Beautiful congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding in your own words

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day in verse

Happy Birthday to your family! Let her moments of bad weather! Let trouble pass you by! Peace, love, harmony, friendship, happiness Let them settle in it forever! There are many loyal friends and welcome guests. Let everyone enjoy jokes, dancing, singing, laughter in the house! So that there is the brightest light in a friendly family. We wish you only happiness, love and advice!

It's a great day for you today! You connected two destinies and sealed them with a signature in the registry office. This is the first step in life In the family - to further years of happiness! The fire of love lit the hearth, So that there was light in the house, not darkness; So that together we can take part in the construction of a nest of love; So that children grow up in joy and, no matter where you are on the way, you are drawn to come to your own home. Let your home be a full cup! Keep love until your gray hairs, So that your union is indestructible And becomes stronger and more beautiful over the years.

Let Mendelssohn's march sound, I congratulate you on your wedding day! Let your ship not go astray, avoiding reefs and shoals. I wish your family to be strong, and your love to burn like a fire, not to burn to the ground, not to burn anyone, but to become a family hearth!

A wedding ring has no beginning and no end. May your happiness last forever! Let your hearts beat in unison! We wish you to live in peace, Always cherish each other and appreciate every day of family life as a hidden gift!

Please accept our congratulations on your wedding day! We raise our cups for you and drink champagne to the bottom. May your eternal union grow stronger, May beautiful love be fate’s reward, And may the duty of marriage and family ties always be a joy to you. May your life always sparkle, Like the radiance of these days. Looking at the joyful faces, Let the Hymen shine. It's time for us to raise our glasses to the happiness of the young! Hooray!

I’ll say it in verse, even if prose is more familiar, I want everything to be fine with you, So that troubles run away from you without looking back And so that your neighbors don’t spoil the garden beds, So that in the most severe frost and bad weather, Your common happiness will warm you like the sun!


A wedding is a joyful and fun event in life for most people. This is not just a significant day - it is the beginning of a new life, where instead of “I” there is “we”, this is a serious step that must be taken consciously and with a sense of responsibility - then the family will be strong and happy for many years. The main congratulations to the newlyweds come at the very beginning of the celebration, when all the guests, starting with the parents, congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts. Of course, you can come up with a couple of lines on the fly like “I wish you love, happiness, mutual understanding and long life...”, but it will be much more interesting if you select a beautiful congratulation for the bride and groom in advance. There can be many options: a touching and sincere poem, a wise toast with practical advice, a song of your own composition, a humorous congratulation in prose. In addition to the newlyweds, wedding congratulations should also be given to their parents, because the wedding day is their holiday too. Armed with poems from our website, you will look very respectable and, undoubtedly, will go down in the history of the holiday as the life of the party.

Touching to tears congratulations on your wedding day

Today you are standing at the threshold, And the road runs like a smooth ribbon into the distance. From now on, you will walk along it together, And anything can happen along the way... So let every day be clear And the shadow of bad weather will not touch you, Let love protect you on the road, May it take troubles and worries away from you. Respect each other, try to take care of each other, don’t be offended by stupid trifles. Know how to appreciate the main thing in each other - It’s not for nothing that you are now called “spouses”.

When people meet each other and the soul freezes inside, Weightless wings of love appear behind them.

All lovers are kept from falling. Woven like an openwork thread. It is very important, with patience, to preserve these wings forever.

I wish you peace and joy, May your life be long, And let two light wings flutter tirelessly Behind your back.

Gold rings are put on, There is a stamp on the certificate... Well, young spouses, should we wish you on this day? So that music sounds in the house, So that the two of you don’t get bored, Live together in an interesting way, So that there is happiness - the house is full! Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly, And only at the wedding may it be “Bitter!”

Family happiness, patience, so that marriage brings mutual happiness. A cozy home, mutual love, And understanding, and a common dream.

