What to do at a birthday party: how to have fun, interesting ideas and holiday scenarios

Many people of different ages at some point come up with the idea of ​​celebrating a birthday in the style of a favorite movie, the traditions of a distant country or a historical era.

It’s nice and easy to get together with friends, but in the era of social networks, a series of photos from a themed holiday attracts much more likes and comments, and this is not only pleasant, but sometimes necessary for the development of a personal account for commercial purposes.

Preparing for a significant event

To celebrate this day in accordance with all your ideas, you need to start planning it as early as possible, about a month in advance.

You will decide what to do at your birthday party later. First you need to decide on the location of your holiday. Depending on the time of year, you need to choose the location of the banquet. You won’t hold a party on the beach in winter, and you’ll hardly be able to go on a picnic.

Having chosen a place, you can already think about the budget. Moreover, a lot depends on him. But don't worry, even the most modest finances with good planning will not stop you from having fun.

So, the place has been chosen, the guests have been invited, it’s time to think about what you can do at your birthday party to make it fun, impressive and unforgettable.

How to have a good birthday

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A birthday is an exciting event, the main beauty of which is the ability to choose your own celebration option. Whether you want to do your favorite activities alone or spend time with friends, you can create entertainment for the whole day. For a more formal celebration, you can throw a party to bring all your friends and family together. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the looming event, remember that birthday blues are normal, but there are still opportunities to make the day special.


In some restaurants, the staff may sing you a song to congratulate you, so don't choose such places if you feel embarrassed.


Costume ball

One of the popular ways to spend an unforgettable holiday is a party in themed attire. You can, as the host of the evening, give guests a surprise and hand out costumes only upon their arrival. However, there is a risk that some may not like it. Moreover, purchasing clothes will cost you a pretty penny.

Therefore, it would be better to discuss this issue with your invited friends in advance and give them the opportunity to choose their own outfit according to their taste. The main thing is that it corresponds to the given topic.

At the evening itself, organize a fashion show, let the guests appear before you in all their glory. You can even have a voting with cards.

You can also come up with an impromptu skit that will carry a humorous message to the birthday boy.

Laser tag

The best alternative to paintball. An excellent option for those 19-year-old birthday boys who are actively holding the event. Laser tag is an entertainment that: • will not make any guest bored, no matter what age they are; • will be remembered for a long time; • will give you the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Laser tag is an excellent way to combine a traditional feast with an active form of entertainment, since cozy gazebos are placed on the territory of the game site or nearby, where you can choose from: • arrange a mini-banquet with dishes ordered in advance; • organize a picnic with barbecue.

Sport - is life

Your friends will never forget this day if they spend it kayaking down a mountain river, cycling, hot air ballooning, skiing or sledding, roller skating, playing paintball, etc.

All you have to do is choose the type of activity in which all guests can participate. Immerse yourself in sports, hold competitions, and at the end of the day have a small buffet right in nature. And we assure you, you will remember this day forever.

Adventures in the quest

This is perhaps the most popular answer to the question of what to do for a birthday. Regardless of the location of the party, you can conduct an exciting quest (search) with many different puzzles.

To do this, you should prepare in advance, come up with a scenario, puzzles, puzzles, puzzles and tips. It would be a good idea to set a prize that will go to the winner or winners if the guests are divided into groups.

At the end of the search, when the loss is found, you need to arrange a banquet for the guests as a reward for their efforts in the search.

Reality quest

A popular entertainment format that is suitable for 19-year-old birthday boys and their guests, regardless of the latter’s age. After and before (and maybe instead of) a traditional feast, you can visit an quest room, choosing one in which everyone will be busy drawing up a logical chain and solving mysteries. Following the clues, the guests of the holiday together reveal the hiding places and find something that will help them get out of the locked room. A memorable photo with a temporary result of completing the task will be a unique reminder of a fun 19th birthday.


Voice greetings for Happy Birthday

Role-playing games

Recreate a film studio or theater stage for one evening. Come up with a script, assign roles and give them to guests. Ask them to act out a scene from your favorite TV show, movie, or book.

Be sure to take part yourself, as it would be possible without the hero of the occasion. Moreover, you can take on the main role and control the entire process. Well, or you can participate as a director who is shooting a blockbuster. Ask friends to play the role as they see it with their own eyes. And who knows, maybe your views on certain movie characters will change, and you will begin to perceive them differently. And then be sure to invite everyone to the table.

