Plan of events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2021

Plan of events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2021

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of brave, strong, decisive, courageous, persistent and hardy men, always ready to defend their Motherland, their family, their friends and loved ones from enemies and troubles.

Houses of Culture of the Primorsky District have prepared festive events for February 23. We will be glad to see you among our guests!

Bobrovsky SDK
February 2223:00Youth disco "Men's Night"
February 2314:00Quest "Yunarmen"
24 February13:00Cartoon parade
24 February14:00Analog airsoft gun shooting competition
Vaskovsky SDK
February 2218:00Quest for children “On Defense”
February 2323:00 – 02:00Night disco
“For defenders”
February 2315:00Master class “For the defender”
February 2317:00Sports and game program
“Silushka Bogatyrskaya”
Voznesensky SDK
February 2311:00Excursion “Ancient villages of Primorye”
February 2315:00Participation in the festival
“We are the heirs of Victory”
February 2323:00 – 03:00Youth disco
House of Culture, Laisky Dok village
February 2117:00Master class “To the Beloved Defender”
February 2218:00Meeting at the club with the guitar “SOZZUZHIE”
February 2217:00Game program “We are heroes”
February 2321:00Relaxation evening “To you, defenders of the Fatherland”
24 February15:00Master class on making sushi “Gift for February 23!”
House of Culture, Uemsky village
February 19 – 25Exhibition of drawings
“Defenders of Our Motherland!”
February 19 – 22According to a separate scheduleCreative workshop “Good fellows”
February 2214:00Children's and youth patriotic festival "There is such a profession -
to defend the Motherland!"
February 2313:00Patriotic table tennis tournament
Katuninsky SDK
February 17 – 23Online photo competition
“I want to be like my dad”

(in the VKontakte group:

February 19 – 2112:00Master classes for Defender of the Fatherland Day
February 20 – 2212:00Competition program for Defender of the Fatherland Day “Army Kaleidoscope”.
February 2311:00Creative workshop on soap making “Holiday Gift”
February 2314:00Festive concert
“February 23 – it’s time to congratulate men”
February 23 – 2422:00 – 03:00Disco for those over 30...
“Night of the Defender of the Fatherland”
Knyazhestrovsky SDK
February 2111:00Sports program for pupils of
the Trepuzovsky boarding school “Winter starts”
February 2320:00Evening of rest “Evening roll call”
(front-line dances, soldiers’ rations, “advanced” melodies)
CC "Rikasikha"
February 20th14:00Festival of patriotic songs for students of Primorsky secondary school “Indestructible and Legendary”
February 2309:00 – 21:00Exhibition of works from the film “Och.umeshki”
“What does daddy dream about?”
February 2317:00Concert "Dad Can"
Within a monthPhoto competition on the social network VKontakte “Is it easy to be a man?!”
Lastolsky SDK
February 2218:00Children's disco "Gentleman Show"
February 2322:00Youth disco "Gentlemen of Fortune"
24 February13:00Creative report
“The Tale of How the People Made Nesmeyanu Laugh”
Lopshenga SDK
February 21 -2814:00 – 20:00Exhibition of children's drawings
"There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland"
February 2115:00Competitive game program
“I’m going to serve in the army or We are future soldiers”
February 2321:00Relaxation evening “Evening of real men”
Lyavlensky SDK
February 2309:00 – 16:00Outdoor concert “For you, men!” with the game program “Well done fun”
24 February17:00Video showing “Defenders of the Fatherland”
Patrakeevsky SDK
February 2215:00Review-competition of the military-patriotic song “We did not lose that war” together with the Patrakeevskaya school (on the basis of the school)
February 2322:00Disco for youth “Vivat, men!”
Pertominsky SDK
February 2217:00Festive program
“Real men serve the Fatherland!”
February 2314:00Entertainment and game program for Defenders of the Fatherland Day “Brave, Skillful!”
24 February14:00Competition program for Defenders of the Fatherland Day “Every soldier is rich in intelligence and strength”
Povrakulsky SDK
February 2212:30Master class “A gift for dad”
February 2216:00Master class
“Postcard to a real man”
February 2318:00Thematic disco
“Aty-baty, the soldiers are coming!”
February 2313:00Family game program “Dad Can...”
Pustoshinsky SDK
February 1713:00Quiz
“A healthy generation is the wealth of Russia”
February 2314:00Competitive athletic show "Bogatyrs"
Zaostrovsky SDK
10 – 28 February10:00 – 21:00Exhibition dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day
“Our guys in hot spots”
February 19 – 22By requestChildren's game program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day
“Let’s grow up, guys, and become soldiers”
February 19 – 22By requestExcursion program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and the 90th anniversary of the Primorsky district
February 20th14:00Master class “Postcard for the Defender”
February 20 – 22Promotion “Clean Obelisk”
The 14th of February18:00Teenage disco "Day of Defender"
24 February12:00Cartoon parade "Bogatyrs"
24 February15:00Festive concert of the vocal and instrumental group "Belomorets" dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

