Quiz with Answers for College Students "Ask Online"

Questions about dreams

  • What college or university are you planning to attend?
  • What profession do you dream of getting?
  • If you had the money and resources to start a business, what would it be?
  • What will you do if you don't get into your dream school?
  • If you could invent something, what would it be?
  • Who is your role model and why?
  • If you won a million dollars in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
  • What is your dream job?
  • If not here, where would you be and what would you be doing at this moment?
  • What is your idea of ​​an ideal vacation?

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

Questions from a physics teacher

1 Every day the Earth gains 400 tons of weight. Due to what?


. Space dust.

2. Sometimes shepherds preparing food cover the cauldron with a lid, pressing it on top with a heavy stone. In what cases do they need this?


. In the mountains, where the atmospheric pressure is lower and therefore the boiling point is lower than 3. Why did Swedish scientists propose to paint the rails white?


. To reflect the sun's rays, they heat up less and expand less, reducing the risk of accidents

4. The motto of the work submitted to the competition of the Paris Academy of Sciences was: “Say what you know, do what you must, be...”. Finish the sentence.


. ...What to be.

5. If you want to cool a pan of water as quickly as possible to room temperature, is it better to place ice on the bottom or on top of the pan?


. When cooling, colder layers of water, being heavier, sink down. Therefore, if you place ice at the bottom, there will be no mixing, and cooling will take a very long time. For faster cooling, ice should be placed on top.

6. Is it possible to extinguish burning kerosene by pouring water on it (the density of kerosene is less than the density of water)?


. It is forbidden. The water will sink down and will not block the access of air (which supports combustion) to the kerosene.

Questions from a literature teacher

1. What two words are short but require deep thought?


. Not really.

2. “I met you - and everything that was before came to life in my obsolete heart.” Name the author.


. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

3. Name the work “In December I will start a novel...do you remember, I told you about one confession - a novel that I wanted to write after everyone else, saying that I still had to go through it myself. The other day I completely decided to write it immediately... My whole heart and blood will pour into this novel. I conceived it in hard labor, lying on a bunk, in a difficult moment...”


. "Crime and Punishment"

4. Name the work: it was created over 7 years and required enormous efforts from the writer


. "War and Peace"

5. Name the hero “Black-eyed, big-mouthed, ugly, but lively girl”


. Natasha Rostova

6. Name the work: Who are the judges? For the antiquity of years, their enmity is irreconcilable towards a free life...


. A.S. Griboyedov, comedy "Woe from Wit"

Questions from a history teacher

1. What is the name of the Egyptian about whom Hegel said: “He is a symbol of symbolism.”


. Sphinx.

2. The Mongol commander Subedey did not allow anyone to touch him, but once in Moscow he even allowed himself to be beaten. Where? To whom?


. In the bathhouse, to the bathhouse attendant.

3. How did Suvorov hold the collapsed Devil’s Bridge together?


. Officer scarves

4. Were there any monarchs who were first cousins ​​in Russian history?


. Peter II and Peter III, Elizaveta Petrovna and Anna Ioanovna.

5. What was the name of the Russian hero who went out to fight before the Battle of Kulikovo?


. Peresvet

6. How many princes and kings named Ivan were there in the history of Russia?


. 6.

(Ivan I Danilovich Kalita - 1340, Ivan II Ivanovich the Red (1326–1359), Ivan III Vasilyevich the Great (1440–1505), Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible (1530–1584), Ivan V Alekseevich (1666–1696), Ivan VI Antonovich (1740–1764)

Questions from a geography teacher

1. In the swampy areas of the tundra, many plants suffer from lack of moisture. What is this connected with?


. Cold water is poorly absorbed by plants, as root pressure decreases and suction force decreases.

2. Why do the Red, White and Yellow Seas have colored names?


. In the Red Sea, the water is red - the result of a bloom of microscopic blue-green algae. The White Sea owes its name to the ice with which it is covered for more than two hundred days a year. Yellow Sea - the color comes from yellow silt, which is carried away by rivers.

3. They can have the shape of an arch, a wing, a dome, a pyramid, a table, and their maximum draft can be more than half a kilometer. What is it about?


