Happy birthday cards for one year old 11/25/2020 Pictures, Congratulations, Funny pictures, Happy birthday

The girl is a little princess, a source of joy and admiration for happy parents and grandparents. And if the princess has a small anniversary today - she turned one year old, then how much you want to make this holiday magical and unforgettable! And, although our birthday girl does not yet understand what gifts and congratulations are, her relatives and family friends will help give her this life knowledge. Especially for this occasion, we have selected birthday greetings for a 1-year-old girl: in verse, in your own words and pictures.

Happy birthday cards

There is a glorious holiday in your home - the baby’s first year. Happiness, joy, smiles and success to the big guy. Let the baby cry less and grow healthy, surprise mom and dad Day after day, from year to year!

A year to your child, Let him laugh loudly, Let his mother and father be happy, Let him be the smartest, Let him be healthy, Let him not wake you up early! And to parents - patience, strength, health, inspiration!

Our sun, shine, Be healthy and grow up Kind, smart and happy, Generous, affectionate, beautiful, Nice, joyful and sweet And always loved by people

Very attractive Our boy is wonderful! We love you with all our hearts, Grow up like your big daddy, Be better and smarter than everyone else, Kinder and more fun than everyone else!

Happy Birthday to a 1 year old girl - congratulations in prose (in your own words)

Today is the little princess's birthday. A year has already passed since the birth of the angel, such a wonderful addition to the family. All congratulations today to young parents on the first anniversary of their beloved daughter. Congratulations on the first victories in her life, the most important steps and joyful smiles. We wish the whole family happiness, health and great patience. And for the baby we want a bright future, beauty, happiness and joy. Let life be multifaceted, interesting, unpredictable, filled with success, victories and warm moments. Let her smile illuminate her parental home like a ray of sunshine.

The little princess is celebrating her first birthday today, her first anniversary. The first year is the most important. The child grows, develops, and develops. The first smiles, steps, conscious movements, words appear. The first year is the most difficult. This is a real test for young parents, the first colic, the growth of the first teeth, the first escapes from their parents, even if crawling away. Look how this year has changed our lives - a little screaming ball has turned into a little lady. She made us happy with a simple smile, and upset us by crying over trifles. But how much happiness she brought us! Baby, bring us even more joy every day! Grow up healthy, smart, beautiful and happy!

Happy first birthday to little sunshine! You laugh, just like your mother: loud and loud. You smile like a dad, making others smile. You walk like a little kitten, carefully, but with great curiosity, looking into all the secluded places. You still speak your childish, but such a sweet language. We love you and want you to always laugh loudly and heartily throughout your life, smile sincerely, walk the road of life carefully, but taking all its benefits, and more often tell your parents how much you love them, but no longer in your childish babble. Be the happiest and healthiest, our sunshine.

Happy first birthday to our little girl! Bunny, growing up is a joy for all of us. Get to know this wonderful world, absorb all its beauties easily and cheerfully. Let your childhood be bright, carefree and interesting. Let the supply of sweets always be replenished, and the toys never break. May mom and dad always smile and constantly give you their boundless love. May your health be strong, like that of a real Russian beauty. Smile, laugh, bloom and walk cheerfully along the path of your life, and we will always help you and love you.

Congratulations to your daughter on her one year anniversary, her first anniversary. Let the baby grow up beautiful, to the delight of her parents, grandparents, and future grooms. Let her health never worry, her immunity will be strong and strong. Let the baby be happy every day. Let sorrows not disturb her, and let tears never fall from her eyes. Let the tenderness given by parents return to them a hundredfold. Parents, I would like to wish you health, countless smiles and laughter to your daughter and the warmest, most sincere love from your daughter. Boundless happiness to this family!

Happy birthday cards for one year old girl

Happy birthday, happy first year to you, baby! Let the sun knock on your window with a warm ray. Let happiness warm you, Let love take you by the hand. You grow up healthy, little bunny, Noisy, lively for some reason.

Congratulations! First year! It’s a pity that the baby won’t understand And, of course, won’t remember how he celebrated the first year! But the One-Year-Old Toddler will remain in the album. Let him bring joy to the house and let him be happy!

Angel, Happy Birthday! Happy first year to you! New bright impressions, Happiness, light and goodness!

Congratulations to the wonderful baby on her first year of life. I wish you, my dear, your first independent discoveries and first great achievements, I wish you a wonderful mood and a happy atmosphere in the house, I wish you sweet sleep and active wakefulness, I wish you exciting games and healthy goodies.

Happy 1st birthday to your baby girl. Let her grow up to the joy of the whole family and be a wonderful girl. Let her have a bright future, let her be healthy!

Happy Birthday greetings to a 1 year old girl - beautiful poems

For a whole year we were surprised and laughed, Our baby did not let everyone be sad. Either he will make an interesting face, or he will make you walk like a train. Mom, grandparents, in addition, are looking for the right toy at night. So that my daughter can listen to the fairy tale, everyone needs to read it in roles. And today this baby has become an adult, After all, the little girl is already one year old. Accept gifts and congratulations from us, make us happy, grow healthy without worries!

