Fun games and competitions for adults. vulgar birthday contests

When preparing for the wedding, the newlyweds carefully think through all the details of the celebration: from choosing a banquet hall and purchasing wedding dresses to decor and, of course, the entertainment program. An integral part of the latter are competitions, which not only allow you to entertain guests, but also introduce them to each other.

Among the variety of fun wedding competitions presented on the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting options: from intellectual and creative to sporty and vulgar. The latter would be appropriate at a youth wedding in the middle of the celebration, when many of the guests have already met each other and feel quite relaxed. The portal will tell you what competitions for an adult group can be included in the wedding program.

Vulgar wedding competitions

Of course, not everyone decides to participate in such wedding competitions for guests. But those who still dare will receive a lot of pleasure, positivity and a charge of energy.

Dancing on the newspaper

This fun has not left the list of competitions for adults for a very long time, because wedding guests love to dance, and in this competition you can also win a prize. The rules are very simple: a couple spreads a newspaper on the floor and starts dancing on it. When the music stops, the leader gives the command to fold the newspaper in half and continue the dance. This is repeated until the most savvy and flexible pair of winners remains on the dance floor.


The guys are blindfolded. The girls come up one by one, and the guys must determine the girls’ parameters by touch. Whoever guesses the maximum number of parameters closest is the winner.

50 each

Dirty wedding competitions simply cannot do without alcohol, and this makes the game even more fun. The girl must fill a glass with an alcoholic (but this is not necessary) drink and hold it between her knees. A man should drink this glass on his knees and without using his hands. The easiest way to do this is if the girl holds the glass between her legs at an angle and slowly stands up, helping the man drink. But it is not necessary to explain this to the participants right away; let them be smart.

Close acquaintance

Competitions at weddings using lollipop are not uncommon. They are suitable for both established couples to strengthen their union, and for the development of nascent relationships. Guys should hold the lollipop stick in their teeth. The girls' task is to free the candy from its wrapper as quickly as possible. You can't help with your hands. If the lollipop falls to the floor, the pair is eliminated.

To the Brudershaft

Funny competitions for adults often involve the need to drink. Each couple is given a glass of cocktail and two intertwined straws are inserted into it. They cannot be separated. The couple's task is to empty the glass together through the straws as quickly as possible.

Blind Kiss

This is a great competition for witnesses, but it is also suitable for other guests. The guy must choose one from several girls. He is then blindfolded and the girls take turns kissing him. The guy must guess at what moment the lady he has chosen kisses him. If witnesses are involved, the man must recognize his partner. Such competitions for an adult company can significantly bring young people closer together, dissolving the embarrassment between them.

Several ideas for cool performances and skits

A bright and fiery wedding cannot take place without costume performances and skits. A professional toastmaster has dozens of similar entertainments in stock. Let’s dwell on the coolest and most popular of them, which any presenter can organize.

Costume production “Congratulations from the Stars”

For this fun you will need several phonograms of famous songs of pop stars and costumes in which guests will dress up, portraying this or that performer. The producer, representing his “star team,” invites his “protégés” one by one, who should get into the image of “their” star as much as possible and perform an excerpt of her song to the soundtrack.

The most artistic and relaxed of the guests should be chosen for this role. After the introduction, each performer makes a short speech, congratulating the young people and presenting them with gifts.

Sketch “In the world of sensations”

Two journalists will be required to participate in this skit.

who report “from the scene” - from the wedding banquet. They take turns performing live, sharing sensational news about the wedding.

For example, the news that the groom is a famous producer, and the bride is a model, a relationship with whom he hid for fifteen years! Or the news that in the middle of the most luxurious restaurant in Moscow there is a whole pool with champagne, in which guests are already just swimming.

There can be as much news as you like - it all depends on the imagination of the participants. You can talk about which celebrities are present at the party and what they do while drunk. Another idea for sensational news is a description of the chic and original gifts that the newlyweds received.

Improv theater

Another popular idea for a fun production is impromptu skits.

. Such scenes are very simple and funny, and also do not require prior preparation. The presenter prepares a short story that he will read.

