Beautiful and funny congratulations on the 80th anniversary of a woman

Anniversary scene for a woman turning 80


80 years is a very great age, and it is very wonderful if your relatives have lived to reach this figure, and the main thing is that this is not the limit, and there is as much reason for such celebrations as possible. You can celebrate this holiday at home, but if your financial situation allows and there are countless guests, then you can go to a cafe or restaurant, then you will have more time to spend the holiday itself, and not to prepare a variety of dishes.


"Grandmother's Tale." Every woman dreams of finding herself in a fairyland, where she will play the role of a princess, so this topic is always relevant, regardless of age. Be sure to decorate the room with a variety of congratulatory posters and garlands, balloons, and in the center you can hang a homemade, main garland with the name “Eightieth Kingdom.” For each guest, you can prepare memorable souvenirs, for example, figurines with fairy-tale characters, or small books with fairy-tale content; although this will be a little, it will still be very pleasant.


In the eightieth kingdom, in the eightieth state, a dear princess lived, And she was waiting for her birthday, And now this day has come, The eightieth anniversary is a huge Anniversary, So let's her, we will congratulate her, And celebrate a gorgeous feast, But first, we need her everyone - call!

(the guests, at the command of the presenter, call the hero of the day, she enters, applause sounds)

Presenter (bowing):

Hello dear princess, We have been waiting for this process for a long time, We want to congratulate you today, And wish you all the best with all our hearts, But first, here you are, you will receive a crown, And take away the magic flowers, But they will definitely not be simple, They will give expensive gifts!

(the presenter hands the hero of the day a crown and a bouquet of three lush roses, each of which will be wrapped in a piece of paper with a wish)



And now you take your throne, Come to the luxurious festive table!

(The hero of the day goes to her place)

Presenter (toast):

Well, what can you wish for the princess?! And we can’t count all the words, Probably more magic, So that her life would be a fairy tale, Of course, good health, More reasons for a feast, And for this, this is all, I ask everyone to drink wine!

(musical break, meal)


Soon the fairy tale will be told, but not soon the deed will be done, But here we have a competition!


The competition is called: “Heroes of Fairy Tales”. Everyone is welcome to participate. Each person is given the name of one hero, which he should be, and in this way congratulate the hero of the day. But he needs to portray it in such a way that the rest of the audience guesses who he represents, and those who guess it are considered the winners. The best prizes are a box of chocolates.


And our feast continues, It is famous all over the world, the 80th anniversary is coming, And it gives us a good reason, Let us all drink to the princess, (name, patronymic), love and praise everyone!

(musical break, meal)


And now, dear guests, Prepare your golden words and gifts, And congratulate our princess, And leave a good impression of yourself!

(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day)


In the eightieth kingdom there is a feast, And there was a great rise in congratulations, To them we will drink now, So that they may be fulfilled, right now!


And now a competition of buffoons, screams, dances, groans, sighs!


The competition is called: “The Tsar’s Buffoon”. Everyone can take part, everyone is given musical attributes - an accordion, a pipe, a balalaika, etc., whatever is available. Task: everyone in turn must perform a dance and music that they will create themselves. And so, the buffoon who pleases the hero of the day the most wins. His prize is a decorative whistle.


We will fill the glasses for the celebration, And after the princess’s wishes, we will fulfill the wishes of the princess. In the meantime, enjoy your meal ladies and gentlemen, Feel the holiday from beginning to end!

(musical break, meal)

Presenter (addressing the hero of the day):

And remember the magic flowers that I presented to you, So they contain little balls of paper, And good wishes! You unfold each one in turn, read the wish and receive a gift!

(The hero of the day, in turn, unfolds a piece of paper from each flower, and the wishes are read out loud, and in the meantime, she is given corresponding gifts for each wish)


Health – you can give balm or strengthening vitamins;

Happiness - a large box of the most delicious chocolates;

Love - a huge bouquet of soft pink roses!



These are such magical flowers, They gave extraordinary gifts, In fact, we drink to this, And we end the fairy tale with such an ending!

