Heartfelt birthday greetings to a friend in prose

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

Dear and beloved friend, accept my congratulations on your birthday! First of all, I want to wish you boundless human and, most importantly, female happiness. Always remain as cheerful, optimistic and energetic as you are. May all the goodness and support that you radiate return to you a hundredfold. Let your family and friends always be nearby, who will inspire you and help you fulfill your dreams. After several decades, I hope to see you as happy and full of inspiration as you are today.

My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Be happy, be only good over the years, always feel needed. May you be surrounded by love, attention and care. I wish you good health, many smiles, energy, incredible events and bright memories. This day is only yours!

My dear, happy holiday to you, happy birthday! Remain the same bright, sociable and sensitive person. May your life be full of love, care, incredible adventures and wonderful emotions. Be happy!

Happy birthday, dear friend! Our friendship is priceless. We are connected by many things: memories, adventures, events, people, fun, life moments, advice, attention, smiles, understanding, discussion and much more. One thing remains unchanged: you are in my heart - sincerely, deeply and forever! Be happy and take care of yourself. Give this light your warmth, openness, intelligence. I wish that the world always reciprocates your feelings and rewards you with the simple blessings of life: health, love, family, the beauty of the world, gifts of fate and a great mood.

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! I wish you attention, care, love, support, honesty and sincerity. May every dream of yours come true and bring great pleasure. Be healthy, loved, beautiful and contagiously happy! May all your wishes certainly come true. You deserve the stars from the sky! Smile, today is your day!

My dear friend, I congratulate you on your day, your birthday! I am eternally grateful to fate for having you in my life. I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams - from the smallest to the biggest. I wish you to remain as sweet, sympathetic and kind. I wish that luck awaits you around every turn of fate. I wish you couture dresses, passionate romances and sincere love. I wish you wonderful travels, wonderful discoveries and unforgettable experiences! I wish you that your eyes always shine with happiness! Strong hugs, sincere laughter, warmth!

Dear, happy birthday to you! On this holiday, I wish you health, beauty, true female happiness and may luck follow you on your heels. Always remain the same wonderful person. Be happy!

Happy Birthday, my dear! I wish you to always be so luxurious and successful. I wish you warmth and harmony in life. Girlfriend, may all your wishes come true with a snap of your fingers. May all your aspirations turn into success. I wish you to always remain in a state of happiness and inspiration! Love you. Live with positivity and pleasure.

Happy birthday, darling! You are my most awesome, cool, cheerful and exciting girlfriend! I wish your life to be as bright, bright, positive, interesting as you are. Let the Universe hear your desires and help make them come true, let reliable, trusted people be nearby, and let your mental and physical beauty blossom more and more every year!

Happy birthday, dear friend! I wish you to always go through life with a smile. May success accompany you in all your endeavors. Immense happiness, good health and passionate love. Let failures pass you by, but harmony and joy do not leave you. I wish you to always remain yourself and not stop there. Let the rays of the sun burst into your life at breakneck speed and give you warmth and light. I wish only white streaks in life. Let only good people meet on your way. Love and be loved!

Every person needs three things to feel satisfied in life. The first is a strong rear, that is, family, close people, native blood. You have it. Your family loves you, and you can count on the help of your relatives. With all my heart I wish that loved ones will always be there. The second, no matter how trivial it may sound, is material well-being. There is never too much of this good thing, so I wish you an annual, or better yet daily, increase in your capabilities, so that you not only do not need anything, but can also afford women’s expensive nonsense. The third thing a person needs is friendship. Relatives accept you no matter what, but good attitude and love from other people must be earned. A large number of your girlfriends and friends suggests that you are truly a kind, sociable and open woman. Dear (NAME), I wish you that these three things will always be present in your life and give happiness, love and inspiration. Congratulations!


