Competitions for the 60th anniversary of a man or woman

If young people prefer to celebrate their birthdays in nightclubs and other entertainment places, then representatives of the older generation limit themselves to restaurants and home gatherings. However, both of them want their birthdays to be truly fun and unforgettable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are really interested in all kinds of competitions and games that can be held for a birthday. So if you are going to celebrate 60 years, then you will probably be interested in games and competitions that are ideal for such a serious date.

Table games for a man's 60th birthday

Cool games and competitions for a woman’s 60th birthday

Come on, boys!

In this competition, men are invited to remember their past youth and show their talents in tying a tie. Actually, whoever is able to make a correct and high-quality knot faster after the “start” command wins. The prize could be the same tie.

The guests line up. The birthday boy is blindfolded. The host brings the birthday person to each of the guests in turn and names two options: either a “handshake” - if the person in front of him is a man, or “kiss the hand” - if a woman. After a kiss on the hand or a handshake, the birthday boy must guess who it is. If desired, depending on the character of the birthday person, at the end you can give him an exam, that is, he will have to fulfill the wishes of those guests whom he could not guess.

Poems in honor of the birthday boy

Each invited guest in turn stands up and says a line, reminiscent of a line of a poem. For example, the first guest - Today is the birthday of the glorious (name), the second - and we unanimously congratulate him now and here, and so on. Anyone who cannot come up with one misses the round and is eliminated from the game. The presenter, in turn, writes down the lines of the guests, and as a result, reads the resulting work to the birthday boy, and gives pleasant prizes to each participant who put his soul into the lines of the verse.

School years are wonderful

Remembering school time is always interesting and fun, especially when the age has crossed the line of half a century. Those who wish to participate in this competition, on average 3-4 people. An examination line is lined up in front of each of the participants, that is, the crowns are placed at a certain distance, and subjects are written on each of the chairs: Russian language, mathematics, physical education, works, for example. There are also leaves, a pen, and scissors on the chairs. First exam: the presenter asks the question “-zhi-, -shi - write with a letter.” ", and participants must quickly write the letter on a piece of paper and pick it up. Those who fail leave the game, then move on to math. The presenter asks a question, for example, 3+7 will be, the participants quickly write the answer on a piece of paper and raise it, those who fail are eliminated, the rest move on. Physical education - clap your hands, stomp your feet, do some squats. Participants must complete the task, followed by labor: making a snowflake. Participants cut out a snowflake as quickly as possible. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner and is awarded a gold medal.

Guests are invited to sing the song, performing several lines in turn. For example, the song “From afar the Volga River flows for a long time.” The presenter takes turns handing a piece of paper with words to the guest and names the star in whose style he needs to sing the song, for example, Kadysheva, Pugacheva, Leontyev, Kobzon, and so on. This way the guests will cheer up both themselves and the hero of the day.

Repeat after me

The guests stand in a circle. The host gives commands, for example, the left eye blinks or the index finger of the right hand reaches for the nose, but at this time he himself tries to confuse the guests and repeats completely different movements. For example, when he says that his left eye blinks, he simply waves his right hand and so on. Whoever gets confused leaves the circle of participants, and the most persistent and self-confident will receive loud applause and prizes.

Cool games and competitions for a woman’s 60th birthday

There are a lot of competitions and games on the PozdravOK website. Interesting games for women will decorate your holiday, making it interesting for all guests!

Cool games and competitions for a man's 60th birthday

At this age, all women have already tried a lot of different baking recipes and can list many names of baked goods. So, all the guests, including men, are participating in the competition, so it will be surprising if a man actually wins. Each guest takes turns naming one pastry, that is, the name of some baked goods, for example, pie, donuts, buns, bagels, and so on. A game of elimination, that is, whoever cannot name it is eliminated. Well, the greatest connoisseurs, there can be three or one of them, are awarded a prize, for which they can choose a delicious cake.

The presenter invites the guests to remember their youth and name modern objects that the housewives previously managed without and, accordingly, objects that served instead of them, for example, a vacuum cleaner - a broom, a blender - a whisk, a bread maker - an oven in an oven, and so on. Guests name one option in turn, and whoever cannot name it is eliminated from the game. The most omniscient person gets a prize.

