Fairy tale birthday greetings to a woman for video

Author's musical fairy tale for a woman's anniversary “I am your Queen”

The scenario for the birthday (anniversary) of a woman or young girl will be greatly decorated with lyrical or comic playful moments, thanks to which the hero of the occasion will be able to feel like the most beautiful, loved, etc. The author's musical fairy tale for a woman's anniversary, “I am your queen,” was conceived precisely in order to “bathe” the birthday girl with love and compliments, and to give her a chance not only to feel like a queen, surrounded by loving fans, but to actually play this role.
To stage a musical fairy tale, you will need two chairs (thrones), cards with cues for the heroes and small props (or costumes): crowns, wigs, hats, etc. Full musical accompaniment is attached. Characters and lines:

Birthday girl (Queen): “I am your queen”

King (husband or friend of the birthday girl): “I’ll cut off everyone’s heads”

Court Artist: “Oh, what a nature!”

Court Sculptor: “Oh, what a figure”

What does a finished gift look like?

  • book in hard or soft cover (slight difference in price);
  • size 30x20 cm;
  • very bright and beautiful illustrations;
  • thick matte paper;
  • from 22 to 36 sheets (this depends on the number of letters in the child’s name);
  • the text will contain the name of your child, because he is the main character of the story;
  • the character created in the designer is very similar to the baby for whom you ordered a gift;
  • you can add photos and wishes;

First option. Musical fairy tale "Snow White's Birthday"

This is a musical story, written based on everyone’s favorite fairy tale, which will not only amuse the hero of the occasion, but will also become a wonderful lead-in to the moment of presenting gifts.
Characters (props or actions):
Presenter - reads the text

Snow White (birthday girl) – crown

1st Dwarf Congratulations (sings)

2nd Dwarf Hug (hugs)

3rd Dwarf Fool (shows a funny number)

4th Dwarf Kondrashka (dancing)

5th Dwarf Goosebumps (does massage)

6th Dwarf Drummer (plays a drum or a frying pan hanging around his neck)

7th Dwarf Cutie (admiring himself in the mirror)

In one kingdom-state the birthday girl lived,

To her friends and relatives she was the most beautiful of all!

Let's meet (or greet) the birthday girl!

Track 1 plays. Fanfare - friends invite the birthday girl to the center of the hall and solemnly greet her.

And friends (Name of the birthday girl) decided to please and surprise:

Give a birthday surprise fairy tale with all the love!

Track 2 plays. Surprise beat

And now (Name of the birthday girl) is not just a birthday girl, but Snow White!

Greet the princess with applause, spectator! Don't hesitate!

Track 3 plays. Screensaver for a fairy tale - friends put a crown on the birthday girl

So, Snow White's friends seated her on a fairy tale throne,

And she began to wait for the Dwarves who were in love with her to come out!

Track 4 plays. Yes-yes-yes (to leave) - The gnomes are preparing to leave

The fairy-tale Dwarfs worked behind the seven forests, behind the seven mountains,

But people always rushed to Snow White with joy, see for yourself!

And these Dwarfs were real merry fellows and outrageous people,

And they simply loved to show off their talents at the holidays.

Track 6 is playing. We stopped by for an hour (only the first verse of track 6a ) – The dwarves are fooling around in their own way, the audience is clapping

The first to say hello was a Dwarf named Congratulations,

That I knew a million congratulations, such a sweetheart!

Second option.
Musical joke scene “Khanuma on the anniversary” This is a musical comic surprise for the birthday girl, where each “groom” tries to captivate the hero of the occasion with himself and his hobby or his idea of ​​​​happiness.

(Author's note: each hero of the fairy tale gives the birthday girl a comic gift or an envelope with money to buy it)

Characters (approximate details):

Hanuma (oriental style costume or costume elements)

Caucasian (hat or airfield cap, mustache)

Ballet dancer (tight leotard, wig)

Smart guy (big glasses, tablet or book)

Businessman (thick chain around his neck, car keys, purse or purse).

Football fan (scarf and fan pipe)

Track 1 plays - Hanuma enters, goes to the birthday girl, looking at the guests, speaks with a Caucasian accent

Hanuma: Wah, wah, where did I end up?