. About icebergs

4. Mount Tonga is only slightly inferior to Everest: its height is 8,690 meters. However, it is not listed among the eight-thousanders on Earth, and climbers have not made a single attempt to conquer it. Why?


. She is underwater in the Pacific Ocean

5. What straits separate the European and Asian parts of Turkey?


. Bosphorus and Dardanelles

6. What is the name of the greatest of the high-mountain lakes on our planet?


. Lake Titicaca in South America, on the border of Bolivia and Peru

Quick poll.


  • Name the French oceanographer (a person who studies the problems of the world's oceans) and the name of his ship.


. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, “Calypso”.

  • A person has 10 fingers. How many fingers are there on ten hands?


. 50.

  • Which scientist is the author of chemical language?


. Berzelius.


  • Which car rallies start and end in France?


. Paris – Dakar – Paris.

  • According to legend, the Japanese received the right to live on the Japanese islands only after the victory of the god Takamidkazuchi in the struggle over the leader of the enemy tribe. What is this type of martial arts called?


Sumo wrestling.

  • Is it possible to get closer to the horizon line?


. It is impossible to get closer due to the spherical shape of the Earth.


  • Which Russian princess first became the French queen?


. Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.

  • For the British it is a drop falling on the snow, for the French it is “pierce the snow”, for the Germans it is “snow bell”. And we have?



  • What type of art do the following names belong to: Charles Gounod, Camille Saint-Saëns, Adolphe Adam, Hector Berlioz, Georges Bizet, Jules Massenet, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel.


. Music.


Well, our game has come to an end, I ask the jury to sum up the results of the game and announce the winner. And no matter who wins today, you are every winner in your life. Thank you for your participation, see you again!

Crazy questions for the game "I've never..."

Are you ready to increase the degree of frankness, and your company doesn’t know the word “complexes”? Then get ready - below are the most frank and provocative questions that will help reveal the most hidden and intimate sides of your old and new acquaintances!

I've never swam naked.

I've never shoplifted.

I've never danced on a bar.

FAQs What can you bet on? 26 original betting ideas for betting with friends and a girl Top fun and intriguing options for betting in a friendly argument and bet between lovers.

Game question answer


Answer to the question: why the game was suspended.

Good evening everyone! Due to the fact that I am the host of the elephant draw game, I consider it necessary to inform the reasons for the suspension of the game... Girls, thank you all for your experiences and support... In my diary I wrote in detail what happened to us... https://www.babyblog.ru/user/natusik113/3085033

Read more...Katyushonok

Question-answer game

Question-answer game. This game is one of the most fun table games. Prepare cards in advance from thick paper on which you will write questions and answers. Place cards with questions and separately with answers on the table.

One of the guests is the first to take a card with a question and ask it to his neighbor. He, in turn, takes the card with the answer and reads it out. Then the next pair of people present does the same, so that everyone can give an answer.

Since the combinations often turn out to be very hilarious, a portion...

Read more... [email protected] @@


Please post a link to the questions and answers)) I really need it URGENTLY))) Happy New Year!!!!)))

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Child development calendar

We will tell you real stories of our mothers who have gone through this or are going through it right now!


Game Question - Answer

The rules of the game are very simple. Any even number of people can play (and in general, an odd number will do). If possible, an equal ratio of boys and girls. To begin, the questions and answers listed below must be written on cards of the same size.

It is advisable to use thick paper or thin cardboard. You should end up with two identical decks: one with questions, the other with answers. And then everything is simple. Shuffle each deck thoroughly and place it in the center of the table.

The first player takes the question card and reads it to his neighbor. That…

Read more...Irchi

Question-Answer Game

The rules of the game are very simple. Any even number of people can play (and in general, an odd number will do). If possible, an equal ratio of boys and girls. To begin, the questions and answers listed below must be written on cards of the same size.

It is advisable to use thick paper or thin cardboard. You should end up with two identical decks: one with questions, the other with answers. And then everything is simple. Shuffle each deck thoroughly and place it in the center of the table.

