Popular drinking songs. Drinking songs, cheerful dance songs. Drinking songs for a group of adults, texts, 30 songs. Russian drinking songs with accordion

Table games with accordion video

Since ancient times, not a single feast was complete without an accordion.

An accordionist always sat in the center and began to hum a song. Other guests of the holiday performed a dance to the sounds of an accordion, singing along with him.

Another interesting table game accompanied by an accordion is to solve the song. The accordion player plays a melody, and the other participants in the game guess and then sing along.

A fun and popular table game is the dance of facial expressions. To the accordion, one of the participants names a part of the face, after which the dancing begins.

But this type of game is suitable if the feast is held in honor of an anniversary or birthday. To the melody of an accordion, you need to say congratulations or wishes. A comic version of congratulations accompanied by an accordion will also be interesting.

Often, accompanied by an accordion at an event, you can hear not only songs, but also ditties.

You can also watch a video of a table game accompanied by an accordion.

Karaoke for the 60th anniversary

I’ll say right away that Vitalik and I are with you today. You can come and chat with us at any time. We are going to set the rhythm of our holiday, work with the equipment. And so we will be here, at a separate table.

Mom is 60 today. I think this is a wonderful age. Mom is still full of energy and strength, has enormous invaluable experience, you feel more confident than before... And most importantly, you don’t need to prove anything to anyone... You can relax and enjoy life. The children have grown up, the number of grandchildren is growing every year. Friends have not diminished. Family is with you. As they say – the cup is full.

The first toast at the anniversary for a full cup

And I propose the first toast! A toast to the full cup of which our beautiful birthday girl has the cup. I ask you, dear friends. Fill your glasses. Men, court the ladies. We are starting our holiday.

Allegrova’s track “Happy Birthday” is playing

Eyeliner for a toast from her husband to the celebrant of her 60th birthday

Love is also a cup, you can carry it quickly, but then it will spill a lot, or slowly and far away, but carefully. It’s clear that it still spilled a little, but the very path that this cup traversed proves the sincerity of the feeling that united these people. A word from the husband of the hero of the day.

A toast to love on an anniversary

You know, I imagine how dad would present the next toast...

“According to the tradition of the grandfathers, the third drinks to..(all guests) LOVE!

We won't break traditions, will we? (guests “Of course not!”)

Let's drink it all! Let's drain it to the bottom!

Nikolaev "Let's drink to love"»

Quiz competition with questions for guests on knowledge of the hero of the day

Presenter: I am sure that there are no random people at our holiday today. Everyone knows the birthday girl well. But how good it is, I suggest you check it now.

  1. Favorite dish? (tomato salad)
  2. What did the birthday girl call her brother as a child? (Lelya)
  3. Favorite youth game? (dots, lapta)
  4. What sport did the birthday girl play in her youth? (athletics) Making it more difficult...
  5. And the most favorite, so to speak “crown” distance, how many meters was it? (800m)
  6. The biggest win in sports, attention, in terms of size? Suitcase
  7. What the birthday girl bought with her first salary of 110 Soviet rubles. Moreover, the cost of this thing was 60% of this salary.
  8. The first gift from then just an acquaintance, and now husband, Anatoly? (Empty perfume box)
  9. In how many modern countries did the hero of the day live? Name them? (Trikh. Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary)

Eyeliner for son's toast

Many, I would even say that everyone knows Galina well. But the floor is given to the one whom Galina herself knows best - the hero of the day’s son Sasha and his wife Irisha.

The son makes a toast.

Competition - Portrait of the birthday girl - drawn by guests (in verse)

It is worth stocking up in advance with a frame with a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens. We also bought a frame, this will emphasize the value of the masterpiece and allow it to be preserved for the birthday girl in the best possible way.

Example of photo frames for Portrait of the hero of the day

Eyeliner for the competition portrait of the birthday girl

They say that every person is an artist at heart. Today there is a truly magical, pleasant atmosphere in the hall, which only contributes to the creation of a masterpiece. This masterpiece will be a portrait of the hero of the day.

Presenter: Please take turns drawing what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

Track - Musical break

Portrait of the birthday girl in verse

  1. We draw beautiful eyes for Galina: Brown, sly and funny (passed on to the neighbor)
  2. The eyelashes flew up, right up to the eyebrows, The look of these little eyes became more cheerful (they pass it on to the neighbor)
  3. We draw a nose with a curved comma. Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to a neighbor)
  4. And there is a place for a smile in the portrait, The most pleasant smile in the world (passed on to a neighbor)
  5. Let's color the cheeks a little rosy (pass it on to the neighbor)
  6. Of course, we will decorate the ears with diamonds (they pass them on to the neighbor)
  7. Let's cover our head with a fashionable hairstyle, so that Galchona becomes like a queen. (passed to neighbor)
  8. Then we draw a beautiful body (pass it on to the neighbor)
  9. And hands that are skilled in any task (they pass it on to a neighbor)
  10. Let’s draw Galina’s legs as soon as possible, but not just any legs, but slimmer ones (they pass them on to the neighbor)
  11. We'll put fashionable shoes on our feet (pass them on to our neighbor)
  12. We will draw a kind heart for her (they pass it on to the neighbor)
  13. Also, let’s depict a riddle inside her: a woman’s highlight – the sweetest! (passed to neighbor)
  14. We draw a dress, well, very glamorous, with ruffles on top and openwork underneath (they pass it on to the neighbor)
  15. Still holding a crocodile handbag (passed to a neighbor)
  16. It contains a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (they pass it on to a neighbor)
  17. Another card with a bank account, in which there are zeros, well, simply, without accounting (they pass it on to a neighbor)
  18. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor)
  19. Let's hand over the portrait and Galina with a kiss!

