Game summary (quest journey) “In search of a rescue team. PAW Patrol" in the middle group according to traffic rules

“Dear friends, we have a problem, the PAW Patrol has disappeared! In our adventure bay, there is not a single lifeguard left! I am announcing an urgent recruitment for a new team. The task of the new patrol is to restore order in the adventure bay and find the puppies!”

"Road Check"

"Racing for Survival"

For it we will need two cars and a start flag (the latter can be replaced simply with a handkerchief)

. Rules of the game - divide the guests into two teams, choose from the adults who will give the start with a flag. After the start, the participants run around the starter one by one and hand the car to their teammate. The game continues until the last participant. The team that finishes the race first wins.

This is very simple entertainment, but always causes a storm of emotions. The presenter announces that there has been an accident on the road. Two trucks collided, one of them was carrying Karakum

, the other was carrying
. During the accident, everything fell apart and got mixed up. The task of the players is to collect all the candies and sort them into different boxes.

You will need: two containers and two types of candy. After the game, everyone can be rewarded with the collected material.

Divide the participants into two teams and give them a strong rope. Determine the boundaries of the playing space. Opponents can pull the rope one at a time or all together, it’s at your discretion. The end of the game, in order to smooth out the rivalry of the guests, becomes an additional round. Friends, all together, must tow one of the adults beyond the victory line.

For example: “Dear rescuers, our largest dump truck “Bilaz”

, let's tow it to the base for repairs." Children really like this process and are ready to drag dad or uncle around the room until they are completely exhausted.

"Refueling cars"

To carry out this prank, you need to distribute glasses and cocktail tubes to everyone and pour drink or juice into them in equal proportions. According to a conditioned signal, you need to quickly drink the drink through a straw, the one who drank must raise his hand up and shout: “I’m refueled.”


You can modify this fun a little. Take two deep bowls and pour the drink into them. Divide the children into teams and, after distributing straws to each, arrange a mass refill. The squad that drinks from its bowl the fastest wins.

"Dog Trail"

Cut out a dog footprint from plain A4 size white paper. You will need as many of them as there are players.

Place your blanks on the floor in a circle, one less than the number of players. On command to the music, the children begin to run in a circle. As soon as the music stops, you need to step on some footprint. Whoever doesn't get it is eliminated. After each lap, remove one piece at a time until there is only one track and two players left. The last round is decisive. Make it more difficult and force players to run backwards. The dropouts will have a lot of fun with this. I would like to say that such elimination games are classics of the genre. If you use your imagination a little, you can come up with your own configuration for such a game.

After each task, you can take out a card with one of the puppies and announce that we saved him. By the end of the game, you will find the entire patrol and report the reward. Of course, the gift will be a cake with candles.

Publications on the topic:

Photo report “Birthday Day” What is a Birthday? This is joy and fun These are songs, jokes, laughter The day is the best and it’s not in vain that our kindergarten celebrates the holiday.

How we celebrated the birthday person's day. Each group has birthday people and more than one every month. And we decided to celebrate birthdays by season: Summer, autumn, winter and spring.

Summary of the educational activity on FEMP in the junior group “Visiting the puppy Skye from “Paw Patrol” for the birthday” » Educational area:.

Scenario for the holiday “Birthday Day” Purpose: to congratulate the autumn birthday people on their birthday PROCEDURE: Presenter: Who are our lucky ones? We want to see you! Come on, give us the answer.

Scenario of the event “Birthday Boy” Birthday Day (age group - middle, senior, preparatory) The purpose of this holiday is not only to congratulate the birthday, but...

Regulations on the organization of the parent patrol REGULATIONS on the organization of the work of the Parent Patrol in ___ 1. General provisions 1.1. Parent patrol.

Holiday “Birthday Day” Purpose: congratulations to birthday people born in summer and autumn. Objectives: - create a festive atmosphere; - develop communication skills.

Scenario for the holiday “Birthday” The song “Your Birthday” is played Host: Hello everyone and happy birthday! Yes, you heard right - everyone. I understand that this is a holiday for everyone.

