Funny competitions for February 23 – for boys in school and kindergarten, male colleagues in the office, boys. Cool competition ideas for corporate events on Defender of the Fatherland Day, video

Games for the holiday of February 23 in kindergarten. Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the patriotic holidays. Children are introduced to the detailed history of its origins at school, and it is enough for preschoolers to understand that such a calendar day exists, that on this holiday men - the defenders of their country - are honored. For boys, dad is a role model; they want to be like their fathers, who are just as strong, decisive, kind and reliable, so it is desirable that dads participate in events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day with their children.

Games for the holiday of February 23 in kindergarten

Events organized in kindergarten for February 23rd Day should contain many different forms: competitions, quizzes, outdoor games, musical skits. A good prelude to the holiday will be the organization of a creative exhibition for preschoolers dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. These can be applications, drawings, crafts. It is advisable to conduct thematic classes before the games, where children will be introduced to information about the army, the branches of the military, and the exploits of Russian and Soviet soldiers.

To hold holiday and game programs, you need to prepare a large room. This could be a music hall or a sports hall, or you can organize a sporting event on the site near the kindergarten.

Competition "Photo shoot in a gas mask"

Such a cool competition will require preliminary preparation - you need to stock up on a pair of gas masks. All male participants are divided into two teams, which are located on both sides of the table. The presenter and assistant stand at a distance of about 10 meters from the participants - they have cameras in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the first player of each team puts on one of the gas masks lying on the table, and in this form runs up to the “photographer” for a photo. Then the participant in the “photo shoot” returns to his team and passes the gas mask to the next player. The point of this cool competition is to complete a fun “photo shoot” wearing gas masks as quickly as possible. From the resulting photos you can later make a collage and the whole team can admire the result.

Competition "Kitchen duty"

Such “culinary” competitions on February 23 will remind many men of the “charms” of military service. Thus, women can present their male colleagues with a “surprise” - a “high-speed” potato peeling competition. Participants in the competition are given knives and a large tuber - it is assumed that they will have to peel potatoes at speed. However, unexpectedly, the presenter suggests organizing a competition on knowledge of dishes made from this popular vegetable. The men take turns naming potato dishes, trying to remember as many as possible. The most erudite “cook” is declared the winner and receives a cool prize - here the imagination is unlimited!

Events on February 23 at the preschool educational institution

Games for the holiday of February 23 in kindergarten. Event topics may vary:

  1. Marine theme.
  2. Ground troops.
  3. Air Force.
  4. "My dad is a hero."
  5. “Me and dad are friends.”

The purpose of the events will be to instill a sense of respect and pride for military personnel defending the Motherland.

The objectives of the events are the following:

  1. Education of moral qualities;
  2. Developing healthy habits and skills;
  3. Developing will, confidence, and teamwork skills;
  4. Bringing children and parents closer together in carrying out a collective task;
  5. Formation of sports inclinations in preschool children;
  6. Nurturing sports qualities in children.

Combat wound

The task of each participant in the competition is to take turns running a distance and throwing the ball into a basket. However, before doing this, they take turns taking out from the bag cards with an inscription indicating a part of the body in which they were allegedly “wounded”. For example, left arm, right leg, left eye, etc. While running and throwing the ball, they should not use the specified body part. The competition can be held in a team version, then the team that completes the task faster and better wins.

Scenario February 23 for adults

This scenario can be used in a home company that has gathered at the holiday table, but doesn’t mind having a little fun. One of the women should take on the role of emcee for the men's event. You can use the remake songs from our article in this scenario.

Games for children over 23

  1. " Flipper Race ". All boys are divided into 2 teams. Each participant is given fins, in which he must run at speed to the chair and return back. The game is played on the principle of a relay race.
  2. " Ammunition ". 2 teams are created. Each person is given a piece of paper and a pen. They must make a list of the 5 most necessary things on a military campaign, and then explain why they made that particular choice. This game can be played with middle school children.
  3. " Transcribers ". Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a code on a piece of paper, which they must solve using the keyboard. Whoever copes faster wins.
  4. " Will in the fist ." Several guys get out from the audience. Each person is given a piece of paper on which the word “Will” is written. The task of each boy is to roll the piece of paper into a ball with one hand.
  5. " Disarm the grenade ." Several guys are selected, each of whom is given an apron, a fruit - a pomegranate, a knife and a plate. Their task is to quickly and very carefully clean the pomegranate. The one who does the best will win.

