Trend of the season: New Year's Eve in pajamas? Why not!

Multi-colored manicure. The game is suitable for a group of girls. The girls take several bottles of nail polish of different colors and sit in a circle. The bottles are spun one by one in the center of the circle. Whoever the bottle cap points to paints one nail. The game continues until all participants become the owners of a multi-colored manicure.

Guess the melody. To play, prepare backing tracks of famous songs in advance. You need to guess the song from a small fragment.

Sleeping Beauty. One player closes his eyes - he “fell asleep.” The rest of the players must wake up the sleeping beauty, but they cannot touch her. You can only make people laugh by making funny sounds, telling jokes, etc. You need to hold out for 2-3 minutes. Whoever manages not to laugh wins a prize.

Magic stories. The children take turns taking out toys from the bag with their eyes closed. You need to come up with an interesting story in which this toy is the main character. A prerequisite is to use the word “pajamas” or “sleep” in the story.

My pillow. Place pillows on the floor. Each player chooses “his own”, examines it carefully, feels it, and remembers it. The goal of the game is to identify your pillow with your eyes closed.

My slippers. This comic competition is suitable for both small children and adults. Place all players' slippers (and a couple or two extra slippers) in one pile. At the signal, players quickly select and put on their slippers. The one who completes the task first wins.

Photo shoot in pajamas

For a good photo shoot and confidence in the frame:

  1. Go to the mirror and look at yourself, choose which side you like better. This side will be the “working” side;
  2. Before shooting, try several poses in front of the mirror, so that later you won’t get confused about where to place your hand or look away. Try to dance and feel your body in motion, remember the silhouettes you like;
  3. Do light makeup (Nude make up), do not overdo it with tone and bright lipsticks. Let your hair down, curl light curls;
  4. Watch the position of your arms and hands, the position of your legs, do not slouch;
  5. Don't hide your eyes in all photographs, sometimes look into the camera;
  6. Wear the most convenient and comfortable clothes, pajamas should not hinder your movements, you should feel confident. Pajamas for your photo shoot can be found in our pajamas catalogue ;
  7. Be lively in the frame, change your poses, smile, don’t be shy - now you are real, at home, don’t pose like you’re on the cover of a glossy magazine.

Leisure organization

Decorating the house, preparing a treat and inviting the children to visit is not enough to organize a full-fledged pajama party. Depending on the age of the children, their hobbies and gender, you need to come up with entertainment that will be interesting to everyone. Without this, children will quickly get bored and lose interest in what is happening.

Entertainment for children under 10-12 years old

If the guests are children no older than 10-12 years old, then the entertainment will be the same for both boys and girls. At this time, the children are still spontaneous and relaxed, do not hesitate to express emotions, and quickly get carried away by the proposed activities. But they also lose interest in some leisure options extremely quickly, so an adult always needs to be nearby to organize the children, control them and the situation.

At this age, children will be interested in the entertainment offered by a professional animator. He will find games and competitions that are interesting for each company, and will offer children activities that fit the theme of the holiday.

You can organize your leisure time yourself, but this will require some preparation. We invite children to take part in the competition, making sure to provide interesting prizes for winning, and we come up with games for their age. For children of any age, a disco and watching cartoons are relevant.

How to Entertain Teen Girls

Teenage girls are already able to organize interesting leisure time for themselves. At this age, they have many topics to talk about, but this does not mean that you should not help them organize an exciting pastime. What options to offer:

  • Fortune telling using playing cards, a wish ball, coffee grounds, pieces of paper with answers;
  • Photo session using wigs, unusual outfits or original accessories;
  • Home spa, hair salon or manicure salon - girls will be delighted with the opportunity to make a face mask, paint their nails or become the owner of a stylish hairstyle;
  • Master class on cooking, making jewelry, crafts as a gift for mom (it’s important to choose something that will be really interesting);
  • Karaoke;
  • Board games - monopoly, cards, checkers, etc.