Entertainment “Birthday Day” Presenter: I wish you always joy and a cheerful mood, never know sadness and all the best in life. Never lose heart, Never see.

Entertainment script “Birthday Day” DANCING ON THE ROOF Hosted by Carlson. A ghost flies in to the music, dances, scares the children. He throws off the blanket, and Carlson is underneath it. - Well,.

Game "Sorters" from Rocky

Required: candies of different colors, boxes according to the number of colors of candies + 1 for “garbage”

Scatter the candies on the floor mixed with serpentine.

Assignment: sort the candies by color into the correct boxes, putting the trash aside.

Game "Pull up the rope" from the Racer (Chase)

Required: rope or cord (thick thread).

How to play: double game, you need to wind the cord around a pencil

Assignment: if he reaches the knot as quickly as possible, he is the winner.

A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, and a simple pencil is attached to the ends. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil.

Dating game: “Whose motto?”

Racer (Chase): “Bravely get down to business!”, “It’s about reliable paws!”, “It’s about reliable spy paws!”, “The racer accepted the task!”

Marshal: “Well, shall we light it?”, “Light it up!”, “I’m ready to start!”, “I’m ready to come to the av av rally!”, “Ready to light it!”.

Skye: “The sky calls you to fly!”, “The sky is my home!”, “Puppies are born to fly!”.

Strong: “Duty calls - Strong, forward!”

Rocky: “I give the green light!”, “No waste and ingenuity!”

Zuma: “Cut!”, “Dive deeper!”, “At the start, attention, splash!”.

Everest: “I’m walking through the snow, I’ll come to help!”, “Through the snow, through the ice, help is coming to you!”, “Ice or snow, I’m ready to go!”, “I was born to glide!”, “Everest will not let you down” !

Game "Road Repair" from Krepysh

Required: roll of wallpaper.

Marshall's Fire Escape Game

Required: plastic cups or children's cubes. How to play: Depending on the age of the players, determine the length of the “ladder”. The competition can be made in pairs if there are many players or in order.

Task: build the most stable and tall staircase in a certain time (depending on the age of the players (from 1 to 3 minutes)).

Face painting


Guys, as they say, “The squad is ready for action!” Well done! You all did an excellent job with the tasks, now I am confident that I can safely call for rescue operations!

You can take a short break, during which you can give the children colored pencils and coloring books with the characters from the movie “Paw Patrol.”

Next riddle

Birthday game scenarios Contents

Tests with riddles

Required: masks of the characters from the movie “Paw Patrol” (headbands).

A subtle sense of smell, a keen hearing - He is both a watchman and a shepherd. I'm afraid you've hardly seen the Dog more seriously. German Shepherds send you a big and warm greeting.

* * * * * Our hard-working Eskimo is on duty in any frost! At the head of his team, He knows no indulgence. Carrying a sled through the snow. The Siberian Husky is the fastest!

This strong gentleman does not accept change. He carried the traits of the breed through countless years. The English Bulldog has quite a lot of these traits!

He has no pedigree And he lives as best he can It’s not easy for him - He gets his own food From the trash heap to the landfill, From a piece to a sharp stick He’s experienced everything on himself, He became distrustful, Well, he could be happy And in a beautiful collar Go out for a walk And the owner be in love!

After this test, children receive headband masks from the characters from the movie “Paw Patrol.”

Approximate entertainment plan for a Paw Patrol birthday party:

  1. Dating game: “Whose motto?”
  2. Tests with riddles
  3. Game: "Dog Menu"
  4. Game: “Guess the Puppy Emotions”
  5. Face painting
  6. Creative moment (coloring pages with cartoon characters)
  7. Mission from Ryder: rescue a puppy (game “Fire Escape” from Marshall, game “Feed the Puppies” from Everest)
  8. Mission from Ryder: truck rescue (Road Check game, Sorters game, Road Repair game)
  9. Mission from Ryder: rescue a kitten (game “Crossing”, game “Pull the rope”).
  10. Puppy yip-yap-boogie

Game "Dog Menu"

Required: crispy cookies, straws, etc.; plates, if desired, bowls of water can be placed according to the number of participants. The game can be played against time or speed (who can eat/drink faster).


