Postcards and pictures from the Crystal Wedding: congratulations on the 15th anniversary

On the 15th anniversary of marriage, it is customary to organize a magnificent celebration, because this is not just another wedding anniversary, but a kind of boundary that the spouses have crossed. Therefore, you will have to choose gifts and congratulations for the holiday, thinking through every little detail. And to make your present for friends, family, children, parents special, be sure to pick up some cute 15th anniversary crystal wedding cards.

Happy 15th wedding anniversary: ​​congratulations in pictures

It doesn’t hurt to congratulate the heroes of the day in words.

But not everyone knows how to recite poetry beautifully or remember long congratulations.

Congratulations on the Crystal Wedding in the picture will come to the rescue.

You can print it out or design it beautifully and simply read the original words at the right time.

Pictures with congratulations on the 15th wedding anniversary will also be useful for those who cannot congratulate the heroes of the holiday personally. Download the postcard and send it by email or via social networks.

What kind of wedding is this, what is it called?

The nature of the relationship between the spouses, who have lived together for 15 years, gives a clue as to what kind of wedding they will celebrate and what it is called. The apogee of the transparent, like glass, and shimmering, like crystal, relationship between husband and wife becomes a crystal wedding, which has another name - glass. Crystal, of course, is nobler than ordinary glass, since it is produced by adding lead and barium oxide, elements that improve the refractive index and atomization of light in this material. Crystal products are assessed by the “play of color” and the so-called “fire”, or radiance.

For all its brilliance and beauty, crystal is a fragile material, resistant to shock and high temperatures, and spouses should remember this. In order to continue to maintain love and mutual understanding, it is advisable for them to avoid strong shocks and intense negative emotions, at least from each other. These are the secret meanings that folk beliefs attach to the 15th wedding anniversary.

The traditions of any wedding anniversary are closely related to its symbolic name


One of the most exciting events at any holiday is, of course, receiving gifts; an anniversary, of course, is no exception. It’s easy to guess that for this “wedding” it is customary to give things made of glass or crystal. Friends and relatives can present the heroes of the occasion with:

  • a set of dishes, for example, wine glasses, salad bowls, etc.;
  • figurines or figurines;
  • crystal decanter with expensive alcohol;
  • chandelier or lamps;
  • a tea set;
  • paintings on glass;
  • good oils or perfumes in a glass bottle;
  • photo or painting of the “newlyweds” in a glass frame;
  • crystal vase.

Parents give their children especially worthwhile and memorable gifts on their wedding anniversary, for example, household appliances, a trip abroad, or an impressive amount of money.

On the crystal wedding anniversary, a spouse can please his beloved with jewelry, a jewelry box, good perfume, or a certificate to a beauty salon or spa. And, of course, don’t forget about the gorgeous bouquet of flowers that will please any representative of the fairer sex.

For women who like to cook, crystal glassware would be an excellent gift.

A wife can give her husband a set of glasses/beer glasses, an ashtray, cufflinks, or something that the man is interested in. If he plays sports, then a punching bag, snowboard, or exercise bike will be suitable as a gift. Fans of fishing will certainly like the gear or fishing rod, and fans of football will definitely like a ticket to the match.

What to give to friends on this day

When going to visit a crystal wedding, you are unlikely to think about what to give to the “newlyweds”, because the choice of crystal and glass products is huge. But giving crystal or glassware is too trivial these days, even considering what kind of wedding is celebrated on 15 years of marriage. Knowledgeable people advise choosing something more useful and original. For your crystal wedding, you can give your friends or family:

  • glass sculpture for the office (in the form of two swans, wedding rings or orchid flowers);
  • a modular picture under glass or other decorative item;
  • glass coffee table.

If you are not too original, you can give crystal martini glasses, whiskey glasses, and cognac glasses, because for a crystal wedding they give everything that is somehow related to its name.

How to celebrate your marriage anniversary

It is customary to celebrate the 15th anniversary of marriage on a large scale, so some couples order a banquet in a restaurant or cafe with appropriate decoration in honor of their crystal wedding, and sign invitation cards.

They invite not only the closest ones, but also those guests who were at the wedding ceremony itself 15 years ago. Children are actively involved in the festival program (usually a specialist from an event agency is involved in preparing performances). Contests, sweepstakes, and comic quizzes are welcome.

The table setting should be dominated by crystal dishes, and the room itself should be decorated with crystal lamps, glass garlands and other accessories.

The dress code requires light colors - from white to soft cream and beige.

There are no restrictions on the festive menu, dishes are selected according to the tastes of the celebrants, and the final accord of the banquet should be an enchantingly beautiful cake.

Congratulations on the Crystal Wedding (in your own words)

**** Congratulations on this magical and significant date - the 15th anniversary of a happy family life! I would like to wish you comfort, peace, prosperity and inexhaustible sources of warmth! May new victories and achievements give you joy and hope! May your life be like the strongest ship sailing in a sea of ​​bright memories and unforgettable moments!

****What a wonderful date, your crystal wedding anniversary! Everything in life is so fragile that we hope your union has become an exception and, despite any shocks, this marriage will only get better!

**** Dear ones, I congratulate you on the fifteenth anniversary of your wonderful union! A whole 15 years have flown by, and during this time your family has been cut like a diamond, becoming a shining diamond. The resentment and grinding, misunderstandings and difficulties are behind us. I wish you only joy and harmony, happiness and incredible shared experiences ahead. May many, many more anniversaries await you on your journey together! Happy Anniversary!

**** Congratulations, dear children, on your crystal wedding. You have successfully and happily passed 15 years together. May the sun of joy always shine for you, may there be peace and harmony in your family, may every day be a holiday in your home, and may every moment be a miracle. I wish to take care of each other, like the most expensive crystal, I wish never to lose my bright and sincere feelings.

