Parents' response at the 11th grade graduation: in prose with humor, in the form of a comic remade song, in poetry, in the form of a skit. Video of parents' response to graduates and teachers

At the graduation ceremony of 11th graders, parents play a special role.
After all, they will have to say the most important parting words to the children, thank the teachers in an interesting way and summarize all the past years of study. The response from parents at the 11th grade graduation can be serious or humorous, in poetry or prose, in the form of a skit, an incendiary youth dance or a remade song. The gift from creative moms and dads will amuse some graduates, amuse others, and make others think. Even in a humorous form, the performance will be remembered by the audience for a lifetime. In this article, we have collected the most original options for parents’ response to teachers and children at their 11th grade graduation. Our advice will help confused mothers and fathers make their choice, and photos and videos will become a clear example to follow.

Original response from parents to teachers in verse at graduation in 11th grade

During the ceremonial part of graduation (grade 11), parents should thank teachers for the gift of knowledge and for the years spent next to their children, give a beautiful gift and reinforce sincere feelings with an original response in poetry. The performance can be general for the entire teaching staff of the school or personal for each teacher. In any case, you should not learn primitive poems of gratitude or tearful odes to your native “alma mater”. Let the original response from parents to teachers in poetry at the 11th grade graduation be funny, funny, unusual.

Most often, the most active and sociable mothers and fathers are chosen for the organization. Parents make a plan for the performance in advance, assign roles and rehearse. A funny poem is told one by one, by stanzas or by lines. But even one bravest mother can express the general opinion of the entire parent corps.

Parents' response to teachers in the form of poems at the 11th grade graduation

There are horoscopes of all kinds in the world, They are adored by adults and children, Only a Horoscope for teachers No one has composed on the entire planet. It's time for us to correct this mistake and draw up a teacher's horoscope. Aries will not let us bleat at the board - He is a real wolf in sheep's clothing, But Taurus are not formidable bulls, but kind calves by nature. Geminis for everyone , Grumbling angrily: “What kind of baby talk?” Cancers have very tenacious claws, they won’t let go of the board for a long time! If you say something stupid, they back away, And the Lions roar, but reward you generously. For Virgo, appearance and diligence are more important than the content of answers! Libras all want justice, but the balance is unstable. And Scorpio hides a terrible poison, Suddenly it stings - and in the magazine there is a deuce! Sagittarius shoots with remarks , Well done to those who can dodge! to butt heads with Capricorn , the Teacher is right - he knows in advance! And it’s also difficult to argue with Aquarius . If it floods, who will save you? And you keep quiet when you go to the bottom, - After all, Pisces really love silence! Now we know everything about teachers And we are not afraid of any flood, After all, the student will be unsinkable, When he studies this Horoscope!

Well, now, my main word, To people whose hearts are ready to break, To help, teach, suggest, Guide somewhere, save, support. How much effort did they all spend?!! Every word is paid for with health. Mothers, grandmothers, sisters and wives How many hours are you at home? How many minutes do you have to rest? How often do you get to see your loved ones...? Whatever I tell you today, Everything will be pale and stingy and small... There is no more work in the world of which the Planet would be proud. Only the TEACHER filled the Planet with eternal pride through endless labor. Death and Life, an abyss of pain and happiness, Peace and war, indifference, participation - Everything in this world is in your hands: In former and current students. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! (You can talk for a long time and very beautifully) Everyone who is sitting in this hall today would tell you a lot of things. But on behalf of everyone whose faces you see here, Let me just bow to you.

Remade songs for last call

Remade song “Ray of Golden Sun” for last call

(To the tune of the song “Ray of the Golden Sun” from the cartoon: “Musicians of Bremen”)

1: A ray of golden sun The school yard has illuminated, beckons you to a new life Where the school is behind Chorus: He will pass the last solemn day The finale of school life has approached He gathered the graduates together for the last time At school.

2: The birds have begun to sing louder For you, graduates Let's leave all sorrows After all, the best is only yet to come!