Guys, you know that dogs eat without hands, or rather, without paws, now you will see how difficult it is. I suggest you dine in puppy skin.

After this test, children receive bracelets with characters from the film “Paw Patrol”.

Ryder's Mission: Truck Rescue


Attention, rescuers! Emergency: a truck loaded with candy overturned due to a huge hole in the road.

Ryder takes out his phone.

So for this mission I will need:

Skye: we need to check if there are still many potholes on this road (game “Check the Road”).

Rocky: you need to collect all the scattered candies and sort them into boxes, and remove the garbage from the road (game “Sorters”).

Sturdy: you need to fill up the holes so that no more accidents happen on this road (game “Road Repair”).

Quest game “Paw Patrol Rescuers”

Author: Malardyrova Lidiya Nikolaevna

Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU TsRR Kindergarten No. 89 “Parus” GO “city of Yakutsk”

Quest game “Paw Patrol Rescuers”

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

MBDOU CRR Kindergarten No. 89 “Parus” GO “city of Yakutsk”

Quest - game

"Paw Patrol Rescuers"

in a pre-school combined group for children with STD

Speech therapist teacher: Lidiya Nikolaevna Malardyrova

Yakutsk, 2021

Technological map quest - games

"Paw Patrol Rescuers"

Lesson form:

quest game.

Quest from English. Quest - “search, subject of search, search for adventure, fulfillment of a knightly vow”; Initially, one of the ways to construct a plot is the characters’ journey to a specific goal through overcoming difficulties.

Types of children's activities:

gaming, communicative, cognitive, motor.


differentiation of sounds [C] - [Ш] in words and phrases.


1). Correctional and educational: clarify the characteristics of the sounds [S], [Sh]; consolidate the concepts characterizing sounds: deaf - voiced, hard-soft consonant; learn to differentiate the sounds [S] and [SH] in syllables, words, phrases; improve the ability to correctly pronounce polysyllabic words with one set of consonants.

2). Correctional and developmental: consolidate the ability to distinguish sounds [S] - [W] by ear, in syllables, words, phrases; develop the skill of sound-syllable analysis of words; activate vocabulary; develop and activate the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus; develop speech breathing, phonemic perception. Develop gross motor skills; develop visual perception, memory, attention, thinking.

3). Correctional and educational: create a positive psycho-emotional mood, the ability to interact with each other in joint games, arouse the interest of children through the use of entertaining exercises.

Expected Result

: correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds [S] - [Ш] in words and phrases.


video screensaver with Ryder's message, audio recordings of the sounds [С], [Ш] and instructions for the task "Search for Zuma", masks of the puppies Skye and Strong, map, presentation "Staircase for Zuma", mirrors, napkins, a bowl of water, straws, a boat with puppy Marshal, cardboard footprints of puppies, a picture of a Zuma puppy, leaves, bricks with pictures of the sounds [S], [Sh] (collar, dog, bowl, lily of the valley, car, hat, pineapple, juice), two medals.


Organizing time. Greetings.
Motivational stage. Video screensaver.
A call for help in Adventure Bay.

Main part. "Puppy Rescue"

  • "Rocky's Staircase" Articulation gymnastics.
  • "Marshal's Rescue" Breathing exercises.
  • “Let’s pump up Racer’s tire.” Clarification of the articulation of sounds [С] and [Ш].
  • "Search for Zuma." Differentiation of sounds [С] and [Ш] in syllables.
  • "Help Everest." Differentiation of sounds [С] and [Ш] in words and phrases.

4). Summarizing.

Clarification and consolidation of acquired knowledge.


StagesContentActivities of a teacherChildren's activities
Part 1 – introductory. Organizing time. Ryder's Assistant Entrance. Greetings. Conversation. Switching children's attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it.Greetings. Conversation.
Part 2 - motivationalView Ryder's video message. Conversation. A call for help in Adventure Bay. Setting and acceptance by children of the goal of the lesson. Show map. Watch the video message and answer questions. They get acquainted with the map and determine who they are going to save.
Part 3 is the main one.Articulation gymnastics “Staircase for Rocky”:
- smile-mouthpiece;

- shovel;

- calyx;

— brushing our teeth.

