Cool toasts for the 30th anniversary of a girl (woman)

Thirty years for a man is the prime of life, many desires and aspirations. As a rule, at this age a person is already firmly on his feet and strives, if not to conquer this world, then certainly to personal growth, strengthening his values, to prosperity and well-being. And if twenty is just a round date, then at 30 years old a man can already accept congratulations on his anniversary. Here you will find classic congratulations on a man’s 30th birthday in prose, perky poems and funny toasts.

In verse

  • Your anniversary is very cool,
  • And you are a first-class hero of the day.
  • You are celebrating thirty years
  • You give everyone a full drink.
  • Let the vodka and wine flow like a river,
  • And then we’ll all rush to the casino.
  • We'll drink to you, to your 30 years.
  • Bets are placed, no more bets!
  • I won’t give you a postcard at thirty,
  • It’s better to have a glass with you.
  • For a gorgeous anniversary, for your 30 years,
  • You're cool, you're an authority.
  • I'll drink to a happy life.
  • And what you dreamed about quickly came true.
  • So that you have the coolest Beha,
  • And the girl is sexy and all about herself!
  • This holiday is awesome
  • I wish you not to be sad,
  • Let there be no eclipses in life,
  • May God bless you.
  • Meet you with great love
  • And fly with her soul together,
  • And bathe in kisses.
  • That's what we're drinking to now!
  • I'll tell you now I'll toast.
  • Let it fly to the stars
  • Let your soul soar
  • May you live without sinning!
  • Let friends surround you,
  • It will be possible, but it will not be possible,
  • Let everything change for the better,
  • And the wine foams in the glass!
  • You are thirty years old, friend,
  • I wish boredom would disappear from life,
  • I wish you have a good rest,
  • So that you get a trip to Cyprus.
  • I'll drink to you to conquer the Greek,
  • And she fell head over heels in love with him.
  • So that you can live there forever.
  • You know yourself, in Greece there is no time to grieve!
  • Let him walk merrily through life,
  • Let the air inhale deeply.
  • Let it not be stressful to celebrate.
  • After all, thirty years is important.
  • We need to remember this day.
  • And for this I advise you to pour it.
  • Then we will remember this day for a long time,
  • I’m not too lazy to drink to you!
  • Your life has changed dramatically
  • You really distinguished yourself today.
  • You are celebrating an important anniversary.
  • You are beginning your thirtieth year of life.
  • Let it pass easily and be wonderful.
  • You are a cool girl and this is clear to all of us.
  • You dress stylishly, you follow fashion.
  • And you often talk about celebrities.
  • And I will drink so that you will become famous soon.
  • After all, dressing fashionably is nothing new to you.
  • You have charisma and can conquer.
  • And it’s simply impossible to resist you!
  • You think that old age has knocked on the door.
  • After all, 30 years will pass so quickly,
  • You didn't expect it. You are fashionable and stylish
  • You are simply top class.
  • And it’s impossible to take my eyes off you.
  • Wrinkles, those small ones you don’t notice.
  • It’s better not to pour tea into our glass.
  • We need to wash your youth.
  • I tell everyone that you are beautiful.
  • You are simply a queen, you are no more wonderful.
  • And please accept my warm greetings.
  • Happy thirtieth anniversary!

Cool congratulations to a man on his 30th birthday

Choose an original 30th birthday greeting for your friend or boyfriend.


An excellent advantage of being thirty years old: you have a much larger choice of women! Young women seem younger, older women don't seem so old. Now you can choose! Happy birthday!


You're invulnerable like Iron Man, cool like Spiderman, and drive a car like Batman. This world needs superheroes like you! Let the force be with you! Happy B-day!

And here are some very short, cool congratulations to a man on his 30th birthday:


At fifteen you were already good... And at thirty you became twice as good! Happy anniversary!


You are at a great age now: you want, you can and you know how. Go for it! Happy birthday!


Thirty is twenty plus brains! Take advantage of it! Happy thirty!

