Fun games and competitions for Older Person's Day - for grandparents


All grandparents remember who the pioneers were, what their mottos and basic principles were. In this competition, the presenter begins a sentence, and the participants must complete it with just one word. The first person to raise their hand gets the right to answer. For the correct answer, the participant is awarded a prize. Proposals may be as follows: 1. The pioneer is devoted to the Motherland, the party and ... (communism). 2. A true pioneer is ready to become ... (Komsomol member). 3. A pioneer must look up to the heroes of struggle and ... (labor). 4. A pioneer must be the best in sports, studies and... (work) and so on.

One day from a past life

Each guest chooses in turn his own forfeit, which will indicate a certain age, for example, 18 years, 25 years, 33 years, and so on. The task of each of the grandparents is to tell about one day from the year that happened to them. For example, I’m 18 years old, I woke up in a cheerful mood, I’m running to college, without having breakfast, as always. After studying, the student council, I go home, because I still have to prepare for the exam, but this does not darken my mood, because in the evening we have dancing. The most interesting and funny stories can be awarded with prizes.

Competition for grandmothers

and grandchildren

Dear guys and respected adult comrades. We are pleased to welcome you to the Babusya 2013 competition.

Mom has work. Dad has work. They still have Saturday for the children. And grandma is always at home. She never scolds you. He will sit you down, feed you, but don’t rush. What happened to you, tell me? I say, but grandma doesn’t interrupt, she sits, grain by grain, sorting out the buckwheat. We feel good, just the two of us... Without grandma, what kind of house is it?!

Grandmother, granny, granny - what a beautiful, affectionate, what a gentle word. They bring peace, comfort and warmth to the house. You can’t stop listening to their amazing stories and fairy tales. There is so much love and affection, tenderness and kindness in them. Their hard work and patience can be admired. And what wonderful things grandmother’s hands can do.

I have been friends with my grandmother for a long time. She is at the same time with me in all my undertakings. I don't know boredom with her. I like everything about her. But I love my grandmother’s hands most of all. Oh, how many wonderful things these hands do! Now they tear, now they sew, now they mark, now they make something. The toast is so deliciously fried, the poppy seeds are sprinkled so thickly. They rub the steps so roughly, caress them so tenderly.

These are exactly the kind of kind and affectionate, sensitive and gentle grandmothers who came to us today. In order to get to know the participants of our competition better, we invite you to an exhibition of portraits. And the little participants will be the guides. They will tell us about their grandmothers, this is the first task of our competition.


1. What's your name? How many years? Does grandma have many grandchildren? Where does he live? What does it pamper you with? Why do you love your grandmother? 2. I see that you have prepared well and now you can easily answer Chamomile’s questions. 3. Well done our guys! You did your best, rest. And the fans and I will now treat you to sweets. Grandmothers write on pieces of paper what delicacies they would treat their grandchildren to. 4. “Chamomile” for grandmothers. How well grandmothers know their grandchildren. 5. Well, we probably found out everything about grandmothers and grandchildren. All that remains is to check whether our participants can find < - the grandmother's palm. 6. - by the voice of the children (even though the grandchildren have already grown up, the grandmothers probably haven’t forgotten how they cry.) Let’s see if the grandmothers recognize their grandchildren, and how to calm them down? What grandmothers sang to their grandchildren when they were little. 7. Let's find out. Which of the granddaughters and grandmothers will be the most agile? a) girls (running around the chairs). b) grandmothers pass the ball in a circle to the music. 8. Well done! I think it's time for us to sit down at the table. But before the grandmothers treat us with their dishes, let’s see if the grandchildren know the rules of etiquette or good manners, behavior at a party and at the table. (choose the correct one from three answers and raise the desired number) 9. And now. Grandmothers, let's start preparing dinner (a task is given, find at least 5 components of the specified dishes) 10. Homework. What did the grandmothers cook at home? (Recipe submission). 11. We have a problem - my mother’s mug broke. While the grandmothers are collecting the broken mug (cup), the girls are preparing an applique (from ready-made material). 12. Do you know fairy tales? What fairy tales did your grandmother tell you or did you read? Exercise. Spectators are given cards with the names of the characters. Grandmothers and granddaughters must find all the characters in (this, their own) fairy tale. 13. “Skillful hands.” 14. Dance. Summarizing.

Questions from "Chamomile".