Together with the children he follows the route of the map to save the puppies.
Asks the question: Who are they going to save first? How will Rocky be rescued?

He tells how, during a strong storm, Rocky fell into a hole.

With the help of leading questions, he leads children to the correct answer: building a ladder for Rocky. Explains that if the exercise is performed correctly, a step will appear on the slide.

They follow the route indicated on the map and find out that they are now going to save Rocky.
They offer their own versions of how to get Rocky out of the hole. They come to a decision that Rocky will be pulled out of the hole using a ladder.

While sitting, perform articulation gymnastics.

"Marshal's Rescue" Breathing exercises. Leads children to the correct way to help the Marshall.
Draws attention to the tubes that will be blown onto the boat with the Marshal.

Clarifies how to blow through tubes correctly.

They are looking for options on how to help the Marshall land on shore.
They come to the conclusion that they can blow through the tubes onto the boat.

Remember the rules of proper breathing.

They blow on the Marshal's boat.

“Let’s pump up Racer’s tire.” Clarification of the articulation of sounds [С] and [Ш]. Conversation:
-What happened to Gonchik’s car? (if the children find it difficult to answer, pay attention to the wheel of Gonchik’s car).

- How can we help him?

Includes audio recordings of the sounds of a descending wheel and pump. Clarifies the characteristics of the sounds [С] and [Ш].

They find out that Gonchik’s car has a flat tire and he needs help pumping up the tire.
They pronounce the sounds [S] and [SH] and give the characteristics of these sounds.

Inflate the wheel, pronouncing the sound [C] correctly and clearly.

"Search for Zuma." Differentiation of sounds [С] and [Ш] in syllables. Draws children's attention to puppy tracks.
Tells how Zuma got lost in the forest during a storm. Gives instructions on how to follow the tracks correctly.
Having heard a syllable with the sound [S], children step on the yellow footprints, and when they hear a syllable with the sound [Ш], they step on the brown footprint.
They find Zuma from under the leaves and return him to Adventure Bay.
"Help Everest." Differentiation of sounds [С] and [Ш] in words and phrases. Tells the children that a storm has destroyed the towers of Everest.
Explains the rules for assembling towers, clarifies who builds towers from which bricks with pictures.

Checks the correct assembly of the towers, clarifies the signs of objects in the pictures.

They find out that Sky is building a tower from bricks with pictures with the sound [S], and Sturdy is building a tower from bricks with pictures with the sound [Sh].
They name their pictures, select words-attributes for them with the sounds [S] and [SH].
Part 4 is final. Summarizing. Clarification and generalization of acquired knowledge.Thanks the children on behalf of the rescued puppies and presents PAW Patrol medals.
Asks questions: what did you do? Who did you help? What new did you learn? What sounds did you repeat? What sounds are these?
They remember, tell who they helped, what sounds they repeated during the rescue of the puppies.
Characterize the sounds [С] and [Ш].
Reflection.How did you feel?
Who was difficult to save? And who is easy?
Share impressions; express their own feelings about the game; demonstrate an emotional and value-based attitude to the activity.

