New Year 2021 in Georgia: how to spend your holiday in an interesting way

Birthday in Georgian style

When accompanied by real Georgian wine, toasts are sometimes born such that the bitterness remains far away, and the sweetness is so close and light-winged.
Do not approach Georgian wine, Who dreams of quenching his thirst in anger, Or envy; or who curses fate, Forgetting that this nectar is God’s drink!

Cry with happiness as you touch it, And feel the drink of heaven on your lips! A taboo on drinking wine will be imposed on those who lose their minds from this goodness.

A guest in Georgia has always been considered a messenger of God. The ancient tradition of hospitality is maximally embodied in the Georgian feast. Georgian feast - “supra” - is an action. The table is laden with food, the goblets are full of delicious wine. Everyone is attentive to each other, the beautiful speech of the toaster flows, and a polyphonic Georgian song sounds overflowing. All these are components of a Georgian meal, designed to bring the highest joy and honor to the guest. Regardless of social status, the owner sets a rich table. To confirm your inability to organize a brilliant feast is to announce your defeat. This is not Georgian!

One of the main symbols of the Georgian feast is Tamada . Hosting a flawless and bright meal is a subtle science and skill. They say it is almost impossible to learn. But most Georgians often imagine themselves in the role of Toastmaster at one meal or another and inevitably learn this skill.

The master of the house or another respected worthy person from among the guests can become a toastmaster.

In Western Georgia, it is traditional not to accept an invitation to the role of Toastmaster right away. And in the east they agree without persuasion. This is part of the ritual.

to be in the role of Toastmaster !

Georgia. Tbilisi. The “ Toastmaster ” monument is an enlarged copy of a bronze statue that was discovered during archaeological excavations in Western Georgia. The find dates back to the 7th century BC. The toastmaster must know the history of his homeland, manage to sing masterfully, and recite a poem. And, most importantly, do everything on time. Providing a meaningful toast, short or narrative, deeply emotional or sparklingly funny, is always original. The ideal Toastmaster never repeats toasts. He makes them up on the fly. And at the same time, the toastmaster should not make a one-man show out of a meal. You need to feel which guest to pay attention to, pass on a toast, when to liven up the conversation with a joke, and when to remain silent. It is obligatory for the Toastmaster to ensure that people do not become intoxicated. And at the same time, do not hold back too much so as not to offend anyone. The main idea of ​​the toast should remain the same, no matter how long the speech is. The one who pronounces it must empty the horn (or glass) to the bottom; the rest of the guests will only need to take a sip.

Toasts are pronounced in the same order. Toast number one is made to God, toast number two is to the Motherland, toast number three is to faith.

Then it is customary to speak for the deceased. A toast is made, then they clink glasses and drink as if they were well. They explain it this way: while we are in this world, our memory of those who are no longer in this world is also alive.

This toast is certainly followed by a toast to sons and daughters and health - as a symbol of continuing life.

Then there are speeches on various topics: for fathers and mothers, for the fair sex, for loyalty, for comrades, for everyone who comes to the table or leaves it.

Georgians love and honor their homeland very much, so during any feast they toast to their country and the Georgian people.

The last toast is made to the Virgin Mary.

Niko Pirosmani. “Feast during the grape harvest”Georgian house – always open doors and hearts. Hospitality is cultivated from childhood and defines life. This is part of Georgian culture, a tradition passed on from generation to generation.

I attended a real Georgian feast for the first time in 2010. It turned out so well that I celebrated my next birthday in Tbilisi, having come on vacation to Georgia from Kyiv for the first time as an adult. The first time I visited Georgia was when I was seven - our family was on vacation in Abkhazia and since then I dreamed of visiting this country again.

I celebrated my birthday in a national restaurant, made in the old Georgian style and located in a beautiful place on the Kura embankment. My guests were several people with whom I knew only two days of my stay in Tbilisi, and two people whom I saw for the first time. I’m clarifying this so that you understand that the people at my holiday were little known to me, but thanks to their hospitality, warmth, sincerity, openness and eloquence, this birthday was one of the brightest and most memorable in my life.

And one more amazing moment for me. At the next table in the restaurant, a large company of men was celebrating something, among whom was a Georgian priest - a colorful gray-haired old man with a long beard and in a cassock, who for some reason reminded me of some fairy-tale character, which is why, from time to time, my gaze involuntarily turned in his direction. Some time after the start of our feast, the priest stood up and made a toast at his table, and then began to approach each table in the restaurant and make a toast, congratulating people on Easter. It should be noted that this day was the next Sunday after Orthodox Easter. When the Holy Father came up to congratulate us, my distinguished guests informed him that I had come from Ukraine and was celebrating my birthday today. The priest apologized that he did not speak Ukrainian, English, or Russian and congratulated me in Georgian - his congratulatory toast lasted about fifteen minutes and ended with his appeal to all visitors to the restaurant to drink to my birthday and to Ukraine. I sincerely believe that such an unexpected event on my birthday is a congratulation from above. Unfortunately, his eloquent toast was translated to me in just a few words, telling me that most Georgian toasts simply cannot be translated literally - the high meaning of the spoken words is lost in translation.

Georgian feast culture

The traditional Georgian feast is called “supra”, which literally means “tablecloth”. This is a feast with mountains of food, where dishes are sometimes displayed, literally, in three tiers. And a lot of wine - men drink up to four liters of wine each during the entire holiday, three to five hours.

The most important thing in a supra is making toasts, and the toastmaster is in charge of this. The toastmaster is usually either the owner of the house or an older man, and in a company of close friends the toastmaster can be the most eloquent of those gathered, or simply one of the friends who is in the “toastmaster mood” today. Sometimes, at large feasts (for example, weddings), the toastmaster may appoint an assistant or assistant.

