Competitions for grandmothers for the birth of a grandson. Games and competitions for Grandparents' Day

"White is white"

All grandmothers love to cook. And in cooking they are able to give a head start to any chef. The accumulated experience makes itself felt. Naturally, the birthday girl knows about seasonings and grains. However, what happens if they mix? The “White is White” competition will begin! Not only the hero of the occasion, but also the guests of the evening can participate. Everyone is given a bowl with a mixture of everything white. Usually salt, sugar, semolina, flour, etc. are poured there. When the leader gives a command, each participant must quickly answer how many ingredients are in the mixture. You can determine it both by taste and by eye. The winner is the one who names all the ingredients without errors.

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother 70 years old

Congratulations on your anniversary, beloved Grandma, Even at 70, you are very beautiful. Your hands are kind, your heart is tender, and in your eyes there are little laughs, young and old. Be always healthy, Always be happy, The most tender, kind, The most beloved.

There is no one better than my grandmother, I bring her a large bouquet of roses, Today is her anniversary, she has turned seventy years old! Granny, I love you, You are the sweetest person, And I sincerely say, Live for at least another century. You nursed me since childhood, You didn’t sleep for hundreds of nights, A second mother for me, You replaced doctors for me! I will repay you in full, I will always be by your side, You will not be left alone, You are my best reward.

Dear grandmother, congratulations on your 70th birthday. I would like to wish you vigor and strength for the further journey of life. Always be in a good mood, with good health, a cheerful soul and a loving heart. Grandma, happiness and prosperity to you.

Grandma has another anniversary today, Seven decades of life behind her, Please, grandma, forgive all insults, And blossom, you are like cognac over the years. Thank you also for the advice, Which often saves you so much, And makes your life easier, so that you don’t have troubles, And so that you can do what you love. Still dear, sincerely kind, I wish you from the bottom of my heart today, So that your loved ones always love you, So that you don’t encounter pain in life.

Grandmother, our dear, Happy anniversary! Our beloved dear. We wish you good health. May you have a carefree life. So that you have enough strength for everything and always. We gather every Saturday evening. Wishing you another year of happiness!

Dear, most beloved grandmother in the world! Congratulations on your anniversary, you have lived in the world for seven decades now, gained experience and wisdom, and raised the second generation of your heirs. I think this is a reason to be proud. Happy Birthday to you, happy holiday, and may everything in your life be as good as possible.

And our grandmother has delicious pancakes, pies and crumpets: eat up, kids! This is all about our grandmother, of course. We, all our grandchildren, love her so dearly! Dear Granny! Don't get sick, Live long, don't grow old! We will come to visit you, You will treat us with pancakes With strawberry jam And with honey from the hive... Well, happy birthday, dear granny!

My beloved grandmother, bright and tender, I came to congratulate you on your anniversary. May life give you boundless joy, And many smiles, kindness and warmth. May you turn 70 today, you are an energetic, dear person. I want your life to be filled with happiness, and you to remain with me forever.

You have always been a granny for me, always gray-haired, with a wrinkle, good-natured. But you once ran as a girl. And it was seven, but now it’s seventy. And your pies are the most delicious of all, And your fairy tales are the most interesting. And the hands are softer and kinder. You know, birthdays seem to be for children. You're not that excited about gifts, you're worried about what to put on the table. And there are no friends nearby, only relatives, But the house here is filled with happiness. Let the years go, run, let them fly. We will be close, hug, love. Let it be seventy today, but someday there will always be seventeen years in your soul.

On my grandma’s anniversary I’ll bake pancakes. I will treat them to them, I will invite you to visit. I’ll brag about your recipe, I’ll tell you all the ingredients and add: without love they won’t work! I wish you to tell me more about everything that you know from your great destiny.

Grandma, your wisdom and love always helped me understand what was going on around me. Happy anniversary to you, may your 70 years be just the beginning of amazing and, of course, happy events. May every day make you happy and may there always be love around you. Happy holiday!

