“At a doctor’s appointment” material (preparatory group)

Funny scenes about doctors

This page of our website presents funny skits on a medical topic that will enliven any concert for workers of medical institutions. Such miniatures can also be staged at student celebrations, included in the program of skit parties, as well as corporate events for Doctor’s Day, which in 2021 is celebrated on June 20, the third Sunday of the month.

Funny scenes for Doctor's Day

Many comic skits about doctors are dedicated to the relationship between doctors and patients.

*** There is an appointment with a psychiatrist. The doctor asks the patient: “What’s bothering you?” Patient: - Doctor, crocodiles are coughing behind the wall in my apartment at night! Doctor: - Well, my friend, this is not for me, but for the veterinarian. Next!

*** Another scene also involves a psychiatrist and a patient. Patient: - Doctor, a monster comes to me every night! - And you send him somewhere. The psychiatrist returns home and goes to bed in the evening. At night, a monster crawls out from behind his bed: “Sorry, doctor, but I was sent to you.”

*** The patient complains to the psychiatrist: “I have a split personality.” It seems to me that I am not me, but two of us. Doctor: - I don’t understand anything. Repeat one more time. Just do me a favor, don’t speak both at once and don’t interrupt each other.

*** In another funny scene about doctors, a doctor prescribed medicine to a patient, who asks: “Please write me a certificate that I’m an idiot.” – Why is this still necessary? – It seems to me that pharmacies should not give out drops for a runny nose for 8 thousand without such a certificate.

*** Another miniature takes place in the cabin of an airplane. The passenger becomes ill and loses consciousness. Flight attendant: – Is there a doctor on the plane? Urgently need help! Nobody responds. Finally, one of the passengers approaches the flight attendant and says, embarrassed: “I’m a doctor, but I’m a dentist.” - Examine the patient anyway. He examines the body for a long time without signs of life. The flight attendant asks: “Doctor, what’s wrong with him?” Doctor: - Well, what can I say definitely? Two caries and one pulpitis.

*** Another funny skit on a medical theme takes place in a doctor's office. A man comes to see a doctor with a nail in his head (the artist puts on a cap with a nail sticking out of it). Doctor: - What, the nail needs to be pulled out? Patient: - Well, yes... - You have 10 thousand rubles. - But I have a policy! “According to the policy, we can only bend it for you so that it doesn’t interfere.”

*** The doctor indignantly says to the patient: “You look pretty bad!” I told you: only 10 cigarettes a day! Patient: - I remember your words well, doctor. But you must admit, for a person who has never smoked, this is not so little!

*** At an ENT appointment, the doctor says to the patient: “It seems to me that today you are coughing easier.” - Yes, doctor, I practiced all night.

*** The patient informs the doctor. – Doctor, I snore so much at night that I wake up from my own snoring. What will you advice me? Doctor: - Sleep in another room.

*** Another skit that can be staged on Doctor’s Day takes place in the office of an allergist. The doctor hands the patient a box of screws: “Okay, patient, let’s swallow the screws!” Patient: - Oh... Aw... - Does it hurt? - Yeahhhh... - Everything is clear! You are allergic to screws!

*** There is an appointment in the surgeon’s office. The doctor asks the patient: “What’s bothering you?” Patient: - You know, doctor, I have a deviated septum in my nose. Doctor: - Everything is clear, it’s a common thing. He goes to the closet and opens the doors. There is a set of various shoes from slippers to tarpaulin boots. The doctor selects a suitable pair and begins to put it on. Patient (scared): - Doctor, are you sure this will help? Doctor: - I'm sure. Although, let me look at your partition. (Carefully examines the patient’s nose.) It turns out that it is bent to the right side. Then you will have to wait for Ivan Ivanovich. He's left-handed. Otherwise I might miss with my left foot and hit you in the ear.

*** In the following joke about doctors, a bald man comes to the doctor and asks: “Can you prescribe me a hair restoration product?” Doctor: - Take this bottle - this is the most effective remedy! Patient: Are you sure? - Absolutely! Do you see that man with the mustache in the queue? - Yes... - So, this is my wife! Her mustache grew after she tried to open this bottle with her teeth.

