Celebration of the last bell in the graduating class of elementary school

Scenario “Last bell in 9th grade”

Presenter 1: We are glad to welcome you on this joyful day!

Presenter 2: Nine years ago, the first bell brought us together at our school and called us on the road.

Presenter 1: The road was not easy, with potholes, sharp turns, one might say “a race for survival.” And we would like to offer you some food for thought.

The bell rings. Students, about 5 of them, come in and sit down at their desks. The teacher enters.

  • -Hello guys! Thank you for coming…
  • He makes his way to the table, cautiously looking around the chair and table to sit down.
  • -Why are there so few of you today?
  • Opens the magazine. The roll call begins:

- Lifanov...? Here... Surkov...?

-He's still sleeping. He came yesterday!


-Well, what are you Eva Adamovna! Only the second lesson! He comes to the third!

-Oh! Yes, yes - Prisyagin..?

-Prisyagin studies on Tuesdays at the institute, in the commercial one, in the third year...

-Agisheva...? Christina! Are you here!

-I'm leaving after this lesson. We are flying to Poland.

  1. -Okay, okay...Lavrentiev...?
  2. -He can’t come, his car has broken down.
  3. -But he lives in the next house?
  4. -He’s stressed... he’s worried...
  5. -Tabakov...?
  6. -Tabakov has an exemption from exams, why does he need to go to school?
  7. - Klyugzin...?
  8. -Klyugzin’s leg hurt, and Krivov, Prokhorova, Artemyev, Bondarev, Ganaeva went to see the doctor...
  9. -Well, it turns out everyone has good reasons. Let's write down the topic of the lesson...

The bell rings. The students run out of the classroom.

  • Teacher to the hall:
  • - I didn’t have enough time today...
  • Music from the movie “Agent 007” plays and the presenters come out:
  • Presenter 1:
  • It was all like yesterday
  • And the first teacher and lessons
  • And now it's time for you to say goodbye
  • From childhood before a long journey.
  • Don't forget the school house,
  • All teachers and all subjects.
  • Kindness, care and warmth
  • Every day you were warmed here.
  • Presenter 2:
  • The time has come to leave forever,
  • Time to say goodbye to a fun childhood
  • Graduation party, you came here
  • To say goodbye to friends and school
  • Presenter 1:

Dear graduates! The holiday begins for you! You are at the beginning of a long journey.

  1. Presenter 2: And we invite everyone to come to the ceremonial hall now.
  2. (Students enter to the music “Get up...”)
  3. Presenter 1:

Our dear graduates! The day has come - the day of farewell to school!

There is an unknown distance ahead of independent life. Soaked paths in the school yard are already a thing of the past.

  • Presenter 2:
  • Twos and fives, vacations and calls... And now all that remains is to find yourself, find your place in life.
  • Student:
  • How long have you been waiting for this moment?
  • I spent days and months dreaming about the future,
  • And only now, perhaps, you understand
  • That school has been completed. You're just a graduate
  • Student:
  • That nine years and nine winters have flown by,
  • And hundreds, thousands of changes rushed by,

Source: https://xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1ai/library/stcenarij_poslednij_zvonok_9_klass_204653.html

Congratulations to first-graders at the last call to graduates. Congratulations on Last Call

Performance by first-graders at the “Last Bell” holiday for 9th graders

Among the graduates, 2 first-graders make their way - a short boy and a slightly taller girl (preferably shoes with a small heel)

    - y:

    Points to graduates
    ) Soooo... big... beautiful... elegant...


    : Sooo tall... smart... (
    ) extraordinary.

  • 1st:
    Yes, you are just giants
  • Compared to us!
  • But ten years will pass
  • And we will become like that!
  • 2nd:
    I’m almost like that already
  • Also smart, big -
  • I will subtract and add the numbers.
  • And I wear heels.
  • 1st:
    I will also be like this in 9 years:
  • Shaved and wearing a tie, like an adult,
  • I will be just as smart and big,
  • Just as handsome and tall as they are.
  • 2nd:
    Your shift has arrived...
  • So……
  • All together:
    Hello, friends!
  • 1st:
    Hurry up to meet your shift - First-graders!
  • (Music from "Jumble"
    https://mp3minus.su/%D0%98%D0%B7-%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1 %80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%87/%D0%95%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%88
    , the rest of the first graders run out to the music two sides and imitate a break near the stage, with balls in their hands)
  • 3rd: ( from the stage)
    Class, stand still, attention!
  • March to the stage!

Stop! One-two!