So that the years you have lived play with happiness, And only with love you remember them, May your family peace be surrounded by comfort, And only roses bloom in your garden.

The alliance is sealed and hearts are sealed. Fate has now firmly crowned you. So be happy to the end, How happy you are from the very beginning!

Let there be less arguments in your marriage. More love and mutual understanding! Let the insidious apple of discord not become the center of your attention!

Let everything be done: the house is built and the forest is planted. And in that house let there be children's laughter! Let the union be harmonious and coherent. And you are an example of a loving couple for everyone!

Two pigeons searched for each other for a long time, but finding each other is no joke. And that dove and that dove flew towards each other for a long time. But still the deity bowed down to them with a kind smile of Happy love: Two doves tenderly coo to each other - Triumph of woven rings.

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Wedding congratulations in your own words with humor

Dear newlyweds! On this joyful day, I want you to remember simple arithmetic operations. An addition that made one girl and one boy a wonderful married couple. Subtracting both of you from your single life. Division, when all sorrows are divided in half and therefore decrease. And finally, multiplication, when all joys become common and multiply a hundredfold! Be happy!

We wish the groom that his better half passionately loves sports, cars, fishing and beer. And let him be no less passionate about TV series, shopping and cooking. Then your family will be simply perfect!

Family life is a great thing! Washing dishes, ironing, general cleaning, children's whims, scattered things... but, but! You haven't changed your mind, have you? And there is also tenderness, support, love, understanding, the patter of a child’s feet, fun, joy, the ability to understand each other perfectly. We wish you to experience only happy moments of marriage. Give birth to more mischievous babies, be together as often as possible and rejoice that you have love!

Fate has tied you tightly, the hard workers of the registry office have ringed you. Now you have become one whole, one family, a small one for now. I wish you many children and always be in trust. To make your life sweet, we will unanimously say “bitter”

One of the heroes of today’s celebration, the bride, is a dangerous person: she is an arsonist, and the groom agrees with me, since she has placed a flame in his heart. But I am sure that now she is bound by such a chain that cannot be broken. We drink to the health of our dear captive!

I notice one anatomical paradox in our newlywed... Don't be surprised! His heart is not on the left, but on the right - where his young charming wife sits. Let us wish that this phenomenon persists throughout their long, happy life, that his heart always reaches out to his wife, and the wife’s heart reaches out to her husband, and that the union of these hearts is not subject to any storms, vicissitudes, temptations and misfortunes. Let's drink to your well-being!

Once I walked at my brother's wedding. So, on their wedding night, the newlyweds read the fairy tale “Ivan the Tsar’s Son,” and after the allotted time, a beautiful baby was born to them! I also went to my sister’s wedding, where the newlyweds read the fairy tale “Marya the Mistress” on their wedding night, and soon they had a beautiful daughter! There was a case when I attended a friend’s wedding. So there the young people read the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” at night. And what do you think? Now they already have 7 sons and a sweet daughter! So let's drink to our newlyweds reading today the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan and the forty heroes!

A man asks God: “Lord!” Why did you create women so beautiful and at the same time so stupid? – Beautiful – so that you men can love them. And the stupid ones - so that they can love you, men. If a woman is beautiful and smart, it is, of course, difficult for her to love a man. This man must be exceptional. This is our groom. Let's drink to our exceptional groom and smart, beautiful bride!

Congratulations in the form of a quote from Bernard Shaw. He once said that getting married is stupid, but not getting married is even stupider. So here is our sincere wish to you: may you do something stupid today, but this stupidity will be the best stupidity in your life!

Today you voluntarily deprived yourself of freedom, intoxicated with love and happiness, you are entering into marriage. And we would like to wish you with all our hearts that you never get sober. After all, in this case, cucumber pickle will not help you. Let your love intoxicate you all your life, be happy!

Popular wisdom says that the first wealth in life is health, and the second is a wife. A good wife is half of happiness. There is no better friend than a faithful girlfriend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy. A good wife has no price for her husband. Let's wish our newlywed to justify these proverbs and drink to her!