How to spend February 23 interesting in kindergarten? Methodological development (senior group)

How interesting is it to spend February 23 in kindergarten?

Defender of the Fatherland Day or February 23 in kindergarten is a serious holiday. If earlier we glorified military service, and everyone dreamed of raising a truly defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. February 23 in kindergarten is a suitable occasion to tell the boys what courage and bravery are, to instill love for their country, and to raise patriots.

Defender of the Fatherland Day should be remembered by all children who go to kindergarten. Therefore, the task of educators is to figure out, together with the girls, how best to congratulate their boys on February 23rd.

The process of preparing for February 23 in kindergarten perfectly unites the group and develops the creative side of children’s character. Don’t miss this opportunity and devote the whole day to this memorable date.

Group decoration for the holiday.

You cannot celebrate February 23 in kindergarten without appropriate military decorations, especially if there are many contests and competitions.

Stars, banners, postcards, the flag of the Russian Federation, balls, ribbons, flags, planes and tanks - hung on the walls. Medals for battalion commanders, arrows with bows as weapons, toy pistols, swords and swords. You can make a tin of “men’s” attire - a helmet, a cap, a cap, a budenovka and a weapon.

“Exhibition of military equipment and parade of troops” - line up all the soldiers, superheroes, equipment (cars, airplanes, rockets and ships) in orderly rows.

All this will help children be transported to a completely different “world” that requires ingenuity, courage and leadership qualities from them.

The first half of the day.

Before February 23, in kindergarten, you can give the children the task of preparing with their parents a story about defenders of the fatherland who perform feats every day: for example, firefighters and military personnel. Let the guys describe examples of their dangerous and difficult service.

You can agree and invite a policeman dad or a military dad. You'll see, the children will have a lot of questions: whether girls are accepted into the army, how to use a gas mask, and what needs to be done to receive a rank. If, for the sake of clarity, all the boys are given the feeling of being a soldier who is looking out for the enemy through binoculars, then the boys will become very proud.

What can you organize with children?

Viewing an exhibition of paintings (“Three Heroes”, “Hussars”, “Knights”, etc.).

Reading fiction - about the defenders of the Fatherland, our Motherland. Russian folk tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, A. Tvardovsky “Tankman’s Tale”, K. Selikhov, Y. Deryugin “On Red Square”, T. Belozerov “Eternal Flame”, etc.,

You can listen to musical works with your children about the Motherland, the army, and epics retold for children “Bogatyrs and Knights of the Russian Land.”

Children will be happy to listen to the stories of participants in the Great Patriotic War, and in the future, children can tell themselves about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers who participated in hostilities, worked on the home front, children of the war, or about their fathers - defenders of the Fatherland.

During classes, make applications and crafts on the topics: “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Our Army”, “My Motherland”, “Victory Day”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”, etc. Then, you can organize exhibitions and competitions of works, mold 3 from plasticine heroes.