In prose

- Mommy!
Smile, I will press the button and the bird will fly out! - So son, you are already quite big, it’s time to tell you the whole truth! No bird lives in a camera. Babayka and Baba Yaga are fiction, like Santa Claus. All this time your uncle was dressing up as him. And the squirrel doesn’t bring you gifts under the tree. Dad did not go on a trip around the world - he is now in prison. You can safely sleep on the edge of the bed, because the top will never grab your side. And they didn't find you in the cabbage patch. Children come from a completely different place! - Well, thank you, mom! - the son answered through tears - It turned out to be a big thirtieth birthday! I drink to the hope that age will never break your dreams and faith in miracles! Thirty arrived unexpectedly. It was another festive evening, as always, a big feast, friends, girlfriends. Suddenly someone persistently knocked on the door. I opened it and saw a stern stranger. - Who are you? – The birthday boy’s thirtieth birthday. Call him. I called and began to slowly eavesdrop. - I'm after you. “Where?” the friend whispered barely audibly. - Let's go get a job. I will make a man out of you. Stop drinking and partying. Get dressed, I'm waiting outside. Dear friend! Before you leave us for adulthood, I suggest you drink to the village to good luck and your thirtieth birthday, which has already come and there’s no getting away from it!

Beautiful and funny congratulations on your 30th anniversary

You are 30 years old today - Life is just beginning! May success await you everywhere, May everything always work out.

May the strength in your body and soul only be added, May your hopes and dreams come true every day!

Let happiness follow on your heels, Love never stops. Let miracles happen to you both here and there!


I sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary - on a wonderful date when everything is possible, everything is possible, everything is permitted and nothing is lost. In your 30s, I wish you high speed in achieving your goals, a bright light of happiness in your soul, a high level of prosperity in life and incredible luck every day.


Thirty years! This is the date! There is experience and there is a salary, Prospects are ahead, And all paths are open. What can you ask for? Never lose heart And catch luck by the tail, Open your own business to boot. Achieve success in your personal life, have your own island in the sea. The same amount of time will pass. Provide us with a report. Only so that in the Maldives we can receive it.


30 years is the time to blossom, Your wonderful anniversary. You accept congratulations in the circle of relatives and friends.

We wish you happiness, Stand strong on your feet - It is in your power, in your power to embrace the Immense.

May your health not fail you and your income increase. May your anniversary year be successful and fruitful!


In charming 30 I wish you to live and have fun, Your eyes sparkle joyfully And you can do everything, achieve everything.

Love to come true and happen, to be distinguished by good health, to meet friends joyfully, and not to part with loved ones.

Excitement, drive, mood, great location. Please accept all these congratulations. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday 30th Anniversary


Congratulations on the anniversary! Oh, now, as if I had gone too far, I’ll shout: “Hurray!”, so start dancing, And grab your ears thirty times! Is it better to have a minute? But thirty years is no joke. In general, congratulations again, I wish you very bright days, preserve the beauty of the soul, have fun, don’t be sad, captivate, make friends, love!


3 tens stood in a row, It’s your anniversary, they say, To make life more fun, pour your glass fuller.

At 30, let's drink to good luck, To the car, house and dacha, Let's drink to the yacht at the pier, To obey the helm.

For parents, to live, For friends, to be near, For the love that has been given to us, Drink the cup of life to the dregs.


Happy anniversary. At 30, I wish you: Travel, revelations, Parties and battles.

May good luck be with you. The tasks will be up to you. The sea will be knee-deep. There will never be grief.

Smile when there are dilemmas. Don't be sad when there are problems. Let everythnig will be alright. Ask me if there's any need.


Your age is over three decades, jubilee-young, May there be order in your affairs, May there be happiness and peace in your heart.

Prove everything in practice, always move forward, achieve your cherished goals and success will come to you!


We wish you, at the age of thirty, Happy to pull out a ticket, So that every year thirty times Victory pleases the eye.

On this anniversary, we wish you good, sincere friends, and life without hassle for another thirty years to come.

Congratulations on your 30th anniversary


30 years is a round anniversary! The time of life's dawn, strength and new achievements. A time of new discoveries and unforgettable moments of joy given by loved ones. I wish you to get enough of life to the fullest, to plunge into the bottomless sea of ​​love and care, affection and attention. May luck and success accompany you everywhere and in everything, may comfort and warmth reign in your home and warm the hearts of people who love you. Let the mischievous light that burns in your eyes shine brighter every year. Happy holiday!


