Parting words from the head teacher at a kindergarten graduation. Parting words from parents. Congratulations in prose on graduation in kindergarten - from the head of the children

Congratulations, dear, glorious children, on your first graduation. May your happy childhood never end, may every day be cheerful, bright, sunny and kind for you. Don’t be afraid of change, don’t forget to dream and enjoy life, go for walks, start something incredibly interesting, paint pictures, sing songs, surprise your family and the whole world. May each of you be able to reveal your talents and achieve great victories in life. Be happy, dear children.

Our dear children, It’s time for us to part ways, In parting, we wish you good luck and goodness, You are leaving your beloved kindergarten today, School is waiting for you very soon, And there is no turning back, You are studying with flying colors, Never give up, Smile, don’t be sad, Be happy always!

You completed kindergarten and today is graduation, Here you were little, now the big world awaits you.

You have now completed the first step in life. Prepare well: Next is school, first grade!

You have graduated from kindergarten, and soon you will go to school! I hope everyone is happy at school, may success await you ahead!

Grow strong, big, Always step forward! Be cheerful, funny, Many happy years await you!

I wish you to love, dream, May life be more beautiful than summer! I will miss you so much, After all, you gave so much light!

Our dear children, today you are leaving the walls of the kindergarten where you learned to be friends and won your first victories. We wish you successful schooling, good health, a lot of joy, true true friendship and success in work, sports and creativity.

Congratulations on your first graduation, dear guys. Remember your kindergarten and smile, boldly go towards new discoveries and always achieve success. May your every day be fun and exciting, may many interesting lessons and new friends await you at school. Be happy, children, and always remain the same kind, cheerful, sincere, dreamy people.

Our dear children, beloved and wonderful students, today you say goodbye to our kindergarten and set off on a long journey to new knowledge. Let every day have something interesting and good in store for you, let there be no room for fears and doubts in your hearts. We wish you to remember all our fun pranks and games more often, we wish you to boldly conquer new spaces and heights of success.

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation. Today you will leave the walls of this kindergarten and set off on a new journey along the roads of other interests and hobbies. We want to wish you to never doubt yourself, never be upset, dream beautifully and believe in miracles, show your talents in everything and successfully gain new knowledge of life.

It seems like it was just recently: You came to this kindergarten, But time quickly passed for all the kindergarten children!

Now you are adults, And soon you will go to school, May great success await you on the path of life!

Always, children, remember everything that the garden taught you: Be friends, help your neighbors, So that a ray of happiness shines on you!

Today is a holiday - graduation! And I wish our kids a long and bright path in life. May the coming school years bring you a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. May joy always accompany you, along with luck, sincerity and success. Good mood, courage and victories!

Congratulations to kindergarten graduates in verse

Dolls, bears and parsleys look at the guys sadly. Goodbye toys, Goodbye kindergarten. There are new notebooks, pens and pencils in the bag. Goodbye, horses. We are no longer kids.

Today is an important day, guys - your first graduation celebration! And you will go to school with your first notebook, with a large briefcase behind your back, not forgetting your kindergarten, nannies and us! We wish you new knowledge, success! And good morning!

Today it is impossible to contain your excitement - your last holiday in kindergarten. Our hearts are both warm and anxious, - After all, the children have grown up and are going to school. And how difficult it is for us to part with you, And to let you out from under our wings into the world! You have become family, you have become friends, And it seems you couldn’t be found better. Today, guys, we congratulate you! You go to school to study and make friends. We wish you all success, health and never forget your kindergarten.

You came to us as a baby, To learn how to live big in our world And make friends with children. And now you are older, we are happy for you! The Farewell Ball is ahead. Kindergarten graduate!

The kindergarten welcomes children and teaches them with a smile. In it the wisdom of existence is comprehended by children. How to behave with friends, Help a tired nanny. Teachers understand to do everything to the best of their ability. The second house became their home, gave them a wonderful world. Children will remember how they learned to play in it. These games will help everyone master Life inadvertently. Overcome any distance that you have only dreamed of. To be a hero of existence Kindergarten is a family. There was so much in it, Life was like something out of a movie. The years flew by quickly, and the guys grew up. Their first graduation is waiting, Before the big road. Let the poems and songs sound. They make the holiday more interesting. The Tale of the First Flight Interesting concern. The teachers are proud. Everyone will celebrate their efforts. The years were not in vain And their labors were so beautiful. A generation has been raised. Mistakes have not been forgotten. Their other little jackdaws are waiting. Well, these preschool children. Each of your young heroes goes on a difficult journey. Let them come sometimes and tell you how you are doing. And today is the garden holiday, “Mom” is shedding tears on the sly. After all, she is a headmistress and should be an actress. Spend the most important holiday Like a capable boss. Give everyone a smile, Don’t forget about gifts. The janitor Fedya is also in the business, as the guys wanted. And the cleaning lady is honored. Her cleanliness is her credit. The story lasted three hours and transformed all the children. Their little eyes look into the distance, They notice everything. Mothers rejoice with them. They gave gifts to everyone. It turned out to be a celebration. Everyone will remember it. The kindergarten gave up, He is forever dear to everyone. Let the dreams of the first children's light of spring come true!

