Father's speech at his daughter's wedding: examples in his own words, in prose, in poetry, blessing

@wedding_magazine_russia A wedding is one of the key events in the life of every person. But it is such not only for newlyweds. To create a happy family, the bride and groom need the blessing of the people who gave them life - their parents. Many people are interested in the question of congratulating a father at his daughter’s wedding - what should be emphasized and what is better not to say in a congratulation.

Father's responsibilities at a wedding

The father, like the mother, plays a significant role in the daughter’s life. As for the wedding, he can take on a significant part of the organizational and financial issues.

The father has the responsibility of moral support for his daughter and blessing the groom.

In many families, it is customary to support the newlyweds in preparation for this festive event. First of all, this is financial assistance, and if the young people cannot cope, finding a place, a leader and other organizational issues.

On the wedding day, dad must conduct a blessing ceremony, and can also help in maintaining the schedule of all key events and seating the guests in the reception hall.

But the main task awaits from the moment the celebration begins - giving a speech to the father at his daughter’s wedding. Since dad makes the very first toast, his words and sincerity influence the further mood of everyone present.

Also, due attention should be paid to the preparation of the father-daughter dance.

Rite of blessing

Despite the fact that the blessing ceremony is not mandatory, newlyweds continue to support this tradition. It occurs after the bride is bought by the groom at her home. The only condition is that the young people and parents must be baptized.

During the blessing, the bride and groom kneel. Parents take with towels the icons of Christ the Savior for the young man and the Mother of God for the young man. When giving a parting speech, parents must baptize their children three times.

Parting words

The main thing in the speech is the sincerity of what is desired for the future family. The main attention should be paid to what accompanies family happiness and home comfort.

Example of parting words:

“Dear newlyweds! Advice and love to you! You have made an important and wonderful decision in your life - to build a family. We wish you love, patience, great happiness. May you be able to create home comfort and share the brightest emotions and feelings. And may there always be a place for care, understanding and children’s laughter in your home.”

Father's congratulations at his daughter's wedding

A wedding is one of the most exciting and touching events in the life of any person. Traditional wedding celebrations with the groom's matchmaking, festive feast, fiery speeches by the toastmaster and toasts to the health of the newlyweds, funny wedding competitions rush by like a whirlwind and overnight turn bachelors and unmarried people into a unit of society.

Holiday greetings come in different standard forms with a set of wishes, accompanied by music and poetry. Guests, represented by relatives and friends, try to put a special meaning into the essence of their matches and toasts so that the young people will remember it, but they will hear the most desired words from their parents. The parting words of the bride's father stand apart from all the wishes, perhaps because the love of fathers for girls is distinguished by special affection and tenderness. We bring to your attention several options for congratulating a father at his daughter’s wedding in his own words.

