How to entertain guests at a wedding: 13 ideas for different tastes

Guests, Preparation, Articles, Traditions and entertainment December 8 The Bride

Regardless of whether there will be a host at the wedding evening, or the wedding is planned to be intimate, you cannot do without entertaining the guests. How to make these entertainments fun and interesting, read our article.


The most common, but no less interesting entertainment is the photo zone. The photo zone can become either part of the Welcome zone or a separate element of the festive dinner program. Here guests can take fun photos in the midst of the celebration or more formal ones for family archives. With the development of social networks, special hashtags for weddings are becoming increasingly popular. Don’t forget to make a sign with the hashtag invented for the wedding so that after the wedding you can look at the photo mosaic of the evening. Particularly pleasant will be the opportunity to print photos right at the evening: it could be just a photo booth with the ability to print or a machine for printing photos from Instagram. The idea of ​​a photo zone should fully correspond to the style and theme of the wedding. Try to pay attention to details and do not forget that key decorative elements should not be located in the area where guests will stand, because then they will not be visible in the photo.

Silent disco with headphones

Participants are given players with headphones. The guests begin to dance in complete silence, each to their own tune. Those watching such an action will hardly be able to resist laughing or smiling.

Board games

Board games will be of particular interest at a youth wedding or a themed celebration. Board games can also brighten up the moments of waiting for guests. The main thing is to select game options that are not too long, but interesting. Particularly popular will be games for parties that are not tied to a location, and which can be played both in a specially designated area and in a recreation area, for example, Crocodile, Associations, Danetki. Some games, like Jenga, can be played in two variations: both tabletop and street. If you choose strategies, it is better to focus on those whose total playing time does not exceed 1 hour, and those that can be played with a large group. When choosing board games as entertainment for guests, take care of a special area for playing: with tables, chairs, notepads and pens for writing down scores.

Competitions for newlyweds

Beautiful life

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter asks those gathered what material values ​​they can wish for the young people. Someone will definitely name: house, car, yacht, dacha, money. Those who guess one of these words must raise their hand.

At the end of the survey, those who guessed correctly and the newlyweds are invited to the center of the hall. Each participant must show what he wished. The presenter asks first to demonstrate how they will show it and to direct the process. Each participant has their own short excerpt from the song. During the action, the young people take pictures with the competition participants.

  • House. The participant must stand behind the young people and make a roof over their heads with their hands. Music track: “Under the roof of your house” by Yu. Antonov.
  • Car. The participant sits on a chair and pretends to be a driver. Driver gloves and a helmet can be used as props. Music track: "Crazy Frog".
  • Yacht. The participant portrays the captain of the ship, standing at the helm. You can use a smoking pipe and a captain's cap. Music track: “Yacht, sail” by V. Strykalo.
  • Country house. You need to depict something dacha - digging a vegetable garden, for example. Props - a children's shovel or rake, gloves, sunglasses and a hat. Music track: “What a wonderful day, I’m not too lazy to work...” from m/f.
  • Money. The participant is given a wad of “money”. He can scatter it over the heads of the young, making it “rain money.” Music track: “Money, money, money” gr. ABBA.

At the end of the competition, you need to take a group posed photo with the track “We wish you happiness.”

School of Etiquette

The presenter explains that there are different situations in life. Conflicts arise in which it is important to find a compromise. The main thing is not to stoop to throwing hurtful words in the heat of the moment, which you may later regret.

Newlyweds are invited to undergo a crash course in etiquette. And, if there is a bad word on the tip of your tongue, replace it with the name of the flower. To do this, young people, with the help of tips from guests, write 5 names of flowers on a piece of whatman paper. The groom – with feminine names, the wife – with masculine names.

Next, the presenter reads out conflict situations for each of the newlyweds and writes down the answers. Young people must choose from five flower options the one they will use in a similar situation.

For the bride

SituationWhat can you call your husband?
1.My husband was late at work.
2.The husband does not want to go to visit his mother-in-law.
3.My husband accidentally broke his favorite set.
4.My husband forgot about an important date.
5.The husband does not want to agree on one important issue.

For the groom

SituationWhat can you call your wife?
1.My wife was late from the bachelorette party.
2.My wife doesn’t want to let me go fishing or go somewhere else with friends.
3.My wife spent the money she had saved for a car and bought a fur coat.
4.Your wife accidentally started talking on the phone and burned a burn through your favorite shirt with an iron.
5.Your wife has tidied up your desk and now you can't find anything.

Active entertainment

One of the main components of a wedding dinner is an active entertainment program. It is important to think it through carefully so that the host and guests find a common language, guests of all ages are involved in the program, but at the same time, and the evening is not overloaded. Even at the stage of choosing a host, it is worth discussing the format of games and entertainment at the wedding: guests will definitely not like crawling or lying on the floor in evening and cocktail dresses.

Master classes

When thinking about zoning at a wedding, consider a place where you can organize master classes. What can you pay attention to? First of all, floral master classes, dance, culinary or creative classes. You can even organize cigar rolling, the main thing is that there is a desire, and it suits the concept of your wedding. The more guests at the wedding, the simpler the wedding plan should be, and the more team-based its organization. You can organize a pie baking master class, divide the guests into a couple of teams and then choose the best one. Depending on how fresh and cheerful the guests should be for the MK, you need to plan the time when it will be held. For example, it is better to do floral masterpieces during the welcome buffet or immediately after the ceremony, but dance masterpieces can be moved to the middle of the gala dinner.