A feast in Georgia is an almost sacred ceremony, where the order of toasts is strictly defined. The first toast is for those whose holiday is being celebrated (if it is, for example, a birthday, or a housewarming, or a foreign guest is present at the table), then - for the family, for elders, for brothers and sisters, for ancestors, for the repose of the dead, for children (that is, for the future), for wives and mothers, for friends, for the homeland, for those who made wine. I would like to note that when making a toast to the repose of the dead, in Georgia it is customary to clink glasses - Georgians explain this by the fact that our loved ones who have passed on to another world always live in our memory and in our hearts. After making all the required toasts, the holiday begins to move more freely - toasts are made to various familiar people (whether present at the table or not), to peace, to certain moral values. Guests present at the table can stand up themselves and ask the toastmaster for permission to make a toast - this evokes respect among those present. An important detail: each toast (Georgian - sadgegrdzelo) is a monologue lasting 10-15 minutes (sometimes longer), during which you cannot drink wine, and after making the toast, each of those present at the table must add a few words on this topic. , and only then drinks his glass of wine. Then everyone must say “gaumarzhdos”, which literally means “Long live!” in Georgian. or “May victory be with you,” however, the semantic message is approximately the same as that of the Ukrainian “Budmo!”

The Georgian custom is to drink wine from a horn, this is a kind of test for a real and strong man ;)) Since such a horn can hold from one to several liters of wine, and you need to drink it in one gulp, because the horn is not a glass, it cannot be placed on the table - the wine will spill out. So before you agree to a tempting offer to drink Georgian wine from a horn, realistically assess your strength ;)

In Georgia they never drink wine just like that, without toasting. But it’s not customary to make toasts with beer, and if they do, it’s in a humorous and ironic form, like: for taxes, for the government, etc. And despite the fact that Georgians drink a large amount of wine during the feast, They have feasts often, and seeing a drunk Georgian is a rarity.


When accompanied by real Georgian wine, toasts are sometimes born such that the bitterness remains far away, and the sweetness is so close and light-winged.

Do not approach Georgian wine, Who dreams of quenching his thirst in anger, Or envy; or who curses fate, Forgetting that this nectar is God’s drink!

Cry with happiness as you touch it, And feel the drink of heaven on your lips! A taboo on drinking wine will be imposed on those who lose their minds from this goodness.

A guest in Georgia has always been considered a messenger of God. The ancient tradition of hospitality is maximally embodied in the Georgian feast. Georgian feast - “supra” - is an action. The table is laden with food, the goblets are full of delicious wine. Everyone is attentive to each other, the beautiful speech of the toaster flows, and a polyphonic Georgian song sounds overflowing. All these are components of a Georgian meal, designed to bring the highest joy and honor to the guest. Regardless of social status, the owner sets a rich table. To confirm your inability to organize a brilliant feast is to announce your defeat. This is not Georgian!

One of the main symbols of the Georgian feast is Tamada . Hosting a flawless and bright meal is a subtle science and skill. They say it is almost impossible to learn. But most Georgians often imagine themselves in the role of Toastmaster at one meal or another and inevitably learn this skill.

The master of the house or another respected worthy person from among the guests can become a toastmaster.

In Western Georgia, it is traditional not to accept an invitation to the role of Toastmaster right away. And in the east they agree without persuasion. This is part of the ritual.

to be in the role of Toastmaster !

Georgia. Tbilisi. The “ Toastmaster ” monument is an enlarged copy of a bronze statue that was discovered during archaeological excavations in Western Georgia. The find dates back to the 7th century BC. The toastmaster must know the history of his homeland, manage to sing masterfully, and recite a poem. And, most importantly, do everything on time. Providing a meaningful toast, short or narrative, deeply emotional or sparklingly funny, is always original. The ideal Toastmaster never repeats toasts. He makes them up on the fly. And at the same time, the toastmaster should not make a one-man show out of a meal. You need to feel which guest to pay attention to, pass on a toast, when to liven up the conversation with a joke, and when to remain silent. It is obligatory for the Toastmaster to ensure that people do not become intoxicated. And at the same time, do not hold back too much so as not to offend anyone. The main idea of ​​the toast should remain the same, no matter how long the speech is. The one who pronounces it must empty the horn (or glass) to the bottom; the rest of the guests will only need to take a sip.

Toasts are pronounced in the same order. Toast number one is made to God, toast number two is to the Motherland, toast number three is to faith.

Then it is customary to speak for the deceased. A toast is made, then they clink glasses and drink as if they were well. They explain it this way: while we are in this world, our memory of those who are no longer in this world is also alive.

This toast is certainly followed by a toast to sons and daughters and health - as a symbol of continuing life.

Then there are speeches on various topics: for fathers and mothers, for the fair sex, for loyalty, for comrades, for everyone who comes to the table or leaves it.

Georgians love and honor their homeland very much, so during any feast they toast to their country and the Georgian people.

The last toast is made to the Virgin Mary.

Niko Pirosmani. “Feast during the grape harvest”Georgian house – always open doors and hearts. Hospitality is cultivated from childhood and defines life. This is part of Georgian culture, a tradition passed on from generation to generation.

All about Georgian gifts

As they say, whoever has not been to Georgia knows nothing about hospitality. And this is really so, only there they welcome the guest so sincerely and respectfully that you want to stay forever.

This article is dedicated to Georgian traditions and gifts that would be appropriate to give to connoisseurs of the beauty and culture of this country.

Traditions of Georgia

In addition to respectful attitude towards guests, which seems to be in the blood of every Georgian, there are other Georgian traditions.

For example, a Georgian feast, it implies strict adherence to etiquette, as well as good manners and exemplary order.

The toastmaster undertakes to monitor all this. Yes,

It is eaten not only at weddings; in Georgia, every holiday is held under the leadership of the head of the feast - the toastmaster.

He pays attention to everyone, makes a lot of beautiful toasts and makes sure that the guests have fun. Therefore, at any feast there is a special atmosphere of celebration.

I would also like to mention Georgian weddings. This is a special event in which absolutely all relatives from both sides participate, so there are always a lot of people. But it is impossible not to come to the wedding, it is perceived as disrespect.

Among other things, Georgians love to dance. Their dances are complex, unusual and very beautiful. Each dance is similar only in that men show their strength and belligerence in it, women show their pride and grace. If you have the chance to visit this country, be sure to watch the performances of local dance groups.

Well, the last thing I want to mention before moving directly to souvenirs is winemaking. For centuries, winemaking has been part of the spiritual culture, as well as the economic wealth of this country.