Games for men over 23

  1. " Whose legs are more beautiful ." Male participants are asked to take off their shoes and find cosmetics scattered around a certain area. The winner will not be the one who can find the most cosmetics, but the one whose legs, according to the women in the audience, are more beautiful.
  2. " A real man ". Male participants are blindfolded. Various instruments are laid out in front of them, which they must guess by touch.
  3. " Spy Memory ". The presenter selects several men from the audience who believe that their memory is very good. Then the presenter very quickly shows each participant 10 pictures. The participant’s task is to remember everything that was shown to him and then voice it out in the same order. The man who voices everything correctly will be the winner.
  4. " Best Chef " Potatoes and knives are laid out on the table. Men begin to think that they will now have to peel potatoes at speed. However, when it comes to the task, they simply have to list as many dishes they know that contain potatoes as possible.
  5. " Sniper ". Several men are selected. In front of each person, at a certain distance, is a text that needs to be read. The man who can most clearly voice what he sees will win.

Relay races for grades 3-4 “Young Patriots”

Stage competitions:

Stage I. "Hero Cities". At the finish line - a large sheet of paper and a marker. The task of the team members is to reach the finish line and write one name of the hero cities. Who will remember the names of hero cities faster and more?
Stage II. "Put the puzzle together." Each team member is given one puzzle piece with a part of a particular image. The participants’ task is to reach the finish line, bring one puzzle at a time and piece together the image. Puzzles can depict the main attractions of Russian cities related to history. Who will do it better and more correctly?
Stage III. "Tricolor". At the start there is a box with balloons (blue, white, red). The participants’ task is to carry, or rather move, by lightly tossing with their hand in front, all the balloons from the start to the finish and secure them on a special rack. Who is faster and more correct?
Stage IV. "Speech and Song". The team moves from start to finish, chanting a pre-invented patriotic chant, and from finish to start, singing a patriotic song.Who is better and more friendly?
V stage. “It’s hard to learn, it’s easy to fight!” Run from start to finish and back with military equipment (backpack, binoculars, hat, raincoat, boots).Who is faster and more active?
Stage VI. "Sappers". Walk from start to finish blindfolded, avoiding the pins placed along the route.Who is more accurate?
VII stage. "Overcome the obstacle." Run from start to finish, jumping over barriers, and walk from finish to start, crawling under them.Who is faster and better?
VIII stage. "Names of heroes." Go from start to finish and at every step call the names of the heroes.Who is bigger?
Stage IX. "Snake". Walk as a team, holding each other's hands, avoiding obstacles.The task is to go there and back without getting disconnected.
X stage. "Ships-planes." Run (swim) from start to finish, imitating the movements of a warship, and from finish to start, imitating the flight of a military aircraft.Who will depict it more accurately and execute it faster?

What else to read: Game Burners, description, how to play, rules


The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people (girls can also take part). The first team members receive a task sheet in which one or two phrases are written (the same for all teams), for example, “In the spring, in the month of March, ours must hold the defense from the north-western side, standing with dignity until the bitter end.” At the “start” command, the first participants open the envelope with the task sheet, read it and pass the phrase orally into the ears of the second participants, trying to keep the entire phrase verbatim, the second pass it to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on until the last participants. The team in which the last participant is the first to be ready to pronounce the phrase from the task sheet and does it verbatim will be the winner.

