Competitions for the holiday in Minecraft style. Birthday in Minecraft style: features, scenario and interesting ideas

Then there will be treats, followed by a disco and animation with the Creeper.

If your child is interested in computer games, then he will definitely like the game Minecraft, and a birthday in the style of this game will definitely be unforgettable! But don’t rush to take out the birthday cake and light the candles. Mob-kamikaze Creeper wants to ruin our holiday! He developed a program that allowed him to move from virtual reality to the real world. Now his villainous plans are to destroy Minecraft by stealing the necessary elements! The guys are faced with a difficult task - to defeat the Creeper.

Together with the animator, they will complete the mob's tasks, return the elements and save the game! With an animator in the guise of a Minecraft character, kids can expect fun, active games, challenging puzzles and unbridled fun in the style of their favorite computer game. Our exciting journey around the world of Minecraft will be remembered for a long time by all guests of the holiday!


What it is?

Minecraft is a popular computer game where you create your own universe out of blocks. Do you know the Lego sets that kids can use to build anything? It’s the same here, only in the virtual world!

The game does not limit your imagination - you can create structures or destroy them, plant plants or fish, fight or wander peacefully around the world. You can do anything here, which is why many boys and girls adore it.

Let's start with invitations

Birthdays begin with invitations. For a Minecraft-themed party, the easiest way is to find ready-made templates on the Internet. It would be cool if they depict game characters. The main feature is that they will all be square and made up of blurry pixels. This is what all people and objects look like in Minecraft.

Print the cards on a color printer, then all you have to do is enter the name of the guest, place, date and time of the celebration.


The main colors of the game are black, green, brown. We will build on this when thinking about the decor of the room.

For an atmospheric holiday in the style of Minecraft, you need to create a whole world consisting of blocks.

How to create three-dimensional shapes. Materials can be foam cubes and thick cardboard boxes. With their help you can make three-dimensional characters and objects from the game.

In order for the figures to really look like the heroes, they need to be made “pixelated”, that is, not monochromatic, but consisting of squares of various shades. The best option is to print out the required colors and paste them over foam and cardboard, creating the desired pictures.

What characters to make . For a boy's birthday, it is important to make bright Minecraft characters. The child will be delighted with the figure of the Creeper - an evil black and green creature. Another option is to create a 3D Enderman. This black character with purple eyes is also very popular among children.

If you are celebrating a girl's birthday, then pay more attention to plants and animals. Create cubic flowers and trees, beds with vegetables and fruits. Children love the animals in the game - everyone will want to take a photo with a square pig or a sheep.

In any case, consult with your child before creating characters. Perhaps an eight-year-old princess plays Minecraft in Hardcore mode and chooses zombies and dynamite instead of flowers.

Decoration of the room. In addition to three-dimensional figures, you will need flat decorations in the Minecraft style. They can be made from ordinary cardboard. Cut out and color square swords, pickaxes, and faces of the game characters.

Hang garlands on the walls, and decorate the entire room with helium balloons in black and green. In different corners of the site you can glue square spiders, pixelated fruits and vegetables.

Birthday of a boy 8-10 years old in Minecraft style

Host: Guys, I think you guessed which game we will pay tribute to today. And this is a game...

Children: Minecraft!

Host: Indeed, today we will be the heroes of this interesting and exciting game. We will look for resources and create potions, build houses and fight evil spirits. Do you want to experience all the hardships of a hero in virtual space? Then let's begin! And the first thing we need to do is turn into a game character. And for this you need to work a little.

Each child receives a square piece of paper, slightly larger than their head, with slits for the eyes. The task is to decorate it with multi-colored paper squares in the Minecraft style. On the inside, a ribbon or elastic band is attached to the opposite ends of the square so that you can fix the mask on your head. After this there is a photo session.

Host: Well done, you did a great job. Now you need to create a home to hide from spiders and zombies at night. We will create it from cardboard blocks.

They build a home out of cardboard cubes: if there are not enough of them, then they simply use cubes to limit the area that would accommodate almost all the participants.

Host: I’m sure your strength scale has dropped. It needs to be restored. To do this, we will arrange a small snack with what we can find in this room.