  1. Dried and toasted slices of bread. (Toast)
  2. A fluffy mass obtained by whipping butter, eggs, cream, and sugar. (Cream)
  3. Fruit and berry puree boiled with sugar. (Jam)
  4. This is rolled out sweet dough folded with filling. (Rulette)
  5. A confectionery product made from yeast-free dough with a high content of fat, sugar, and eggs. ( Cake)
  6. Various spices (pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, cloves) add flavor and aroma to food. (Spices)
  7. This is a pureed mass of boiled or raw fruits, berries or vegetables. (Puree)
  8. This is a liquid seasoning (gravy) for various dishes. (Sauce)
  9. Top layer of orange or lemon. (Zest)
  10. Fruits and berries boiled in sugar syrup and then dried, a decoration for cakes or pastries. (Candied fruits)
  11. A low-alcohol drink that humans have consumed and made for thousands of years. (Beer)
  12. These are small, very sweet grapes, carefully dried in the sun. (Raisin)
  13. A substance made of resin and spices that produces a pleasant odor when burned (Frankincense)
  14. A type of women's hairstyle. (Chignon)
  15. Appeal to a noble Englishwoman. (Milady)
  16. Toe care. (Pedicure)
  17. Polite address to a married French woman. (Madam)
  18. Ukrainian name of the path. (Way)
  19. Caring for your fingers. (Manicure)
  20. A character with quirks. (temper)
  21. Ukrainian name for marriage. (Shlyub)

Day in history

The presenter prepares in advance several historical facts that he will tell the public about. Whoever is the first to guess what exactly is being said raises his hand and answers, and receives a point for the correct answer. At the end of the competition, the participant with the most points received receives his prize. Historical facts, for example, can be described as follows: 1. Ineffective work, the old age of the majority of party members, internal conflicts, Gorbachev's loud statement in 1991 on December 25 led to this event (the collapse of the USSR); 2. On April 12, this event became significant and important in history. This happened in 1961. Today both children and adults know about this (Gagarin’s flight); 3. In 1980, this event lasted from July 19 to August 3, 80 countries took part in this event, and preparations for it began 4 years before the event itself. (Olympic Games in Moscow) and so on.

Competition program for grandmothers on March 8

Scenario of the competitive and entertainment program “Come on, grannies!”
Goal: To cultivate love and respect for the older generation, for your family, the traditions of your family, the desire to learn more about their lives, develop their horizons by studying the life path of older family members, develop creative abilities, teach them to show their love, care, foster responsibility for assigned work, feelings of collectivism in the process of preparing for the holiday, promote awareness of the importance of family values; foster a sense of pride in your family. Form: competitive - entertainment program. Methods: collective creative activity. Preparatory work: prepare diplomas for awards, teach songs, dances and poems to students; prepare props for a sports relay race. Event plan: 1.Opening of the holiday.
2. Competitive and entertainment program. 3. Rewarding. 4. Words of gratitude and wishes. Progress of the holiday program
Child 1. Today is a holiday, today is a holiday! Holiday of grandmothers and mothers. This is the kindest holiday, It comes to us in the spring. Child 2. This is a holiday of obedience, Congratulations and flowers, Diligence, adoration, A holiday of the best words. 1st presenter. Good afternoon friends! 2nd presenter. Hello, dear guests! Presenters (together). Welcome to the competition “Come on, grannies!” Child 1. Grandmother is the best friend, teacher, intercessor, storyteller and cook. In a word, a grandmother is a grandmother! Child 2. But whose grandmother is the best, a competition will help us find out. Let's greet our participants with applause! Presentation of the competition participants. 1st presenter. Our dear grandmothers! Various competitions have been invented for you, by participating in which you must expend a lot of effort, energy, and show your wit. 2nd presenter. In the competition you must show yourself to be strong and dexterous, because every new test is a step towards victory. 1st presenter. The jury will help evaluate your skills and your efforts. Jury presentation. 2nd presenter. And here is the first warm-up competition.
I competition.
"LET'S GET ACQUAINTED!" (Grandmothers take a piece of paper from the tray and answer the question)
When and where did you go to first grade? What poem from the school curriculum do you remember? What event of your school childhood do you remember most? What sport did you play? What is your favorite jam? What's your favorite TV show? What is your favorite activity? Do you like to bake pies? Which? What is your favorite subject at school? What subject does your grandson (granddaughter) like? What is your grandson's (granddaughter's) favorite dish? What March 8 gift do you remember most? What do you like to give your grandchildren for the holidays? What is your deepest wish? What is the happiest moment of your life? What did you dream of becoming in your youth? What do you like to do in your free time? Do you feel like a grandmother?

