Concert and game program “Journey to a Women’s Dream” dedicated to March 8

Tea or coffee

All guests are divided into two equal teams: “tea” and “coffee”. The host turns on the music, all the guests dance and mingle in the hall. Meanwhile, the host blindfolds each guest. As soon as the music stops, the host announces the condition - at the command “start”, the guests shout the call sign of their team: some - “tea”, others - “coffee”. The task is this: at the call of your teammates, you need to gather into a single team faster than your opponents - tea for tea, and coffee for coffee. The team that gathers in full force the fastest will win. As a prize, team members will be given a bag of tea and a stick of coffee.



  1. Painter 1.
  2. Painter 2.
  3. Boss.

The painters are dressed in appropriate uniforms, holding brushes and a bucket of paint. However, in reality the bucket contains not paint, but rose petals. Only the container is closed, so no one knows about it. The workers pretend that the bucket is heavy.

For the image of a boss/foreman, a helmet and a business folder in your hands are enough. A bouquet of flowers is hidden in advance for the birthday girl.

The boss appears in the festive hall, and painters start banging on the door.

Chief : Who else brought it! (opens the door, painters come in)

Boss : Well, hello, aren't you too late? What were the deadlines? Which ones, I ask?

Painter 1 : Oh, don't swear, boss. We all know that everything should have been painted by (anniversary date).

Painter 2 : My mother’s cow in the village got sick, so I had to go urgently. Well, get into the position!

And we only work in pairs, that’s how I came back. So hit the bullet here. Now we can paint everything in no time! Chief: Which one will we paint? Are you crazy? The holiday is in full swing, where and how are you going to paint!

Painter 1 : Come on, foreman. We are like mice, we won’t bother anyone.

Painter 2 : And with the smell of paint, the anniversary will be more fun.

Chief : He’s also joking! Yes, you missed my deadlines and set me up in front of the customer.

The workers begin to pretend to paint the walls.

Painter 1 : Yes, while you are yelling there, we will already paint everything.

Painter 2 : Calm down, go for a smoke break and don’t get on our nerves.

Chief : How are you talking to me? What are you allowing yourself to do? Come on, let's get out!

Painter 1 : Oh, there? Oh like this?

Painter 2 : You know what, get out of the forest! And your customer!

The workers, out of anger, take a bucket of paint and quickly pour paint on the hero of the occasion. Only in reality they are sprinkled with rose petals. It turns out to be a very beautiful sight. Lots of emotions and great congratulations.

Any song “Happy Birthday” is played. The foreman gives the hero of the day a bouquet of flowers.

Sports and entertainment event for adults. lesson plan

Sports and entertainment program for adults


Objectives: 1. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, introducing adults to physical education and sports.

2. Nurturing mutual assistance, courage, dexterity, strength.

Progress of the holiday.

Host: Hello, dear guests, jury, fans and everyone! We invite you to the sports “Fairy Tale”, a land of fun games and entertainment, but for this you need to take with you your athletic character and health and our unique, cheerful, perky and simply beautiful participants!

To the sound of cheerful music, 2 teams of participants enter and stand at the counters.

A person walks on two legs - everyone knows this. How do animals and insects move? Today I suggest you master the methods of movement of some animals, and not just master them, but conduct “Zoological races”.

These unusual relay races are not only sporting and entertaining in nature, but also educational. By copying the movements of animals, we will at the same time get to know the representatives of this world, learn about their habits, and appreciate their strength and dexterity.

But, before you start copying this or that animal, I suggest you get acquainted with our teams: “Penguins” and “Chickens”.

Also, I would like to introduce our esteemed jury.

In order to depict this or that insect, you must first guess it after a descriptive story.

So, are the teams ready? Well, then, go ahead!

Teams stand opposite each other (like counter runs). The presenter explains all the rules of the relay races, directs the teachers to the fact that all the habits of the animals must be performed correctly, without rushing. The jury will evaluate the correctness, expressiveness and gracefulness of movements, taking into account the speed of execution.

Kangaroo with baby.