There are rumors that after the wedding, all romance disappears and disappears. However, I'll tell you this, it's all about magic! Remember one thing: the marriage rings with which you tied yourself have completely different properties than simple ones. Please note, this is a proven fact. Now you are a single whole, and all joys and sorrows must be divided in half, because you have chosen infinity. The infinity sign consists of two inseparable rings. I wish you, dear newlyweds, that you maintain the magical attraction of your hearts to each other.

From today your full life begins. What is a screwdriver for if there is no screw? What's an umbrella for if it's not raining? Thread, no needle? A car without a wheel? Paint without a brush? These are inseparable objects, one cannot exist without the other. And then there are scissors, there are always two of them, but they are alone! Therefore, I wish you to be one, and to have a common idea for the sake of which you met together on the path of life - inseparable, like scissors.

Dear newlyweds! I want to congratulate you on your wedding day and give you unusual gifts! Here's a pink elephant for you, bride, so that your husband can be your protection, stronghold and barrier! Here's a new guitar for my husband, so that my wife will feel like an expensive gift! Here's a bicycle for your family so that they can live without sadness and without troubles! And here are onions and garlic for you, so that your guardian angel will take away all the evil! Live together, raise children, give each other happiness and laughter! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! A wedding is like an important gymnastics competition! We wish you to always be on horseback after successful exercises with rings, and leave the exercises with a goat and a log to others!

Today is a happy day! After all, the husband and wife still haven’t even fully understood what happened. Let them live into old age in the same joyful bewilderment, smiling at everyone around them and loving the whole world. At the same time, giving the world many, many healthy children!

Congratulations on your wedding day from your parents

On this holiday, beloved children, accept congratulations from us: Be the best couple in the world, So that the fire of passion does not go out.

Let separation not hang over you, Happiness should illuminate your home, And, of course, don’t forget to give your granddaughter and grandson as soon as possible!

An important day for everyone today is Family Day. Our children have finally found their happiness.

Don’t swear or quarrel, Be polite in everything, Build a strong family, Bring happiness into your home.

If anything happens, we will always help. Feel free to contact us. There is no one dearer to us on our entire planet!

We raised you, took care of you, brought you up as best we could, And now the happy day has come - Mendelssohn's March sounded. A beautiful wedding crown On your fingers there are gold rings - And we wish you to love each other and live in abundance. Raise your own children now, feel the support of friends, appreciate family warmth, preserve love forever!

We congratulate you, our dear children! And at this magnificent wedding hour, We would like to say that We consider you the best couple in the world! We are so happy for you! You, our daughter, be an exemplary wife! And you, son-in-law, always cherish your family! Let your hearth glow with unearthly passion! And your married life will be a joy!

Our dear children! How time flies, now you are leaving your parents’ nest and entering into a joint, family life. We wish you to live in love and harmony, to live not each for yourself, but for each other. They say that love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in the same direction. So, we wish you not to know sorrows, to live together, respect your soul mate and always look in one direction - forward, towards new joys. Well, we will support you and help you in difficult times!

Dear children! We wish you only the best: joy, happiness, love, and we really want your family life to be as light as feathers, as smooth as the rim of a ring that you put on each other’s hands. We wish you (name of the bride) to become a caring wife, a good friend, help your spouse with advice and a kind word. We wish you (name of the groom) to become the head of the family, hope and support, so that your wife is behind you, as if behind a stone wall. Advice and love to you!

Dear children! We wish you to live very happily together and not lose your love! And may there be more joy and bright moments in your life, and may you be able to overcome all problems, because you are together! Keep your love, trust each other and value each other very much. Happiness to you on your family voyage and may your ship of love never stray from the right course!

