Happy birthday greetings to a history and social studies teacher

Happy birthday greetings to history teacher

Happy birthday to a wonderful history teacher, a great expert on the formation of the world and countries!
We wish you successful teaching and prosperity, respect and good health, joyful holidays of the soul and great happiness. We wish that the story of your life develops interestingly, beautifully and is full of great events. You didn’t hide historical dates and dynasties of kings in your thoughts, You quickly conveyed them to the children.

An unsurpassed teacher, there are no equals in the entire school, we undoubtedly wish you long and happy years!

Respect from the team Let your status be highlighted, And life bring great prospects in a big way!

Let your life story be filled with happiness, mutual love and brilliant success! I wish you to fulfill your cherished dreams and live in harmony with yourself! Let the smile never leave your face, and let every day bring new opportunities to create a wonderful story!

Let your story be beautiful and kind, like a fairy tale! There is no more beautiful teacher in the world, Let your eyes shine brightly!

You remember important dates, but the main one is your birthday! Be healthy, rich, May your aspirations come true!

There is no future without history and you know this better than anyone! Your subject is deep, interesting, complex, but very important! Happy birthday and wish you attentive, inquisitive students!

The history teacher knows many important events and dates, but today is a special day - Happy birthday to him!

We wish you good luck and blessings, May your memory never fail you, Happiness in life and a lot of love, May success never go away!

You teach history to girls and boys, There are so many important dates in the chronology of events!

And today is your birthday, our Teacher. This is a date, without a doubt, So important for us!

We, congratulating sincerely, confess our love. May happiness and joy illuminate your days with sparkles!

Today is a historical date, And we will learn it by heart, After all, on this day you were once born, Set off on your long life journey.

History will remember you for a long time, And the chronicle will preserve your appearance. We wish you more sense in everything you have to do in life!

We wish that everything works out for you, that every moment makes you happy, that everything you dream about happens, that your work gives you pleasure!

Let life be a wonderful story, Beautiful and magical, like a fairy tale, And also, certainly, interesting! Color your life with only bright colors!

We know everything about historical battles And about the dynasties of past rulers, And to you, the best teacher, on your birthday we wish you success in your labors!

Let your colleagues be proud of your knowledge, Let the student rush to your lesson, And love and understanding awaits you at home, And happiness will come to your doorstep!


Happy birthday greetings to a social studies teacher

It’s a pleasure to study social studies with you, you immediately arouse interest in the subject, Teaching children is not a job, but a calling, We value, understand, respect, very much you.

Today, on such a special, important day, we wish you happiness, we wish you well, we congratulate you on your birthday, we wish that all your dreams come true!

Happy Birthday to a wonderful Social Studies teacher. We wish you respect in any society and great honor, personal wealth and bright happiness, successful activities and great victories in life, brilliant prospects and complete self-realization in this world.

Our dear teacher, happy birthday, Our congratulations to you today, Social studies is a complex science, We wish you strength and patience. May you never know boredom, and may happiness and inspiration be with you.

We are always keen on social studies. The teacher gives us Knowledge and care.

On your birthday, we all wish you happiness. May you always have enough patience for everyone.

Happy birthday. Knowing everything about everyone and everything is not an easy task for a social studies teacher, which you always cope with perfectly. I wish you a beautiful life, constant inspiration of the soul, peace and joy of the heart, I wish you to be a respected person in society, and in the family circle - a ray of joy and love.

On your birthday, we have a confession for you. You are the best Social Studies teacher.

What to wish for? Of course, happiness and good health. It will only temper your nerves with crazy kids.

Happy birthday, may success not let you down, and may continuous prosperity come right through your door!

Light and beautiful cards for teachers made from colored paper with templates

It’s worth using ready-made templates to make your cards brighter and more elegant. For this I offer 2 types of templates:

Ready postcards.

Click to enlarge. At the end of the article you will also find many ready-made pictures that you can print and glue to the cover of the postcard. The main thing is to print in a reduced size.

You can even wrap the candies in new themed covers. For example, bird's milk candy in a box.

We print them out and sign them. It is important that the postcard does not remain impersonal. We (or rather, our children) will give it to a specific person. That’s why you need to sign the gift! And if necessary, add a couple of details to the postcard ornament.

Templates for working on postcards.

I really liked the idea of ​​placing small pictures one on top of the other, of course, so that they all looked out and gathered into one interesting picture. You can glue them with double-sided tape. And for more volume, go thick.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

And a few more pictures that, I hope, will help you create the most unusual and beautiful postcard.

Here are beautiful cards with colored paper appliqué.

Here are templates for individual postcard details: flowers, leaves, butterflies and the sun. You can create decor from them. Of course, you will have to work hard: print it, color it, find a place for every detail so that the card looks elegant and attractive.

Postcard with applique for teacher.