The first player takes the question card and reads it to his neighbor. That…

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Board games

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Yulia Volkova

True or false game

Questions for a Truth or Dare game about relationships

Teenagers are at a stage in life where they are exploring romantic relationships. But most of them don't want to talk about it because they are embarrassed. These questions can help them open up without any difficulty. After all, this is in the spirit of the game!

Questions for the game Truth or Dare are compiled as correctly as possible, and can be used by adults!

  • Who was your first crush in school?
  • Who is the most handsome guy/prettiest girl in school?
  • What do you think of the perfect date?
  • Where would you like to go on a first date?
  • Do you have a boyfriend?
  • How many boyfriends have you had?
  • Have you already been kissed?
  • When did you have your first kiss and with whom?
  • If you could go on a date with a celebrity, who would it be?
  • Have you ever had your heart broken by your boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • If you find yourself on a remote island, who would you choose for company?
  • Have you ever broken your boyfriend/girlfriend's heart?
  • Would you break up with someone by texting him/her?
  • If you had to go on a date with one of us in the room, who would it be?
  • Of all the people you've met, who has the most beautiful eyes?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with someone at first sight?
  • What was your most awkward moment on a date?
  • Have you ever had a crush on your best friend's boyfriends/girlfriends?
  • Who do you think is the most beautiful teacher in school?
  • Have you ever flirted with your best friend's siblings?
  • How would you like the love of your life to ask you to date?
  • Have you used a dating site?
  • Tell us about your dream wedding.
  • Are you a fan of any celebrity?
  • What kind of person would you like to marry in the future?
  • Are you jealous of someone because of who they are dating?
  • How many children do you want?

Remember that it is better not to ask too sensitive questions like “Are you a virgin”? In this case, you can count on a hateful look, but not a truthful answer.

Birthday Competitions (12-14 years old) - Questions and Answers Game


Are you often late for work (school)? My embarrassment tells me I should remain silent.

Do you visit the restaurant often? What do you care?

Do you like to eat heavily? It all depends on my mood.

Are you capable of a noble deed? This goes without saying.

Do you believe in love at first sight? I admit this too.

Do you often wash in a bathhouse? I don’t answer such questions.

Do you often promise more than you can deliver? I don't even allow the thought of this.

Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love? It seems you got too carried away.

Do you like to write poetry? Yes, this is my element.

Do you brush your teeth? Yes, I advise you too.

Do you like to travel? Yes, although that's not all.

Do you want to live long? This is my dream.

Have you ever stepped on your shoelaces? How did you guess?

Do you love outdoor recreation? Only in a hammock under a tree.

Do you watch TV series? It gives me a lot of pleasure.

Are you dangerous when angry? You don't know me well.

Are you lucky? It’s not necessary once at a time...

Do you douse yourself with cold water? I've been used to this since childhood

Do you like to cook? This is my hobby.

Do you ever feel scared? Especially in the dentist's office.

Do you approve of a healthy lifestyle? I spend all my free time like this.

Are you late for trains? Happened a couple of times.

Do you wear skis in summer? My head is fine for now.

Do you play guitar? Yes, I have always had many talents!

Do you play sports? Yes, but today I'm resting.

Do you like dating? Yes, especially on the train.

Do you play chess? You'd love it too.

Do you take out the trash? Only if no one sees.

Are you an amorous person? Please don't put me in an awkward position.

Could you jump out of a window? If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

Do you feed stray cats? Yes, I really like it.

Do you sing? Only in the company of friends.

Do you like getting up early in the morning? Life forces you.

Do you fly? Only in dreams.

Do you move furniture at home? At every opportunity.

Do you have nightmares? Every night.

Do you pester passers-by? This is quite possible, given my appearance.

Do you remember your friends' birthdays7 Ask something easier.

Are you breaking traffic rules? Let's talk about this without witnesses.

Do you like to take risks? Risk is a noble thing.

Do you buy expensive things? My financial situation doesn't allow it.

Do you want to go and live in America? I think this is possible.

Birthday contests

Tricky questions for a guy

© Getty Images Pro

1. If you had to choose between dating an ugly girl who is good in bed or a beautiful girl who is bad in bed, which would you choose?