Today you are as beautiful as ever! For us, parents, your wedding is one of the main events in life, and we will try our best to help you so that you live a very happy life! Know that nothing should disturb your union - and this is in your hands. We wish you to give us wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, although you will have to try on the role of grandparents! Health to you, our children, a happy life together, prosperity, mutual understanding and great love.

Beautiful congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding in your own words

Congratulations on your wedding day and sincerely wish you endless family happiness, sincere understanding, unquenchable love and stable well-being in the home.

I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. I wish you to live in complete harmony and peace. Let every day of your life together turn into a wonderful fairy tale and a happy story.


Congratulations on your wedding day and wish you happy sunrises, funny family stories and cozy warm evenings.


Congratulations! I would like to wish you to live to see a golden wedding, a happy family life and many children. Understand each other, support and protect your happiness from envious eyes.


Congratulations, dear ones, on your wedding day. I wish you to always remain a couple in love and be able to become a happy and strong family!


Congratulations on your wedding day. May your journey together be easy and happy, may your family live in prosperity, happiness and love.

Congratulations to the young people! I wish that there is no end to your happiness, your love, your dreams and joint opportunities. Live in complete harmony of your hearts, dear ones.

Congratulations on your wedding day and wish you strong love and lasting happiness, memorable moments and wonderful family traditions.


I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding. I wish you peace and goodness, prosperity and happiness, true love and a friendly family.


Congratulations on your wedding and sincerely wish you to live in goodness and prosperity, happiness and love, understanding and peace, respect and joy.


Congratulations, dear ones, on your wedding. May your love be invincible and eternal, may you live a sweet life, but today everyone will unanimously shout “bitter” to you!


Happy wedding. Dear newlyweds, let your life be filled only with bright emotions. Love each other, respect, care and support.


Happy wedding day and with all my heart I wish you eternal joy, love, prosperity and understanding, respect, peace, prosperity and family comfort.


Dear newlyweds! Nowadays there is an expression: it’s not a wonder that they separate, it’s a wonder that they live. And we sincerely wish you to live a wonderful life.


A slender poplar grew in the forest, and a slender birch tree grew in the rows. And they fell in love with each other,” and they were drawn to each other until they finally connected their branches and intertwined themselves.


Congratulations, dears. I wish you to live at least a hundred years in prosperity and love, happiness and prosperity. And may all your dreams always come true.

Congratulations on your family day. Let love and understanding reign in your home. May all your dreams come true and you have everything your heart desires.

Happy marriage! We wish you to enjoy your life together and love each other as much as possible.


Dear newlyweds! Today is marked by your marriage. From now on you will live together. May your life be filled with sun, joy, love and fidelity.


On this significant day, I want to propose a toast to the bride’s parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - a pleasure to watch.


Happy wedding. Dear newlyweds! Let your life be bright, cloudless and happy. So that there is understanding, peace and, of course, a lot of love in life.


Our newlyweds! With the connection of hearts! Now your destinies are illuminated with endless love. Let it shine like a star, bringing unconditional joy and true happiness!


All the best and good health! May every new day be warmed with happiness, love, and the light of good changes!


The bride and groom are a happy couple, the Union will help you strengthen your love. We wish you, both young and old, to live your whole life side by side together!

Today is your wedding day, And “Bitter!” We are not too lazy to shout! We wish you happiness and great love, so that there will be enough feelings until the golden wedding!

Happy wedding, friends, on this festive hour, on such a significant date! May you have many joyful days, and may your life be rich in happiness!


Let every day be bright, Give happiness again and again, Don’t skimp on gifts, And let love live in our hearts!


Congratulations on your wedding, We wish the young family: May peace and advice reign in your home, May you live in love for many years!


We put rings on our hands, We flew through life together, So let the hearts knock in unison and life will be like a dream!

  • I congratulate you on your wedding day, I wish you love, prosperity, and children! More happiness to the bride and groom, May you live together with love for many years!

Your union is wonderful, bride and groom! Let love rule at this ball! And may there always be a place for Tenderness, affection, kindness and warmth in your life!