"No lumps"

Remember how you baked buns or pancakes with your grandmother as a child. Naturally, the birthday girl knows how to handle the dough. But do guests know what to do to knead the dough without lumps? For the competition you will need a bowl, flour, a glass of water and a spoon. The hero of the occasion may refrain from participating, taking the place of the chief judge. At the leader’s command, the participants pour flour into a bowl, pour water into it and begin to mix. Kneading time may vary, but I recommend kneading for 15 seconds. After the time has passed, the dough is shown to the birthday girl. Victory goes to the most skillful dough mixer.


Not everyone knows how to make sauerkraut. May be. That only the hero of the day can carry out her plans at the holiday. Or is that not true? If you want to check it out, then hold the “Sauerkraut” competition. All you need is a simple half liter jar and lots of chopped cabbage! However, if it is not there, then plain paper can be a worthy replacement. The essence of the competition is to quickly fill a jar with cabbage. And this is difficult to do. You need to have skill and ingenuity. The winner is the one who manages to fill his jar the fastest.

"Ditty Contest"

How can the holiday of your beloved grandmother pass without ditties? With them, the event will take on new colors and enliven even the most gloomy guest. To do this, all participants need to stand in a circle. The competition will be more than successful if there is an accordion player among the guests. But even if it’s not there, any music will do. So, while the song is playing, the participants pass each other a special stick. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the stick left reads the ditty. The audience will simply be bursting with laughter. And so on several times until everyone has read the ditty. The winner receives the “Veselchak” medal and the most valuable prize: a kiss from the birthday girl!

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Grandmother from Grandchildren

Dear, beloved grandmother, We congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you health for many years to come. From the bottom of our hearts.
May you live, dear, for a hundred years, Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes, Pamper your grandchildren often, Kiss them firmly on the nose, And prepare dinner for us more often. Congratulations on your day, grandma, May everything always be fine. We kiss you tightly and give you this poem! Granny, give up your duty at the hot gas stove, It’s as if you forgot about the years And you’re busy all day. You just remember that Blinov’s grandchildren would like to eat, Grandma, dear, that’s enough, It’s an honor for us to congratulate you! We have gathered to celebrate your next anniversary, and we want to wish many more warm days in the world! Live to be a hundred, so that We can gather for your hundred years again And so that you will again wish to work for another hundred years!

Grandma, happy holiday to you. May there be a great many more anniversaries in your life, and may you meet each one with joy and good health. I wish you never to be disappointed in anyone close to you and always remain happy. Congratulations!

You have been my source of inspiration since childhood, My best teacher and mentor, And the moments of wonderful communication with you are filled with joy. On your anniversary, listen to my congratulations: May your life be filled with happiness, After all, undoubtedly, you are worthy of admiration - The best in the world is my grandmother! Always be happy, full of health, strength, active and calm and serene, so that every day brings good luck, and so that this is inevitable. You won’t find a better gift in the world, And even a bag of gold coins Can’t bring more happiness than a poem written from the heart!

My beloved granny. My own grandmother. The whole family wants to congratulate you on your anniversary today. We wish you to be beautiful forever and not be afraid of anything. After all, we are all together, and we are strong. One for all and all for one!

Granny is the most necessary person, She bakes and cooks so well, That we eat every cheburek, And we want to eat your cooking in two shifts. But we love grandma not for the reason that she invites us to visit us for a treat, not for her magic jam. We are heartily in love with granny. For simply nurturing us, despite the difficulties and years, and the light of her radiant kind eyes will now raise our children too. We grew up as normal people Thanks to you, our granny, And we tell you that there is no more beautiful Granny, even if you look all over the earth. We want you to never be sick, not to cough and often not to be sad, so that all your best dreams come true, and so that you don’t get bored with us. Ask us for anything you want, at any time! I think we can do everything! Just be with us, grandma, you always, Health, happiness, happy new anniversary!

Granny, granny, granny, you are my dear! On your anniversary, we have gathered to congratulate you! Our bright beauty, There is no one dearer to us. When you smile at us, it immediately warms our hearts. I wish you, my dear, to be less sick in life, to live like this, to continue to please us, and never to grow old!