My friend, you are a star in life, shining with a gentle, warm light to your girlfriends and friends. And today you are a star, sparkling, diamond, festive and guiding. You show us the way to triumph and fun. Our star, you were born exactly... years ago. Therefore, today is your day, shine brightly, proudly and carefree. All toasts, congratulations, wishes in your honor! May they fill your life with positivity and happiness, and may your life turn into an endless celebration of love, delight and jubilation. May the azure sky from which you shine always remain cloudless. Happy birthday. ***

beautiful little man, I congratulate you on your birthday. I am very glad that I have such a friend - bright, perky, cheerful and kind. Always remain like this, with a sensitive heart and a wide soul. On your holiday, I sincerely wish you endless personal happiness, peace in your soul and peace in your heart. May people smile at you, may luck smile on you, may the sun smile on you. Let life be filled with positive emotions, pleasant meetings and wonderful surprises. Think about the good, don’t pay attention to the little things in life and you will succeed. Congratulations. ***

I congratulate the best friend in the world on her birthday. Let total luck haunt you all your life, let the admiring glances of men give you no rest, and the most serious problem will be the dilemma: Where to relax this summer, in Hawaii or in the Caribbean? Let this birthday be the beginning of a new life for you, where there is time for fun, and time for business - an hour, or two at most. Let every day be like today's holiday - fun and laughter, and you are the center of attention. Be carefree and happy! ***

Birthday is a wonderful holiday. You can immediately see who remembers you, who loves and appreciates you. And whoever congratulates you in the morning loves you more than anyone. Friend, I love you very much, so I tried to be one of the first to congratulate you, or maybe the first? I have known you for several years and have never once doubted your sincerity, devotion, and true kindness. May God always grant you happiness and peace of mind for your warmth and cordiality. Live in harmony with yourself and with the surrounding reality. Happy birthday!


To the rasotka, I congratulate you on your birthday! You are the smartest, the most fair and the most beautiful of all my friends. I wish you to always be so attractive and interesting. Let young people pay attention to you and look after you beautifully. I wish that your financial capabilities, quality of life and time for relaxation increase every year. Let there be no quarrels, conflicts and envy, but only mutual understanding and mutual assistance. May your heart always be light and flowers bloom in your soul. Be sure to love and be loved. A woman without love is like a flower without water. Either it dries out or the cactus. No matter how beautiful she is. May all your innermost dreams and desires come true, may your most ambitious plans come true, and may luck become your middle name. I wish that there will always be a place for celebration and entertainment in life, and that they will constantly fill your soul with positive emotions and sensations. And today, your day, spend it fun and carefree!

My beloved friend, on your thirty-first birthday I want to wish you:

in the body - living energy, inexhaustible health, freshness and vigor, in the head - interesting ideas and pleasant thoughts, in the eyes - eternal youth, enthusiasm, delight and inspiration, in the heart - unfading love and serenity, in the soul - sweet peace and divine music , and in the hands of the key to women's boundless happiness.



Oh dear, I want to wish you the main thing for every girl - to get married successfully!
Let your husband do at least a little for you - gives you gifts, feeds you, helps clean the apartment while you do your manicure, puts the children to bed while we chat on the phone, irons your dresses while you choose lipstick to match, buys you huge bouquets for... that you do everything for him - you give him your big, pure, sincere and bright love! *** friend
, happy birthday!
I was looking for a friend like you for a very long time, but I found it where I didn’t expect to find it. And I really don’t want to lose you, because life without our friendship will seem to me just joyless, monotonous and gray everyday life. Happy holiday to you! And may any of your dreams always come true! *** Friend
is not just a title, it must be earned.
And I am very glad that you deserved it a long time ago and have already confirmed it a hundred times in word and deed! On your birthday, I wish you only joy in your eyes and love in your heart, and everything else will work out by itself! *** You
will not believe!
I just met a crowd of cute guys who were trying to persuade me to introduce them to you. They said that you are the most beautiful girl in the world! We agreed that you would go to dances and parties, and every time one of them would come up to you and introduce themselves. They will be waiting for you in shopping centers, at lectures, on minibuses, at the cinema! Dating should start any day now, so keep your eyes open! *** Happy
birthday to a girl who will never betray, will never deceive, will never leave you in trouble and will never forget kindness.
It's you, my dear friend! Remain like this always, may everything in your life turn out only in the best way! *** Our
friendship has been tested over the years and through actions, I am 100% confident in you, but not everyone can boast of this, but I can!
Thank you for your kind words and support, you will always be the best girl for me, even at 45, even at 75! Happy Birthday! *** You
and I have known each other since childhood, I know all your habits and favorite things, and you understand me perfectly, not even from a word, but from a glance.
Once again, I congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday! I wish you not to be sad about the years that fly by, because you will always be young and beautiful! *** Happy
birthday my friend!
You have become a year older and this year has been added to the history of our friendship, which can truly be called time-tested. No matter what happened to me, you were always there. And for this I am immensely grateful to you. For me you are like family. Happy holiday to you, be happy! Best
friends - that’s what we’ve called ourselves since childhood, that’s how you and I walk through life, holding hands and not letting each other stumble and fall, that’s how we drive away misfortunes and open our arms towards happiness.
I congratulate you, my beloved friend, on your birthday! Always be as smart as you are and don’t despair if things don’t work out. *** Today
the sun shines brighter than usual, and the whole reason is that on this day a little man was born to whom I trust all my secrets and secrets, who even under torture will not reveal them to anyone, who is always there, even in joy, even in sorrow, you are my friend!
Happy Birthday! *** You
and I have been through so much: we laughed, and cried, and swore, and swore oaths of allegiance. I will never regret that Her Majesty Fate brought us together, I am very glad that such a sweet person like you is always next to me. Thanks, my dear friend! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best and fulfillment of your wishes!



