENIK” in every way (takes horseradish out of a green pant leg in the summer, in a tube in the winter)

In order not to fool around for long, I wanted to file a knee of valuables for, drugs and for health

Flen - flax, oops - panadol, Always put flax on the table to forget your problems, Flen soup and in your luggage and porridge.

In order for it not to be a problem, put all your work to hell. work on Shtob until dawn with Khlen’s head natli.

He is a bitner like a balm. You will see this for yourself. will be If you scroll through You can all go to him Here

send eight and don't be boring! Damn all the girls. With Ugostsai you can drink hundred hotses, Mozno vodka, mozna tsai.

Well, okay, I’m an ambassador, pour some brine for myself.

There will also be a new congratulations on the original anniversary in the form of a skit, don’t miss it!

After congratulations, sit down at the festive table with dishes and snacks according to delicious recipes from our website.

Cool Chinese Happy Birthday greetings

The ancient sages said that the birth of good is good. Therefore, I want to drink to the birth and many years of our friendship!


Chinese wisdom says: “When you were born, you cried, and everyone around you rejoiced. Make it so that when you leave, everyone will cry, and you will be the only one smiling.” For what was said!


One wise man said: “The most amazing thing about a person is not that he often grieves over his lost fortune, but that he is not upset as his life passes.” Let us raise a toast so that every day of our lives may pass brightly and profitably.


One of the eastern sages said: “It is easy to make people know you, but it is difficult to truly know yourself.” I want to wish my son to know himself. This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy birthday, son!


How does a wise person differ from a smart person? A wise person will never find himself in a situation from which a smart person will come out with honor. So let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy has the patience to be smart, the intelligence to become wise and the wisdom to remain ourselves!


The Chinese calendar gives us a Year, It is completely New, and will come soon. Let's set a delicious table, And celebrate it fun and pleasantly. I wish you, my dear friends, that your days will be colorful. So that this year brings happiness with it, and the old one takes away all the troubles and bad weather.


On the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, I give you a special gift, and with it my congratulations, so that you always have good luck. So that in the New Year your life will be illuminated, So that the black streak will be closed forever, So that great love will settle in your heart, So that events will excite your blood.


We open the Eastern calendar, And with joy we celebrate the Chinese New Year, Let the February snow turn silver, Let the champagne in the glasses sparkle. Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Congratulations to you friends, A fast horse came to your holiday in passing.


The Chinese year is sweeping the planet, adults and children are happy about it, the Chinese and I will dance in a round dance, we will celebrate the New Year cheerfully and happily. Accept congratulations on the holiday, quickly pour a glass of champagne, accept a cartload of gifts and don’t be bored, dance to the beat of the music, just have time.


Friendly people of China, Today the old year is seeing off the snake, Well, tomorrow there will be a meeting, New and young, the year is rushing to them. We congratulate you, friends, from the bottom of our hearts, We wish you success and good luck, May all your dreams come true on New Year’s Eve, and may love definitely come to you.


It’s February, and there’s a soft knock at the gate, We’re opening, hello, Chinese New Year, It’s not a mistake to come to us here, After all, the Chinese are our faithful friends. New Year is a fun holiday, Let the sound of cheerful laughter, We wish you all happiness, May success await you in all your endeavors.


Only we have moved away from the festivities a little, Here they are, new ones have arrived, We celebrate the Chinese New Year in February, Jokes, laughter and joy can be heard everywhere. We wish you to live in abundance, May peace and respect flourish, May this year be successful, We wish you well-being, happiness and fun.


I wish you immodest profits. A huge account in a Swiss bank. A large dacha outside the city. Good health to boot.


Great victories in the affairs of the amorous Canaries and the Cote d'Azur, successes in life of all kinds, and most importantly, reliable friends!


I wish you to live a pleasant and easy life! And so that your wallet is tightly packed with money! I wish you beer, oceans, and in them there are rams and shrimps. You would become the best captain, never get out of the round-the-world trip!


May you live a beautiful life. I wish you a lot of beer! In mugs, in jars and in bottles! A case of beer in the freezer! And so that you can cope with it, We are already running to you!


I wish you more rest, swimming and sunbathing at the sea. Celebrate this dashing holiday with dignity, To wake up with a sore head!


But before that, after the banquet, have a fun night until dawn! Have fabulous days and fun nights, good girlfriends and friends to you!


I want to wish everything to be great A great amount of cash in your wallet Great colleagues at a great job A high five to take a break from work on Saturday


Various questions, excellent solutions Excellent relationships with your family, excellent health, and in your personal life May everything be just “excellent” for you!


