Congratulations to the school on its anniversary from students songs skits

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Congratulations to the school on its anniversary

Dear, dear school, Happy anniversary! Let the cheerful bell ring, calling everyone to school quickly. Happy children here will read a lot of books. Here everyone is friends and dreams, Every day everyone knows more! I would like to wish that the school may still stand for a century. Open the doors wider, Learn to help children!

An anniversary means new milestones, achievements, plans, successes! This is a new breakthrough and heights. Prospects, victories, breadth. We have not yet reached the limit Improving our spirit and work. We need to achieve a lot of milestones. So, long live our anniversary!

Within the walls of this wonderful school, dozens of talents were revealed, hundreds of children showed what they are capable of and continued their path of success outside the walls of the educational institution. It was the school, teachers and all its employees who paved the way to the future for each of the students, taught them to be responsible and purposeful. Today is a big holiday for you all! I wish you to continue to work for the benefit of the younger generation, instill a thirst for knowledge and help their self-realization. Your work is simply invaluable. Happy holiday!

More congratulations in prose →

An anniversary is a great holiday, and at school it’s doubly so! Let hundreds of different events Dilute the grayness of days! Let teachers eagerly rush here in the morning, enjoy their work, and bring knowledge to the children! Let the years skip by, But the laughter in the classrooms will not subside, There will still be children here Appreciating school more than anyone else!

Dear school, on this bright anniversary we all want to confess our love to you! Thank you, school, for such teachers, who help us develop all the time! For us, you will forever be our home, which will accept us, support and understand, in which everything is familiar and familiar, where everyone is always a teacher waiting for us! We thank you, school, for all the knowledge, for wisdom and for our beloved class! We wish you only prosperity, so that you always welcome us!

Our beloved school has a bright, important anniversary! We owe our colorful and cheerful life only to her! To you, dear teachers, we are grateful for your knowledge, for all your everyday work, for your patience and efforts! Although sometimes it’s difficult to study, school is your home! We feel comfortable within these walls, The world inside them is bright and colorful!

On this school anniversary we want to say a few phrases to everyone! We love all the teachers, students and every class! You couldn’t find a more beautiful school, And let many years pass, But we will all know for sure that there is no better school in the world!

Our school is celebrating its anniversary, congratulations to everyone on this date! There is no better or brighter school, We love it all, guys. For many, many years in a row, may he cordially open doors and accept inquisitive children into his arms!

Anniversary of your favorite school, congratulations! I wish all teachers joy and inspiration. Let all your students always be proud, May school days never get boring on weekdays. Our school will certainly flourish forever, Only in joy and happiness May the years run ahead.

Our school is celebrating its anniversary today, We hasten to congratulate it as soon as possible, to wish it success and discoveries, to become even more beautiful, to become a better school! Health to all its teachers, Success, good mood to the schoolchildren, And to all workers - honor and respect, Thank you for your hard work! Let the flowers and grass grow, And children run across the lawns, And ringing laughter sounds within your walls, And let the memory of you be in your students!

Our school is dear, You are beautiful, dear, Best of all, sweetest of all, Children's laughter in your classes! Congratulations on your anniversary and we wish you success, May your teachers’ council meet for a thousand years! So that everyone is healthy and so that they learn their lessons, study well and behave decently!

Option #3

Good afternoon, dear participants of the celebration!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on the school’s fortieth anniversary. The educational institution has a glorious history, supports and develops the best traditions of Russian education. Thanks to its original, unique style, the school provides the most serious and competent education. Your school, like others today, faces complex and big tasks, the successful solution of which directly determines the well-being of the city.

I sincerely wish all teachers to be wise mentors and true friends for their students. I wish all participants in the pedagogical process (students, graduates, parents and teachers) good health, inexhaustible energy, good spirits and optimism, perseverance in achieving goals, self-confidence and confidence in the future. I wish the school to become the birthplace of new talents, future great specialists and simply wonderful people.

Option No. 11

Good afternoon, dear guests!

So 25 bright years of our school life have flown by. Our school is a house - which was built brick by brick by all of us sitting in this room: teachers, staff, parents, students, graduates.

Of course, the past quarter century has not been cloudless for us. During this time, a lot was done, including mistakes. We tried to correct all of them, sometimes it worked, sometimes not so much. But there were also victories that we are proud of. Now we have not only a glorious past behind us, but also an excellent present and a bright future. We look to the future with optimism, and we know that our dreams will come true.

I wish everyone sitting in this room health and success in what you value. Happy holiday, dear friends!

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Option #6

Hello, dear friends!

On behalf of the Administration of the Trinity Urban District, please accept our warmest congratulations on the anniversary of gymnasium No. 17.

