Examples of characteristics of guests at a wedding for the toastmaster

Competitions and skits for weddings

  • How to write a description of the bride?
  • An example of a groom's characteristics for a wedding
  • Characteristics of parents at the wedding
  • Characteristics of friends for a wedding with humor
  • Funny characteristics and descriptions of relatives

A wedding is an event where it can be especially interesting and fun. So that the invitees are not embarrassed by the fact that they do not know each other, it is recommended to prepare cool characteristics of the guests at the wedding. This will help defuse the situation, lift everyone’s spirits and spend a gala evening in a relaxed atmosphere.

When compiling descriptions of guests for a wedding, you must not forget about the rules of etiquette. However, presenting the form “last name, first name, patronymic, degree of relationship with the heroes of the occasion” will be boring. It is better to come up with more original formulations in prose or poetry.

First of all, attention should be paid to the newlyweds . To describe them, you will need to know in advance the facts about the bride and groom, the history of their acquaintance, hobbies, etc. It is also possible to have a presentation where the newlyweds talk about themselves.

Characteristics of wedding guests for the host - examples

A correctly and succinctly drawn up description of guests for a wedding toastmaster is an example of a responsible approach to organizing a celebration.
Regardless of the experience the host has, a guest list that includes a description of each guest will help him plan the evening. This is especially true at weddings with a large number of guests. Having brief characteristics of the guests, the toastmaster will help the guests get to know each other in a playful way. And it will be easier for him to lead the evening - instead of thinking about who is who, he will be able to fully concentrate on the celebration.

How to write a guest profile - sample

So, that very day has come, the banquet is ready to burst into joy, the toastmaster is ready to begin his duties, but... something/someone is in the way.

He cannot understand who this pretty elderly grandmother is, who painted herself bright purple for such an event and is doing her best to attract attention to her person. Or that girl on the side in a miniskirt? Who is she?

Is it the bride's unmarried older sister or just a slightly jealous friend? The toastmaster needs all these nuances to avoid unpleasant incidents. Without at least minimal information about the guests of the bride and groom, the host will feel like a small child and will not be able to control sudden situations that threaten to result in a scandal.

In the vast majority of weddings, there are at least two groups of guests who don't know each other.

One of the simplest and most obvious cases is two “clans” - the bride’s family and the groom’s family.

Many relatives from different families, especially those from other cities, have not even met each other. Groups of friends, acquaintances and colleagues are usually added to them.

The unknown causes mixed feelings and a certain wariness in a person. Having introduced the guests, you can count on some kind of sympathy credit, which will not hurt at the beginning of the celebration.

That is why you need to create brief characteristics of the invited guests.

It is advisable for the newlyweds themselves to draw up the characteristics.

However, given that young people may have very little information about some of the invited people, their loved ones should help them with this - mother/father, grandmother/grandfather. In fact, what can a bride, for example, know about her cousin from Urengoy, whom she saw twice in her life, and whom her mother decided to invite to her beautiful daughter’s wedding?

Or about dad’s colleague Veniamin Alexandrovich, whom she had never seen at all? In addition, by compiling descriptions of the guests together, the newlyweds themselves will get a certain idea about those of them who are unfamiliar to them.

When writing characteristics of guests, it is advisable to be brief, otherwise the introduction ceremony may drag on.

However, the description must contain basic information. The following plan can be used as an example:

  • Full Name;
  • connection between the guest and the bride and groom (relative, classmate, fellow student, work colleague, etc.);
  • type of professional activity;
  • hobbies, any talents;
  • dignity as a person.

As additional information, you can indicate the zodiac sign, the year according to the horoscope; perhaps this information will be useful to the toastmaster for some game scenario. Guests must be introduced following the rules of decency. Representatives of the older generation (grandparents, parents, simply older people) are called by their first name and patronymic, without familiarity, with due respect, but without excessive stiffness, which would be inappropriate at a fun holiday.