You can organize a little themed entertainment:

-Divide the boys into teams and arrange competitions for them to identify the bravest, fastest and most dexterous.

- Borrow gas masks - putting them on will make little children laugh.

— Girls are involved in the judging process; they can also provide the boys with the necessary details for holding the next competition.

- Come up with fictional enemies who have captured girls, whom the boys must free, some can be given the roles of nurses from a military hospital providing assistance to soldiers who, according to the script, were also wounded. Some girls can be hidden anywhere in the kindergarten, and the scout boys can be given routes. To save others, you can ask for a deposit in the form of accurate hits on the target.

— To imitate a victory fireworks display at the end of the day, you can burst balloons, this will surely amaze the children.

“It’s better to change the group commander so that each boy can prove himself as a real captain.”

-After defeating the “invaders”, as gratitude for the rescue, the girls will give their souvenirs to the boys and invite them to sit at the “sweet” table.

- Another option, when the girls will be princesses, and the boys will be knights who free them: either you need to awaken the princess from sleep (sing a song loudly), then cross the gorge (step from chair to chair), or solve an intellectual riddle. All these competitions will help the children feel that they too can perform heroic deeds. The main thing is to start, and then there will be no heroics.

The main thing is to interest the children, involve them as much as possible in the preparation process, and then the teachers will have less work, and the children will look forward to February 23 in kindergarten.


For a walk we dress like a soldier - while the match (flashlight) is burning

We should not forget about sports games and competitions that can be held on the street.

These include competition games: “Battle of Maces”, “Capture of a Fortress”, “Dashing Rider”, “Cockfighting”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Clear the Field”, “Crossing”, “Report”, “Who is Faster/Farther” slide down the hill on sleds, skis, ice skates.

During lunch, you can arrange the tables in an unusual way, for example, in rows and have lunch as in a soldier’s canteen, announcing a competition “Whose plate will be the cleanest.”


When getting up after a nap, you can use a sound signal

“Rota rise!”, or any other of the teacher’s choice.

1. Invite children to watch a cartoon:

2. Sadko the rich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

3. Cartoons from the series: “Epics. Vasilisa Mikulishna" (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

4. “The Childhood of Ratibor” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1973.

5. “Dobrynya Nikitich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1965)

6. “Ilya Muromets” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

7. “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1978)

8. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (Kievnauchfilm, 1972)

9. “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”

10. “Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych.”

For free activities of children, you can use board games:

“Who needs what”, “Cut-out pictures”, “Who can assemble a machine gun faster”, “On land, in the air, at sea”, etc.

It has become a good tradition to hold the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday in kindergarten with the participation of parents and children. This phenomenon, of course, strengthens the patriotic education of children, contributes to the formation of moral values ​​in preschoolers, and instills in them the concept of the Motherland, family, and a sense of duty.

Interestingly selected competitions for February 23 in kindergarten will not leave indifferent either the shyest boys or the most serious dads.

Sports and game scenario on February 23 for grades 7-8

(The military march “You and I are destined to serve Russia” sounds) - the boys walk in a circle and sit first from the stage, then the girls.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today we have a holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 23 is the holiday of those who stand guard over the Motherland, who have already undergone military operations, and those who are yet to serve in military service.

Defenders of the Fatherland! Men, please accept our congratulations. Any peaks will conquer you, And let your strength never leave you. You are forever responsible to the Motherland, Protecting the silence of the fields, So that people on the planet sleep peacefully, So that there are no more explosions on it. We wish you strength, peace and victories. May troubles and bad weather pass you by. May the unquenchable light of Love, hope and great happiness shine upon you!

The girl reads:

Defenders of peace, soldiers of the Fatherland, Fearless warriors of our country, All who stand guard over humanity, May the flames of war not touch you.

The girl reads:

We wish you easy, successful training, career growth and high rewards to all! You are the best of the best - without a doubt, you have our admiration and a glorious parade!