There is so much material here to work with! (points to guests)

Oh, what kind of rose is this sitting alone? (looks at the birthday girl)

Now matchmaker Hanuma will take care of you.

Cool congratulations on your housewarming

The hut-ward pampers, invites everyone for pies. It’s a bit crowded in the former house. We need to expand our circles!

Let guests into the mansion, celebrate housewarming. “With cheerful happiness, with a new home!” - We will shout to you together!

If a cat is the first to enter the house, It means that comfort has settled in it, If the window is blinking with light, It means that the owners are waiting for us there.

Congratulations to the guys on their housewarming, Let the aroma of pies beckon! And with broad spiritual aspirations, everyone will be happy with each other here!

Let dear guests come to you And ringing laughter flows, the table bursts, Because from now on, say goodbye to nostalgia And the turn has come to accept a new home! More short congratulations on your housewarming →

Congratulations on your housewarming, Oh, the mansions are good. Pour it quickly, master, only generously, from the heart!

I wish that there would be cognac in the house on the table, and there would be caviar with it - This is a very good sign.

So that your floor is very strong, so that the bed does not creak. So that you have the strength in your body to replenish your family.

Congratulations on your housewarming! Guests are rushing to you in a crowd, There will be a holiday and fun - Let the brownie bother, Help with the housework and protect the prosperity. I wish you happiness and goodness, a friendly life without worries!

Happy housewarming to you, friends, I congratulate you today. I wish you to enjoy your space from the bottom of my heart.

You can safely walk in slippers and a robe in your lawful and native chamber.

You can also smoke in the toilet. There will never be any anxiety in your house.

More housewarming greetings to friends →

What kind of strange fun is this? Housewarming has arrived! Gather guests - only sincere people. We want to wish you to live and get along together, In your new home there is only happiness, Kindness, love and passion!

Forget your shitty life - The gloomy world of slum apartments: We moved into a new apartment - A new house is like a new world! Let your family, taken separately, be in this country And prosperous and rich, And doubly happy! And with borscht - cabbage soup - pilaf (I can’t eat a portion in a day!) Let the children grow up healthy, love and happiness to you all! Repair - repair... But we are waiting for an invitation to the housewarming party! Fun is coming!


Table scenes

Portrait of a birthday girl

This skit requires 16 participants. You can do less, then the portrait will be passed around in a circle. In advance, you need to place a sheet of paper in the photo frame on which guests will draw a portrait. The sheet of paper must be at least A4 size. The prepared frame is passed around the circle and each guest must draw one part of the face. To make the portrait bright, it is better to prepare multi-colored markers. How and what to draw,” says the presenter.

1st guest : Let's draw beautiful eyes to drive you crazy without publicity.

2nd guest : And don’t forget about eyelashes. It should be thick, so that with a wave, we flutter!

3rd guest : And let’s add a neat little nose to her, let her have a snub-nosed, elegant question...

4th guest : And your mouth needs to be decorated with a smile, and not a malicious, nasty grin!

Guest 5 : Feel free to draw rosy cheeks.

6th guest : Big ears should not be in vain, so that compliments can be heard clearly!

7th guest : Let's reward her with a chic hairstyle. And we go into turbo mode.

8th guest : Draw a slender body without a flaw!

9th guest : There should be diamonds and platinum on the handles!

10th guest : And legs in stiletto heels will conquer the streets of France!

11th guest : We’ll dress our girlfriends in a fashionable dress to the envy of our friends!

12th guest : Let's fill the empty spaces with money. But we’ll still leave a little space.

13th guest : There should be a cool car nearby and a house by the sea, draw without sparing!

14th guest : We’ll also write “Happy Birthday” at the top!

15th guest : Let's add that there is nothing better and more beautiful than her in the world!

16th guest : And we will present our birthday girl with a finished portrait!

Universal suffrage

The scene is suitable for a married woman. The host distributes two signs to all guests, except the birthday girl: one is red, the other is green. After this, the presenter reads the text, if the guests agree with the statement, they raise a green sign, if not, a red sign. Thus, guests vote after each sentence spoken.