(They present the portrait as a gift, and offer to take a photograph with the portrait together)

A toast to the beauty of the hero of the day

I propose to raise a glass to our unique masterpiece and the muse that inspired its creation. I look at this picture and understand that beauty is a terrible force. Three cheers for the beauty of the hero of the day.

Slice from the Royal Hunt - Well, for the beauty...

Dear friends, we have 5-10 minutes before serving hot food. And I suggest everyone finish their business (girls powder their noses), men run out for a smoke. And for those who already want to dance. Here on our improvised dance floor good dance music will be waiting for you.

Russian folk drinking songs text

Oh, viburnum is blooming in a field near a stream

This famous version of the folk song has long been a favorite. This song can be sung on an anniversary, as well as on another holiday, gathering with loved ones at the table.

Am I to blame...

This song is performed at all feasts and only in Russia. Although this song did not come from the people. Its author is the famous composer Muravlev.

And the song “Am I Guilty” became famous when it was performed by a male choir.


Lyrics by Mikhail Motusovsky, music by Boris Mokrousov.

The drinking song “Vologda” has long been popular. Not a single feast is complete without this wonderful song. Moreover, the song was written back in 1956, but gained popularity only in the 1970s.

Now this wonderful drinking song is not only a decoration for every holiday, but also the unofficial anthem of Vologda. It has still not lost its popularity and it happens both to the older generation and to the current one.

Kalinka, my Kalinka

For more than a hundred years, this song has not lost its popularity. It was written back in 1860 by the famous composer Ivan Larionov.

Everyone still sings this song: children, adults. Not a single feast is complete without Kalinka-Malinka.


This beautiful drinking song has a rich history. “Katyusha” is considered the most famous military song. But its origin is known even before wartime.

It was written by the famous composer Matvey Blanter. It took him a long time to come up with the lyrics for the song, so writing took a lot of time. The song was first performed in 1938.

The song gained particular popularity during the war. For the soldiers, “Katyusha” was not just a girl; “Katyusha” was the name given to a rocket launcher that terrifies the Nazis.

Scenario for a man’s 60th birthday “Stretch, soul, like an accordion”

Children or friends of the hero of the occasion can take care of the organizational side of the event. It happens that at the age of 60 the hero of the day has grown-up grandchildren. This can also be a fun creative activity for them, especially preparing the props. It is also interesting to take care of inviting guests in advance, not sparingly via mobile phone, but with real invitation cards or tickets, for example, in verse. So, without going far from the classics of the feast, the celebration can be organized as follows. However, there is no point in describing the idea: read the script and you will understand everything yourself.

The action takes place in a cafe or restaurant, in a separate room with a dance floor.

Characters: Presenter The hero of the day The spouse and relatives of the hero of the day, all guests

Accompaniment: DJ Waiters Photographer (possibly not hired, but one of the guests by agreement or host)

Props: Brooms or brooms on sticks - two pieces; Items of clothing for the game are optional; Tickets with questions; A bucket of flowers, covered with a rag until the end of the game; Diploma;

Part one, congratulatory

The guests, led by the hero of the day, gathered at the appointed hour in the celebration hall. The table is set, everyone is seated, and muffled background music is playing.

Presenter: - Well, friends, let’s begin! And, without wasting time, Let's raise full glasses. We are for the health of the hero of the day! We wish you vigor and happiness, and live a joyful and loving life, meet your loved ones more often, and happy birthday to you!

The “HappyBirthday” music turns on, and everyone sings in chorus: “Happy Birthday to you!” - 2 times Happy Birthday, (first name), Happy Birthday to you!

The guests chorus loudly: - Hurray! Hooray! Hurray for the hero of the day!

Everyone applauds the hero of the day and drinks to his health.

Presenter: - Let me say a couple of words: Sixty years have passed since the hero of the day was destined to be born. And everyone understands and is not new, That he is a golden man, And a congratulatory word goes to his dear wife!

The wife of the hero of the occasion stands up and says a few words in his honor, talking a little about the fate, family and wonderful personal qualities of her husband. The dedication-congratulations on the 60th anniversary ends the wife’s speech and at the same time becomes the next toast.