Competitions for 23 for corporate events

  1. " A real boxer ." Several men are selected to participate. Everyone is given boxing gloves which they need to put on first. After this, already wearing gloves, they need to put on shorts and socks. It turns out to be a very funny picture.
  2. " The best football player ." Several men emerge from the audience. Balls are laid out in front of them. Men clearly remember where they are located. After that, the leader blindfolds them and tells them to turn right, left, and then 10 steps back. After this, the men must get closer to their ball and hit it. It always turns out funny because the men just start punching the air.
  3. " Cockfight ". Male participants form pairs that must compete with each other during the competition. Each man pretends to be a rooster, hopping on one leg, and tries to knock his opponent to the floor.
  4. " Bankers ". Each man is given a jar filled with money. The task of each participant, without opening the jar, is to count how much money is in it. The one who names the closest to the real amount will win.
  5. " Cowboy ". Only men who drink alcohol are encouraged to take part. Everyone needs to quickly drink a glass of alcohol, and then hit the table with their fist loudly and say: “A-tsa-tsa.”

Competitions on February 23 for men

  1. " Arm wrestling ". A classic competition that is always held in any men's team. The task is simple - to overpower your opponent, not to let him knock down his elbow before the one who wants to win can do so.
  2. " Back to back ". Two men lock elbows with each other while standing back to back. They should stand in a circle. Their task is to push the enemy standing behind them out of the circle.
  3. " Socks ". 5 people are selected from the audience. Everyone must sit on a chair and quickly put 5 pairs of socks on their feet. Whoever does it faster, but at the same time very carefully, wins.
  4. " Toughie ". Several men emerge from the hall. Each person is given 5 walnuts. The task of the men is to split them all in an original way and at the same time get ahead of all opponents.
  5. " Picker ". Several people are selected from the hall. Each person is asked to temporarily fill 5 glass jars with 5 paper clips, which are piled in a pile. Whoever completes the task the fastest wins.

Competitions for older schoolchildren


For the competition you need: one egg, blindfolds, a flat horizontal surface.

The competition participants are divided into pairs. The boundaries of each player are drawn on the selected surface. The participants' task: within 30 seconds they must blow the egg to the opponent's side. The task is complicated by the fact that the guys do this with their eyes closed. The competition is held until one winner is identified.

"Scarlet Flower"

For the competition you need: 14 cardboard cards for each participant. The names of the colors are written on seven cards, and the designations of these colors are written on the others.

Participants’ task: within 1 minute they must correctly match the flower and its meaning. For example: lily of the valley - unexpected joy; water lily - invincibility; rose - love; lily - innocence; forget-me-not - longing; clove - courage; violet - modesty. The winner is the participant who made the largest number of correct pairs.

"Don't burst, balloon"

For the competition you need: balloons. Each participant in the competition receives a balloon.

The participants' task: they must inflate the balloon as much as possible, but at the same time it must not burst. After this, the guys must tie a ball, but without threads, and only when everything is done can they compare the balls and identify the winner.

What else to read: “Migration of Birds”, “Birds and Chicks” - options for outdoor games for a fun time

"Sour, bitter, sweet"

For the competition you need: lemon, onion and chocolate.

The participants' task: they must eat these foods in reverse order. At the same time, maintain a calm and even satisfied appearance as much as possible. The winner will be the one who can withstand this test.

“I will get out of any situation”

For the competition you need: cards on which ridiculous situations will be written. The task of the participants is to offer the most interesting way out of these situations. Participants should answer without hesitation. The winner will be the participant whose answer is the most striking.

  • You are in a madhouse, but absolutely healthy. Prove it.
  • You want to buy something in a store that you have long dreamed of. There is only one copy of it in the store. Another person is looking at her. You quickly grab it and run to the cash register, and there it turns out that you didn’t take the money with you. Your actions
  • You have an appointment, you are already late and you know that the girl is waiting for you. And besides, it was still raining outside. Which exit?
  • You are going to an exam and decide to refresh yourself. We accidentally stained our white shirt with ketchup. What will you do?
  • You meet an acquaintance on the street, start asking him about everything, and suddenly you realize that you just made a mistake. Your actions?
  • You bought a gift for your friend. But on his birthday you drop it and break it. What will you do?
  • You go to a special event and only in the middle of the celebration you notice that your T-shirt is worn inside out. What to do?
  • You go to a cafe on the street. You take the tray, but on the way out you stumble, and your tray with all its contents falls on your neighbor. How to get out of this situation?
  • You bought a rose for a girl, but while they were carrying it, all the petals fell off. You only notice it when you give a flower. How to explain?