There are apples hidden in different places in the room according to the number of participants. Children must find them and eat them to regain their strength.

Host: Well, there you go. We didn't notice that night had fallen. It's time to hide from zombies and spiders. Let's all run for cover!

The game "Day-Night" is played. They select several people (a quarter of the number of participants), wrap them in toilet paper, turning them into zombies. Here you can hold a contest “Turn into a Zombie” - who can quickly wrap a future zombie in paper. After this, the presenter says “day” - the children run out of their house, “night” - they run into the house. At night, zombies come to life and try to catch the owners of the house.

Host: Morning has come - it's time to collect resources to create potions! Get up, sleepyheads! Let's start our morning with exercise.

Fun exercises are carried out accompanied by rhythmic music.

Host: Well, now let’s look for resources. What you need is written on a piece of paper (gives the children a list of items to find).

Children are looking for empty bottles and products from which they will later make magic potions (milk, banana, tangerines, lemon, sugar, and so on).

Host: To make a potion, you need to know its recipe. And these pigs hid the first recipe inside themselves!

Pigs are pink balloons. The children's task is to burst them with a dart, throwing them from a short distance. There are 10 balls, and only one of them contains a note with the preparation of a strength potion: banana + milk + sugar (or honey). After finding the note, participants, with the help of an adult, make a banana milkshake, which they immediately drink to restore the spent units of strength.

Host: Now we just need a recipe for an acceleration potion! And evil spiders are probably hiding it.

Spiders are dark, dense bags with paper legs hanging from the ceiling. Inside one of them is a recipe for an acceleration potion: lemon + water + sugar. Children “fight” spiders with a stationery knife: they cut the bag, trying to find the recipe. According to the specified recipe, a drink is created, which is immediately drunk.

Host: And one more potion - experience. Without it, it will be very difficult for us to get to the next level - a more difficult one. And the creeper himself will help us find this recipe. But how do you know which one is real?

At a distance there are several “creepers” - cardboard boxes decorated in the appropriate style. Participants must guess which of them has the recipe hidden. They take turns coming up, sticking their hand into the box and looking for a piece of paper among the contents. You can use cubes or toys as filling. Whoever finds the recipe wins. From the proposed ingredients (tangerines), an experience potion is made and drunk.

Host: Now you and I have learned to teleport, that is, move in space. Let's see where we can move.

The game “Teleportation” is being played. To do this, you will need cards with the names of places where you can teleport: school, store, roof of a house. Players take turns pulling out a piece of paper, reading where they land, and then figuring out what they will do there. For example, “I will watch the sunset on the roof of the house.”

Host: Gradually we have collected a sufficient amount of resources, so now we can make weapons. We will need it to protect and cultivate the territory.

Participants receive cardboard models of weapons: swords, picks, hammers, shovels. The task is to turn them into weapons in the Minecraft style by gluing multi-colored squares.

Presenter: Now let’s hold knightly competitions to show our strength, dexterity and prowess!

Those who wish put on a mask, pick up a sword and take part in the battle. A winner is identified and receives a prize.

Presenter: We will end today’s adventures on the Minecraft virtual page with the presentation of diplomas for completing the game and memorable prizes that everyone will choose for themselves.

A ceremony for presenting diplomas and prizes is held. Participants take turns approaching a cardboard box with a hole for their hand, take out one object and try to determine by touch what it is.

After the main part, there is a tea party with a cake decorated in the Minecraft style, and then you can play games:

  • Tic-tac-toe, where three-dimensional cubes of different colors are placed on the field;
  • Darts – children try to score as many points as possible;
  • Painting a congratulatory poster, which already has a photograph and drawings from the game.

Treats and table decoration

Depending on the number of guests and the size of the venue, you can organize a buffet or traditional gatherings at the table.

In any case, when decorating a buffet table or candy bar, style the treats to match the theme of the holiday. Place the dishes on plates and make a topper or sign for each with a pixelated image of a “hunger-satisfying resource.”

Snacks and hot dishes. Chicken medallions, pork chops, fish fillets, diced bread, and carrot sticks will fit perfectly into the holiday theme.