*** The dentist turns to the patient: “As soon as I start drilling your tooth, please scream louder.” Patient: - Why?! “You saw that there was a whole crowd of patients sitting in the waiting room.” And in twenty minutes the football championship begins.

*** An old woman comes to the doctor. Doctor: - What are you complaining about? What's troubling? What hurts? Grandmother: - Oh, honey, my legs can’t walk, my arms are aching, my back can’t straighten, my head is pounding. - Well, let’s write it down: “The whole grandmother’s injury.”

*** A patient comes to the doctor: – Hello, free doctor. Doctor: – Hello, terminally ill patient.

*** The participants in the following funny skits on a medical topic are a doctor and a blonde. A blonde woman at a doctor’s appointment asks: “Doctor, help!” I was bitten by a bumblebee! – Don’t worry, we’ll apply ointment now. - But how will you catch him? The bumblebee has already flown far away! - No, I’ll smear the place where he bit you. - Aaaa, I see. So it was in the park on a bench, under a tree. The doctor, rolling his eyes: “No, I’ll smear the part of your body where the bumblebee bit you, and everything will go away.” - That's what they would say, doctor! The bumblebee bit my finger. - Which one? - How do I know? To me, all bumblebees are the same.

*** The blonde asks the professor: - Tell me, what exercises are good for losing weight? – I recommend that you turn your head from right to left and from left to right. - Yes? And how often? - Every time they treat you to something!

*** Another cool scene on Doctor’s Day takes place in a clinic. There was a huge line to see the doctor. A disabled person rides into the office in a chair. Presenter: – One day God decided to restore order in Russian medicine. He descended to earth under the guise of a doctor in a clinic. God puts his hand on the disabled person’s shoulder and says: “Get up and walk!” He gets up and leaves. There’s a line of people asking in the corridor: “How’s the new doctor doing?” - Yes, like everyone else. I didn't even measure my blood pressure.

*** And in this sketch about doctors there is a conversation on the phone. A patient wants to make an appointment with a doctor. - Hello, clinic? Can I take a voucher to see the doctor? Receptionist: - You can, but we have a waiting list for this specialist a month in advance. - Fantastic! And how do all these people know what they will be sick with in a month?

Entertainment in kindergarten in the middle group “Profession Doctor”

Summary of the entertainment “Profession Doctor”, held in the middle group (4-5 years old) of a kindergarten.
Description : Entertainment “Profession Doctor” will be interesting for children 4-6 years old, preschool teachers, and parents. Goal: To introduce children to the medical profession in a playful way. Objectives: 1. expand children’s horizons and understanding of the medical profession. 2. develop imagination and creativity. 3. give children the opportunity to try on the role of a doctor and a patient. 4. help children overcome their fears of doctors in a playful way. 5. development of dialogue speech, activation of vocabulary. 6. development of children’s abilities to interact with each other in a playful way. Materials and equipment: 1. Doctor's play suitcase. 2. A set of toy medical instruments. 3. Robes and hats. 4. A set of toy medicines. 5. Doll “Aibolit” Educator: Guys! Try to guess who will be the main character of our game today? Who is the most useful person in the world, who cures any disease? Who is always in a white robe busy with the most necessary work? Who, as soon as you enter, says: “Open your mouth and say loudly - ah-ah! Does your head hurt? Who is caring and kind? Well, of course, this is... Children: Doctor! Educator: That's right, guys, well done! Our guest today is the good doctor. (We bring a large doctor doll and sit it on a chair) Do you guys know why doctors are needed? (They treat, help not to get sick, prescribe medications, examine) Have you ever gone to the doctor? (yes) Do any of you want to become a doctor when you grow up? Let's imagine that we are in a real hospital. There are doctors and patients among you. Now we will choose two doctors with a little counting: We are going to play, but who should start? One two Three! You will be the doctor today! Educator : Here are our doctors. They put on robes, hats and take a suitcase with tools. And the patients sit on chairs. The reception is in progress. Educator: Early in the morning, the good doctor puts on his robe, washes his hands cleanly with soap, calls the children into the office. - “How did you sleep, what’s bothering you?” The doctor will ask the kids. And he will carefully examine the throat and nose of children. Any illness is not scary. If the doctor asks, answer. He will prescribe medicine for everyone and delicious tea with raspberries. Measure the temperature and listen to the beat of the heart There will be a doctor at the appointment, The doctor is a good friend to children! If your teeth hurt, everyone rushes to the doctor! He will help and your suffering will instantly end. Well, if necessary, the Doctor will give an injection, and then, as a friendly team, we’ll play volleyball again. He will prescribe medicines for us, take them without any fun! Tomorrow, when we wake up, we will be the healthiest of all! Our doctors listen to the heart, examine the ears and eyes of their patients, and measure blood pressure. They ask: “What hurts, what worries you?” They prescribe medications and distribute them to patients.