(musical break, meal)


Well, I guess I’m leaving, I told you my fairy tale, About a good princess, About myself - a poetess, About the best guests, About all the joys, But you continue to have fun, Don’t skimp on congratulations, After all, (name, patronymic) has been for 80 years , And better than them, and more beautiful - no!

(the presenter leaves, but the celebration continues)

Author: Galina Petrova © Russia

Sketch of congratulations from fairy tale heroes to a woman

The best and coolest scenes for an anniversary.


Storyteller: In a certain kingdom, in a beautiful state, There lived a beautiful maiden with a long braid, She lived not in pain, everyone loved her, Mom and Dad carried her in their arms. And for this she cooked for them, and washed them, and cleaned the house. We are all happy to congratulate this beautiful girl today, After all, today is her worthy anniversary, she is 25 today, this is a wonderful anniversary. So let's congratulate her right now. Mom and dad, will they tell their daughter something?

Mom: My beloved daughter, my beautiful daughter, I once broomed the bottom of the barrel with my dad, I scraped the boxes, and in the end We molded you from what we had, You turned out to be simply amazing.

Dad: They put you on the window to cool, You lay there to cool down a little, Jumped from the window, rolled along the path, All the girls in the yard were jealous of you. So you grew up with us, you became just super, great!

Mom: You’re 25 now, it’s just an atas. How quickly you grew up with us, right away. Before they even have time to look around, you are already big with us. So now we want to wish you health, happiness, many joys, goodness, may you always be good. Be smart always, everywhere, don't sit on the fox's nose.

Storyteller: So let's drink to the birthday girl now. (all guests sing for the birthday girl).

Storyteller: Dear guests, and now, stop the feast this time. Stop eating and drinking, Tsar Guidon hurries to congratulate our birthday girl, because today is the anniversary of our beautiful girl.

Tsar Guidon: Hello, dear guests, I showed up here too, but I’m a little late. They told me that you are celebrating your anniversary quickly, What a beautiful girl is celebrating her anniversary, Where is she, go quickly. (the birthday girl comes out). You are beautiful and smart, very sweet and modest. I want to congratulate you and tell you everything. May she continue to live and flourish, see a lot of happiness in her life, get married and give birth to children. I saw a lot of grandchildren. Well, for everything to come true, pour a glass, the holiday will be more fun. So let us be guests now, Let's raise a glass to the anniversary right away.

(all guests raise their glasses to the birthday girl).

Well, what about the guests, gentlemen, I congratulated the girl, And now I’m getting ready for the journey, And I’m heading home. Happy festivities to all of you! Well, I say goodbye, goodbye!

Storyteller: Goodbye, King Guidon. Well, we, dear guests, will sit down at the table again. And we will continue the fabulous feast again. (there is a knock on the door)

Storyteller: Someone is knocking on our door, don’t be shy.

(Grandmothers Yozhki run in and sing a congratulatory song).

Grandmas Yozhki: Stretch your furs, accordion, Eh, play, play! It's Christina's anniversary, drink, don't talk!

First Grandmother Yozhka: She walked along the forest side, Jubilee ran after me: She spat on his bald spot and sent him to the devil!

Second Grandmother Yozhka: The drunkest of the guests. It’s whose anniversary it is. Tell me quickly, who needs to be congratulated as soon as possible.

Third Grandmother Yozhka: And Christina here is cheerful, sweet, slender, She invited people here to celebrate her anniversary! Ugh. Chorus.

Storyteller: Wow, we weren’t expecting you here, What a surprise you gave us. Well, thank you grandma Yozhka. So you have now completed Christina’s anniversary.

You will also like the scene: “The Legacy of Baba Yaga” or “Three Girls under the Window” in a new way.

Happy 80th birthday greetings to a woman from relatives in verse

You turned eighty today, you have celebrated many birthdays. Don’t be surprised that there is no end to kind words, poems and congratulations. I wish that you don’t know losses, that you start every day with a smile. So that when you open your door in your house, you greet only kindness and devotion. Let the warmth of your family and friends warm you up in the cold and heal you in your melancholy. After all, you saved all the tenderness for them, in your reliable, gentle hand.