Another option is watching an interesting movie. It is better to leave it for the end of the party and before going to bed.

Basic poses

Your poses in the photo should be natural, because you are in your favorite cozy pajamas. To make the photo more interesting, you can pick up a soft toy or pillow. This will add warmth to the shots.

In the photo we presented the most successful poses for photo shoots in pajamas.

Interesting competitions and games

Entertainment for children of any age includes competitions and games. You shouldn’t come up with too many of them; just a couple of options will suffice.


Most children will be interested in a game in the quest format. It involves searching for a prize or gift hidden in the room, which multi-level clues will help you find. All this is accompanied by a vivid script-type story, the ideas of which are easy to glean from forums, websites or social networks. This activity will captivate both boys and girls. Although there is not much space in a house or apartment, you can always come up with options.

Guess the melody

This game will be easy for children attending music school. We invite each of them to sing their favorite song without words, so that others can guess its words, title and artist. You can also tap, clap, or hum the melody. It will definitely be fun.

Another option for a musical theme is to guess the song based on the plot. In this game, one child retells the content of the song, and the others try to guess which one they are talking about.

Model school

Girls both 5 and 15 years old like to imagine themselves as models. At a pajama party, it’s easy to provide them with this opportunity. A little free space, exciting music and interesting tasks:

  • Fashion show in pajamas - demonstrate your outfit using a model gait and poses;
  • Walk along the “catwalk” with a book or pillow on your head without dropping it;
  • Hairstyle competition - divide the girls into teams, in each of which one of the models will create the most stylish and incredible hairstyle.

Parents present at the party can also take part in this, it will be doubly exciting.

Drawing on fabric

There are special felt-tip pens on sale that are designed for drawing on fabric. They dry quickly, do not smudge, and do not wear off. By purchasing additional plain white pillowcases or T-shirts, we encourage children to create their own unique designs for these items. In the future, these items will remain as gifts for guests and will remind them of the fun holiday for a long time. If desired, at the end a competition is held based on the results of the coloring and the best design is chosen by voting.

Funny story competition

In order for children to get to know each other better and become friends, they should not only play together, but also communicate on different topics. To do this, we are organizing a competition of funny stories, inviting everyone to tell a funny episode from their life. To establish a dialogue, the adult tells the story first. At the end, a vote is taken on whose story is the funniest and funniest.

Photo session of a pregnant woman in pajamas

A pajama look for a photo shoot during pregnancy is a good alternative to shooting in lingerie and negligees. Both sports and classic pajamas are suitable for this occasion.

You can do a romantic photo session with your husband or with the whole family if you already have children. These photos can then be used as memorable family cards.

Shooting can be done in either a light or dark studio. You can take a photo on the bed, on a blanket, near the fireplace, in the kitchen.

Meeting place and its design

When planning to organize a pajama party, it is important to carefully consider many nuances, the most important of which is the location of the event. If you have a large private cottage or spacious apartment, this issue can be resolved quickly, because... guests are invited to come. Depending on the number of guests, we arrange one or a couple of rooms for these purposes.

If children stay overnight, it is important to provide each with a comfortable sleeping place. There probably won’t be enough beds for these purposes for everyone, so air mattresses are an excellent solution. They are comfortable for sleeping, inexpensive, and will find use in the future. It is important that the host of the party sleeps in the same conditions as the guests.

Owners of cramped housing have to look for other options, and they exist. In Moscow, and in other large cities, it will not be difficult to find premises available for rent for events of this type. One of the options is the Smirnov House, which offers several halls designed for different numbers of guests.

Like any other party, a pajama party requires some preparation of the space. Since the atmosphere is supposed to be as relaxed as possible, the design of the space is chosen to be the same. Balloons, ribbons and garlands will help create the mood. At night, a dim light source is provided. If there is enough space in the house on sofas and armchairs, then guests can sit on them, but if not, then pillows and blankets that are simply placed on the floor will come in handy.