Candy bar. Sweets must include chocolate chip shortbread, crackers and pie cut into squares. There were also watermelons and apples in the game.

This is on topic

Where to order a candy bar The best companies where you can order a candy bar.

Many desserts can be served in an unusual way. Red marmalade sticks will turn into dynamite - stack them in 3 pieces and tie them with a ribbon with the inscription “TNT”. Opposite raisins or chocolate you can write “Coal”, green marmalade can be decorated with a sign “Emeralds”, candies in gold and silver packaging will become “Gold” and “Silver”.

Beverages. On ordinary bottles of juice and water, stick labels with magical inscriptions: “Potion of Strength”, “Potion of Invisibility”, “Potion of Jumping”.

Cake. There are several cake options for the Minecraft lover.

You can order a pixelated black and green Creeper from the bakery as a dessert.

Another idea is to create the same white cake with red squares that was in the game.

Children will also be delighted with the “explosive” cake in the shape of dynamite. Don't forget to add candles or special fireworks when you present this masterpiece to the birthday boy.

Minecraft cake

No matter how rich the table and well-prepared entertainment, the most long-awaited part of any holiday is bringing out the cake and eating sweets. You should be well prepared for this:

  • buy candles according to the number of years of the birthday person,
  • number with the due date,
  • fireworks candle,
  • musical candle.

Of course, you shouldn’t mix everything together, but choosing the best option is the best thing. It’s quite a difficult task to bake a Minecraft-themed cake at home; it may be delicious, but for a themed birthday, decoration also plays an important role. You will have to turn to the help of professional confectioners and bake a cake to order:

  • square shape,
  • with unchanged pixels,
  • with the name of the birthday person and the number of years to be celebrated,
  • with the inscription Minecraft.

Taking out the cake can be turned into a whole ceremony: turn off the lights, close the curtains, and bring out a sweet dessert with lit candles to the song “happy birthday to you (name of the birthday person).” If you capture this solemn moment on video or take a photo, it will remain a memory for many years. Ask them to blow out the birthday candles to the friendly applause of those present, while making a wish. Now it must certainly come true!

For tea, the table should also be set according to the theme:

  • cookies and sweets are arranged in the shape of squares,
  • table decoration in birthday color theme,
  • fruits are transformed into fabulous dishes.

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, not a single invitee will remain indifferent after such a fun, well-prepared and thought-out celebration. When the holiday comes to an end, participants need to distribute certificates with their names written in, and give the remaining souvenirs, packing them in green gift bags. You can give out props as souvenirs: T-shirts (“bodies” of mobs), weapons (swords, pickaxes and shovels made of cardboard) and cardboard “heads” of mobs.



Competitions and entertainment

For a children's birthday party in Minecraft style, you can invite an animator who will conduct an entertainment program with games and competitions.

The cost of 2 hours of work is about 5,000 rubles.

If you are ready to organize and run competitions yourself, here are some interesting ideas.

Search for resources

Finding different cool things is the main goal of Minecraft, so you can start the holiday with a small quest. Place “resources” in secluded places - painted squares of cardboard or matchboxes covered with colored paper. Let the kids look for “diamonds”, “coal”, “gold”, and then make up prizes from them.

You can make a real diagram of how to get a new weapon. For example, they brought 2 pieces of wood and 2 sticks, laid them out in a certain way - they got picks. With them you can already go for gold!

Brought gold and emeralds - get swords.


After the guys have received the swords, they can have battles with each other. Aqua sticks are perfect for battle (they cost about 100 rubles apiece). They are soft, so no one will get hurt by them. Let the guys fight inside the circle - the one who goes outside it during the battle will lose.

Create your own character

Players love creating their own characters and changing their appearance. Cut out figures of creatures and animals in advance from white paper lined into squares. Give each child a template and markers - let them rest after the fight and draw any character as their imagination dictates.

Defeat the Creeper

Glue the black and green Creeper face onto the cardboard box. Give the children crumpled paper balls and place them a few meters away from the box. The participants' task is to get the ball into the box, causing damage to the evil creature. The one who hits the target the most times wins.