This equally applies to guests of honor - a favorite teacher, senior work colleagues, superiors.

The younger generation (brother, sister, close friends) can be introduced in an informal style, jokingly.

Young people are not particularly scrupulous about following the rules of etiquette, and a few jokes (of course, without offensive or ambiguous attacks) always add fun and a festive mood.

Guests, as a rule, gather before the bride and groom arrive - this is a good time for the toastmaster to say hello and get to know them better. In any case, he needs to be among the guests, introduce himself, make a couple of compliments, praise the children, and try to get close to at least some of the guests. As a result, several goals will be achieved at once:

  • even if it’s a stretch, but thanks to this the toastmaster will not seem like a complete stranger to the guests; at the subconscious level, for most of them he is already “one of our own”;
  • when talking with guests, he may ask: which of them wants to say a toast, perhaps someone wants to convey congratulations and greetings from a relative who, for some reason, is deprived of the opportunity to attend the wedding;
  • also, in the process of informal communication with guests, the host can learn some funny family story, interesting information about the guest himself, something funny or simply interesting about the bride and groom;
  • While chatting casually with guests, the toastmaster will also be able to supplement the information presented in the description with personal impressions.

Information obtained as a result of such “intelligence” should be used delicately and be sure to clarify whether the person to whom this information relates has any objections.

It is necessary to introduce the invitees according to a pre-thought-out scenario, agreed upon with the newlyweds, so that the acquaintance does not turn into a tedious, drawn-out procedure, which, moreover, may turn out to be useless in a large company. The process itself should be fun, easy and interesting. This can be done at different times and in different ways:

  • at the very beginning of the banquet, following a certain order - the heroes of the occasion, their parents, closest relatives, friends;
  • during the first table - in random order under the guise of a comic quiz, this is a good moment, because usually nothing special happens at weddings at this time;
  • During the holiday, guests, at the direction of the toastmaster, having previously introduced themselves, participate in competitions and say wishes.

If there are really a lot of guests, then it makes sense to order cards or badges with their names - this will help avoid awkward situations. If there are a large number of guests, you can also introduce them to each other in two ways at the same time.

Parents, close relatives and guests of honor are introduced to everyone at the beginning, and the rest of the guests are introduced throughout the evening, during various games and competitions. This approach will avoid boredom and a feeling of officialdom.

How to introduce guests to the presenter in prose and poetry

Guests should be introduced with short, succinct phrases or small texts. Too much information will be superfluous. Most guests simply won’t remember it, since they don’t really need it. The exception is young people, their parents and immediate relatives. In this case, it is no longer so much a performance as a tribute.

The parents of the bride and groom, as well as grandparents, are introduced separately. Here are some examples:

  1. This intelligent woman with a noble bearing will always love our young one and be an example for her. One can only envy her courage, because over the past twenty years she has worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in a very ordinary school. Please welcome the mother of the bride, Elena Sergeevna!
  2. The standard of courage and nobility, this man has always been an example for his colleagues and, first of all, for his son. Major of the criminal investigation department, a big fan of fishing and an ardent Dynamo fan. Let me introduce - Rodion Mikhailovich is the father of the groom.
  3. The sweetest woman, a storehouse of kindness. With her skillful hands, she cooks delicious pies and knits very beautiful sweaters. We present to you the bride's grandmother - Ekaterina Dmitrievna.

After the parents have been introduced, they are given the opportunity to say a parting word and wish them a happy family life. The witness and witness, their companions, if any, and, of course, people who came to the wedding alone are also presented separately. For example:

  1. The soul of the company, an outstanding programmer who, perhaps, could compete with a guy named Bill Gates, a faithful friend since childhood - groom's best man Denis.
  2. Looking at this girl, you immediately understand that Denis is a true connoisseur of beauty - we present to your attention Victoria, the charming companion of our witness.

In order to shorten the introduction ceremony, which is especially important when there are a large number of invitees, it is advisable to introduce, for example, a married couple with children together, at the same time.