Educator: Guys, do you know what vaccinations are? Why are they needed? (Children: help not to get sick) How many of you have been vaccinated? Well done! There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations. They are our helpers and protectors from viruses. After all, you and I don’t want to get sick? (Children: No!) Being sick in your crib alone at home is so boring and not pleasant! It’s much better to have fun, play and walk with friends, right? (Children: Yes!) Educator : And now, guys, we will all solve riddles together: The good doctor from the fairy tale Heals all the animals. He sits under a tree, Good Doctor... Children: Aibolit! Fight germs and bacilli: Wash your hands clean with... Children: Soap! Don't be afraid of the pediatrician, Don't scream, don't worry, Don't cry in vain, This is a kind child... Children: Doctor! He will take the temperature and help us understand whether we can go for a walk. Children: Thermometer! Doctor, but not for people, But for birds and all animals He has a special gift, This doctor is... Children: Veterinarian! You can chew through pipes too if you clean... Children: Teeth! So that our beautiful world can be seen in all its colors. It is necessary that the children’s eyes don’t hurt. If your vision is bad, Everything floats, then and there will be a sheet written on the lenses. It’s called... Children: Oculist! You need to play sports and gain health! Our best friends... Children: Sun, air and water! There is always a bottle for Alenka’s scratches... Children: Zelenka! To be rosy and healthy And with a smile on your face Vitamins will help us develop... Children: Vitamins A, B, C! If your throat hurts or maybe you have bronchitis, a very tasty medicine, the doctor will allow us to drink it! Even bears love him, all the girls and boys! Children: Raspberries and honey! Educator: Guys, tell me, did you learn something new today about the profession of “Doctor”? What kind of doctors are there? (Pediatrician - children's doctor, Ophthalmologist - ophthalmologist, Dental dentist, in fairy tales - Good Doctor Aibolit, Veterinarian - animal doctor) How should you behave at a doctor's appointment? (Don't be afraid, there's no reason to cry, answer the doctor's questions, give an opportunity doctor to examine you) What should you do to avoid getting sick? (Get vaccinated, wash your hands before eating, eat well, walk a lot in the fresh air, play sports, do exercises, eat fruits - they contain vitamins) What if, after all, you get sick? What should I do and who should I contact? (Consult a doctor, take prescribed medications, drink hot tea with raspberries and milk with honey) To prevent teeth pain, what should you do? (Brush your teeth in the morning and evening) Well done, guys! Don't forget these rules and you will always be healthy!

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Paraphrases about different things


  • Doctor Happybess is a foreign doctor, a luminary of medical science, in the appropriate outfit and glasses;
  • Nurses - 2 girls accompanying the doctor in medical uniform.


  • white coats for doctors and nurses
  • white caps or scarves with a red cross for nurses
  • stethoscope
  • medical case
  • medicine - a bottle of alcohol with a fake “Miracle Medicine” sticker or a box of chocolates with the inscription “Miracle Pills” (other options for gifts-medicines and inscriptions are possible)

Host: What do you think is most important for a person?

Listens to the guests’ answers, waiting for someone to say: “Health!”

Host: Well, of course! You are absolutely right! That is why today we raise our glasses to the health of our dear birthday boy. But that is not all! On the occasion of the celebration, Doctor Happybezdes, a professor of medicine, a luminary of world science, and a special birthday doctor, came to us from abroad. Doctor Happybezdes is ready to examine our birthday boy completely free of charge and provide him with the highest quality medical services.

Doctor Happybess walks into the hall with an important gait, accompanied by two nurses.

