What to give for your 24th wedding anniversary, traditions and congratulations

If you think for a second and draw an analogy between the twenty-fourth wedding anniversary and a person entering adulthood, breaking away from the parental umbilical cord, beginning an adult, independent life, then wonderful allusions come to mind. The family institution has evolved from a clumsy, small and very cute creature into a full-fledged, balanced and mature person. After all, random people cannot live together for so many years without learning to understand and appreciate each other.

Traditions for a satin wedding

A wedding has always been considered one of the favorite holidays of the Russian people. In Ancient Rus', for example, they prepared for it in advance. Various chants were prepared, and games were organized, which were accompanied by certain traditions. However, after the celebration, they did not return to him, and few people thought about dates of this kind. Historically, it was only in the 19th century that the names known today for important dates of life together began to be invented. And also traditions and methods of celebrating them take shape.

An excellent way to decorate your home would be an oriental design option. Elegant satin clothing is ideal for creating festive looks for newlyweds. For example, a husband can wear a satin suit, and a wife can wear a chemise or a beautiful satin dress. Ideally, a couple can not only buy a set of clothes for themselves, but also exchange them with each other. This will show a good level of knowledge of each other's tastes, as well as strengthen family ties, help renew relationships and the level of trust.

Another important tradition is the exchange of vows. To perform it, you need to purchase a pair of satin ribbons and tie each other’s hands with them at the wrists. Such actions symbolize mutual support and love, as well as the sincerity of subsequent intentions.

You shouldn’t invite too many people to the anniversary celebration itself. The presence of the closest family members who can come to the holiday will be enough. A family atmosphere will help strengthen the union, as well as experience together the most significant events of the premarital period, which the older generation remembers. You can also share intimate events with your children, which will further help strengthen the bond.


The main thing in congratulations is that they be sincere. Here are some examples of things worth mentioning.

  • Dear (names of spouses)! Your relationship can become an example for each of us, especially for those who are young. It takes a lot of love to make married life as smooth and beautiful as you have made it. Today you are celebrating a satin wedding. Please accept our sincere wishes for happiness, and may your whole life be as wonderful as today!
  • Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary - satin wedding. Your union is love, complemented by fidelity, tenderness and understanding. Let this continue to be the case in your life. Congratulations and wish you great happiness and joy, the same as you bring to all of us!

What kind of wedding is celebrated after 23 years of marriage? We will tell you this in detail in a separate review. This article examines the 22nd wedding anniversary in detail. Here: https://banquettes.ru/prazdniki/svadba/godovshhinyi/44-sovmestnoy-zhizni-suprugov-kakaya-eto.html - they will tell you about 44 years of marriage: what kind of wedding it is, what to give and how to congratulate.

Celebrating 24th wedding anniversary

It is recommended to postpone a more magnificent version of the holiday until the round date, the 25th anniversary. The ideal option for a holiday is privacy in a warm atmosphere, or inviting your closest relatives and friends. The best location for the celebration will be an apartment, or a restaurant where the celebration itself was once celebrated, if it has not closed. But there are a number of mandatory elements of this anniversary, which include the following points:

  • satin things on the tables and in the clothes of the spouses;
  • a large number of sweets on the menu, which will mainly include oriental delicacies;
  • glasses of the same style, which are additionally decorated with satin ribbons.

To create a unified holiday atmosphere, you can ask relatives to come in suits that have any satin detail.

Anniversary interior selection

A special tradition is the presence of satin fabric in interior design. You can use a white satin tablecloth and place napkins of adjacent colors on it. Oriental-style interior elements, such as fans made of satin, will fit perfectly.

Symbolic jewelry and satin clothing can help support the style of the celebration. Cutlery and chairs can be decorated with satin ribbons in the same style. Tableware should be chosen from crystal or porcelain. The interior will be complemented by flowers in a vase and vases filled with water and intended for candles.

Invitees should be warned that the roasts should include an element of satin. It doesn’t matter what kind of gifts there will be. The main thing is to maintain the theme of the evening and a good mood from the guests.

Outfits for guests and spouses

There are many options for outfits for a satin wedding, but they should all support the theme of the holiday. A suit made of satin in your favorite colors is ideal for the groom. If your spouse is too conservative in terms of costumes, you can support the theme of the celebration with a satin tie or a shirt made of the appropriate material under a jacket. Guests and friends can support the holiday theme with satin additions, such as ribbons or scarves.