  1. Compliance with graduates:
  2. Lower your eyebrow lips!
  3. Why did you come - to report!
  4. ALL
    : (
    Here we are!
  5. (boys)
    Here we are!
  6. 4th:
    You weren’t expecting us?
  7. All:
    But we just came and came.
  8. 4th:
    We came here for business,
  9. Very important for everyone:
  10. Speak boldly from the stage
  11. And have success with you!
  12. 5th:
    We haven’t eaten all week,
  13. Didn't watch TV
  14. Didn't play, didn't walk
  15. Wrote a farewell speech
  16. All:
    How could they…….
  17. 3rd:
    So read it,
  18. Don't delay!
  19. 6th:
    The sun laughs
  20. Rushing from afar:
  21. It's in a hurry to celebrate
  22. All: Last call!
  23. 7th:
    And now a surprise for you,
  24. First class performing.
  25. 8th:
    From your youngest shift,
  26. From everyone who is a little old,
  27. Graduates of your favorite school
  28. All: Our warmest greetings


Tell me
are we different from graduates?

  • We are intelligent?
  • All
  • 9th:
  • All
  • 10th
    And elegant!
  • 12th
    : Both tall and...

13th: ( takes over the microphone)

And big, and... how is it?.. - extraordinary!...

  1. 14th
    : And we will soon take the OGE from the first grade.
  2. 15th: (A first-grader is dragging from behind the stage with a heavy briefcase, screaming)
  3. I know how we are different!
  4. The difference is in our portfolios!
  5. (Takes off the briefcase, places it on the stage with a roar and, while the others are reading poetry, begins to lay out the contents on the stage)
  6. 16th:
    First-grader enters school,
  7. There is a heavy backpack behind my back.
  8. Books, juice, diary, ruler
  9. And a battery-operated clock.
  10. 17th:
    Sandwich, gum, change,
  11. Ten pens of all shades.
  12. Ball, apple, candy,
  13. All notebooks for subjects!
  14. 15th:
    examines the notebook and boastfully)
  15. And in the notebooks - like from notes -
  16. All homework!
  17. 18th:
    And in the guys’ briefcases
  18. Aren't the books lying around?
  19. Are your notebooks and pens missing?
  20. 19th :
    Graduates have different orders:
  21. They go to school with only one notebook!
  22. 20th:
    And in the portfolios of graduates
  23. You will find mascara for eyelashes.
  24. For styling and hairstyle
  25. There is a massage comb
  26. 21st:
    And to remain attractive,
  27. A mirror is a must.
  28. And of course there is fudge.
  29. 15th: (perplexed)

And just one notebook!?

  • That's the difference!
  • (everything laid out on stage is placed in a briefcase and goes backstage)
  • 22nd:
    But that’s not true!
  • There's also a cheat sheet!
  • I wrote that cheat sheet
  • For those who exchanged lyceum (school)
    for college,
  • And, of course, for those
  • Who dreams in the 9th
  • Best to pass the OGE!
  • 23rd:
    Well, but seriously,
  • Then you are all good grown-up children!
  • Only in our lyceum ( in our only school
  • You can meet people like this!
  • All the guys are handsome
  • The girls are madonnas...
  • 24th:
    And among you there are no talkers, empty talkers.
  • You are all smart, talented,
  • Sports, mischievous, original...

Speech by first-graders at the last bell

  • Congratulations from future first-graders.
  • You were still the same little kids when you first came to this class. And having received notebooks with books,
  • We sat down at our desks for the first time in our lives.
  • Without knowing the letters, you couldn’t read, and it was difficult to draw sticks. But the teacher led you to your cherished goal -
  • From hour to hour, day after day.
  • This year I will go to school, With a new briefcase, in front of everyone. The kids will cheerfully follow:

“What's in the briefcase? Open it, show me!”

How can we not worry? We are the least among you. You just have to show up

We immediately hear friendly laughter.

You once came to school, on the first holiday of September. Everything here was new for you - From the doors to the ABC book. The first teacher met you, And along the difficult path He led you along the right path,