A basket of success, a bag of luck, a bag of fun for your birthday, a backpack of health for fragile shoulders, a tight wallet with a wad of bucks - when you meet!


Be who you are: For friends - a good friend, At home - a loving spouse and a caring father, And in bed - well done!


Let money, gathered in flocks of birds, fly towards you like a hurricane. Let them surround, attack and reach into your pocket with impudence.


Don't drink water if you can drink wine! Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine! Don't drink good wine when you can drink very good wine! And most importantly, don’t forget to drink so that you always have money for something better!


I wish that you are always slightly drunk with happiness and that your wallet looks like a suitcase!


We wish you happiness as pure as crystal, Good luck as a greyhound, like a Roman rebel, Strong health, like an old oak, To be as young as a milk tooth.


So that all good things come true, So that a lot of money is made, And so that instead of lords and servants there will always be an old, faithful friend nearby!


Who's birthday is it here? Put your ears up! We won't pull for them - Just sit down and listen. Be healthy, smart and happy, Grab your luck by the tail. Don’t let her out of your hands - Ask for a car, a dacha. Fortune is a mischievous girl, she can teach anyone a lesson. We wish that you have enough gunpowder to tame Fortune.


We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday soon! Today, expect gifts from your loved ones and friends! Today, be the brightest, be the happiest, And enjoy life, don’t forget to laugh! We love you very much, you are our dear friend! It’s great happiness that we know each other!


Congratulations on your birthday and according to the list of blessings we wish: So that you get into the Duma! To become a new Russian! Outdid Gates Beal, celebrated a dacha in the Maldives! Let Paris Hilton fall in love and fall at your feet!

Every fool can get drunk on his birthday. That's what I'll do.

I put Olivier under the table. The celebration continues. My friend has not fallen asleep yet.

When all the words, wishes that could be appropriate, have already been chosen by others. And where did I go?


The arrows are spinning faster and faster The stars have become a year older Don't be sad samurai.


Many kilograms of sweets I've already seen your buffet. But it doesn’t matter, all the years go away.


We are celebrating the New Year, it brings a lot of happiness! I wish you a sweet life, Happy Birthday!


A birthday should be celebrated vigorously, a little “punkish”, a little “glamorous”, let the wine flow and the feet dance, but so that no one falls asleep on the road.


My friend, I wish you cool parties, cheerful beautiful Olya, Mash and Irinok, a boring winter, an awesome summer.


I wish you to be fashionably and stylishly dressed, happy tickets always and everywhere, and for friends to help you out in trouble!


Happy Birthday, my good friend! Let your head not hurt from wine or problems, let it be sweet from desserts and kisses, let dizziness come only from happiness and the height of your career takeoff! Happy parties and understanding neighbors!


We wish you health, a cheerful gait, more herring, port wine and vodka, And life and youth in a warm heart, And we wish you a sultry chick to boot.


I wish you all the happiest, most beautiful things: chocolate health, grape fun, eternal youth,

Endless life: public and personal, Strawberry smiles, strawberry joy, And a glass of Stolichnaya.


I wish you red girls, To drive the blood through your veins, Various wines, vodkas and sherbets, What love on an empty stomach! Let the fun of the fairy tale splash, And let everyone understand the joke, I won’t make eyes here, Good luck in life awaits you!


Let my bright poem become like a furious jerk and the birthday boy plunge into the refrigerator for alcohol! Let your body not get sick, Let a girl warm you up in bed, Let them give you a Penthouse in the Maldives, Always be so beautiful!


Don't be timid - pour some wine! Let's have a quick drink! Even though only a year has passed, people are asking to visit!


Happy birthday, leave your ears red, eat all the preparations, wish you luck in love!


On your birthday I wish you Elite clothes and cars, Always pleasant excitement, And there is no end to men, So that your manicure is always in order, And your appearance is pure ideal, So that in love it is only sweet, So that everyone will admire you!


So that you can eat and drink, So that you want and can, So that everyone and everywhere can be with someone and be where!


May you live a beautiful life. I wish you a lot of beer in mugs, cans and bottles.


A case of beer in the freezer, And so that you can handle it, We are already running to you!


A woman should be a mystery: Small, cute, sweet. Flirtat, make eyes, believe in all sorts of fairy tales.


Remain holy and sinful, Be a beautiful soul and appearance. A charming, cunning imp, a gentle, soft, fluffy kitten.


Cheerful, playful minx, love and always be loved. Madly and passionately in love, affectionate, timid and domineering.