Surprises for romantics and creative people

Creative people can present something unusual by trying to surprise a husband and wife. Nowadays many people make photo books

in an unusual design. A photo album designed in this way and including cards storing the most memorable moments of family life will be a touching gift: the marriage itself, the birth of children, weddings, family travel. Individual pages of the photo book can be supplemented with the wishes of the closest people for the family.

If there are people who are implementing a similar idea, it would be a good idea to edit a film for those who managed to capture individual fragments of family life. Anyone will appreciate vivid memories that show the best things that happened.

There are now as many opportunities for creative gifts as possible. Almost every city has a recording studio where you can record a song.

, written in honor of the celebration, or the couple’s favorite composition. It can be performed during celebrations.

A light portrait of the spouses from a photograph, painted by the artist’s hand

Culinary traditions for the 24th wedding anniversary

The 24th wedding anniversary is the perfect occasion to prepare light snacks, such as canapés or fish julienne. Ideally, the menu will be complemented by a salad, preferably made from vegetables. Sliced ​​meat and vegetables are a must, and you can also supplement the menu with a cheese plate. As a main course, chicken with a side dish or dishes from any type of fish would look great.

The holiday ends with a traditionally sweet menu that can be offered to guests. In addition to the traditional birthday cake, guests can be offered oriental sweets, such as baklava and Turkish delight.

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

Regardless of whether the couple plans to celebrate alone or invite guests, loved ones still want to congratulate them on their anniversary. Ignoring such a date is rude. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right gift and the words with which it will be given. This will show respect and joy for a strong union.


Among the guests of the Satin Anniversary, it is not customary to spend a large amount of money or buy expensive gifts. After all, there is still a silver wedding ahead, so they limit themselves to light or comfortable souvenirs that necessarily contain satin elements. Most often these are bed linen, curtains, tablecloths or napkins. Moreover, all products must be of pleasant color and high quality.

And in order not to choose the same or incompatible things, guests should agree in advance about who will give what.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

In addition to the gift itself, what is important is the words with which it will be presented. Even the best thing will lose its appeal if it is presented with a gloomy face. At the same time, a simple thing can be supplemented with sincere congratulations, from which the spouses will understand that they are happy about their holiday. This is especially useful for those who will be giving traditional gifts.

Most often, congratulations are told in verse, because they are easier to remember and they seem more beautiful to everyone. But you can pronounce solemn words in prose, the main thing is to carefully prepare and learn them.


  1. You went through joy and sorrow, there were quarrels and misunderstandings between you, but you were able to overcome them. From two disunited people who had little idea of ​​what family life was, you created a strong, lasting union. This causes sincere admiration, and looking at the harmony in your couple and the children you raised, I want you to continue to love each other. Happy satin wedding!
  2. You have been together for almost a quarter of a century. 24 years is a truly colossal date for many endeavors, especially in relation to family, and not all lovers are able to carry their feelings through such a number of years. I am sincerely glad that your marriage is so strong, and all the differences of the first years have been smoothed out, and your union has become like a noble atlas. Happy Anniversary!

On such a special occasion you cannot improvise, otherwise it may seem that the guest is not particularly happy about the happiness of the spouses.

Gifts for a satin wedding

Often people run out of imagination precisely at the moment when the time comes to give gifts. People whose imagination is not intended for this kind of holidays have a reason to relax. Since there are not many options, you won’t have to rack your brains over them for a long time.

What can you give to friends?

On this date, the ideal gift would be any handmade item from friends. Soft toys or dolls with satin fabric inserts will be a wonderful addition and support for the symbolism of the date. If you don’t have the appropriate sewing skills or the desire to make gifts with your own hands, you can use the win-win TOP options that will always be “in place”:

  • satin bed linen or curtains;
  • decorative satin pillows;
  • if the clothing sizes and preferences of the couple are known, you can give paired satin shirts;
  • scarf, tie, gloves made of appropriate material;
  • a joint portrait of a couple, which is painted by numbers and decorated in the appropriate style;
  • expensive alcohol. Ideally, if you can find a drink aged 24 years;
  • a subscription for active and unusual recreation with the active lifestyle of the heroes of the occasion;
  • tickets to a concert event or training courses in the desired specialty;
  • an unusual plant in pots, but before this gift it is important to study the signs, especially if the couple is superstitious;
  • an elegant set of dishes and satin napkins;
  • a set of jewelry made of expensive metal.

Also, the couple will appreciate the gift if it is thematically related not only to the anniversary, but also to the area of ​​their hobbies.

