Corporate party on March 8 in a women's team: preparation, script

In those work teams in which girls predominate, they take the organization of corporate events especially seriously. And this is not surprising, because it is women who usually plan everything to make the corporate event truly fun, memorable and interesting. This is especially true for major holidays, such as New Year. But ladies take the organization of March 8 celebrations at work most seriously, which is not surprising, because it is their holiday. All kinds of competitions and games, which are ideal for colleagues to take part in, help girls organize a truly fun corporate holiday on March 8th.

I never…

If girls communicate well with each other at work, this does not always mean that they know each other well. Most often, women maintain relationships with colleagues only at work, not allowing them into their personal lives. But this competition on March 8 will allow the girl to get to know her colleagues better. Moreover, the information received can give impetus to developing closer relationships with the ladies you work with.

For the “I have never…” competition, no special details are needed. To carry it out, it is enough to cut several sheets of paper into equal pieces. There should be enough of them that you can distribute ten cards to each colleague. These pieces represent chips that are needed to identify the winner of the competition. Its essence lies in the fact that the first woman begins the phrase “I have never ...” and complements it with something that she has never done in her life. But we need to name not crazy actions, but those things that her colleagues probably did. For example, a girl may say: “I have never cooked borscht.” If the other ladies spent time in the kitchen preparing this dish, then they will be forced to give the girl one chip each. The girl who managed to collect the most chips for her revelations wins.

Gifts for ladies for home comfort

For every woman, her home is a fortress, value and unconditional love, so all kinds of gifts for comfort will be more than appropriate and will serve as a chic option for a corporate gift for women on March 8th. Such surprises are suitable for ladies of any age and social status, and are also relevant both in a friendly team and in those where communication between colleagues is minimal. Just choose:

  • A set for baking cupcakes will help ladies create real culinary masterpieces at home, using convenient sets with paper molds, decorative items, etc.
  • A pair of tea or coffee with the symbols of a holiday or company is a wonderful and cute souvenir that will be a worthy surprise. You can use the cup at home or in the office.
  • A set for making fondue is an exotic, moderately interesting and not at all boring gift. It is best to choose compact options for two; this is a cute little thing for evening gatherings with hot chocolate or cheese.
  • A miniature rock garden will be a very unusual and stylish present. On March 8, you can give your employees corporate gifts in the form of exotic small compositions with stones and interesting designs; such things are very popular and always relevant.
  • A stylish key holder will be useful to every lady; it will complement the interior of the house, serve as a beautiful element of the hallway, and now family members will not lose their keys and then look for them throughout the house.
  • A pot or teapot is always relevant as a gift, especially since you can choose more than original options. The main thing is to find out in advance which of the ladies prefers what: coffee or tea.
  • A set of a soap dish and a glass for toothpaste are beautiful accessories for the bathroom that will definitely not be out of place for a lady, just choose products in neutral colors to match any interior.
  • A beautiful dish will always find a place in the house. For example, on March 8, women in a team can be given glass plates for fruit, large wooden boards for pizza, or elegant salad bowls. It is unlikely that beautiful dishes will be superfluous, so the present will not disappoint.
  • The caviar shell is an exquisite and cute little thing that will become the star of the festive table setting. The ladies will be delighted, you can be sure. By the way, you can always attach a jar of caviar to the gift.

Poetry competition

Most people can rhyme words. And although not everyone does it like Pushkin or Yesenin, many can come up with a rhyme for most words. Based on this, you can hold a poetry competition on March 8 for colleagues. For him, you will need to prepare cards in advance on which you need to write words that rhyme with the words “March” and “March”. For example, excitement, card, trait, alcohol, reserved seat, passport or envelope. The contestants’ task is to take out a piece of paper with any of these words and come up with a short poem that should contain the words “March” or “March 8.” For example, “I took a ticket for a reserved seat. I'm going to March." The participant with the most interesting and beautiful poem, chosen by the guests of the celebration, wins.