  1. Walking ahead myself.
  2. Oh, how interesting it is at school! The bell will ring soon... And in the uncle’s next class
  3. Everything is as tall as the ceiling.
  4. My mother braided my hair and wove white bows. I went to kindergarten yesterday
  5. I'm going to first grade today.
  6. You all rely on us, we will be a very friendly class. We promise not to be lazy
  7. Learn to read and write together!
  8. Speech by first-graders at the last bell.
  9. We are the first class, we came to congratulate our Senior Students. Now you have a lot of important things to do
  10. And completely different worries.
  11. Do you remember how you were first-graders yourself, friends? We quickly became friends with everyone
  12. And they became like one family.
  13. Just recently in September you led us by the hand to school, first seeing us off from the line
  14. Confident in our first class.
  15. Everything was very unusual and a lot of different fuss, not falling behind, not getting lost
  16. We walked briskly to school.
  17. Let’s not forget this moment, After all, you also remember how someone once led you to school
  18. You in your graduation class.
  19. We were proud of you and strived to become like you. And so we came here today
  20. We will also accompany you together.
  21. Roads await you now, A series of important decisions await you. We wish you, as before
  22. Always go with confidence!
  23. Speech by first-graders at the last bell.
  24. First graders.
  25. Here we come!
  26. You weren't expecting us?
  27. And so we took it and came.
  28. They came to say words of sadness,
  29. After all, we are the kids against you!
  30. There's not much left for you now,
  31. And we have to work for 10 years.
  32. Learn multiplication tables
  33. And answer in class.

We love you! What more?

  • We came to say from the heart,
  • That we will never forget you
  • And we will remember often.
  • You are already big aunts,
  • You are uncles now.
  • And through life you will go
  • Without your teachers.
  • Let not everything be known to you in advance
  • And sometimes the climb is steep,
  • Knowledge will always help you in everything,
  • And adventures await you in life.
  1. We wish you to go boldly,
  2. Everyone can find happiness.
  3. I like to have something to do,
  4. And everyone (in unison) have a good trip

We are standing, worrying, We are very worried - For the first time on this stage, Together we are hanging out. You are so beautiful - you won’t be recognized today! We still have about ten years to catch up with you.

We, in fact, came to you here with a proposal - You go to the government, Hold our seats! Try for the people, Well, until we grow up, And then we’ll figure it out, We’ll put things in order right away! Just learn quickly! Don’t be lazy, don’t be lazy, Let Medvedev be happy - Look, look at the squad! We know for sure that among you there are people of the highest class! Journalists and bankers, Managers, commanders, Sellers, parachutists And people's artists, Violinists, builders, And also parents. We want you all to become decent people. So that we can be proud -

  • I had the pleasure of studying with you!
  • A big hello to the graduates!
  • Our class respects you!
  • Still, I have some simple advice for you.
  • It won't hurt at all!
  • You met us in September,
  • Welcoming and friendly.
  • We're worried about you now
  • You need to pass the exam.
  • We studied for a whole year
  • Much has been discovered
  • Easy and worry-free
  • The tips have been written!
  • So that you can pass your exams,
  • You need to eat and sleep less,
  • We also want to tell you all
  • You'll have to stop dating!
  • It's better not to go to the river -
  • Sit in the shade with your textbook,
  • Sunbathing in the sun is harmful
  • The brain will begin to boil again.
  • Forget about Fanta and Coke,
  • You have a different path in June,
  • You need to drink valerian
  • To save your nerves.
  • In extreme cases, act boldly
  • Without any delays.
  • Prepare cheat sheets skillfully,
  • If there is not enough knowledge
  • We believe in girls and boys,
  1. The answer will always be found!
  2. They will rent with o
  3. And they won't let us down!
  4. Remember, friends,
  5. The teacher will always save you,
  6. After all, we are all one family here,
  7. Straighten your shoulders, gentlemen!
  8. Of course we are kids
  9. We still have to grow up to you
  10. But we wish from the bottom of our hearts
  11. Bring benefits to people.
  12. Do you remember the changes
  13. Your answers at the board
  14. Today we have come to replace
  15. And now you are graduates.
  16. Have you studied science?
  17. A new start has been given to you in life.
  18. You've grown up
  19. From your green desks
  20. We sincerely wish
  21. You should go to college
  22. And finish with flying colors
  23. Schools will not lose their honor
  24. We will become a worthy replacement
  25. We still have to go, go
  26. Well, you are on the right path
  27. Have a nice trip everyone.
  28. We are seeing off 9th grade to the big life now And giving you a farewell
  29. Our first-class order.
  30. We perfectly understand your difficulties now: Spring is in full swing outside,
  31. But you have exams.
  32. The greenery of the forest and the smooth surface of the river will beckon you with the coolness. Don't give in to temptations
  33. You are now graduates.
  34. Within these walls you have managed to learn a lot, We want to answer you
  35. On exams with "five".
  36. So, answer all the laws, All the events, years, So that the teacher even gasps
  37. And he said: “Wow! No.
  38. We sincerely wish you to receive the document, so that this is the last call
  39. Became the first step into life.
  40. And take your strong friendship with you, Because a friend will help
  41. Both in study and in battle.
  42. You took care of the school, did a lot for us, but were masters of the school
  43. We will be no worse than you.
  44. Let you not notice us from a two-meter height, and we received clicks,
  45. And we flew into the bushes.
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