What to give your spouse

A gift for a man does not have to contain symbols of celebration. Men think in different categories and a beautiful figurine will be received with gratitude at most, and then will gather dust on the shelves. As gifts for your spouse, you should look at the following options:

  • practical gift accessories;
  • certificate for an event related to your spouse’s hobby;
  • a ticket to an event dedicated to your favorite band;
  • for the handyman, you can give a set of tools for the home;
  • a tie or shirt made of satin fabric, if the man is not too conservative in his clothes;
  • athletes can be given sports equipment and a training suit;
  • modern car accessories;
  • gadgets that he had long dreamed of.

Any man will be pleased to receive a handmade gift from his wife. He will appreciate it, even if he is not a romantic. He will not leave an organized dinner for two, as well as a sweet cake with a symbolic inscription on it, without compliments.

What to give to your wife

The most win-win gift for a woman will be flowers. Each lady has her own preferences in this matter, but it is best to choose compositions from mixed versions of your favorite types of flowers. It is worth remembering that you should not give an even number of flowers even on the 24th anniversary, despite the fact that the gift may turn out to be quite symbolic. You can get out of the situation by buying, for example, 24 red roses and inserting 1 white rose in the middle.

A set of satin underwear, peignoir or pajamas, as well as an expensive satin dress will be a pleasant gift for your wife. An excellent option would be a satin gift in the form of gloves or a bag with appropriate decor.

The ideal gift would be one related to your spouse’s hobbies. A reading woman will find a set of literature at an impressive price that she has long wanted. Creative people can be given kits for handicrafts or makeup. If a man does not understand the intricacies, you can go together for a gift or give a subscription for an impressive amount. A certificate for courses on your wife’s hobbies will also be a wonderful gift for such an important date.

Gifts for parents

Any adequate parents will consider gifts from children, both purchased and made with their own hands, to be the most valuable. You should choose a gift based on your own status. Jewelry will be one of the most win-win gift options for parents on such an important date. Refined style or expensive material will be a wonderful display of attention to their family life.

A family vacation is another original gift that combines emotions. In addition, not all parents are financially able to provide themselves with a well-deserved vacation. An original photo session with all family members will be a memorable gift. Photos from different periods of the parents’ lives, decorated in an original design, will be another unusual and valuable gift. Standard gift options include satin bed linen, textile room decor sets, clothing and soft toys with satin inserts.

What else can please happy spouses?

In addition to gifts with satin content, you should also remember about the hobbies of the heroes of the occasion. Attributes for fishing, handicrafts, tourism, photography - those little joys that will not leave the “newlyweds” indifferent. Of course, anyone would want to give a pleasant surprise to enthusiastic people. But don’t forget the reason for which you congratulate. A satin ribbon or rose on the packaging will remind you of the holiday.

Order special gifts. A medal with engraved names and the date being celebrated, a poster with a photograph of the spouses and some original funny text, mugs with drawings and good wishes for the anniversary being celebrated. Suitable book covers, picture frames, various covers, napkins - there are no limits to your imagination!


There are many options for holding a satin wedding date. The best option would be a private dinner and subsequent leisure time together. You don’t have to sit at home, you can go for a ride along the river together, go to an expensive restaurant, or go on a joint trip to a neighboring city or country for a few days, just the two of you.

If you don’t want to be alone on this day, you can organize leisure time with family or friends. Preparing for the holiday includes decorating the interior with themed decorations.

An unusual idea would be to decorate glasses in the style of newlyweds. This kind of decoration is also suitable for candles. You can create a festive atmosphere with the help of flowers and petals scattered in a chaotic manner throughout the apartment. If it is impossible to celebrate the holiday at home or there is no desire for such an approach, you can go to a restaurant and spend the evening together. In any case, during the holiday it is advisable to wear satin clothing items during the day, as a symbol of the years lived together and the renewal of relationships. In the absence of satin basic elements of clothing, a dress or a shirt, you can support the theme of the holiday with the help of appropriate additions in the form of ties or ribbons. In the summer, you can replace a trip to a restaurant with a family vacation and barbecue in the forest. Active couples can go to a disco and remember their youth.

The main thing to remember is that the satin wedding holiday is intended for two and only the couple themselves will have to decide where and how to celebrate it.

Choice of clothes

Satin clothing is considered the best option for celebrating this special event. The wife can wear a blouse with a skirt or an airy dress with a graceful cut. A smart satin white shirt will suit your husband; if you are not inclined towards such materials, you can limit yourself to a tie, bow tie or scarf.

Guests should ideally also follow wedding traditions. They can be recommended to wear ribbons, hairpins, brooches, headbands, decorated with artificial or fresh flowers.

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