My dear, you are like a queen, Your gray hair is your crown. You understand everything... I know, I believe, my Grandmother is the best in the world. You will press me tightly to your dear heart, You will console me, help me and sing a song. That’s how it was, grandma, in my sunny childhood, That’s how it is now, ... you don’t let me be sad! Thank you, dear! All the best and health, Live to be a hundred years old and never grow old in soul! What gifts can compare with the love of My Queen, my grandmother?

The sun is shining unusually brightly, and there is blue on the horizon. We have chosen gifts for you, We have found the right words. We will bring an armful of joyful moments for you from a fairy tale, so that your mood is bright, so that you forget about everything sad. Today, on the anniversary day of jam, We want to speak in poetry, To give kindness and joy on this “round” birthday. So that the years do not rush past, Filling your eyes with wisdom, The warmth of your loved ones would warm you And the crazy voices of your grandchildren. We will not hide our wishes, loving grandma with all our hearts. So that you spend time sometimes, at least sometimes on yourself!

Oh, granny, it’s not strange that on this day for so many years the Sun shines so welcome, giving us its kind light. After all, the sun knows that over the years you become kinder, and even if you have gray hair, it doesn’t matter: you are the most needed. May God give you health, We are always warm with you, Congratulations on your anniversary, After all, it is always bright with you.

We don’t need other people’s aunts, Nanny is nonsense: Mom and Dad are at work, But you’re always there. We ask your forgiveness for being naughty sometimes: You will never abandon us and you will never let us be offended. How good we are with you, How fun we always are: Stay young Regardless of your years.


Do you want to have a good laugh? Hold a “Fishing” competition, the impressions of which will stay with you for a long time. To carry it out, all the men invited to the holiday will be needed. The presenter invites them to play imaginary fishing and throw imaginary fishing rods into the lake. Then he warns that the water level in the lake is rising, you need to roll up your pants. And every time higher and higher. The prank is that when the trouser legs can no longer be lifted higher than their limit, the presenter suddenly announces a competition for the hairiest legs! Such a surprise will make everyone laugh.

"Princess Nesmeyana"

By the name of the competition you can roughly guess what will happen. Guests of the holiday are divided into two teams: jokers and “non-jokers”. The latter sit on pre-prepared chairs and take on a stern or even sad look so that the jokers cannot make them laugh. Actually, the other team takes turns or everyone starts making people laugh. Those who laugh join the team of jokers and together they try to bring smiles to their former allies. You can do whatever you want, except touch the “non-funny people”. Either the funniest ones or the most persistent ones win.

"Blowing the Balloon"

An old competition, but relevant even today. Everyone will receive delight and positive emotions. So, you should choose two participants among the guests. The presenter announces that they must blow the ball towards the opponent (demonstrates the ball). After this, they are blindfolded. Only they won’t be blowing out a balloon, but a plate of flour. Naturally, the participants will not immediately figure out the deception, and will continue to blow on the flour for a long time until their eyes are untied. But when the truth is revealed, the whole hall will shake with loud laughter and joy.

Poems for grandmother's anniversary from grandson

You will forever forget what “boredom” is: Accept congratulations on your anniversary from your grandson. So that even you forget where it hurt. All the hardships and grievances So that they burn out. It’s impossible to convey in text how much I love you. You will remain forever the best granny.

Dear grandmother, I congratulate you, You are kinder to everyone, you are wiser, I am lucky, my grandson, dear, to have you, Set a large, luxurious table, as always, Call your neighbors, relatives and friends, And celebrate this anniversary soon. Let this day pass warmly and brightly, Let everyone bring flowers and gifts, You deserve it, my grandmother, The best holiday - I know for sure!

My dear, beautiful, dear grandmother, I love you so much. Today is your anniversary, I congratulate you, and I wish you to live to be a hundred years old! I remember how you gave me milk, When I was sick, and you treated me. You taught me everything, even how to sew up a sock. I love you grandma, I give you this congratulations!

Being a grandmother is honorable and beautiful, but being a good grandmother is also difficult. In order for your granddaughter to be happy in life, you need to know and raise him in the future. Your grandson congratulates you on your wonderful anniversary. Boy, that is, I, I wish you to walk faster. So that your legs never suddenly get tired, you are healthy, very happy, so that your loved ones are around, know: I love you, grandma, as much as I can!