Presenter: - Every year, day after day, night after night, the hero of the day was a daredevil in everything. And in the family he has earned, by the way, the right to be called an excellent father. And he always tried so hard so that there would be prosperity and harmony in the family. Let's give the floor to the descendants - Let them talk about everything.

Sons and daughters, as well as daughters-in-law and sons-in-law, take the floor in turn. The presenter introduces each of them by name. Pleasant words of gratitude and congratulations are heard, glasses are raised for the health and happy longevity of the birthday boy. It is better to select the text of a poetic congratulation ahead of time, for example, in the database of ready-made congratulations for dad.

Presenter: - Despite the respectable date, the hero of the day is both fresh and stately, And he will sing and dance - He will show everyone his class. If we hadn’t seen your grandchildren, we would never have guessed your worthy years, But they revealed a secret to us. So, so that there is no time for boredom, your grandchildren want to congratulate you.

Funny drinking songs lyrics

Oh, mommy, on a sleigh

The song gained popularity and worldwide fame when it was first voiced in the film “Russian Field” in 1971. The song was written by Leonid Derbenev, music by Alexander Flyarkovsky.


The world-famous military song, which was heard in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” was written long before the movie was shown.

Smuglyanka was written by composer Anatoly Novikov and poet Anatoly Shvedov.

The song was written about Moldavian partisans. But in 1944, the song was performed by Nikolai Ustinov, after which Smuglyanka gained great popularity and went among the people.

There are so many good girls...

This song is over 80 years old and it still remains unforgotten. The song was written specifically for performer Leonid Utesov. The work became legendary and fell in love with the people after it was voiced in the film “Jolly Fellows.” The author of the poems is Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, the composer is Issak Dunaevsky.

Oh, this wedding, this wedding...

A very funny, catchy and simply wonderful song performed by Muslim Magomayev in 1971. The author of the words is A. Babazhyan, the composer is R. Rozhdestvensky.

Island of bad luck…

This wonderful and positive song was written by the famous composer Alexander Sergeevich Zatsepin. The song gained particular popularity when it was performed by actor Andrei Mironov in the popular film “The Diamond Arm.” For many years the song has been sung at all feasts.

Old Russian drinking songs

Orenburg downy scarf…

The song was first performed in 1958 by a choir created in Orenburg. The song gained real popularity when it was performed by the popular singer Lyudmila Zykina.

The reeds rustled...

It would seem that there is no person in Russia who has not heard this folk song. In 1840-1843, poems for the song were written. Therefore, for 198 years now, the song has remained a favorite table hit.

The author of the poems is Dmitry Glebov. Composer: Alexander Varlamov.

Someone came down the hill...

The song gained popularity after the war, although it was performed before the war. The song was first performed by a choir in 1952.

Composer: Valentin Levashov.

Oh, roads, dust and fog...

Soviet song written after the war, in 1945. Immediately after being performed by the ensemble's soloist Ivan Shmelev, the song gained popularity and began to be performed by other singers.

Composer: Anatoly Novikov. Poems – Lev Oshanin.

Oh, frost, frost...

The song is considered folk. It was first performed by the Voronezh Choir in 1956.

Composer: Morozova-Uvarova Maria Pavlovna.

Collection of drinking songs

Where can I get such a song And about love and about fate, And so that no one will guess that this song is about you.

So that the song flies around the world, takes someone by the heart, lures someone into a grove, takes someone into a field.

So that at the factory club And at the distant village, the little girl, dying from this song, was waiting for a sweetheart.

And so that he would wait for her, pressed against her trembling shoulders, so that no one would guess what I cry about at night...

* * * * *

And it snows, and it snows, And everything around is waiting for something... Under this snow, under the quiet snow, I want to say in front of everyone:

My most important person, Look with me at this snow - It is pure, like what I am silent about, what I want to say.

Who brought me my love? Probably good Santa Claus. When I look out the window with you, I thank the snow.

And it snows, and it snows, And everything shimmers and floats. For being in my destiny, Thank you, snow.

* * * * *

And I love a married man

There are so many golden lights on the streets of Saratov, There are so many single guys, And I love a married man.

Eh, he started a family early. A sad story. I hide love from myself, and even more so from him.

I want to run away from him, As soon as he appears, What if everything that I am silent about will tell itself.

I shouldn’t see him, I’m afraid he’ll like me. I can handle love alone, But we can’t handle it together.

* * * * *

Mass graves

They don’t put crosses on mass graves, And widows don’t cry on them, Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them, And they light an eternal flame.

Here the earth used to stand on its hind legs, And now there are granite slabs. There is not a single personal destiny here - All destinies are merged into one.

And in the Eternal Flame you see a tank on fire, burning Russian huts, burning Smolensk and the burning Reichstag, the burning heart of a soldier,

There are no tear-stained widows at mass graves; stronger people come here. They don’t put crosses on mass graves, but does that make it any easier?

