Extracurricular activity for February 23 in elementary school. Material (4th grade) on the topic

February 23rd holiday in elementary school

Primary school children are not known for their perseverance, so the solemn part of the February 23 holiday, which is undoubtedly necessary, should take a minimum of time, and most of it should consist of outdoor games and competitions.
But as part of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a whole range of events can be held: exhibitions, classes, competitions - all of them will expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about this holiday and introduce it to its history. Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important holiday, which is sometimes celebrated without reference to its history and traditions. Rather, February 23 in our country is a day of congratulations to men, as opposed to March 8 - International Women's Day. Both of these days are not far from each other on the calendar, and in schools they are also often combined and celebrations are held on the same day. Generally speaking, in our age, the holidays of February 23 and March 8 are a good reason to talk with children about what a Man is and what a Woman is, what their purposes in life are, what their qualities are.

Holidays in elementary school should be organized for children in such a way that they become bright, interesting and memorable events in which they can return to memory and return in further discussions. It should be taken into account that holding a holiday at school should not be reduced to the banal organization of competitions or sports competitions; it needs to be made deeper and more serious.

Primary school children and their parents are still actively involved in school life and happily support all the initiatives of teachers: holidays, competitions, they don’t mind doing preparatory work at home: learning poems, sewing costumes, and they even take part in sports competitions with pleasure. You need to use this! But parents don’t know each other well and it’s hard for them to agree, so at a parent meeting or some other way, teachers should offer roles and tasks to parents in advance so that they can simply choose something they like. That is, preparation for the holiday must begin in advance, and approach it with all responsibility.

As part of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a set of events can be held that will expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about this holiday and introduce it to its history and features.

Sports and games festival dedicated to February 23 for younger schoolchildren

On the eve of a real men's holiday, we offer you a scenario for a fun event with competitions for primary schoolchildren aged 7 - 10 years. Such a holiday can be held both in one class, and you can arrange a real “battle” between children from parallel classes. You may be interested in the Competition program for February 23, 2021.

The presenter stands in the center of the hall. On either side of him are teams of children. Solemn music plays in the background.

Presenter: We are glad to welcome you, dear guests, to our holiday, which is dedicated to all defenders of our Motherland!

Addresses children: Hello, young fighters!

Children (in chorus): Hello!

Q: We dedicate today’s holiday to all men of different ages. After all, starting from a very young age, boys come to the defense of their mothers, sisters, and grandmothers. And when they grow up, they will defend their Motherland! Really, guys?

Children (in chorus): Yes!

Q: I invite team captains to meet you! Take two steps forward!

The captains introduce their team - the name and motto prepared in advance.

Q: Applause to the teams! Guys, would you like to be as strong and agile as your dads?

Children's answer.

Q: I suggest everyone warm up a little.

Dance game "Military training"

It is held to the song “Border” by L. Agutin.

Q: We all go out together for military training.

Children go to the center of the hall, lie on the floor with their stomachs down, leaning on their arms bent at the elbows.

Q: The soldier is sleeping - the service is underway! Repeat after me!

  • Run in place! Right! Directly! Left! Directly!
  • March on the spot!
  • Step to the right with your right foot, left hand on your belt, right hand on your forehead - look into the distance. Repeat everything on the left side.
  • While jumping, clap your hands above your head.
  • Sit down on one knee with your arms extended in front of you with palms folded. Then the palms are placed on the heart and clasped the head, tilting left and right.
  • They stood up, put their right hand to their temple, saluted and ran in a circle.
  • They fell and did push-ups!
  • They stood up and imitated a fist fight.
  • They saluted and ran in a circle again.
  • They showed themselves in dance.
  • On the spot - march!
  • Hands overhead - clapping, then swinging from side to side - say goodbye.
  • They line up in two lines, put their hands on each other’s shoulders, and sway from side to side.
  • They raise their hands up and shout in unison: We are soldiers now!

Q: Well done fighters! Now march to your places! Well, guys, are you cheering up?

Children: Yes!

Q: Well done! Guys, tell me, do you love your Motherland?

Children's answer.

Q: Of course, we are all patriots of our Motherland. And if necessary, we will stand guard over her protection. Guys, are you ready to go to real military competitions?

Children's answer.

Q: Then let’s go to the exercises right now on a military train and show our strength, agility and endurance. Ready?

Children's answer.

Q: So, now let’s check your readiness. I invite teams to the first competition!

Competition "Military Echelon"

Children line up one after another. After which they take their places in the trailers - they sit on the floor. The task of the “echelon” is to reach the “finish” line and return to its place. At the same time, it is necessary to act harmoniously so that the trailers move one after another without breaking the chain. The team that gets back to the start first wins.

Q: And now the next stage of our competition. Now you can try yourself as a mine detector. We have a mined field, we need to cross it and avoid getting caught by the mines.

Applause to the winners!

Relay race “Mine detectors”

A row of cones is lined up. A ring is placed on the floor in front of the first player and a stick is given, which is placed in the center of the ring. It is necessary, without lifting the stick from the floor and without losing the ring, to run with the resulting “snake” design between the cones. Return to the team and pass the baton to the next participant.

Applause to the winners!

Q: Soldiers must be not only fit, but also smart.

Competition “Continue the phrase”

The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Antoshka comes out with a large wooden spoon to the famous song from the cartoon.

Antoshka: I see you have a holiday here! That’s why Antoshka is right there! So I grabbed my favorite spoon! But why don’t I see any treats?

Q: What are you saying, Antoshka! We're not here to drink tea!

