What to give to children in kindergarten for New Year 2022?

To a girl

So autumn is passing. This means that soon we will have such a beloved holiday as the New Year. Every child looks forward to this time, because real New Year's magic will await them. At the same time, holidays await children not only at home, but also in kindergartens. New Year's parties, costumes and poems - all this helps create a festive atmosphere. But children wait even more for gifts. And the solution to this problem falls on the shoulders of the parent committee.

New Year's gifts for children in the nursery group

  • Educational toys

The most popular gift option that will help shape a child’s thinking and logic.

  • Bright books

It is worth choosing works on a fairy-tale theme that will appeal to little inquisitive characters.

  • Easy puzzles

Children aged 2-3 years old will enjoy elementary puzzle toys, which they will try to solve in a game format.

  • Coloring

In a nursery, it is necessary to keep the kids occupied with something. Why not choose an original coloring book that is easy to show your imagination?

  • Identical figurines

Both girls and boys can be presented with cool figurines based on fairy tales, which they will use for games and entertainment.

  • Inflatable pool with balls

You can have original fun in the kindergarten if you have the right accessory. This is what a ball pool is like, in which you can swim at home and in the garden.

  • Constructor

To support children's thinking and development, give them a construction set. It is important to buy a model that is not too difficult to assemble, so that at 2-3 years old the child does not lose interest due to difficulties.

  • Puzzle

It is better to buy a simple and light children's puzzle with the image of your favorite character or cartoon. This will create excitement and interest in the child.

  • Tactile toys

Babies feel everything by touch. Therefore, a tactile toy with three-dimensional parts would be a useful gift.

  • Any ordinary toys

Cars, dolls, soft toys and other commonplace entertainment options - kids will like everything without any questions asked. They love attention and that's the main thing.

  • Individual toys for the Christmas tree

The first holidays in honor of the New Year are always exciting. Therefore, give your child a personal toy in honor of the symbol of 2022.

  • Backpack

A small themed backpack would be a great gift option. Before you buy it, you can buy candies and other sweets to fill it with.

  • Thematic photo shoot

Give an original gift that can reunite the whole family for memorable photos in honor of New Year's winter day.

  • Favorite theater performance

Both young children and adults will enjoy the performance of a professional team with a puppet theater performance. The main thing is that you give your baby magic and emotions.

  • Carnival costume

Make a young Santa Claus or Snow Maiden out of your child. Even if there is no full-fledged matinee in the nursery yet, you can organize it on New Year’s Eve at home in the parental environment.

  • Set for children's creativity

Kids are happy to use their imagination and draw a real work of art with their fingers. Buy a simple children's art kit in the store, with which your child will draw his first work of art.

  • Soft toy

Regardless of age, children love receiving soft toys. They can be given by both mothers and fathers, and educators or teachers.

  • Drawing board

Give your little one space to develop not only creative skills, but also mental ones.

  • Personal utensils

Your baby will love his own set of dishes, especially if it is brightly and originally decorated.

  • Natural sweets

Marshmallows, chocolate, cookies and other sweets that are prepared according to healthy recipes will definitely not harm your child on New Year's Eve.

  • Musical instruments

If your child has a love for music, then a children's toy instrument is a very good gift for a young musician.

Delicious gifts for kids

This is a classic that will not leave anyone indifferent. It’s simply impossible to imagine a New Year’s party without sweets! Both kids, older children, and adults love tasty gifts.

Ready-made sets of sweets or gingerbreads in holiday packaging

If you don’t have time to select gifts yourself, it’s easier to buy ready-made products.

You can create a surprise yourself by putting goodies in beautiful and practical packaging - for example, a bright plush backpack. This item will later be useful for the baby for walks.

You can put sweets, lollipops, gingerbreads, cookies and chocolates in a colorful gift bag.

Sweets selection

You don't have to limit yourself to traditional candies.

