Reworking songs for last bell and graduation

At the end of May, the last bell rings for school graduates. On this day, 11th grade students traditionally organize a skit party with congratulations to teachers and scenes from school life. Remakes of famous songs always delight listeners and spectators, but remember: to make it great, it is important to know the lyrics well, sing loudly and legibly.

Song adaptation for a music teacher (to the tune of “Dolphin and Mermaid” by Igor Nikolaev

Once a high school student fell in love with Art with reverent love, He came to school with a smile and carried a guitar with him. He had sincere feelings for the music teacher, He didn’t think, didn’t wonder what art could do to him! Chorus: And he became good, He immediately quit smoking, And he began to spend money on sheet music! And I waited impatiently for when the musician would come to his office to work again. Either he will fix her chair, or he will hang curtains, or he will nail portraits to her wall. I listened to Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and Glinka, Not knowing why he needed it...

Song by a primary school teacher based on the song “Smile”

We have more than twenty people, and now I sing this song to all of you. I am very sorry to say goodbye to you, After all, we were all together for four years.


Always be friendly and never quarrel. Make friends with new teachers. Just always remember what I taught - now you will do everything yourself.

We are parting with you now. You are going to secondary school to study. Have a good rest in the summer, Try not to be lazy in the fifth grade.


Song-remake for a chemistry teacher (music by Igor Krutoy “My Friend”)

You have opened to us a wonderful world, Where there are metals, alcohols, ether. And now we know exactly how chloride differs from acids and why carbon is needed. What are valencies and anhydride. Our class loves you more and more and let time fly faster. You (name and patronymic) met us on the way and helped us through the difficult school path. You show us your experience, Having overcome the complexity of all the programs, And we will understand: you and I need chemistry. We solve problems quickly, everyone will find an isomer in an instant, During the lesson you led us along. Our friend (name, patronymic) We hasten to tell you: We don’t want to leave you (name, patronymic), Now, at the turn of the days, We see more and more clearly: You are a true friend.

White lilac

Girls are crying Boys are sighing Moms are quietly wiping away a tear Childhood is over Like a bird fluttering Adult life has looked into our eyes

Chorus: White lilac waves to us like a bird The last day of school He will rush into the past And now we will get off the school porch Only a childhood dream We will take with us forever

A school desk and a notebook are blooming A look at the neighbor And just to steal a glance Here we studied We fell in love, we were friends We laughed at something We were sad about something

The chorus is the same

Our last lesson is over. Everything we’ve been taught. Let’s take it without a doubt into a new life. You and I are so simple. Childhood has flown away And you have become an adult.

The chorus is the same

Forte - Goodbye, school

So many days are behind, so many joyful years, And worries, and worries, and successes, and victories. Hundreds of new roads await us all ahead. Which one should I take?

Chorus: Goodbye, school, goodbye, childhood And friends, and girlfriends, and teachers. There is no escape for us from parting. But, school, we will not forget you.

Our memory is preserved by the school photo album, How many good messages are left in it. Every line contains a dream, it will be great for us, We will meet again in years to come.


May only bright memories live in the hearts of each of us.

Losing. Chorus.

Graduation (slow)

- Tell me, Zinaida Mikhailovna... Why don’t you go with everyone to meet the dawn?
- Ah, hmm... So they’re the ones meeting you... And I, Vanechka, are seeing you off... Chorus: Slow, to make you cry. And let them all sound the same. And even if it’s banal and not talented; But how did he manage to do it - he played the guitar and sang.

It's graduation and you're in a beautiful dress; And you're about to be 17 years old. I just wanted to please you; And how he managed to do it, he played the guitar.

Our whole school went crazy over this new girl. She walked into my class and I immediately understood. And Cupid gave me a bullet in my heart, not with an arrow. Our class teacher said: “Children, meet Yulia.”

And so, like a shadow, I trail behind Yulia - the Cupid wimp. I’m afraid to approach Yulia, in case she doesn’t love me; What if Julia loves someone else, and not me? After all, in our dreams, Yulia and I share the same last name.

And so for six months, during the day there was a fire, and at night there was insomnia. The heart breaks, but the ice never breaks. But one morning I decided to take the first step - I bought flowers for the entrance, if only you would come.

