“Many are already with children, and there is no need to discuss diapers. Not interesting...” Why don’t Petrozavodsk residents go to alumni reunions?






Some people think that alumni meetings are a wonderful tradition, while others think that they are a waste of time. Is it even worth going to such meetings when you can see all your classmates on social networks and thereby satisfy your curiosity? We asked Petrozavodsk residents what they thought about this. The answers, as expected, came out diametrically opposite.

Meeting classmates - 10 years later

Good day, everyone, everyone, everyone! I am with you again, Irina Gavrilik, I hope you are happy.

My post today is dedicated to a very interesting event that happened on February 6, 2021. I think you already guessed what I mean. Yes, I went to a meeting with my classmates and some teachers. This year we have a round anniversary - 10 years after school.

I can’t even believe it. I can’t say that I missed my classmates a lot. But I wanted to meet. Look at those with whom I studied for 9 or 11 years together (with someone less), talk and observe.

After all, no matter how you look at it, everything has changed. Maybe in each other we see those children with whom we studied together, remembering childhood pranks, but now we have changed, some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent.

Some statistics.

In the 9th grade there were 25 of us - 10 girls and 15 boys, and out of 11, 15 people graduated - 4 girls and 11 boys.

Some of our classmates moved to another class in the same school, since we had an economics and mathematics class, and they needed a physics and technology class, some went to college, and several more people moved to a neighboring school.

But despite all this, almost everyone gathered, which made us happy.

  • 23 people came to the meeting - 3 invited teachers, 8 girls and 12 boys.
  • It is interesting that everyone present has a higher education.
  • 3 girls live in Italy
  • 10 people are married
  • 11 children were born and 2 are expected to be born soon

Here are our beautiful girls, all as chosen.

And here are our boys, already so grown up and independent.

At the table. Everything was delicious. Our famous and friendly “B1”.

It was a lot of fun, everyone was happy to meet. In order not to ask everyone “where you studied,” “if you got married,” “where do you work,” we did things a little differently. Each one stood up in order and in 3 sentences told the most significant events that happened to him over these 10 years.

We also decided to make a toast according to the list from the school magazine, that is, alphabetically, it was very interesting.

I remembered some events related to our studies at school. It's cool when they tell you some story in which you participated, but you don't remember it. After all, each of us remembers only certain moments of school life.

By the way, with the boy who sits to my left, we danced a waltz on a line.

I think you will be interested to see what we were like 10-15 years ago. Unfortunately, there are not as many photographs as we would like. But they exist, and thanks to these few digitized photographs, the memories of these days bring a smile.

Here, in the 6th grade, we went on a hike, without an overnight stay, but still. It was great. We played with a ball, doused ourselves with water, lit a fire and fried potatoes.

Another event that remains captured is how we celebrated February 23 and March 8 in a cafe. How grown up we considered ourselves then.

Everyone also remembers the school competition “Miss Baba Yaga”. At this competition we had special outfits that we made from garbage bags. Our class took first place!

And this is our school everyday life in 11th or 10th grade.

This is how we were 10 years ago. It seems so recently and at the same time so long ago. Over the years, so much has changed in everyone's life. Now each of us has followed our own path to meet fate.

And I wish each of us to find our own path, to live a decent life, developing both personally and professionally. I wish to create strong families and be their support. Learn to live life to the fullest and not forget your classmates!

Congratulations and poems for the reunion 10 years later

How unnoticed the years have flown by, 10 whole of them have already passed, It’s as if we missed them, And time cannot be returned, it’s already gone. We met, as before with you, I will say thank you to this meeting, And we remember how we were all students, In your eyes I find the same feelings. Let's make all meetings a tradition, And let's all get together more often, friends, Without pathos and without beautiful speech, But simply, like a friendly family.

How quickly we guys have grown up with you. 10 years have already flown by - They are rich in experience. It seems like just yesterday we were walking at graduation and we were dreaming about a complex, adult life. Let the meeting be pleasant, let the connection not be lost, let everything that you have wished come true quickly.

It’s as if it were yesterday We graduated from school, 10 years have passed and everything is familiar to us here. The desks are in three rows, the maple tree in the window has grown up, and the desk neighbor is sitting next to an adult. The boys have matured, the girls have blossomed, many have already had children. But we are still the same at heart And we cannot be changed, After all, school taught us to live, love and believe.

Ten years have already flown by, Where is school time?! It’s a pity that we haven’t met for a long time, It’s a pity that we’re not kids! I wish everyone to smile, Remember our bright class, Return to those moments, As if we were at school now! Well, let's raise our glasses to a wonderful winter evening, to everything that was, has become and, of course, to the meeting!