Antoshka (surprised): And what? Why are you here?

Q: We are joining the armed forces here.

Antoshka (throws up his hands): I didn’t even know.

B: Yes, that's it!

A: I love funny dance games. Guys, do you want to dance with me? Come out!

We all have fun - we clap our hands The song is a game


Antoshka (tiredly): I’ll lie down for a while - after all, I still value my own health!

Lies on the floor.

Q: Well, what are you doing, Antoshka! Get up! We are not going to lie here! So get up, stop resting!

Antoshka gets up lazily.

B (shaming): You are a future soldier, how can you hold a machine gun? You need to be strong, strong, and be friends with physical education!

Antoshka: I’ll try...

Q: Well, guys, let’s teach Antoshka?

Children's answer.

Q: What, Antoshka, will you stay with us at the holiday? And we will teach you how to become strong!

Antoshka: Okay, I’ll watch and learn.

Q: And now, guys, I invite you to the next competition.

Competition "Scouts"

Teams stand opposite each other, 4 people each, join hands, spread their legs wide. The rest line up in a chain. The task is to be the first to get behind enemy lines. To do this, players crawl to the finish line between their spread legs, run back and pass the baton to the next one.

Competition "Evacuation"

The strongest boys are chosen as rescuers. Children in pairs (boy - girl) line up in a chain. Gymnastic hoops are placed on the floor 3–4 meters from the teams. The boys’ task is to “evacuate” the girls (carry them in their arms or riding on their backs) to a “safe place.”

Antoshka: Thank you for this holiday! It's time for me to return to my fairy tale! Goodbye, kids!

Q: Well, I have the next test for you. Girls will be able to try themselves as nurses.

Competition "Medical unit"

An equal number of girls and boys are called. Girls are given bandages and the task is to bandage their head, leg or arm. The competition begins at the signal of the presenter and is held to the music. Not only the speed of completing the task is assessed, but also the quality.

Q: Well, the next competition is for boys.

Relay race “Defenders of the Fortress”

Two teams line up. The first participant is given a toy machine. The task is to crawl on your stomach to the target, get up and run back, passing the machine gun to the next one.

Q: And now our girls will give the boys funny ditties.

Ditties February 23 holiday at school

Q: And now I invite everyone to try themselves as tankers.

Competition "Tankmen"

Teams line up in two rows. The first players are given an ab roller. The task is to roll the roller to the finish line and also return to your team.

Applause to the winners!

Q: The next test for real strongmen!

A competition is being held “Who can sit down, do more push-ups, do abdominal exercises, and so on”

Teams line up opposite each other. The results for all competitions are summed up. The winning team is awarded medals. All children will receive prizes for participation.

Q: We once again congratulate all the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you to be courageous, brave, loving defenders of your families and Motherland! Peace in the country begins with every family! We wish that peace, love, mutual understanding and all the very best reign in every family!

At the end of the sports and gaming part, everyone is invited to a sweet table and a festive disco.

Examples of activities that can be carried out in elementary schools by February 23

  • Drawing competition. Children of primary school age love to draw. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can hold a drawing competition on one of the topics: “Glory to the dear army”, “Military equipment”, “From the history of army life”, “Our army is the pride of the country”, etc. The most worthy works will take part in decorating the classroom for the holiday.
  • Class hour. You can conduct a class hour or lesson on courage that is appropriate to this topic.
  • Alternatively, instead of a class hour, you can organize an hour of communication between children and parents on the topic “Educating a Defender . This is a serious question; the preparation of such an event must be approached carefully, but you can start talking about it in elementary school.
  • Presentation about February 23 . It is a presentation for elementary school that is the most meaningful, colorful and interesting way to leave information about the holiday in the memory of students. It is intended to introduce you to the history of the memorable date, the features of the celebration in the past and today.
  • Patriotic landing “Doing good”. As part of the holiday, you can organize help for lonely elderly people: former military personnel or combat veterans; you can also organize more peaceful help - to protect stray animals and birds.
  • Meeting interesting people. You can invite veterans, military, police, and Emergency Situations Ministry employees, who will share their memories and impressions with students, talk about defending the Motherland, and give useful advice.
  • Wall newspaper . You can also arrange for the children an organized release of a collective wall newspaper, made by girls and dedicated to the boys of the class; future defenders of the fatherland will come in very handy.
  • Musical background in a classroom or school . Select musical compositions that match the theme of February 23rd. They can be turned on during recess on the day of the celebration at school - this will help create a special holiday atmosphere.
  • Review of formations and songs.
  • Military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa". Primary school children are very enthusiastic about organizing such games, and on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day it is especially relevant. Such a game has an extremely positive impact on schoolchildren, developing qualities that, without a doubt, will be useful to a man, the future defender of our Motherland.
  • Crafts in elementary schools are completed by February 23 with the goal of giving them to dads and grandfathers. You can also make crafts together with your children (flags, military equipment made of paper, flowers) to later decorate the classroom for the event.
  • Reading competition . The event, which is also received with a bang by primary school children and their parents, also trains memory, organizes research activities to a certain extent, develops imagination and empathy for the characters of a poem or a piece of prose. As part of the recitation competition, children must select poems by February 23 and prepare an expressive reading of them by heart. If such an event is held in the form of a competition, then it is important to provide for awarding the winners with memorable certificates and gifts.

Whatever events are held for February 23, the final one should be a holiday organized for boys. As a rule, in elementary schools, sports competitions and relay races are held, where future defenders have the opportunity to demonstrate their strength, ingenuity, agility and endurance.

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