Educational quiz with answers for elementary school

Intellectual quiz for second graders

The purpose and objective of this game is to test how well the guys and you know the facts of life and the world around us, in which we are guests. Elementary school connoisseurs, attention, rule one - try to guess the correct answer to the riddle or choose an answer from those suggested. Secondly, you need to guess everything to do a good job!

  • What clouds give rain? (Thunderstorms)
  • What is a partial moon called? (Month)
  • How many lives does a cat have? (9)
  • What is the bend of the finger called? (Phalanx)
  • The joint that allows you to bend your arm is... (elbow)
  • How many bones are there in the human body? (206)
  • When a mother walks with a baby in her belly, she... (pregnant)
  • What are the muscles in the abdominal abs called? (Press)
  • What do you fill your car with besides gasoline? (Gas, diesel)
  • What is celebrated on January 7? (Christmas)
  • What is the meal between breakfast and lunch called? (Lunch)
  • What is the name of the place in the car where things are transported? (Trunk)
  • Special long poles used for snow skiing in winter? (Skis)
  • What is the name of the cook on a ship? (Cook)
  • What kind of jewelry does a bride wear when she gets married? (Ring)
  • Final Thoughts

    Do you want your students to feel comfortable and eager to participate in the educational program, whether they are learning in person or remotely? Many teachers have found that this can be done through questions, tests and quizzes that create a fun and positive atmosphere in the classroom.

    According to Cornell University's Center for Teaching Innovation, using tests and quizzes in the classroom can bring many benefits to students, such as:

    • Establishing mutual understanding between students
    • Preparing children for co-education
    • Create a relaxed environment in which students feel comfortable enough to participate fully in the school curriculum.

    Therefore, this article contains questions from the school curriculum with answers on various topics that you can use for students of all ages. They will help your students feel comfortable with each other and get the whole class in the mood for a fun lesson together.

    Educational quiz for school grades 1-2

    The interest of a quiz lesson is not in the essence of the questions, but in developing students’ ability to answer and navigate different situations. This way you can expand logical thinking in primary and secondary school children. The use and development of presentations and other teaching materials is allowed if this will make the game easier. Offer the necessary encyclopedias and nature reference books to read in advance so that the children can prepare.

    1. When do the leaves fall? (Autumn)
    2. How many grams are in one kilogram? (1000)
    3. What is the name of the lesson where you need to calculate examples? (Mathematics)
    4. What time of year is the coldest? (Winter)
    5. The highest mountain in the world? (Everest)
    6. The deepest ocean is... (Pacific)
    7. How many continents are there? (6)
    8. How many wonders of the world are there on Earth? (7)
    9. What do they beat in church? (To the bells)
    10. What two religions are most widespread in Russia? (Orthodoxy and Catholicism)
    11. Where can I exchange money or open a deposit? (In the bank)
    12. What results in the formation of a new social unit? (Marriage)
    13. After cutting down a tree, what remains is... (stump)
    14. The river can change direction... What? (Currents)
    15. What is the name of the device with which a boat floats? (Paddle)

    School logic problems and questions with answers

    Maria's father has 5 daughters, whose names are Nina, Nana, Nene, Nono and... what is the name of the fifth child?

    This seemingly simple question implies that the baby's name should continue in the series with Nunu. But her father’s fifth daughter’s name is Maria.

    How many months have 28 days?

    Trick question: 28 days makes you think it's February. However, the question does not say that you need to name months that have “ only 28 days .” In fact, the correct answer is that all months of the year have 28 days or more.

    How to fill a barrel so that it weighs less?

    Everything we put in a barrel increases its weight. If we want it to weigh less, then we need to fill it with holes.

    You are participating in a bicycle race and overtaking someone who is in second place, what position are you in?

    It seems that the answer is obvious - in the first , but if we catch up with the second, we will actually take his place, which means we will be in second position.

    What weighs more: a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of feathers?

    Answer: in fact, they weigh the same, one kilogram each.

    How many times does the letter "A" appear between zero and hundred?