At 30 years old, you can’t find better wishes than success and good luck along the way, Joy, prosperity, good luck, good days and a lot of inspiration. Achieving wonderful goals, happiness, amazing, beautiful moments.


You are 30 today, congratulations! We wish you all the best. Wonderful, rainbow moments, Love and a sea of ​​compliments.

Goodness, flowers and beauty, May your dreams come true. Today, relax, take a walk, celebrate your birthday!


Happy, wonderful days, sunshine, affection, kindness. Everything for you - smiles, songs, fireworks and flowers!

A sea of ​​joy, health, big money - a suitcase! Sparkle in love affairs, Let romance resound in your soul.

Let the stars shine brightly, Happiness awaits the kaleidoscope. At 30, it’s not too late to dream. Believe - and everything will be tip top!


On your wonderful anniversary, Be a little more cheerful, Be healthy and beautiful, Be happier and more cheerful!

Accept congratulations, allow kisses, After all, today is a special day - Drink and eat, hum, walk!

Let us wish you happiness, joy, good luck, Let life be even brighter, Never lose heart.

Let all adversities go, Let love knock on the house, Happy birthday! Congratulations on your day!

Poems for 30th birthday


Thirty. Is this a lot or a little? Thirty is life ahead. The main thing is that your heart doesn’t get tired of beating fieryly in your chest.

This world, which has no end and edge, can be traveled or flown all over. With all my heart I wish you to see everything and do everything.

And I wish you not to need anything! Live abundantly, believe and love. Always swim in tenderness, in money, Drink the cup of happiness to the end.


Thirty years - the dawn is tender, the sun is bright, warm. Life is all warmed with love and full of events.

There are dreams and there is aspiration, May everything come true for you. On the bright holiday of your birthday, all the words sound for you!

Let your health not fail you, let your friends be nearby, and let your precious family be a strong link.

There is no need to be sad at thirty years old - This is the dawn of life. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you one hundred happy bright years!


On a beautiful date, a memorable date, we congratulate you without a doubt, May your home be filled with joy, May there be no room for regret.

Let there be only wisdom and love, That protects through life, inspires, And may your beautiful years be enough for all your dreams!


Today is your thirtieth birthday. Today the sun is brighter than ever, and the air, all filled with fun, has been circling around you since the morning!

I congratulate you with all my heart, I wish you to seize every moment of happiness. I wish you love, health, money And twice thirty more; live!


You are 30 years old today - an important date. There is no kinder person in the world than you, Everyone knows it’s true.

Let things be successful, And love awaits at home. Good luck, joy, warmth and happiness again and again!

SMS congratulations on your 30th anniversary


On this sunny day, accept congratulations. The anniversary has arrived, 30 years from birth.

May magic surround you everywhere, May warmth and light be with you every moment.

Let love come, and luck, and a fairy tale, And in the soul, like in spring, it’s good and beautiful.


I wish you to enjoy a wonderful age: when goals have already been set, experience has been accumulated, knowledge has been gained, friends have been found, and your whole life is still ahead. And let only the photo in your passport and the number of achievements that you can be proud of change in the next 30 years. Good luck, health and success. Happy thirtieth birthday!


You will celebrate 30 years noisily, After all, today is the anniversary. Lead your life actively, don’t be shy, don’t do it.

Let your motto be courage; After all, life loves such people. Catch your luck, always hold on to it.


An anniversary is always pleasant, It comes at your prime. Congratulations, gifts - And you are already 30 years old.

Let all the good things remain nearby forever. Let both the sea and the city be submissive to the gaze.

May you not get tired of happiness, May you also gain something, May you have a great anniversary, May you get caught in the Euro-rain!


I wish you to be satisfied with life to the fullest, May good luck and luck go with you, May your friends and family Warm your heart with a kind look.

I wish you peace, care, love, success in your career and other victories, and, of course, health, take care of yourself. Today is your day, you are 30 years old!

Happy 30th birthday


Happy anniversary! I wish you happiness and joy. Future success in life, Lots of joy and laughter.