* * * * *

A snowstorm is blowing along the street

A blizzard is sweeping along the street, My little darling follows the blizzard; Wait, wait, my beauty, let me look at you, my joy! Wait, wait, my beauty, let me look at you, my joy!

Is it your pleasant beauty, or your white face? Wait, wait, my beauty, let me look at you, my joy! Wait, wait, my beauty, let me look at you, my joy!

Your beauty drove me crazy, It dried up my good fellow. Wait, wait, my beauty, let me look at you, my joy! Wait, wait, my beauty, let me look at you, my joy!

* * * * *

If they tell us: Your train has left! We will simply answer that we will wait for another one. And so that you don’t get bored on the platform, we’ll set the table and drink to love and it will be good! Everything will be fine! Everything will be fine, I know it, I know it! Fine! Everything will be fine! Oh, I feel girls, I’m going to go on a spree, oh I’m going to go on a spree!!!

If your head hurts in the morning, We'll say it straight: You don't know how to drink! But it’s not beautiful to be treated alone, But it’s better to drink a little with the team and it will be good! Everything will be fine! Everything will be fine, I know it, I know it! Fine! Everything will be fine! Oh, I feel like I’m going to go on a spree with the girls, oh, I’m going to go on a spree...

Life is like a sports lotto: I fell in love, but no one! Won the jackpot in love, Looked closely idiot! I set the table for everyone: There is pepper and pickle! Let's go for a walk now, pour and drink!!! Fine! Everything will be fine! Everything will be fine, I know it, I know it! Fine! Everything will be fine! Oh, I feel like I’m going to party with the girls until Saturday for sure!!! Fine! Everything will be fine! Everything will be fine, I know it, I know it! Fine! Everything will be fine! Oh, I feel like I’m going to go on a spree with the girls, oh, I’m going to go on a spree...

Lenya, Ramstein!!!

* * * * *

Even if you are a little over thirty, There is hope of marrying a prince. The sun shines on everyone on the same planet, both the princess and the simple guide. But you and I, thank God, are not children! Don’t be afraid of your advice, mom. I would teach him a lesson, I would tame him, And I don’t care about ethics...etiquette.


He would come up, and I would turn away, He would pester me, I would leave, He would burst into tears, I would smile. That's how it is. Yes, he would have waited a month for my answer. I would have driven him to panic. But the prince is missing. Where did he go? I didn't understand?

Even if you are a little over thirty, There is hope of marrying a prince. The sun shines the same for everyone on the planet. Only cloudy over our capital.

chorus (2 times).

* * * * *

evening call, evening Bell

Evening bell, evening bell! How many thoughts it brings to mind About young days in my native land, Where I loved, where my father’s house is, And how I, having said goodbye to him forever, Listened to the bell there for the last time!

I will no longer see the bright days of my deceptive Spring! And how many are now alive, then cheerful, young! And their grave sleep is strong; They cannot hear the evening bell.

I too should lie in the damp earth! The wind will carry the sad melody above me into the valley; Another singer will pass along it, And it won’t be me, but he will sing the evening bell in thought!

* * * * *


I write songs, songs for you myself, I personally carry letters, letters to the post office. I know, I know exactly where my addressee is - In the house with the carved palisade. Where is my dark-eyed one, where? In Vologda - where-where-where? In Vologda, where? In a house with a carved palisade.

I send, I send her a package for a package,

Only, only there is not a word in response to me. So, then, she needs to keep in mind: I myself will come for the answer. No matter what happens, I will come to my dear In Vologda-where-where-where, In Vologda-where. I'll come for the answer myself.

I see, I see the scarlet clusters of rowan trees, I see, I see her house number one. I see, I see a garden with a bench at the gate, a city where fate awaits me. That’s why Vologda-gda-gda-gda is always dear to me, Vologda-gda, The city where love awaits me.

* * * * *

Someone came down the hill

Someone came down the hill. My darling is probably coming. He is wearing a protective tunic, It will drive me crazy.

He has gold shoulder straps and a bright order on his chest. Why, why did I meet Him on the path of life!

Why, when he passes by, He waves his hand at me with a smile, Why did he come to our collective farm, Why did he disturb my peace!

When I see Him, my heart immediately worries in my chest... Why, why did I meet Him on the path of life!

* * * * *

You make noise, birches...

You make noise, make noise Above me, birches, Sway, lead Your age-old melody, And I will lie down, lie down Near the old road In the fragrant meadow, On the young grass.

And I’ll lie down, lie down Near the old road With my head on a hillock, On a high mound, And I’ll spread my tired arms freely, And with my feet in the valley - Let the fog cover...

You make noise, make noise Above me, the birches, With quiet caresses, favor the Earth - my joy, And I will lie down, lie down, Near the old road: Having become a little tired, I will sleep for a minute.

* * * * *

The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart.

The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart, and to finish singing the song that you came up with to the end. We are going on a long journey, and you can only get to this taiga region by plane.