The girl reads:

Serve calmly, kindness and courage to you, Peace to your home and faithful friends. Let commonwealth reign on Earth, And let there always be a devoted friend nearby!


“Defender of the Fatherland” is such a short and succinct phrase. We say it - and before our mind’s eye we see the warriors of Prince Alexander Nevsky, the regiments of Dmitry Donskoy, the sailors and soldiers of Tsar Peter I, the “well done soldiers” of A.V. Suvorov, participants in the Great Patriotic War, soldiers of the Soviet Army in Afghanistan and Tajikistan, soldiers of the Russian Armies in Chechnya.

The song “Endless Shooting War” (Group “Factor-2”) is performed by children.
Guys, we have gathered in this hall in order to hold a sports and entertainment program “For the Glory of the Fatherland” on the eve of the holiday. To participate in competitive games, we need two teams of five people. Today you will test your strength and endurance, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

1. Competition "Construction".
A kind man, a charming boatswain, is doing a roll call of recruits.


A) Teams are built according to eye color; B) By the initial letter of the name; B) By the initial letter of the surname; D) By hair color; D) According to shoe size.

2. Competition - quiz “What do you know about our army?”
1. What is the name of the part of the troops that goes ahead of the main forces? (Vanguard). 2. What are the shoulder badges called in the Russian army? (Epaulette). 3. Which female name terrified the Nazis? (“Katyusha”). 4. What is the name of the building in which the soldiers live? (Barracks). 5. What is the name of a fighter who masters the art of marksmanship? (Sniper). 6. Which Russian commander owns the famous phrase: “It’s hard in training, easy in battle”? (To A.V. Suvorov). 7. How many battles did A.V. Suvorov lose? (None). 8. The soldier is sleeping, and she is walking. (Service). 9. What kind of hats do soldiers wear? (Cap, cap, helmet). 10. Who is called the fighter of the “invisible front”, who refuted the saying “Alone in the field is not a warrior”? (Scout). 11. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Cabin boy). 12.The name of the person who invented the famous machine gun. (Kalashnikov). 13. What is the offensive action of troops called? (Attack).

Our Army is, first of all, our grandfathers and fathers. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. They are not only our great past, but also our present. And you are the defense and support of the Fatherland today, a guarantee of peace on earth.

The song “Oh, these clouds in blue” (Kristina Orbakaite) is performed by children.


Riddles The iron fish swims underwater to the Enemy, threatening fire and disaster, The iron fish dives to the bottom, It protects its native seas. (Submarine)

Any military profession must be studied, in order to be a support for the country, so that there is no... (war) in the world.

On the path, on the shore, Blocking the enemy's path. (border guard)

This car is not easy, this car is a combat one! Like a tractor, only with a “proboscis” - it gives everyone a “light” all around. (tank)

I serve on a “tractor”, This is the only way I can tell you: “After all, before plowing my arable land, I will first deploy the tower.” (tankman)

The plane is taking off, I'm ready to be in flight. I’m waiting for that cherished order to protect you from heaven! (military pilot)

I am a modern “God of War”, Defender of the country’s borders. After all, before going to battle, they let me in for “robbery.” (artillery)

He decides everything in an instant, He accomplishes a great feat, He stands tall for honor. Who is he? Right. (hero)

He is ready for fire and battle, Protecting you and me. He goes on patrol and in the city, He will not leave his post. (soldier)

At first he was a cadet, He came to the regiment as a lieutenant, He was trained to fight, Tell me what to call him. (Officer)

What's on the shoulders of the military? (epaulettes)

In our troops it is traditionally larger than a platoon, but smaller than a battalion. (company)

The officer is a novice, only two stars so far. Didn't reach the level of captain. What is his rank, question? (lieutenant)

I am currently serving in the navy, and my hearing is good. There is a similar one in the infantry - We are friends with the walkie-talkie for good reason! (radio operator)

The homeland gave the order, And he immediately went to the Caucasus! Jumped at night with a parachute - The road, sometimes a minute! (paratrooper)

The girl reads:

We send our congratulations to our pugnacious half. There are reasons for congratulations: Hurray! Defenders of the country! When we look at your fights at change, We believe: with your preparation, we will always protect the Country!