Georgians view wine not as a drink, but as something lofty and beautiful. Therefore, when you are in Georgia, buy Georgian wine in a gift jug as a souvenir, you will get a delicious and memorable souvenir.

Souvenir weapons - a memorable and unforgettable present

The best Georgian gifts

From the many existing souvenirs that tourists often bring from Georgia, we have chosen 8 of the best, because it is in them that the spirit of this magnificent country is felt:

  1. Wine horn. This souvenir will fit perfectly into any interior, but when purchasing, be sure to check what the horn is made of; stores often sell plastic products that look like natural ones;
  2. Paintings by Georgian artists. We advise painting fans to buy a couple of paintings by local artists. Paintings with incredible landscapes of Georgia look especially beautiful;
  3. Cloisonné enamel jewelry. For your beloved wife, buy a couple of cloisonne jewelry. These magnificent decorations, which are made using the ancient “mininkari” technique, will not leave any lady indifferent. In search of expensive jewelry, go to the store at the Marriott Hotel, and budget shopping can be done on Chardin Street in Tbilisi;
  4. Sheepskin hat. An inexpensive, but at the same time colorful gift that can be presented to your grandfather or father. You can find a hat in almost any corner of the country, but the best choice is in the souvenir shops of Batumi and Tbilisi, or just visit a themed online store;
  5. Carpet. It’s probably not worth comparing these carpets with their popular Persian “brothers,” but they are still quite stylish and beautiful, so they can easily fit into the interior of a modern home. The carpet can be given to your mother-in-law or godfather;
  6. Clay products. As a gift for your mother or mother-in-law, look for something made of pottery. You can even put together a whole set, for example, of a jug and several bowls. The price for products of this kind is not high, so everyone can afford to buy themselves and their relatives a couple of clay souvenirs;
  7. National costume "Chokha". For true connoisseurs of this country, we advise you to purchase a national costume, which is called “Chokha”. Since the ninth century, this costume was considered an everyday outfit, but today it has acquired the status of a festive costume. It is worth considering that handmade national costumes are quite expensive, prices start at $100;
  8. Wine. As mentioned earlier, wine is the national treasure of Georgia, so it is definitely worth buying as a gift.

Among other things, we advise you to buy a couple of souvenirs with Georgian symbols, these could be cups, bowls, T-shirts, keychains, etc.

Of course, one short article cannot reveal all the beauty of Georgia, it cannot be revealed even in thousands of books, you just have to go there and see everything with your own eyes, but while this is not possible, buy yourself and your loved ones a couple of Georgian souvenirs.

“Gamarjobiki”, or hospitality in Georgian


What does “hello” mean in Georgian?

Of course, I will write in Russian letters, because the main thing for us is to voice it out than to know how to spell it, right?) If you are suddenly lucky enough to visit a Georgian family, like we did yesterday, the first thing you need to say when you meet is GAMARJOBA!! , and not just say it, but say it LOUDLY, patting the owner on the shoulder)) I assure you, you will immediately become your own person!

And this is what happened to us yesterday... The wonderful team of PROSELO-KUBAN again invited us to visit, this time for a thematic meeting of GAMARJOBIKI in the Georgian style, held in the snow-capped mountains, in the village of Ubinskaya, Seversky district. Although...why in style?? We were greeted by a real Georgian family, with real Georgian dishes and traditional Georgian music and dances. And most importantly - with truly Caucasian cordiality and hospitality!!

Everything happened in a rather beautiful, quiet place - the Polyana Ubinskaya recreation center. This is an ideal place for lovers of a quiet and relaxing holiday away from the hustle and bustle! There are forests and mountains all around, and a mountain river nearby, here you have a wood-burning bathhouse with access (although, most likely, with a run-out) to the river, here is a horse farm... And the sea is just a stone's throw away! — only 30 km... through the mountains)) On foot, of course. Or on horseback. But on the move)

Immediately upon arrival, what made you happy was the cordiality and attention with which you were greeted as if you were a native guest! The samovar is puffing and smoking on the coals, the herbs brewed in the kettle are simmering (thyme, linden and... I don’t remember what else, but the tea turned out to be very tasty!!!)

UNCLE SASHA met us (I think we will soon visit him, and then I will introduce you to him). Let me say briefly, I lived in Georgia for many years, knows first-hand about Caucasian hospitality, grows organic vegetables and fruits, has his own apiary and makes delicious homemade wine and mead. Here!

And in general, a cheerful and welcoming person!

The guests arrived leisurely, drank tea (and some even Chachu, this is a grape vodka) and looked around. We were charged, so to speak, with the atmosphere) We also walked around the base, looked at everything, liked it)

This is the mountain river that I mentioned:

Just recently there were horses walking here)

Passing by the glass gazebo where our feast was expected, we already glanced at the tables... because the aroma coming from there was mind-blowing!! The music sounded real, Georgian... so everyone was in the best mood... just right))

Well, how can you not take a photo while everything is still so beautiful, fragrant and... not eaten yet))

And now, my dears, brace yourself! I'll tell you a little about the dishes))

This is a photo of the table at the very beginning, here is the smallest of all the dishes that were brought later. First, about the snacks.

Bread!!! How I love bread, especially this one, fresh, soft, homemade and very tasty!! There was a lot of bread, later we were also served flatbread with cheese, khachapuri, warm and fragrant... mmm, as I remember!...

Of course, greens are a must on the table! There was also a sauce with herbs - pkhali with spinach and pomegranate seeds... Caucasian peoples never serve meat without herbs, and this is very correct! Meat and meat products are, of course, tasty and healthy, but... how does this acidify the body! This is where greens come to the rescue, normalize acidity and help meat be better absorbed.

A bean dish - lobio, turkey sauce with walnuts, garlic and spices - satsivi (it's very tasty!), kuchmachi - an incredibly tasty liver dish! (this appetizer was immediately snapped up)), dzhonjoli - pickled flowers (!) of an evergreen plant that grows on trees in the county with sort of caps (the taste is similar to capers)

Cheese!!! Yes, their cheese is excellent! Chechil, suluguni... everything is very tasty and of excellent quality! And everything is done by hand and only using ancient technologies, from high-quality products. You know, you can feel it! Especially in comparison with industrial cheeses... Good cheese is another gastronomic weakness of mine)

And, of course, the “highlight of the program” is REAL GEORGIAN WINE!!... yes, saperavi aged for three years in the ground!! Exactly the same! (If anything, I saved some, took a couple of bottles with me, so come and visit!) And on the table it was served to us in these authentic handmade jugs by a local potter. Super!!!