Happy birthday to you! I wish you good Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends like me, and just remain the same wonderful person! ***

Dear friend, may the angel given to you by God to take care of your soul always be there and help you walk through this life only on the right path! I wish you confidence in the support of heaven in any situation and strength of spirit in any trials and temptations. I love you. Happy birthday!


L beloved, my dear friend, Happy Birthday, I congratulate you with all my loving heart! In my life, you are a priceless treasure that I value very much! May any of your paths be successful, may the Guardian Angel protect you and give you amazing spiritual beauty, patience, inexhaustible wisdom, tenderness and mutual reverent love!


Today is my best friend’s birthday, and I hasten to congratulate the dear birthday girl! I wish you good health, smile and laugh a lot, don’t cry at all and be a true princess. May flowers always smell fragrant around you, may magical fairies and amazing unicorns circle around you, and may stars fall from the sky and make all your dreams come true! Happy birthday, darling!


Every year time passes faster and faster. Events, places, people flash by. Often everyday worries do not allow you to fully enjoy great joys. But once a year a birthday comes - a day when, with a clear conscience, you can forget about everything and immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere. Let this day become a real gift, sparkle with thousands of bright congratulations, and warm you with the warmth of sincere wishes. Happy birthday my friend!


Happy long-awaited birthday - the most joyful holiday, with all my heart I congratulate you on a new interesting stage in your life! Let small victories add up to one grandiose one - you will achieve everything you dream of! Let the fair wind behind you spread the sails of dreams and wings of hope, helping you soar to the most incredible and victorious heights!


Let your life be like in your childhood dreams: full of hope, beautiful and happy. Whatever you plan, let it come true. I wish that every day of your life is filled with pleasant impressions and bright events. Be bold in your decisions, confident in your abilities. I wish that your path in life is lined with flowers. Let your loved one always walk next to you - reliably, responsibly and faithfully. Happy birthday my friend!


The rocket of your life is rapidly plowing through your living space, conquering more and more heights, conquering new stars. You yourself are as bright as the morning star. Being next to you is a pleasure, it is always new impressions, new sensations, new adventures. Happy birthday to you and thank God for introducing me to you, my dear friend.


I sincerely congratulate my beloved, kind friend on her birthday, with wishes of all earthly blessings! Let yours be the brightest among a thousand twinkling stars, guiding, giving light and strength! Let the most dear, beloved, congenial and reliable among the thousands of faces always be nearby! May the most cherished among thousands of wishes come true!

ahead , but let this year be the best - happy birthday, with new hopes, dreams and victories! With a pure soul, with a sincere heart and faith in the best, I wish you to swim in love and luxury without adversity and blues! Let the hearts of loved ones always beat in unison with yours, let the timely outstretched hands of devoted friends give optimism and strength!