The kangaroo is a marsupial native to Australia. A distinctive feature of the kangaroo is its excellent jumping ability. Thanks to its strong paws, the kangaroo makes its long jumps, while carefully carrying its cub in its pouch, which is located on its stomach.

Relay race

Each team will need: a medium-sized bag or a large bag, a volleyball and rope.

The bag is tied to the participant at waist level. At a signal, participants place a ball in their bags and jump over the distance.

Turtle traveler.

The turtle is a slow animal. Of course! Try to move quickly when you have a whole shell house on your back. And yet the turtle travels long distances through the desert.

Relay race

You will need a plastic basin. The participant gets down on all fours, and the pelvis is placed on his back, bottom up. The result was a turtle. Now she must go all the way to the turn without losing her “shell.” Since the pelvis is secured by nothing, the participant must inevitably move carefully and, therefore, slowly.


Penguins live in Antarctica. These are beautiful, graceful birds that cannot fly, but swim superbly and walk very funny. Remember their graceful waddling gait: Penguins walk by waddling from side to side. They have another interesting feature: they manage to carry their newly hatched cubs between their paws.

Relay race

You only need 2 tennis balls. The participant’s task: holding the tennis ball at knee level, carry it to the turning mark and back. In this case, you cannot jump or run. You have to waddle like a penguin.

Cancer fleeing danger.

Unfortunately, it is now becoming more and more difficult to find crayfish in our water bodies. It needs clean running water to live. But we hope you know what cancer looks like, so we won't describe it in detail. But there is one very interesting circumstance in the behavior of this animal. Fleeing from danger, the crayfish moves backwards, runs very quickly with its tail forward and at the same time keeps its claws ready for defense.

In the relay race, participants will have to move backwards, imitating the actions of a crayfish. The participant gets on all fours facing the team. At the signal, he begins to move to the chip in order to warn the next “crawfish” from danger.


The snake has no legs; it cannot walk or run. The snake crawls gracefully, silently and very quickly. She bends her whole body at the same time. She smoothly avoids all obstacles in her path.

For the relay race, 5-6 chips are needed, they are installed on the line of movement. The whole team lines up in a column one at a time, puts their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and squats together.

Task: overcome the distance to the repeated mark, going around all obstacles and without touching them. It is important not to disengage and not stand up to your full height, otherwise you will end up with a “snake with legs” or a “torn snake”, but this does not happen in nature.

Frog on the hunt.

As you know, the frog prefers a mosquito or a fly for lunch. But in order for the hunt to be successful, she needs to get out of the water and cover a certain path to find the prey. How does a frog move? She jumps using the strength of her webbed hind feet.

For the relay race you will need rings that are worn on your feet and hands. Participants, using the type of jumps on their hands and feet (first hands, then feet), jump like frogs to a landmark.


Who doesn't know a monkey? This is a cute, funny, nimble and agile animal. You've probably seen in movies how monkeys deftly jump and run on 4 legs and climb trees. When jumping, they use vines on which they swing, like on a swing. Monkeys cling to vines with all 4 paws, and sometimes even with their tail.

In the relay race, participants overcome the path to a landmark on 4 limbs.

Squirrel carrying nuts.

The squirrel is a very nimble, agile and dexterous animal. Remember how great she is at jumping from tree to tree, while managing to carry mushrooms, nuts or berries.

For the relay you need: 5-7 hoops and 2 balls. The hoops are placed on the ground so that you can jump from one to the next. Moreover, they may not lie in a straight line. The “squirrel’s” task is to carry the “nut” by jumping from “tree” to “tree” (from hoop to hoop). Returning to his “hollow”, the participant passes the “nuts” to the next “squirrel”.

Spider weaving a web.

Spider - catches its prey, weaving intricate webs of its web. Sometimes its web is compared to lace. Unlike a cockroach, a spider has 8 legs, and the spider moves on them very quickly.

4 people take part in this relay race. They stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands, bent at the elbows. In such a coupling they turn into a “spider”, which has 8 legs. Now the spider needs to quickly cover the distance.


Running with support on your arms and legs, belly up.

Hardworking ants.