Carefree days carriage, Joyful sober friends. Ardent, hot congratulations, He will receive gifts from everyone.

On this day of warmth and laughter, I burn so that there is an obstacle - Your round date And, of course, your family.


I'll tell you that at thirty, Life actually just begins! I wish you to do everything in time, do what you like. I wish you not to be afraid to change your life for the better. Always eat right, never get sick. And remain a good person, smile more often and don’t be sad!


Thirty years. Great age! Time is a feat to accomplish. The impossible is possible if you believe and dare.

After all, considerable experience has already accumulated behind me, so, your wings have become stronger, set goals for yourself!

May your friends help you, good luck and love. Interesting adventures to get your blood boiling.


On your holiday, this Anniversary, May your dreams come true, May there be many ideas, And only you will be in the center!

Let everything come true that you wanted, After all, 30 years is just a limit of life, To catch up on what you didn’t have time to do, Looking with confidence into the distance!


At the age of thirty, I wish you, So that the sparkle in your eyes always shines, Let there be everything: work, home, family, And every day your capital grows upward!

Know only luck and don’t know losses, And believe in your dream, even when you can’t believe it! Let happiness knock on your door and settle in your soul forever!

Cool congratulations on 30 years


30 years is not so much, if you think about it. All roads are in front of you, Life is ready to open them!

We wish you happiness, a sea of ​​joy and love. May your everyday life be decorated with such beautiful poems!


Today is your anniversary, You can sing, dance and have fun, Invite guests to your home, After all, you are thirty today!

Thirty years - life has just begun, We wish you inspiration, Believe in yourself, dream, create, love, Accept congratulations today.


Three decades have been lived in the world, Everyone is with you - parents, friends, Children are growing up imperceptibly, And the family looks more solid...

I wish you in these thirty years not to be bored and not to be sick at all, to fall in love with your wife again, and to fly to Goa on vacation!

Let the money arrive as much as you need, So that there is enough for any whim, Let love be with you, And you hold on to it tightly!


Congratulations on your anniversary, you are thirty years old today. Behind us there are already quite a few of the Lord’s paths traveled.

There are still so many unknown roads ahead, Let us wish you freedom from financial troubles.

So that everything you dream about turns out without problems. So that your health is strong and love is the envy of everyone!


Happy thirty years anniversary - The world is open to you. Let there be no troubles in life, Let the sky be only blue.

So that your cozy home is full of excellent friends, there is a lot of laughter in it, and order in your personal life.

Happy 30th Birthday Wishes


A year has been added, and a round date, On this I sincerely congratulate you, May your life be bright and varied, And may your dream come true.

Don’t let your 30 scare you, After all, if you think about it, it’s a cool anniversary, Everyone around you warmly congratulates you, Feel free to pour a glass for your health!

I wish you more emotions, Memories and true friends, Keep your youth in your soul longer, Don’t regret the past!


Turning 30 is a wonderful anniversary. That age when everything is already under control. It's time for completely meaningful ideas, and how to implement them is also clear.

And everything is now only in your hands, All roads are open to you. Don't slow down, take risks on turns, rely on yourself, don't wait for help.

Let love be as strong as granite, just try not to make mistakes in it. Well, may fate protect you and give you a chance to achieve everything in life.


Thirty years! And let's say more: Everything in the world is within our reach! Take care of your youth longer, Don’t go to the doctor at all.

Live joyfully in the world, Don't be sad, don't be discouraged! Be the best on the entire planet, forgive everyone you offended!

Let the smile be clear, You will be glad to admire! May you have a great life, May your nerves not get in the way!


You are 30 years old today And whether you want it or not, Another year has passed, Adding a row to your age.

But don’t be sad, don’t be sad, Because you continue to bloom, And it’s better to remember your friends, Invite them to your anniversary.

Of course, they will all come, They will toast to happiness.

I congratulate you too, I wish you health, joy, flowers, smiles for the whole year, live without problems and without hassle!


You are 30 today - It’s just a wonderful day, After all, there is something to strive for for personal growth,

And there are still many new discoveries waiting for you, Wonderful events, To make life happy!