It's not customary to sit at the table during a pajama party, but you still need to place the treats somewhere. To do this, place a small table somewhere to the side or organize something like a picnic, inviting guests to eat on a blanket and pillows. The children will be delighted.

Photo shoot in pajamas: ideas

  1. Shooting in the style of “Minimalism” There will be no bright, large decorations, a clutter of objects, or a mixture of different colors. Nothing superfluous, the main object is you, the main emphasis is your natural beauty. Choose a plain background; instead of pajamas, you can wear a large men's shirt, which will only emphasize your femininity. Minimalism is not only an idea for a photo, it is a style and a way of life, read how to create a fashionable basic wardrobe .
  2. Shooting in black and white Photography in black and white is the right to reserve a little secret, it is an emphasis on texture, tones and halftones. Sometimes colors are not needed to convey your intent. Enough shades.
  3. Love Story Love, romance, tenderness and revelation in one photo. Shooting in pajamas with your loved one will show your closeness and warm relationship.
  4. Bachelorette party, photos with girlfriends Pajama party with your favorite girlfriends. Have a cute beauty party or throw a noisy party and pillow fight.
  5. Themed holiday photos Capture the happy moments of celebrating the New Year and birthday. Make photo postcards for friends and loved ones.

Rita is 9 years old, pajama party

Well, I finally got to the photo :)

etc. turned out a little smaller than I expected:) because it fell at the very peak of the flu:) , but that was exactly what turned out to be luck:) because the girls really liked it - they stayed overnight, which I was only partly happy about :)) because I was terribly tired.

Let’s start with the fact that I didn’t take a lot of photos because I didn’t have time, but I’ll try to tell someone who might find it useful.

The birthday began at night:) when I went with a bucket of red paint and water to scare the neighbors in the entrance :))), but what happened next,:) look under the cut, be careful, there are a lot of photos.:) I’ll write the menu at the end (I’m sorry I got distracted and didn’t take a photo):(( and approximate costs

Then we woke up, took Matvey to the kindergarten, and Rita helped decorate the room. Then she went to school, and I continued. We discussed in advance with the mothers that I would pick up the girls from classes :)

I came for them at 2.15 minutes and we were home.

1 part.:) gifts, the girls undressed, looked around and received bags:) containing identical pajamas.:) I also wanted to make a photo print of “Rita 9” on them, but Rita said that then they wouldn’t wear them later:)

2. So we changed clothes and began to look around, we took out our treasures :)))

3. Then a snack, lots of sweets and a mega delicious milkshake. strawberries, kiwi, banana, fruit yogurt, juice, ice cream and cherry jelly. The girls interfered with everything, but were very happy :)

4. Then came the games. very funny, guess who you are :) and haha. the point is to say HA more each time (the number increases in a circle) until everyone makes you laugh and if you can’t stop laughing, those who can’t restrain themselves burst a lemon :)

5. Then our hairdresser came, did a manicure and braided the braids (in advance I bought nail polishes in the color of my pajamas, glitter, stickers and the same elastic bands for my hair), at the same time there were games going on, blow off the ball (the ball was placed in a visible place, then untwisted and you need to blow away :)

6. Then we sat down to tell fortunes, I wrote in advance funny fortune tellers like “a boy with a C loves you”, “soon everyone will know your secret” and so on :)

7. then we sat down to eat.:( There’s no photo here, they somehow got crazy quickly while I was running after Matvey in kindergarten. Chicken with pineapples.

8. Then the piñata:) in the morning I burst the big ball, which should have contained small ones, and then:( made the gifts in them simpler. pull the string and the ball will fall off :)))) some had candies on them, and some had rings on them - this is 3 trinket-gifts.