For main course: dolma and khinkali (I have never tried anything tastier!). By the way, I learned how to eat khinkali correctly and how they do it in Georgia. You need to take the top part with your hands, bite it, drink the juice, and then just eat it (without eating, of course, this very top part). If you eat them this way in front of Georgians, respect and respect to you! And under no circumstances pick the khinkali with forks!

The photo is not mine, from the Internet) I was busy with the intricacies of eating, so I didn’t have time...

What else is the Georgian feast famous for?

Of course, with eloquent toasts!! And drinking wine from a big horn! Why from the horn, have you ever wondered? You won’t put it on the table until you have completely drained it) Interestingly, almost all the men, after drinking wine from a large horn, remained cheerful and not drunk)

“Vano and Givi are talking. Givi says that yesterday he quarreled with his wife. Vano asks: “Givi, who has the last word?” - Follow me, of course! – Givi declared proudly. “I said: “Okay, buy it.” So let’s drink to the women who know how to give in in an argument in time!”

I look at the photo... how I want to live yesterday again!!

How interesting, intimate and very sincere the meeting was! Yes, it was as if I had come to visit old good friends!

Well, how can we not thank Sergei and Svetlana (PROSELO_KUBAN)!! Thank you very much for the interesting idea and the warm welcome! We are looking forward to new ideas and joyful meetings!

And finally, a photo of an unusual and beautiful fence that we discovered on the way back to Ubinskaya. It was very long... I can’t even imagine what was behind it...

No, I’ll still end the story with a photo of Sergei Shulga, our organizer. Why not Georgian!

See you at the new event!

Thank you for reading to the end! I hope it was “tasty” least read it))

MADLOBA! (which means thank you, thank you!)

Your Marina.

Beautiful Georgian toasts

Since ancient times, the tradition of speaking with a glass in hand during prayer before eating has been preserved. For the Georgian people, a toast is not just words, but a small thank you to God in their native language. A real Georgian toast is distinguished by sincerity and love.

In Georgia, it is customary to make toasts while maintaining consistency. Only wise words should be spoken; the speech should not be long, but always from the heart. The person giving the Georgian toast tries to tell it in his own way, adding proverbs and sayings.

Georgian feasts always turn into celebrations, accompanied by music, folk dances, songs, toasts, and congratulations.

Traditions of Georgian holidays

If you happen to attend a Georgian feast, do not be surprised by the number of guests. Georgians are a people with a broad soul, and therefore invite many of their friends to visit. It is interesting that sometimes the owner of the house himself may not know his guests, because they were invited by one of his relatives.

Moreover, even a traveler passing by can visit the house as a guest, who will be received warmly and cordially. All these nuances do not interfere with celebrating the holiday noisily and cheerfully. The deteriorating economic situation these days is negating the ancient customs of hospitality. Georgians prefer to celebrate holidays in closed establishments, and the one who gathered everyone at the table pays the bill.

The Georgian holiday Tbilisoba* is always dancing, music, wine and fun fairs

*Tbilisoba – harvest festival and the city of Tbilisi is celebrated on the first weekend of October

Toasts for the wedding

Not a single Georgian wedding is complete without welcoming speeches and toasts. Georgians also maintain the custom of congratulating newlyweds with a beautiful Georgian toast:

  • “Three wanderers were traveling along a steep mountain road. The journey was long, they ate only once in three days, and they ran out of water. Looking around, they did not see where to get water to drink. One of the wanderers noticed a beautiful tree among the huge rocks. The travelers were amazed and could not believe that trees with fruits could grow next to the rocks. Tormented by thirst, the travelers reached the tree, but it turned out that three fruits were hanging on it. The first traveler was already exhausted and very thirsty. He began to squeeze the juice from the orange. But the orange had a very thick peel that it was impossible to squeeze out the juice. The traveler could not quench his thirst. The second one began to eat an orange, but could not because of the bitter peel, which stood in a lump in his throat. The third traveler, although exhausted, peeled the orange. Having eaten it, the wanderer quenched his thirst and refreshed himself. Guests, let us raise our glasses so that the married couple does not know discord and together drinks the divine moisture of the fruits of their great love.”

  • “There once lived a man in the world, but something bad happened and he died. Throughout his entire life, the man was faithful to the Lord. The man did not want to die; he begged God to live longer. The Almighty allowed man to continue his life. Before returning to earth, God handed the man three boxes with gifts and strictly ordered him not to look into them until he returned to his refuge. On the way home, the man could not stand it, he opened the box, and joy flew out of it, fluttering with wings. The next box contained love, which ran away without looking back. The man did not open the last box on the way. Having reached the home, closing the windows and doors, the man opened the third box. There was hope in it, which remained to live with the person and became an assistant in business. Let’s drink so that our young spouses do not lose joy, do not miss love and live their whole lives with hope.”

Funny Georgian toasts

You can cheer up your guests with Georgian funny toasts. To make guests smile, you need to be able to say it. It is better if the story is told by a person with a sense of humor. Then guests will appreciate Georgian cool toasts and have fun from the heart.

  • “There lived a couple, Georgi and Tamari, who fell in love with each other very much. Their love grew into a wedding. After the celebration, Georgi had to go to another city on work matters. Georgi told his wife not to worry and that he would arrive in three days. Three days passed, 10 days, and Georgi did not come. Tamari’s young wife was completely exhausted with worry. Tamari did not know where her husband had gone, and she sent telegrams to 10 friends in different cities. Response telegrams arrived from friends. All my friends wrote that Georgi was with them and that everything was fine with him. Let’s drink to true friends who will never leave you in trouble.”

  • “A young stately Georgian man invited a girl to the cinema. Having settled down in the last rows, they began to kiss. An elderly woman sat nearby and told the couple that they should not make love in a public place. The guy replied that he would love to do it at home, but his wife was there. Let’s raise our glasses so that real men kiss only their wives.”