Today the gymnasium turns 20 years old. And all these years, the activities of the institution have been consistently aimed at developing the intellectual abilities of children, stimulating the creative activity of students, ensuring their personal and professional self-determination.

The gymnasium has achieved high results in teaching activities at all levels - municipal, regional and all-Russian. She was awarded the international Paris certificate of the UNESCO Associated School.

Since the opening of the gymnasium, 5.5 thousand graduates have graduated from it. These are talented people who have occupied various niches in life. All of them made good use of the base that the gymnasium gave them. For many of them, the gymnasium gave a real “start in life.” But all the successes that we are proud of today would be impossible without professional teachers, true masters of their craft, who are rightfully considered the best teachers in the city. A low bow to all of them for their work, teaching talent, will, patience, dedication to their work and efficiency.

We sincerely wish everyone present prosperity, good health, prosperity and a wonderful future. We wish the school to add many more glorious pages to its history. May she always remain not only alive and young, but also healthy.



We made some jellied meat and ate it all day long! We barely made it through the doorway!

I'm funny by nature, I make everyone laugh for fun! Regardless of fashion, I wear felt boots in the summer!

There is no reason for me Not to say that well done: I finally switched to separate meals!

They danced so much, so much they danced, that the soles all fell off, and the pants came apart at the seams! Harmonist, thank you!

It was not then that we were invited to sing songs! We’d better dance Lambada for you, and then all the dancing in a row!

With my girlfriend, with my life, everything is always “okay”! I have a complete “kick”! Where is the happiness finally?!

Don't wake me up early, I'm no good today! Otherwise I might kick you with my lame leg from the sofa!

I recently trusted a massage therapist with my body! He sorted out all the bones nicely for me in order!

I'm a little interested in Fung Shui and Wu Shu! I often find joy in the Kama Sutra!

My wife found me in the lotus position in the room! From then on she stopped cooking meat for me!

Yesterday they pinched my nose in the doorway - This is how they solve the question in our house with the curious!

Don't judge, good people, My appetite is in the heat of the moment! Everything that is served on a platter, My stomach will consume!

On the neighbor's fence I wrote my conclusion! We have been quarreling with him for a long time - Let him know who he is!

I decided to become cultured and applied a diet: I didn’t sin for a whole month, I mean, I didn’t drink vodka!

My stomach is stopping me from seeing my knees! I'm climbing the walls because of this problem!

The diet was very expensive, guys, it cost me: All night the cutlet was looming in my dreams!

I recently went on a dry hunger strike! It’s not even smart for me to say what my family told me!

You can't lure me to dinner at a restaurant! I only allow it on Wednesdays. I have one banana for myself!

I decided to become cultured and applied a diet: I didn’t sin for a whole month, I mean, I didn’t drink vodka!

My stomach is stopping me from seeing my knees! I'm climbing the walls because of this problem!

The diet was very expensive, guys, it cost me: All night the cutlet was looming in my dreams!

An amazing thing, How the diet helped: The body became sexy, Things immediately went up!

Yesterday, out of nervousness, I drank all the cognac at once! By the way, I was given advice by a neurologist, after all!

I growled at the stale cutlets like a wild animal! The neurologist gave me pills - It’s all over now!

I’m getting nervous: This is not so and that is not so! I am being treated by a neurologist, not for money, but for free!

Out of habit, I’m always used to smiling to everyone! I just started to doubt: Maybe it’s a nervous tic?!

I compared my salary And the rent payment - I'm on treatment, believe me, In a nervous clinic now!

To save my nerves better I decided at one moment: I am the first and avid patient of the neurologist!

A neurologist treated my sadness, and I fought it too! The path to treatment is very long, I feel even sadder!

There were a lot of nervous people! Neurologists will save us! By the way, this idea was suggested by astrologers!