1In the closest circle

Who said that celebrating alone or with family is boring? Create a special atmosphere, change the apartment beyond recognition with decorations. You can choose a specific theme (for example, a Mexican party or the atmosphere of your favorite movie) or just hang balloons and light candles. The main thing is to distract yourself from sadness and enjoy what you have.

Loneliness isn't so bad

It would seem that there could be nothing worse than spending your birthday alone. But what if we look at it from the other side? For example, you are very tired of everything that surrounds you: your numerous relatives, friends, work, children, etc. Then you just need this personal vacation for a day.

What to do at a birthday party if you're alone? Dedicate a full day and evening to yourself. Go to the cinema, spa, shopping center, go shopping. If you have the financial means, you can even fly to Rome or Paris for a day.

If you consider a budget option, then buy yourself something tasty and watch videos at home. Or turn on the music and just go crazy, dancing like you wouldn't allow yourself to do in public. In general, relax and enjoy your solitude to the fullest.


Have you always dreamed of starting to draw, but never got around to it? Or maybe you wanted to learn to dance or do yoga? A birthday, the beginning of a new personal year, is the best time to fulfill your dreams and promises to yourself. Moreover, now there are a lot of free courses and free time. It is not necessary to create masterpieces right away, the main thing is to start something new!

Photo session for memory

Another solution to what to do on your birthday with friends could be arranging a photo shoot. This activity will especially captivate a female group. If the guests are only girls, then ordering a photographer for the holiday is an ideal option. It's worth a try.

Let the photographer capture every moment of your evening. We assure you that when they give you the pictures, you will be delighted with the magnificent shots. Unexpected angles, impromptu poses and smiles will forever be captured in the photo and in your memory.


Celebrating your 19th birthday will be bright and unforgettable if you go with a group to a water park, where guests will enjoy: • rides on the slides; • festive feast; • competitions with animators. Positive emotions await everyone, including children. Animation programs with relay races, competitions, games and riddles are ordered separately for younger guests. Additionally, many water parks offer: • cooperation with artists of the original genre; • professional video filming or photography; • make-up artist services (face painting).

Home holiday

The most budget-friendly option for celebrating a birthday is a home party. But then a dilemma arises about what you can do at a birthday party at home and how to do it with the least loss of finances.

So, we offer you several interesting and fun games and competitions that will make you laugh all evening:

  1. Pantomime or crocodile. This is the name of the game in which the participant is given a word. He must depict it without the help of sounds. The one who guessed it comes out and shows the new word that the previous pantomime will tell him.
  2. Sticker. A very exciting game where a badge with a word or the name of an actor, singer, character from a movie, cartoon, fairy tale, etc. is glued to the forehead of each participant. Next, leading questions are asked, and you must guess what is written there. At the same time, everyone sees your word except you.
  3. Break your tongue. This competition is held among the most inebriated guests, who are given tongue twisters. They should say them as quickly as possible. For example: “I’m driving along a pothole, I won’t get out of the pothole” or “I see a hill with sacks in a field, I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack.”
  4. You can hold a competition with eggs, adapting it to home conditions. That is, you need to quickly run through a certain area of ​​the room with a spoon in your mouth with an egg on it. But instead of real chicken eggs, you need to take chocolate products from Kinder Surprise.
  5. If the birthday person is a woman or girl, and there are many men among the guests, then let them compete in pronouncing compliments. And the winner is chosen by the hero of the occasion.

Before holding competitions, it is worth choosing one person who could become the host of the evening. Ask him to be your toastmaster and monitor the progress and results of the competitions.

About letters

The psychologist strongly recommends writing four types of letters: gratitude, farewell, forgiveness and desire. Any of them must be written down on blank paper and placed in an envelope. Let's talk further about what to do with the written message.

A letter of gratitude should be presented in the form of an appeal to higher powers, for example, to a Guardian Angel. In it you need to thank the invisible forces for protecting you throughout the year, as well as for all the good things that happened in the past year. The letter should be securely attached to the balloon and released into the sky.

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A letter of forgiveness should contain words of repentance for all those people whom you, willingly or unwillingly, offended in the past year. It also involves forgiving all those who have done you wrong. The finished message should be wrapped in an envelope, sealed and placed in the mailbox, without specifying the addressee.

Writing a farewell letter is a special ritual that involves putting on paper all the failures and mistakes that were present in the outgoing year of life. Here you need to indicate all those situations that particularly upset you. The written letter must simply be crumpled up and, without wrapping it in an envelope, sent into the fire, mentally saying goodbye to all the failures and surrounding negativity.

And finally, one of the most enjoyable things is writing a wish letter. In the process of creating it, you should put on paper all your dreams that you expect to come true in the near future. Next, you need to wrap the manuscript in an envelope and throw it into the river, downstream. Practice shows that this method of sending a message to the Universe really works.