The song “You serve, we will wait for you” (Factory group) is performed by children.

Presenter: A lot of time will pass, and our boys will replace the current soldiers of our Army. Someone may serve at sea. To check whether you are suitable for this or not, we will play a game.

3. Competition "Crossing".
The first player takes the “boat” - throws the hoop over himself and runs to the limiter. Then he turns around, runs to the next player on his team, throws a hoop on him, and now the two of them in the hoop run to the limiter. The first player comes out of the hoop, and the 2nd player goes after the next player, etc. until the whole team crosses to the other side.

4. Competition "Border Guard".
Imagine that you are border guards and at the border you encounter someone else’s tracks. Your task is to run faster along the tracks and pass the gun to the next participants.

In front of each team, cardboard tracks are laid out in 2 rows that lead to the limiter. Participants must follow the tracks to the limiter and return back, passing the pistol to the next one.


While the boys are resting, a game for attention for girls. I have 4 flags Blue - clap Green - stomp Yellow - remain silent Red - “Hurray” shout Girls, please stand up (near the chairs)

5. Competition "Pilots and navigators".
There are many reefs in the sea.
You need to navigate your ships between the reefs with your eyes closed. Navigators help their pilots by showing them the way. Skittles are placed around the hall, and the participant is blindfolded with a scarf. The song “We have one Motherland - we are a country” (Stas Piekha and Vladimir Markin) is performed by children.

We wish all defenders of the Fatherland to always and in everything be the first, to be on top, and to remain for us the ideals of courage and honor throughout their lives!

We will not let that which is called earthly beauty become ashes and cinders, May the sky above the earth be peaceful, May childhood always laugh loudly!

6. Competition “Make a word”.
Now we’re going to play with words.
Each team is given one ball, each ball contains a letter. At a signal, you pop the balls, extract the letters, and form a word. But be careful, one letter in the word is missing, it must be replaced with one of the existing letters (i.e. one of the letters is repeated). The team that made up the word first wins. (1st team: word - PATRIOT and 2nd team: word DEFENDER). 7. “Decipherer” competition.
(make words from letters)
IGROPANKICHN (border guard) SALYOTMO (airplane) KETARA (missile) SOTLDA (soldier) TCHILEK (pilot) TAVMATO (machine gun).

8. Competition “Young Chefs”.
We have been at sea for a long time and we wanted to eat. Let's test the skills of our cooks. You have to peel the onion, cut it, but most importantly, don’t cry. Who is faster and more accurate? (2 onions, 2 boards, 2 knives).

9. Competition “Climb through the tunnel.”
You need to crawl under the chairs placed one after another without touching anything.

10. “Clean Deck” competition.
Now let's imagine that a storm is approaching (pencils are scattered around the hall). Where are our cabin boys? Whoever collects the most garbage wins. The difficulty is that the ship rocks from side to side. Young is blindfolded.

11. Competition "Snipers".
A rope with a pencil tied at the end is tied to each participant’s belt. A bottle is placed at a short distance from the player behind and the participant must hit the bottle with a pencil without using his hands. Each player has 3 tries, whose team gets the most hits wins.


Our dear participants and spectators! The sports and entertainment program has come to an end. While the jury sums up the results, I would like to say that all participants in the competition passed the difficult tests they were given with honor and dignity. Health to you, good luck, and may the motto always be on the shields of our soldiers: “Honor and Motherland above all!”

Team awards.

Open and print: sportivno-igrovoj-scenarij-23-fevralja-dlja-7-8-klassov.rtf [33.27 Kb] (downloads: 444)

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