2. If you were invisible, who would you follow?

3. Name the 5 most beautiful girls at school (at university, at work)?

4. Who would you date in this room?

5. If you could date one of your friends' girls, who would it be?

6. Which body part do you like best?

7. When was the last time you tensed your muscles in front of a mirror?

8. Describe your ideal partner.

9. Have you ever fallen in love?

10. Blonde or brunette?

11. What turns you on the most?

12. If your parents didn’t like your girlfriend at all, would you leave her?

13. If your girlfriend hated your friend, what would you do?

14. Which celebrity do you like best?

15. Would you take steroids?

16. Have you ever fallen in love with your friend's girlfriend?

17. Is there a person you feel jealous of?

18. What can immediately kill your desire?

19. Have you ever been refused?

20. If you had to choose between being poor but smart or rich but stupid, which would you choose?

21. What did you lie to your girlfriend (wife) about?

22. Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend (wife)?

23. Would you date a much older woman?

24. Boxer briefs or briefs?

25. When was the last time you cried?

26. If every time you looked at a girl’s body you would gain 2 kg, how often would you do this?

27. Have you ever lied about your age?

28. Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

29. If a girl you didn't like fell in love with you, how would you behave around her?

30. What if she was your friend?

31. What would you do if you found out that your girlfriend likes another guy?

TV Shows Games Questions and Answers

Try the TV trivia quiz and test your knowledge of the top TV series and best TV shows. Download TV Show Games Questions & Answers and test your general knowledge of pop culture.

Do you know which of the best episodes to watch? Do you always know the names of all the famous actors and actresses starring in the latest hottest TV shows? Find out many new interesting facts about characters, actors and actresses in the endless quiz app.

Listen to the most amazing funny trivia guessing games for free and show off your knowledge of the best new TV shows and American television series. Answer multiple choice questions or quiz your friends to share interesting things! Take answer, fun general knowledge questions about your favorite television shows.

For some, this is an incredible quiz challenge! Find out lots of interesting facts about your favorite sitcom and the most popular television program. TV show quiz game. A fun general knowledge quiz game with trivia questions about the best TV series.

Features of TV Show Questions & Answers: - Two game modes available: * Endless - Play for hours as long as you give the correct answers to TV Questions. The game ends as soon as you give 3 wrong answers.

* Time - Extend game time if you give correct answers! Each correct answer means extra time, and each incorrect answer reduces the playing time.

- Four different types of questions: * Large choice - choose the correct one from four given answers; * Introduction - arrange the letter data in the correct order to give the answer; * Scratch - scratch the surface of the image and type the correct answer; * Blur - displays a blurred image of the object, and your task is to sharpen the blurry image and enter the correct answer.

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Interesting Questions for Truth or Dare

Truth or dare for lovers or married couple

  1. How soon did you realize that you were in love with each other?
  2. What is the most memorable thing your life partner has done to you?
  3. What do you like and irritate most about your marriage partner?
  4. Which habit of your life partner do you think is the funniest?
  5. What words or actions of your life partner motivate you to take action?
  6. What was your first impression of your loved one?
  7. What lies have you told your life partner out of fear of offending him?
  8. What is the most unforgettable day you spent with your loved one?
  9. How many days can you live without each other?
  10. What do you consider to be the most valuable thing in a relationship with your loved one?
  11. What dish did you cook for your husband that makes you feel the most guilty?
  12. What's the one thing you never say to a couple in love?
  13. How has your marriage partner changed since your wedding? Has it gotten better or worse?
  14. What is your least favorite housework?
  15. How many times have you forgotten to congratulate each other on your wedding anniversary?
  16. What did you first think about when you met each other?
  17. What do you think your boyfriend (girlfriend) thinks about marriage?
  18. Have you ever wanted to deceive your boyfriend/girlfriend?
  19. Who irritates you the most in your family?
  20. What information should you hide from the guy/girl you're dating?