We are so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten! It became a home for our children. I would like to return someday, But these are all just childhood dreams. We wish you success and good luck, We are so grateful for your love. She means a lot in life to the children, They don’t forget anything!

Today we say “Goodbye” to the garden We say it with a little sadness! And before school, as a farewell, We want to say to the teachers: “Thank you very much, For everything you taught us! Dear warmth for your hands! We will remember you forever! "

The little locomotive of childhood rushes along the road. Stations flash past the window like birds. He will take the boys further today. Goodbye, station called “Kindergarten!” Dolls and cars, an orderly row of books, They look at you as they follow you. And it’s as if they were whispering: “(child’s name), don’t be sad! Happiness to you, joy! Bon Voyage!"

The time has come - the children have grown up, the graduation party is today. Dear mothers, dear fathers, It’s so good that you are nearby now. Because you are the best in the world - your children give you applause!

We are now very big, Soon we will be schoolchildren, But together we decided everything: We will not forget kindergarten! Let us say goodbye to him today, Let the memory always preserve, How we quarreled, made peace, How we played in the garden, yes!

We invite everyone to the ball In an elegant music hall, Where there will be music and laughter, And a mindset for success, Smiles, games, songs, speeches, Hope for future meetings, The fragrance of flowers And the chirping of children's voices, Gifts, cakes, candy, Voiced ditties verses, There is an awkward confession in love, Honor and glory for the Great calling - to love children, To give the warmth of your hearts, Where in the waltz the memory will swirl: “Do you remember?..” “It can’t be...” “How we grew up... we grew up...” “We We didn’t have time to look back..." And eyes wet with tears - Everything has its time, its time! Go ahead, baby! Go! You are full of strength, hope, love. We believe that your destiny is to always be happy! Always!

Today you are letting us go, Like a flock of cheerful birds. And at the same time you unwittingly drop Tears from your long eyelashes! How much kindness and affection you have, And there is no one wiser in the world than you! You probably came from a fairy tale and raised us for so many years! Do not be sad! We will definitely visit you again! Our nannies and teachers thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Today we say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten, We have grown up, we have grown up, We need to go to school. Thanks to the teachers, Thanks to our nannies, And to the doctor and the cook, We will say “thank you” to everyone. Today is a special day - both sad and happy. We have grown, we have grown! Let's go to school!

In kindergarten we were friends with everyone for many days, but now it’s a different matter - there are more important concerns. You have books in your briefcase, I have a bouquet in my hand, All the boys I know look after you in surprise. Why is it a fun day? Why is everyone happy? We're going to school. Goodbye, kindergarten!

Dear children! A sad moment is coming: Desks and books are waiting for you, The school is calling you into battle... Congratulations to you, children, Our graduates! You will remember these Golden days - Autumn is still far away, But, saying goodbye now, We ask you for one thing: Remember us at school!

It’s not an easy holiday for us, It only happens once, And today it’s not for nothing that Guests are in a hurry to visit us. This holiday is our fun, Because school is coming soon. It’s just a pity, we have to say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten. Here we were friends, we played, We learned the first letters, We grew up imperceptibly And we became quite big. This holiday is a day of farewell, Sad and cheerful. Our kindergarten, goodbye! Hello, hello, school!

Graduation parties are rushing through the gardens in a crowd - They are in a hurry, flying, tearing hearts to pieces... Thank you so much, dear ones, For the fact that our offspring are funny Now they are ready to go on a new path; And to you - goodness, health and patience, Warmth of soul and business acumen, Good luck, victories and so much inspiration, So that you will have more than enough for your whole life; So that they don’t call you “educators”, So that each of the children is in love with you!.. We are very sorry to part with you... Thank you and low bow to you!

Farewell, beloved kindergarten, You've eaten a lot of salt!.. There are a lot of girls and guys. It's already ready for school! And the teachers work, And the cooks, and the nannies Believe me, they will not leave us - Their love will be with us! We love you too, we will always love you! ...Going into the eleventh grade, we still won’t forget you!!!

The birch trees in the yard are sad. At this farewell hour, you will all go to first grade in September. Take your backpacks, primers, notebooks, diaries, and the school bells will sing a song for you loudly!

Today you will say goodbye to all teachers and children. But you always, baby, know: They are waiting for you here, they will meet you here. You come to us sometimes, tell us about your successes, and if you are sad, then we will support you with warm laughter!

We are no longer toddlers or preschoolers. Let's replace bright pencils with notebooks, Pens, bags, primers... we have become big - We know one, and two, and three, and four more! We know how to learn poetry and read a little... And when we came to kindergarten, we were little kids. You raised us, we love you... But we are leaving for first grade. Kindergarten, happy!!!

Our dear graduate, we are parting with you. And we want to wish that you study with A's. Always be cheerful, brave, dexterous, strong and skillful. Be a little stricter with yourself, Be a good comrade, So that we can be proud of you, Our dear graduate!