Presents are also made from original, tasty and healthy products for children:

  • dried fruits;
  • sweet glazed cheese curds;
  • yogurt in jars;
  • nuts;
  • oriental sweets;
  • juice in boxes, etc.

Creative parents will love the idea of ​​making sweet gifts in the form of various figures. For example, you can make a small herringbone pyramid.

What to give a girl for the New Year - you can find out from this article

Top educational gift ideas for the younger group for the New Year

  • Rug

A children's educational mat will help kids develop their thinking while playing.

  • Lego

All children love to collect Legos and other construction sets. Therefore, by making such a gift you definitely won’t go wrong.

  • Soap bubble set

Having fun and playing with soap bubbles will be entertaining for kids, and most importantly - safe.

  • Set of paints

Paint everything around in a New Year theme? Why not. Let kids show their creativity.

  • Mosaic

Simple, uncomplicated drawings will be suitable for students in the younger group, especially if you buy a New Year's mosaic.

  • Musical instruments

If your child has the makings of a drummer or keyboard player, then give him the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument, even a child’s one.

  • Educational tablet

With the help of a tablet, your child will have the opportunity to become more familiar with the world around them and interesting scientific facts.

  • Outdoor theatrical performance

Do you want to surprise your child? Book an exclusive, unique New Year's-themed performance from professional actors.

  • Wind-up toys

Ordinary toys cannot make sounds or move, but with the help of wind-up products you can easily correct this situation and entice your baby.

  • Individual plate

Personal dishes or cutlery personalize the child. The kid will stand out among his peers with the help of such a gift.

  • Microphone for singing

If a child loves to sing or makes active attempts to do so, then a microphone will help develop and improve the skill.

  • Jump rope

A practical gift with which your baby will be able to engage in sports and activities.

  • Frame

A photo frame with a favorite photo of family, friends or a group in kindergarten will give you warm memories.

  • Remote control toy

Despite their young age, children love the latest in the technical world. Choose an original car, robot, doll, train, etc. – this will be a great gift for the New Year holidays.

  • Dance mat

Do you want to support your child’s desire to move plastically and develop in a certain genre of dance? Then this gift is just what you need.

  • Shapeless soft chair

A universal gift for both boys and girls. You can choose upholstery in a New Year's theme.

  • Individual Christmas tree

Decorate a small Christmas tree with themed toys and place it in your baby’s room. A personal Christmas tree will give your child the opportunity to feel special.

  • Set of pencils

The guys will definitely want to depict their own vision of the New Year's holiday, so colored pencils will definitely come in handy.

  • Cute bracelets

A memorable gift is one of the best. Therefore, an individual bracelet with the child’s name or date of birth is a great gift.

  • Encyclopedia

Exploring the world through books is an excellent and exciting format. Give a thematic or general encyclopedia for young children.

New Year's tales, poems and coloring pages. 8 books included

What to do with your child while waiting for the New Year holidays? If your child loves to color, then our coloring books will come in handy. Wonderful pictures and funny poems will give your child a lot of joy.

Price: 330 rub. for a set of 8 books.

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Rating of New Year's gifts for the middle group

  • Slime making kit

Slime is very fashionable today. Every child, if they didn’t make slime on their own, then definitely watched videos about how it happens.

  • Plasticine

A useful gift for developing fine motor skills and imagination.

  • Wooden postcard

An interesting personalized gift that will remain as a keepsake for several years.

  • toy house

At a young age, children have a well-developed imagination, and in a toy house they will be able to build their own world.

  • Children's tent

Everyone in childhood made a hut out of chairs and a blanket, why not give the opportunity to quickly and deftly set up a ready-made tent?

  • Backpack

A useful and practical gift in which you can collect toys, stationery or other small items.

  • Balloon figurine

A beautiful themed installation made of balloons will look great in a children's room.

  • Animators' performance

Animators know how to cheer and entertain children, so an original New Year's performance will definitely come in handy.