Even though, Mom, you are already gray-haired, Even though you are already 80, But you, beloved, dear, are alone, alone in our destiny. We congratulate you on your anniversary, “Thank you!” we tell you. Because you didn't get enough sleep at night, you worried about your restless children. We love you endlessly, There is no dearer person! Let it burn without fading, There is a distant light in your window! And everyone, our dear mother, is warmed by that maternal light. Live longer, don’t get sick, and wait for your children to visit!

Mom, today is your grand 80th anniversary. I wish you directly - don’t be sad and don’t be sick. Be light, bright, beautiful, as in previous years. Be smiling and clear, never be sad. And thank you, mom, for your warmth and love. , I give you happiness, joy and success from my heart.

My dear mother, The most priceless, For me, my beloved, The whole universe!

My best mom is 80 years old! Life prosperously Live without troubles!

Good health to Mom dear! Live with love! Always be like this!

Happy Birthday, Mommy, Eighty years - How many joys there were! You live without troubles.

You gave me life, my dear. May happiness surround you every day!

I look into my grandmother's eyes and see kindness. I remember her when she was young, With a smile, on the fly. Our grandmother always had a million worries, After all, you won’t get bored with us. We'll add more trouble. But today my grandmother is eighty, and we must take care of her now. And this is with pleasure, because we love her. May good health be yours, Granny. Look at us and rejoice - We have grown up now. Today we will open the door with your gifts.

Don’t be angry that it’s not so often We can come and visit For your care and participation Thank you for your warmth! Grandmother, your smile There is nothing more precious on Earth Like a melody for a violin Congratulations, warm you with your warmth All hearts and this house Happiness, joy, warmth Happy 80th birthday to you!

Twice forty is a cool anniversary. Meet, dear, cheerful guests! We will arrange a glorious feast for grandma, And let the joyful world smile.

You took care of us, protected us from troubles, And there is no one better than you in the world! We really want you to be with us, so that you don’t get sick and live long.

Dear, you can’t be upset, because your family is thriving near you. For us, you are a big beacon in this life, dear, we are very proud of you!

Native eyes and familiar hands - Everything is so close, like shreds From childhood, cozy voices, sounds of dear Granny: “Wait! Don't run!” Such beautiful, dear happiness, And grandma glows like a candle. Your heart is golden, and the hands that carried everything on your shoulders! Granny, dear, I definitely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. So that after eighty, without getting sick, you warm us with affection, like a ray!

Your warmth, love, care warms my heart so much, And the work of kind, gentle hands Contains a part of your soul. Dear grandmother! I wish on your eightieth anniversary that you will always be there with your affectionate smile!

Short congratulations on a woman’s 80th birthday

Eight is almost infinity, Eighty is an anniversary. May your little year of life last forever.

Let that be enough, dear, Happiness and health forever. Let the heart not know grief, Troubles will melt like snow.

80 - a long journey, not easy, Time for grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children. In this world you are not alone. Smile on this anniversary. May your health be strong, May the sun caress you with warmth, May your family, loved ones and children fill your home with joy!

On your eightieth birthday, I wish you good health and better health. To be in the company of your favorite people, So that happiness is simply endless.

Wise age - eighty years Came suddenly, unexpectedly. But don’t be upset, no, the Book of Life has not been read at all. May the vast world give you only the best for many years to come! Let kindness, love, generosity always live in your soul!

As you celebrate your eighth decade, May the anniversary bring joy, And may the taste of life be sweet, May your wishes come true soon.

May the memories of your past always warm you, And may there be more happiness ahead. May the years bring you.

A respectable age—eighty years! And the anniversary is worthy of attention. You know the answer to all questions, Walking through life proudly and calmly.

We wish you to forget about illnesses and fill your days with bright joy. And if there are grievances, let them go and always remember only the good.

On the eightieth anniversary of the Year, take it as pride! Celebrate this day with your friends, May your strength and vigor never leave you!

Let there be anniversaries again and again, We wish you not to grieve in vain! Let tender love be your wonderful incentive for children and grandchildren!

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