Contests, games and entertainment for Valentine's Day

February is a wonderful time that most people associate with Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. The holiday is awaited with enthusiasm and joy, because it is the symbol of love and its manifestation. Both girls and boys prepare for it with all responsibility. In different countries, they celebrate it in their own way, but the essence always remains the same - to show your true, sincere feelings. Everyone chooses their own way to demonstrate this: someone gives a bouquet of unimaginable beauty, someone gives a romantic gift with meaning, someone arranges a romantic dinner, someone goes on a trip with their loved one. Each of these methods is wonderful and will be appreciated. But an equally good gift can be the bright and memorable impressions that you can get at an interesting and dizzying party.

Someone might argue that Valentine's Day is a holiday only for two, and on this day there is no place for mass celebrations. But this is not entirely true. After all, this is the day of ALL lovers, which means that ALL of them can easily spend this day together. In addition, not everyone is lucky enough to find their soul mate, and at such a party the chances of meeting your love are quite high. And, by the way, the party does not exclude a romantic evening for two after it. In a word: whatever you choose, the main thing is that it brings joy.

But we will dwell in more detail on parties, and to be more precise, on competitions, games and entertainment for Valentine's Day. After all, what is a holiday without competitions and entertainment? They should be, and should be, interesting, exciting, and relevant to the theme.

Features of organizing entertainment on February 14

In order for the Valentine's Day party to be sparkling and memorable, it is not enough just to choose banal and hackneyed competitions that most people associate with a broken record. Here you need to think through all the nuances: from exciting games to prizes.

Firstly, you should not forget what such a party is dedicated to, and choose musical accompaniment for entertainment in a romantic spirit. These can be either calm and gentle compositions, or energetic and fiery.

Secondly, do not lose sight of the fact that the room where the party will take place should also be decorated in an atmospheric way. These can be various decorative hearts, doves, balloons, as well as a large number of candles. You can do without this surroundings by focusing on color design. All shades of red and pink are suitable for such a holiday.

Thirdly, take care of prizes and gifts. After all, what kind of competitions can there be without prizes? They don't have to be expensive, but they just have to be original or thematic. Among the most successful options, perhaps, are:

  • aroma candles;
  • chocolate;
  • Handmade soap;
  • keychains;
  • refrigerator magnets;
  • soft toy;
  • movie tickets for a romantic comedy;
  • a set of postcards;
  • book and much more.

In any case, when choosing gifts, you need to take into account the interests of the guests.

If you organize a Valentine's Day party correctly, it can become a real gift for your loved one. And properly selected competitions and entertainment will leave pleasant memories in your memory.

Restaurant Ideas for Valentine's Day

The first thing you should think about is the festive atmosphere in the restaurant; in order to create a special romantic atmosphere for guests, decor alone will not be enough. You need to go further and get a little more involved, for example with staff costumes . Of course, sewing new work clothes for staff just for one or two days is very costly and impractical. But you can add some common element to their usual form: a heart brooch, Cupid’s arrow, Cupid, glasses with frames in the shape of hearts, red or pink pens and notepads for taking orders, wings on the back or hats.

If you have TVs or monitors in your establishment, you can play non-stop romantic films.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the sound and create a separate track list for the musical accompaniment so that guests do not get stuck on the screen.

Live music this evening will also help create a pleasant atmosphere, especially if it is themed compositions performed acoustically. Ideal if you have a small stage or a full-time musical instrument, such as a piano. Choose a thematic program and hold “silent” concerts for your visitors.

"Melody for my beloved"

What girl doesn't love music? Especially if it is dedicated specifically to her. Previously, men won the hearts of their chosen ones by performing romantic serenades under their balconies. These songs sounded especially unsurpassed when accompanied by masterful playing of a guitar or other musical instrument. Therefore, one of the entertainments during a Valentine's Day party can be playing musical instruments. Only, of course, not real ones. It would be too banal. The other halves of the young people participating in the entertainment will act as instruments during this competition.

Each pair will have to draw out a piece of paper with the name of the instrument, the playing of which will need to be demonstrated. It can be:

  • piano;
  • drums;
  • guitar;
  • flute;
  • double bass;
  • violin;
  • button accordion and much more.