Chorus: And you, the plane flying away into the distance, keep it in your heart... Under the wing of the plane, the Green Sea of ​​the taiga is singing about something...

The pilot over the taiga will find the exact course, and land the plane straight into the clearing. They will go out into an unfamiliar world, stepping like a master, generally green, young people.


The winds and snow have been sweeping there for centuries, and geologists passed through there quite recently. We will live in a village that is not yet rich, so that we can take all the riches from under the ground.


* * * * *

Blue carriage

Slowly the minutes float into the distance, You don’t expect to meet them anymore. And although we feel a little sorry for the past, the best is, of course, ahead.

Chorus: Good riddance, good riddance The long journey spreads and runs straight into the sky. Everyone, everyone believes in the best... The Blue Car is rolling, rolling.

Maybe we offended someone in vain, the Calendar will close the old page. We can’t live without adventures... Hey, speed up, driver!


The blue carriage is running, swaying, The fast train is picking up speed... Oh, why does this day end, Let it last a whole year!


* * * * *

Burn, burn, my star

Shine, shine, my star, Shine, welcome star! You are my only treasured one, there will never be others.

Will the night come to the earth clear? There are many stars shining in the sky. But you are alone, my beautiful, Burning in the rays that please me.

Blessed star of hope, Star of love of magical days, You will forever never set in my yearning soul!

Your rays with heavenly power My whole life is illuminated Should I die - you are above the grave Burn, burn, my star!

* * * * *

Gentlemen, officers Through taut nerves I sing this song with chords of faith To those who, having given up their careers Without sparing their belly, offer up their breasts for Russia

To those who survived in Afghanistan without spoiling their honor, to those who did not make a career from the blood of soldiers, I sing to the officers of the mothers who took pity, returning to them their living sons

Chorus: Officers, officers Your heart is at gunpoint For Russia and freedom to the end Officers, Russians Let freedom shine in you Making hearts sound in unison

Gentlemen, officers How to preserve your faith On open graves Your souls are wheezing What have we done, brothers? We couldn’t save them And now they are forever looking into our eyes

The guys are leaving again Dissolving into the sunset Russia has called them As has happened more than once And again you are leaving Maybe straight to the sky And from somewhere above Forgive us

So where are you going? Maybe straight to heaven And from somewhere above you forgive us


* * * * *

As you were, so you remain, Steppe Eagle, dashing Cossack! Why, why did you meet again, Why did you disturb my peace?

Why did you want to blame me for your losses again? One thing, one thing, I’m only to blame for, That I don’t have the strength to forget you.

Even though I couldn’t connect my fate with yours. But I lived, lived only for you, I waited for you throughout the war.

I was waiting for the time to come, for you to return home... And your reproaches are bitter to me, your reproaches are bitter, my ardent, my stubborn one.

Your sadness, your resentment, your anxiety is useless. Look, look, my soul is open, open to you alone.

But you didn’t think to look, You rushed off into the distance, a dashing Cossack... As you were, so you remain, But you are dear to me like that.

* * * * *

One summer at dawn I looked into the neighboring garden, There a dark-skinned Moldavian woman was picking grapes.

I blush, I turn pale, I suddenly wanted to say: “Let’s stand over the river to greet the summer dawns!”


A green curly maple, a carved leaf, Here at the maple we will part with you. Green maple, and curly maple, and curly, carved!

And the dark-skinned Moldavian woman answered the guy in harmony: “We are gathering a detachment of Moldavian partisans.

Today the partisans left their home early. The road to the partisans in the dense forest awaits you."


And the dark-skinned Moldavian woman went along the path into the forest. I saw the offense in that I didn’t invite you with me.

I often thought about the dark-skinned Moldavian woman at night. Suddenly I met my dark-skinned girl in the detachment!


* * * * *

For a week before the second one, I will go to Komarovo to look at the Baltic wave with unaccustomed eyes. And at sea I will be a ship and a diver at once, I will find myself in the abyss if I sink for an hour.

Chorus For a week before the second I will go to Komarovo. I’ll find myself in the abyss if I drown for an hour.

For a week before the second, I will go to Komarovo, where the Sheremetyevo longboat swings on the dunes. And you will have a personal diver in the Karelian rocks on a voluntary basis, if you want.


For a week before the second I will go to Komarovo On the Sunday train to the ends of the earth. Divers are looking for treasures, but I don’t need treasures. I am for ships not to sink in the blue sea.

Chorus 2 times.

* * * * *

Oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening. I didn’t sleep enough when I was little, I didn’t sleep enough when I was little, Oh, I saw it in a dream.

In a dream I dreamed that my black horse was running wild, playing around, dancing under me.

Oh, yes, evil winds flew in from the eastern side, and tore off the black cap from my wild head.

And Esaul was quick-witted, He was able to unravel my dream. “Oh, it will disappear...” he said, “Your head is wild.”

Oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening. I didn’t sleep enough when I was little, I didn’t sleep enough when I was little, Oh, I saw it in a dream

* * * * *

In the garden where you and I met, your favorite chrysanthemum bush blossomed, and then a bright feeling of tender love blossomed in my chest


The Chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago, But love still lives in my sick heart... The Chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago

Our garden is empty, you have been gone for a long time, I wander alone, all exhausted, And involuntary tears roll down Before the withered chrysanthemum bush...


* * * * *

Somewhere in the dark world, where it is always frosty, bears rub their backs against the earth's axis. Centuries float by, they sleep under the ice of the sea, bears rub against the axis, the earth turns.

Chorus: La-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la The earth is spinning faster.

They try to twist, rotate the earth's axis, So that the lovers would have to meet earlier, So that one morning a year or two earlier, Someone would say the main words to someone else.

Following the spring shower, the dawn will come earlier, And for two lovers, many, many years, Lightning will sparkle, streams will ring, Fog will swirl, white as a bear.

* * * * *

Not even a rustle could be heard in the garden, Everything here stood still until the morning. If only you knew how dear Moscow evenings are to me.

The river moves and does not move, All of lunar silver. The song is heard and not heard on these quiet evenings.

Why are you, dear, looking askance, bowing your head low? It is difficult to express and not express Everything that is in my heart.

And the dawn is already becoming more and more noticeable... So, please, be kind, Don’t forget these summer evenings near Moscow!

* * * * *

On a rainy evening, in the evening, in the evening, When the pilots, frankly, have nothing to do, We will land at the table, talk about this and that And sing our favorite song:


It's time to hit the road, We're going on a long, long, long road. Over the sweet threshold I will swing your silver wing... Let fate take us far, let it be! Just don’t let anyone into your heart! I will watch strictly, I can see everything from above, you know that!

We are having fun today, fun, fun, Why are you hanging your nose today, dear? We will drink once and drink twice To our glorious “U-2”, But so that tomorrow you don’t have a headache.


We are brave, brave, brave guys. And so that our curly-haired friends don’t jinx us, before departure we’ll give them a warm kiss, first once, then twice, then again!

* * * * *

The locomotive flies through the valleys, over the hills, it flies to God knows where. The boy called himself a swindler and a thief, And his life is an eternal game.

Wait, locomotive, don't knock the wheels, Conductor, hit the brakes. I’m going to my mother’s home with my last greetings. I’m in a hurry to show myself.

Don't wait for me, mom, for a good son. Your son is not the same as he was yesterday. I was sucked into a dangerous quagmire, And my life is an eternal game.

And if I go to jail behind bars, I will tear up the bars in prison. And let the moon shine with its corrupt light, But I will still run away.

And if I lie down in a prison bed, I will suffer and die. And you won’t come to me, my dear mother, to caress me or kiss me.

Wait, locomotive, don't knock the wheels, There is time to look fate in the eye. Before it's too late for us to stop, Conductor, hit the brakes!

* * * * *

Apple and pear trees blossomed, fog floated over the river. Katyusha went ashore, to a high, steep bank.

She went out and started a song about the steppe gray eagle, about the one she loved, about the one whose letters she treasured.

Oh, you song, a maiden song, You fly after the clear sun And say hello to the fighter on the far border From Katyusha.

Let him remember a simple girl, Let him hear her sing, Let him take care of his native land, And let Katyusha save his love.

Apple and pear trees blossomed, fog floated over the river. Katyusha went ashore, onto a high bank, on a steep...

* * * * *

The daisies hid, the buttercups drooped, When I froze from the bitter words: Why do you girls love beautiful people, Their love is fickle.

I resolutely took off the jacket I had thrown on, I had the strength to seem proud, I told him: “All the best,” But he didn’t ask for forgiveness.

The daisies have been picked, the buttercups have withered, the cold water in the river ripples. Why do you girls love beautiful people, only suffering from that love...

Why do you girls love beautiful people? Their love is fickle.

* * * * *

The scarf sinks and does not sink, Little by little it floats, Darling loves and does not love, Only time passes.

Eh, Samara-town, I am restless, I am restless, - Calm me down!

I grew and blossomed Until I was seventeen, And from the age of seventeen Love dries up a girl.

Eh, Samara-town, I am restless, I am restless, - Calm me down!

Darling asked for love, I didn’t know what to say. I was young, I didn’t know love, But it’s a pity to refuse.

Eh, Samara-town, I am restless, I am restless, - Calm me down!

In vain the sky is clear, One star is burning. In vain there are many dear ones, One heart aches.

Eh, Samara-town, I am restless, I am restless, - Calm me down!

There is no place for you, white birch, by the river. If I am your bride, you take care of me.

Eh, Samara-town, I am restless, I am restless, - Calm me down!

The darling will say: “Goodbye,” The heart will leap with fire, And yearn, and languish All about the same thing, all about him.

Eh, Samara-town, I am restless, I am restless, - Calm me down!