Once again we are within our beloved school walls, How many of them we saw in good dreams, How many fun days we spent here, It’s a pity that the years of study have passed. There is no nicer, more beautiful school, Even though 10 years have passed since then, Since we all received a certificate, But everyone is happy to meet a friend here!

Ten years have flown by like a year! It seems like we were just studying at school, But time is rushing forward And we have all changed a long time ago! Everyone has achieved something in life, so let's share with each other! Our meeting will pass like a moment, and we need to enjoy it!

On the day of the graduation ceremony, I wish you to Forget about these 10 years, Today we are schoolchildren, we are with you, There is definitely no alternative. Let's remember the good, Let's not keep silent about pranks, Let's talk from the heart about the joyful, wonderful past.

Ten years ago, guys, we left school. But We did not push away our love for our native lands. I wish everyone well, to gather more often, to be young at heart in our present.

10 years, 10 days have already flown by, Since that past and memorable day, Where the last time farewell to our school rang for us, friends. On this evening of meeting I wish everyone to never forget their class. Congratulations on your graduation anniversary, Live, love and constantly prosper. May luck always be there, and may luck not lag behind you. Everything that is so desired will come true, let a miracle happen for everyone.

Ten years have passed since the school yard was left behind. And here we are today, giving honor to the joyful years of school, where there was noise and din, where we learned numbers, dates, studied books, maps, where we made friends, where we laughed and loved. Congratulations on your new meeting! The burden of troubles will be released from our shoulders, We will hug each other and pass around New memories, Impressions and desires.

Principled truants

Those who do not attend such meetings believe that they have nothing in common with their former classmates. But with classmates, it’s a different matter (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors of the comments have been preserved without changes - editor’s note).

— We’ve never met our classmates, but thanks to “Contact” almost everyone is friends, but we try to meet with classmates from the technical school once every 5 years, on the anniversary of graduation.

“I haven’t seen my classmates for 10 years!” Left after 9. I live in another city with other interests, so there is no time for meetings. I prefer to spend my free time with friends.

— Many people are more interested in meeting people from a technical school, university, etc., where they studied. Still, after school, many chose a direction they liked (as a rule), so there was perhaps a greater chance of meeting kindred spirits there.

- I haven’t and I have no desire. With whomever we want, we communicate without “meeting classmates.”

“I’ve never gone and never will.” Waste of time. No common interests. There's nothing to talk about.

— In contact you can already see who, what and where. I'm sure many have changed, not for the better. That's why I don't go.

“I’ve never gone and I have no desire to.” Many are already with children, and there is no need to discuss diapers. Not interested.

“I don’t go, I haven’t talked to my classmates for a hundred years, I don’t have much desire to see them, I don’t even remember many of them anymore.” We already maintain relationships with those with whom we want. Well, in general, it’s a sad sight when adult aunts and uncles sit at the table and remember their school days. My husband and I were in a cafe and watched such a meeting - a terrible sight. A drunken mother of three children asked how everything worked out in her personal life.

And some people don’t go to meetings because they can end very badly, even leading to divorce from their significant other. And they even give an example from life!

“There’s nothing good about these meetings, as far as I know about them, everyone gets drunk and starts remembering who was in love with whom.” Then they end up in the same bed, and when they come home the next morning, not all wives forgive this - hence the divorces and scandals. My friend divorced after such a meeting! There are many such cases, I know. So these meetings of so-called classmates are not needed.

There are those who still hate their classmates.

- There is not even a desire. A menagerie, not a class. I can’t remember anything good. Classmates who are prostitutes are minors, most of them. And my classmates are oligophrenic through one. All the years I dreamed that this madhouse would end quickly.

Some believe that such meetings will soon disappear - after all, everything can be learned from social networks.

— I visited once a year after graduation. Back then it was still relevant, because everyone was bored and wanted to communicate, but there were no social networks. Now there is “VK”, at least. And there, in three seconds, I can find out who got pregnant from whom, and who built a career where. If I still went to the meeting, my head would be swollen from such a volume of information. I think homecomings are going to die in the near future.

— I don’t feel too comfortable at alumni meetings and don’t always understand why they happen. I have only one close friend from school, we communicate with her even without this. Meeting with others to show off or gather gossip is a strange idea. Of the teachers, I have developed really good relationships with just a couple of people - you can visit them for no reason. In general, walking around and watching people get drunk and rowdy is depressing.

Some people come here, but leave disappointed...

— I was at the 10th anniversary of graduation and I think that I will wait until the next round date. Almost only men came to the meeting, and not all of them. Those who recently had children were left by their wives at home. Former classmates also all gave birth to children and, not without pride, reported in the chat “that their children and husbands will not let them go.” Our educational institution, by the way, was disbanded into other schools, and the class teacher left for Moscow - and now we have nowhere and no one to come to. No nostalgia, in general.

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