  • “Once at a celebration, the toastmaster decided to say a congratulatory toast. As he raised his glass of the best wine, he felt his stomach churning. To get out of the situation, the toastmaster decided that after the toast he would take out a pistol, shoot loudly and at the same time free himself from anxiety. But everything went completely wrong. The toastmaster's pistol misfired and the guests heard him fart. The toastmaster was burning with shame, tell someone and everyone will laugh. To avoid shame, he went to the mountains for 10 years. Returning, he asks the boy if anything interesting happened during his absence. The boy replied that after the toastmaster farted, nothing interesting happened. Let’s drink to ensure that our thoughts never diverge from our actions.”

“If beer is consumed during a feast, then the toasts should be humorous.”

Beautiful Georgian happy birthday greetings and toasts

In one mountain village there is such a legend: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and he will grow up to be a magnificent speaker. kisses your hands, you will grow up to be a jack of all trades. So let's drink to the birthday boy, because even God himself doesn't know where he kissed him.


In the East they say: a girl’s name should be like the radiance of a Star or the tenderness of a flower. And only at the age of 2 I learned the name in which I saw the radiance of a star and felt the aroma of a delicate flower. This is the NAME


The mountain peoples have one good proverb: “A camel gave birth to a baby camel - and the neighbor didn’t hear. The hen laid an egg - cackling to the whole world.” Let’s raise our glasses to our humble birthday boy, who knows his business very well, but does not talk about it to the whole world.


If I'm not mistaken, there is a belief in the Caucasus: the time you spend at the table with friends, God does not count your age. Therefore, I propose a toast to our meetings, to all of us and to our youth!


One wise old Georgian said: “If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk.” - If you want to be happy for a week, get sick. - If you want to be happy for one month, get married! - If you want to be happy for one year, have a mistress. If you want to be happy all your life, be healthy, dear.


May your life be cloudless, like the sky over the desert, full, like the jug of a hospitable Caucasian, long and interesting, like the Milky Way. And may your eyes always glow with happiness, like the polar lights above the pole!


Happy Birthday! We wish you everything that is included in this small but beautiful word - Happiness: Sun - the brightest, Health - the strongest, Smile - the happiest, Love - the most faithful, Friendship - the most devoted.


I raise my glass to express my warm feeling, warmed by the drinks, to the hero of the evening - N. and congratulate him on his birthday. I wish you to be like light, live for two hundred years, sing songs and be blown away by love. Let's ring out a loud "Hurray!" in his honor.


Let's drink to the mountain! She never went to Mohammed, who had nothing to drink. And let's drink to our friends who always come to us!


What's the difference between truth and lies? - they asked the sage. “Yes, like between the ears and eyes,” he answered. “What we see with our eyes is true, but what we hear with our ears is not always true.” Let us drink to what we have heard and seen.


There was a goat on the mountain. An eagle was flying across the sky, saw a goat, grabbed it and flew on. A hunter was standing on the ground, saw an eagle and shot. The eagle fell like a stone onto the grass, and the goat flew on! So let's drink so that eagles don't get killed and goats don't fly.


Expensive. I drink to your coffin, made from the wood of the hundred-year-old oak tree that I planted this morning.

A young man approaches the river, pushes aside one bush, another, a third, and so on twenty bushes. And there, behind the last one, stands a beautiful woman and waits for him. He took off one dress, then another. So let's drink to our prospects.

So let's drink to the strength that held the hat. - Fool. You need to apply the brake! - Personally, I will fly straight to the Sun! - Poor thing! - a friend sympathizes.


Let's drink to the rich people! And he just died, but he was killed. And they didn’t just kill, but stabbed to death. And they didn’t just kill him, but out of jealousy.


And not just out of jealousy, but to the cause! So let's drink so that we don't come across such assholes on our life's path! - Tell me, woman, what is two and two? What a thrifty wife, thought the astrologer.


What a smart wife, thought the astrologer. And this is a generous wife, thought the astrologer. So, friends, let’s drink to our beautiful ladies sitting at this table.


May good luck await you May your soul be warm I wish you all the most beautiful Never let your comrades down May your wishes be fulfilled by the golden fish


I wish you: love to keep comfort Many good words to wish you Health and joy More memorable moments for your heart


I wish you joy, good things, never give up, so that problems don’t know you. So let’s drink to our prospects. - Oh, stream! Let us get drunk! - the roses whispered.


So let's drink to those who drink, give and flourish! - Don't worry, Shota is with us. The third one gets up, looking mournfully at the floor: So let's drink to real men!


I wish you long and happy years, Health of the world and all the blessings of earth. We wish you more warm and bright days. We wish you a lot of joy in life.


I wish you tenderness in love, so that affection warms the heart, good health, good luck to you, lots of affection, warmth of kindness to you -


I wish you a lot of health and love Health and longevity You are wise, smart and kind So that things go uphill


In the Caucasus, men value, respect and love the weaker sex. Therefore, in those places a lot of congratulations were created that are dedicated to women. Here is one beautiful Georgian toast. Listen to the Caucasian parable that has spread all over the world:

From time immemorial, Georgian toasts have been valued for their depth of thought. Their artistic style of presentation, solemnity, and accent amaze and touch many people. Georgian toasts for a man’s birthday are beautiful and lifelike. We offer one of them:

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful! And you bloom day by day! Much - much happiness for you, Joy, love, kindness! Walk through life more cheerfully, Be loved, be gentle! Cry less and laugh more, forget about adversity!


We wish you simple happiness and quiet earthly joy. Let everyday bad weather always pass you by. As before, carefully preserve the beautiful features in your soul. As before, generously give everyone the Fire of spiritual warmth.


Like a rose in drops of dew, Let happiness be tender, Like a turquoise-colored sky, Boundless and boundless! And life will be full of warmth, smiles, admiration, charming, joyful, bright Always, like on your birthday!


On this Bright Day, I wish you not to be sad, not to be discouraged! Happy Birthday and I wish you no troubles! Let everything in life be smooth Without sorrows, without barriers, May every day become a gift And your eyes always shine!


Happy Birthday! I wish you to wake up every day feeling happy and in the best mood. Let your health and money by default only increase, and let your dreams and desires come true as often as possible, allowing you to enjoy new victories and always smile.