  • Theater performance

From a young age, it is better to instill a love of theater and culture; arrange for your child a beautiful New Year's performance with puppets and actors on location.

  • Personal diary

Despite the fact that kids do not yet know how to write, they can fill the pages of their personal diary with drawings.

  • Player

You can record pleasant melodies, sounds of nature, audio books and other interesting melodies on the player.

  • Professional set

Becoming a hairdresser, doctor, policeman or other worker is easy with professional kits for children.

  • Craft kit

From childhood it is good to develop fine motor skills in the hand, which a handicraft kit will help perfectly with. Girls will be happy to weave a bracelet or knit something original, and boys will be happy with clay modeling or something similar.

  • Drawing board

A universal and useful gift for preschoolers, with which they can learn to write and count.

  • Water tablet

A modern, convenient gift that's different from a regular drawing board. The child will definitely be surprised by such a present.

  • Tickets to the circus

The circus performance pleases not only children, but also adults. Give your child tickets with a delayed date so that you can choose a convenient time to go to the circus.

  • Light paintings

An original decorative element that will attract the baby's attention and perfectly complement the children's room.

  • Puzzles

It is necessary to develop logic from an early age. A variety of puzzles will be a great help in this matter.

  • Kaleidoscope

A Soviet toy that has gained popularity among modern children. And on New Year's Eve, iridescent multi-colored lights come in handy!

  • Darts

An excellent game that allows you to test the dexterity and accuracy of kids.

Budget options for kindergarten gifts - 30 New Year's ideas

To prevent holiday preparations from becoming a heavy burden for parents, you can consider inexpensive gift ideas. Cheap does not mean bad - the range of budget, but sincere gifts is wide and will allow you to please children with bright, useful and interesting souvenirs:

  1. Self-adhesive soft applique.
  2. Coloring by numbers - for reproductive creativity.
  3. A book with invisible pictures.
  4. Sketchbook with samples for coloring.
  5. Stencil for painting on glass.
  6. Dynamic slide construction set for fun games with friends.
  7. Clothes for a doll.
  8. Velvet coloring.
  9. Prefabricated wooden model.
  10. A plastic pipe will make the holiday noisier.
  11. Harmonica.
  12. Sandbox play set.
  13. A watering can is a good gift for lovers of indoor plants.
  14. Plastic boat.
  15. The lacing toy develops children's fine motor skills.
  16. A water pistol will please you, but it will wait in the wings until the summer days.
  17. Plastic helicopter.
  18. Mini hockey.
  19. Children's billiards develops coordination of movements and eye.
  20. Accessories for the doll.

These gifts can be supplemented by sweet New Year's gifts awaiting children in the group, or a festive table and party with invited animators.

The best New Year's gifts for the senior group

  • Graphics tablet

A great multifunctional gift for children that will help develop creative skills.

  • Sports suit

A cool modern suit that both boys and girls will love.

  • Manicure set

If a girl is interested in cosmetic procedures, then give her a manicure training kit.

  • Computer chair

Considering the amount of time children spend on computers, a comfortable chair is key to good posture.

  • Ball with fun print

All children play with balls, so an original print on such a gift will be a nice addition.

  • Toy symbol of 2022

A thematic and symbolic gift for a child that will remind you of the past holiday.

  • Invisible ink pen

An interesting and funny gift that will interest young children. You can use a pen to write secret messages to friends and family.

  • Velcro construction set

A regular construction set may no longer be as interesting to a child as the one with Velcro. Diversify your baby's play life.

  • Glowing markers

A cool and bright gift for the New Year, with which you can draw a card or make an applique.

  • Clock with cartoon characters

You need to learn to keep track of time from childhood, so chasu is a suitable and convenient gift, especially with a print of your favorite cartoon character.

  • T-shirt with print

An excellent useful gift that will remind your child of the past holiday.

  • Board game

A great opportunity to spend time with friends and family, while playing according to the game scenario.