Patrol Pup Missions

  • “My favorite bone!” Katie made cookies for the puppies - seeds of their favorite colors. But Callie mixed everything in the bag, and even poured Katie’s sweets into it! Multi-colored bones made from cardboard should be placed in bowls of corresponding colors, and the candies should be left in the bag. Speed ​​task performed to music.
  • "Kitten in trouble." The kitten climbed a tall tree and needs to be saved by catching it on a stretched cloth. Give the children a piece of fabric, let them pull it by the corners and throw a toy kitten on it. You can't let him fall to the floor!
  • “The road is blocked!” Pour cubes onto the floor - these will be stones. You need to dismantle the rubble, but without using your hands!
  • “Smell like Racer!” Blindfold the children and let them take turns trying to distinguish by smell what is in front of them. Offer, for example, an orange, garlic, a bottle of perfume, an apple, toothpaste, etc.
  • “Whose trace?” A real patrolman can easily pick up the trail. You just need to understand whose! Show children images of tracks of a dog, bird, cat, hare, elephant (can be on a computer screen). Or you can draw and cut out various traces and make “paths” from them leading to hidden figures of animals and birds. Let the rangers find them, and with them little souvenirs.
  • "Doggy style crocodile." The well-known game of “crocodile”, when you need to show a word without words, has been remade in a “dog” way. Each person in turn is given a task, the child must convey it so that others understand. You can bark! Examples of tasks: “Ask for a bone”, “Invite a friend to follow you”, “Make him take a ball”, “Get him scratched behind the ear”, etc.
  • “Puppies are born to fly!” Assignment from Skye: you need to hit the framed hoop with a paper airplane: it’s a narrow passage between the rocks! By the way, at the same time teach your children how to make paper airplanes: practice shows that three-quarters of modern children do not know how to do this.
  • "The middle of the straw." Friends are always ready to share with each other! Let the children become pairs, give them an edible straw - one stick for two. It must be eaten at the same time, without using your hands. Meet me in the middle!
  • “Lay-bark-bark!” Choose famous children's songs. The task is to sing them at karaoke, using “woof-woof”, “wow-wow”, “wow-wow” instead of the words of the songs!
  • "Calm puppies." If you need a break from active games, invite the children to color the figures of the puppies, each their own (print out the templates in advance), or use ready-made coloring books. You can cut the figures into pieces and put them together like puzzles.
  • "Kitten in a Cave" If you have a “tunnel” prop - a long strip of fabric, the puppies will crawl along it with pleasure, exploring the caves near Adventure Bay in which a little kitten got lost (put the toy inside the tunnel in advance).
  • "Marshall is putting out the fire!" Light one or more candles, and young Marshall's helpers must extinguish them using water guns or needleless syringes filled with water. This game should not be played indoors, but it is quite safe outdoors.
  • "Naughty hose." Have the children grab a long hose or a string with one hand. Turn on cartoon music. Children must carry the hose while following your commands: “Hands up!”, “And now - both!” (would they guess to hold the hose under their chin?), “On one leg!”, “Squatting!”, “On tiptoe!”, “Sneak!”
  • Relay race “Deliver a message to Ryder.” Place the children at an equal distance from each other and give the first one an envelope. The letter must be taken to Ryder, passing it one by one to each other... in the teeth!
  • "Ryder is calling!" Music plays and the puppies run around the yard or room. As soon as the music stops, they shout “Rider Calling!” and rush “to the base” - to dad with a puppy phone in his hands. You definitely need to line up! Then Ryder releases the puppies, and after a while calls them back. Checking the patrol's combat readiness!

After the puppies have run around and completed all the tasks, give them Paw Patrol medals or diplomas, as well as memorable souvenirs in beautiful boxes that can be personalized. Suitable souvenirs include calendars, magnets with pictures of puppies, dog figurines, pencils, notebooks, and possibly sweets allowed by parents.

At the end of the holiday, treat the children to the long-awaited cake, after which they will happily pose for photographs and, if they are not tired, dance “Yap-Yap-Boogie!”

Paw Patrol style decoration

The surrounding atmosphere is quite important for children. It greatly affects their mood. Therefore, by spending a little time decorating a room, you will be fully rewarded for your work in the form of children's admiration. Of course, you can just hang balloons around the apartment. But since you’ve decided on a PAW Patrol themed birthday party, the paraphernalia around it should match. If you think that registration can cost you a tidy sum, then this is not so. All this can be done with your own hands, significantly reducing your consumption. Just print the files below on your printer.

If you need flags, print as many sheets as you need for the length you need.

It would be nice to print a poster for decoration.

You can also use invitations. Give each child a personalized puppy-style ticket in advance. They will be waiting with double joy for the approaching birthday of your angel.