High tower

All gamers have once built a tall tower out of blocks in Minecraft. Invite the children to split into teams and build the tallest matchbox structure possible. The winner will be the one whose tower is taller and lasts longer.

Assembling a portal to the Edge

To get to the Edge location, you need to assemble a portal. In the game, for this you need to get fire powder and ender pearls. Then make 12 End Eyes out of them and insert them into empty blocks. All stages can be played out in real life: for example, fire powder can be obtained for completing a task, Ender pearls can be found in a secluded place, and each Ender eye can be obtained for the correct answer to a logic puzzle.

Battle with the Ender Dragon

An interesting idea is to end the evening with a fight with the Ender Dragon - the most powerful and dangerous character in Minecraft.

You can draw the Ender Dragon on whatman paper, and next to it draw 10 hearts - the monster’s life scale. After each completed task, cross out a heart until they all disappear. Assignments can be done in the format of forfeits - pieces of paper that children will pull out of a colored bag. Recite a verse from memory, give a compliment to another participant, sing a song - forfeits can be different, depending on the age and interests of the children.

When the Ender Dragon is defeated, congratulate the guys on their victory and give them souvenirs: black and green bracelets, sweets, keychains.

Birthday script in Minecraft style

Host: I think you already understand that today is an unusual day. We are celebrating the birthday of a wonderful boy together. But that is not all! We will go on an unusual journey through the world of Minecraft and experience many of the things that we saw only on a computer monitor for ourselves. So, let's begin? Begin!

Children echo the leader, joyful cries are heard

Host: And immediately we are met by an insidious creeper! This happens. But I'm sure you can defeat him in no time.

Game "Hit the Creeper"

A large cardboard box, designed in the shape of a creeper, has holes in place of the eyes and mouth with the number of points written above them: 10, 20. Children take turns throwing TNT bags at the target, each having several attempts. The one with the most points wins.

Host: You did a great job! But, I suppose, your health scale also decreased a little after such a fight. So now we will refresh ourselves. And charming pigs will help us with this.

Game “Who wants a pig?”

There are a large number of balls with paper spots on the floor. Children must sit on the balls and pop them, and collect the patches. The one who ends up with the most “trophies” is considered the winner.

Host: Well, they offended the pigs and spared no one. But I see that my health has been restored quite well. So now, on the contrary, we will take care of the animals and work on their appearance.

Game "Pig's Tail"

There is a poster with a pig without a tail hanging on the wall. Each child, in turn, is placed on his head with a box with a face from the game “Minecraft” (so that the target is not visible) and given a tail. We need to return the lost body part to its place. The prize is awarded to the most accurate one.

Host: Our next task is creative. Look what I have prepared for you! These are swords, pickaxes and axes. They just don’t look like real guns yet. Come on, take matters into your own hands and work on these things.

Task "Color Me"

Children choose tools of their own choosing and decorate them. Once the swords are dry, you can play with them and take them home as a souvenir.

Host: What about your luck? Let's play one well-known game called lotto.

Game "Loto Minecraft"

Each participant receives a small sheet with a table of images from the game. These could be tools, food, materials, armor, fashions, etc. The leader asks each child to take a card out of the bag. The winner is the one who collects all the pictures on his playing field faster than others.

Host: You guys are gambling! Such people are valued in this world. But in Minecraft you also need to be very dexterous. I have one test that only at first glance seems easy.

Game "Hold the Balls"

Everyone present is given the opportunity to try to keep two balloons in the air for a minute.

Host: You have to complete one more small creative task. We will create our own Minecraft masks. Let's get down to business?

Quest “My Minecraft Mask”

In front of the children are blanks for masks. This could be a cardboard rectangle on a stick, or a paper bag. With the help of glue and squares of colored paper, the children create their own “face”.

Host: Has anyone forgotten while having fun that we have a birthday boy? We need to congratulate him properly. I came up with something. To leave a memory of a great time spent in the world of Minecraft, we will leave our wishes on a large poster!

The wish sheet should be decorated in the Minecraft style - with paper squares and pictures from the game. A portrait of the birthday person is required. Children write their congratulations.