And you came, classic drama. But she didn’t come alone, but arm in arm with a classmate. And the heavens hit the ground. And then I wrote, Julia:

Slow to make you cry. And let them all sound the same. And even if it’s banal and not talented; But how did he manage to do it - he played the guitar and sang.

It's graduation and you're in a beautiful dress; And you're about to be 17 years old. I just wanted to please you; And how he managed to do it, he played the guitar.

To hell with the educational process. Mom and dad are stressed. All sickly, he lost 10 kilograms of weight. He neither drinks nor eats, writes songs instead of notes. Songs about your princess.

You are with someone else, and I died, Julia - And we are blood enemies; Julia, because you are not with me, but with him. Yulia, Yulia, let the bullet judge them!

I'll rewind the film 20 years ago. Guitar, bass, drums, old assembly hall. I failed my exams and didn’t pass a single subject. 100 rehearsals and I’m singing in front of you like a rock star.

I couldn’t fit all my feelings into this song; But for the rest of my life I memorized these quatrains. You never knew that I dedicated these poems to you. My very first track from them is the hit of all graduations!

Chorus: Slow to make you cry. And let them all sound the same. And even if it’s banal and not talented; But how did he manage to do it - he played the guitar and sang.

It's graduation and you're in a beautiful dress; And you're about to be 17 years old. I just wanted to please you...

[x2]: Slow to make you cry. And let them all sound the same. And even if it’s banal and not talented; But how did he manage to do it - he played the guitar and sang.

It's graduation and you're in a beautiful dress; And you're about to be 17 years old. I just wanted to please you; And how he managed to do it, he played the guitar.

To the tune of the song "Little Country"

We know that there is a Small Country in this world. The country has its own name, “Elementary School.” Many discoveries await you there, There is no evil or sorrow, There the teacher controls everything and gives light to knowledge.


Primary school, You are in my heart forever! A class where the teacher is strict and affectionate, A class where it is always spring!

We remember how Mother brought us by the hand for the first time. And we followed the teacher into a bright, spacious classroom. At school, dear, we know for sure, That we will always be understood, That school mothers are waiting for us in any bad weather.

The chorus is the same.

Here we became students and made friends. Here we have matured a little, become a little smarter. We studied in elementary school, But now the years have passed: We have grown up and it’s time for us to say goodbye.

The chorus is the same.

This will never happen again

(Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by S. Tulikov) Clouds look out the school window, The lesson seems endless. You can hear the feather creaking slightly, and the lines fall on the piece of paper.

Chorus: First love. Voiced years. There are blue glass pieces of ice in the puddles. It won’t happen again, it won’t happen again, it will never happen again!

An unnoticed look from surprised eyes And the words are a little vague. After these words for the very first time I want to turn the whole world upside down.

Chorus: First love. Snow on the wires. A flashing star in the sky... It won’t happen again, it won’t happen again, It will never happen again!

The song of the rain rolls like a stream, The green winds rustle... Jealousy for no reason, arguments about nothing. It felt like yesterday.

Chorus: First love. Voiced years. In the puddles of blue glass ice... It won’t happen again, it won’t happen again, This will never happen again!

It's golden time

(Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Krylatov)

We dreamed as children, Scolding our age, We wish we could become adults as soon as possible. Another boy and another girl They dream of the same thing again.

Chorus: Carefree childhood, golden time, You can’t turn back your minutes. The boy is different and the girl is different. Like us, it’s too late, they’ll understand too late.

Keeping a beautiful secret in my soul, Hiding it from the guys, Another boy and another girl are sitting at our desk.

The chorus is the same

Helping each other out of friendship in everything, Desperately loving their class. Another boy and another girl, somewhat similar to us.

The chorus is the same

Songs for a physical education teacher

(to the tune of “Moscow Beat” by Bravo)

On Monday at 8 am, it’s time for us to meet you, Physical education class is waiting for us again! We will remember our stadium, like a bad dream, where we ran for a whole year. You're in physical education That's how you drove us! How our girls became models! Let's jump over the goat, Do 100 push-ups, Physical education is necessary (important)! We love you!

(to the melody of the song by the group Chizh and Co. “About Love”)

Shouldn't we sing a song about physics, Shouldn't we come up with a standard, Shorter rope, softer mat, And then we'll pass all the exercises. And we will become top-class athletes, a lot of money, medals - that's all. We will remember you with gratitude and understand that it was not in vain that we took the cross-country course!

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