    The correct answer is zero. The question does not indicate that you need to count to 100 and indicate the numbers where the letter “A” is. In the words “zero and hundred” there is no letter “A”.

    Who is the only one who never loses in a football match?

    The only person who can never lose a game, no matter what happens in it, is the referee.

    Two sisters: one is my aunt, the other is not. Who is the other woman for me?

    My aunt's sister is my mother.

    How many animals did Moses put in the ark?

    This is a tricky question with a pitfall that you need to pay attention to in order to answer correctly. The catch is that Moses did not put any animal in the ark, since it was Noah.

    What was the tallest mountain before Everest was discovered?

    Answer: Mount Everest, because even before its discovery, it continued to exist and was the same height. (By the way, I advise you to play the quiz with your friends, but here are the questions and answers for the quiz).

    What cannot be heard even if it is spoken about?

    The answer to the question is silence, which cannot be heard, no matter how much one talks about it.

    Is it possible to eat two cookies on an empty stomach?

    No, because if you eat the first cookie, the second one will no longer be on an empty stomach.

    Who can speak all the languages ​​of the world?

    Answer: Echo, which occurs regardless of the language spoken.

    What question can no one answer yes to without lying?

    The answer to this question is easier than it seems. The correct answer is “are you sleeping?” If a person can answer, then he is not really sleeping, and if he is sleeping, then he will not be able to answer.

    The child was born in Moscow, but at the age of two he moved with his parents to St. Petersburg, the question is: where will his teeth grow?

    The answer to this question has nothing to do with geographic location. His teeth will grow in his mouth.

    What does it take to keep five people from getting wet under one umbrella?

    Answer: so that it doesn't rain.

    What belongs to you, which you hardly use, while others use it on you almost daily. What is this?

    The correct answer to the question is your name.

    Cartoon quiz for grades 1-2

    Creative questions from the cartoon sphere will help you remember famous characters and objects. The quiz is designed for guests of the fairy-tale world: both lovers of Russian folk and foreign works. Try to understand who or what they are talking about and answer the question correctly. You can even show a piece of video from a cartoon to make it easier for children in first and second grade to navigate.

    1. Who is always in a hurry to help? (Chip and Dale)
    2. In which cartoon do puppies come to the rescue? (PAW Patrol)
    3. What was the name of the hippopotamus from the cartoon Madagascar? (Gloria)
    4. How many Dalmatians were there in the popular cartoon? (101)
    5. What was the name of Cheburashka's best friend? (Crocodile Gena)
    6. How many nephews did Scrooge McDuck have? (Three)
    7. What was the name of the disgruntled octopus, SpongeBob's acquaintance? (Squidward)
    8. What was the name of the moose from Smeshariki? (Losyash)
    9. What is the name of the cartoon where a squirrel tried to get a nut out of ice? (Glacial period)
    10. The big green character who lived in the forest in the swamp is... (Shrek)
    11. What cartoon was Princess Jasmine in? (Aladdin)
    12. How many robbers have stood up to Alibaba? (40)
    13. Who can move around the city on a web? (Spiderman)
    14. The name of the horse from the cartoon about 3 heroes... (Juliy)
    15. What was the name of the big black cat from the cartoon about Mowgli? (Bagheera)

    Video test for school knowledge: 10 questions on the school curriculum

    Biology school questions with multiple choice answers

    Whether you're studying for a school exam or just want to test your knowledge, answer these 10 biology questions that will pique your interest and sharpen your mind.

    What is the name of the green pigment in plant cells?

    Options: Chlorophyll/Carotenoids/Anthocyanins

    Answer: chlorophyll

    Which organ grinds food that enters it from the mouth through the esophagus?

    Options : liver/stomach/kidney/small intestine

    Correct answer : stomach (I recommend reading interesting facts about the human body).

    Which of the following is part of a plant cell but is not an animal cell?

    Options : nucleus / mitochondria / cell wall / cell membrane

    Answer : cell wall

    What function do ribosomes play in a cell?