As many “actors” are called to participate as are involved in the story. Their task is to depict all the actions that the presenter says, while trying to get into their role as much as possible.

There are a lot of ideas for such stories. For example, it could be a fairy tale about a princess who is kidnapped by a dragon, and a brave prince goes to save her. Another option is the usual production of “The Morning of a Working Day”: an angry boss comes to work, who did not get enough sleep, and reacts violently to all the events that are happening.

Contests for adults: the fun continues

Our life is a series of boring everyday life with rare weekend breaks and even rarer holidays. At a wedding, thanks to a relaxed atmosphere and alcohol, guests can have a lot of fun, and some can even find their soulmate. Fun competitions for adults allow them to do more than they can afford in real life.

Interesting story

For the laziest adult guests, you can hold a passive funny table competition. On a sheet of paper folded into a tube, you need to write questions on each fold: Who? Who else? With whom? Where? When? What weather? Under what circumstances? What they were doing? Who was watching this? What happened? How did it end? etc. Guests must answer all questions in writing in turn. Then the presenter unwinds the tube and reads the entire story. The more original the guests' answers, the funnier the story. If you add a little more immodest and vulgar questions, you'll get a great competition for a bachelorette party.


"Paper Dress" competition

Couples are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each “tailor” is given a roll of toilet paper, from which he needs to make a dress for his “model.” (The dress must be made only of paper. Tears and knots are allowed, but paper clips, pins and other foreign objects are prohibited). For some time (10-15-30 minutes) the couples are removed, after which the “model” returns in a new “outfit”. Having assessed the appearance of the dress, the jury invites the couples to dance. How slowly and gracefully such a fragile work of a “tailor” falls apart! This is a must see, which is what I wish for everyone! :).

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Vulgar wedding competitions for adults

When preparing for the wedding, the newlyweds carefully think through all the details of the celebration: from choosing a banquet hall and purchasing wedding dresses to decor and, of course, the entertainment program. An integral part of the latter are competitions, which not only allow you to entertain guests, but also introduce them to each other.

Among the variety of fun wedding competitions presented on the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting options: from intellectual and creative to sporty and vulgar. The latter would be appropriate at a youth wedding in the middle of the celebration, when many of the guests have already met each other and feel quite relaxed. The portal will tell you what competitions for an adult group can be included in the wedding program.

Ideas for vulgar lotteries

When the guests are tired of dancing and games, the host can involve a close friend of the newlyweds in holding an erotic lottery. The witness gathers the bride's team, and the witness gathers the groom's team. Cards with questions and answers have been prepared for the lottery. One team asks a question, and the second answers.

Another option for a funny erotic lottery for a wedding could be a game where participants need to guess what object is being discussed. To do this, you need to prepare cards with erotic descriptions of simple things.

A vulgar lottery can be organized at a wedding according to the principle of the Crocodile game. Guests are divided into 2 teams. One group comes up with a phrase related to intimate life and chooses a player from the opposing team. This phrase is whispered into his ear. His task is to explain the hidden phrase to his partners without words.

If you are planning a wedding anniversary celebration, then vulgar lotteries at this celebration will come in handy. In this case, one team can be led by the husband, and the second by the wife.

Singles competitions for adults

Fun competitions for adults can be held at a wedding not only between couples, but also between individual participants. Plus, some of these raunchy competitions are perfect for a fun bachelorette party where you can have a lot of fun without any embarrassment!


Several girls are called to participate in the competition. They are asked to name a number from 1 to 5. When the girls name the numbers, they are explained that they mean the number of wardrobe items that they must take off while listening to the music. They turn on the music and turn off the lights, the girls complete the task.

Game of strip

Participants are divided into teams with a composition of two guys and one girl. The guys' task is to put as much of their clothes on the girl as possible.


To conduct this competition, girls are given lollipops, with which they must show the bride how to treat her manhood. The winner is the one who eats the lollipop the fastest (biting is prohibited!).

Pass the ring

Such a funny table competition can be held in the form of a competition between the relatives of the bride and groom. All adult guests at the table are given matches, with the help of which they must pass the ring to each other, holding the matches in their mouths. Victory remains with the team that quickly transfers the ring from the end of the table to its beginning.