All the ladies are in ballroom dresses, And their gentlemen match them, Today we need to be adults, But I want to run to my mother. You liked to play here, Sometimes you didn’t want to go home, It’s time to say goodbye to the kindergarten, And we are celebrating graduation.

It’s not easy to come up with an ideal congratulation for children and teachers, because here it is necessary to take into account the young age of the kids and use the simplicity of rhymes. Of course, similar poetic lines can be found on the Internet, but many of these wishes are stereotyped and banal. Much more interesting and touching will be a congratulation to children on their kindergarten graduation, invented and composed independently. How to create it and what should you pay attention to in the process?

Parting words to kindergarten graduates from the head

Happy holiday, dear children, on your first graduation.
As the head, I boldly declare that this graduation is one of the best and these children are wonderful, sincere, cheerful, kind, wonderful guys. I wish you, little birds, to boldly fly towards your dreams and may you be accompanied by the gentle rays of the sun, the support of loved ones and great luck. I wish you great happiness, health, amazing stories in life and great victories! You studied and played, Danced, grew up and frolicked in earnest Just every minute.

But now you all have to step onto the adult path, School is waiting, the bell rings, lessons And other teachers.

You study and try, gain more knowledge, so that we can be proud of you, our graduates!

Dear children, today you are saying goodbye to our dear kindergarten, but remember that you can always come to visit us, or for some help. Soon you will go to school, and I want to wish you to always remain as inquisitive and joyful. Never despair, and boldly move forward along the road of life. And we are adults, we will always support you and help you in difficult situations.

Dear guys, congratulations on your first graduation and I want to wish you great success in the future. Don’t forget your kindergarten, your teachers and nannies, don’t forget me, because I was very pleased to manage this kindergarten when such friendly, loud, inquisitive, cheerful children grew and developed there. Always be like this. And may many good, joyful, and interesting things await you ahead.

Our dear graduates! When leaving the walls of the kindergarten, take with you everything that you were taught here: the concepts of true friendship, courage and honesty. I wish you success in your studies, sporting achievements, creative achievements and the joy of learning new things.

From the head, guys, Accept the instruction, Just study for A's, Distinguish yourself in school with your zeal.

The garden, of course, will be boring without your funny jokes, But you have become older, more curious and more beautiful.

Let it be interesting for you, to explore the huge world, Well, we will be your guest, our dears, waiting.

You came to us as little kids, You found a second house in the garden, Many days have passed since then And now, children, you have grown up!

Today we say goodbye to you, But we remain friends! And if you suddenly feel sad, then come and visit the kindergarten!

I wish you to choose the right path and so that you don’t turn away from it! May you achieve all your goals and try to make your dreams come true!

Happy graduation! For children, this is their first graduation, and for teachers, this is an exciting and important moment. Let each of us take something different from this day, but something very necessary and dear. Take care of these emotions and the knowledge and skills that each of us has received.

We are releasing our chicks to fly, your wings have become stronger, the door to the world of knowledge is open, let the School, guys, welcome you. I want to wish you good luck at graduation from kindergarten, I wish you to easily overcome the Primer, learn to read, write. I wish you faithful, reliable friends in your school life, to meet the proud title of MAN, so that you, children, are worthy.

Our dear kids, congratulations! I wish you to be healthy, brave, strong. Study well at school, boldly and confidently make your way in life to achieve everything you want.

Block “Memories of the first steps of graduates”


I was three years old. My mother told me, since I myself didn’t know about it, that starting Monday I’ll go to kindergarten and I’ll find true friends there! At first I held on to my mother for a long time, Then I somehow broke away from her, And crying and roaring, I entered the group! And there... I found a lot of toys there! Our teachers were also there! There are probably no more beautiful teachers! Can we take you to school with us? And we will take our nanny! She comforted us simply wonderfully, When we cried, she sang songs to us, And the dissatisfied kids instantly became calm! What if we accidentally get a bad grade at school? No one can comfort us better than a nurse! We don’t know yet how we will live without you, we don’t imagine, we don’t understand! Can we take some toys with us? And, if possible, also pillows? What if I feel sleepy at school? Can I take my bed with me? How we don’t want to part with our beloved kindergarten! School is probably good, but I really want to go to kindergarten!


When we brought the children here for the first time in their lives, we were so worried at the door, but the children instantly got used to it! At first, the mother did not want to let the son go, And soon the mother could not find the son - He was so busy playing with his beloved teacher! You have always been like this, caring and attentive! Like our miracle babies

We've grown up over the years! Recently we just came to the kindergarten, And then we went to school... We don’t know how it will be there, But we thank you for giving everything to the children, Perhaps, like family!

Congratulations to the head of the kindergarten on graduation in prose

Our dear manager! We would like to express our gratitude and deepest respect to you. After all, it is thanks to you that within the walls of our kindergarten there reigns not only comfort, joy, happiness, decorated with children's smiles, but also a real atmosphere of a strong and friendly family. May you always have joy in your life, may there never be a shortage of smiles or a shortage of happiness.

