Concert program at the House of Culture dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Festive concert dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

A musical fragment of the song “Youth in Boots” from the repertoire of the group “The End of the Film” is played.
All concert participants come onto the stage, applauding.


Hello, cloudy sky!
Hello, youth in boots! Away - sorrows and melancholy! Here we are. Hello troops! There is applause.

(interrupting applause). Today you men will not be sad! We are in a hurry to give you smiles, songs, joy. For you, our defenders, it’s time to start the Concert. We congratulate the warriors! All the army - hurray!

A song is being performed.


Dear friends! You have long calculated that you will be away from home for two years, that is, twenty-four months, seven hundred and thirty days, seventeen thousand five hundred and twenty hours, one million fifty-one thousand two hundred minutes, sixty-three million seventy-seven thousand seconds... The numbers, of course, are stunning . But... imagine when you return home, you will find yourself in a magical lilac paradise!

An amateur performance number is being performed.


Every soldier dreams of becoming a general, and every general should have his own army. We can’t give you a whole army, don’t ask for it! But we present the song... Accept!

A song is being performed.


My motto is this, I hope you understand it: “The prepared surprise should be pleasant to all of you!”

An amateur performance number is being performed.


Today, throughout the festive concert, the vocal group (name) will sing for you! Artistic director - (full name)! Musical operator - (full name)! In the role of presenter - (I.F.)!

There is applause.


I think the performance of the group’s artists did not leave any of you indifferent, as we can judge by your friendly applause. I hope the applause will turn into a standing ovation right now, because this wonderful band is back on stage!

A song is being performed.


Dear friends! Before the next artist takes the stage, I want to ask you: have you all completed the young fighter course? (Answer from the audience.)

Then I hasten to please you - the young fighter’s course continues! Now let's play elephants! Get your trunks out! (They take out gas masks.) Who knows what this is? (Answer from the audience.)

Who said gas mask? In a year you will get three days of vacation! Who can tell where they are dressed? On your head? Well done! This will be our task. So, we have two gas masks and two teams, the participants of which are in the front rows.

At my signal, the first team players quickly put on gas masks, take them off, and pass them on, saving their teammates. Is the task clear? Then go ahead! The soundtrack of the children's song "Pink Elephant" plays.
The game is underway. The team that completes the task faster wins. Leading.
A song is played for the winners.

A song is being performed.


To find out who the next song will be addressed to, I ask you to help me a little. Your task: finish these poetic lines. The first three lines are heard for the left half of the hall.

An overcoat for two years, a uniform for two years, But for the rest of my life I am responsible... (for the world)!

For the right half - Overcoat for two years, Uniform for two years, Father replaced for two years... (commander).

For all the commanders sitting in this hall, the song “Soldier” from the repertoire of the group “Lube” is played.

A song is being performed.


Today our eyes are blinded by the stars on the shoulder straps of your commanders: lieutenants, captains, majors, lieutenant colonels... But such a bright star that we have prepared for you is not on their shoulder straps. So that you can see her, I ask you all to stand up together and greet her with loud applause!

There is applause.
Meet us! The bright star of the vocal group (name) is the soloist (I.F.).

A song is being performed.


Dear young men - wonderful, extraordinary, touching and noble! Happy holiday to you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

May this holiday affirm in each of you a sense of significance, confidence and heroic scope!
A cycle of numbers is executed.

Surely each of you, upon starting your service, began to prepare a demobilization album. It's time to look into it and all together remember the explanatory dictionary of a soldier's life.

Dear fighters! Unscramble the following words:

  1. The labor exchange is a scam.
  2. “Smile, stuntmen!” - obstacle course.
  3. In the animal world there is structure.
  4. Shooting range - smoke break.
  5. Explosive package - letter.
  6. Haunted house - barracks.
  7. An active volcano is a smoking room.
  8. The king of beasts is the commander of the unit.
  9. “They fought to the death,” weapons of mass destruction—foot wraps.
  10. A partisan under interrogation is a cadet at the blackboard.
  11. Vacation at your own expense - lip.

I would like to wish you that by the end of the service your album will be replenished not only with cool expressions, but also with photographs, as well as the words of your favorite songs. I am sure that the words of this song will definitely be included in your album.

A song is being performed.