Competitions for newlyweds

Beautiful life

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter asks those gathered what material values ​​they can wish for the young people. Someone will definitely name: house, car, yacht, dacha, money. Those who guess one of these words must raise their hand.

At the end of the survey, those who guessed correctly and the newlyweds are invited to the center of the hall. Each participant must show what he wished. The presenter asks first to demonstrate how they will show it and to direct the process. Each participant has their own short excerpt from the song. During the action, the young people take pictures with the competition participants.

House. The participant must stand behind the young people and make a roof over their heads with their hands. Music track: “Under the roof of your house” by Yu. Antonov.

Car. The participant sits on a chair and pretends to be a driver. Driver gloves and a helmet can be used as props. Music track: "Crazy Frog".

Yacht. The participant portrays the captain of the ship, standing at the helm. You can use a smoking pipe and a captain's cap. Music track: “Yacht, sail” by V. Strykalo.

Country house. You need to depict something dacha - digging a vegetable garden, for example. Props - a children's shovel or rake, gloves, sunglasses and a hat. Music track: “What a wonderful day, I’m not too lazy to work...” from m/f.

Money. The participant is given a wad of “money”. He can scatter it over the heads of the young, making it “rain money.” Music track: “Money, money, money” gr. ABBA.

At the end of the competition, you need to take a group posed photo with the track “We wish you happiness.”

School of Etiquette

The presenter explains that there are different situations in life

Conflicts arise in which it is important to find a compromise. The main thing is not to stoop to throwing hurtful words in the heat of the moment, which you may regret later.

Newlyweds are invited to undergo a crash course in etiquette. And, if there is a bad word on the tip of your tongue, replace it with the name of the flower. To do this, young people, with the help of tips from guests, write 5 names of flowers on a piece of whatman paper. The groom – with feminine names, the wife – with masculine names.

Next, the presenter reads out conflict situations for each of the newlyweds and writes down the answers. Young people must choose from five flower options the one they will use in a similar situation.

For the bride

Situation What can you call your husband? 1. My husband was late at work.

2. The husband does not want to go to visit his mother-in-law.

3. My husband accidentally broke his favorite set.

4. My husband forgot about an important date.

5. The husband does not want to agree on one important issue.

For the groom

SituationWhat can you call your wife?
1.My wife was late from the bachelorette party.
2.My wife doesn’t want to let me go fishing or go somewhere else with friends.
3.My wife spent the money she had saved for a car and bought a fur coat.
4.Your wife accidentally started talking on the phone and burned a burn through your favorite shirt with an iron.
5.Your wife has tidied up your desk and now you can't find anything.

The most “unhinged” competitions at a wedding: 25 photos that everyone is ashamed of

It seems that competitions at modern weddings were invented only to immediately know whether this family will take place or whether there will be a divorce the next day. And all because the dose of vulgarity, vulgarity and banal stupidity in them is exceeded a hundred times, and not everyone goes through such a test...

As you might have guessed, our selection included photos of perhaps the most “unhinged” competitions from weddings. And to be honest, looking at them is awkward and funny at the same time!

This ritual replaced touching wedding vows and poems and became a classic of the genre!

We hope that the groom had already been kidnapped at that moment, and he didn’t see anything else...

Finally, the mother-in-law met her father-in-law!

Do you know what is most shocking about this photo? His wife's face is in the background!

We're afraid to imagine how it all ended!

But it’s not for nothing that they say that a good toastmaster is the decoration of a wedding!

The guests definitely didn’t have to get bored at this wedding!

And why did we see this?

Are such competitions definitely not illegal?

Looks like all the bridesmaids will find their groomsmen at this wedding!

I wonder if the young family knew what they were signing up for when they invited the toastmaster?

We hope everyone remains alive and well until the end of this holiday?

Well, on the first day of married life, the bride has already gone downhill...

People, you are serious.

But before the wedding, the guest was a respected and decent woman!

Perhaps we will remain silent!

I wonder where the presenters get ideas for such unbridled fun?

When the bride decided to take matters into her own hands!

We urgently need to unsee all this!

That's why many newlyweds refuse a lavish celebration!