On your thirtieth anniversary, I send you my congratulations. Learn to appreciate your every day and say thank you to fate.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart to quickly get closer to your dream, so that you can always have a wonderful life! You are in the dawn of years, in all your glory.

Always be in line, as you are now. Travel, learn, create! Rejoice and laugh every hour, And take everything from life to the full!


Once upon a time at seventeen it seemed that thirty was almost old age, a ruler named “Time” would force us to bend our knees.

Oh, how wrong youth was too. Well, we need to come up with something like this! After all, thirty is the flowering of all desires And happiness is the earliest dawn!

Run faster through the dew, Let the sun warm your dreams! Under it, flowers blooming, Love will become brighter over the years!


You are thirty years old today, and I congratulate you on this. Good luck, happiness and victories, I wish you success in everything.

I wish you to find what your soul desires. And buy what you found, so that everything becomes incomparable.


At thirty, real, adult life begins, but don’t hold on to your youth: The time for sober maturity has come.

It’s not a good idea to drink cognac with friends on a bench in the morning. It's time to think about the Budget - Don't waste it just like that.

We wish you to reach all possible heights at the age of thirty. There is nothing impossible for you, But unimaginable success without hassle.

Let us wish you to walk with dignity along the road called “life”, Don’t try to find its meaning, Enjoy, love, have fun!


You are a successful person and you are still very, very young. Life experience is harmoniously combined in you with strength, activity and activity. We are happy to congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary and wish you everything that you will achieve (success, wealth, happiness in life). But let our congratulations help make it at least a little faster.

Cool toasts for the 30th anniversary of a girl (woman)

Beautiful congratulations to a woman on her 30th birthday

Dear, thirty years - A woman’s life is in its prime. A gentle and beautiful age, plus great prospects.

Everything is fine in your life, at work, in your personal life, and on your thirtieth birthday, you (name) are a sight for sore eyes.

On your wonderful anniversary, don’t regret your emotions, have fun, smile, enjoy your youth!

In her eyes I see light - This is a beautiful soul, Our (Name) is thirty years old. How good she is.

Happy birthday greetings to a man on his 30th birthday


Dear Sasha! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! 30 years is a beautiful, promising date. You already have a lot to be proud of, but you still have a lot to achieve. Let life guide you on the right path, let your friends and loved ones support you, and let money be your friend. Strive, dare and may you have enough strength for everything!


Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday! Thirty is an important age. You can already look back and evaluate yourself as a specialist, friend, family man. But at the same time, you still have a whole life ahead of you! And we want to live it in such a way that you can confidently consider yourself a successful and happy person who achieves everything he wants. Courage, strength, health and patience! Love and a warm heart. Let any peaks be achieved.


We sincerely congratulate you on your wonderful date! Thirty years is a time of exploits, self-realization, personal and career growth and new life plans. Let new heights conquer you! We wish you self-confidence, inspiration, right decisions, loyal and loving people next to you. Follow your dreams and let your heart show you the right path!

We recommend:

I can be so different, sometimes capricious, sometimes beautiful, sometimes a stupid monster, sometimes a beautiful Miss Universe, sometimes easy-going, sometimes with character, sometimes silent, sometimes swearing obscenely, sometimes into burning huts on horseback, sometimes desperately demanding help, slamming the door - I’ll open it all the dots, now I’m caressed by a fluffy ball, now I love and then I hate it, now I’m afraid of heights, now I go out on the roof for a walk in the dark night, now I’m my wife, now I’m an exemplary daughter, now I’m laughing, now I’m crying like a beluga, now I’m making peace, now I’m arguing with my friend. I’m not sick, I’m not mentally damaged – I’m just 100% WOMAN.

In all years, in all centuries, the fourth toast to the man. Even if he is a king, even if he is a god, he is always between our feet!

I wish you health, so that your breasts don’t hang like a rag! So that early in the morning at dawn, when you have no strength to wake up, so that it’s not the alarm clock, damn it, but wild sex that wakes you up!

Years have passed, the time has come to congratulate you, dear, on the day when you decided forever to link your destiny with me.

We loved sincerely and tenderly, And we took care of each other. Let everything not always be smooth on our life's path.