* * * * *

A lilac fog floats above us. The midnight star is burning above the vestibule. The conductor is in no hurry, the conductor understands that I am saying goodbye to the girl forever.

You look into my eyes and shake my hand, In your big eyes there is anxiety and sadness... One more call - and the noise of the station will cease, And the train will fly off into the lilac distance.

The last “sorry” falls from your beloved lips, “I’ll be gone for a year, or maybe two... Or maybe you’ll lose your friend forever?..”

One more call and I'm leaving.

A lilac fog floats above us. The midnight star is burning above the vestibule. The conductor is in no hurry, the conductor understands that I am saying goodbye to the girl forever.

* * * * *

Old maple, old maple, Old maple knocks on the glass, Inviting my friends and I for a walk. Why, why, Why is it so bright for me? Because you're walking down the alley.

Snowfall, snowfall, The snowfall has long passed, As if spring has returned to visit us again.

Why, why, why is it so good? Because you just smiled at me.

Look, look, look at the firmament, how cloudless and pure it shines. Why, why, why does the accordion sing? Because someone loves an accordion player...

* * * * *

I’m standing at a stop in a colorful half-shawl, and trains are flying past. And the rails, as usual, converge at the horizon. Where are you, my spring years?

There lived a factory girl, accustomed to work, who grew like roadside grass. Unrequited to anger, welcoming to kindness, right before people and conscience.

The wheels keep spinning, The thread weaves lace... The soul is full of spring fire. And the years are like a blizzard, They are all turning gray, calling to dance, but not me.

What happened will not be forgotten, What will happen will come true, and spring has passed for a long time. So how did it happen, That everything is embroidered with silks My fate is a simple canvas.

Look, an ordinary factory girl is walking, modest beyond her years among her friends. Come up with affection and look into her eyes, - You will open a treasure that you have never seen.

I’m standing at a stop in a colorful half-shawl, and trains are flying past. And the rails, as usual, converge at the horizon. Where are you, my spring years?..

* * * * *

Today is a holiday for the girls: Today there will be dancing! And the girls’ cheeks are burning, glowing with blush in the morning.


The girls came, stood aside, fidgeting with handkerchiefs in their hands, Because for every ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys.

And the guys are full of importance, terribly picky, and remain along the wall, having come in vain...


Today, for some reason, the girls were unlucky - They are in spite of the statistics. They will come again on Saturday.


The girls will come, stand on the sidelines, fiddling with handkerchiefs in their hands, Because for every ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys...

It’s a pity that for ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys!

* * * * *

Gypsy with cards, Long road, Long road, State house.

Perhaps the old central prison is waiting for me, little boy, in a new way.

Chorus: Taganka, all nights full of fire, Taganka; why did you ruin me? Taganka, I am your permanent prisoner. Youth and talent were lost. Within your walls.

I know, honey, we won't meet again. We are destined to have different roads.

Again on Fridays there will be dates and bitter tears for my relatives.

* * * * *

Hey, frost, frost, Don't freeze me, Don't freeze me, my horse.

Don't freeze me, My horse, My horse White-Mane.

My horse Whitemane... My wife, Oh, jealous.

My wife, Oh, beautiful, is waiting for me to come home, waiting, sad.

I will return home at sunset, I will hug my wife, I will water my horse.

* * * * *

I asked the ash tree where my beloved is. Ash did not answer me, shaking his head.

I asked the poplar where my beloved is. The poplar showered me with autumn leaves.

I asked autumn where my beloved is. Autumn answered me with pouring rain.

I asked the rain, Where is my beloved. For a long time the rain poured tears outside my window.

I asked the month where my beloved is. The moon disappeared into the cloud and did not answer me.

I asked the cloud where my beloved is. The cloud melted into the blue sky.

You are my only friend, Where is my beloved? Tell me, where did you hide? Do you know where she is?

The friend answered faithfully, The friend answered sincerely: “You had a beloved, There was a beloved for you, And you became my wife.”

I asked the ash tree, I asked the poplar, I asked autumn...

Drinking songs, funny dance songs


The author of the song is Elena Vaenga.

I can't do otherwise...

The song is performed by Valentina Tolkunova. Poems - N. Dobronravov, composer - A. Pakhmutova.

Funny drinking songs

Oh, the box is full, full

The author of the poems is Nikolai Nekrasov. Arranged by Yakov Prigozhy.

The song is considered ancient. It was written back in 1861 based on one of the Hungarian dances.

Wait, locomotive

This song is considered a folk song. She gained great popularity when she was featured in the film “Operation Y”. It was performed by Georgy Vitsin and Yuri Nikulin.

Everything will be fine

The author of the song is Verka Serduchka.

You pushed me

Popular and funny Ukrainian song. It was performed by many popular artists: Pesnyary, Sergei Lemeshev. The song first became known in 1897.

Ah, Samara is a town...

A well-known front-line song that was performed by many famous artists. The song gained great popularity when it was performed with an accordion by Mikhail Ugarov.

