Choosing the perfect anniversary bouquet for a woman: several important recommendations

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TOP 10 happy birthday cards for grandma

Kindness and care have a name: Grandma!

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Happy birthday! Granny, I wish you peace, happiness, health and spiritual joy.

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Happy birthday grandma! Good luck to you, warmth! May you be happy every moment!

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I congratulate my grandmother with great love! And I wish my grandmother good health!

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Grandma is the kindest person on the planet. All kindness and warmth cannot be conveyed without sincere words and a smile.

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Grandma is my fondest childhood memory.

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CHILDHOOD is when you can do a lot of interesting things, and when your parents come home, the main thing is to be able to hide behind Grandma in time!

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Kindness has mother's beauty, father's smile, grandmother's eyes and grandfather's wrinkles.

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You're like a fairy in a fairy tale! Your world is a world of kindness and affection. And although the years go by, you are as young as ever.

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You, granny, are simply classy - we have a Supergrandmother! Happy birthday, we want to wish you now. Take care of yourself, dear! Strength, health, beauty. After all, you are young at heart, so let your dreams come true.

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Master class on assembling a composition of roses and chrysanthemums

To make a bouquet you will need:

  • red single-headed roses of the Freedom variety;
  • sprigs of gypsophila;
  • white large-headed chrysanthemums of the Anastasia variety;
  • green bush chrysanthemums;
  • ruscus;
  • leaf gloss;
  • floral tape;
  • light green organza;
  • white sisal;
  • organza ribbon;
  • stapler;
  • pruner

Instructions for assembling a bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums:

  1. We form the middle from one rose and two branches of gypsophila. We assemble using spiral technology. We will gather the rest of the plants around these three elements.
  2. Add chrysanthemums and alternate them with roses.
  3. We constantly adjust the buds so that they are on the same level as the rest of the flowers.
  4. We wrap the stems with floral tape.
  5. We spray the branches of ruscus with leaf gloss and cover the composition with them. Again we tie the stems together with floral tape.
  6. Cut two rectangles of organza.
  7. Fold one rectangle diagonally and wrap the bouquet.
  8. We fold the second rectangle in half and decorate the leg of the composition.
  9. We secure the organza with floral ribbon.
  10. Cut the sisal into 4 small rectangles.
  11. We apply pieces of sisal diagonally to the flowers so that the corner points upward. We fasten the three pieces together with floral tape and a stapler, and attach the sisal to the organza.
  12. We decorate the leg with the remaining piece of sisal.
  13. We decorate the stems with organza ribbon.

Bouquets for beautiful ladies

When arranging bouquets for mature women, florists strived for harmony and proportionality, balancing deep rich colors with calm light and pastel tones. For example, the combination of white with yellow or orange in a gift composition expressed joy, delight and pleasure from communication. Combinations of white and blue extolled the woman’s wisdom, and a bouquet of blue and yellow flowers thanked the zealous homemaker for her loyalty to the family and boundless patience. For the most solemn moments, compositions of white and red flowers were intended, equivalent to royal honors.

Mono bouquets contain pink, yellow, pastel, blue and purple flowers. Moderately variegated colors were also allowed - for example, coral roses or hybrid tulips. Bright red and burgundy flowers were still the prerogative of the husband, groom or lover. Even Lieutenant Rzhevsky would have thought twice before handing a bouquet of scarlet roses to an unfamiliar lady, tantamount to a declaration of passionate love and lust.

The compositions intended for business women stood out with their laconic design and emphatically restrained color scheme. The only decoration of an elegant, expensive package is a small neat bow, ribbon or card with a dedicatory inscription.

The basis of the composition is medium-sized cultivated flowers, devoid of scent. Most often in business bouquets there are factory roses, gerberas, eustomas, alstomerias, and delphiniums. It is also allowed to use some “male” flowers - for example, garden carnations, anthuriums or callas. It is not recommended to include spray roses, peonies, dahlias, asters, irises, daisies and wildflowers in the composition, since the role of a public figure excludes romantic associations. Blue and blue shades that excite the imagination were also banned.

Exquisite bouquet of tulips in the Flemish style: rich palette and complex geometry

A delicate bouquet with white and pink roses is a compliment that is always appropriate

A lyrical miniature in country style: a languid cloud of pastels with red and green accents in a handmade wicker basket

A large bouquet of red roses is a declaration of passionate love

Classic business bouquet: discreet colors

White chrysanthemums and cotton with orange roses portend joy

Cheerful fan bouquet: yellow, orange and purple shades

Autumn sketch in coral tones: chrysanthemums and roses in bright splashes of viburnum berries

Asymmetrical bouquet with red and yellow roses in Flemish style

Flowers in pastel shades look elegant and unobtrusive

Red and white gerberas - elegant and solemn

White chrysanthemums with red roses - a classic combination for a romantic bouquet

Red flowers in bouquets for married ladies are usually diluted with pink and white

White roses paired with blue hyacinths express admiration for feminine wisdom

Expressive contrast of textures: red terry peonies and variegated chiseled lilies

Dahlias, roses and peonies in powdery shades are the latest fashion

White callas with a belt of scarlet roses - an unconventional bouquet for an emancipated woman

Red roses and orchids go well with succulents in gift arrangements

Blue and yellow flowers - gratitude for warmth, care and patience

A composition with orchids and succulents is a stylish gift for a business woman

Happy birthday cards for grandma with FLOWERS

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Grandma is not an age, but a state of mind, and you have a beautiful soul, thank you for existing!

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No one does as much for children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a grandmother does. Thank you for being here.

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I will kiss my dear grandma very deeply. After all, my granny is very, very kind!

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May your years not fly by quickly, may your hands not get tired, may your heart beat tirelessly, may you live happily and long!

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Grandma's house, one of the most comfortable places in the world!

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We wish our beloved grandmother health, happiness and warmth. May she be guarded by an angel and live only in joy.

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Beloved grandmother! May your family surround you with warmth, I wish you happiness and joy!

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Dear grandmother, my dear, I love you more than anyone in the world. I’ll run my hand over your wrinkles... There’s no grandmother like her in the whole world! I will never upset you. Just be healthy, my grandmother.

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Our dear, beloved grandmother. Grandmother is nice and irreplaceable. Happy birthday to you.

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A hand-drawn picture with delicate flowers for your beloved granny on her birthday.

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Congratulate the best grandmother on her birthday with a postcard.

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( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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