Our dear principal, we congratulate you on the graduation of our wonderful children. Thank you for your efforts, for your brilliant ideas, for your constant confidence and well-being in the garden. We wish you to always remain joy, good luck and the keeper of the hearth of care and kindness in our kindergarten. Let cheerful children come to us, let every parent be calm for his child and grateful for his upbringing. I wish you health, good mood, honor and sincere, real, like a child’s laughter, happiness in life.

It is hard work to lead any institution: a school, an institute or a factory. But the hardest thing is to have a kindergarten at your disposal. Thank you, dear manager, for the fact that everyone in your work team, be it a teacher, nanny or cook, gives any child a piece of their soul. We wish your garden prosperity! Let the cup of health always be full, the house be warmed with family warmth and comfort, and the light of your spiritual kindness burns ever brighter. Congratulations on your graduation!

A beautiful parting word from the first teacher to primary school graduates

The junior grades are behind us, which means that another stage in the children’s lives has been passed. Ahead of the children are senior classes, during which many new discoveries, achievements, overcomings, etc. are planned for the years of their stay. Today, elementary school graduates will have a fun holiday with performances, games, competitions, honorary awards, a lot of wishes and, of course, beautiful parting words from their first teacher. If congratulations at the graduation party are heard from one and all, then these lines are first of all spoken by the teacher who led his students by the hand through all the difficulties. A beautiful parting word from the first teacher to primary school graduates is the most symbolic moment of the celebration, so we recommend that you carefully prepare for it.

Examples of beautiful parting words from the first teacher to primary school graduates

Our dear graduates! Now you can read, write and count. This is the first stage of knowledge that you have successfully completed. Rise higher and higher, grab new skills like air! The higher you manage to climb, the easier it will be in adulthood. Remember, we love you and look forward to your new successes.

Dear children, today is your graduation from the 4th grade, you are leaving the walls of elementary school and going in search of new knowledge and discoveries to the senior level. Let your path be easy and simple, let new subjects arouse your undoubted interest, let school become not only a place for you to gain knowledge and education, but also a center of fun leisure and exciting pastime.

Dear children, now it’s time to congratulate you on your first school graduation. And even if this is just a small victory, and not the end of the battle, I wish you strength and optimism for the further path of knowledge. I wish you health, perseverance, aspirations for bright things and many joyful moments. I wish you to accumulate a bag of strong and necessary knowledge that will help you fulfill your desires.

Congratulations to kindergarten graduates in prose

Congratulations on an important event, on your first graduation. May kindergarten leave wonderful memories in your heart, may great discoveries and happy days await you ahead. Remain the same wonderful child, dream about something beautiful and enjoy every new day.

Congratulations, honey, on your first graduation. I wish you a cheerful bird to fly out of the kindergarten nest and set off on a happy journey through the countries of new knowledge. May every path lead you to success, may you have many good friends in life, may no obstacles scare you, may mother’s love and father’s support always help you overcome any milestone.

Congratulations to children and parents on a wonderful holiday! Let your first graduation party in your life become an important milestone on your wonderful path to understanding the world. I wish our graduates big and small victories, may the school become for them the same home as the kindergarten was. I wish our future excellent students happiness, sunny days and health, and their parents - patience and love!

Your first graduation has arrived, you are leaving kindergarten and a lot of new and interesting things await you. Happy graduation, baby, I wish you good school work, perseverance, responsibility, joy, new successes, find many new friends at school, health, new interesting knowledge and skills, may everything always work out!

Congratulations on your little event! The best years are ahead - school. May there be happiness, successful studies, good teachers, easy homework, and a lot of knowledge gained. Let every day be interesting and useful. Be healthy, successful and wise.

The first stage of the little man has been completed. With this we congratulate the happy parents. We wish your child endless enthusiasm for learning, unshakable confidence in himself and his abilities, and creative inspiration for new achievements. And also a completely clean medical card. And to you, dear parents, we wish you patience, strength and joy from the new achievements of your offspring.

Congratulations, miracle, on your first graduation. Today you are leaving the walls of your kindergarten, today a new world and a new road to a land of other knowledge and hobbies, to a land of growing up and responsibility, opens up before you. I wish you not to be afraid of anything, to remain the same happy and cheerful child, to boldly and confidently strive for big discoveries and your kind dreams.