1st presenter. Dear grandmothers, during your life you have managed to see and hear a lot. While raising your children and grandchildren, you obviously often used proverbs and sayings. Therefore, you will cope with this test without difficulty. You need to complete the proverb: 1. Small - yes... (deleted). 2. The tree has strong roots... (man - friends). 3. They are greeted by their clothes... (they are seen off by their intelligence). 4. A gift horse... (don’t look it in the mouth). 5. Water off your face…. (not to drink). 6. Courage... (takes the city). 7. Fear... (eyes large). 8. Try it on seven times - (cut it once). 9. You drive more quietly - (you will continue). 10. Quieter than water, (lower than grass). 2nd presenter. You've mastered the proverbs. Now comes the riddles. 1. All full of holes, and angry, and biting. Only her grandmother gets along with her, she rubs her sides and strokes her. (Groat.) 2. The guys will bend me over - and the rain will fall on the beds. (Water can) 3. Water flows from a hot well through the nose. (Kettle.) 4. Little Erofeyka wore a short belt, hopped and hopped across the floor and sat down in the corner. (Broom.) 5. The house is windowless and closed, but it’s cold inside. If a cat is sitting next to it, it means the cat is hungry. (Refrigerator.) 6. From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but only look at it? (The constellation Ursa Major) 7. A whole island of ice floats back and forth. Above the water is the ear, under the water is the belly. (Iceberg) 8. I’m sitting astride, I don’t know who I’m on. (Hat) 9. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea). 10. He has a lot of teeth, but doesn’t eat anything.
Presenter 1: Grandmothers more than once had to sing for their grandchildren and granddaughters. Now our grandmothers will sing children's songs verse by verse. (Grandmothers receive envelopes with the task and prepare to complete it).
Participants choose an envelope for themselves and perform one verse of the song to the soundtrack. (“Clouds”, “From a smile”, “Teaching at school”, “Blue carriage”, “Two cheerful geese”, “Antoshka, let’s go dig potatoes”, “Tired toys are sleeping”, “Let them run clumsily”, “In the forest” A Christmas tree was born”, “Cheburashka”, “It’s fun to walk together”).