"Dear Lady"

For the competition you will need: white paper, markers, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must draw the lady of their heart. They do all this blindfolded. At the same time, competition participants must use different markers each time they draw different parts of the body. The more colors you use, the more interesting the drawings will be.


For the competition you need: honey, jam, jelly and jam, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must try the preservatives blindfolded and then name what they are. Only two of the four can be given alternately. The participant must say what products these sweets are made of. The winner is the participant who accurately determines what he is trying.

"Dinner is served"

For the competition you need: potatoes and knives.

The participants' task: they must peel the potato and cut it. The vegetable should have a high content of eyes. This is not a timed task. The winner is the one who fulfills the conditions of the competition as accurately as possible.

"Sharp hit"

For the competition you need: a box and five chocolates.

The participants’ task: they must throw candy into the box at a distance of three steps. The competition is complicated by the fact that the player must stand only on his left foot and throw with his left hand. The winner is the one who threw in the maximum number of candies.


For the competition you need: cards on which rhyming words are written (current - hammer, putty - rope; hole - resin; nail - cane), according to the number of players.

Participants' task: within 5 minutes they must compose a poem. Then the authors read their works.

"Guess what's inside"

For the competition you need: a box, a bell, keys, 2-3 teaspoons, a rattle, a table tennis ball.

Participants of the competition, 5 people, receive a closed box containing one of these items. The participant can only shake it. This can only be done twice.

The participants’ task: by the sound they hear, they need to determine what kind of object is inside.

“What a marvelous wonder?”

For the competition you need: cards on which the names of birds, animals and insects are written (butterfly, woodpecker, magpie, spider, sparrow, penguin, ostrich, elephant, camel).

Participants of the competition take turns on stage and receive cards.

The participants’ task: they must depict the animal, bird or insect that is named on the card. You cannot speak, you can only use facial expressions and gestures.

"Score in the goal"

All competition participants go on stage. They choose one person to be the “goalkeeper.” He and the contestant stand with their backs to each other and move away a few steps. The goalkeeper places his feet shoulder-width apart - this will be the goal.

Participants’ task: on the command “Hit!” the competitor hits the ball. If he hits, he ends up at the end of the line, but if he doesn’t, he’s out of the game. Each player is given one shot attempt.

“Where are you, little key?”

For the competition you need: a lock and a large bunch of keys.

Two people are invited to participate. Each of them receives details.

Participants’ task: on the command “Start!” the guys are trying to open the lock. Whoever completes it first will be the winner.

"Try again"

Ten girls and one boy are invited for the competition.

The first girl says her name and makes some movement, such as clapping her hands. The second girl calls her neighbor’s name and repeats her movement, and then introduces herself and does something, and so on for all the girls until the end. They only repeat after their neighbors.

The participant’s task: he has to name all the girls by name and repeat all the movements after them.


The presenter invites each participant in the competition to write down eight adjectives on a piece of paper. Then, having given them the text, he suggests inserting these adjectives in place of the missing words and reading out the resulting note. The text could be like this: “Yesterday in..... a dream..... artilleryman Ivanov argued with..... artilleryman Petrov that he would knock out 100..... enemy tanks at once. Immediately, without waking up, Ivanov in..... battle used all his..... experience and..... took revenge on..... the enemy with a blow.” The military correspondent, the author of the funniest note from the front, wins.

The boys are divided into teams, in which girls can also be present. Each team receives a piece of paper with dates. In 5-10 minutes, the guys must remember these dates and write what wars took place during these years, for example, the 13th-15th centuries - the wars of the Mongol Empire, 1917-1923. — civil war in Russia, 1914-1918. — First World War, 1939-1945. - World War II and so on. The team that fills in all the dates correctly or, if not all, then more than the rest, will receive a prize.

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