Couples are given a few minutes to prepare, after which musical improvisation on live instruments begins. The spectacle is very interesting and fun. And the more liberated the company, the better it turns out. But an even better effect will be obtained if you take care in advance and select recordings of all the listed instruments and use them as phonograms during the couples’ performance. Those who look more organic and original will be named winners.

Together with you

Spending time together and doing things together is a great way to bring a couple together. Nowadays master classes are held everywhere, where beginners are taught some kind of skill: dancing, pottery, painting... No less exciting will be a culinary master class on preparing your favorite dish or a workshop with a famous pastry chef, where you can master the preparation of real French croissants or other famous desserts.

Such a day will definitely be remembered because it was fun and unusual. In addition, thanks to the lesson you will gain new knowledge and skills.

If you have the opportunity to spend the evening together, turn off your phones and send the children to grandma, be original. In the morning, give your loved one an invitation card to the “museum of our history.” Address: place of your residence, time convenient for both.

By evening, transform your apartment into a museum exhibition, beautifully arranging the “exhibits.” Take out photographs of you together and frame them, find a souvenir that he gave you on one of your first dates, bring out the postcards that you addressed to each other. “Relics” can be provided with explanations.

Make every corner of the apartment thematic: how we met, how you wooed me, how we spend our time, our vacation together, etc. You can also set aside space for a light buffet. When your loved one enters the “museum,” enter the role and become his personal guide, walking him step by step through the history of your couple.

You can even create a short film that captures the story of your relationship. Believe me, after visiting such an unusual “museum”, your loved one will be incredibly surprised at how many wonderful moments he has managed to forget.

"Cocktail for lovers"

What would a holiday be without drinks and dancing? And if you combine these two components in one competition, it will be a 100% sensation.

And the best thing about this kind of entertainment is that you don’t need anything other than music and 6-8 pairs of participants. In fact, the number of pairs depends on the size of the room: since the participants will be moving, there should be enough space.

Couples are invited to the dance floor. There the presenter conducts a short survey: “Who prefers what alcohol?” After the participants’ answers, the presenter again asks the question: “What needs to be done to avoid getting drunk?” The answers can be very different, but you need to pay attention to only one of them - dancing.

Couples are invited to dance. But these will be unusual dances. Here you will need to make certain movements that correspond to a specific drink. So, with the word “champagne”, the gentleman will have to get down on one knee and kiss the lady’s hand, and with the word “vodka” he will have to embrace her in a tight hug. When you hear the word “wine,” spin your partner around in your arms,” and when you hear the word “beer,” take her in your arms. It seems that everything is clear and uncomplicated, but the catch is that the music will gradually begin to speed up from being calm and slow. And those couples who make mistakes will have to leave the competition. Those who survive until the very end win.

Attention! Do not take heavily drunk participants. Safety first!

Restaurant photo zone for Valentine's Day

A very popular additional decoration element for February 14th. It’s rare that anyone will miss a chance and not take a photo with their significant other against the backdrop of a huge velvet heart or other fake structures. These could be: three-dimensional letters of the word “LOVE”, “Tree of Wishes”, on the branches of which in valentines everyone can write their personal wish, a large teddy bear and, of course, various collages with slits for faces. The latter are limited only by your imagination and the size of the room.

Don’t stop your choice only on romantic details, try to approach it with humor, because during this period your establishment will be visited not only by couples in love. Therefore, adding an element to the design of the restaurant for Valentine’s Day, with which other people will want to take pictures “for fun,” will be most welcome. Most of these photos will end up on Instagram, Facebook or Vkontakte, perhaps even indicating the establishment in hashtags and geolocation. And if you add the logo and name of your establishment to such designs, you will receive additional advertising for your establishment. You can read more in our separate article about promoting an establishment on the Internet.

Inviting a photographer during this period will most likely not be a very good idea, especially for small and cozy establishments. People at this moment want to feel in a romantic atmosphere, and not spend an evening with flashes. Moreover, almost everyone already has smartphones with cameras, and your visitors themselves will cope with this task perfectly.

"Understand without words"

Every woman, deep in her soul, dreams that in her life there will be such a relationship with her beloved, where everything would be clear without words. And this competition can help in this difficult task. To carry it out, you need to prepare cards with various images. Their topics can be very diverse. For these purposes, you can use calendars, postcards, magazine clippings or pictures printed on a printer. It's not that important.