Dear friends! Girls always want to admire defenders, and February 23rd gives them an excellent reason for this. They are ready to give the young men their words of admiration, to inspire them, so that they feel like real knights.

For you, our knights, songs will now be performed by... (I.F.).

A block of songs is being performed.


They escort the boys off to the army, As if they were going to war in '41, And again, like for many years in a row, The boys break the silence with songs.

An amateur performance number is being performed.
At the introduction of the next song, one of the soloists pronounces the words. Soloist.
We are behind you, like behind a wall! You will give us love, hope and peace now! Soldiers, we sing for you!

A song is being performed.


Hold on, soldier! Hold on, my brother! Such a day will come, the order will go across the whole country: “Home, home, home!”

An amateur performance number is being performed.


Dear defenders of the Fatherland! Once again, we congratulate you on the holiday and wish you excellent service and a speedy return home! Goodbye! See you again!

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Concert script for February 23 at the House of Culture

Fanfare sounds
Presenter 1.

Good afternoon, dear viewers!

Presenter 2:


Presenter 1:

We are pleased to welcome you on the eve of a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We should take a look at the calendar sheet. Today there is a special reason: After all, February 23 is coming soon, Which means this is your holiday, men!

Presenter 2.

May this day pleasantly surprise you, bring you wonderful gifts, We wish you joy, love and celebrate the holiday cheerfully and brightly!

Presenter 1:

The festive concert dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day is declared open!


Presenter 1.

February 23 is an important day for our entire country! We proudly call this day Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Presenter 2.

This holiday is one of the most revered in our country. After all, defending the Motherland, home and family is the honorable duty of every man.

Presenter 1.

On this day we congratulate real men who will come out of any, even the most difficult, situation with their head held high as a winner!

Presenter 2.

We sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible vital energy and peaceful skies above your head!

Presenter 1:


Presenter 2:

And on this beautiful and joyful day, We wish you not to be lazy a thousand times: May there be prosperity on your table! Let peace strengthen on our land!

Presenter 1:

We want to dedicate this concert to everyone who served and who will serve!


Presenter 1:

Every mother in Russia instills in her children from a very early age a deep respect for their native land, investing in their young hearts endless pride and deep respect for the military exploits of their people, their country, their Motherland.

Presenter 2:

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a popular holiday. Did you know that this holiday was first called Red Army Day, then – Soviet Army and Navy Day and, finally, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Presenter 1:

Yes, this is a holiday of male valor, because if anything happens, everyone will stand up for the Motherland, Fatherland and Russia.


“You live, my Russia” - vocal ensemble “Vesyolye Notki”

Presenter 1.

Harsh February rules our world, And gives a truly masculine holiday, We have the opportunity to congratulate men - And we are glad to have such an opportunity!

Presenter 2.

A man is a knight, a master, a warrior, And he is happy to prove himself in business. Truly, any of you is worthy of High titles and all sorts of awards!


Presenter 1

Defender of the Fatherland Day is perhaps one of the most popular holidays in Russia, because on this holiday traditional concepts revered by the people were proclaimed; courage, military glory, nobility, service to the Motherland. Defending the Fatherland has always been the sacred duty of every real man.

Presenter 2.

Warrior, defender of peace, soldier - There is no better title for a man. On your holiday I want to wish you Happiness, peace, goodness and success!


Presenter 1:

Centuries pass, years flash by. They always defended their native country! And from the most distant times it has been like this: Forget about everything when the enemy approaches! The peasant and the worker abandoned their work, When Russia was waiting for their protection!

Presenter 2:

About the exploits of the fallen, the victories of the living You will hear from older people, About how they fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya, How they survived this crazy war.

Presenter 1:

The young men will tell you how worthy they were of the title of fighter until the end. Defenders of our beautiful country, you are dear to us and desperately needed.

NUMBER: “Military Orders” Grigoryan Yu. G. and Merry Notes
Presenter 2:

The Russian warrior protects the peace and glory of his native country. He is at his post, and our people are rightfully proud of the army.

Presenter 1:

The army's birthday is today. There is nothing stronger than it in the world. Hello to the defenders of the people of the Russian army... Hello!


Presenter 1:

Let there be new achievements, victories, true friends, and let the course be towards achievements! Happy February 23rd!