Other accessories

Don't forget about the important little things that will make your holiday even better:

  • invitations, of course, must correspond to the style: print the version you like from the Internet or make them yourself together with the birthday person, decorating them with appliqués and patterns from dog tracks;
  • diplomas, Paw Patrol medals for presentation to competition winners or all guests at the end of the holiday;
  • boxes for souvenirs are also easy to design in the chosen style (they can be easily made from cardboard and painted or pasted on with dog tracks, puppy emblems, etc.);
  • Make a puppy phone (a device designed by Ryder that performs the functions of a walkie-talkie and a laptop computer) from cardboard: it will be useful in many games, and also when you need to invite guests to the table;
  • You can make puppy cars from cardboard boxes: children's delight is guaranteed!

How to Have a Paw Patrol Birthday Party

Even at a very early age, a person has his own preferences in entertainment. Little children love cartoons and are fans of fairy-tale characters. It is not at all difficult for them to remember even a large number of names of their favorite characters. They can easily distinguish them by their clothes, know what magic this or that fairy has, or what a certain object can be transformed into when casting a spell.

Does your child want a PAW Patrol themed birthday party? It’s not surprising at all, this is one of the kids’ favorite cartoons. We recommend that you first delve into the theme of the cartoon and watch a few episodes. And you can get the rest of the organization from us.

To make it easier for us to navigate, let’s create a scenario for a children’s themed event. We will conditionally divide the entire holiday into four parts.

“Brave puppies can handle anything!”

Riddles and quizzes are good at the beginning of the holiday in order to create a playful mood and introduce children to the appropriate atmosphere. Children will undoubtedly be able to easily cope with the questions, because they have watched the cartoon many times!

1.Who says that?

Each puppy has its own mottos, invite the children to guess them. You can frame the questions in different ways: make boxes with images of puppies, where you will need to put a card with a motto read by an adult; and if each child portrays a certain puppy, let him respond to its motto:

  • Racer: “Bravely get down to business!”, “It’s all about safe paws!”, “The super agent is ready to take the trail.”
  • Marshall: “I’m eager to start!”, “Well, shall we light it?”, “Ready for roar-roar-work!”
  • Skye: “The sky is my home”, “Puppies are born to fly”, “The sky is calling you to fly!”.
  • Strong: “Dig deeper!”, “Duty calls - ..., forward!”, “I like work!”
  • Rocky: “No landfill - yes ingenuity!”, “I give the green light!”
  • Zuma: “Cut!”, “Dive deeper!”, “At the start, attention, splash!”
  • Everest (if you use this character, she is not in all episodes): “I was born to slide!”, “I’m walking through the snow, I’ll come to the rescue!”, “Ice or snow, I’m ready to go!”

2. Puppy riddles: name and breed

So cheerful and good-natured! Curly ears hanging down, Flying is her goal in the cartoon. What breed? ...(Spaniel - Skye).

A look from under a cap, an upturned nose, a very serious and affectionate dog. Short fur, plump side - This is a puppy of the breed... (bulldog - Sturdy).

He is easy to recognize by his spots, and running is a pleasure for him! Somehow there were one hundred and one of them, And there are... (Dalmatian - Marshall) on patrol.

What breed is unknown. But their habits are so charming, they are very smart, good-natured people, they are all favorites of children... (mutts - Rocky). *Poem by Vladimir Larionov used.

There is nowhere to hide from a keen sense of smell, It will always save you in a hot situation, It does not leave the owner in trouble, After all, the breed is very smart -... (shepherd dog - Racer).

3.Woof quiz

Simple questions about your favorite cartoon:

  • Who is the youngest of the puppies? (Strong)
  • How old is Ryder? (10)
  • What color is Sky's helicopter? (Pink)
  • What is the name of Captain Halibut's ship? ("Flounder")
  • What is Katie's cat's name? (Callie)
  • Why does Racer sneeze? (For cat allergies)
  • Is the mayor of Adventure Bay a man or a woman? (Woman, Mayor Goodway)
  • Which team are the main enemies of the Paw Patrol? (Team "KOTOstropha")
  • Who can scare Strongman? (Spiders)
  • Where does Marshall always fall? (In the elevator)
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