Congratulations on your wedding, We are very happy from our hearts. Be happy always, Never grieve. Endless love to you, tender, tender like flowers.


We congratulate you on your wedding day! Always love each other! We wish you to be a strong family, and to have comfort and warmth in your home!

  • I am surprised without flattery, Lucky as a bride! And the Groom is unable to contain his delight as he was “lucky”!

I am pleased to look at you, And without words everything is clear here: You are halves of each other, And now the wife’s family.


I wish you to live peacefully, to guard the fire of feelings persistently. And don't be afraid of rattles. Children's laughter is needed for happiness.


Let life be bright, cool, Like in dreams, like in a wonderful fairy tale. Millions of kind words to you, “Bitter” to you, newlyweds!


You have now become a wife, But for me you are always a girl. I send you congratulations, my beloved sister!

After all, living life is hard work, family is a big responsibility. You are entering the path of adulthood, I congratulate you on this.

Always live happily, suddenly helping your friend in everything. Let misfortune befall your home. Congratulations on your legal marriage, dear!


A magical dress, just like a princess's. Hairstyle. Your eyes are full of happiness! Today, sister, you became a bride, I wish you a happy wave.


Let life be filled with light and affection, More smiles, more baby soon. So that your husband turns your life into a fairy tale! And so that your soul always sings.


Dear sister, now your wife, You have a beloved husband and friend, Beautiful and very young, And so kind and gentle!

  • Let there be a spoonful of happiness every day, Experience all the bad weather together, Cherish attention and love, May you live in peace for up to a hundred years!

Give us birth to boys and girls, so that your home will ring with little voices. Love and wisdom, and long patience, and God's blessing to you!


Congratulations, dear sister! You are now a legal wife. The most beautiful girl! Happy, beautiful, in love.


I know that you will live your life together, be able to turn back time, and someday you will invite me to celebrate a golden wedding!


My beloved sister, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day! For a strong family, I raise a glass of Champagne.

Live happily, respect each other, and if there are difficulties along the way, overcome them together. Now you can go through life next to you!

Let children's laughter fill the house, May the house be rich in love, May there be prosperity in it Until the wedding itself is golden!


Let this day in your life be the beginning of something beautiful. Well, let fate give you everything that is called happiness in the world.


The best groom will become a husband, Everything in life will be what you need. You will become the best wife, together with a wonderful family.


Dear, dear sister, With all my soul I wish you to live in love for many years, without knowing sorrow and troubles.

  • Congratulations on your wedding to my beloved sister! I wish there to be peace and goodness in her family.

Let the beloved husband carry his little sister in his arms, fulfill everything he asks, like the prince in her dreams.


And you, my little blood, do not offend your wife, must blow away the dust particles, keep him in peace!


Take care of each other, appreciate and respect each other. Love even more, give birth to children!


Happy Wedding Day to my sister, I don’t know a better and more beautiful bride! I wish you a strong family, cheerful children, health, love!


Let your husband love you, care for you, cherish you, let no one in your house get sick. Let there be agreement with your mother-in-law, May there be great happiness in family life!


Say goodbye to your bachelor life, Because now you are happily married. Try to be a good husband. Happy marriage, dear brother!


You are very lucky with your wife, you can only dream about one like that! Take care of her and be worthy. What more could I wish for...


Every day you love more and more, Making each other happy again and again. And have children as soon as possible. Happy holiday! Advice and love to you!


The sun will light up from the sparks of the eyes of lovers And, it seems, the whole world has become brighter! To your union, my newlyweds, I raise a glass with joy.


You are not just my brother, you are my pride! And in your heart there is a sea of ​​kindness, Handsome in appearance, but firm in character. I believe you will be a super husband!


After all, I, of course, know you better, And it’s not in vain that we were friends since childhood. Brother, I so often remember the time when we shared everything.


Brother for brother, we stood strong, We solved all problems together. I regret, honestly, sometimes I even regret that I grew up, leaving my father’s house.