The next morning someone will be very embarrassed...

Humiliation of guests is a favorite theme of wedding competitions!

It seems that this man forgot that he has been married for a couple of hours!

When the mother of the bride suddenly realized that the loan for the wedding was not in vain!

But we warned that everyone would be ashamed of the photos from the selection!

Did you know that we have Instagram and Telegram?

Subscribe if you are a connoisseur of beautiful photos and interesting stories!


Erotic games for a wedding anniversary

Celebrating a wedding anniversary is a good tradition that strengthens family ties. Some couples prefer to celebrate such dates in a club or restaurant without inviting guests. And someone wants to share a significant day with loved ones.

If the wedding took place in the summer, then to celebrate the anniversary of their married life the couple can rent a private house, inviting close friends. In a close circle, you can review photos and videos from the wedding, remember funny stories and have fun during erotic competitions.

The following “hot” games are suitable for the scenario of such a celebration:

  • "Erotic forfeits." To participate in the game, each guest gives the host one of his things. He puts all the forfeits in a bag. Then it is announced what task the owner of the item that was pulled out needs to complete.
  • "Truth or dare." Players sit in a circle and ask each other questions. Before asking any of your friends anything, they ask you to decide: a truthful answer or an action. If the player chooses truth, then they must answer the next question honestly, no matter how intimate it is. If the participant chooses an action, then he has the right not to answer if he considers it too immodest; instead, he can complete the task invented by the guests.

A wedding or celebrating a marriage anniversary is a reason to have fun and relax. For free, without a toastmaster, you can have fun with friends and relatives by organizing erotic games. On Youtube you can find videos from events where such competitions were held to get ideas and inspiration for introducing such entertainment in your environment.

Let's talk more about funny couples competitions

- “Unscrew it .” A plastic bottle and cork are used as props. The young man clamps a bottle, closed with a cork, between his legs, and the girl must open it as quickly as possible.

Moreover, you need to do this with your mouth, without helping yourself with your hands.

— Dance on the newspaper . In this case, you will need a newspaper for the props. Since everyone dances with joy at a wedding event, there is simply no shortage of participants. Each couple begins to dance on a newspaper spread on the floor. At some point the music stops, each couple folds their newspaper in half and continues dancing. And this continues until only one couple remains on the dance floor, the most dexterous and resourceful.

- “50 each .” The props are chairs, various drinks and glasses. It is a rare competition, classified as “vulgar,” that takes place without alcoholic beverages.

I must say that they only fuel the fun and excitement. The girl’s task is to fill a glass with a drink (not necessarily alcohol) and fix it with her knees. The young man’s task is to kneel down and drink the contents, without helping himself with his hands.

This is easier to do if the girl fixes the glass at an angle and begins to slowly rise, thereby making it easier for the guy to complete the task. However, the couple will have to figure this out on their own.

- “Blind kiss.” More often this competition is offered to witnesses, however, other guests can also participate in it. From several girls, a young man needs to choose one. After this, he is blindfolded with a scarf, and the girls must kiss him one by one. The young man's task is to guess the kiss of his chosen one. If witnesses are involved, the witness must identify the kiss of his partner. As a rule, such competitions quickly bring together and liberate the participants.

- “Eat an apple.” Apples will be needed as props. Each pair gets an apple. The young man clamps the “prop” in his teeth, and the girl must eat it as quickly as possible. This competition can be held with any fruits or vegetables.

- “Balloon relay race.” Two teams are formed from among the guests. The most interesting thing is if there are equal numbers of girls and boys. Take an inflated balloon (preferably an elongated one). The first participant fixes it between his legs and, to the music, quickly, tries to pass it to the next player, while helping with his hands is prohibited. Subsequent players must hold the ball in the same way as the first one, between their knees. If the balloon bursts or escapes, you will have to pay a fine in favor of the newlyweds.

- "Eat me". As props you need to prepare chairs, bananas or oranges. Young people undress to the waist and lie down on chairs pushed together, chest up. The presenter places thinly sliced ​​bananas or orange slices on the body, the girls must quickly pick up the fruits from the torso of the “other half” with their lips and eat them.