  1. Daughter! Just recently, I picked you up from the maternity hospital, rejoiced at your first words, steps, and was upset with you for the bad marks you received at school. When you started to grow up, I admired you and was proud that I had such a beautiful and smart daughter. And then Seryozha (groom) appeared in your life and I experienced some feeling of jealousy because I was no longer the most important man in your life. At night, waiting for you from your dates, my mother and I would lie awake and think that you had grown up and would soon say: get ready for the wedding! And so, this day has come, you brought Seryozha to us and my mother and I, worried, studied him, looked closely at him, asking: will he love you as much as we do? Today, giving you in marriage, we believe that your husband will now become your most faithful friend, protection and support, as we have been all the past years. And you will be a good wife to him! Know that we are parents, we will always help you in everything and we will be waiting for grandchildren! Bitterly.
  2. Seryozha, today I give you the most valuable thing I have, my daughter, whom I have cared for and cherished since her birth! I ask you to continue my work and continue to take care of her! Daughter, today a new chapter begins in your life, when you truly become an adult, from this day on you will have more responsibilities, now you will have to be a support to your husband in all his endeavors, help him in his affairs, support him! We raised you to be a good housewife, and we will not be ashamed of you, we want to hear the words of your husband that his wife is the best! Live together, love each other, respect each other!
  3. Daughter! Today is one of the most significant days in your life, when you started a family, you decided to connect your life with your loved one! I am very happy for you, because your husband is the dearest and closest person in your life! A wedding is just the beginning, a long family life awaits you, there will be storms and calms, joyful moments and sorrows, you need to go through them together, holding hands, and then both of you will not care about any obstacles! Take the example of your mother, who has supported, helped and guided me all my life, and become the same faithful friend for your husband! Love him, respect him, and he will answer you in kind! Advice and love to you!
  4. Daughter, I always thought that the day would come when a good fellow would knock on our door and ask for your hand. Like any loving father, I was excitedly waiting for this moment, and now it has happened! Not without fear and excitement, we worried about whether my mother and I would like him, and then we realized that you cannot choose a bad person, and when we saw Seryozha, we were convinced of this. We wish that his parents would accept you into their family, as we do Sergei, that they would treat you as their daughter. And you love and respect your husband’s parents! Mom and I fulfilled our mission: we raised you to be smart and hardworking, and now we will wait for our grandchildren so that we can pour out all our unspent love on them. Take on any task without fear, work, equip your family nest, do everything together and amicably! Love each other and live long, long lives!
  5. Daughter! On the one hand, I am glad that you found your loved one and decided to throw in your lot with him, but on the other hand, I am sad that my baby has already become an adult and is moving into adulthood, leaving my mother and I alone! But this is a cheerful sadness, of course, I am infinitely pleased and happy that you are getting married, because this is the cherished dream of any girl and it has come true! You waited for your prince and he takes you with him! Prince, (addressing the groom) treat our daughter like a princess, carry her in your arms and you, princess, remember that you are married to a prince, please him, look after him! Living life is not a field to cross, you need to eat a ton of salt together to pass all the tests, so do not be afraid of difficulties, go through them with dignity and support each other in happiness and sorrow!
  6. Daughter! Well, your Gray has come for you on a ship with scarlet sails and you are sailing away with him! The sea on which you will sail is called family life; there will be storms, hurricanes, calms and unrest. You will be washed up against rocks and quiet harbors, I am telling you this because I am an experienced sailor, I have been sailing in this sea myself for many years. Your husband is the captain, and you are the navigator, the way you give advice and plot the route will determine how your ship will sail! The main thing is not to run aground! Well, even if it turns out this way, then your mother and I will pull you out, take you in tow! The main thing is, in the storm and in the calm, hold hands, love each other, and then you will be able to overcome all obstacles!
  7. Daughter, now you know on which hand the wedding ring is worn, but it really is, as the song says, not just a decoration, but a symbol of love and fidelity! Now you are not a lonely and free girl, but a married woman, someone has appeared in your life who will not just be a husband, but your best friend! Love him, respect his parents, if you decide to scold him, then immediately feel sorry for him! Know how to forgive, but don’t give in, I believe that you can stand up for yourself! But don’t swear in vain, man, he’s the head of the family, you should always remember this! Advice and love to you! Bitterly!
  8. Daughter, we give you in marriage with a calm soul and heart! You grew up to be a good girl, beautiful and smart, and you found a husband to match you! We believe that you will live a long and happy life, give birth to children, to our delight! There are no special secrets in family life, the main thing is to understand and respect each other! If you quarreled, don’t delay reconciliation! Feed him tasty, dress him cleanly, don’t scold him unnecessarily! And you are the groom, love my daughter and make her life a paradise!

White bread. Clear skies... Advice and love

Do you remember how at weddings that were covered with the dust of years, guests congratulated the newlyweds? Everyone, without exception, desired the same clear sky and white bread. They ended with a wish: “Advice to you, and love. Bitterly!" Good words that were passed from mouth to mouth. There was no Internet and everything was invented by Aunt Lyusya, a mass entertainer. Yes, I wonder, does anyone know why “Bitter!”? Tell me about it. Because the arguments and information are different. So let's continue.

The performance can be played out as follows:

How to congratulate the bride to her father in prose, poetry, in your own words - options

On the day of his daughter’s wedding, the father, fully realizing that his girl had not just grown up, but turned into a real beauty, became a woman, a wife, tries to tell her the most important, necessary words.

He strives to express his love, to reassure his daughter that he will always be there and that she can count on his help and support at any time.

When choosing the text of your congratulations, you can use poems by famous poets or try to express your feelings in your own words.

Congratulations from dad should be a little strict, but at the same time gentle. You can use a ready-made text or write it yourself. Congratulations in verse sound especially touching:

Be, daughter, an excellent wife,

A wonderful mother and a wonderful housewife.

So that the husband always hurries home,

And you waited for him and remained attractive.

Poetic texts are found on the pages of numerous sites on the Internet, but it is better to use literary sources. After all, not only classics, but also modern poets are the authors of beautiful lines dedicated to daughters who are getting married. To be sure that the poems are not just original, but unique, you should try to write them yourself.

The main thing is not even the rhyme - each line of such a poem expresses the innermost thoughts of the parents who became the authors of the text.

Congratulations in prose will be solemn. Not everyone can write beautiful poetry, but prose is accessible to everyone. There are many so-called templates, which can be found on postcards or in special collections:

“Daughter! I'm putting you in the hands of a real man. I am sure that he will become a reliable support, protection, and support for you. Next to him you will be happy, which means we, your parents, will be happy too.