Working with women is a risk

A woman is always unpredictable and working with women means sometimes running the risk of unpredictability and all sorts of surprises. So, each man takes turns putting two hands into two bags at the same time and, without hesitation, takes out from one bag any item from a woman’s cosmetic bag (lipstick, blush, mascara, pencil, glitter, etc.), and from the second bag a note, in which will indicate any part of the body or face that needs to be painted with what was taken from the first bag (cheeks, stomach, left arm, lips, forehead, and so on). Either do it, or run in search of flowers as a payoff.

Celebrities congratulate

To run the competition, you need to buy several beautiful folding cards and cut each of them into pieces. After that, each half of the postcard must be signed with the name of a famous fictional or real character who became famous in tandem with someone else. For example, you can write Bonnie on one half of the card and Clyde on the other.

The presenter calls the girls and asks them to take one postcard out of the box. When all the participants have pulled out their pieces of postcards, they will need to team up with their other halves. Once they do this, the host asks each couple to compose a beautiful greeting on International Women's Day on behalf of their characters.

List of the 40 best corporate presentations on March 8

Thousands of corporations, firms and companies have solved this difficult issue dozens of times, which has made it possible to create a real selection of win-win and irreplaceable options that guarantee success for any female team. If you want a good present, you just need to make a choice:

  1. Aroma lamp with a set of oils.
  2. Picture with real amber.
  3. Phone case with spring design.
  4. Designer jewelry with flowers inside.
  5. Certificate for stone massage.
  6. Stylish coin holder.
  7. Keychain with a stylish design.
  8. Eco-friendly notebook with wooden cover.
  9. Certificate for a manicure in a good salon.
  10. Vintage or antique candlestick.
  11. A doll in the shape of the heroine of a famous film.
  12. Digital photo frame.
  13. Certificate of a branded cosmetic store.
  14. Box in Provence style.
  15. Set for making sushi.
  16. Fashionable women's belt.
  17. Slippers.
  18. Bright cosmetic bag.
  19. Natural body scrub.
  20. Set of handkerchiefs with lace.
  21. Hourglass with colored sand.
  22. Beautiful dream catcher.
  23. Thematic books on the profession.
  24. Theater or cinema tickets.
  25. Sofa pillows with photos or motivational inscriptions.
  26. Anti-stress toy.
  27. Magnetic board for notes on the refrigerator.
  28. Home fountain.
  29. Unusual piggy bank.
  30. Bright sweatshirts.
  31. Personalized cards made to order.
  32. Oscar for “Best Employee” with different nominations for each woman.
  33. Hammock for feet.
  34. Running or flying away alarm clock.
  35. Compact hair dryer.
  36. Wireless headphones.
  37. Pearls for cooling wine.
  38. Chocolate composition.
  39. Brooch according to the zodiac sign.
  40. Photo album in steam punk style.

Looking for celebrities

Another fun game for a corporate party on March 8, which is related to the theme of famous characters from history, cinema and animated series. To carry it out, you need to prepare a lot of pieces of paper on which you need to write the names of truly famous personalities. Then these leaves must be rolled up and placed in a bag. The game must involve two teams, whose task is to alternately pull out a card with the name of a celebrity from a bag and describe it so that the second team guesses who they are talking about. For example, if the team pulls out a note on which it is written: “Alla Pugacheva,” then the celebrity can be described as “Maxim Galkin’s wife” or “sings about a million scarlet roses.”

Gifts and treats as a corporate surprise for ladies

All kinds of goodies are a great idea for inexpensive corporate gifts for March 8th, which will appeal to every lady, because most ladies are gourmets, and even if they themselves don’t want to spoil their figure, you can always treat your children, loved ones or guests. So delicious gifts are always relevant! Just choose what your ladies will like the most:

  • A gift set of flower jams is a classic and at the same time exquisite gift for every lady. Such sweets have a special taste, look incredibly beautiful and give a woman a special feeling. Cute jars in a beautiful box or basket are a chic solution for a corporate surprise for ladies of any age from 16 to 80 years old.
  • Tea or coffee is already a classic gift for any occasion. You can choose coffee with an exotic taste or tea with an interesting aroma. Such drinks are always relevant, because every woman drinks either tea or coffee. Moreover, on the eve of the holiday there are beautiful gift options; you can make custom boxes with samples of different teas - you’ll get a great idea for business gifts for March 8th.
  • A set of honey with nuts - healthy, tasty and beautiful. As a rule, such jars are packaged in a box with eco-friendly materials and such a gift looks more than solid, so it is not a shame to present it to employees of any level.
  • A set of themed gingerbread cookies is an elegant souvenir that will perfectly complement the main gift, become a nice compliment in a large group of women, or serve as a pleasant addition to a cash bonus. Choose cookies shaped like figure eights or other themed symbols.
  • A set of cupcakes with holiday symbols , such treats, made to order, can combine holiday symbols and corporate symbols. Thus serving as an excellent present for ladies. The main thing is to order cupcakes from a good pastry shop and take care of the packaging; you will get a completely worthy corporate gift for the team on March 8th.
  • A basket of exotic fruits has always been considered a classic chic gift for ladies, especially on the occasion of the spring holiday, when vitamins and fruits are especially in short supply. You can present small baskets with exotic fruits, or beautifully packaged classics. In any case, the souvenir will be worthy!
  • A gift cheese plate with exotic cheeses and nuts is a beautiful, tasty idea to please true gourmets. The lady will definitely like such a truly unusual and tasty surprise.
  • A set for making mulled wine will allow your colleagues to organize a cozy evening with a fragrant drink to warm up, relax and enjoy every moment of the holiday. The main thing is to determine whether the ladies prefer red or white wine, and choose their own set for each.

Watch and repeat

The entire team, including men, can participate in the competition. The presenter, which can be any lady from the team, sits in front of everyone so that she can be seen. After this, she must name any part of her body and touch it, and all other participants must repeat after her. However, you don't need to tell them anything. Participants just need to touch the area of ​​the body named by the leader. For example, a girl calls: “Right eye” and at the same time puts her hand on her right eye. Her colleagues should also place their hand on their right eye. After several correct repetitions, the presenter deliberately makes a mistake. For example, she calls “ear” and touches the nose. The guests' task is not to repeat the mistake, but to touch the ear. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.

In the kitchen

Elimination game. Female colleagues sit in a circle and take turns naming one female kitchen utensil, for example, multicooker, microwave, cup, spoon, fork, bowl, plate, sugar bowl, rolling pin, frying pan, pancake maker, yogurt maker, gas oven, sink, dryer, potholder, waffle iron and so on. Those who don’t name are eliminated, and the most persistent and best connoisseurs of kitchen utensils will receive prizes - an apron and oven mitts, so that after a working day, cooking at home will be pleasant and convenient.

Second profession

For colleagues on March 8, you can hold a truly interesting competition, with the help of which you can find out who this or that woman wanted to become. To do this, you need to ask your colleagues to remember what they wanted to become in childhood. After each girl has chosen a profession, her colleagues begin to ask her about what she uses in her work. For example, they might ask, “Are you using scissors?” If a girl has chosen the profession of a hairdresser, then she must answer positively to this question. The participant who learns a new profession the fastest gets one point and becomes a driver.

Women will give odds to any of the men

Over all this time, women have learned to drive cars, become bosses, wear formal suits and ties, and now it’s time to try themselves in the full role of a man. Women have a rope tied around their waist, to which a pencil or pen is attached. In front of each woman there is a glass bottle, for example, of champagne or beer. At the command “start”, women, with all their movements and efforts, must get their hands into the bottle the fastest. The fastest and most accurate person is awarded a prize.

Your lips taste like candy

Not only girls, but also the male part of the team can participate in competitions at corporate events in honor of March 8th. Both ladies and men take part in this competition. The girls' task is to leave a mark of lipstick on the sheet and leave their signature on the back of it. This should be done when the men leave the hall. Upon returning, the men must look at all the sheets with kiss marks and guess who owns which print. They should write down their versions on separate pieces of paper so that they can compare the results later. The man who manages to guess the most lip prints wins.

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