Women at any age love secrets and intrigue. In this competition, you are asked to use your wits and quickly decipher the task. The presenter writes any poem backwards, that is, each word begins from the end or writes a verse, leaving only consonants. The participants of the holiday see the task on the easel, and whoever quickly figures out what the catch is and how to decipher the task is a great guy. The fastest and most resourceful person gets a good prize.

Each guest who wishes to participate is invited to the podium in turn and must follow the instructions of the presenter. For this competition, the presenter must prepare several options for commenting on models in advance. For example, a woman comes out, the presenter begins to comment: in front of you, friends, is a gorgeous lady in a stunning dress from a famous couturier, and at the same time the woman strokes the dress and shows it off. Short sleeves allow the skin of your hands to breathe. and at this time the woman must show that her sleeves are short, for example, roll them up, if in fact she has long ones. Next, individual tailoring perfectly emphasizes the wasp waist, chic breasts and wonderful legs. At this time, the guest shows off her legs, waist, and so on. Whichever guest can best play their role on the podium will receive applause and a prize.

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams. Each participant is given one egg. At a certain distance from each team there are chairs with a large bowl. Each participant puts an egg between his knees and heads to the goal, gets there and delivers the egg to the bowl, then hurries back and passes the baton to the next member of his team. Whose team of brood hens transports the eggs to the goal the fastest wins.

When you are Cinderella

Women who wish to participate sit on chairs. In front of them are three dishes: two empty, and one with peas and beans (you can choose something else, for example, buttons and coins, and so on). The participants’ task is to complete the task faster than others and sort through the peas and beans, placing the peas in one bowl and the beans in another. The fastest Cinderella is awarded a prize.

Cool games and competitions for a man's 60th birthday

An exclusive collection of beautiful competitions and games on the PozdravOK website. Interesting games for men will decorate your holiday, making it interesting for all guests!

Games and competitions for the 60th anniversary at the table - at the table at home and in a restaurant

The host asks each of the guests in turn to guess the old film. But he pronounces it as it would be called in modern times. Whoever guesses correctly receives a small prize. Examples: “Dubarko” - “Morozko”, Tricks of Fate or You Go to the Bathhouse” - “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath”, “Shura-Mura at Work” - “Office Romance”, “Moscow Doesn’t Like Whiners” - “Moscow” doesn’t believe in tears” and so on.

What's in your name

The presenter announces that the bag contains prizes for the competition participants. The name of each prize begins with the letter contained in the name of the hero of the day. If the participant guesses which prize corresponds to the next letter, then he receives it. The one who collects the most prizes during the competition wins.

The presenter should learn some of the most interesting and unusual facts from the life of the hero of the day. The presenter tells each of the guests one fact in turn, for example: Our hero of the day at the age of 30 could drink a liter of beer in one gulp, or Our hero of the day at the age of 18 became the winner of a beauty contest, and so on. And the guest must answer whether he believes it or not. If the answer matches reality, the guest is awarded a prize.

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives an apple or other fruit, into which 60 toothpicks or skewers are stuck. Participants take out one toothpick (skewer), while pronouncing one compliment to the hero of the day. The winner is the team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments.

Each guest receives a medal (chocolate or purchased from a gift shop) and takes turns rewarding the birthday person for some achievement. For example, the first guest gets up and gives the birthday boy a medal, and says: “For a strong family and 3 well-mannered, smart, beautiful children!”, The second guest presents a medal and says: “For major repairs in a cozy house and a high harvest for garden" and so on. The birthday boy will be very pleased to receive so many medals at once and remember all his achievements.

Of course, one could propose to take 6 dozen eggs as a basis and the competition would drag on for the whole evening, but for this game 6 eggs are enough. Each participant, on the “start” command, must peel 6 boiled eggs (either chicken or quail) faster than the other participants. Whoever completes the task faster will win.

For this competition you will need such items as a hammer, a slotted spoon, a ladle, pliers, and so on, which can be found in the arsenal of the birthday boy’s things. Each guest in turn pulls out a forfeit with the name of the instrument, and then in the second circle - a forfeit, which indicates a certain action, for example, hammer a nail, catch a ball from the water, play a melody, and so on. Each guest then combines their instrument and action. It will be very interesting to watch how, for example, a guest hammers a nail with a ladle, or catches a ball from the water with a hammer, or plays his own melody with pliers.