Dear children, today is your kindergarten graduation! Guys, I would like to wish you only a happy childhood, a sea of ​​positive emotions, new acquaintances and all the best! May you succeed in everything at school, may all your dreams come true, and may good luck accompany you throughout your life! Happy journey to you, beloved children!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers

For some parents, a child’s first trip to kindergarten becomes a real challenge, since not all children easily tolerate separation from their mother. It’s quite difficult to leave a child “with someone else’s aunt” for almost the whole day. Such thoughts must be driven away from yourself. Parents need to be in a positive mood not only for themselves, but also for the child, since he will certainly feel the experiences of mom and dad. A kind, experienced and loving teacher will help your child go through the adaptation process with ease. Teachers are often called “second mothers”, since they not only fulfill their professional duties, but also put their soul into each child. In order to thank your teacher, you don’t always need to wait for a special occasion. You can express your gratitude and respect for his work even at the end of the day, picking up your child from kindergarten. Words of gratitude to the teacher can be as follows:

  • The “second mother” of our children, our good fairy, over all these years we have become truly family. It's hard to put into words the gratitude we as parents feel for you. You didn’t just raise our children, you put your soul into them, taught them what was good and what was bad, and took care of them as if they were your own children. We wish you not to lose enthusiasm in your profession and continue to be a “ray of light” for other children!
  • Dearest and sweetest teacher, thank you for your work. What have we not experienced together with you? There were tears and smiles. And how many wonderful holidays and unforgettable matinees you have prepared over the years! Thank you for your patience, sincerity, responsiveness and attentiveness! We wish you professional and personal growth, achievement of your goals and objectives, constant creative inspiration in your work.

Parting words from the manager in prose

It will be much more pleasant for any person, even the smallest one, to hear parting words to kindergarten graduates from the head in prose. It is always filled with sincerity, love and tenderness. The following option is perfect for this occasion:

“Our most beloved students! On this day I want to cry, because I am parting with my beloved guys. And I sincerely believe that I am not saying goodbye to you forever, you will often come to visit us. I wish everyone that you don’t have any trouble studying school lessons, bring only A’s and always make your parents happy!”

Block "Introduction"


The sun is shining in the window, and the birds are singing. They probably already know about the holiday too! The birds have flown in and are sitting and looking out the window at us, as if there is a movie about our kindergarten right now! It’s as if we were on the screen We’ll watch our entire journey, My friend, never forget your kindergarten, Beloved! Today we will remember how we came here, how weeks and years flew by like birds. We will say goodbye, friends, After all, it’s time for us to go to school! Childhood passes, And, alas, the game is over!..


Oh, has this day really come? The last holiday, Graduation, found us after all!.. Well, maybe we should still wait and not let them go? After all, how will we live without them - I still don’t understand... At the age of three they appeared here And they were good, So smart already, Even though they were kids. They knew how to eat and drink themselves, and they also knew how to sleep. And how to read and how to count, we were able to find out here. Now they know how to draw, read and sing songs, and so they know how to eat quickly, so that they can make it in time for lunch! How you have grown right here, Before our eyes. No wonder here they are, eyes, Look - everyone is in tears!.. Today is your Graduation Day, You have grown up, friends! And no matter how much we want to, we cannot leave you. We are sending you on your way now, We will pack your luggage, But everyone will know for sure that he is OUR graduate!

Congratulations from the teacher in prose

A farewell message to kindergarten graduates from a teacher in prose is the most important moment, which often brings tears to the eyes. It is recommended that each sentence be imbued with awe and love. For example, you can use the following option for this:

“The life of every person is divided into several stages. Our kindergarten has become only the first step for you. Ahead of everyone is school, college, and career growth. We hope that we were able to give you a good basis, so we calmly release you into adulthood. A piece of you will forever remain in this group. We will always remember this bewitching laughter, all our joint matinees and events! Congratulations on your first graduation. May each of you have a happy journey ahead. Good luck!".

A heartfelt parting word from parents to 11th grade graduates on the Last Bell

At graduation and the Last Bell, parents traditionally hear a heartfelt parting word to graduates of 11th grade. Since not every parent committee has a natural speaker, it is worth approaching the preparation of a solemn speech responsibly and in advance. Otherwise, one of the moms or dads will have to improvise on the fly, and such experiments do not always end in success. You can write a sincere parting word from parents to 11th grade graduates on the Last Bell in prose or find a poetic version. And the selected text should be captured on a beautiful sheet of paper so that you can peep it in case of strong excitement.

A moment of memories

Most likely, each teacher is already accustomed to the group with which he has worked for several years. And he has something to say about each of his students. Such parting words to kindergarten graduates in prose will be the most successful congratulations, which both children and their parents will be pleased to hear.

“I remember how Dasha walked through that door. She did not like to stay in the kindergarten and cried for a long time, calling for mom and dad. We were able to cope with this situation together. Misha is the most responsible assistant, it will be difficult for us without him. Alina always pleased us with new outfits. Katyusha always cleaned up the toys after herself and the other children, it was only thanks to her that our place was always so clean. We can talk about each of you endlessly. All these years you have only made us happy. Today we are not saying goodbye to you, but only giving you the opportunity to move to a new stage of life. Always remain as responsible, kind and polite."

Block “Congratulations to graduates with kids”


Oh, how big you are! You're almost up to the ceiling! And no hand will rise to call you kids.

They carried you on a sled and carried you in your arms, and now you stand firmly on your own two feet!

We want to be big like you, to become big as quickly as possible, to live like you, not on the first floor, but on the top floor!

We promise that we will replace you with dignity, friends, because without you, that is, without the elders, it’s impossible to go to kindergarten!

We promise that we will not break toys here. And we will never offend each other here.