“Pick up your briefcase quickly”

(To the tune of the song: “Take Me Quickly” by the group “Hands Up”)

Chorus: Take your briefcase quickly, Hand in your textbook and EGE Don’t go to school anymore, you’re 18!

Take your briefcase quickly, hand in your textbook and EGE Don’t go to school anymore, you’re 18!

Verse 1: Today you are more mature, more serious And you stand at the school with a smile. I smile, but through tears And I look lovingly, It’s your graduation. I know you won’t forget school You’ll kiss everyone goodbye Quite a few school days have passed Finally I told you:

Chorus: Take your briefcase quickly, Hand in your textbook and EGE Don’t go to school anymore, you’re 18!

Verse 2: You’re already tired of studying. You’ve been going to school for so many years! But today it’s a little sad that those school years have passed! We are, of course, proud of you, Our graduates Even though they made us nervous, they told you with a smile: Chorus: Take your briefcase quickly, Hand in your textbook and EGE Don’t go to school anymore, you’re 18!

“Why is there so much noise near the school...”

(To the tune of the song: “Why are the birches so noisy in Russia” by the Lyube group) 1: Why is there so much noise near the school? Why do everyone hug high school students? Oh, how smart they are standing quietly. They cast sad and joyful glances towards the school. And today the last bell will ring for them. That’s the line and that’s it, the school doors are closed. The teacher will no longer call them to class. They are graduates! They have many other discoveries! Chorus: And your heart is hot again, hot again And again something got into your eye You want to go back to your desk again, But now your life is different. 2: Sit at your desk for the last time It’s somehow sad, but don’t be sad, don’t be sad And let your Last bell ring And let the school open its doors to other children.

And about ten years ago, they also came And they were also dressed up solemnly, Only at that time there were kids, Now they are graduates, look at them! Chorus: And your heart is hot again, hot again And again something got into your eye You want to go back to your desk again, But now your life is different.

Musical response from parents at 11th grade graduation: remade song

It doesn’t matter what the age of the graduates is: the song always remains a favorite genre of all generations. Parents can take advantage of this and prepare a musical response for the 11th grade graduation in the form of a remake song. This number will certainly amuse both the children, the teachers, and the parents themselves. You can take one of the eternal hits as a basis and fill it with suitable text “from the heart.” Successful track options for reworking:

  • DDT "Autumn"
  • Animals "Districts-quarters"
  • Y. Shatunov “Ah, childhood, childhood”
  • M. Kristalinskaya “Top-top”
  • G. Leps “I will go to live in London”

The parents' musical response at the 11th grade graduation - a remade song - is an excellent opportunity for moms and dads to show their creative nature, take a creative approach to choosing images, and dream up outfits.

Song-remake in response to parents of 11th grade graduates

There’s nothing left to catch And even though our hearts hurt a lot We’ll have to leave The school period for our children’s lives is over The door has swung open - the way is clear We’re parting now And they and we are leaving

Chorus Ninth, tenth, the last one is mastered And we leave, we leave beautifully Ninth, tenth, the last one is mastered And we leave, we leave beautifully

We will remember you all of our children, teachers Children, our common success without each other, we cannot live for our children The door has opened - the path is clear We are parting now And they and we are leaving

Chorus Ninth, tenth, the last one is mastered And we leave, we leave beautifully Ninth, tenth, the last one is mastered And we leave, we leave beautifully

Everything ends in the world But there will be no boredom at school Other children will come to you, including our grandchildren To our children's lives, the door has opened - the path is clear We are parting now And they and we are leaving

Chorus Ninth, tenth, the last one is mastered And we are leaving, leaving beautifully To our native school, thanks from all of us We are leaving, leaving beautifully We are leaving, leaving beautifully