Andrey Vladimirovich is a good friend of Rodion Mikhailovich and the godfather of our groom. His profession is not as heroic as that of Rodion Mikhailovich, but no less important and harsh - he teaches “compromise.”

Next to him is his dear wife Lydia Alexandrovna, the keeper of the hearth. The very cute girls who accompany them are their twin daughters Irinka and Tanechka.

Sometimes an unexpected situation may arise.

For example, if one of the invited guests came with a new friend, unfamiliar with everyone else, then it is advisable to ask his/her name from the guest and, introducing him/her, introduce the companion. This could be a short phrase: An excellent surgeon and just a good friend - Nikolai and his companion Natasha. You can introduce guests in quatrains, but this is acceptable if there are not too many guests and, accordingly, there are no time limits. By and large, poetry is the concern of the toastmaster.

Moreover, a simple level will be sufficient. For example, you can introduce your best friend with such a simple poem.

She will hear the rapid beating of hearts,

Feel the slightest excitement.

She's always your best friend

There is a sea of ​​kindness and patience in her...

She is always ready to help.

To my best friend, Vika, a word.

This video shows another option for presenting guests at a wedding:

Drawing up characteristics is a troublesome task, as is all preparation for a wedding, but the result is worth the effort. Having a description of the guests, a professional toastmaster will not only be able to successfully introduce them, but also use the information received, and the fun at the wedding will not subside until the celebration is over. In addition, the successful completion of the wedding will be greatly facilitated by the well-started acquaintance of the guests with each other. After all, a wedding should be fun and friendly!

As a rule, when attending a wedding as a guest, a person does not know everyone present.

Therefore, it is very important to introduce guests correctly, preferably at the beginning of the festive feast, and not wait until they reach the desired condition and begin chaotic fraternization. Having become acquainted in this way, the guests the next day may not remember who they introduced themselves to yesterday and who introduced themselves to them.. So

We will introduce you to wedding etiquette, which teaches how to present guests at a wedding in an interesting way, and the secrets used by the toastmaster. After all, he must draw up a script in advance, think through every little detail

So. We will introduce you to wedding etiquette, which teaches how to present guests at a wedding in an interesting way, and the secrets used by the toastmaster. After all, he must draw up a script in advance, think through every little detail.

Examples of characteristics of guests at a wedding for the toastmaster

Alexey's mom and dad - full name

It’s hard to imagine how much work they had to put in to raise such a wonderful son, but they both did an excellent job. Mom’s kindness, gentleness and patience, along with dad’s determination, hard work and sensitivity, were embodied in their children.

In their free time from raising children, they work as judges - mom in the magistrate's court, and dad in the Moscow military court - major general of justice.

In addition, dad teaches at the law department of Moscow State University, built a “house in the village”, where he and his mother take a break from Moscow on weekends.

Alena's mom and dad - full name

They got married in Leningrad and a year later, the fruit of their love appeared - our bride.

Mom, like a real military doctor’s wife, loves to travel... especially to military camps and garrisons, loves to cook, raise children and, of course, loves her husband very much.

Dad, like a loving husband, did not deny his wife anything, and took her... to garrisons and military camps from St. Petersburg to the Far East.

In his youth he was interested in music, played bass guitar in a band, loves photography and going fishing with his son.

Alexey's sister is Yulia, aka Yulenka

Unlike Sergei, she did not deviate from the path of a lawyer and, last year, received a law degree. faculty of Moscow State University.

Works in a notary's office and plans to become a notary.

One of the groom's most trusted persons. Knows many of its secrets and secrets.

And finally, she is simply beautiful. She is accompanied by a friend, Vasily Filimonov.

Alena's beloved brother - Vadik

Vadik is interested in football, archery and has even won prizes in competitions.

He loves fishing - he already has hundreds of fish in his collection, from crucian carp to snakehead. Recently he has been studying in St. Petersburg.