Presenter 2: (As a rule, mothers and fathers are at work, and grandmothers often help prepare their grandchildren’s homework; let’s test their knowledge; continue the lines) - The little son came to his father…. - Here is my village... - Mom is sleeping, she is tired... - Frost and sun... - Winter is angry for good reason... - I remember a wonderful moment... - They were driving an elephant along the street... - Three girls under the window... - A storm is covering the sky with darkness... - A jumping dragonfly sang red summer... - We must, we must wash ourselves... Presenter 1: Now let’s check how grandmothers know fairy tales and fairy-tale characters. 1. Anyone who knows this fairy tale from childhood will understand what I’m talking about: What vehicle brought Emelya to the Tsar? (Oven) 2. I found myself in a strange forest, the Wonderland of Wonderland. I'm here with the rabbit. Do you know what my name is? (Alice) 3. The telephone was ringing in the apartment. Papa Elephant spoke to me and asked for chocolate. More pood! Tell me, where did he call from? (From the camel) 4. Carlson lived in a small house, His house was higher than the rooftops. Carlson was friends with the boy, Called him... (Kid) 5. Who ran across the bridge, tore a leaf from the maple tree? It's from a fairy tale, a goat. Her name is ... (Dereza) 6. Answer without prompting, Who is the author of this fairy tale: In the fairy tale, a cat on two legs walks in red boots, a lush feather in his hat? The author of the fairy tale is ... (Charles Perrault) 7. The Queen flew across the winter sky on a snow sleigh. I touched the boy by accident. He became cold and unkind... (Kai) 8. He is so lilac, he waves his hand cheerfully. He fell to us from the moon - The kids know, they love. (Luntik) 9. The duck knows, the bird knows, Where Koshchei death lurks. What is this item? Give me a quick answer, my friend. (Needle) 10. The swamp is her home. Vodyanoy comes to visit her. (Kikimora) Presenter 2: Our participants can rest a little, and our children have prepared poems for their grandmothers. Poems for grandmothers Dear grandmother! Don’t count the years in vain, Don’t be sad that your temples have turned grey. This always happens in nature: Snowstorms leave a trail. Even though your life was not easy, there was still joy and happiness in it. Be strong, dear, hold on, Bad weather will pass by. After all, your wealth is WE: Daughter, son, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren! You will live for a long, long time, so that you can nurse your great-great-grandchildren too!!! ** You gave so much warmth and kindness! Always sheltered me from grief and evil. Thank you, grandma, for being you. Your kindness cannot be measured, cannot be counted. Be healthy, good mood, After all, you are the kindest on Earth. We love you endlessly, immeasurably. Be there... There is probably nothing more important. ** TOGETHER WITH GRANDMOTHER The two of us live very friendly with my grandmother! Together we go for walks, Together we go to bed, Together we wash the dishes - True, true! I will not lie! We don’t like to be discouraged, We can sing and dance - Grandma will clap for me, Well, I’ll spin and stomp! I try not to be capricious, I don’t shed tears, but I smile - We are great friends with her, Because we are FAMILY! ** I want to congratulate my grandmother! Dear grandma, I love you! I wish you very long years. There has never been a closer friend in the world. You always forgive everything, you will always understand everything, And you will find the answer to all questions, You will give sincere advice, sincerely loving. Dear grandmother, happy holiday to you! ** TO GRANDMOTHER Everyone has finally fallen asleep, They won’t spy on my secret, Because for grandma I’ll draw a bouquet. Roses, asters, daisies will flash brightly on the postcard. I will write to my grandmother, How much I love her, That I always praise her pancakes. It’s good that everyone fell asleep, it’s already dawn outside the window. I love you, grandma, and I give you a bouquet! ** My grandmother is with me, And that means I am the boss in the house, I can open cabinets, water flowers with kefir, play football with a pillow, and clean the floor with a towel. Can I eat cake with my hands? Slam the door on purpose! But this won’t work with mom. I've already checked. ** LULLABY FOR GRANDMOTHER Bye-bye-bye-bye, Sleep, dear grandmother, You are so tired today, You washed my dress in the morning, And then I went shopping, I bought oranges, Waffles, half a kilo of sweets, Sherbet with pineapples! And when lunch came, you fried a cutlet, cooked borscht with cabbage, and fed me for a whole hour. I also read a book about a funny monkey, played hide and seek, played ball, watched a program... In general, you were very tired - It’s a pity that I didn’t help! Presenter 1: And now our children will show how they will help their grandmothers in the garden.
Sports relay race “Plant and Harvest” V competition “HOMEWORK”
Presenter 2: Our contestants were asked to bake a signature homemade pie or cake.
We have no doubt at all that our grandmothers are excellent cooks, but still the tasters will be members of our jury. VI competition “DANCE”
Presenter 1: Our grandmothers can not only solve riddles, cook, sing, but also dance. I invite both children and grandmothers to dance. Dance “Chunga-Changa” Presenter 2: Our competition program has come to an end. We ask the jury to sum up the results and announce the winners. Summing up the results of the competition. Presenter 1: Our dear grandmothers, thank you very much for your active participation in competitions. You managed to maintain your youth of soul, sharpness of mind, kindness of heart, despite the difficulties of life that you had to overcome. Grandmothers are the kindest, wisest, bravest and most skillful, gentle and strict, affectionate and demanding, the most dear. They have vast experience behind them, which helps both their children and their grandchildren. Love and appreciate them tenderly, do not cause pain with your words and actions, be kind and sensitive to them. 1st child: Girls and boys, come with us and say thank you to grandma for songs and fairy tales, for troubles and affection, for delicious cheesecakes, for new toys. 2nd: For books and counting rhymes, For skis and jump ropes, For sweet jam, For long patience, For our upbringing, For your attention to us. 3rd: Today we wish grandmothers and mothers Health and good luck, Fun and love! 4th: You are the most beloved, You are the most beautiful May all your Hopes and dreams come true. 5th: Our holiday is already over, what else can we say? Let me wish you good health in parting, Don’t get sick, don’t get old, Don’t ever get angry, That’s how young you will always remain. Children present crafts to grandmothers and mothers. The jury announces the results of the competition.
Nominations: Grandma-sweetheart Grandma-beautiful Grandmother-darling Grandma-pavushka Grandma-nightingale Grandmother-cute Grandmother-swan Grandma-young Grandma-sudarushka Grandmother-laughing Grandma-wise-minded Presenter
2: Let women’s day never end! Let the streams sing in your honor! Let the sun smile on you! May your dreams come true! Presenter 1: Thank you very much! See you again! Good health and long life to you, dear grandmothers!

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