2013-10-07 12:19:09 — Nikolai Nikolaevich D Thank you, Nadezhda Nikolaevna.
2013-10-07 12:23:18 — Olga Ivanovna Olenyuk My eyes just ran wide. Thank you.
2013-10-07 12:26:47 — Tatyana Aleksandrovna Shevchenko Thank you, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, bookmarked
2013-10-07 12:31:17 — Nadezhda Nikolaevna Omelchenko Glad you liked it
2013-10-07 12:43:04 — Svetlana Vasilyevna Gerasimenko Thank you!!
2013-10-07 12:45:01 — Nadezhda Nikolaevna Omelchenko Come in, Svetlana Vasilievna. Check out blog SHARE No. 154. There are a lot of interesting school scenes there.
2013-10-07 12:57:50 — Alevtina Petrovna Monastyrskaya Thank you! To bookmarks!
2013-10-07 13:06:54 — Victoria Valerievna Tinchurina Thank you, I hired you!
2013-10-07 14:52:52 — Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kesareva Thank you!
2013-10-07 15:00:17 — Vera Evgenievna Maslova Thank you, Nadezhda Nikolaevna and Happy Teacher’s Day! Smiles, joy, success and prospects in everything!!
2013-10-07 15:45:12 — Galina Petrovna Saklakova Wow. THANK YOU.
2013-10-07 17:03:00 — Lyudmila Gennadievna Kuznetsova Thank you!
2013-10-08 00:06:30 — Tatyana Alekseevna Brik Thank you.
2013-10-08 00:29:49 — Nadezhda Nikolaevna Omelchenko And THANK YOU!
2014-03-21 03:36:17 — Elena Nikolaevna Kulikova Just great! It will be useful to me. Thanks a lot!
2014-03-21 03:40:02 — Lyudmila Grigorievna Strelnikova

You can click on this photo to go to his THANK YOU page!

2014-12-21 21:22:18 — Tatyana Nikolaevna Ulyanova Thank you. Interesting material. Good luck to you!
2015-02-11 20:40:44 — Galina Vladimirovna Nabatova Thank you so much! So much interesting material! When do you get everything done? Good luck and creative success to you!
2015-02-11 20:48:25 — Vera Mironovna Dubovik Many THANKS, Nadezhda Nikolaevna. My husband’s anniversary and retirement are in a couple of months. I'm preparing entertainment for the guests, so everything is on time.
2015-03-01 18:42:48 — Svetlana Vladimirovna Danilenko Thank you very, very much!
2015-05-03 15:41:53 — Alla Vladimirovna Kolesnikova Thank you very much. A lot of interesting material! It will be useful to me.
2015-12-20 11:05:17 — Lidia Vladimirovna Nikitina Thank you very much. Good luck to you in everything!
2016-04-20 22:02:14 — Zoya Anatolyevna Sanina Thank you! Cool and funny!

Option #5

Dear guests, dear friends! On behalf of the entire teaching staff, I welcome you to our anniversary! Thank you for the attention you paid to us. May each of you feel welcome and long-awaited at this meeting today.

Over the past 50 years, we have come a long way and laid the best traditions of the school - educational, cultural, spiritual, and sports. A low bow to the school veterans for this. During its development, the institution has achieved many successes and it can already be said that during this period the school and its staff have become established. The institution has an excellent rating in the region and in the city. Students take prizes at city Olympics and represent the honor of the city at various sports tournaments. I really want this to last for a long time.

It is easy to be a captain when your team consists of true professionals... Over the years, I have become acquainted with the teaching power of many teachers and today I express my deep gratitude and respect to all of you. Few can boast of such a teaching staff as ours. Dear colleagues, your professionalism and extraordinary efficiency, your sense of responsibility always provide a reliable rear and deserve honor and recognition. Each of you is a master of his craft, no matter how much or little experience he has.

I also thank the school’s allies – parents. Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, many of you are graduates of this same school... It is you who help make it attractive to your children and grandchildren.

Thanks to our hostesses and technical staff. For warmth, cleanliness, comfort and order.

I want to say thank you to the school for teaching me what to “eat happiness with.”

I wish you all to remain active, healthy and wonderful people. Even if someone doesn’t have great achievements, the most important thing is to remain human! And I wish for the school that the potential initially inherent in it is not depleted, but only multiplied, strengthened and realized.

Option No. 2

Dear teachers, parents, social partners, students and school graduates!

The life of school No. 8 is a life of 5 decades. The teachers lived a long professional life in this institution. Creative, demanding, energetic teachers led their first students to knowledge. During the years of development and in the years of formation, we were always supported by the Administration of the Tyumen Municipal District and the Department of Education. We have reliable social partners and friends.

The school’s special pride is its graduates. The school made its first graduation 40 years ago. Many graduates stayed in their hometown and took part in its construction and are taking part in its development. Thank you, graduates, for your patriotism, respect and love for the school.

The school always needs true friends and such friends have always been the parents of the students. Please accept, parents, our sincere words of gratitude for your support, great patience and understanding.

No matter how old a school gets, it always remains young. Because she is always 11 years old. That is, exactly as much as her students go from the first to the last bell.

I wish my home school to move on and be successful. Let the development be steady, the quality of knowledge received here consistently high, the students inquisitive, the teachers talented, the material and technical base modern, the reputation enviable, and the prospects for graduates after graduation limitless.

I am very pleased that today I was the first to be given the opportunity to say from this festive stage: “Eighth school, I love you!” Happy Birthday dear!

Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 8, Tyumen

A. M. Korifeeva

Option No. 7

Good afternoon, dear friends, dear Novgorodians!

45 years is a significant date, but for a school it’s not that big. We can say that our school is still young. She still has many victories ahead, which she will definitely achieve. It is one of the favorite schools in the city of Novgorod, which with its students, graduates, and teachers has proven that education in Novgorod is at the highest level (if compared with other educational institutions in the city and region).

School No. 53 has already won federal grants and I hope that the work carried out by the teaching staff, students, and parents will be continued and will bring such grants more than once.

I sincerely congratulate you all on the birthday of your educational institution. I would like to wish teachers good health, active longevity, patience, professional inspiration and support from everyone from whom it is required. I wish students to discover their many talents and abilities and get a successful start into a bright future here. I wish the school inquisitive, grateful and loving students. Happy holiday!

Option No. 9

Dear director of school No. 82, dear teaching staff, dear students!

I sincerely congratulate you on the birthday of your school. To my great regret, I cannot personally attend your celebration on the occasion of this significant date. But since your school is innovative, I decided to congratulate you on the use of modern technologies (remotely, by recording your speech on video).

It’s nice to know that the students of your school are the pride of not only the educational institution, but also the entire Republic of Karelia. Over the past 4 years, 11 graduates received special certificates, and 10 were awarded gold and silver medals. The school’s achievements are recognized at the level of the Russian Federation: the names of 6 students and 3 teachers are included in the encyclopedia “Gifted Children - the Future of Russia.”

I am glad to announce that, as we agreed, from the next academic year another new direction will appear at your school - chemical and biological. Its implementation will be carried out jointly with Petrozavodsk State University. The school will have special classrooms for applied sciences, and a gift for your school’s birthday will be a certificate for the purchase of the necessary equipment to equip the classroom, which will allow you to delve deeper into the subject and become a real genius in the chemical and biological field.

Dear friends, today I express my deep gratitude to the entire school staff for their dedication to the profession, hard work and wisdom, exactingness and participation, loyalty to the chosen path, for your service to the cause of education.

I wish everyone good health, happiness, prosperity, and creative success. And I wish all students, present and future, perseverance, inquisitiveness and successful development of all their talents and abilities, as well as many true friends!

Head of the Republic of Karelia

I. I. Sidorov

Option #1

On behalf of the Head of the Department of Education of Samara, Ivan Ivanovich Sidorov, and on my own behalf, I am glad to welcome everyone who has gathered in this festive hall - teachers, students, social partners, parents and guests... Everyone who is united by the love for the 15th school in Samara .

First of all, I would like to note that you have successfully increased the potential that was laid down when the school opened 20 years ago. Currently, many graduates of the school are working here - in our city... Most of them have become excellent specialists, true professionals in their field, and some have become effective leaders. I am glad to see graduates of previous years at this holiday; this is a correct tradition. I wish you to keep it.

Dear present, I sincerely congratulate you on the school’s anniversary and wish you to continue to remain a friendly school family, so that the traditions established 20 years ago are preserved and enhanced by future generations of students and teachers. May you always have reasons to be proud of your school, your successes, your city. I wish the school inquisitive, inquisitive and devoted students who win not only at the city Olympics, but also at the All-Russian ones. We wish you all well-being and prosperity, friendship and peace!

Option No. 10

Good afternoon, veterans of teaching work, colleagues, guests!

Today we celebrate a wonderful day - the 70th anniversary of school No. 33. On behalf of the Education Committee of the Kireevsky District and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the 70th anniversary of your school.

Secondary school No. 33 opened its doors to students and teachers in 1951. Until this year, more than 12,000 students have graduated from it, 130 of them with gold and silver medals for special academic achievements.

Over the 70 years since the opening of the institution, the image of an innovative, competitive, creative educational institution has been created. She is the pioneer of the volunteer environmental movement in the Kireevsky municipal district, the winner of the priority national education project, was awarded a diploma of the pedagogical community of Russia, and was included on the city honor board.

Every year, school students become winners of district, city, and regional Olympics and competitions. The school has won the “Best Student Class” competition four times.

The institution successfully cooperates with the Tula Agrarian University, Tula State University, and the Tula Institute of Economics and Informatics.

Its success is based on a highly professional, creative, competitive teaching staff, 72% of whom have the highest first qualification category, one person is a candidate of pedagogical sciences. The school’s teachers have repeatedly become winners of the municipal competition “Teacher of the Year.” For success in teaching and educating students, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Maria Ivanovna Ivanova was included on the city honor board.

We sincerely wish that these walls, where knowledge, wonderful discoveries, friendship, justice and creativity live, will always have a reason to be proud of their students and their teachers.

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