For Chinese New Year, Forget all your worries, Go to the east, And open your soul to many. Let the Chinese family walk with us happily, And on Chinese New Year, congratulate all of Russia. We are a huge family, Brothers, sisters - “people”, You know and I know, That this will be the case in this century.


The Chinese New Year is already calling, And the animals all appeared in the parade, The Dragon brings good luck, equality, So that people all over the world are happy. There is no place for people on the holiday, Who have only malice: It was created to unite families, We glorify happiness and great nature.


Now the new year has come, it has replaced it, the Chinese holiday has opened the calendar, we know that the walls will not interfere, the Chinese people will become our family. “Nian” is sleeping, he is no longer visible, Smile and love reign in the souls, And let the fun last longer, Chinese New Year is already in a hurry.


Chinese New Year is just around the corner, Snowball is sweeping away all worries, Put everything aside for a whole month, It’s time for a happy holiday. Happy Chinese New Year, We sincerely wish you good luck in everything, May this year be a year of accomplishments, And the most unexpected achievements.


Our life is full of holidays, I just want to say, “Dude, hold on!” We haven’t even managed to move away from the Russian New Year holidays, but the Chinese New Year is already ahead. Congratulations on a wonderful holiday, We sincerely wish you good luck in everything, May every day pleasantly surprise you, May happiness know no boundaries.


Whatever you want, let it come true, Let all the good things be remembered, Let your eyes glow with happiness, Let you meet good people. May there be love until old age, I wish you only joy!


If you are the sun, shine! If you are a bird, fly! If you are a fish, swim! If you're going to be cancer, call me!


The road is like a sister, And close to me like a mother, You are my friend And you cannot be taken away. I congratulate you on your name day, There is nothing better for me, You and I are like family!


Birthday - Creative! I'll buy a condom, I'll just blow it into a balloon, I'll light a flashlight in you!


Let there be an ocean of happiness, a universe of success, and let there be less grief than a glass, and hide it away!


I give you flowers of unusual beauty! Not peonies, not daisies, but flowers made from blotting paper!


Our life is very short - Extend it - drink beer! May you live a beautiful life. I wish you a lot of beer! In mugs, in jars and in bottles! A case of beer in the freezer! And so that you can cope with it, We are already running to you!


Congratulating you on your birthday, We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, Don’t extinguish the fire in yourself And live the same way, without burning out. To be successful, to be healthy, to meet good people more often, and to find happiness in the harsh glades of life.


The horse has already started galloping with all its might, Chinese New Year is approaching, launch lanterns into the sky, and light up love in your soul. Everything will be put on the line, And the fire-breathing dragon will not touch, Congratulations on the holiday to all of us, The finest hour is finally coming, Get an emergency orgasm, And maybe muscle ecstasy.


Chinese New Year, what's in store? Well, what can the Chinese surprise you with? I hope that we won’t argue on the holiday, but will only laugh and love. Let's laugh like horses, drink in moderation, And let's set off fireworks together. I congratulate you and wish you to boldly, Love, wish and dream like a child.


The horse runs at a trot, the New Year sits on it, notifies all people, and no one sleeps anymore. The dragon has spread its wings, The tiger has already eaten the rabbit, And the snake is strangling someone, The New Year has come, friends. Even if it’s a little Chinese, But it’s like family to you, It will bring affection to your heart, We will be happy with you.


On the Chinese New Year, I wish you a lot of health, like a horse, I congratulate you on the holiday with all my heart, May it be in your memory. I wish that people walk with a smile, Guests come to the house with joy, Let's leave all the obstacles and mistakes in the past, There is a new year - let's think about it.

Costume Chinese “congratulations on a man’s anniversary”

This is a cool costumed congratulation for the hero of the day or the groom, which is best carried out in close friendly company. To carry it out, you need to prepare a suit or (for the Chinese, at least a cone-shaped Chinese nonpu hat, which you can make yourself from the one you ordered) and paper in a printing house or a printed certificate giving the right to a Thai massage session.

The costumed Chinese “congratulations on a man’s anniversary” does not require a special text; preparation can be read impromptu to one of them, preferably, but guests should do it expressively (some words are deliberately distorted in the text to make it look like Chinese). A costumed congratulation for a man was invented for the thematic scenario “Anniversary is here,” but we present a more universal version of congratulating him on an anniversary (or wedding)

Congratulations on March 8

  • Happy March 8th! (Happy Women's Day!)

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+7 Rubin 12/05/2016 16:23 Thanks for the article, I found a lot of interesting things!

+7 nina 09.30.2019 15:44 Thank you!!!谢谢)


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