Doctor Happybirth (speaks broken Russian): Oh, I greet you, sir (name of the birthday boy). How are you feeling? I have the profession of a birthday doctor, I understand birthdays, as well as the birthday boy! This is my assistant (points to the nurses).

At this moment, the nurses smile widely.

Doctor Happybess: My patient needs to be examined, take his pulse.

The nurses approach the birthday boy, take turns (or on both hands at once) listen to his pulse and notice that it is rapid (the nurses can talk to each other and to the Doctor in a “foreign” language)

Dr. Happybirth: Oh, this is a very, very dangerous sign! You need to listen to your heart.

Nurses using a stethoscope examine a patient and frown and shake their heads.

Dr. HappyBirds: Oh, we need to take the patient's temperature to make a definitive diagnosis. But don't be afraid! Doctor Happy is always here to heal his patient!

The nurses kiss the “patient” on the forehead (lipstick marks remain on the forehead) and inform the doctor that the patient has a fever and, as one of the symptoms, there is redness of the skin on the face.

Doctor Happybess: Now I understand everything completely and irrevocably! The man is sick with birthday fever! His diagnosis is an acute birthday of the Nth (according to the number of years of the birthday person) degree. It is necessary to urgently treat, otherwise the disease will drag on for as long as 365 days and go to the N+1th degree (one year older). But I have an effective remedy - trust me! Get the medicine quickly! (to the nurses)

The nurses open the case and take out a bottle of alcohol or a box of chocolates (or other) and hand it to the doctor.

Dr. HappyBirds: Here is a unique medicine that will immediately relieve all the symptoms of birthday fever and make a person healthy and happy!

The doctor gives the “medicine” to the birthday boy, the guests, under the direction of the presenter, rejoice and praise the doctor and rejoice at the healing of the “patient”.

The doctor says goodbye (he can give the birthday boy a colorful “business card”) and heads to the exit, grabbing his suitcase, the nurses kiss the patient in unison and follow the doctor. At the door they turn around synchronously and say “Bay, bye!” and go out.

  • Birthday - themed collection
  • Scenarios and skits - thematic selection


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  • And we, and we have a gift for you!


Plastic surgery scene

Doctor - Dear friends, our plastic surgery clinic is holding a promotional event in this hall today, we will now randomly select one of the spectators who will receive the full range of plastic surgery services absolutely free of charge. Now we will find out which of you is the lucky one, so I open the envelope row .. place

Valentina - Oh, I’m so happy!

Doctor - Get up on stage. Greetings!!!

Valentina - They will show me on TV, oh dear mommy!!!

Doctor - Hello, this is the winner who will receive the full range of plastic surgery services absolutely free of charge

Valentina - How lucky, Lord!!!

Doctor - Oh, oh, I see a lot of work here, first of all you need to enlarge your breasts.

Valentina - What do you mean? There were two, but will there be three?

Doctor - I’m talking about breast size, what is your number now?

Valentina - 8-ring 324- 88-39

Doctor - At the breast, what is the number at the breast?

Valentina - But she doesn’t have a number, no one calls, she walks around without a mobile phone.

Doctor - Darling, we offer you to make large, appetizing breasts.

Valentina - Appetizing?

Doctor - Yes.

Valentina - Are they going to eat her?

Doctor - Let us then do you, well, rhinoplasty. Well, nose correction. Did you have your nose redone?

Valentina - My husband changed it three times.

Doctor - He is a surgeon

Valentina - He’s a boxer, when something burns or over-salt, he immediately changes his nose.

Doctor - Well, okay, let us make you such a long swan neck.

Valentina - Oh, is it possible to remove the neck altogether? My husband wants to hit me in the neck, but there’s no neck...

Doctor - Oh, oh, what’s wrong with your skin?

Valentina - With a mug?

Doctor - With facial skin.

Valentina - What's wrong?

Doctor - Well, in order for you to have a healthy complexion, you need to walk more.

Valentina - Oh dear, I would love to, well, as soon as I go on a spree, my husband immediately does rhinoplasty. Both for me and for the one with whom I go on a spree.

Doctor - Well, okay, then let us give you a face lift.

Valentina - Face bra?

Doctor - Lifting, we will give you lifts.