Response word in prose

Our dear children, our adult graduates! Today the Last Bell will sound for you, the very Last Bell for you, for the students. From tomorrow you will cease to be students of this school, you will cease to be part of your native 11th grade. School life will be a thing of the past. And may all the wonderful memories from school warm your hearts for many, many years to come. Don't forget this wonderful time! This wonderful time of childhood, which will never return. But don't be sad! After all, new interesting events in life, new acquaintances, new friends await you! And may your hearts always be as warm and joyful as on this solemn day! * Our boys and girls! We have come a long way with you: from first to eleventh grade. This path was not easy, but very interesting. There were tears, sadness, joy, laughter and a lot of excitement. But we will remember this wonderful time with reverent excitement and warmth. You have gradually turned from unintelligent kids into sensible young men and women. Each of you has your own opinion, your own view of life, your own dreams. Appreciate your individuality and strive firmly and confidently towards your goal. You will succeed! We, your parents, know this for sure! * Graduates, remember this moment! Today you are the main heroes of this solemn event. Your parents admire you with pride and love, your teachers look at you with warmth and a smile. Many guests came to the Last Holiday to look at you. Today you are so beautiful, mature and joyful. Stay like this always. Remember that you are the main characters and authors of your life. It depends only on you what the plot and scenario of your life path will be. Let it be beautiful and rich, like today!

A response from parents with humor as a gift to the heroes of the occasion at their 11th grade graduation

The response from parents at the 11th grade graduation is not only an expression of gratitude to the teachers, but also an excellent gift with humor for graduates. It’s not often that kids get to see strict moms and dads dancing to a modern hit, making a short video with children’s nonsense, organizing an incendiary flash mob, or demonstrating funny themed scenes in ridiculous costumes. Such a gift will be remembered by your own children much more clearly than any material gift.

Of course, preparing each of the above numbers requires time, imagination, courage and innovative thinking. Modest and shy mothers are unlikely to be able to overcome themselves and perform a funny role in public. But if the parents don’t care about anything for the sake of the smile of the graduates, the performance will be a success! The most popular options:

  • A short dramatization on a school theme;
  • A remake of a fragment of a children's fairy tale or cartoon;
  • Dance flash mob;
  • Broadcasting a pre-filmed clip or funny video clip;
  • A beautiful waltz performed by moms and dads;
  • A medley song with dance elements;
  • Photo presentation with collective photographs of teachers and graduates;
  • Chats, poems, real stories-memories in prose from the school life of 11th graders;

Options for a response from parents to 11th grade graduates - clips with humor

Beautiful congratulations on graduation from school, grade 11

​ didn’t scold,​ And a ton of home​ ​ long-term plans​ We wish you in​ ​ we wish​ your fascinating world.​ ​A great interesting journey.​ ​Today in this​ you know!​ ​ a little bit of a pity.​ clean,​ ​As best we could -​ assignments.​ ​Works of specialist teachers​

​ of a new life​ To be good people.​ ​Believe, everything will work out​ Oh, how​ ​ we are proud of the holiday​ So we began​ ​We wish, our​ And keep​ ​ those who helped.​ And now​ ​ they will show .​Don’t give up on​ ​Let luck be sure to accompany you.​ ​ a lot in life​ you,​

​ you, children, are adults.​ child,​ in our hearts and​ There is no greater​ you are already a graduate.​ Doctors, designers, pilots,​ paths,​ In your life​ We wish you to achieve​ worth seeing​ After all, you have graduated( a)​Beyond your threshold​Choose the right path for​ souls, and in​ joy,​So much effort has been made.​Bridge builders, singers,​To achieve new goals,​ young,​ success,​And how much is to come​

​ school - today​ ​ a new world awaits.​ ​ in fate.​ minds​ ​Than native children​ ​Into a new life​ ​And “inspired rhymes”,​Keeping up with​ ​And then to​go to the goal,​​ find you!​ ​ graduation!​ ​But find there​ Good friend, may​ ​Memory of your parents​ success.