Alexei's grandmother - Zoya Petrovna

For the closest people - Grandmother Zoya, who is also the groom's grandmother and mother - Sergei's mother. Previously, I used terms such as debit and credit, but now I am ready to give advice to anyone: where is the best swimming pool in Mytishchi and in which forest, in those parts it is better to walk and where it is better to ride a bicycle. The consultation will be based on long-term personal experience.

Alena's grandmother - Rimma Petrovna

For the bride, she is the beloved grandmother and mother of Papa Mary.

The bride owes much of her good health to the time she spent with her grandmother in the village.

Rimma Petrovna has a house in the village and runs her own farm.

Alexey's grandmother - Elizaveta Stepanovna

For the closest people, Grandma Lisa, who is also the groom’s grandmother and mother of Sergei’s father. It fully corresponds to the words of Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful.”

Alena's great-grandparents - Alexey Vasilievich and Irina Igorevna

Alexey Vasilyevich is a wonderful organizer, a well-known toastmaster in the family circle and a cheerful person in life, he was very upset when he found out that there was already a toastmaster at this wedding, since from the very birth of his granddaughter... he wanted to be a toastmaster at her wedding.

Irina Igorevna, support and rear of Alexey Vasilyevich. In addition to the fact that she organizes home life, she is in no way inferior to her husband in terms of organizing celebrations.

The Verkhodin couple - Aunt Sonya, Uncle Lesha and Alexei's cousin Igor

Sonya is Sergei's aunt and sister - the groom's mother.

Sonya has been saving people in ambulances for a long time, but now she works in commerce. A very purposeful and strong woman.

Sonya's husband is Alexey. Loves the speed and noise of the engine. There are rumors that Alexey overtook Michael Schumacher himself, but... just before the finish line, he gave in to him... so as not to offend him. And, of course, Igor is Sergei’s cousin.

He loves cars very much and is now on the path of determination in life.

Alena's aunt and uncle - Sofya Nikiforovna and Ilya Matveevich

Sofya Nikiforovna is the bride's godmother. He saves people by working in an ambulance. He is a very kind person and I want to note that at one time there were rumors that Dr. Aibolit became so kind after he worked with Sophia on the same shift.

Ilya Matveevich is Sophia’s husband. Works at Russian Railways. It was Ilya Matveevich who taught the bride to ride a bicycle.

Uncle Sasha and Aunt Sophia are Alexei’s uncle and aunt, as well as his cousins ​​Alla and Vera and all four, oddly enough, are the Arkhipov couple

Uncle Sasha is not only the groom’s uncle, he is also the brother of the groom’s father. Alexander is following the path of a professional photographer. If Sergei wants to restore the most interesting moments of his childhood, he will always have such an opportunity, simply by looking at the photographs taken by Alexander. Yes, the first sneakers in Sergei’s life and the very first chewing gum were presented by Uncle Alexander. So this is the groom’s favorite uncle =). Next to Alexander is his wife Sophia, who manages to combine 4 things at the same time. Work, housekeeping, raising 2 daughters and... heading the selection committee for choosing grooms for daughters.

...And finally, the above-mentioned daughters Alla and Vera are the groom’s cousins. It seems that just recently they celebrated how they turned 5 years old, and now two brides have already grown up. They are not just beauties, Alla loves animals very much, knows how to ride horses and... shoot with her eyes, and Vera draws beautifully, and... makes even creative young men, who usually do not notice anything around them, worry.

Meeting guests in verse

Even in the process of preparing for the wedding evening, the toastmaster and the bride and groom discuss the list of guests and options for how they can be presented.

The toastmaster writes down the name, surname, who and who is the guest, what he does, where he works, profession, hobbies and talents of the guest, personal characteristics.

Or even remember a short, funny and kind story about a guest.

From all the information received, the host of the evening compiles a short description of the guest in humorous verses, after reading which the guest can be given a funny gift certificate.

If there are a lot of guests and there is no time to read poems about each invitee, then you can even introduce them in groups.