I have never seen your chosen one more beautiful, And she loves you with all her soul! And the world is simply decorated with your happiness. May great success await your family.


Your family and friends are all happy for you, we will all help you together! And you don’t even need gratitude, Just let me become an uncle as soon as possible.


In everything, good luck to you, good luck and success, May you fall in love with each other again and again. And your home is also ready to hear the overflow of childish laughter!


Brother, today you became a husband, You created a union of love with your wife! May everything work out great for you in business and in your career. Well, in personal life!


Make each other happy, inspire, Appreciate, give in if necessary, Be kind, strive for your dreams, Enjoy your path to happiness!


Brother, you are so handsome, tall, stately and happy. Your bride is beautiful, beautiful appearance and soul.


Daring guests shout to you: “Kiss! It’s bitter, young people!” Of course, the whole family is gathered, friends have arrived for the holiday.


All the toasts and congratulations are heard, the newlyweds are praised, the champagne flows like a river. As they say, a feast is a mountain!


But the holiday will end someday, Let it be remembered, guys. Appreciate your spouse, dear brother, And know that I am sincerely happy for you!


My beloved brother, dear, On such a significant day, I want to wish you a happy family!


Let the glasses ring, Let the hearts beat in unison, Let love be only sweet! Let’s shout to the newlyweds: “Bitter!”


In your hand - Her hand - Hers - special, alluring Desired, tender, real Whose name happiness beats in your temples.


In your hand - His hand - His - appointed from above. Now you live and breathe it. To the pinnacle of happiness there is close.


Don’t open these hands Let it be in your thoughts, but squeeze it tighter And know that this will last forever Now you are the closest circle.


Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, love, fidelity, tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's laughter, and let your soul sing with happiness!


Fate was preparing a gift, Holding two threads by the edges. From now on, you are not just a couple, Today you are already a family!


And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you: May your hearth not go out, We wish you endless happiness, Love, prosperity and all the best!


Not the bride and groom, but husband and wife: He is a little tired, and she is beautiful, And kisses taste like honey in the morning. The rains don't knock on them, the winds don't disturb them


Don’t lose your feelings, guys, Divide this world into two without a trace, So that hearts beat in the same rhythm, So that the honeymoon has no end!


That's it, guys, you got it, After all, you have become wife and husband. And for the husband: no parties, rare but fun drinking sessions. Start saving up your stash, Forget the cool car. What you wanted for yourself for many years - That’s it, sorry, there’s no money for it.


For the wife: borscht Name, In the summer - supplies for the winter. And all year - socks, socks (So as not to die of boredom).


The family home will be bright, There will be excellent harmony between you and you, Your main success will be Loud, ringing children's laughter.


Love once connected two destinies. Today, on your family’s birthday, We will repeat two very important words: We wish you peace and love.


Let happiness come into your life boldly, Let children's laughter fill the house. You build a life, even if clumsily, and achieve all victories together.


Hold hands when joy comes, Don't let go when your soul is sad. Living your whole life together is such a sweetness. You will learn to appreciate it!


Today we congratulate you! After all, a wedding is just happiness! And we wish the bride and groom that you always live in harmony.


So that your wallet does not become empty And so that your soul does not become hardened, Among the huge mass of things to do, you remember the main thing:


Love, laugh, smile, Help each other in the house, Enjoy a happy life and never despair!


My dear friends! I was present at your wedding from the very beginning to this moment and have not seen a happier expression on your faces than now.


I congratulate the young family and wish them family happiness near a warm hearth, passionate nights, and a pleasant, cozy awakening nearby.


When people find their soul mate, it is a great miracle. And it so happened that my best friend found his soul mate. And I'm truly happy for him.


I have known the hero of the occasion since childhood. We grew up together, matured together, fell in love, endured the bitterness of loss. But this is not important, the important thing is that I always felt his help nearby.

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