Valentina - And I have suspenders, I’m wearing my husband’s.

Doctor - Braces on the face.

Valentina - Where should I put them on my face? They'll rip my whole face off?

Doctor - We’ll tighten your facial skin, look, look what a charmer you will be after this. Look, you will have such passionate eyes, a seductive smile, delicious breasts. Well, how can you not fall in love with one like this! Got it?

Valentina - I understand, you will hook my forehead with suspenders and pull it onto my back.

Doctor - Yes, you understood everything wrong, lifting gives a rejuvenating effect, it’s like you’re going back to your youth.

Valentina - Oh, I don’t want to go back to my youth, again vocational school, port wine fights in the dormitory.

Doctor - Well, some kind of clinic, come on, turn around, oh, oh, what’s wrong with your pelvis?

Valentina - But I don’t have a pelvis.

Doctor - Why not?

Valentina - The rats ate it.

Doctor - How did you eat it?

Valentina - I left it in the barn overnight, they ate it, now I wash it in a bucket.

Doctor - Yes, I’m talking about a different pelvis, come on, walk around here, walk around, oh, okay, we’ll change the buttocks.

Valentina - For what? On your head?

Doctor - We will change the form, understand? We will insert special prostheses there for you.

Valentina - Dentures?

Doctor - Yes.

Valentina - Dentures are teeth. What about me, will there be teeth there? What the heck, my husband spanked me and I bit him. But they will gnaw through all my tights, but what am I going to show to the dentist? No, I don’t agree.

Doctor - Well, okay, let's make you beautiful elastic cheeks, we now have a new method: we take fat from the buttocks and pump it into the face.

Valentina - Oh dear, what will my face look like after this? Oh oh

Doctor - Well, I don’t even know, listen, I’ve been spinning around you like a sausage for half an hour, well, I’m offering one thing, another, a third, but you don’t agree to anything.

Valentina - Well, dear, well, because what you’re offering doesn’t suit me.

Doctor - Well, hello, it suits everyone, but you see, it doesn’t suit you.

Valentina - Why are you clinging to me? Here she was sitting, not touching anyone, clinging to her forehead, then clinging her braces to her forehead, or putting her teeth anywhere, I won’t do this stupid thing to myself. I live in a village, we have waist-deep mud, and you want to roll my lips to the navel, I’ll choke.

Doctor - Well, okay, okay, I don’t even know what else to offer you.

Valentina - Well, my dear, you understand - these big-lipped, busty ones of yours will not survive in our village.

Doctor - Yes?

Valentina - Yes, if you put a sack of potatoes on their backs, they’ll die. And I’ll have five bags on my back and I’ll dance a lambada for you. In our village, all the women are healthy.

Doctor - Yes, wow!

Valentina - Yes, in our store, sizes less than 58 are considered children's.

Doctor - Yes?

Valentina - Yes..

Doctor - Well, okay, can you suggest how I can help you?

Valentina - Oh dear, can you sew me two more pairs of hands?

Doctor - Why?

Valentina - So that I wash with two hands, milk with two, and show my mother-in-law figs with two.

Doctor - Well, in principle, it’s probably possible. Listen, listen, what about your hair, what is your hair like? Maybe it's thicker like this?

Valentina - No hair is needed at all.

Doctor - How?

Valentina - Well, we don’t have hot water... Leave the bun like that for variety.

Doctor - What about your nose, what is your nose like? Greek or maybe Roman?

Valentina - Make a long trunk, like an elephant’s, so that when I clean up the pigs, I can stick my nose out into the street.

Doctor - Oh my God.

Valentina - Attach wings to my back so that I can fly over the market and see where things are cheaper, and have hooks sticking out of my navel to carry food, and move my mouth to the back of my head.

Doctor - Why?

Valentina - So that when my husband kisses me, he doesn’t stop me from watching TV. And attach a walk-behind tractor to the falcon, so that even when I sat down to rest, I would be hoeing.

Doctor - My sweetie, well, you and I have some kind of Russian folk cyborg.

Valentina - Beauty, these people are kind, only such a woman can survive in our village.

Doctor - And plastic surgery will help you with this.

Valentina - Let's go attach a walk-behind tractor....
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