Host: Wow! I think that in many years such a poster will please the birthday boy. By the way, our masks are already dry. And now I invite you all to take a photo with them as a souvenir! Hooray!

Children take masks and take pictures.

Host: The evening has come to an end! We invite everyone to the table!

The birthday ends with a festive feast.

Preparing for the question-answer game

The game consists of two bags or other containers containing rolled up pieces of paper with questions and answers written on them. One bag contains questions, the other contains humorous answers. Participants in the game put their hand into the container with questions, take out the paper, unfold it and read the question, then repeat the procedure with another bag. Let's compose questions, taking into account the fact that the participants are children. Questions for the question-answer game:

  1. What do you usually do after school?
  2. Do you help your mom around the house?
  3. What's your favorite subject at school?
  4. What cartoons or films do you like to watch?
  5. What can you say about the game Minecraft?
  6. What can you say about your friends?
  7. What do you dream about most often?
  8. What do you think your friends will say about a Minecraft-themed party?
  9. When you grow up, what will you do?
  10. What is needed for complete happiness?

Answers to the question-answer game:

  1. I can't say it out loud.
  2. This will remain my secret.
  3. Of course, if it's funny.
  4. In no case.
  5. Like everyone else, so am I.
  6. Everything depends on ourselves.
  7. It would be more fun with a cat.
  8. How lovely.
  9. Thanks to everybody, you're free.
  10. This is a state of mind.

The answers can be simply excerpts from songs, it will also be fun.

Dress code

One option is to make themed T-shirts yourself right for your birthday. To do this, purchase plain green T-shirts and prepare stencils with cut out squares.

Apply black acrylic paint to the T-shirt according to the template, remove the stencil and leave the design to dry. After half an hour, each guest will have a T-shirt with the Creeper's face.

You can also invite the kids to come dressed as Minecraft characters: dress up as witches, Endermen or Creepers.

The easiest option is to ask parents to dress their children in green, brown and black T-shirts.

Birthday in Minecraft style Scenario

Host : Hello, friends! (before starting the program, you should identify the main person at the holiday - this is, undoubtedly, the hero of the occasion - the one who has a birthday today and for whom we have gathered here. More attention is paid to the birthday person. And first you need to congratulate him, arrange a fireworks in his honor etc. A bright start to the holiday is already half the success.)

Game Healthy

I think you have already realized that today is an unusual day. We are celebrating the birthday of a wonderful boy together. But that is not all! We will go on an unusual journey through the world of Minecraft and experience many of the things that we saw only on a computer monitor for ourselves. So, let's begin? Begin!

But we will need a lot of strength. And charging is best for this!

Charging Minecraft

To break a tree, we need to pump our arms. We don’t stand and yawn, we stretch our arms together.

To find gold, we need to walk for a long time. We don’t stand and don’t yawn, we shake our legs together.

In order to lift a stone, we need to pump up our abs. We don’t stand and yawn, we stretch our belly.

To get iron, you need to make a pickaxe. We don’t stand and yawn, we lift the pickaxe together.

To find diamonds, we need to dig together. We don’t stand and don’t yawn, we dig together together.

The presenter asks the children to stand in a large square....

Host : And immediately we are met by an insidious creeper! This happens. But I'm sure you can defeat him in no time.

Game "Hit the Creeper"

Quik creepers are lined up in a house and a ball is shot at them.

As an option: there are pictures with creepers hanging from the ceiling. The children's task is to knock them down with a stick (or jump up and tear them off with their hands

Presenter : You did a great job! There is a reason for joy, for pride!

(The presenter claps the children hand in hand and invites them to pat their knees and clap their hands. And now repeat all this in dance

GAME: Clap-clap (animation for acceleration)

Pigs game

- But oh horror! We were tracked down by monsters, and now I see crowds of zombie pigs approaching us! There are a large number of balls with paper spots on the floor. Children must sit on the balls and pop them, and collect the patches. The one who ends up with the most “trophies” is considered the winner.

Crafting game

This is a workbench for crafting... we craft the simplest items

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