A driver is selected from among the guests, and the rest of the participants stand in a circle. Hands should be behind your back, one of the guests in the circle is given a cucumber. The goal of the competition is simple: you need to quickly and quietly pass a cucumber from one person to another so that the driver does not notice the trick. For greater effect, you can bite into a cucumber at every opportunity. If the presenter guesses the one who has the cucumber in his hands, then the person caught replaces him at the post and the game continues. There are no winners in the game, only a completely eaten cucumber.

Happy anniversary greetings for grandmother from granddaughter

Who has warmth in his eyes, tenderness in gentle hands? Who is always ready for us to bake at least fifty cakes? This is my dear grandmother, greeting us on the threshold. We are rushing to her today to congratulate her from the bottom of our hearts. Happy birthday, happy anniversary! Kisses and flowers, So that you never know grief or deprivation! Accept congratulations, We have a large flow of them. And this sweet congratulation is also for the mood.

Grandmother keeps a ball and knitting needles in the box. And as soon as she takes a little nap, they begin to frolic. Look, you've already knitted something. Grandma has a self-assembled tablecloth, After all, it is impossible to put so many delicious dishes on the table without magic in just a few minutes. Visiting grandma, just like in a fairy tale. Here the scientist cat wanders at the door. He's probably composing a congratulations note. Today is grandma's anniversary!

Dear grandmother, happy anniversary! To the joy of everyone - live without growing old. Always be so beautiful, And at heart young and happy. Be an example for everyone, in everything. Fill our souls with goodness. May this congratulation always fill you with life, like a sip of life-giving moisture!

Dear granny, dear, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! And on your anniversary I wish you Health, my dear. You are our joy, our pride, the stronghold and core of the whole family. Let the years of life fly by in smiles, happiness and love. You surround us with care, You warm us with warmth When we come home from work, We open the doors to the house. Live for a hundred years without losing heart, let illnesses pass by. And let nature fade - You stay young.

Congratulations on your anniversary, May you be lucky in everything, Life becomes brighter, And the day brings smiles. Be the envy of everyone, be happy, Do not be sad from the oppression of years, Be strong in soul and body And live without knowing troubles. Always be as sweet, Keeping your cheeks rosy. I dedicate this poem to my beloved grandmother!

Grandma, grandma, my grandma, You know how much I love you. You are the sweetest and dearest, You are probably the only one in the world. Your advice always helps, it has never let me down. Your care surrounds me All my life that I can remember. You always say nice words, And I, like a fool, am angry with you. Forgive me for my mischief and accept my congratulations with all my heart!

Dear grandmother, Today you are celebrating your anniversary again. Never regret the years gone by. For the family, you, grandmother, are like the light of the sun. Live, my love, for another hundred years. Everyone will congratulate you today, they will praise you for your merits, they will raise toasts to your good health, you are the most exemplary, what else can I say. I’ll get up early in the morning, come up quietly, and hug you tightly, my beloved. I will find a lot of necessary spiritual words to express, grandma, how much I love you. I wrote what I felt, I composed what I could. Read this greeting, grandma.

Grandmother, dear grandmother, the kindest one. You are our sunshine, dear, sensitive and tired. Smile, you are as beautiful as before, Not wrinkles, but thin rays. Your eyes are blue, the years have not hidden them with clouds. On your anniversary, beloved granny, let the congratulations never end. Let the glasses be filled with playful wines, like your house with flowers.

My dear granny, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary! Health, vigor, warmth - I will warm you with love! You mean a lot to me, After all, you put your soul into me, When you didn’t sleep at night, When you went for walks with me. She taught me kindness, responsiveness, mercy. Now it's time for you to indulge in wild fun!

Every year you become wiser, friendlier and brighter. Bring us joy for another hundred years! Grandma, happy anniversary! Maybe my poem is not a sonnet, But a cheerful smile For wishes, a miracle fish, A warm stove, A kind word, A big bag of joys The poem will bring you.