You are beautiful and fresh, with the very breath of love. Those who know each other, it’s not in vain that they have been in love with you for a long time, Sweet, full of charm, Kind, slim, light, smart I wish you a lot, a lot of happiness So that spring blooms in your soul!


I congratulate you on your birthday and on this day I want to wish that the star of happiness always shines and does not dare to fade away forever. I wish you health, success, so that your love is bright, so that people smile at you and the river of your life flows!


I wish you love, charm, charm, charm and beauty! There are generous men nearby, their attention, so that dreams can easily come true! Achieve unprecedented success, Smile and have time to do everything, And always look stunning, Making hearts flutter!


Let your eyes sparkle with joy, let your smile never leave your lips. Know when it’s difficult. laugh, extinguish any ailment with a smile. Know how to love and wait, and trust people, without any anger or self-interest. Learn to breathe freely, deeply, and happiness, believe me, will not bypass you.


On your birthday I want to wish: To remain as beautiful, To not remember about sorrows, To be happy, loved and sweet. You are as beautiful as sunshine. Let adversity not touch you. With every morning the dawn comes, Let happiness echo in it!


I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you soar with happiness. I wish you love and health, and conquer problems jokingly. You are successful, bright, like the first ray peeping through the window, There will be many gifts today, But mine is better than others anyway.


Happy birthday to you, Have fun on this day, don’t be sad, From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness and great happy love! Let your dreams be winged and bright days cloudless, and from this sparkling date all your successes will take a start!


Beautiful girl, be happy, May your path through life be cheerful, Happy birthday to you! May your life always be wonderful! I wish you good luck and a sea of ​​friends, Come on, don’t frown, look more cheerful! Remain so beautiful forever, Never forget your friends!


Happy birthday! Congratulations with all my heart! I wish you health and happiness and good luck in life! Always remain as you are. You have a lot of wonderful qualities, take care of them!


On your big day, we will laugh and cry again. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your sweetest day. Demand from fate, friend, that you always be happy. Certainly desired, And only to live in crazy love.


Today is your birthday, Today you are especially sweet, And we hasten to voice our congratulations, Which you may not have been expecting! We want to wish you success, the sea, smiles, stars and silence of the nights, may trouble and grief pass you by, sadness and darkness of past days!


To my best friend On her birthday I wish you everything you need - What requires fulfillment! I wish you great love, only advancement in your career, so that you never have problems, and good luck in all your endeavors!


My friend is beautiful, good, her character is angelic, her soul, I trust her with all my secrets, I wish her happiness and love. I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you vigor and health from the bottom of my heart, May all illnesses pass by, I really like being friends with you.


I wish you a happy life and always remain beautiful. At work only success, At home - joy and laughter. So that affection would warm the heart and nothing would hurt, all adversity would be forgotten, and dreams would always come true!


When you wake up in the morning, you will smile, Today your holiday has come. Everyone congratulates you, you laugh, All day today is for praise.


I wish you a lot of happiness, health, joy, warmth. Once again the bad weather left, and life was wonderful!


A bag of money, a yacht, dachas And millions of scarlet roses, Let failures bypass And there is absolutely no room for tears!


We wish you happiness and goodness, We wish you a full life, We wish you joy from the morning until late at night.


We wish you to manage everything in life and not to grow old, but to grow younger, to maintain health and vigor and to live for many, many years.


This is the best of dates. Let the years not rush by. Stay young, always be the ringleader. Where you are, let there be laughter, Be desirable to everyone.


After all, there is no one more lovely than you, Your gaze radiates light and attracts friends to you. Let the angel protect you, So that you do not know grief. And let everything be in major.


Let a series of happy years make a bouquet of bright days! Let happiness, like a moth, flutter from flower to flower! Let every passing moment be illuminated by a bright glare of the sun, And let every passing hour become a holiday for you!


Love life, love inspiration, May the coming years make you happy, May your mood be happier, And may sadness leave you once and for all. Good luck to you and the blue sky, A smile of the sun, joy, love, And the greatest happiness in life, And may you be lucky on the path of life!


They say love is not verbose, suffer, think, figure it out. This is all, in my opinion, conditional. We are people, we are not crucians. And if you really want to make your head spin with happiness, speak, speak, speak the best words!


We won’t ask you about your age, but just congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, Beautiful, sincere, simple, and, of course, forever young!


Being a woman is not an easy job, But you cope with it easily, So let all worries be far from this lady even on her birthday!


We wish you happiness, understanding, prosperity, joy, health and good luck, so be as we know you, and if you cry, only cry from happiness!


We wish you sunshine, Guests at the festive table! Let your life be warmed with Love, joy, warmth! Let time be a good doctor - We wish you good health, Smiles, happiness and good luck!


May the sun shine tenderly, radiantly and welcomingly, May the flowers in a crystal vase stand coquettishly in the water, May your smile always be joyful, like on your birthday, And the whole year will turn out to be a happy continuation!


Today is your birthday, but it doesn’t matter how old it is. You be young all the time, After all, life is given to us only once!


We will not grieve about the fact that years add years to us, After all, the main thing is to be able to live, So that there is no room for adversity.


We wish you a life full to the brim, So that bad weather does not frown on your soul, In short, without further ado - Great human happiness!


On your birthday I want to wish that happiness flows like honey! In life, everything should be within your reach! May you remain loved forever! So that the dear voices of friends can be heard more often in this house! And so that in your eternal music there will be only dawns of happiness!


Happy birthday to you, read my congratulations, From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, kindness and love in life! Life brings you joy and happiness, May they not pass without a trace, May your beauty, your tenderness Never change the years!


Let your birthday drown in floral scents. Joy shines in the eyes from a nice date! Let happiness splash with laughter, And joy flow like a fountain! We wish your dreams and plans to come true soon!


With all our hearts we wish you laughter, Fun, joy, success, Don’t get sick, don’t be discouraged, Eat normally, sleep soundly, Never worry, Don’t get angry, don’t swear, Be healthy, smile! May your life flow like a river Among the rocky shores And may Hope, faith and love always live with you!