In a quiet hour we will sleep quietly and finish the whole lunch, and we will be able to study at school at four and five!

Very soon we will grow up, we will go to school too!

A few nice words from the teacher to the parent

Of course, parting words to kindergarten graduates is a very important part of the event. But don’t forget about their parents, who also deserve special attention on this day. It is recommended to choose a beautiful congratulation in prose.

“Dear our colleagues. Allow us to call you that way on this day. During this time, we worked together to create role models for our children. Much of what we managed to achieve happened only thanks to your merits. We won many creative competitions, made wonderful crafts, and managed to create the most comfortable corner. Thank you for everything. We hope that many more successes await you on your life's journey."

The main parting word to graduates from the school director at the Last Bell

Graduates of 11th grades await the main parting words from the school principal at the Last Bell with no less anticipation than graduates of 9th grades. After all, for them this holiday is not just a short seasonal break before the new academic year at school, but a real step into adulthood, farewell to their favorite class and the entire carefree period of apprenticeship. What words would they like to hear on this day? Complaints with reproaches are unlikely. The moral teachings and official formulations of the administration are also not. The main parting word to graduates from the school principal at the Last Bell should be kind, positive, awakening healthy patriotism and respect for teachers, at the same time reassuring and inspiring for new victories and achievements in the future.

Examples of parting words from a school principal to graduating seniors

Today is a solemn and exciting day. Yesterday's children have become completely grown-up, independent, ready to embark on a great and exciting journey called life. Let your guide on this journey be a loving and sensitive heart, a calm and faithful mind, a ardent and huge dream. Be brave and strong, daring and ambitious, wise and noble. Great happiness and good luck to you, our beloved graduates!

On such an important, joyful and at the same time a little sad holiday, I want to congratulate you. You are all already great fellows! You are smart, strong and purposeful guys, people who are not afraid to entrust the future of the country. Go boldly forward, and may luck and happiness accompany you along this path.

Dear guys! You are so young, beautiful and purposeful here, standing one step away from the adult world with its worries and anxieties. You have come a long and serious way, each of you already has something to be proud of. I want to wish you to set bold and ambitious goals for yourself, to achieve what you dream of, to live a bright and rich life in which there should be a place for everything: work, friends, love, loved ones, joy and happiness.

Parting words from parents

Each kindergarten group has an active parent committee. As a rule, these are several mothers who take the initiative to resolve many issues into their own hands: organizing holidays, photo shoots and matinees. Therefore, a beautiful parting word from the parents should also be given to the kindergarten graduate. It can be presented in poetic form or in prose.

At this hour we congratulate you

Happy most significant day,

We wish you a lot of knowledge,

We'll be going to school soon!

“Our dear children, the most touching hour has come. How amazing it is to realize that you have grown up so quickly and are now on the threshold of school. We hope that you will not lose your friendship and that you will also conquer new heights at school hand in hand. We must say a big thank you to the teaching staff for your work and great patience!”

After parting words from parents to kindergarten graduates, a ceremony of presenting gifts takes place. As a rule, teachers are given memorable gifts that will make their work even more enjoyable; you can also present a certificate to a cosmetic store, spa salon or sports center. Children are awarded toys, certificates of honor or sweet prizes.

Block “Gratitude from Parents”

There is definitely no kindergarten like this anywhere else. You and I will not be lost On land and even in water!

How kind you have always been with our kids! You drew with them with paints, pencils,

You sang songs with them, You danced dances, With you, so cheerful, They were never bored!

We will part with you soon... We will miss you very much. Those who have not been here in the kindergarten may not understand us...

Only we will tell them how great it was for us! Children really, really love their second mothers!

You really were real Moms to them: So good, kind, Talented, brilliant!

You taught them a lot: to play together and be friends, and to become big, and in general to live correctly!

We'll be parting soon. The kids will go to school. But they always find their way to kindergarten!

So don’t be sad, they will come running to you again, because they know that teachers are always waiting in kindergarten!

Some tips

In order for the prom to be a success, you need to adhere to several basic rules:

  • The entire ceremonial part should not last long. 45-60 minutes is enough. Otherwise, it can quickly become boring.
  • There must be a moment of dressing up as various animals from children's cartoons. Not a single children's event takes place without this.
  • Congratulations to kindergarten graduates from children should be succinct and consist of simple phrases. Otherwise, remembering it will be problematic.
  • Musical accompaniment must also be present. If only the speech of parents, teachers and teaching staff is present at the gala event, then the children will quickly begin to get bored. You can also supplement it with various competitions and quizzes.
  • The farewell message to kindergarten graduates from senior comrades should be a simple text so that all children understand its meaning. The smaller it is, the better.

If you adhere to all these rules, then the prom will be successful. All children will have fun and comfort in the company of their closest people.

The main mistakes when making holiday wishes

Sometimes such children's holidays are not very diverse, and parents often make offensive mistakes when drawing up congratulations, which makes the celebration more boring and dull.

If adults plan to congratulate the children themselves using poetic lines, they should avoid banality. It is better not to take poems from the Internet, since the lines you compose yourself will be much more touching and vivid.