    Options : store waste / make new proteins / digest food

    Correct answer : forms new proteins

    What does the endocrine system produce?

    Options : hormones/sex cells/DNA/blood cells.

    Answer : hormones

    A plant that grows on another plant without visible harm to the host is called:

    Options : parasite / epiphyte / saprophyte / predator / hermaphrodite

    Answer : epiphyte

    When proteins are broken down, they provide:

    Options : oxygen / carbon dioxide / energy / amino acids / carbon dioxide

    Answer : Amino acids are the end product of protein breakdown.

    Which of the following connects two bones to form a joint?

    Options : cartilage/ligament/muscle/tendon

    Answer : bunch

    Where would you find a plant called a xerophyte?

    Options: swamp / desert / ocean / tundra / forest

    Correct answer: desert

    What is the main source of energy for all living organisms?

    Options: water / oxygen / nitrogen / sun

    Answer: sun

    School history questions with answers

    Racool_studio on
    If you are interested in history, then these 10 history questions are definitely for you. They are taken from the school world history curriculum and test your understanding of how much you know about historical events.

    In what year did the First Patriotic War begin?

    Options: 1853 / 1905 / 1914 / 1812

    Answer: 1812.

    The Magna Carta was issued by the king of which country?

    Options : France / Austria / Italy / England

    Answer : King of England

    Which Roman Emperor built a massive wall across Northern Britain in 122 AD?

    Options : Marcus Aurelius / Hadrian / Nero / Octavian Augustus

    Answer : Emperor Hadrian

    Who wrote the document known as the 95 Theses?

    Variations : Martin Luther / St. Augustine / Henry David Thoreau / Voltaire

    Answer : Martin Luther

    Which famous conqueror of the 5th century AD was called the “Scourge of God”?

    Options : Hannibal / Genghis Khan / William the Conqueror / Attila

    Answer: Attila, leader of the Huns

    Which two countries fought a 100-year war between themselves?

    Options : Turkey and Austria / England and France / Palestine and Israel / Germany and Russia

    Answer: The 100 Years' War was fought between England and France

    French styles of art, culture, manners and customs became the standard of European taste as a result of the reign of which king?

    Options: Henry IV / Louis XIV / Louis XIII / Francis I

    Correct answer : Louis XIV

    Who baptized Kievan Rus?

    Answer options: Vladimir the Great / Alexander I / Catherine II / Nicholas II

    Answer: Vladimir the Great

    Where did Aegean art originate?

    Options: China / Egypt / Greece / Israel

    Answer: Greece

    Caesar marched on Rome after conquering which country?

    Options : Carthage / Egypt / Macedonia / Gaul / Greece

    Answer: after the conquest of Gaul

    Literary quiz for grades 1-2

    The game quiz is intended for preschoolers and primary school children. As a preparatory step, the teacher can remind children of the descriptions of the works used before conducting the survey. Students will want to be the know-it-alls, so decide how to respond in advance so that kids don't interrupt each other. For example, teachers can distribute answer cards or mini-notes. This will help create a smooth quiz process without any hiccups.

    1. Who lived in a hut on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga)
    2. Who rode on the stove in the Russian fairy tale? (Emelya)
    3. Who was Pechkin from Prostokvashino? (Postman)
    4. Who did the ugly duckling become? (Swan)
    5. Who was the owner of the Little Humpbacked Horse? (Ivan)
    6. Was he playing a popular children's song on the harmonica? (Crocodile Gena)
    7. Who did the dishes run away from? (From Fedora)
    8. She can be a good or evil sorceress. Who? (Fairy)
    9. Which boy was raised by animals? (Mowgli)
    10. What princess couldn't be made to laugh? (To Nesmeyan)
    11. What were the names of the musicians from Bremen? (The Bremen Town Musicians)
    12. What were the names of the washbasin chief and the commander of the washcloths from Chukovsky’s fairy tale? (Moidodyr)
    13. What kind of oak tree did Lukomorye have? (Green)
    14. In which fairy tale did the bride turn out to be a frog? (Princess Frog)
    ( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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