Games and competitions for the holiday at the school “Autumn Ball”

Competitions for high school students for the autumn ball “Autumn Outfit”

The host offers the young people who have volunteered to compete for the title of “Prom King” and “Autumn Queen” the first round, which is called a fashion design competition.

They are given props - several rolls of toilet paper, from which they should construct an autumn outfit for their assistant or assistant. During the demonstration, the fashion designer must announce the motto of his masterpiece and explain how the model is associated with autumn.

If a girl decides to make her assistant a bow tie and fastens it around the young man’s neck (it turns out very funny if the young man is not wearing a shirt, but a T-shirt), then she can explain her choice of “outfit model” like this: “I’m sure someone will remember that in the fall, butterfly larvae wrap themselves in cobwebs or leaves, turning into pupae. Toilet paper is perfect for this purpose!”

Someone will try to make bows out of paper and hang them on their model’s dress, explaining the outfit with the phrase: “An autumn ball happens only in autumn, and a beautiful lady’s ball gown is unthinkable without a luxurious bow!”

Someone will come up with the idea of ​​making a veil out of paper and explain that autumn has long been considered a time for weddings. What would a wedding be without a veil?

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