I tried to teach you goodness and today, congratulating you, I want to wish you to remember my lessons, to be attentive and caring, persistent and able to yield. With all my heart I wish you happiness and want you to know: I will always be there.

My dear daughter! Today you became a wife. For your husband, you are a wonderful young woman, but for me you will forever remain a child, a sweet girl. I see how your eyes glow with happiness, how your husband looks at you, and I am proud that you are my daughter. Always be so beautiful and happy, hold tightly to your husband’s strong hand, be patient, attentive, caring. In a word, be a real wife.”

Ready-made texts of congratulations do not always help to express all the feelings that the parents of the bride and groom experience on this special day, so many give parting words to the newlyweds, speaking in their own words.

Young people understand perfectly everything that their parents want to tell them, and many adults find it easier to express their emotions by abandoning well-known phrases prepared in advance.

“Daughter! Today is not an ordinary holiday. Today is your family's birthday. I want to wish her to be strong, friendly, big. Love and respect each other, appreciate, learn not only to listen, but also to hear.

Before you say or do anything towards each other, imagine that they are doing the same to you. Remember that you are the keeper of the family hearth, be attentive, caring, gentle, but strict and fair. Take care of each other. I wish you great happiness and many years of happy family life!”

Congratulations from the father are addressed not only to the bride; the father says parting words, addressing the groom or both newlyweds:

We now have a son in our family! I give him my daughter, being absolutely confident that he will become a real support for her in life. My daughter’s happiness is in his strong hands, and I believe that he can make her truly happy! Walk through life boldly, holding hands tightly.

You will soon understand that only your love and mutual understanding are the key to a strong and friendly family. Love and appreciate each other. Let children's laughter and cheerful music sound in your home. Be happy!

We, like all parents on their children’s wedding day, are filled with joy and pride for you. You are independent adults who are starting a new life. Let her be happy. May your children make you happy just as you make us happy.

I wish you, daughter, to become an attentive, gentle, patient wife, a caring mother, a wonderful housewife, a true keeper of the family hearth. And you, son-in-law, be a man capable of protecting and preserving your family, protecting your wife and children from any troubles. Be happy!

Parental home - the beginning of life

The little girl who slept on her daddy's lap with a teddy bear in her arms has grown up. Today she stands at the altar in a wedding dress, shimmering under the restrained rays of the sun. In the life of every father there comes a moment that he, without showing it, is afraid of: from now on, his own blood will go to someone else’s house, being a bride, then being a wife, and then becoming the mother of her own family.

Despite this, the father, of course, is happy with all his heart for his girl, because she is truly happy with a man behind whom she will be like behind a stone wall. He will give a blessing before the wedding day, even being confident that only the father can take the best care of his baby.

Beloved and loving dad, for the entire six months that remains until the wedding day, prepares a speech and congratulations, rehearsing, nervously, coming up with new metaphors, comparisons, epithets that are perfectly suitable for his daughter. The moment of parting has arrived.

The father's blessing and congratulations truly mean a lot to the bride. When choosing her future husband, giving him preference over other boys, boys, men, and young men, the young lady was guided by the image of her own father, who had been an example all her life. It might be important for her that her father agrees with the chosen one, the one to whom the “little father” is going to give his heart.

Obviously, in the afternoon, when the groom asked for the hand and heart of his beloved, a joint dinner was celebrated: the parents of both parties and children were present during the solemn hour. The father of the bride should not show his fears about his son-in-law “without five minutes”, because two pairs of eyes are looking at him with trepidation. Receiving a blessing is also essential for a young man applying for the role of a girl’s husband.

Wedding congratulations from a friend

Poems for the wedding toast of the father of the bride

*** Time flew by quickly, Childhood ran away. And today, as I wanted, you are getting married, daughter.

You beam and shine, The groom glows with happiness. Long life to you! We congratulate you on the wedding of you two.

May great luck rain down on you. We wish you love forever and look forward to grandchildren soon.

Bright days, warmth, prosperity, Easy and straight roads. May your life be sweet, and God bless you, children!

*** We are giving away our daughter in marriage... Be happy together! We congratulate the young people and wish them understanding.

Live in harmony and love, Have children soon. So that prosperity reigns in the family, and there is order with work.

Our dear daughter, You are our beauty and pride. May everything work out for you, our children, in good time!

*** We, daughter, congratulate you on the happiness you have found! With sadness in our hearts we let go, We say these words: Live happily and together, Be faithful for many years! Decide everything unanimously. Love to you, children, and advice!

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