What to do for a birthday at home if a lot of guests came and you didn’t have time to come up with a scenario and entertainment? Play forfeits. This amazing game will keep you busy all evening. You can take a break, take time for tea and cake, and continue again.

To do this, you need to collect some personal item from each guest and mix them all in a large hat or bag. Then the leader takes them out one by one and gives the task to the one who owns the next thing. If not everyone has small items, you can simply write tasks on pieces of paper, and then each participant in turn will take them out and do what is written there.

Here is a sample list of what you can wish for:

  1. Go out onto the balcony and shout some funny phrase at the top of your voice.
  2. Dress as outrageously as possible and go to the store for a fly swatter or rolling pin.
  3. Prepare an alcoholic cocktail of an unusual composition for all guests.
  4. Perform a parody of a celebrity.
  5. Drink a glass of vodka, champagne, cognac or wine without using your hands.
  6. Choose any dish from the festive table and, pretending to be a marketer, praise it so that the guests show a desire to purchase it.
  7. Pretend to be a foreigner who speaks an unknown language.
  8. Play a psychic, predicting each guest's fate.
  9. Imagine that you are a presidential candidate. Give a fiery campaign speech.
  10. Select a blindfolded guest by touch. Confess your love to him as romantically and sincerely as possible.
  11. You need to escape from prison. Come up with the most original way to do this.

Mark home

A birthday at home, among relatives from 0 to 100 years old, is warmth and comfort. And any comfort threatens to turn into hopeless boredom. Therefore, it must be animated delicately.

Chef on call

In the last year, a trend has emerged - ordering from a chef at home. Because of the crisis, many famous chefs began to earn extra money by cooking at home parties - they themselves offer menus and purchase food. You can dance depending on the amount and number of people present, usually from 20,000 rubles for 10 people. If desired, the chef can organize a master class, engaging all able-bodied guests and telling stories from the life of a chef along the way.

Kosher birthday

Or halal. Or pagan with the sacrifice of a herring under a fur coat to the spirit of Kukumare. Such a table arrangement will also ensure non-boring communication. For example, when Mikhail Ulanovsky announces that he can organize kosher pork (piglets are raised on decks so that their feet do not touch the ground), this guarantees a discussion for the rest of the evening.

Money box

A new trend - collecting money for a gift - can interrupt the cycle of gifts in nature. At the entrance, a box is placed with the inscription “On the bike” or “On euthanasia in Malibu”, and guests place unsigned envelopes there. This makes life easier for everyone involved in the event.

Text quests

It's like a computer game, only in words. Text quests became famous in our country thanks to “The Big Bang Theory” and are just becoming fashionable. The point is that a scenario is invented in advance, which can develop along several lines depending on the actions of the participants. The participant states what he will do in a given situation and throws dice that show whether his plan was successful. Ready-made quests are available on quest-book.ru and twirpx.com.

Live animals

The interactive zoo is a fashionable theme, and now it can be brought to your home in any composition. A goat, a raccoon, a hedgehog, a koala, a timid young anaconda - all these living creatures will hang around your house, delight children and touch the elderly. It is clear that it is worth hiring a special person in advance to clean up after the animals in real time.

Birthday online

If your relatives have long left, some to Israel, some to New Caledonia, you can organize an event using Skype. But the group chat looks a bit boring. It is better to place several monitors and several web cameras around the table, aimed so that each video guest can see everyone else. Your bonus is that everyone buys their own champagne.

Entertaining children

If you have to celebrate a children's holiday, then the question of what to do for children at a birthday party disappears by itself. It’s enough just to take the kids to an amusement park.

Take your children on a carousel, swing, toy car, or boat. Let them compete in driving a puck or ball into the hoop. There you can treat them with cotton candy, lollipops, sandwiches and sweet water. You can ask the animator to present a birthday cake at the end of a tiring day.

If a child's birthday is celebrated at home, then you can make a piñata for the kids and let them knock it down with a stick. For children, you can also come up with several competitions or outdoor games.

We told you what to do at your birthday party so that your guests don’t get bored and the holiday is a success. But remember that the most important thing is your own mood. And how the evening will go depends only on this.


Board games and word games don't seem so boring anymore. You can find online versions, such as Mafia or Monopoly, and have fun on your own. Or open a video conference, gather your friends and let your imagination run wild! The good old “Crocodile” and “Activity” will go with a bang. Your loved ones will definitely rejoice at the opportunity to cheer up!

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