Drawing on water (Ebru)

Ebru is an ancient Turkish art of water painting. The design is applied to the water surface and then carefully transferred to paper or fabric. The invited master will create paintings in front of the guests, after which small drawings can be distributed as souvenirs to the participants of the celebration.

Show program

If your budget allows, organize a show program and performances by artists of different genres as entertainment at your wedding:

  • magicians
  • artists and cartoonists
  • sand animation
  • dancers
  • fire show
  • singers and cover bands

It is very important to maintain harmony and not to oversaturate the program with various activities. Proper distribution of congratulations and an active show program will give guests unforgettable emotions. It’s great if you can find artists whose performance will be unusual or new for your guests, for example, a science show or a colorful bartender show.

Live music

Live music is an excellent addition to an elegant wedding evening with a well-thought-out program or to a cozy dinner for those closest to you. For live music, you can choose any format - from a string quartet to a modern group. It is important that the style of music and songs fully corresponds to the format of the banquet. Live music can accompany guests throughout the evening: from the welcome buffet and ceremony to separate blocks during the wedding reception.


Guests will enjoy walking along the mysterious paths of the labyrinth. Such a walk can be turned into an exciting competition. A labyrinth with lines of fire or lanterns will look especially impressive at night.

Crosswords and magazines

Printed items can be a great way to entertain guests and provide a small part of the wedding that they can take with them as a keepsake. A printed magazine with facts about the couple or stories about their favorite places and films can be an excellent option to fill the Welcome area and welcome buffet, and then complement the relaxation area. The crossword puzzle is suitable for both the welcome area and the entire wedding evening. Prepare a special prize for the guest who completes all the tasks first. This way, guests will not only be able to have fun and win a prize, but also get to know you better. Don't forget that the crossword should be about your couple and contain relevant questions, for example:

  • where did you meet and where did you go on your first date?
  • Zodiac sign of the bride or make of the groom's car
  • funny questions about your favorite films, or “trick” questions

Interview and video greeting

If videographers are expected to be present at the wedding, then guests can be entertained with a short interview. They can talk about where they met the newlyweds and how they plan to surprise them in the evening. Short congratulations will be especially touching - small passages lasting 20-30 seconds will remember this wonderful day and all the guests. Even if there is no videographer, then you can safely leave a special camera for recordings and instructions for guests. Next to the photo zone, such a camera will definitely be popular, and you will then be very pleased to watch the video!


Are you planning an intimate wedding outdoors? At the end of the party, plan to sit around the fire. There are things that bring people together - and heartfelt conversations accompanied by the sounds of a crackling fire are on this list. Bring blankets, a guitar or a telescope - they will make the evening unforgettable!

Save Saved

Save Saved

Save Saved


Quests have literally taken over the entire entertainment sphere! And this is not surprising: at the same time it is the work of the brain, and the release of adrenaline, and fantasy, and logic, and an interesting pastime with friends. There are several options for such quests for weddings. The first is a live quest. There are enough professionals who can help organize a live quest at any wedding venue. You just have to take into account that such a quest will require time and space. Think about this when planning your wedding party entertainment. The second version of the quest is an away quest in a specially equipped container. Yes, now there is such a thing! The quest room will come to you itself, and with it, fun for the guests.

Open air cinema

For informal weddings for friends and family or a buffet wedding, an outdoor cinema is a stunning entertainment option. Such a cinema will be a real surprise for guests. You should be careful when choosing films. These should definitely be romantic films or comedies, or maybe melodramas, but not too sad. Still, the holiday spirit should not be lost! You can leave such a cinema in the background, handing over the show schedule to guests at the beginning of the evening, or take breaks in the main program so that guests have the opportunity to enjoy their favorite movie! In the same area you can show pre-edited videos about you. Be sure to take care of comfortable seats for everyone present, blankets and hot drinks so that guests do not freeze.

Bride ransom

The tradition of ransoming the bride for symbolic coins, sweets, and champagne remains relevant at modern weddings. Bridal ransom at a wedding now means not only posters on the walls of the entrance and crowds of neighbors gathered; this event can be held very stylishly and in various formats. Based on the professional background of the bride or groom, you can organize a bride ransom in the style of the traffic police (there is an interesting competition with road signs for this) or with the involvement of a fire extinguishing crew, in the form of music or dance, come up with original questions for the groom to ask for ransom, or use the universal entertainment “Chamomile” for bride price."

Bridal buyout events are held absolutely everywhere - their success depends on a well-thought-out scenario and the activity of the groom and his support group. It is better to adapt ready-made scenarios for themed wedding ransoms and bride ransom competitions to specific people, then everything will go in the best possible way and will not look routine. A youth bride price scenario should take into account the interests and hobbies of the newlyweds, so the ideal option would be if it was composed by close friends of the couple who have a sense of humor - who better than them would know joint jokes, jokes and practical jokes.

The location of the ransom introduces certain nuances into the scenario: a ransom in a modern-style apartment is sometimes limited by space and this should be taken into account when there are large crowds of people, but the scenario of a bride ransom in a private house gives more opportunities and freedom of action. If the weather still permits, then original and unusual scenarios for the bride price can be taken out into the fresh air: the photographs will turn out bright, and guests will not have to crowd into narrow corridors and rooms.

Meeting the bride and groom in the park

Of course, it is quite possible to do without the traditional ransom, replacing it with an unexpected solution: to meet the groom without paying a bride price. Welcoming speeches, comic vows of the groom, a beautiful bride, fun and joy will create the appropriate festive mood for the continuation of the wedding celebrations.

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