**** My dears, I congratulate you on the 15th anniversary of your journey together, on your crystal wedding. I wish you to cherish your love all your life, like crystal, and do everything to make your happiness shine. Let your home be a place for family games, fun and cheerful songs, and let any bad weather and troubles bypass your home.

**** I congratulate you on your crystal wedding and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to take care of the crystal of your transparent, pure, bright, precious love, to protect each other from any hardships, sorrows, troubles and disappointments. Your marriage is 15 years old today, and I want to wish you tender feelings, youthful wanderings, good hopes and again the same love as 15 years ago. Live happily, peacefully, richly and healthy.

**** Our dear anniversaries! We are glad that on this sunny day 15 years ago the solemn event that you dreamed of took place. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. We wish you success in everything, good health, so that your home avoids all troubles and bad weather. Happiness and peace to you for many years to come!

**** Happy crystal wedding to you, dear ones, happy 15th anniversary of your marriage! Let the internal politics of your family be pure and transparent, like crystal, let joy, kindness, and good luck come from outside into your temple of love. And may your happiness, built 15 years ago, be strong, real and lasting!

**** Congratulations on the date of your family’s youth, on the 15th anniversary of your life together. On this crystal wedding, I wish you to always remain the most precious and sparkling crystal for each other. May there be an easy road ahead to your yet unfulfilled dreams, may all days be good and happy for your family.

**** The greatest test for love is time. You have been experiencing love for 15 years! So let’s drink to your love, because only a real feeling like yours can conquer the years!

****Happy 15th Anniversary! I wish you to be inspired by each other and receive amazing, sincere, joyful emotions! Let your life consist only of pleasant surprises!

**** You have lived 15 years in a wonderful marriage, you are great! Congratulations on your crystal wedding. Let the crystal of your life be strong, clean and bright, ringing and strong. I wish you, dear ones, long years of marriage, health, love, understanding, peace and prosperity.

**** Dear anniversaries! A joyful 15-year wedding anniversary visited our married couple. We joyfully congratulate the heroes of the day and sincerely wish them good health, prosperity, happiness, joy, good mood and well-being in the family. May the Lord God grant you long and happy years, and may love, trust, tenderness and harmony flourish in your hearts forever. Bitterly!

**** Congratulations to you, dear spouses, on your crystal wedding! Let only ringing laughter be heard in your life, spilling into your heart like a crystal ringing! May luck never leave you, and may happiness become your faithful companion. You have lived hand in hand for 15 years and have more than proven to everyone around you that you can be called an excellent couple, who can become a role model for many. So may harmony and love never leave your burning hearts!

**** Congratulations on your crystal wedding, on the 15th anniversary of a friendly and strong union. I wish you, my dears, to be the most beautiful and wonderful married couple: a graceful and elegant wife, like an expensive crystal vase, a stylish and sophisticated spouse, like an expensive crystal wine glass. Many years of happiness and dizzying love to you.

**** With all my warmth I congratulate you on your crystal wedding. Fifteen years is an excellent indicator for a relationship. I wish you to support each other in all situations and go side by side together until the very end. I wish you serene love, the strongest health and unlimited happiness! Let your home be cozy for you! Take care of yourself and your other half!

**** Congratulations on your crystal wedding! May your relationship be as pure, transparent, clear, and amazing as crystal. We wish peace, prosperity and good luck to your family. Let your home be full of happiness, smiles and warmth.

**** Congratulations to the most beautiful and happiest couple on their 15th anniversary of marriage. Happy crystal wedding to you, dear ones. May failures and troubles bypass your home, may sincere happiness and love reign in it. I wish you joint victories in any business, everywhere and in everything. Always be loved by each other, health and prosperity for your family, peaceful skies, prosperity and good luck.

Long traditions

  1. In the morning, the “newlyweds” went to the cool spring to wash. It was believed that all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes go away with cold spring water. The spouses were thus cleared of bad thoughts.
  2. If you also want to repeat this ancient ritual, then simply pour water into any container, throw ice into it, and then wash your face.

  3. Shortly before the anniversary, the couple had to purchase some new glass or crystal item for the house. Such a purchase not only brought joy, but also promised a new family life without quarrels, conflicts and resentments. In the modern world, this could be a figurine, wine glasses, a chandelier, a set of dishes, a glass table, etc.
  4. Another long-standing tradition is to drink champagne or wine from wedding glasses, the same ones that were on your festive table 15 years ago. At the end of the feast, the “young people” broke them up. It was believed that the melodious clinking of glassware drove away all negativity, sadness and troubles, and attracted even more love and happiness into married life.
  5. If you didn’t keep the glasses from your wedding, it doesn’t matter, just buy a brand new set.

  6. It was also customary to eat from symbolic dishes, so the tables were set with crystal.
  7. Well, the last rite - on the 15th wedding anniversary you need to break the old mirror. But many people do not recommend breaking such a thing, because according to a completely different sign, those who break a mirror will face seven unhappy years. According to psychics, many mirrors, especially ancient ones, have their own powerful unfavorable energy and, by breaking such a canvas, you can do very bad things for yourself. If you are afraid to take risks, then limit yourself to breaking glasses.

What to give to your husband or wife

Spouses can exchange personal gifts or purchase a beautiful interior element, such as a crystal chandelier, in honor of the anniversary. As a personal gift for your wife on her 15th wedding anniversary, you can give:

  • crystal jewelry box;
  • floor flower vase;
  • jewelry with Swarovski stones.

The husband should also be given something that in the future will remind him of what wedding was celebrated in 15 years of family life - an original ashtray, cufflinks inlaid with crystals, a crystal phone stand.

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