I wish from the bottom of my heart that you can walk with happiness by the hand, be friends with health, of course, and always bloom like a rose. So that kindness, laughter, fun, love always reign in your home, So that your loved ones give joy, Every year, every time, again and again!


I can't stop admiring you. Today you are especially beautiful! And I want to be silent and kiss. Steal you. Have a holiday for you.


Get a star. Blow out all the candles quickly. Make at least one of your wishes come true. Darling, I am happy about our meeting. I remember our first date.


But we could have just missed each other. How then? Why would I be and where am I? With all my heart I wish to wake up with you the morning after your birthday!


I congratulate you today in verse! I wish you to always spend everything on yourself! Let there be plenty of outfits and perfume, And let kindness and love live in your heart!


Be a fairy and fairy tale, the princess of the ball. So that you don’t meet the evil Koshchei! Have you secret power over the princes. Live, dear, longer and to your heart's content!


I would like to wish you a lot of luck. May you relax at your own dacha, May there be prosperity, smiles and laughter in the house, May you be the best example for everyone!


Live richly, do not know sadness, So that your loved ones do not upset you. Let the years of adversity pass by, And you always remain young.


A bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant, An unexpected, wonderful gift, And a compliment - exquisite, pleasant, And a sincere, interesting conversation, Smiles, the sounds of beautiful music, Exciting bright moments, And everything that can make life happier, Let this birthday give!


I wish you happiness and joy, not to grow old and not to get sick, like a fire that always burns. May you live a long and beautiful life, be loved and love. At work only success, At home - joy and laughter, So that youth shines, So that old age recedes! For your dreams to come true, you deserve it.


You're a little older and a little wiser. Let friends' smiles and flowers warm your heart with sincerity, And let your wishes be simple:

It doesn’t matter whether it’s to the right or to the left. The road wants to run - Be a woman and a queen, Know how to hope and wait.


Forward and upward, always and everywhere, Beyond the horizon, let the winds be fair, Believe in yourself in any season.


Let there be bright moments, Where there is sea, sun and sand. And a gentle voice whispers compliments into your ear. Good luck!


On your long-awaited birthday, We hasten to congratulate you, We want to wish you happiness, joy, fun, So that you never know worries and sorrows, So that health and luck are always nearby!


Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar. Zebra striped, rainbow too. Let life be a striped zebra, But not two-colored, but multi-colored.


Let there be a lot of green, Green is hope and warm summer. Yellow let the bright sun shine, Red let life illuminate with love


Blue will lift you above the vanity, it will be a true and kind dream. I wish you such a variety of colors, Happiness, health, love and longevity!


Everyone knows you as sweet and gentle, although you can flare up. I want to wish you only joy in fate. So that for decades she brings warmth and light to others. You take life easier.


Beloved uncle, happy jam day, congratulations to you today. Let the world be the way you want, Dreams come true day and night.


So that your health does not fail, Well, in business you are always lucky, So that you have your own car, And so that the family is friendly!


I am very glad that my mother has an older brother in the world. He’s a great brother, believe me, Uncle is a hundred times better!


Be healthy, honest, strong, punctual and mobile, fresh, joyful, beautiful, everything we need and love!


You can handle problems! You answer them - the same! You never give up, it seems! You are confident in yourself - That's cool! For life this is simply wonderful! Keep walking, my uncle, wide and confident! Happiness, joy to you - Immeasurable!


I wish you a sea of ​​joy, and good luck to the ocean! Lots of laughter and fun! A whole suitcase full of money! And today, on this holiday, on your birthday, uncle! Be as cheerful, mischievous and crazy as you are!


Our uncle is a daring guy! Let the head be gray, And the front sparkle without hair, He is glorious and good even without curls.


His belly is not small, but his luggage is large. Such a solid experience cannot be hidden.


My uncle has the most honest rules! After all, he always lived with dignity, And he didn’t force respect - But he deserved respect. I wish you a lot of joy, And from the bottom of my heart I want to say – Today I congratulate my uncle! I wish you to live and prosper!


Someone's uncle is a pilot, mine is a businessman. At work day and night - Just like Uncle Superman. Happy Birthday to you, uncle! Be healthy, don't get sick. I wish you happiness, Faithful, devoted friends!


Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing that everyone considers you a hussar? Galantant with the ladies, not strict, And who, tell me, could have thought that you would wait until your anniversary! After all, your life is an epic. Live passionately, live lovingly. I congratulate you on your holiday!


Everything was successful: the house was built, the son grew up, the oak tree was planted. Friends gathered at the table, Your beautiful wife loves you. Have you dreamed about this? Well, if you please. On your birthday, rank by rank, My uncle, let me raise a toast To a real man!


Happy Birthday, Uncle! Have good luck! May your days be full of luck, May victory always be in your hands, May there be joy in your eyes and a smile on your lips! Let life not intrigue you, Be the first in everything, always and in life, Strive forward and never lose heart, Uncle! You are the best! Remember and don’t give up!


Grandmother and grandfather tried their best, they raised a man with a capital letter! I have achieved a lot in life, I have achieved results, I have found my love and happiness on the road of life!


You look today, you're better than Brad Pitt, you attract women, like a magnet! Uncle, I’m very glad that you and I are related. Happy birthday to you!


Uncle, you are a man for us, anywhere, in my youth, girls fell for you! Smart, handsome, countless talents, I’m telling the truth, don’t take it for flattery!


There is a fire of energy burning in the eyes, A cheerful accordion will amuse us today! Happy birthday, uncle, everyone congratulates you, they wish you health and prosperity!


Here is my favorite uncle: He has daring, he has passion, He’s cute, like from a picture, He’s always happy to have fun.


And today on your birthday, have fun, surprise, just, uncle, for your salvation, don’t break anything!


And like last time, there is no need to invite all the neighbors. After all, there are a lot of them, It was difficult to drive everyone away!


Today I will hurry to my uncle, After all, he is a hero for me. I sincerely congratulate you, and I want to tell you that you are the very best of men. Kind and rich, mannered, proud.


I wish you to wake up in a great mood, you can cope with everything, lots of love, good luck!


My uncle is a great fellow, He is a real man, a breadwinner, and also a male, good-natured and brave.


He will enter the battle decisively and win it. I wish that you receive merit only honestly.


