Gifts for elementary school graduates: 21 options for cool gifts

When it comes to choosing New Year's surprises for schoolchildren, teachers and parents begin to panic a little, because pleasing children is not an easy task. If first-graders will be happy with almost everything that is decorated with cartoon characters, then this option will not work with schoolchildren 9-10 years old.

Our article today will tell you what gifts should be for 4th grade children for the New Year. We will offer variations of budget, unusual and sweet surprises, and also share ideas for gift boxes. Interested? Then read on quickly!

New Year gift for 4th grade schoolchildren

Let's start with the most popular surprises that you can surprise schoolchildren with. So, the best New Year gifts for school for 4th grade children:

  1. Drawing by numbers. Most children are partial to drawing, but at the age of ten they are already quite tired of coloring books, so we recommend replacing them with paint-by-numbers. This gift includes not only whatman paper with numbers and a picture to draw from, but also brushes and paints. You don’t have to pack the surprise, just tie it with a ribbon, tie a bow and you’re done.
  2. Sweatshirts or T-shirts with photos. You can order an item with absolutely any design, inscription or photograph. We suggest finding the best photos of the entire class and asking the online store manager to beautifully arrange them on the selected item of clothing. Add a congratulatory inscription at the bottom and you can give it to schoolchildren.
  3. Cool mugs. This surprise could have been called “banal” if it had not had a cool and unusual design. When choosing gift cups, pay attention to models in the form of animals, birds and cartoon characters. Children will also love the mugs in the shape of donuts, cat paws and fruits.
  4. Board game. Various board games will be a good surprise for students in 4th grade. Pay special attention to games such as “Who Am I?”, “Crocodile”, “Crash”, etc.

Advice! Buy goods in bulk (for the whole class at once) and only from a well-known online store. Then you can get a quality product and a good discount.

Useful gifts for 4th grade students for the New Year:

  • pencil case (schoolchildren will definitely love the furry cases, as well as products in the form of fruits and treats);
  • lunchbox (note the models in the form of owls, foxes and cats);
  • thermos (give children thermoses with New Year's pictures and themed inscriptions);
  • a set of colored markers or pencils (we recommend finding ready-made gift sets);
  • encyclopedia (it is important that the selected books are suitable for schoolchildren by age!).

The benefits of making crafts for a child's development

The need to perform numerous and precise finger movements is beneficial for the development of fine motor skills, which in turn leads to the development of speech and thought processes.

Making interesting and unusual crafts contributes to the development of creative thinking and aesthetic qualities in children.

Regularly making a variety of crafts with your own hands helps students develop such important qualities as:

  • hard work,
  • curiosity,
  • independence,
  • accuracy,
  • self-discipline,
  • responsibility,
  • ability to work in a group.

Technology lessons are designed to actively promote the all-round development of the child. And making crafts at home will create a special atmosphere of mutual understanding between family members, teach the child to listen to other people’s opinions and to fantasize on their own.

Ideas for creativity, as well as material for crafts, can be taken from everyday life. This will teach a child to see beauty in simple objects, to think creatively, and will help adults relieve stress after a busy day at work.

New Year's gift ideas for school 4th grade

We invite parents and teachers to surprise their children with unusual surprises, for example:

  1. Excursion to the Christmas tree decorations factory. Arrange for an excursion at least 1-2 months before the expected date of the trip, because during the New Year there are quite a lot of people who want to visit factories.
  2. Going to the circus. An excellent option for a surprise, both for the New Year and for any other holiday, for example, graduation from the 4th grade.
  3. A trip to the residence of Father Frost. Even if the children are not quite small anymore, they will still be interested in learning more about their favorite New Year's holiday character.
  4. Fun photo shoot. Memorable photographs will remind classmates of each other even after many years.

Important! Don't settle for the services of the first photographer you come across. Carefully study the reviews on the city forum and the master’s portfolio, check out his Instagram. In general, weigh the pros and cons and only then make the final decision.

Another original option is a gift box. The present is a bright box (we recommend buying cardboard boxes in bulk and several rolls of wrapping paper with funny New Year's pictures) with a bow, which contains many mini-gifts. Variations of filling for boxes:

  • pens in caps (in winter they are sold in almost all office supply stores);
  • fruit-shaped erasers;
  • cool pencil cases (for example, in the shape of a hot dog, a bag of chips or a funny animal);
  • spinner;
  • notebook;
  • cup with a New Year's pattern;
  • gloves with touch fingers (can be ordered in bulk on Aliexpress at the most affordable price);
  • cookie;
  • candies.

Budget gifts

Large class but small budget? We advise you to focus on the appearance of the goods. That is, it is better to bypass a banal notebook with a drawn car or a princess, but a cool model with labyrinths, stickers and three-dimensional pictures with moving eyes can be safely bought and given to schoolchildren as a New Year's surprise.

List of gifts for the New Year 4th grade:

  1. Puzzles. We advise you to opt for puzzles with fascinating (beautiful pictures, a lot of details that you want to look at) or simply funny New Year's pictures. It is important to pay attention to the number of parts in the package; there should not be too few of them, because children are already big and are able to cope with even a complex puzzle.
  2. Toy slippers. A useful and at the same time cool surprise that will delight every student. The appearance of slippers can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that they look bright and cheerful. Take a closer look at products in the form of fashionable cartoon characters and various animals.
  3. Mittens and gloves. Bright mittens in the shape of hedgehogs or foxes will delight girls, and models with Batman or Spider-Man will be a wonderful surprise for boys.
  4. Creative flash drives. The superhero theme is now at the peak of popularity, so when choosing flash drives for boys, we recommend choosing these models. Give the girls products in the shape of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus. Schoolgirls will also be happy to receive models in the shape of cats as gifts.