Sixty moments of spring

In this competition, each guest can show their attitude towards the birthday boy by coming up with a beautiful, interesting, unusual name for the 60th chapter in the book of his life, for example, Sixty happy sunrises of dear Arkady or Sixty wishes of the beautiful soul of charming Svetlana, and so on. A guest, and maybe several guests, will receive prizes for the most interesting name.

Each participant receives an inflated medical glove filled with water and with a hole in the middle finger. At the command “start”, the participants turn their gloves over with the hole down and begin to “milk” the cow-glove into their vessel. Whoever completes the task faster and empties the glove first will receive a prize.

Each participant receives a bowl, a grater and an apple. Whoever grates the apple faster and better, leaving only one core, wins! And the birthday boy will then eat the grated apples and replenish his body with vitamins.

Games and competitions for the 60th anniversary at the table

A huge number of competitions and games on the PozdravOK resource. Exclusive games, 60 years will decorate any celebration, making it interesting for everyone!

Games and competitions for 60 years

An entertainment program for the 60th anniversary will create a fun and relaxed atmosphere when celebrating the anniversary. Entertaining contests and competitions will not let birthday guests get bored. Comic quizzes, outdoor games and table games will amuse everyone present at the holiday. Musical competitions and a vibrant show program will remain in the memory of the hero of the day, his family and friends for a long time.

All interested guests participate in the game. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. Each player in the first group receives a balloon of the same color (for example, yellow). Members of the second team receive balls of a different color (for example, blue). Then the players place them on the floor in a chaotic order.

The participants' task is to burst all the opponents' balloons with their hands as quickly as possible. While destroying opponents' balloons, players must do their best to protect their own. The participant who pops one of the opponent's balloons is eliminated from the game.

The team that destroys all the opponents' balls the fastest wins.

All interested guests participate in the competition. They are divided into 2 teams. Each group of participants is provided with an easel with whatman paper and a felt-tip pen.

First, the first team players approach the easel. They are blindfolded and given a felt-tip pen. After this, the presenter names the part of the body that needs to be drawn on whatman paper. Then the second players approach the easel. They are also blindfolded. The presenter gives them the task of drawing another part of the body. After all players from both teams have completed the competition, the winner is determined.

The right to choose the best portrait is given to the hero of the day.

All guests participate in the game. To conduct it, you need to prepare cards (based on the number of invited guests) with lines from old songs. The same song must be on two different cards, but with different lines.

Each player receives one card. The participants’ task is to sing their lines and find the second part of their song. When everyone has completed the task, the guests sing the verse or chorus of each song to the hero of the day.

  • Apple and pear trees blossomed, fog floated over the river. (Katyusha)
  • About the one she loved, About the one whose letters she treasured. (Katyusha)
  • I could love you, but it's just a game. (Kipelov. I'm free)
  • The rain passes through me, But there is no more pain. (Kipelov. I'm free)
  • I will stop waiting for you, and you will come quite suddenly. (A. Pugacheva. They do not renounce, loving)
  • They do not renounce, loving, After all, life does not end tomorrow. (A. Pugacheva. They do not renounce, loving)
  • You hug the bend of the yellow guitar tenderly, The string will pierce the taut heights with a fragment of echo... (O. Mityaev. How great it is that we are all gathered here today)
  • And yet, with a sore throat today we will remember those whose names, like wounds, are baked into our hearts... (O. Mityaev. How great it is that we have all gathered here today)

All guests participate in the competition. Half an apple with toothpicks stuck into it is placed on the plate of each invitee.

Participants take turns pulling out toothpicks and saying a wish to the birthday person. For example: “I wish to be young, healthy, vigorous, blooming.” It is important to try not to repeat congratulations so as not to make the competition boring.

The winner is determined by the birthday boy. It becomes the author of the most unusual, sincere, unique congratulations.

All guests participate in the competition. The presenter needs to prepare gifts for the participants in advance and put them in a bag. Each gift must begin with a specific letter in the name of the hero of the day.

For example, the birthday boy's name is Alexander. In this case, the bag can contain an orange, a light bulb, a fir cone, a pencil, a pacifier, an album, a handkerchief, a hole punch, and a pen.

The presenter calls the first letter of the name of the hero of the day. Guests take turns offering their options for the item in the bag. The person who guessed correctly receives it as a gift. The winner of the competition is the participant who guesses as many things as possible in the bag.

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