Graduation in kindergarten, as a rule, consists of several traditional blocks, which can be interchanged. These blocks have historically developed and include the main content of graduation in kindergarten, which, of course, cannot be done without.

  • introduction;
  • memories of how today's graduates began their kindergarten journey;
  • congratulations to graduates with kids;
  • “passing the baton” from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades;
  • checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school;
  • children's gratitude to their teachers and all teaching and service staff of the kindergarten;
  • gratitude from parents;
  • parting words from kindergarten staff to graduates.

What no kindergarten graduation is complete without is poetry. Poems will create the appropriate mood for graduation in kindergarten: where necessary - funny (for example, when talking about the childhood of graduates), where necessary - lyrical (when talking about how graduates do not want to part with kindergarten). Poems will make graduation in kindergarten even more vivid, emotional, and will help both children and parents remember it for a long time, preserving memories of kindergarten for a long time.

It is important to correctly place the emphasis in the use of poetry in order to build the correct emotional outline of a kindergarten graduation: somewhere to laugh with the children and parents, and somewhere to be sad, so that both children, parents, and teachers can feel the full importance of this a wonderful part of life’s journey – preschool education.

In essence, these poems can become a ready-made script if you add prose connectives to them - the words of the presenter.

Basic moments

A very important part of the event is to come up with a beautiful parting message for kindergarten graduates. In addition, it is worth paying attention to several main points:

  • After the formal part, you should definitely hold a disco or a themed party with the participation of animators. An interesting concert is also suitable as an entertainment event. You can complement it with a soap bubble show and another original genre;
  • A photo shoot and video filming are required. Children grow up quickly, and there are so few holidays in their lives. After the prom, they will all run away and stop communicating with each other, but this moment should be remembered for many years.
  • What holiday would be complete without gifts? Parents should make sure in advance that each graduate receives a souvenir. A sweet gift, medal of honor, graduation album, souvenir or toy is perfect for this.
  • You should arrange a tea ceremony for them with your favorite dessert.

Farewell evening with the kindergarten is the most touching and tender event. It represents a certain line between childhood and adulthood. Before the holiday, it is very important to come up with a beautiful parting wish for kindergarten graduates. This memorable speech, delivered from the heart, will be remembered by them for many years to come.

Sources: /pozdravleniya/vazhno/vypusknoy-sada/proza.htm sada-ot-malyishey

The best parting words from the class teacher to 9th grade graduates

The last bell for 9th grade graduates is never complete without a parting word from the class teacher. This moment is very touching and memorable, because the words spoken by a beloved teacher often have a striking impact on the entire independent life of students. This means that the teacher’s solemn speech should be smart, competent, filled with love and wise instructions. It’s better to do without moralizing and reproaches, but you shouldn’t refuse a light joke. So, the best parting words of the class teacher will be remembered by 9th grade graduates for many years, as well as by parents and other guests of the holiday.

But what should you do if you want to finally give your students a bright speech, but have no writing talent? We recommend using ready-made versions of parting words from the class teacher to graduating 9th graders from our next selection.

Examples of a cheerful parting word for 9th grade graduates from the class teacher

My dear guys! A lot of water has run away since you first crossed the school threshold. And today it seems that time has turned back: you have come to him again to fly out of your native walls as stronger chicks into adulthood. Soon you will hear the music of the farewell waltz. The morning dawn will call you to an unknown distance, to new achievements. Now I feel both happy and sad emotions at the same time. Having received a certificate, you will become such an adult and independent. I am filled with pride when I look at you - my students. But at this moment our school is like a tree from which the wind in the fall tears off the leaves and mercilessly carries them away. Don't get lost in the restless whirlwind of everyday life. Be friends with each other, do not forget your native walls. Come to school. I, your class teacher, will always be glad to meet you. Remember yourself like this: young, beautiful, romantic, with a spark of trust in life. I want this light to never go out, and for all hopes and expectations to come true. Each teacher gave you a piece of their heart by sharing their knowledge. This is an invaluable treasure that will become the key to significant achievements and help make your dreams come true. Your victories are proof that our work is not in vain.

Dear Guys! I congratulate you on the end of a serious stage in your life. To those of you who will continue your studies, I would like to wish you a joyful and carefree holiday. And to those who are saying goodbye to school today, I would like to say the following as an elder. We all want to be happy, but the trouble is that the image of happiness is imposed on us from the outside - an apartment, a car, a prestigious job. I want you to be able to see and choose what you need, because that’s what your heart desires. Only this path will lead you to true happiness, follow it.

Dear guys! We have come a long way together, and you have forever become a part of my heart, which is sad to part with. I hope the school left as important a mark on your soul as you did on mine. No matter how much you would like it to be different, you will encounter obstacles in life. I want you to learn to see them not as problems, but as interesting problems, the solution to which is exciting. Never lose sight of your dream, follow it and, of course, do not forget the school and your teachers, come visit, we are always very glad to see you.