Walking through the forest, everyone probably came across an anthill on their way. It is constantly in full swing with work. No wonder ants are considered the most hardworking insects. Moreover, if it is difficult for one, others come to the rescue. All together the ants can drag even a very heavy object into the anthill.

For the relay: 1 rope for each team.

The first participant takes the rope and runs with it to the next team, which is opposite, grabs the rope of the 2nd participant, then they run up to the 3rd, asking him for help, i.e. they grab him and the three of them go the same way. And so the whole team must grab onto the “heavy burden” and bring it to the “anthill”.


You, no doubt, have observed more than once how a centipede moves: carefully, taking small steps.

For the relay race you will need 2 long jump ropes, which are laid out in a straight line.

The whole team takes part in the relay. Participants line up in one line, hug each other tightly around the waist. The task of the centipede: while spreading your legs wide, do not step on the line and do not unclasp your arms.

Summing up, rewarding participants.


physical education instructor MADOU DSKV “Fairy Tale”

Butova O.V.

The morning after the anniversary


  • liver;
  • brain;
  • language.

There are enough signs for participants to indicate who they are.

So, the morning of the hero of the day after the holiday. How her organs behave.

Liver : Where am I? What happened with me? Oh god, what's wrong with me?

Brain : Quiet, come to your senses. I can not concentrate. You're still yelling here. Eyes, eyes, open up. Memory, memory, recover.

Liver : I feel bad and scared. Who asked for everything yesterday, pour more, pour more, today is my holiday!

Tongue : Liver, don’t push it. I didn't do it on purpose. My brain was in charge.

Brain : That's it, don't whine. Let me remember at least something. Oh no! Did I call my exes and talk to them?

Language : I really didn’t want to, it just happened that way. But he didn’t say anything unnecessary. Everything is just the worst.

Liver : Guys, help me?

Brain : I need to take a pill. And never drink alcohol again.

Liver : Well, thank God.

Brain : Oh no, memory, it would be better if you didn’t come back. I was talking such nonsense yesterday.

Language : Honestly, I didn’t do it on purpose.

Brain : Apologize to everyone or something. You just need to come to your senses. The mineral water will help me. Looks like it should be in the refrigerator. Come on guys, follow me! Everyone to the refrigerator, we will be treated.

Then the heroes give the hero of the occasion a mineral water in a gift box with the words so that she won’t be so sick tomorrow morning.


While the hero of the day is absent from the festive hall, her double sits in her place. It doesn't matter what gender. The main thing is to prepare the participant - using the details to make him as similar as possible to the hero of the occasion. For example, a wig with the same hair color. Dress of the same color, etc.


  1. Double.
  2. Two presenters.

The birthday girl enters the hall and sees that her place is taken by someone. This is where the presenters address her.

Presenter 1 : Who exactly are you? We already have a birthday girl. Here she is sitting at the table, we all congratulate her together.

Presenter 2 : Probably a fraudster, right? Well, introduce yourself? Yes, you are all lying, you are not a real hero of the day. Double: What is this going on! And aren't you ashamed? Pretending to be me for gifts? Ah ah ah! How not good.

Presenter 1 : If you claim that you are the real hero of the occasion, then you will have to prove it!

Presenter 2 : Our (name of the hero of the day) knows how to sing songs. A karaoke battle is announced. Any song is played, depending on the taste of the gathered company. The double and the birthday girl sing a verse each in order, and the chorus is already together.

Presenter 1 : So, for some reason I still don’t understand which of you is the real hero of the day.

Presenter 2: Then let's check it out by dancing.

Any funny song is included. Participants dance either together or in a battle.

Presenter 1 : Or maybe you are twins?

Presenter 2 : There is only one way left. The hero of the day knows more about herself than anyone else. So we will ask questions. Whoever answers everything correctly is the original. And we will punish the double! The presenters ask questions, the answers to which are received in advance from the hero of the occasion.

Sample questions:

  1. Favorite color, movie, performer, actor, etc.
  2. What time was the birthday girl born, height, weight.
  3. Her cherished dream.

When the true hero of the day is revealed, all the guests come up with a punishment for the double. For example, dance a striptease, give each guest a compliment, crow 10 times, etc.

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