You can swim in luxury and have a huge house, You will only be happy in it, Let life bubble up like a stream!


Let your ship be called success, And let the sails of success unfold, May it always rush towards happiness, Skirting all the thresholds and rocks.


You, uncle, control it very boldly, Dispel hurricanes with a smile, Hold the helm confidently, skillfully, And don’t lose sight of the goal!

Georgian birthday toast

Beautiful, life-like toasts, both for anniversaries and birthdays, have always been appreciated. They sound especially beautiful when pronounced by an elder or head of a family.

“Once upon a time the Lord gave a man 25 years of life. He believed that this was enough for a person to live a good life. He gave the animals half a century. The man considered this unfair and began to beg the animals to give him part of their lives. The horse, dog and monkey did not resist and gave part of their lives to the man. Since that time, it has become a custom that a person lives a carefree life for the first 25 years of his life. For the next 25 years people are working. For another 25 years a person lives alone, like a homeless dog. For the past 25 years, human life can be compared to the life of a monkey. A person becomes old, and sometimes a reason for laughter because of his weakness.

Let's drink to the hero of the day (birthday), so that he lives a long real life, like a person, and not like an animal. So that his loved ones do not forget him and delight him with their presence.

Traditions of celebrating the New Year in Georgia

Preparations for the New Year celebration begin early. Everyone buys various sweets, nuts, churchkhela, honey, wine, and prepares gifts for friends and family.

New Year and Christmas souvenirs in Georgia

According to tradition, by the New Year the house should be absolutely clean, and all old and unnecessary things should be thrown away, so a few days before the holiday, all housewives carry out a general cleaning.

The main decoration of every home is an elegant Christmas tree, shining with colorful lights. On New Year's Eve, a table is beautifully set, on which churchkhela is laid out, bowls of honey and nuts are placed, sweets are placed and decorative candles are lit.

The dishes on the New Year's table in Georgia are usually roasted pig, turkey satsivi, shoti (Georgian bread) and khachapuri. Every New Year's table must include gozinaki - traditional Georgian sweets made from nuts and honey.


An important attribute of the Georgian New Year is chichilaki - the so-called. Georgian Christmas tree. Correct chichilaki is made from a hazel branch, which is divided from bottom to top into thin strips of wood. As a result, lush curly “curls” are formed on the branch, reminiscent of a long beard, which is why chichilaki is also called “the beard of St. Basil (patron of animals).” For this so-called Various sweets and decorations are also hung on the Christmas tree.

Closer to midnight, all family members sit down at the festive table, fill their glasses with champagne and say toasts. The head of the family makes the first toast for the outgoing year, the second - for the coming one. To the sounds of the traditional Georgian song “Mravaljamier”, everyone congratulates each other, gives gifts and wishes health, joy and prosperity.

Georgian toast about friendship

Among the Georgian people, friendship occupies a huge place in the life of the people. You can congratulate your Georgian friend with such a short toast.

“A long time ago a beautiful girl lived in the mountains. Two stately horsemen friends fell in love with her. One day one of the horsemen came to the beauty and confessed his love. To check on the groom, the girl sent him to the top of the mountain. The girl ordered Dzhigita to start a fire that would burn all night until the morning. If the horseman succeeds, the girl will marry him. The young man galloped up the mountain. On the same day, another horseman came, who also confesses his feelings to the girl. To test him, the girl said that he must put out the fire on the mountain. The horseman galloped away. In the morning, the horseman reached the top of the mountain and saw a sleeping friend, and a dying fire nearby. The dzhigit could not let his friend down and added wood to ignite the fire. Let's drink to real men and true friendship."

Georgian toast to women

What would a feast be without a beautiful toast to women.

“One fine day a snake crawled up to Allah and asked to rid it of its scales. She is tired of crawling, she wants to become a beautiful woman. You don't have to be a snake to bite people. Allah thought and turned the snake into a charming woman. A few days later, a snow-white dove flew to Allah and asked him to turn her into a woman. Allah met the dove halfway and she became a woman. Allah gave instructions that she should do only good deeds. Since that time there have been two women - good and evil.

Friends, let us raise our glasses to the beautiful half of our planet - to the kind women, of whom there are more throughout the entire globe than the evil ones with a black soul.”

The newlyweds live joyfully, without knowing grief. But the horseman was haunted by the thought of where his wife went every year. He decided to follow her. The day came when the wife began to get ready for the journey. Dzhigit went unnoticed to fetch his wife. High in the mountains, the husband saw how the woman turned into a snake and began to hiss.

Let us raise our glasses filled with the best wine to the beautiful ladies who hiss like a snake once a year and unnoticed by their husbands.”

Georgian toast scene

You can also congratulate with a short sketch. Such an original congratulation will definitely delight your guests.

Once upon a time there was a Georgian family - the father was a blacksmith, the mother was a housewife and the son was lazy. The father worked, the mother did household chores, and the son ate, drank, and rested. In his twenty years, the son did not earn a penny; he was lazy. And so they lived, but then the father grew old. The old man felt that death was near and he called his son to him. He began to reprimand his son that he was a slacker and did not want to work. The son resisted the words and replied that he would earn money without difficulty. My father said that if he earned even a ruble, he would inherit the entire farm. The son became thoughtful because he was too lazy to go to work. Then the mother came to the aid of her beloved son. She gave her son a ruble, sent him out for a walk, and returned home in the evening to say that he had earned money. The father did not believe his son that he had earned it and threw the ruble into the fire. The next day the same thing happened again. On the third day, the mother did not give her son any money, she sent him to earn money himself. The guy worked for a whole week and earned a handful of coins. I came home, barely able to stand on my feet from fatigue. The father again did not believe it and threw the money into the fire, but the son could not restrain himself and rushed to collect coins from the fire. He began to cry because he had been working for a whole week without straightening his back, and his father had done the same. This time my father believed and said that other people’s money is cheap and you don’t feel sorry for it, but you feel sorry for your own earned money. The father gave his son parting words: “If you work well, there will be money in your pocket.”

During a feast in Georgia, you cannot drink wine without making a toast. Georgians believe that wine is a gift from God and drinking it just like that is a sin. Be sure to fill the glass with good wine and joyfully thank God with a toast.

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