Poems to the music director for graduation

We cannot distinguish “F” from “sol”, Not everyone is given talent, But this does not bother us, There is a musician in the kindergarten. On mother's day and on father's holiday, on Christmas or New Year, even the furious prankster famously sings a song. *** How many songs were sung with you! How many holidays have you spent with us! Warmed up with a smile every time These were fabulous days! You attracted the children to creativity, And under your leadership they could get acquainted with music, They danced touchingly, simply. We won’t count how many fairy-tale scenes you and your children played. We all know that they gave their souls and were able to develop their talents! *** We always wanted to sing, But we just have to be able to... There are seven notes - you need to know them And develop your voice. We went to classes and did round dances there. Brilliantly prepared - We are real artists. We will be performing soon, we invite you to the concert. You have nurtured our talents - Singing Diamonds.

Congratulations on graduation for a physical education teacher

*** The kids really love physical education. Run, jump, play with a ball They will never get tired. We passed by to do it with pleasure always, She will make every effort, Her soul is visible in everything.

*** We realized long ago that a sound spirit is in a healthy body. The children's muscles are growing, sports and physical education are honored here. We began to notice more and more often that we began to lag behind the children. We'll have to keep up with the kids and get involved in sports ourselves.

*** Physical education strengthened the children, introduced them to sports from a young age, taught them how to manage themselves, and there were no comments. We are very grateful to the physical worker, He invested everything he could into the children. We wish a life without flaws, Full of both wealth and gifts.

*** So that children don’t get fat, So that the Spirit is always healthy in a healthy child’s body, The physical worker said: “Wake up the kids early, Bring them to exercise, Sports will help you become agile, If necessary, pass the test... Yes, with a balance beam, with a wall bars Kids should be friends. Let them beat their knees a little and tear their pants.”

*** Which of them will become an athlete, Glorify the country throughout the world, In a couple of years We will find out from the newspapers... In the meantime, thank you, First Name, Patronymic, From the guys, their dads and moms!


  • CONGRATULATIONS ON A SURPRISE FOR KINDERGARTEN WORKERS Poems to teachers, speech therapist, psychologist, music worker, physical worker, head

THANKS TO THE KINDERGARTEN STAFF FROM PARENTS poems to the medical staff, teacher of valeology, English language, carpenter, janitor, etc.
POEMS AND SONGS FOR GRADUATION FROM KINDERGARTEN teacher, assistant teacher, music worker, psychologist, physical education worker, doctors, accountants, supply manager, storekeeper, cooks, laundress, head

RESPONSE WORD OF PARENTS wishes in verses to the cook, laundress, caretaker, doctors, theater, physical education, music workers, art workers, speech therapist, methodologist, sociologist, nanny, manager, teachers

RESPONSE WORD OF PARENTS poems to the cook, laundress, doctors, caretaker, teacher, music worker, art teacher, nanny, educators, methodologists, manager

PARENTS' RESPONSE, gratitude in verse to the swimming instructor

LAST CALL in kindergarten, response from parents

POEM TO KINDERGARTEN STAFF on graduation day from grateful parents

GRADUATION Elements of the script for the performance of parents in kindergarten, congratulations to: the teacher, junior teacher, music worker, caretaker, grounds cleaner, laundry operator, gift to the group

Congratulations and gratitude to the nanny

Thank you for your care and attention, for helping with upbringing. Being a nanny is very difficult, we understand. We are grateful to you and we congratulate you! Our group is always clean. The floor and dishes sparkle. Our nanny brings order everywhere in the morning. She teaches our children to set the table and be neat. Every prankster, of course, knows: The work of our nanny must be appreciated. *** It’s good that the kindergarten has become a home for all the children. It is always warm and clean here, the sun shines radiantly. The nanny here keeps an eye on everything so that there are no problems. He waters, feeds, dresses and helps us with everything. You are a housewife - just a class, the children adore you. *** For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if into a fairy tale - And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time: I found friends, beauty and kindness there, And a fairy - there was a nanny for us! In her golden and beautiful hands Any work will seem like a miracle, She will serve semolina porridge So that it is impossible to answer “I won’t”! Let the fairy continue to meet people in a beautiful and affectionate fairy tale. Thank you from mothers to you and from babies for your care, patience and affection! *** From the clear dawn until dark, she is in our kindergarten. Who will bring us lunch and tidy up the dishes? We, of course, helped, we set the tables and learned not to crumble and not to apply sand. Our group is no more beautiful. Clean and bright all around! Maybe our nanny has not two, but ten hands? Let's say thank you to her now for her care and comfort and for devoting her work to us during this time! *** Your golden hands are priceless, And your soul amazes with the breadth of your soul. All the children in the group became family to you, taking care of them was important to you. Like a mother, like a grandmother, they warmed you with their warmth, They were taught to help adults. You always looked after everyone on time, so that he was fed, so that the bed was cleaned. From all the parents, a huge “thank you”, We appreciate your such hard work, For the fact that it was so beautiful in the group, That you created comfort here in the garden!

LOOK! Funny birthday greetings to the tractor driver

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