I tried to be needed by you, I gave birth to children for you. Please don’t regret the past, always dream about the future.

May everything be in order with us, May happiness not leave us. Love me, give me warmth and affection, I cannot live without you!

I want love, I want flowers, Sincere and tender confessions, I want to save your love, I want to become your bride again!

And no matter what they said, I always believed in you. May this faith and hope always live in our family.

If I were beautiful, if I were smart, I would be able to make one man happy. Well, since I’m not beautiful, and since I’m not slim, I can be with anyone, anywhere, anytime!

Do you know why our entire planet is green? The trees are green, the grass is green and everything is green. And it all started like this: A long time ago, when there were no trees and bushes, 3 women walked through the desert. Suddenly they see a lion feasting behind them - they are scattered. The lion catches up with the first woman, she falls to her knees and asks the Lord: “Lord, give to the Earth as many trees as she cheated on her husband.” God gave the garden, and the woman hid there and escaped from the lion. Lev catches up with the second woman, she falls to her knees and asks the Lord: “Lord, give as many trees to the Earth as the number of times I cheated on my husband.” God gave the forest and the woman hid from the lion. The lion catches up with the third woman, she falls to her knees and asks the Lord: “Lord, give as many trees to the Earth as I cheated on my husband.” God gave the taiga, and she hid there. So let's drink to us, to the landscapers!

Happy 30th birthday to a male colleague


Sergey! On behalf of our entire team, we wish you a happy birthday! Thirty years is the time to flourish. We are confident that your intelligence and responsible approach to work will serve you well. I wish you creative success, career growth, always remain the same responsive, diligent and valuable employee!


Dear Nikita! Our team values ​​you as a person and as an employee. You make a great contribution to the work of the department, and we are glad to work with you. On your birthday, we wish you that your affairs always end in success, that you have enough strength for everything, and that your career develops. In work and in life, strive to always enjoy what you do. Let your wildest wishes come true and conquer any peaks! Happy first anniversary!


The team of Strela LLC cordially congratulates you on your birthday. At thirty, life is just beginning: You are young, full of energy and strength, but you already have good experience, important skills and knowledge. We wish you career growth, success in your aspirations, peace and understanding in your home, as well as the speedy implementation of all your ideas! We are happy to work with you on the same team. Happy Birthday!

SMS congratulations for a friend on his 30th birthday

"Thirtieth Anniversary"

The thirtieth anniversary is a solid milestone for life, many good days await you, and happiness - you are a distinguished guy! What do I wish for when I'm thirty? To live five more times this much - Beautifully, joyfully, without troubles, So that it will be useful and meaningful!

“Only thirty is not enough!”

Just thirty is not enough! Thirty is already a lot! You laid the foundation for the affairs and paths of life! But the main thing, my friend, still lies ahead. So be happy! I know that you can do everything in the world, You know, I believe in your strength!

“You haven’t become an adult like a child”

You have not become an adult like a child, on which I congratulate you, friend. Living is always easy and simple. I wish you this day. Your thirtieth birthday will bring happiness and success to the mountains. The best thing in the world, plenty of money and health.


Well, my friend, accept my congratulations! Don't forget about your friends, We are your treasures! Stay the same, Bright, cheerful. Well, together with us you can cope, Even with the most disgusting things!

“Happy thirtieth birthday to you!”

I want to congratulate you on your thirtieth birthday! Let the years go forward - You can handle everything! Good health - may It not let you down! Let happiness flow over the edge and bring joy!

“Let joy shine in your eyes!”

May your life be like an eternal holiday, the Garden of Eden, And may you be able to fulfill all your dreams without encountering any obstacles along the way. Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday, Let joy shine in your eyes! I wish you stability in everything: On the personal front and in business.

“My friend is thirty!”

My friend is thirty! That's the date! Celebrate - so celebrate! I wish to be rich... What else can I wish for? Well, of course, health, so that you want and can, so that you are surrounded by love, so that your cherished dreams come true!

“Time flew by quickly”

30 years to you, my friend - Time has flown by quickly, Years are like a heartbeat - The main thing is not to get sick! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a lot of happiness and luck, never lose heart, a golden mood!

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