You can also print out an invented poem about a guest on a card and then give it to him as a souvenir.

Choosing a time to get acquainted

There is an opinion that it is better to introduce guests at a wedding about an hour after the start of the banquet, during which time everyone gets used to the new environment and relaxes. And acquaintance can be carried out in the process of presenting gifts, when guests congratulate the newlyweds, say toasts and sing songs.

First you need to introduce the parents of the bride and groom, grandparents, godparents, and older guests. Here you need to avoid familiarity and call guests by name and patronymic, showing respect.

You can introduce guests at the beginning of the celebration in a certain order, starting with the young, or in random order during competitions and games.

You can also extend it over the entire holiday, when guests introduce themselves while completing the task of the host.

If there are a very large number of guests, when it is difficult to introduce everyone to each other, you can start with a game of dating, when the host reads the names and a short description of the invitee, and the guests get up from their seats.

It’s good if it’s a humorous, funny performance that will be easier for other guests to remember.

CUSTOM Every wedding has its own custom: Giving gifts, making toasts, And telling the young people an excellent toast To drain their glasses for happiness.

Let's do everything in order: First, let's say kind words, Then we'll dance nicely, even in a squat, And drink so that your head doesn't hurt.

So, according to the ancient Decree, Do not say too much and all at once, Let the young people in each new toast Feel the guest’s disposition.

So, we raised our glasses to the young people, We drank to their happiness and love. Now we ask our guests convincingly to raise their glasses to their parents.

(First name and patronymic) - stand up - show yourself to good people and all honest people! FOR THE MOTHER-IN-LAW: Now you are not just a mother of a daughter, but you have also become a mother-in-law, by the way. Our mother-in-law is good - she has beauty and she has soul.

For her health and success - Drinking a glass is not a sin at all! Now it’s easier to talk: You can call her a mother, or you can call her mother-in-law.

There would be a waltz here for mom, so that her son-in-law would invite her. FOR THE SON-IN-LAW: Our Son-in-Law is a sight for sore eyes: He is beautiful from his looks to his height. He calls his mother-in-law “mother” and doesn’t accuse her of anything. And he makes a promise publicly - To be her excellent son and son-in-law.

FOR THE Father-in-law: Your wife has become a mother-in-law And you shouldn’t lag behind You are a father-in-law! And here there is only one conclusion: You now have a son-in-law and a son. Moreover, there is also a matchmaker and a matchmaker. Open your arms wider! I ask you to drink standing for your father-in-law. He simply deserves it! FOR THE MOTHER-IN-LAW Stand up, mother of the groom, How do you like your daughter-in-law? The son has found his love - you are now a mother-in-law. She will call you mom But don’t be stubborn with her Be affectionate, period.. And call her daughter And then from year to year your family will be replenished! FOR THE SON-IN-IN-Father Father-in-law, are you happy? The bride has a kind look, And her figure... And her soul is also very good. From now on you are awarded the title of father-in-law in this world. And this time for my father-in-law, we ask you all to raise a toast! FOR THE SISTER-IN-LAW Who sings and dances cleverly? We'll tell you - sister-in-law! A good sister to a brother - Beauty, rich in intelligence. And when the time comes For the daughter-in-law, she will become not a sister-in-law, but a sister and a dear friend. Toastmaster - show some skill! Let's drink together to our sister-in-law! FOR THE BRother-in-law The brother-in-law is your husband's brother Respect him a hundred times, He will come to visit you for the holiday He is a joker and he is a prankster He loves to give gifts Sometimes he drinks two glasses And in general our brother-in-law is a treasure He is a husband's brother for that! Let's drink a glass to him right away without blinking an eye. FOR BROTHER-IN-LAW My wife also has a brother and he is also here with us. He won’t hurt his sister. This is clear even from the outside. And for my brother-in-law, friends, I’ll drink this glass, I ask you not to fuss, pour it and join. TOAST Pour wine or vodka into glasses and after listening to the toast, be sure to drink To the mother-in-law, who is friendly with her son-in-law, To the son-in-law, to whom the mother-in-law is important, To the happiness of the sister-in-law, to the brother-in-law, To the fact that love is the basis of happiness, To the wisdom of the mother-in-law, patience daughters-in-law, For the fact that everything was from the right hand, For the brother-in-law, for the matchmaker and the matchmaker, For the fact that the family was rich in origin. For a full cup, for conscience and honor For everyone who is here today!