1. Today we celebrate the birthday of our dear (name). She set a stunning table, all the dishes were delicious!

2. It’s great when you have a reason to eat for free - pay attention!

3. I would like to wish (name) health, happiness, love from the bottom of my heart.

4. More money... spend on friends!

5. Ironing, washing, cleaning - this is left for the husband.

6. Pamper yourself more often: go to the movies, go to the theater, swim in the sea, kiss under the moon!

7 And, of course, the husband must carry him in his arms and fulfill all his whims!

8. And in the evenings hang out at the bar with friends!

9. And let only the most faithful, most devoted people always be nearby!

10. For you, dear, we will shout three times “hurray”!

If there is no time to prepare signs, guests can simply shout “yes” or “no.”

At the end, the presenter hands the birthday girl a bouquet of flowers or a memorable gift in the form of a medal or diploma “Ideal Woman” with the words “It was unanimously decided that our birthday girl is an impeccable woman.” Compliments

1. The presenter prepares a bag of cards in advance. Each card has a letter of the alphabet written on it.

2. Guests take turns drawing out a card and calling a compliment adjective for the letter they got.

3. The participant who comes across the letters “ь”, “ъ” or “й” must perform a ditty, a song or give a poem to the birthday girl.

Next morning

The skit will require 10 players. Everyone has a role to play as a human body. Characters : Brain, Throat, Tongue, Eyes, Legs, Hands, Stomach, Memory, Bladder, Liver. A sign with the assigned role is hung on the head or chest of each player.

Brain : Oh, how bad. Eyes, open!

Eyes : You might think it’s easier now!

Brain : What happened yesterday.

Memory : Don't look like that. I was knocked out after the fifth toast...

Throat : Everything is dry. I'm terribly thirsty.

Bladder : Guys, I need to go to the toilet!!

Legs : We're not going anywhere...

Liver : Where am I?!

Brain : Still there, but a few more of these parties and you will definitely be cut out!

Memory : I remember! Yesterday was my birthday! The language still carried such nonsense...

Language : Honestly, I didn't want this!

Bladder : Guys, I'm not rubber?!

Brain : Okay, legs, now let’s go to the toilet and start heading to work!

Conscience : Should I at least brush my teeth??

Stomach : Shut up, damned one, where were your advice when they poured two liters into me yesterday?

Conscience : No complaints against me! It was the hands that poured it! Look how they shake!

Ruki : Don’t scoff, we still have to work all day today.

Liver : Now I would like 100 grams to cure my hangover!

Stomach : I see you can’t sit still at all. I need mineral water, urgently.

Language : I'd rather remain silent.

Brain : It's decided! Feet, take us to the refrigerator, maybe there’s some mineral water there?!

Presenter : So that you don’t have to suffer in the morning, here’s a small gift for you (he gives the birthday girl a bottle of mineral water decorated with a festive bow).

Love will come unexpectedly (or three sisters)

1. Sister No. 1 Miramistina.

2. Sister No. 2 Avdulina.

3. Sister No. 3 Alyonushka

4. The fourth face is the Mirror (speaking).

5. The main character is the Tsar.

(We choose active, artistic, and well-fed men for the role of sisters, or, on the contrary, very thin men. For the role of Alyonushka - a large and “powerful” guest - so that he can lift the king in his arms).

Props and musical accompaniment

Simple and fast online designer with instant visualization

I remember trying to order several spreads of a photo book for my children on some service a couple of years ago. It was long and tedious, there were too many incomprehensible buttons, and in the end I entrusted this task to a patient relative.

Ordering a personalized fairy tale book on SMART STORY.WORLD turned out to be surprisingly easy and fast!

You open the designer, enter the child’s name and in a couple of minutes choose from the pictures gender, skin color, hair color, hairstyle, eye color and shape, add glasses and freckles, if necessary.

I can’t show all the possible variations in the appearance of the characters (there are more than 6000 of them), here are a few boys and girls as an example:

You can be sure that you will get a similar cartoon portrait of a child using this construction set.

After choosing a character, you will be asked to add a photo of the child, write wishes, select the type of cover (hard/soft) and click the “Order” button.

It’s nice that you can immediately “look through” the electronic layout and check what the main character you created looks like on each page of the fairy tale about your child. The paper copy will be ready in a couple of days.

Delivery by courier, mail or pickup - throughout Russia.

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