Let me give you an example of a simple postcard with applique. We will need a rectangle of thick paper measuring 24x19cm and a small orange rectangle.

We round the corners of a small rectangle on one side, make another one the same in width and half as long in height. On one side we also round the corners, on the other side we narrow them.

We glue the parts together and get a backpack. From red paper we cut out a pocket, a handle and a clasp.

We darken the edges of the backpack with a red pencil and glue all the details. From thin strips of colored paper we make an imitation of a ruler and pencils.

We cut out the leaf according to the templates above, draw veins on it and glue it.

All that remains is to draw a line on the backpack with a black gel pen.


Cool birthday wishes for a history teacher

Happy birthday to a wonderful history teacher. I wish that your life is written with the greatest dates of happy accomplishments, that your knowledge and imagination turns any day into an amazing journey of past years and past triumphs.

To the history teacher Today, on his birthday, We give admiration, Love and respect.

We humbly call you the ruler of times, And in lessons we go back in time with the whole class.

We wish that history reveals secrets to you, And that luck in life does not leave you.

Happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts! We love and respect you very much! And we will easily prove our love, We will tell you a story today About what a wonderful teacher you are, Each of your lessons is very interesting! We wish you a lot of vigor, patience, smiles, strength, colorful mood! Let your work give you joy, so that happiness can be seen in your eyes!

We simply adore history as a subject. Well, we consider you one of the best teachers. On your birthday we would like to congratulate you and leave good wishes.

So that students in your subject pass the Unified State Exam without difficulty, And also so that you are valued at work And your salary is increased more often!

With you we learn important dates, you open the world to us from the other side, we now live by history as a whole class, you simply inspire us to learn everything.

And on such a special, important day for you, we would like to wish you joy and happiness, let the shadow of sadness and problems recede from you, and all misfortunes end overnight.

Happy birthday, and we shout “hurray” to you three times, We wish you good health, kindness, fun, We wish that your cherished dream comes true, So that you do not lose luck, happiness, inspiration!

We send congratulations to the history teacher, We wish you to open the ancient Mysteries on your birthday.

Through invisible paths, take us into the past, teach us to see the good and the bad.

With history, you teach us to admit mistakes, so that we can avoid them in the future.

Happy birthday, our teacher, Our dear historian, Lead us along an interesting, Historical path.

We all wish you happiness And thank you for everything, We hurry to your glorious lessons together as a class.

Happy birthday, Incomparable teacher, Through the pages of history you have already walked a hundred roads.

I wish you inspiration, happiness in life and work, and a good salary in a bright, colorful banknote.

We wish you that this date becomes part of your “history”, that you always live richly, that life brings only joy!

Let your smile shine more often like the sun! We wish you real love and high-five mood!

Happy birthday! Let the dust of centuries give you inspiration, May life please you with success, May it lift your spirits in a moment.

Let there be more discoveries, And patience will not leave you, Luck awaits you at home, at school, And beckons you to bright victories!


Cool congratulations to the history teacher on the phone

The history teacher absorbed the wisdom of centuries along with a thousand books. And every day I am ready to Share this wisdom with you, student!


History is being made by each of us, Let's write new lines into it. A history teacher! Happy holiday to you! Thanks for your lessons!


There is no future without history. Thus says eternal wisdom. You taught us to love the subject, Its stories are endless.


Thank you for the interesting lessons, for the fact that we love history. Please accept our congratulations, Vivat, history teacher!


The whirlwind takes us away, And time runs back. And we ask you once again to tell us about the ancient world.


On Teacher's Day we wish you that your days are full of happiness. For us, history is alive, for this we thank you!


Your lesson flies by in a moment, We are ready to listen to you endlessly, We wish you happiness, a festive mood, Always fight, live and win!


History teacher, you hold the thread of time in order to preserve the memory of centuries. We really need your lessons. We will write new lines in the chronicle.


Historian, teacher, congratulations. We are studying history with you. You give us your knowledge today, You live with us in the past and the future.


The sun rolls along its trajectory, like a ball, shaking the years. Work hard, our history teacher, so that we never forget what has passed.


Happy birthday greetings to a social studies teacher from students and colleagues

Happy birthday to a wonderful social studies teacher. We wish you respect in any society and great respect, personal benefit and bright happiness, successful activities and great victories in life, brilliant prospects and complete self-realization in this world.

Our dear teacher, happy birthday, Our congratulations to you today, Social studies is a complex science, We wish you strength and patience. May you never know boredom, and may happiness and inspiration be with you.

He can reach the depths of consciousness. The birthday boy is our Social Studies teacher.

Congratulations from the class Please accept. May loud children always make you happy.

We are always keen on social studies. The teacher gives us Knowledge and care.

On your birthday, we all wish you happiness. May you always have enough patience for everyone.