How to write a description of the bride?

The description of the bride at the wedding should be positive and interesting . If all the guests on her side know what qualities and talents she has, then those invited from the groom’s side need to find out why this particular girl became the chosen one of their relative or friend.

The description should tell about the real features of the bride

In order not to invent anything, you should make a list of the bride’s qualities in advance. To do this, you need to contact the newlyweds themselves and their closest relatives and friends.

Guests greet the bride

You can prepare a “ technical passport ” of the bride in advance and present it to the guests in a light, comic form. To draw up a “document”, you need to find out what characteristics the bride has (many books read, master of sports, ability to sing, draw, play chess, etc.).

We should start with its description . For example:

  • height is suitable;
  • eyes - all-seeing;
  • natural hair;
  • mind – included;
  • the figure is breathtaking;
  • hand - heavy;
  • The character is golden, and therefore heavy.

Then you can list personal qualities and skills . If the bride cooks borscht wonderfully, you need to say about it. It is important that any information is presented easily and unobtrusively.

Guests meet at a wedding

Newlyweds showing off

This option is perfect for a wedding with any number of guests, within reason, of course. Like the previous one, this option of dating involves the active participation of the toastmaster and newlyweds, as well as their support from the invitees. Toastmaster: – Dear guests! In your opinion, from what moment or event does the joint journey of a man and woman to marriage begin? The guests answer. The toastmaster reasonably rejects their answers until one of those present says that the joint path of a young couple to a wedding begins with matchmaking (engagement). Toastmaster: - That's right! If the groom wooed and received consent to his proposal, then the wedding will take place! Young! You started out like that too, did the groom also come to get married? The newlyweds answer in the affirmative. Toastmaster: – One of the most important parts of matchmaking is boasting. This is when the groom’s matchmakers praise the “merchant”, and the bride’s matchmakers praise the “product”. Did you also have a boast? The young people answer in the affirmative. Toastmaster: – Dear guests! Were you and I present at this? No! And we would also be very interested to hear this. So let's ask the bride and groom to repeat especially for their guests, if not the whole matchmaking, then at least the boast. The guests applaud. Toastmaster: – Dear newlyweds! Now you have to boast to all the guests, as well as to each other, about your main wealth. You’ve already managed to register your marriage, so it’s too late to call matchmakers to brag and you’ll have to brag on your own. What does each person consider his wealth? Of course, your family and friends. These are the ones you will present to us now. So get up, hands on your waist, chest forward. Let's start with the groom. You should brag to all your parents, then to your family, and then to your friends. After this, the bride will boast to her loved ones. Just keep in mind that you must speak in such a way that it becomes clear to all guests that you consider these people to be your wealth and are proud of them. Dear guests! Fill your glasses - you'll need them very soon. The young people take turns bragging about their parents, relatives and friends, introducing them by name and briefly talking about them.

An example of a groom's characteristics for a wedding

It is logical to introduce the bride's companion and the main culprit of the event . The description of the groom at the wedding is prepared similarly to the description of the bride.

The character traits and abilities of the groom for the description should be known in advance

The qualities of the groom can also be issued in the form of a technical passport , which after the wedding will remain with the couple as a keepsake. An approximate description of the main qualities of a newlywed:

  • growth is decent;
  • character – patient, enduring;
  • physique – moderately well-fed;
  • age – full bloom of strength;
  • mind – sharp;
  • eyes – kind, cheerful;
  • hair – yes (the exact amount could not be determined).