Dear , beloved friend! Happy birthday to you, I wish you many smiles, women's happiness, daily joys, good health, inspiration in creativity, success on your life's path. Always remember that you have powerful support behind you in the form of a family and a friend who is ready to help at any time!


Friend , happy birthday! On this wonderful day, I congratulate you and wish you home comfort, a strong family without quarrels and misunderstandings. Appreciate each other, support and protect each other. I want your eyes to glow with happiness. Good luck to you in all your undertakings. Love you friend!


Happy birthday to the best, most beloved friend in the world, I hug you tightly ! My dear, how much I owe you, I thank you with all my heart! May your trembling heart never know anxiety and bloom from the love, warmth, care and attention of people who love you! May your destiny turn into a beautiful, harmonious picture of happiness!


Happy birthday my friend! You have become a year older and this year has been added to the history of our friendship, which can truly be called time-tested. No matter what happened in my life, you were always there. And for this I am eternally grateful to you. For me you are like my own sister. Happy holiday to you, be happy!


How wonderful it is to greet the morning with a feeling of wonderful anticipation for the coming day - may it always be like this in your life! How good it is to wait every evening with trepidation of soul and body for the coming night - may there always be someone nearby who evokes this trepidation! How good it is to live brightly, easily, breathe deeply and not be afraid of the future - let this be exactly what your wonderful life will be!


Happy birthday, I want to congratulate you and wish that all the flowers of the world lie at your feet, so that all the rays of the sun gently warm only you. Smile, enjoy life, catch a positive wave. May fate give you as many inspiring moments as possible, inspire you, and set you in the right mood. May you not have to beg for gifts from heaven, but they will be at every step.


please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! Be a beautiful free bird, confident in yourself. May the skies be clear and cloudless, may the sun of happiness always shine brightly for you! Soar easily above the monotony of everyday life, reach the heights of happiness, love and recognition! You deserve it!


I want to be feminine, fashionable, extravagant, charming, wise and infinitely beautiful, so that men don’t take their eyes off me and give me armfuls of flowers. Happy birthday my friend!


O charming friend, light and graceful, beautiful and mysterious, I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! Any compliments fade next to your beauty - may the world around you be just as beautiful and bring you endless happiness, true friends, true mutual love! Let each of your wishes come true, giving you a pleasant feeling of harmony!


Just as a lark carelessly flutters in the skies, not thinking about bad things, so on your birthday I wish you light and bright thoughts and sincere conversations with loved ones and friends. And may the Lord grant you in the new day everything that you expect from heaven, and may you blithely float on the waves of his endless love.


Happy birthday, my beloved friend! May the holiday warm you on this wonderful day, fill you with energy and joy! Let a chic dress emphasize your beauty and grace! Let your bosses give you record bonuses, and let your colleagues organize a grand celebration in your honor! We wish you abundance, prosperity, indestructible health, good luck and all the most pleasant things!


Today is your birthday. How many pleasant memories your memory holds, and how many more good things it has yet to capture. I congratulate you on your day and wish you good health, an increase in all your positive qualities: wisdom, tolerance, honesty and respect for people. May spring always bloom in your soul!

Happy Birthday to my most sincere, true friend ! We have known each other for many years, but today I want to wish you as much happiness, health and prosperity as the number of seconds we have known each other, and this is a very large number. Let time have no power over your body, memory, beauty and charm!


Today is your birthday, which means that the angels in heaven are singing a happy song to you. You deserve the best words, my beloved friend. The path you are following is true and righteous. Always be satisfied with your decisions, look for the good in every person, love everyone the way God loves you. Happy birthday! May everything always be wonderful for you on this Earth.


How often did you help me out, how many of my tears did you wipe away, how many joyful moments did you share with me, friend. I can count on your support at any time. May there be no cloudy days for you and may the sun always shine in your soul and butterflies flutter. Happy birthday!


I am the right wing, you are the left. You are a beautiful melody, and I am a song of words. I adore you with all my soul, golden birthday girl! I don't need another girlfriend. May happiness illuminate your path.


Let the aroma of festive bouquets and a kaleidoscope of friendly smiles fill your home today, so that on this day you truly feel like the main one at your holiday.