Happy birthday, happy first year! Congratulations, my love! Be healthy, and let adversity pass you by! And smile more often, As only you can! Then your childhood dreams will come true in an instant!

A lovely girl, a wonderful sunshine, and on your first holiday you are dressed in a dress. You laugh merrily, dance joyfully, hug your loved ones, kiss you sincerely. Be always healthy, bright and happy, smart, kind, bright and always beautiful!

So a year has flown by and the baby has grown up, and there is already so much to do. At this time you managed to do it. I learned to sing songs to us and recite poems. We understand little, but this is nothing. We will learn, of course, to always understand you. Always be healthy, the rest is nonsense!

Our whole house woke up early today. Today we will celebrate a bright holiday in it. Today our baby is already one year old. And soon she will walk along the path herself. Well, in the meantime, we all hasten to congratulate you and we all want to wish you health! Grow up cheerful, kind, love your family! You always make them happy with your happy laughter!

Happy birthday to your daughter. We hasten to congratulate you. We wish everyone health, happiness and success! It’s been a year since your baby became the sun for you, shouting to the whole neighborhood: “I was born today!”

A year is a lot! In a year you managed to learn to stand freely, dance, speak words. There is still a lot to learn, But there is still a year for this. Now let's start having fun, Let's spend this day without worries!

Dear daughter, congratulations! This year has flown by. I will kiss you tenderly, lovingly, I will hug you tightly from the bottom of my heart. I wish with all my heart only happiness for you. Be cheerful, funny, carefree! May luck always be on your side! And dream about everything freely!

Your daughter is exactly one year old, congratulations on this! Let him grow up quickly, the happiest person in the world! Let Troubles bypass your baby! Let him learn a little about the world every day!

Happy birthday, because you are one year old today! You are already quite big, you are about to run!

We wish you health, so that you can easily and without difficulty, to your mother’s delight, always be happy!

Be beautiful and cheerful, develop yourself, don’t be lazy! And then you will very quickly make your dreams come true!

Original congratulations to a girl on her 1st birthday in verse

Mom and dad, uncles and aunts, grandparents and friends gathered together on this day for a fun feast in honor of you. And today no one can congratulate you better than them. I wish you only joy and great faith in yourself!

Today you are one year old. You have become so beautiful, Cheerful and smart, you live without worries, You greet with a playful smile. Today we want to wish you: Grow up brave and fair! Always stay true to yourself! And be happy all your life!

Look how our daughter has grown up a whole year. And ready in a beautiful dress to run forward through life.

May you not encounter adversity, resentment, trouble on your way! May friends and kind people always surround you!

Stay as perky, keep your cheerful laughter! And with your warm smile, make us all happy every day!

A year later, we gathered to brightly congratulate your dear daughter and present gifts.

We want to give the whole world. Let her freely make her dreams come true, Living in it carefree!

The house has been upside down since the morning, because today is a holiday in it. Mom, grandma and Aunt Day are working their magic on the cake.

Everyone wants to give the bunny a fabulous surprise today. A year ago you illuminated their lives with radiant light.

Please accept congratulations, wishes from the heart! And may all your cherished dreams come true!

Congratulations to the parents today, your daughter is already one year old. Enjoy this moment, Don't think ahead!

There will be many joys in her life, trouble will pass by! You believe in her capabilities and just be there always!

We would like to wish you patience - you are still at the beginning of your journey! Only love and great care will help you get through it!

A year later, we are all ready to congratulate you again, friends, on your daughter’s birthday! And we cannot remain silent here!

We will never tire of admiring your groovy little one. She will show everyone in the house who is the head!

May she always remain kind and affectionate! Let him laugh from the heart! The rest is nonsense!

A year ago happiness came to this house. And it became lighter, more cheerful. Like the sun in the sky at an early hour, Every day your daughter makes you happy.

It grows like a tree in the garden, making a wonderful dream come true. Be healthy and cheerful as you are now, becoming smart, kind, brave, and gentle!

Download one year old birthday cards

Joy, fun, Lots of toys, Balloons, firecrackers, Good health, Tenderness with love, Laughter, entertainment - And without grief! You are celebrating your first, glorious birthday, baby, Be healthy, strong, lively, Make all your loved ones happy, strong one. Let the masterpieces on the wallpaper Be very good And let mom and dad not be angry - This is the facet of your soul. Be smart, curious, explore the huge world. There will be many surprises; feel free to explore them.

The little bunny is beautiful! Happy first birthday to you! Grow big and healthy, make mom and dad happy with new achievements, smile and dive into the limitless sea of ​​toys and sweets! We send congratulations to your sweetheart, Happy first year, a wonderful birth. Happiness to the little one, a wonderful childhood, a sweet, friendly neighborhood!

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