Truth or dare questions for friends, girlfriend

  1. What's the strangest place you've been to?
  2. What should the person of your dreams look like?
  3. Do you love yourself? For what and how much?
  4. What kind of life would you like to live?
  5. Who is your very first love?
  6. What episode in your own life do you consider the funniest?
  7. Which country do you think is the best to live in?
  8. What do you expect from the future?
  9. What are you most afraid of?
  10. Have you ever had to lie to avoid punishment?
  11. What purchase are you most proud of?
  12. Have you given out other people's secrets to other people?
  13. What things do you have an emotional attachment to?
  14. Can you name the funniest wish you've ever had?
  15. What helps you relax?
  16. Which of your habits do you consider to be the worst?
  17. Which body part would you like to change in your appearance?
  18. When was the last time you cried in a movie, what scene was it?
  19. What are you most embarrassed about?
  20. What's the cruelest joke you've played on another person?
  21. How often have you shifted your blame onto others?
  22. Which photo of your childhood do you consider the most awkward?
  23. How would you prefer to spend your time if you are unemployed?
  24. When was the last time you lied to your friend? Why?
  25. For whom would you trade your cozy city apartment for a house in the village?

truth or dare questions

  1. What's the funniest nickname you had as a child?
  2. What scares you most in a relationship?
  3. What turns you off most in a man/woman?
  4. Can you name your weirdest habit?
  5. Who would you like to spend a year of your life on a desert island with?
  6. What talents or abilities do you consider to be your best?
  7. Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?
  8. What do you dream about most?
  9. Which of your relatives do you consider to be your favorite person?
  10. What's your favorite time of year to go for a morning run?
  11. What do you think the ideal male/female body looks like?
  12. What books on self-development and success do you want to read?
  13. Ever been humiliated? Why and how did you feel?
  14. Can you describe the strangest dream you have had in your life?
  15. Are you stealing time at work?
  16. What do you expect from retirement?
  17. What do you most often lose?
  18. What was your worst vacation?
  19. What job do you find most interesting? (I recommend reading funny statuses about work).
  20. How many languages ​​can you speak clearly?
  21. Did you lie about your merits and abilities to get a job?
  22. What are you unable to do despite all your efforts?
  23. Do you consider yourself a punctual person or not?
  24. Do you prefer to relax in the mountains or on the beach?
  25. What irritates you most about people?

Truth or Dare on VK, according to correspondence on social networks

  1. Do you care what others think about you?
  2. What's the funniest story that happened to you?
  3. What childhood habit do you still do?
  4. What things or topics of conversation are taboo for you?
  5. What do your parents still not know about your childhood?
  6. What's the funniest/funny prank you've pulled on a person?
  7. Do you prefer to say unpleasant words to a person by looking them in the eye or sending them an SMS?
  8. What are you most embarrassed about about your appearance?
  9. How do you like to spend time with friends?
  10. What time of day do you consider your most productive?
  11. What would be the first thing you would take out of a burning house?
  12. What genre of cinema do you prefer to watch? Why?
  13. Did you resort to deception to win an argument?
  14. What makes you feel uncomfortable around people?
  15. What thoughts run through your head when you receive a gift that you don't like?
  16. Will you be angry with your friends if they post your photos on Instagram without your consent?
  17. What's your pet peeve?
  18. What kind of person do you see yourself in 30 years of life?
  19. Can you name your best purchase worth 100 rubles?
  20. What's the best news you've heard?
  21. What excites you about yourself?
  22. Did you set up your brothers or sisters just to avoid punishment?
  23. Who are you most jealous of and why?
  24. Can you name 10 items or things that you still regret buying?

Funny activities for truth or dare game

  1. Take a broom and dance rock and roll.
  2. Act like a pregnant lady for 3 minutes (task for guy).
  3. Assignment to the girl: talk to everyone for 5 minutes and act like you are an old, toothless grandfather.
  4. 20 minutes to be a crucian in love.
  5. Depict a person who really wants to go to the toilet, and there are 10 people in line in front of him.
  6. Depict the scene of a quarrel between a cat and a dog. The girl is a dog, the guy is a cat.
  7. For couples: Color each other's eyebrows with chocolate cream.
  8. It’s delicious to eat a sandwich with horseradish or mustard, as if you were eating a flatbread with honey.
  9. Call a friend from an unfamiliar phone and ask in an accent if he has mosquitoes for sale? The answer must be via speakerphone.