9. It’s 7 pm, the youngest guest was taken home, and the older ones... didn’t get enough of playing that they stayed the night :))) They laid out the sofa, turned on a movie and started putting on makeup :)

10. We devoured the cake, to my shame, but we didn’t have enough money for a beautiful one, but we made it ourselves with Rita 6)

ps.:( We had music all the time9 how hard is it to make a playlist for them. children are no longer needed, and adults about love, in short, I barely chose Yova’s “smile”)

menu.:) There are a lot of sweets, for example a waffle cone, and instead of a scoop of ice cream, there is a scoop of pie inside, potatoes with peach and nuts. mini cupcakes.

chicken - a piece of fillet on a mug of pineapple, tomato and cheese on top - all in the oven.

mini-pizzas, on the dough I laid out sausage, mushrooms, chicken (3 types), tomato paste, spinach and cheese.

tartlets with crab salad, cheese and garlic, and shrimp.

winter salad and fruit salad with yogurt.

then “for an unplanned menu” I made baked potatoes + peas and homemade nuggets with cheese (fillet bread and a little drained butter in a blender, then we make a dumpling inside the minced meat with a piece of cheese and butter) in a frying pan for 10 minutes and that’s it :)

I bought pajama gifts at “yours” on sale, 2 boxes of rings in Gloria and gutted:) elastic bands in Auchan, also at a ridiculous price.

decorations THANK YOU Lenochka, she gave us a lot :)))

We had such a pajama party :) we waited:) and now they ask to visit us even more often:)

the girls discussed other things for a long time and now more often ask to visit for an overnight stay :)

pps. they had a pillow fight, and then they lit candles and started talking... I have locator ears :)))))))))) and what do you think? boy, love? FIG YOU...they discussed that their pedestrian crossing is terrible and drivers don’t let them through, they discussed that food is expensive and the food is disgusting...I was shocked, where are the secrets? :))))))))

I also wanted to say that, you know, we haven’t had a renovation for 10 years,:( and we haven’t had a man in the house... and Rita and I went for sweets a week before and... we bought wallpaper,:) it was Rita’s idea to combine it with the green ones,:) we tore it off and pasted it with Rita ourselves:)

Photo shoot in pajamas at home

In order to take beautiful photographs, you don’t have to go to a studio, set up professional lighting, or work with a team of stylists and makeup artists. You can arrange a photo session at home yourself, and you don’t even have to order the services of a professional photographer.

Photo shoot in pajamas at home

  1. Shooting with natural light In warm weather, go out onto the balcony or open the windows and let some light into your home. Daylight will highlight the color of your hair, and the sun's rays will make unusual accents on your body and face. Your photo will turn out very bright and original, because the weather and natural highlights are unlikely to be replicated by Photoshop effects.
  2. Photos in bed Cozy shots hugging a pillow and a soft blanket.
  3. Photos near the fireplace The setting will add special warmth and comfort to the shots.
  4. Work Mood Show your good work morning with a cup of coffee and a laptop, with a book in your hands.
  5. Photo session at the dressing table Reveal to people your morning ritual of beauty and freshness.

Features of girls' parties?

What attracts women of any age to gather in a warm company? Of course, the opportunity to chat about members of the opposite sex, gossip, and show off their outfits. But the main attribute and basis for the name of carefree parties in a narrow circle is pajamas. This allows you to shed your masks and be left without makeup and fashionable outfits. How great it is when a school beauty turns into an ordinary girl in shorts and a T-shirt, and the one who was considered a boring, proper student turns out to be an unbridled joker! This is a chance to get even closer to old friends and make new ones. The tradition of dressing in cozy night suits was brought to Europe from Persia and India. According to historians, loose long shirts first appeared in the Czech Republic. And thanks to Coco Chanel, women received elements of men's clothing in their home wardrobe:

  • T-shirts;
  • jackets;
  • sweaters;
  • trousers;
  • breeches.

These things made it possible to lie on the sofa with a book, go out to breakfast, and even greet visitors in an attractive manner. Fashionable pajamas began to appear on famous actresses in popular films, setting the tone for fashion trends. Cozy casual clothes help you relax; you won’t be afraid to spill juice on them or get dirty with a delicious dessert. It's great to jump in and throw pillows and popcorn. Therefore, a funny name reflects the mood and meaning of the event.

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