Several couples participate in the competition. Their task is very simple: the girl must draw out any card and only with the help of sounds (not words) convey to her boyfriend information about what is depicted on it. For example, a wolf can be depicted howling. Those who don't guess correctly are eliminated. The game continues until there is only one pair left.

Creative declaration of love

Don’t know what to make unusual valentines from for Valentine’s Day? Here are some great ideas!


Valentine cards from geographical maps will remind you of the places where you met, visited, or where you dream of taking a romantic trip together. By the way, old cards are also an original option for gift wrapping, especially if these same gifts were brought from a trip. Well, or if it is a gift with a special meaning.


Glue felt onto the base (canvas, thick cardboard), and glue heart-shaped buttons onto it. The heart painting (panel, postcard) is ready!


Using a cookie cutter, cut out a heart from foam or other suitable material. Take the threads, secure the tip with glue to the heart and wrap the figure completely. Hide the end of the thread inside. Such hearts filled with warmth can be given as a gift or used for home decor, made into a garland or decorated with a bouquet of flowers.


Take music paper (or print it on a printer, and then “age” it with strong tea or coffee with cinnamon), cut out a heart. Wrap paper around an ordinary glass jar - and a magical candlestick for a romantic evening is ready. And the cherry on the cake is, of course, the heart window!

"Nimble Cupid"

Absolutely everyone takes part in this competition, but the participants do not compete in pairs. Men here will act as cupids, and women as their goals. And Cupid, as you know, aimed his love arrows at the target. But shooting at the fair sex is at least inhumane, and at most unsafe. Therefore, multi-colored hair bands will act as arrows. There should be as many flowers as there are cupid participants. Their task is: in the allotted time (1-3 minutes depending on the number of participants) to hit as many lovely beauties as possible with their “arrows”. To do this, you need to put an elastic band on their ankle. At this time, the girls sit on chairs with their legs crossed. Whoever puts on the most rubber bands gets the title of “the fastest Cupid.”

Promotions for Valentine's Day in a restaurant or cafe

What promotions can you come up with for a cafe? Perhaps the simplest and most logical thing you can come up with is a bottle of wine as a gift when ordering over a certain amount or a set of sushi, 2 dishes from the menu, etc. But “tricky” promotions, like 2+1, are better not worth it enter. Since the guests will be sitting in twos, it will not be very interesting for them and from the outside it may look a little petty. This also applies to regular discounts on certain items. Accounting for shares will be conveniently carried out in the cafe automation system.

For example, if a man orders dishes at a discount, this will most likely have a negative impact on his reputation in the eyes of a lady, since she also sees the menu and understands perfectly well what her young man chooses.

But gifts with an order are the optimal solution for Valentine’s Day promotions in a restaurant. You can even make them secret to add a “trick” to the menu and encourage guests to try a new item.

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Compliments from the restaurant, promotions for February 14

Do not confuse with shares when purchasing. We are talking about gifts just like that. For example, a rose for every woman at the entrance of the establishment, a ribbon on her wrist, candy or dessert. You can also use the very popular idea of ​​welcome-drink and hand out a glass of champagne to each guest.

Free tasting

Everything is simple here - you can taste either wine, or sweets, desserts. If you have a full-time pastry chef, then the second one is much easier to implement and, perhaps, less expensive. It depends on what kind of wine you are going to uncork for tastings. Tastings usually have a positive effect on sales. And this evening, with a complete target audience, even more so.

“Isn’t it time for us to go to the ball?”

In principle, both girls and boys can take part in the next competition. But in order for young people to fully experience how difficult it is sometimes for a girl to get ready, it is still better to play this game with the stronger sex. Whereas ladies can support and inspire their gentlemen.

To conduct this competition you will need large nylon tights and mittens. The task of young people, while listening to music, after putting mittens on their hands, is to pull on tights. The winner is the one who can do it faster than the others without tearing such a delicate piece of clothing too much. Whatever, it will be fun for everyone.

Think through the scenario and be prepared for anything

From all of the above, you can make a good holiday scenario, filling it with sweet surprises and a feeling of mutual tenderness. Just don’t put off preparation until the last minute, because the necessary attributes may not be available in the nearest store.

In addition, your ideal, clear holiday plan may fall apart due to your partner’s banal reluctance to participate in something or lack of mood. The main thing here is to remember why you are organizing your holiday: to please your partner and yourself, strengthen relationships and again feel bright, strong emotions.

Do whatever pleases both of you and enjoy the evening.