Happy birthday. Knowing everything about everyone and everything is not an easy task for a social studies teacher, which you always do well. I wish you a good life, constant inspiration of the soul, peace and joy of the heart, I wish you to be a respected person in society, and a ray of joy and love in your family circle.

Greeting card using scrapbooking technique for Teacher's Day 2021

Such a warm method as scrapbooking is worth mastering. Moreover, there are no difficulties in this skill of decorating cards. We only need the details from which we will make a pattern. And, besides, I suggest making this card with a surprise!

Chocolate girl.

We fold a sheet of cardboard measuring 17 by 22 cm along the length so that the two extreme sides are 10 cm each, and in the middle - 2 cm.

On one of the inner sides we make a pocket where we will place the chocolate bar. Pocket dimensions: height – half the height of the chocolate bar + 0.5 cm. width – the width of the chocolate bar, + 2 times 0.5 cm (that is, only 1 cm). This will allow you to make a voluminous pocket, taking into account the height of the chocolate) + 2 times 0.5 cm (1 cm in total). This is for gluing to the base.

On the sides of the pocket we bend 0.5cm and another 0.5st. Bottom – 0.5 cm.

Glue the pockets inside the base.

We decorate the postcard.

For decoration you will need:

  • Ribbons, lace;
  • Butterflies and flowers cut out of paper;
  • Buds of artificial flowers and leaves from them;
  • Small pencils;
  • Magazine clippings or a printed template with words of gratitude to the teacher. Or maybe bright statements from celebrities.

I’m sure, having the same material, each of them will create their own postcard pattern. And that’s the beauty of scrapbooking!

By the way, you can only make a pocket for chocolate. The teacher will definitely be pleased!

Or you can even play with the shape of the postcard - make it in the form of a pencil.

And it will be even more pleasant for the teacher if the card is personalized and contains sincere congratulations inside.

Here are more beautiful options with paper leaves.

Happy birthday greetings to a history teacher from students and colleagues

History is the heritage of centuries, And you are ready to bring us knowledge. The smartest teacher, dear, Today is your birthday!

May your cherished aspirations come true, May there be interesting days, moments, the energy of great and fiery love, good luck, happiness on your way!

The history teacher knows many important events and dates, but today is a special day - Happy birthday to him!

We wish you success and blessings, May your memory never fail you, Happiness in life and a lot of love, May success never go anywhere!

Today is a historical date, And we will learn it by heart, After all, on this day you were once born, Set off on your long life journey.

History will remember you for a long time, And the chronicle will preserve your appearance. We wish you to have more use in everything you have to do in life!

Let your story be beautiful and kind, like a fairy tale! There is no more beautiful teacher in the world, Let your eyes shine brightly!

You remember important dates, but the main one is your birthday! Be healthy, rich, May your aspirations come true!

You teach the history of Girls and boys, There are so many important dates in the chronology of events!

And now it’s your birthday, our Teacher. This date, without a doubt, is so important to us!

We sincerely welcome you and confess our love. May happiness and joy illuminate your days with sparkles!

Poems about a history teacher

There is no future without history and you know this better than anyone! Your subject is deep, interesting, complex, but very important! Happy Birthday and wish you attentive, inquisitive students!

There is no more interesting story, You teach lessons skillfully, You love your subject very much, You pass on this love to us,

Happy Teacher's Day! You are our idol! There is no subject more important, more interesting, You take us to the past world, Which sounds like an exciting song!

Happy birthday, History teacher. We admit, in life you are a great guide. Where, when and why He fought, robbed the treasury - you will tell us from the East. Provide information to the people at once. An amazing story that will enchant, captivate, and lift all veils. May fate love you very much, May it always favor you.

How to make a teacher's day card for elementary school children (grades 1-5)

The simplest and most understandable ideas in this section. I have selected works that even children from primary school can cope with.


Regular buttons will work as details!

  • The first thing to do is birdie. It is shaped like a droplet. It doesn’t matter how smoothly the baby draws and then cuts out the “drop”. Everyone has the right to their own vision of our feathered friends))
  • The bird has a heart-shaped wing.
  • All that remains is to place these details on a sheet of paper.
  • The bird's eye and the flowers in the clearing are buttons. We draw everything else: the clearing itself, the stem and leaves of the flower, the beak and legs of the bird with a felt-tip pen.


And it’s even interesting to make such a postcard, because it consists of pencils!

  • We glue vertically several pencils from which the shavings have previously been removed.
  • These shavings are flower buds.
  • Another “buds” are rectangular pieces of paper bent in the form of books and notebooks.


We have already talked about this technique. And I’m sure that many people found it a bit complicated. Now I’ll dispel all your doubts with the help of stencils (we also talked about their capabilities above).

Even a child can cope with this task if:

  • Download and print the templates below.
  • Will cut out and, if necessary, decorate some parts.
  • Glue each piece onto folded cardboard.

What else is left? Of course, sign!

Another option is with a ruler and pencil.

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