Scenario for a woman’s 60th anniversary with songs-remakes

Description: An anniversary script for a woman’s 60th birthday with song adaptations, competitions, riddles for adults. Cons of the songs are attached.

/The exit of the hero of the day to ceremonial fanfare./

Presenter: – Hello, dear guests and hero of the day! At this table today people have gathered who are connected by one huge, and, fortunately, fulfillable desire: to wholeheartedly congratulate our dear Lyubasha on her 60th birthday (change the name of the woman celebrating the anniversary to the desired one).

We would like to congratulate you on your anniversary, a beautiful date - sixty... We have so much success, but we cannot turn back life...

Let joy and love surround you, And let happiness bloom in your soul instantly. Relatives, loved ones are next to you, and what is more important than this, my friend?

Although the years fly by like an arrow, you will always be young for us! You are getting better, day by day! We want to drink for you now! /pause for drinks/

Presenter: At this table there is a person who surprises Lyuba all her life - her husband. This helped them maintain their love and become the closest people to each other. The husband still wants to amaze Lyuba by giving her a real serenade.

To the tune of “When spring will come, I don’t know...”

I don’t know where the years fly, But you are still just as good, I am burning with love for you, You are my heart and soul! There's so much with you

Next is an impromptu or prepared speech from the husband for his wife’s 60th birthday.

Presenter: How great it is that the love of the birthday girl and her husband not only did not fade away, but finally burst out! Children, grandchildren - it’s your turn to congratulate your mother and grandmother!

The song is remade to the tune of “You’re the only one I have...”

We have only one mother, She has a modest disposition, Tender as spring, Needed as the Moon!

60 years! Sixty – everything is just beginning!

Presenter: And now we will conduct a short quiz. To do this, our hero of the day must fill out a short questionnaire in writing, and the guests will answer the same questions orally. I will determine the most correct answers based on the completed questionnaire. The birthday girl’s opinion is the law today, don’t try to understand the woman!

Survey questions:

1. What name would the hero of the day give herself if her opinion were taken into account at birth? 2. What role would you like to play in a movie? 3. What affectionate name does she call her husband? 4. What was her name as a child? 5. What does a woman need to be completely happy? 6. What quality do you value in people?

According to the results of the quiz, the one who guessed the closest answers receives the “Order” “For Attention and Understanding” - presented by the presenter, and the birthday girl awards the “Order” “Birthday Girl’s Favorite” to the one whose answers she liked the most, even if they were not like hers.

“Orders” are made of foil cardboard.

Presenter: The mystery of a woman is not beauty at all, After all, there are no ugly women! The mystery is in the mind and in simplicity, with which it conquers everyone! And our hero of the day is good, Well, who wouldn’t agree with that?

Sketch song to the tune “Oh, Van, look at the parrots...” sung:


Well, where is the happy girl who is celebrating her sixteenth birthday? So slim, beautiful, What can you eat and gain weight?


Luring the hero of the day and guests into a circle for a quick dance. The musical accompaniment of this dance is at the level of Serduchka (as an option - a children's dance).

Author's congratulations to a woman on her 60th birthday:

Ah, woman, you are 60 today... And you were 18... only 42 years ago. But the heart also beats fervently, It wants to embrace the whole world with Love.

Presenter: - Are you tired? But our dear Lyubochka is not! After all, she has so much strength and energy! Anyone will be jealous. And this is all because she is a very positive and kind person. And to relax a little, I suggest solving riddles.

Riddles about the anniversary

1. On the table stands The aroma will captivate, Vegetable, sausage, The most, the coolest! (Olivie)

Presenter: - You solved all the riddles, which means you didn’t give in too much! We urgently need to fix it and drink to the hero of the day! /Pause for feast/

Competition for a comic toast for the hero of the day

Prepare clean leaves in advance. Give them to guests. And give this task:

– Dear guests, let’s play such a game. You need to remember and write down all the attributes of a rich and happy life.

Examples: – Limousine – Villa

The text in which to insert these attributes:

– Our dear Lyubochka! We wish you to have the coolest... So that you can show off the most expensive things in the world... So that you share with us your best...

But most importantly, be healthy, loved and happy! Because health, love and friendship are not bought or sold!

Song-remake to the tune of Leps - The Best Day:

Five hundred thousand hours behind you, Millions of planets above you, But we wish you to live a long time.

This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version with music tracks 4 pcs. go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

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Funny modern drinking songs

I wanted a groom

A popular drinking song, without which it is difficult to imagine a big feast. The song is performed by Verka Serduchka and Glucose.

Black eyes

The song is very popular during dinner events and parties. The author of the song is Aidamir Mugu. The song was written in 2004.


The song was recently released and has already become a hit. Nowadays you often hear it at dinner events.

The song was released in 2021. It is performed by Artur Pirozhkov.

Lonely accordion

The composer of the song is Sergei Mokrousov.

Poems – Mikhail Issakovsky.

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