  • Projector starry sky

Create a wonderful atmosphere right at home or in kindergarten using a projector with bright laser beams.

  • Costume of Father Frost or Snow Maiden

For a child, it was always interesting: who is Father Frost and Snow Maiden? Give them the opportunity to become these heroes.

  • Experiment kit

Such a gift is suitable for children, as they are interested in everything new and unusual and want to learn unknown facts.

  • Karaoke

With this gift, children can easily test their musical abilities and have fun with friends.

  • Outdoor quest

Taking part in an interesting game, where every action is followed by a consequence, is an excellent opportunity to show ingenuity and independence.

  • Themed cap

A headdress with a New Year theme will be a memorable and cute gift for a child.

  • Thematic photo shoot

An interesting gift option where you can not only make original images of the child, but also accompany them with beautiful decorations.

  • A ball with the snow

A decorative ball with filling that flies around the sphere when shaken, a memorable and cool gift for a small child.

New Year's applications for kids (set of 6 pieces).

The New Year's Workshop set of applications includes 6 books with coloring pages and tasks that will create a festive mood and help you make greeting cards. From each book you will get 4 ready-made postcard applications.

Price: 360 rub. for a set of 6 books.

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The coolest gifts for the kindergarten preparatory group

  • Symbol of the year

Toys in the form of a symbol of the New Year 2022 are an excellent thematic gift.

  • Anti-stress toy

Despite the fact that children are not very susceptible to stress, such a pleasant toy will not bother the baby.

  • Pocket organ

An original instrument on which you can learn to play funny melodies.

  • Doll

For a girl, a wonderful win-win gift will be a doll that will become the baby’s best friend.

  • Functional machine

Tractor, ambulance, tank, etc. – such cars will appeal to young fans of racing.

  • Finger paint

Painting with brushes is not as interesting as painting with your fingers. Give your child the opportunity to plunge into a creative atmosphere.

  • Themed dominoes

The game of dominoes is not so difficult, and with original pictures it will be much more fun.

  • Bath toys

To make swimming more fun, give your child a set of bathing toys.

  • Felt ball

A regular ball is not as cute and interesting as a felt ball. Therefore, give your child an original ball to play with.

  • Wooden mockup

Instead of coloring, you can use a wooden model, which can be easily painted using your imagination.

  • Felt puzzles

Soft and original puzzles will improve children's fine motor skills.

  • Kinetic sand

A modern gift option that will captivate young children in an “impromptu” sandbox for a long period of time.

  • Modeling kit

To make an original object from snow or sand, you need to have molds and shovels. Therefore, a modeling kit is a great option.

  • Comics

A modern version of the book that will interest the child and develop imagination and originality.

  • Finger puppets

You don’t have to order a theatrical puppet show if you give your child special finger puppets.

  • Music magazine

If, when flipping through a book or magazine, the pages make original, funny sounds, reading will become an enjoyable process for children.

  • Electric car

Everyone wants to have their own car, a child is no exception, so give him a supercar in which he will drive around the open spaces of the house or street.

  • Massage Mat

A small massage will help the child relax and stretch his muscles.

  • Printed umbrella

A themed umbrella with a print of the symbol of 2022 will save you from bad weather with such a practical and convenient gift.

  • Storybook

Reading fairy tales and immersing yourself in a magical atmosphere is what you need for the New Year holiday.