"Bouquet from a photograph"

Men are often accused of inattention by their significant other. But this competition will help the stronger sex rehabilitate itself and prove that nothing said or done by women escapes their attention.

From 3 to 5 people can participate in the competition. The presenter invites them to his place and informs them that, according to legend, this morning their girls went to a flower shop and chose a bouquet for the holiday. And so that their young people would not make a mistake and accidentally take the wrong bouquet, each of the girls photographed the flowers that she liked. These bouquets are shown to young people for 10 seconds (to each their own). After which the photos are taken, and the presenter says that the young people accidentally deleted the photo of the bouquet from their phone and now, in order not to upset their significant other, they must explain to the flower seller from memory which one they need. In other words, they must tell the seller what flowers, what color and in what quantity are presented in the flower arrangement chosen by his chosen one. If the guy completes the task, he receives a prize - a rose, which he can actually present to his beloved.

Valentine's Day offer in a restaurant

According to NRF statistics as of February 14, men spend at least 2 times more than women. In addition, for many men this date is a reason to propose to their soulmate, and many of them choose cafes or restaurants as a suitable place. You can take advantage of a good occasion and prepare a unique offer for such people.

In addition to the usual table reservation, add congratulations from the staff, a ceremonial serving of food and champagne, broadcast on the screens in the establishment and some live music. Option “Turnkey offers”, with discounts for regular customers. Advertising can be launched on social networks and various men's public pages in your city, for example, with the theme: cars, weapons, fishing, etc.

"Coat of Arms of Love"

Several couples take part in this competition. Their number will depend on how many materials you manage to prepare for the competition: it could be just a few couples, or it could be all the guests. What will you need for the competition? Various decorative trinkets: glass pebbles, large beads, natural and artificial flowers, shells, ribbons, lace, small figurines and much more. All this stuff is laid out on one table in the center. And the participants, using all this, must create their own coat of arms of love. It is important that both the guy and the girl take part in the creation process. When the work is completed, you can choose the best coat of arms and present a prize to the winner, or you can say that all coats of arms are unique and inimitable, and therefore it would not be correct to compare them with each other. After all, those who love are already winners, and therefore all participants will receive prizes.

Photos of valentines that you can make with your own hands

And one last thing. If you don't have anyone to celebrate Valentine's Day with this year, don't worry. What about self-love? Maybe you should treat yourself to a new outfit on this day? Or a fragrant bath with aromatic oils? Or maybe your heart skips a beat at the sounds of Argentine tango? So why not give yourself a trial lesson?

And if you don’t want to go anywhere, just spend a cozy evening watching your favorite movie or TV series, because, given the modern pace of life, such an evening is a luxury. A glass of sparkling wine will complement the atmosphere of joy and harmony.

"Romantic Dinner"

What would Valentine's Day be without a romantic dinner? Something special is always chosen for this evening. But no matter what is chosen, the main thing is to eat the festive dish together. Therefore, the host invites the guests to have a meal for two and invites 3-4 couples to participate. When the pairs are identified, they are given long fresh cucumbers and the conditions are announced. Participants need to eat this cucumber at the same time and without using their hands, each from their own side. Dropping the cucumber is strictly prohibited. You can easily replace the cucumber with a banana, but this will make the competition even more difficult. As for the rest, whoever manages it before the rest wins.

Flight for fantasy

You don't need expensive prizes or a very complex entertainment program to make the evening a success. If you use your imagination, it can turn out to be a stunning party. Which games you choose is up to you. The main thing is that they are interesting and uplifting. All invitees must take part in at least one entertainment at least once during the evening. This will provide them with unforgettable emotions and impressions.

The holiday should bring joy. Therefore, select competitions so that they correspond to the preferences of those invited. And don’t forget that your own mood is the mood of your guests: the better it is, the better the party will be.

Table decoration for Valentine's Day

Tables for two are the most popular on February 14th. A good idea to increase the capacity of the target audience and increase the number of reservations is to rearrange the table layout and separate adjacent tables for large groups. The conclusion is obvious: the more tables for two, the more orders and profits!

You shouldn’t overload the tables with decor; it’s enough to put lamps, candles or small lamps and lay out red tablecloths, if you have the budget for it.

Your waiters should be ready to bring flowerpots upon request. You can also buy the simplest glass ones, the main thing is that you have them.

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