- “Majors.” For the props you will need a pack of waffles called “Major”. Each pair of participants receives their own props. The essence of the task is that a couple on both sides clamps their wafer with their teeth and, while dancing to fast music, tries to save the wafer. The pair whose “props” break is eliminated from the game. The winning couple is the couple that lasts the longest.

- “Clothespins.” For the props you will need regular clothespins and blindfolds. The boys are blindfolded, and the girls are attached with the same number of clothespins, and in a variety of accessible places. Next, to the sound of music, the guys must find and collect all the clothespins as quickly as possible.

In all competitions, the fastest and most resourceful ones win, and the task of the presenter is to control the conduct of the competitions.

Couples vulgar contests

The most popular version of vulgar wedding competitions are pairs, where participants are divided into pairs “m + f” and perform different tasks. They can be carried out both between already established couples and between unfamiliar guys and girls. Perhaps you will form a new union at your wedding!


  • Participants: boys and girls.
  • Props: plastic bottle with a stopper.

The guy clamps a plastic bottle with a cap between his legs, the girl’s task is to quickly unscrew the cap on the bottle. You need to do this with your mouth, not your hands!


  • Participants: boys and girls.
  • Props: clothespins, blindfolds.

The girls blindfold the guys and attach 5-7 clothespins to each other in various places. The music turns on, the guys’ task is to quickly find all the clothespins.


  • Participants: boys and girls.
  • Props: boxes of matches.

Participants are divided into pairs. Each of them is given a box of matches, the music is turned on, the girl’s task is to push the box through her partner’s trousers from the bottom of the trouser leg to the waist as quickly as possible

Have a drink

  • Participants: boys and girls.
  • Props: 0.5 liter glass bottle with a drink.

The guy holds a glass bottle of drink between his legs, the girl’s task is to drink the contents of the bottle as quickly as possible. Usually they use non-alcoholic drinks, but such a vulgar competition for a drunk company can be held using alcohol, for example, beer.

Eat an apple

  • Participants: boys and girls.
  • Props: apples.

Each couple is given an apple, the guy holds it in his teeth, the girl’s task is to eat the whole apple as quickly as possible. To hold such a funny competition for adults, not only apples are suitable, but any other fruits and vegetables, for example, cucumbers, bananas, etc.


  • Participants: boys and girls.
  • Props: tennis balls.

Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple clutches a tennis ball with their stomachs, their task is to roll it to their chin as quickly as possible without hands.

Eat me

  • Participants: boys and girls.
  • Props: chairs, oranges or bananas.

Oranges or bananas are cut into slices. The guys are told to take off all their clothes to the waist and lie down on the chairs with their backs down. Orange slices or banana slices are placed on their torso; the girls’ task is to eat all the fruit from their partner’s chest as quickly as possible.


You should be careful when choosing vulgar competitions for a group of tipsy people, since not all guests have an unambiguous attitude towards such ambiguous tasks.

Therefore, there is a risk of ruining someone’s mood, and possibly the whole holiday. Any competition can be “refined” and adapted to a specific audience.

Remember that a wedding is a fun event, so you need to approach the competitions with a sense of humor.


Fairy tales-congratulations

The theater’s stage play based on roles, entitled “Nobody Gets Married,” is funny and playful. For it you need to call 7 participants:

  • oak;
  • wolf;
  • crow;
  • frog;
  • girl;
  • young man;
  • horse.

There was a lonely oak tree in a large field. He actively waved his branches. A wolf sat and howled next to the oak tree, a crow flew and a frog croaked. Under the oak tree there was also a bench on which the girl was grieving. She shed bitter tears and complained that no one would marry her.

Then the animals decided to console the beautiful maiden and began to approach her one by one. The wolf was the first to decide; he sang his signature song to her. The girl was still crying.

Then a crow flew in and began to caw loudly and dance. But nothing made the girl happy. The third one who decided to try his luck was a frog who jumped up, break-dancing.

The young man heard the cry of the girl and jumped on his horse. And they galloped off quickly. The horse neighed and snorted all the way. As soon as the young man galloped up, all the animals ran away in fear. Well done, the young man decided to call a beautiful girl as his wife. The young lady agreed and stopped grieving.