Next, you can list the groom’s special qualities, mention that he has real estate or a car, and talk about his profession. In a humorous form, the “passport” includes operating conditions (feed on time and tasty, kept under supervision, etc.), as well as manufacturers’ guarantees (for example, that a ready-to-use husband cannot be returned or exchanged).

Presentation of the groom at the wedding

If you have the ability to write poetry, the option of a poetic representation of the bride and groom would be interesting. Such poems can be made to order. To do this, you should prepare a description of the newlyweds, their personal qualities and special abilities.

Cool congratulations on your wedding day

Today we are playing a wedding for (Name of the bride) and (Name of the groom) He became the husband, she became the wife, let them remember such a day. We were invited here to celebrate forever. So let's take a walk, pour vodka into glasses, let's shout bitterly at them and don't forget to count. Let our photographer not sleep, everyone looks drunk. And our sober cameraman would have made a pleasant film for us. The toastmaster would not be silent, she would drive everyone out of their chairs. I wouldn’t let them get bored, I wouldn’t let the young people get upset. Well, I want to wish that they live at “5”. First of all, they should bring their daughter into their house, and if there is a son, they should bring their daughter after him. I wish to build you a house, you have such a dream. At work I would be respected and my salary would be increased. What more could you wish for, not to get sick or get sick. Happiness, joy, success, let's drink to that now.

Characteristics of parents at the wedding

After the newlyweds are introduced, the baton passes to the parents . Agree, these are the most important people at a wedding after the bride and groom.

The presentation of parents should be special - these are guests of honor

Parents can be presented in prose or poetry. The speech should imply gratitude and respect for the older generation for the fact that they were able to raise worthy men and women.

In your presentation, start from your dad or mom’s hobbies character or profession . The style in which you meet your parents depends on what they consider acceptable. This point should be discussed in advance. If, for example, the groom’s mother and father are serious, intelligent people, then a comic performance will not be appropriate.

A dad’s description for a wedding could be like this: “Young at heart, a football fan, courageous and stern due to his profession - he teaches strength materials. I ask you to love and favor me, Georgy Petrovich, the father of the beautiful bride.” The groom's dad also needs an introduction. For example, the following text: “This noble man has always been an example for our groom. He is brave and strong - he serves in the FSB. He loves hockey and knows everything about fishing rods and bait. We present the groom’s father, Vasily Viktorovich.”

Presentation of parents at the wedding

Mothers of newlyweds need to be complimented. This will cheer them up. However, do not allow outright flattery - let it be a couple of succinct and truthful words.

The characteristics of the groom’s mother, for example, could be like this: “ A beautiful and elegant woman who could easily solve the problem near the Tower of Babel, as she is a professional translator. She also taught our groom to talk, walk and hold cutlery. So, the groom’s mother is Valentina Andreevna.”

Characteristics of the mother of the bride: “ Sociable and optimistic , she cannot imagine life without a dacha and a vegetable garden. This woman is also brilliantly versed in raising children, as she is an educational psychologist. We can verify this by looking at the bride. Ladies and gentlemen, the mother of our newlywed is Galina Timofeevna.”

In this way, you can introduce the newlyweds’ most dear people. Watch the video for a version of meeting parents in epigrams:

The first stage is introductory

Meeting with guests

The toastmaster agrees in advance with the heroes of the occasion that the guests arrive at the venue of the event before the bride and groom. Guests must also be warned. Everyone is given a small amount of pink petals.

Organizing a greeting

The host personally meets the guests near the gate (door) at the appointed time and asks, in order of increasing age, to line up in two rows opposite the entrance, forming a kind of corridor. At the very beginning, in the middle of the aisle, the parents of the young should stand - dads on the sides, and mothers in the center. Mothers hold a wedding loaf with the obligatory salt.

Arrival of the young

The toastmaster talks about the most important people - fathers and mothers, and the importance of their blessing. Upon entering the territory of the wedding festivities, the newlyweds immediately approach their parents


After the parental blessing, the presenter offers to find out who will be the real head of the family. To do this, the young break off a piece of a loaf with only one hand. The head is recognized as the one whose piece turned out to be large.