Presenter 2:

Always be proud of your work, surround your loved ones with care, strive to achieve your goal and be the first in what you love!

Presenter 1:

We always want to be on top, And win in everything - easily, impromptu! At every latitude and longitude - Only new plans! New horizons!

Presenter 2:

We wish you success, we wish you good luck, rest easy and work with dedication. So that joy in your destiny occurs more often, So that everything works out and everything works out.

Presenter 1:

With this our festive concert has come to an end. Thank you for your attention. Happy holiday!

Open and print: scenarij-koncerta-na-23-fevralja-v-dome-kultury.rtf [15.77 Kb] (downloads: 134)

For you, men! Concert program - congratulations on February 23rd.

Presenters exit: 1 presenter: Hello, dear friends and distinguished guests!

2 presenter: We are glad to welcome you on this holiday - February 23! There is such a day in the calendar. It is marked with a red date. A wonderful holiday in February, Warrior's Day. Russian soldier

Presenter 1: This holiday had different names over the years. Today we call February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day.

2 presenter: This day is a tribute to our respect to all generations of the heroic Russian army.

1 presenter: The whole country congratulates the defenders today and honors the memory of the heroes of past years.

Presenter 2: This is truly a men's day! Today, all representatives of the stronger sex, from boys to gray-haired veterans, hear words of congratulations and receive gifts.

1 presenter: the following are invited to the stage for a festive greeting:

2 presenter: And on behalf of all the women present in the hall, we join in the congratulations, and we dedicate today’s festive concert to our courageous, valiant, so different and so dear men. Congratulations join...

Concert number

1 presenter: Meet the dance group

Concert number:

1 presenter: We wish men a peaceful sky, so that you use your determination, strength, and intelligence in peaceful conditions.

Concert number:

2 presenter: May success always accompany you in business, may your beloved women wait at home. What else is needed for happiness? The warmth of simple human relationships, reliable support in the form of family and a successful career. 1 presenter: joins in congratulations...

Concert number

1 presenter: Dear men, accept a musical gift from the youngest artists of today’s festive concert and greet with applause…. with the song: “Butterfly”

Concert number

2nd presenter: he hurries to the stage with musical gifts....

Concert number: Concert number:

1 presenter: Lyudmila Chernetskaya gives you a cheerful mood on this holiday

Concert number:

2 presenter: The next participant in our holiday program wants to share his secret.

Concert number: “I’ll become a star” - 2nd presenter: Ah. All my life I also dreamed of becoming a star. And here I am on stage as the host of the festive concert. I'm so happy…

Presenter 1: I’m also very glad that your dream came true. And just in time I remembered one popular expression: every man is a boy at heart, and every boy dreams of becoming a warrior

2 presenter: but which of the boys is a warrior, let him first grow up, mature and defend the fatherland

1 presenter: I think that you need to prepare to serve the fatherland from childhood. This holiday of military valor, which protects us from harm, let me tell you, boys, how much we love you.

2 presenter: We welcome boys and young men, school students - future defenders of the Fatherland, the time will come and they will join the ranks of valiant warriors. Now we invite to the stage (distinguished guests)_________________________________________________________________________________________

Presentation, congratulations “Conscript Day”

1 presenter: Defend your home boldly against enemies, drawing your sword,

1 presenter: On this day we congratulate the male half of humanity. We dedicate poems and songs to our defenders of the fatherland.

2 presenter: Dear men, you are our support in life, And behind a strong man’s shoulder. We are not afraid of any adversity, We don’t care about failure. The next musical gift is for you. Meet

Concert number:

1 presenter: Don’t try to fight your feelings, let love and passion boil in you! You always remain men, Because this is your strength, your power.

Concert number:

2nd presenter: unfortunately our holiday concert is coming to an end

1 presenter: and on behalf of all the women sitting in this room we want to once again congratulate you, dear men

2nd presenter: Happy Army Day!

1 presenter: From the holidays of warriors,

2 presenter: Happy holiday to brothers, Fathers and husbands, Their aspirations worthy of Glory, 1 presenter: Peace has been preserved on the planet of people.

2 presenter: our men are the best, it’s not for nothing that Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in only one country in the world and its name is Russia Concert number:

-the curtain closes

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