This version of the fairy tale can be performed with newlyweds. They won't have to do anything complicated. But they will laugh when they see how the guests will try to entertain them.

The Russian folk tale “Turnip” has been successfully running for several years now. She is always popular due to the fact that everyone has known since childhood. In addition, each character in this scene looks funny and funny, and this is exactly what the guests and newlyweds want.

Several guests take part in the fairy tale with their own roles:

  • turnip “both-on!”;
  • grandfather “so-so!”;
  • grandma “oh, you!”;
  • granddaughter “I’m beautiful”;
  • dog "woof";
  • cat "meow";
  • mouse "pee-pee".

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. The grandfather pulls the turnip, but cannot pull it out. Grandfather called grandma. Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip, they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The grandmother called her granddaughter. The granddaughter pulls for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip, but they cannot pull it out. The granddaughter called Zhuchka.

The bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip they pull, but they cannot pull it out. Bug called the cat. The cat for the Bug, the Bug for the granddaughter, the Granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, they pull and pull, but they cannot pull.

The cat called the mouse. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, pull and pull and pull out the turnip.

Wedding competitions for guests - intellectual and funny games without vulgarity

How to choose fun games for guests and run funny competitions at a wedding? People start thinking about this long before the holiday. Of course, it is easier if a professional toastmaster is the host at the wedding, but often modern newlyweds and their friends decide to take full responsibility, show their imagination and come up with entertainment programs and new entertainment themselves, abandoning the already boring traditional games.

The purpose of such entertainment is not to let any of those invited to the holiday get bored. Each guest must take part in entertainment, games, quizzes, and competitions designed specifically for adults and children.

Funny meeting of the newlyweds according to the wedding scenario

If you hold a small celebration without a script at all, of course, the guests and the newlyweds will not be bored, because loved ones always have something to talk about. However, such a holiday will be no different from an ordinary feast. A scenario for a funny wedding at home or in a small cafe will help turn a quiet feast into a real fun wedding.

A small celebration does not necessarily mean observing all the traditions. Our funny and modern wedding scenario does not include a ransom, but the newlyweds and guests meet immediately at the registry office. After the painting, everyone goes to the banquet venue, where they are met by the parents of the bride and groom with a loaf of bread. They give an opening speech that fits perfectly into a comic wedding scenario:

Wow, the most beautiful bride and groom are approaching us! Let's clap for them together! Hello, dear (names of the newlyweds)! From this moment your holiday begins. We cordially congratulate you on the birth of a new family (surname of the newlyweds)!

Let the happy family path lead straight to joy. We ask you, newlyweds, to take a step forward together. And it’s time for us to congratulate you, We say to you: hurray!

Well, our dears, come closer, Look at the ruddy loaf we baked. You know what to do!

After the bride and groom break off and eat the loaf, the parents continue:

Well, whoever broke off a larger piece... loves to eat more, but what did you think? Who will be the head of the family, you yourself will somehow figure it out. In the meantime, here are some glasses for you. Make a wish!

You drain the glasses, and then you throw them over your left shoulder, so that you love them hotly!

After the newlyweds break their glasses, the parents invite everyone to the banquet hall. When everyone is seated, the witnesses take the floor.

Don’t be shy, dear young people and guests, get ready for fun, tasty treats, and also prepare your toast! Gentlemen, court the ladies and make sure their glasses are full. Ladies, help the gentlemen, don't let their plates go empty.

Our dears, how nice it is to see such a perfect couple! They say that the best thing in life is knowing that you are truly loved. You, bride and groom, have such happiness! We'll drink to that. For our young people and their newly-made family! Let's shout "Congratulations" 3 times!

Don't forget that our wedding scenario is funny - with competitions. Therefore, it’s time for an entertainment program and fun mini-competitions.

competition "Touchables"

participants in the competition as possible. The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Boys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Your hands are tied behind you, so you have to act only with your head in the literal sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a young man simply sniffs, licks, or does something else with her. In general, the competition is going great. At the end of the competition, the total is calculated: How many correct and incorrect answers. Based on this, first place and last place are awarded. Well, as usual - rewards and punishments as desired.

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