​time to go.​ in our hearts​ ​in spite of​ ​May you have enough​ For us, he​ ​ is just a calling,​ he will be there,​ ​ and teachers.​ We congratulate you today,​ ​For the best only​ people are fighters .​ ​We wish everyone only​There will be ease and​ ​interference.​ strength and knowledge,​ ​is also important, it​ Without sowing in​ ​ And in everything​ Our dear kids.​ ​ Much happiness to you​ hope.​ Thank you for long-suffering.​ ​ kindness,​ peace.​ ​Let plans come true,​ Let everything help​

​ in your life was​ ​ a guideline?​ ​ you are lucky.​ Let everyone say​ ​ we wish you.​ ​If suddenly​ it’s difficult​ Live your life, out of​ ​Don’t forget us​ ​Happy graduation, I​ ​success !​ ​for everyone,​But I know​ ​Even if the road is ​wide,​ ​that you are​Our parental poem,​ ​—say not​

​ years.​ ​ friends.​ congratulations,​ ​Everyone will find the right​ May that experience​ ​May life​ be smooth, without​ ​ adults.​ Dear children -​ ​ secretly,​ You are sorcerers ,​ ​Visit more often​11th grade, graduates,​

​ path and calling.​ rich, what we​ ​ awaits you can always​ you can.​ ​ stones.​ We are for​ ​ our rhyme! Poems of wishes to graduates 11​ ​ gave​ success.​ ​Don’t scare you​In the whirlwind of life​

​the hand is now leading,​ ​We will quietly​ support the kids as they grow!​ ​We bow low​And bring the kids.​ ​will become​ class​ ​Only​You have managed to overcome a lot of​ ​harsh winds.​ of emotions,​ ​As then, ​And they leave the house​ ​You, dear,​ to you.​

​​ Lessons, breaks and​ ​Today in our​ top!​ ​ school to teach,​ You are not afraid​ Remember, no​ ​ briefcases and braids.​ dear...​ ​ everything is still ahead. you,​ ​Today is farewell to school,​ bells.​ School graduation,​ ​The bell is ringing​ Now the doors​ of problems and difficulties are open,​ ​ Families are more important.​ All eleven have flown by​

​In this​ ​Life will bring​ ​ ​ children and adults.​ We are proud and​ ​The last bell​ ​The last call​ ​To take the wing​ ​ is the right​​If in your​ ​heart today you have ​ ​ a year old,​ a magnificent day,​ ​ tests.​ Outside you​ ​ we are happy for you.​ in the corridors,​ ​ chicks are in a hurry.​ And you​ ​ choose a school.​

​ - a big dream.​‏>

An unusual response from parents at the 11th grade graduation in a comic form: video

With a little effort, you can compose a completely unusual response from your parents at your 11th grade graduation in a comic form. For example, a parody of modern pop artists. In it, each participant will become a double of a popular singer. This means that Lady Gaga, Ksenia Sobchak, Timati, and even Madonna will attend the kids’ graduation. Or you can remake a fragment from a famous film and play it in roles. Having enough time left, parents can easily make a fun video with congratulations for each hero of the occasion to demonstrate it in the midst of the prom. There are a lot of video ideas for preparing an unusual response from parents in a comic form. There would be a desire!

Congratulations to graduates from the class teacher in verse and prose

Probably second only to parents in terms of the number of lack of sleep and wasted nerve cells is the class teacher of graduates. This is not just a teacher, this is a close person who knows his school children very well, understands them and sincerely loves them with all his heart. It is often difficult for the class teacher on this day, because graduation is a farewell to the people dear to him. It is possible that he will see some of them only many years later at a reunion, and fate will separate him from others forever. That is why it is so important for the class teacher to express his love and warm wishes at the graduation party. This can be done with touching prose and funny words. The main thing is that the words spoken by the leader can fully convey the depth of his feelings for the graduates.

Congratulations to the graduates

Find ideas for an original graduation party here

Congratulations to graduates of grades 9 and 11 from the director and head teacher

Not every principal knows personally all the students in his school. But we can say with confidence that this statement does not apply to graduates. Every year, graduates are the unique face of an educational institution, a reflection of its academic performance and achievements. Involuntarily, directors and head teachers become closer to the students of the last grades, considering them the pride of their school and its future. They, along with the teachers who read to graduates, worry about their successes and grades. And, solemnly presenting certificates at the graduation ceremony, directors and head teachers, like no one else, understand how much work and effort was invested in these documents. Therefore, it is so important for the director, just like the head teacher, to say his parting words to the graduates, which includes both sincere regret about the separation and warm wishes for a good journey in adulthood.

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