We select non-sweet gifts - 20 interesting ideas

It’s hard to imagine a holiday without tangerines, sweets, chocolates and the rustling of bright wrappers. But in order to avoid allergies, parents are increasingly giving up sweets when choosing New Year's gifts for children. How can you replace them so that the surprise does not disappoint the kids:

  1. Set for playing with snow (bucket and shovel).
  2. Molds. They can be used both in winter and summer (in the sandbox).
  3. Mass or dough for modeling.
  4. Clay. White, polymer, self-hardening.
  5. A set of tools for modeling.
  6. Soft puzzles.
  7. Jewelry for girls (tiara, necklace, bracelet).
  8. Christmas gnome or snowman costume (hat or felt bucket, beard or carrot nose)
  9. A bag-house, or farm, offers many types and options for what to give a child on New Year's holiday.
  10. Cars with a plastic track.
  11. Set of soldiers (Vikings, Indians).
  12. Game set of the “Dress up the doll” type.
  13. Flying minions.
  14. Car models. They can have varying degrees of functionality: from a monolithic figure to a model with movable elements.
  15. Mannequin for creating hairstyles.
  16. Toothpaste dispenser in the form of a cartoon character.
  17. Interactive poster.
  18. Big puzzles.
  19. A fairy wand or pen/pencil in the shape of one.
  20. Toy set of weapons (shield and sword).

If you still plan to present sweets, but teachers are afraid of ruining the ending of the matinee by the kids’ attention switching to them, you can put the sweets in the group. This will allow children to be given an additional surprise that will prolong the holiday, teachers will be able to avoid unnecessary commotion in the hall, and parents will be able to monitor their children’s consumption of candy.

A selection of sweet New Year's gifts for kindergarten

  • Strawberries in chocolate
  • Kinder surprise
  • Homemade marshmallows
  • Cake to order
  • Chocolate with themed packaging
  • Bag of candy
  • Soft toy with candies
  • Gingerbread
  • Fruit chips
  • Lollipops in an interesting shape
  • Fruit basket
  • Marzipan figures
  • Natural sweets
  • Sweet nuts
  • Chocolate symbol of the year
  • A tea set
  • Cocoa set
  • Set for the production of chocolates
  • Paste
  • Cookies set

Handmade gifts

Not all mothers know how and love to do handicrafts, but it’s not at all difficult to come up with and create an original New Year’s gift for children in nursery groups.

For example, any kid will be delighted with Santa Claus's magical sweet sleigh. Christmas candy hooks are very popular. They are given to children for Christmas all over the world.

The sled consists of candy runners, and the base is a chocolate bar. All that remains is to place a variety of sweets on top and the gift is ready. To make the sled stable and not fall apart, use a glue gun and connect all the elements together.

You can watch the videos for gift ideas.

How to take care of your child’s health - you can learn from this article

Unusual gifts for kindergarteners for the New Year

  • Money box
  • Wireless headphones
  • Swim kit
  • Dance subscription
  • Carnival costume
  • On-site master class
  • Portrait with paints
  • Mobile phone
  • Science laboratory
  • Foam rubber tunnel
  • Children's exercise equipment
  • Sled
  • Smart watch
  • Choco puzzles
  • Spirograph
  • Busyboard
  • Play dough
  • Beast robot
  • World map
  • Interactive toys

What should you not give in kindergarten for the New Year?

Gifts in kindergarten, as well as school, are given by parents or employees of educational institutions. Gifts are usually chosen at a parent committee meeting, where money is collected to form a budget and discuss the price of the gift.

But there is a certain list from which we would not recommend giving gifts to small children in kindergarten:

  • gaming consoles;
  • hygiene items;
  • complex toys;
  • mobile phone;
  • money;
  • junk food;
  • jewelry.

Creative set “New Year's color engraving”

This type of engraving is designed specifically for the little ones: large details, clear lines, interesting subjects, ease of scratching with a scraper. The result is a fun, colorful picture. While doing this, the child develops fine motor skills, imagination, and concentration.

Price: from 183 rub.

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Recommendations for parents on choosing a good gift for a kindergartener

Giving a gift to a child in kindergarten for New Year, birthday or any other holiday is a difficult question. Children look forward to the moment of presenting a gift, so it is worth taking the choice and design of the present seriously.

  • start preparing early;
  • find out from the child what he wants;
  • decide on a budget;
  • consider packaging and presentation options;
  • invite animators.

If you do everything right, your baby will remember the gift you gave him for a long time!

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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