A funny competition during which you can feel like a real burglar. You will need 2-3 padlocks, a cabinet and a bunch of assorted keys. In order for everyone to enjoy the spectacle, we recommend choosing two participants per game. Their task comes down to finding a suitable key. And this is not easy. It is advisable that the bunch of keys be really large, so that the participants will rack their brains. The first one to guess the correct key and open the cabinet is declared the winner. You can further spur interest by placing the prize in that very closet.

"Dress each other"

The feast at grandma's birthday cannot consist of ordinary gatherings and cake. We need a fun competition that will leave pleasant memories. “Dress each other” is just right. So, all the guests are divided into pairs. Gender and age do not matter. Each person is given a bag of clothes. The eyes are pre-blindfolded. Each couple will have to dress each other in the clothes that randomly ended up in their bag. 1 minute is allocated. Ultimately, everyone should be dressed, but clothing can really vary. Everyone will laugh when they see two men in dresses and trousers.

Happy anniversary greetings to grandmother from grandson

It’s your anniversary, grandma. It’s your birthday today. So accept your grandson’s congratulations from the bottom of my heart as soon as possible! I love you, grandma, I adore you for your love and affection, I keep your kindness in my heart, I respect your wisdom in life! On this holiday, on this anniversary, I wish you good health. Don't regret the years that have passed. Joy and happiness! Congratulations!

My grandma is the best! As a grandson, I speak from the heart. On your anniversary, on a happy occasion, I give you my tenderness. Congratulations on your birthday. You, grandma, are young at heart. I don’t have a single drop of doubt - Your beauty will not fade. I wish my grandmother joy and warmth for her caring hands, which seem to know no fatigue. Your beloved and loving grandson.

Dear grandmother, your grandson congratulates you on your anniversary. I wish you, dear, good health, cheerfulness of soul, wonderful mood, universal respect, sincere love from dear hearts, joyful holidays and great events.

I’m bringing a bouquet to my grandmother, I’ll say congratulations to her, I’ll hug her very tightly. I love grandma! Happy anniversary! On this day I wish that health, happiness, joy Give sweetness to life.

I congratulate and love my dear grandma. On her beautiful anniversary I give words of love. You are wise, very tactful, your advice helps. I wish Tema many long years, dear. I admire your strength, Noble beauty. Remember, dear granny, that your grandson is always with you.

My beloved granny, I am very glad to congratulate you, I went to your anniversary, With a smile, as if I were going to a parade! You spoil me, grandma, You always treat me to cake, But in childhood you didn’t even scold me, That everything turned out to be upside down! Health, happiness and smiles! Live for a long, long time and forever, You will remain that granny, After all, you are a wonderful person!

Today is a noble anniversary And the holiday will be soon; Thanks to my grandmother, who will give anyone a head start. I want to congratulate you and wish you good luck; May your life be bright, May events be brighter. Your peace is very close to me - Much needed science... Be like this for many years, Salute to you from your grandson.

It’s your anniversary, grandma. Accept from your grandson as soon as possible the wish to be healthy, to love life, to live at least a hundred! You are like a second mother to me: Sweet, dear, dear. May God send health from heaven. Holidays, smiles and miracles!

Happy anniversary grandma! I’m in a hurry to come to you, I’m flying! Congratulate you quickly, I want some pies! As always, make sure you wash your hands with soap, and then we’ll talk over tea. Accept gifts, sweets and flowers, The best granny in the World is you.

How can you live without grandma in the world, without her delicious pies for lunch? How can you offend a saint, answer? After all, there is simply nothing better than her on earth! “Thank you” - I want to say frankly For your warm hands before bed. I love you very much, strongly, immensely, That even a chick whistled outside the window. Grandma, dear, accept congratulations, Accept a gift from your grandson on your anniversary. Let the world freeze for one moment. After all, you are the best, kinder and sweeter than everyone else. Live richly for your beloved husband, Live very long to please us. May your family be very happy, and I will take care of the good for you!

Granny, I’ll say right away, Don’t expect long speeches, I’m a man, not a woman, Accept congratulations quickly. I love you with all my heart, You are very dear to me, I love to bask in your arms, Years will not take you! I’ve seen a lot in my life, It wasn’t always good, I’ll try to do it this way, So that it’s always light!

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