Next to you, the stars fade, flowers shed their petals, the sun hides behind the clouds to highlight your beauty. I wish that behind the unusually beautiful wrapper people can always discern the mysterious and beautiful soul. I wish that life brings you only pleasant surprises and desired gifts.


My dear, unique, amazing friend! Happy long-awaited birthday, I sincerely and warmly congratulate you! You are the best memories, a sea of ​​positivity and sincerity! Thank you for becoming a part of my life! May everything that awaits you in life be as beautiful as you are! I'm always there, kissing!


My dear friend, how I value your friendship. I can't put into words how much you mean to me! Congratulations on a beautiful holiday, happy birthday! You are the best and unique friend in the world. I love you very much!


beloved , dear friend, on your birthday I want to confess to you how dear you are to me, how much I need you. I can’t imagine life without our sincere communication! Be as kind and friendly, sincere and responsive! Give people the joy of communication! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday my friend! Remember that I am always ready to help you under any circumstances. I wish you a destiny as bright as the sun in the sky. May the shine in your eyes never fade. Light up others with your positive energy and shine brighter than all the stars. Always be the first and the best!


Dear friend, you are my main adviser and assistant. You are truly a dear person to me. May success, love, health and me be constant companions in your life. Let no sorrows overshadow your birthday and the whole next year! I will always be your right hand, like your most faithful friend.


To an incredibly beautiful woman, dearly loved and unique, my precious friend, I congratulate you on her birthday with all my heart! Thank you for the happiness of being your friend, my dear! I sincerely wish you the most wonderful moments in life! May all your endeavors be successful, may the gifts of fate fall into your hands like bright, happy stars!


Enjoy every minute of your life. Drink the nectar of life carefully, in small sips, without dropping a single precious drop. You have everything you need to be happy, and you will definitely achieve everything you want. Believe in your strength, in your dream! Happy Birthday, dear friend!


My dear friend! Happy birthday and wish you a beautiful life and good sunrises, unforgettable moments and bright emotions. May all your dreams come true!


My dear friend! May all your wishes come true, success in all your endeavors and true female happiness. Millions of smiles, happy days and always a good mood!


Happy birthday to You and I have been inseparable since childhood, so let’s carry our precious friendship, given to us by fate itself, through the coming years with the same loyalty and kindness, so that there will always be a place in my heart for you, and in yours for me.


Happy birthday to my best friend! I wish you, dear, to be as beautiful as a rose. Just not artificial, but fresh and bright. Release the thorns when necessary. Bloom slowly and bloom long, long. Let the whole world admire you!

*** P

my friend, I want to wish you a happy birthday!
I wish you true feminine happiness - huge and pure love, a warm family hearth and cute little children. And your friends will always be there, help and support if anything happens. Including me. Be happy, my dear! My
friend, I wish you to study well. Studying well means finding a great job. Finding a great job means occupying an important position. To hold an important position means to be a great person. To be a big man means to rule the world! And let in this world, where you are the president, there be a lot of cheerful friends, a sea of ​​laughter, a lot of opportunities and one great love! Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday to you, dear friend! I would like to wish you faith in your strength, perseverance in achieving your goals and wisdom to accept with a smile circumstances that you cannot change. ©

May all your dreams come true, my dear friend: your favorite stores often have grand sales, cakes and sweets do not add extra centimeters to your waist, and your loved one regularly surprises you with surprises that are not just for the date. Happy holiday! ©

On your birthday I wish you to enjoy all the flavors of life. Taste the sweetness of love, revel in the sharpness of passion, savor the tartness of life experience and appreciate the spicy taste of success. ©

On your wonderful holiday, your birthday, I wish, friend, that there will always be a cherished dream ahead, a guardian angel walking behind, and faithful and reliable friends walking on the sides. Be happy, my dear! ©

Happy birthday my friend! I wish that your personal Hydrometeorological Center daily forecasts showers of money, hurricanes of passion, whirlwinds of love, squalls of joy, gusts of tenderness and avalanches of success! ©

I wish you, my friend, to always remain the queen of your destiny. May the laws of happiness, love and understanding established by you be carried out unquestioningly, and may peace, kindness and joy always reign in your kingdom. ©

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