Oh, no salt!

After this, it is announced that, having salted each piece well, the young people should feed it to their significant other. As soon as the bride and groom are about to start “feeding,” the host stops the process and says: “What you wanted to feed the other, you must eat yourself. And in the future, don’t try to annoy your spouse like that!”

First toast

Drink to happiness and ardent love. Glasses are served only to newlyweds. After the champagne is drunk, the glasses should be thrown over your left shoulder. The size of the fragments determines the sex of the future first child in a new family. The big ones are a boy, the small ones are a girl.

Invitation to the table

The consolidation of the marriage took place according to the law - the crystal ringing helped us with this! Now you can continue the celebration. Everyone is invited to go to the wedding table.

Presentation of gifts

The young ones go first, passing through a lively corridor of guests. The person they pass by hands over his gift. There will be one invitee for each spouse.

Characteristics of friends for a wedding with humor

The list of guests with characteristics should begin with a description of the wedding friends and close relatives. There are several ways to introduce your guests.

Funny text introducing friends should not offend them or make fun of their shortcomings

If there are a lot of people, it is impossible to introduce them to each other. In this case, you can immediately start the dating game . The toastmaster can take turns calling guests who have the same characteristic (for example, a name starting with “A” or the presence of a certain item or color in clothing). Everyone who comes out introduces themselves, and then they congratulate the newlyweds or participate in the competition.

When there are not very many people, it is a good idea to voice the name and brief description of the guest in a comic form. To create a short description, you need to conduct a quick interview in which you need to find out:

  • connection with the bride or groom (studied together, neighbors, etc.);
  • profession;
  • personal qualities or preferences;
  • talents.

Here are examples of brief descriptions of guests in prose.

“A racing driver with many years of experience, a classmate of the groom and simply an excellent surgeon. Meet Alexey!”

“The queen of debit and credit, a resilient beauty, a wonderful financial director and a devoted friend of the bride. Ladies and gentlemen, Natalia!

Introducing friends at a wedding

Funny and humorous characteristics of people can be presented in poetic form . This requires creativity and a little humor. For example:

“This guest doesn’t drink with us. We will offer him compote and ask him to say a toast, to wish him love and prosperity.

We say hello to physical education - Let the athlete rise. He has been friends with his fiancé since childhood. Meet Artem Voronov.”

You can also find out each other's names using musical compositions . This is exactly how the toastmaster conducted the introduction in the video. To take advantage of his idea, it is necessary to clarify the list of invitees by name in advance and select appropriate songs. However, this is only feasible if there are few guests.

For a small company

For a small company or family celebration, you can choose games that do not require many participants.

For example, you can pass the baton of toasts and congratulations using a regular (or unusual) alarm clock. The presenter sets a timer on it. Guests pass the alarm clock from hand to hand. In whose hands it rings, give a toast and congratulate the newlyweds.

Balloon competitions

At a wedding celebration where a large number of guests are not planned, competitions and games with balloons are often held:

  1. who can inflate the balloon faster?
  2. lottery: each ball contains a task. The guest, approached by the host, must choose a ball, burst it and complete the task;
  3. the balloons may not contain tasks, but wishes that guests have written in advance on small pieces of paper. Even before the wedding ceremony began, the hosts placed them in balloons, and the balloons were attached to the backs of the guests’ chairs.

Chipmunk Speaker

The presenter gives the participant a card with a written word, the player must put as many small candies or nuts on his cheek as possible and say the word or phrase written on the card. The rest of the guests must guess. So that all the guests feel not “bitter”, but “sweet”, let everyone be “chipmunks”.

Kiss and bite

When the company has become so cheerful that friendly kisses with a neighbor will not cause jealousy in your spouse, you can hold “kissing competitions.” The following tasks can be included in the game “forfeits”:

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