Craft materials

Natural materials

The beginning of the school year traditionally coincides with the beginning of the calendar autumn. Nature pleases with bright colors.

Autumn leaves are the most accessible and varied material for creative activities.

Collecting them is easy. And you can prepare for work in two simple ways:

  • the sheet is placed between the pages of a thick book, after a few days it dries, maintaining its shape,
  • You can speed up the process by using an iron. Simply place the sheet between two sheets of clean paper and iron it gently with a hot iron.

There are so many interesting ways to use autumn leaves.

Applications as an option will provide a wide scope for creative thought. Leaves can be combined with painted backgrounds, ranging from a simple birch tree with real leaves to complex portraits using willow leaves for hair. Starting with the simplest options, fourth grade students can implement more complex tasks.

You can make floral arrangements from autumn leaves on a bright background, decorating the craft with a beautiful frame.

The leaves can also be used for voluminous crafts. Using a cardboard backing and plasticine, you can make a real autumn forest by attaching leaves instead of trees, and sculpting the remaining elements from plasticine. Mushrooms, a hedgehog or hares will make such a craft interesting and entertaining.

Cones, acorns, twigs of unusual shapes, sunflower seeds, nuts and their shells are also traditional materials that are accessible for creativity. They are often used in the manufacture of crafts of varying complexity. They can be decorated with elements cut from colored paper or molded from plasticine. It is convenient to use matches or toothpicks to fasten them together. In this way you can make figurines of animals and birds, fairy-tale characters. For example, from a pine cone and three acorns secured with matches, you get an excellent Gorynych Serpent.

Crafts made from vegetables are also relevant in the fall. The gifts of the garden and vegetable garden can be used to make figurines of various animals, birds, fairy tale characters, ships, cars and much more.

Paper and cardboard

Working with paper requires attention and accuracy. Hands perform a lot of small movements, because you need to fold sheets, straighten, mark out parts, cut. This is very good for activating fine motor skills, and, therefore, for the development of speech and thinking.

Using paper as the main material, you can make colored applications on any theme, three-dimensional figures, and bring a variety of non-standard ideas to life.

Handmade holiday cards will be a wonderful gift for family and friends on any occasion.

For 4th grade schoolchildren it is very easy to make a three-dimensional daisy from strips of paper:

  • cut nine identical strips of white paper,
  • yellow circle for the center of the flower,
  • the strips are folded in half,
  • fasten the strips together
  • glued to the base
  • glue the middle.

This way you can make a postcard with voluminous daisies. You can complicate the task and secure the flowers on paper tubes using plasticine. These daisies will look great in a vase.

To report on the class’s participation, for example, in an environmental action, you can make an original collage on a sheet of Whatman paper, combining photographs and students’ palms cut out of colored paper.

It's fun to make paper crafts using the origami technique, and there are many books and themed resources with step-by-step instructions for this activity.

You can make not only interesting crafts from cardboard, but also necessary things. One of the most common options would be a cardboard dollhouse, which can be used for children's games. Or homemade flat cardboard dolls that can be dressed up in paper dresses and suits.

The original materials for crafts are newspaper and paper tubes. They are made by winding long strips of paper onto a knitting needle or pencil. The edge is fixed with PVA glue. When the glue dries, the material is ready for use. Preparing the tubes requires patience and perseverance, but is more than justified by the end result.

Weaving baskets and vases from this material requires certain skills, and not only a master, but also a fourth-grade student can assemble a well frame, a house or a wicker fence from them. After finishing the work, the product can be painted and varnished. The result is unique crafts suitable for decorating an interior or a thematic exhibition.

Original crafts are also made using plasticine. For example, interesting wall panels.

How to make a fruit panel:

  • To make this craft you need cardboard and colored plasticine.
  • A small piece of cardboard is painted with watercolor paint; this will be the basis of the craft.
  • Patterns are cut out of paper, shaped like a pear and an apple.
  • The plasticine is rolled out like dough and fruits are cut out according to the pattern (a red apple and a green pear, for example).
  • Glue onto a cardboard base.

The panel is ready, you can coat it on top with colorless varnish.

Delicious New Year gifts for children 4th grade

All children love sweets, so almost the best gift for any holiday would be a package of goodies. We recommend giving fourth-graders treats in small baskets or gift boxes.

You can put the following in the baskets:

  • marmalade;
  • kinders (one large or several small ones);

  • marshmallows (colored);
  • sweets (in bright wrappers);
  • fruits (not exotic!);
  • gingerbread (in the shape of Christmas trees, Santa Claus, deer, mittens and snowflakes).

Advice! To make gifts look more festive, add some colored shavings to baskets/boxes with goodies. It can be made from multi-colored paper or ordered online.

Supplement children's gifts with cute cards, fruits and treats (if the main surprise does not include sweets of any kind), then schoolchildren will definitely be delighted.

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