  10. Invite your pet on a date with you in a serious voice.
  11. Make a pantomime about a man stuck in a window pane.
  12. Sell ​​your favorite toy to the player sitting next to you, convincingly proving how useful it is to him.
  13. Draw a worm hanging on a hook in front of a crucian carp.
  14. Tearfully belittle the person sitting on the right, don’t leave you for the person on the left.

Interesting activities for the game truth or dare

  1. Come up with an unusual story about the object that is standing to your right.
  2. For couples: Sing a duet of any song by Pugacheva in rap style.
  3. Dance a slow dance with anyone present on a piece of paper 40x40 cm.
  4. Use three kitchen utensils to style your partner's hair: spoon, clip, spatula.
  5. Among those present, with his eyes closed, he must recognize his girlfriend’s hand.
  6. Bring your face closer to the face of the neighbor sitting next to you and tell him with feeling how well you treat him.
  7. Only with the help of the sounds of the animal world can you play the scene of Romeo and Juliet.
  8. Call the trash can any name, and then tell it what you think about it.
  9. Assignment for a couple: Depict the scene of Romeo and Juliet, where the woman is Romeo and the man is Juliet.

  10. Take a piece of soap from the bathtub and run a convincing advertising campaign about its advantages over a whole bar of soap.
  11. Voice the emotions of a plastic bag when it is filled with sweets, fish, garbage.
  12. Take 2 apples + 2 boxes of matches and call each other affectionate names for 3 minutes. Each name is like a match stuck in an apple. (Pay attention to the list of affectionate names for girls, as well as 90 affectionate and gentle names for guys).
  13. Describe the appearance of the sky without using colors: blue, cyan, white.
  14. Introduce yourself professionally to everyone present. After that, try to convince them to vote for you as the future head of the elephants and macaques.

Tasks for the game truth or dare

  1. Parody facial expressions, gestures, movements of any celebrity.
  2. Make everyone present laugh in three minutes.
  3. Break dance.
  4. Talk for 5 minutes and answer in a singing voice.
  5. Act like you're a foreigner for 10 minutes.
  6. For 15 minutes you communicate only using gestures.
  7. Paint your fingernails while holding the brush with your teeth.
  8. Eat a chocolate bar with pickled cucumber or cabbage.
  9. Peel the potatoes with your teeth.
  10. Make yourself a mummy using 4 rolls of paper (you can ask other players for help).
  11. Go into the kitchen and rearrange the contents of the pantry strictly alphabetically.
  12. Make up a song about the host of the party.
  13. Come up with a new nail polish and describe which woman it would suit best?
  14. For the next 15 minutes, every time someone speaks, interrupt them with, “I doubt it.”
  15. Put gloves on your feet and wear them like socks for 30 minutes.
  16. Clean the shoes of everyone present.
  17. Wash your hands with toothpaste.
  18. Until the end of the game, wear clothes backwards.
  19. Use your toes to peel the banana.
  20. Talk for a minute without blinking.
  21. Do a headstand for a minute.
  22. Take a mouthful of water and say your name.
  23. Drink a glass of wine in 3 seconds.
  24. Eat a boiled egg with chocolate.
  25. Talk with your tongue hanging out.


  1. While playing, it is worth remembering that some of the players may have food allergies, which is why they will not be able to complete some tasks. Therefore, you need to take this into account when you think about what you can ask, invent or ask in the game?
  2. If the tasks are traumatic spiritually, emotionally or physically, then the game of truth or dare is dangerous for the players.
  3. Players need to be approachable and not so susceptible to someone's negative opinion of them or jokes about them.
  4. Since questions may reveal someone's secrets, it is recommended to play with trusted friends so as not to embarrass anyone.
  5. To make the game exciting and fun, you need to use funny questions, fun activities, original and funny tasks.
  6. The game can be played either alone or with a large group of friends. You can play at a distance over the Internet or at a party at someone's house. The main thing is not to humiliate anyone, not to set anyone up, to avoid cruel actions so that they do not have to call an ambulance or the police. The questions should be both easy and difficult and interesting.

Questions and Answers Game - PDF

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