I suggest not just eating, but singing ditties and dancing

Hello! Glad to see you as a guest! Today we’ll talk about the wonderful customs of our people. Agree, Russian national The traditions are very beautiful, lush, colorful. We all want to teach our baby to them. And preparing for the celebration of Maslenitsa is the best time. After all, this is a time of games, fun and songs. Here we come to the very topic of the conversation: ditties about Maslenitsa for children.

How to prepare children for fun events

Let's first of all introduce our little ones to the upcoming events. In one of the previous conversations, we already mentioned what kind of holiday it is, Maslenitsa, when it begins this year, and that on these days songs , poems are heard, games and competitions are appropriate.

Perhaps in kindergarten or at school your children have already acquired some knowledge, and even learned some funny ditties , but it is you who can tell in detail about the meaning of the holiday. And also, since the holiday lasts a whole week, try to spend this time as productive and interesting as possible. We have already talked about games for children. But we can also keep our strong kids busy making crafts. And, of course, try to learn funny songs for Maslenitsa for children in order to create a program for a home holiday, and your little one could successfully perform at a holiday dedicated to Maslenitsa in a kindergarten/school.

Funny ditties about Maslenitsa, video (listen for free)

Each day of Maslenitsa week is filled with a special meaning - it has its own name, meaning, rituals. Thus, on Tuesday it is customary to take part in fun street games; Wednesday is reserved for a visit to the mother-in-law “for pancakes”. As for Sunday, it is on this day that the ritual burning of a straw effigy, a symbol of winter, takes place. You can listen to funny ditties about Maslenitsa on video for free, enjoying their unique sound.

Video recording funny ditties for Maslenitsa:

What ditties are there for Maslenitsa?

Our task is to select children's ditties in which the text will be understandable to your little ones. Taking into account their age and development. If the baby is too small, this should not stop you. Try to learn with him a small, only 4 lines , but naughty song. The main thing is to take the time to do this, and you yourself will be surprised and happy with the result!

I tried to make a selection of cheerful children's songs for you. My criteria for choosing a ditty:

  • First of all, they should be short so that they are easy to learn. But long ones are also acceptable for older children.
  • On different topics. After all, boys are interested in space and cars, girls are interested in how to bake pancakes and serve them to guests.
  • Cheerful. This is a prerequisite for all songs. Toddlers remember funny ditties faster and for longer.
  • There are many modern ones, and this is good, it means the people maintain their traditions. But I will also select those that are rooted in history.
  • And one more criterion. Those songs that can become the basis of a small script for a skit. Then the children will not only sing a song, but also dress up as heroes and perform a mini-play.

I also suggest preparing fun games for children, because what is Maslenitsa without children’s games?

The Martians arrived, they came for pancakes...

Times change and creativity changes with them. There are already modern ditties about Maslenitsa.


Our Russia is great, and there are countless talents in it. We dance at Maslenitsa, All the talents are here today.


They say that the Olympics are a great honor for the country. But we all need to celebrate Maslenitsa well.


Previously, they met Masdishka and rode her on a sleigh. To ride today, you need to borrow some snow.


The Martians arrived, they were all happy. Their plates are not empty, but full of pancakes.


Everyone is talking about diet, we don’t want to argue with them. But now we eat these pancakes with pleasure.


Sanya suggested a pancake competition to the guys. He swallowed so many of them that he almost gave up the ghost.


Our Maslenitsa is a miracle! Both elegant and modest! The frills curl beautifully, The scarlet ribbon is long.


Angelika Svetlovika, Apparently, knows her recipe, She will fry pancakes for us and... Post it on the Internet!!!


My friend Natasha and I will sing a ditty for you, Well, you prepare the prize - Serve the pancake with caviar, please!


The cat sat on the window, raised her paws up, and said: “Everyone is walking, I went to Maslena!”

* * *

Olya and I baked pancakes. Mothers will say: “Super daughters!” We got up early at dawn - Maslena is just around the corner!


We played the lottery, They gave me a lucky ticket, It turned out to be a gray goose! What to do with him? I'm afraid!


Climb the pole quickly, knock down the huge prize at once! Here are some great fun: Get rich for free!


How our Grisha climbed onto a pole - He is now hanging higher than everyone else, quickly call the tower, take down our Grisha!


Like during Shrovetide week, we put on everything new. After all, when will there be a chance to go out in public for a holiday?


Misha, Masha, get ready! Compete in relay races - Let's have fun and drive away the winter!

For babies 2-4 YEARS OLD

During this oil season I baked a mountain of pancakes, I baked them, I was tired, I began to treat everyone!

The bear said to the people: “There is nothing better than honey, Serve it here with honey - Just a fairy tale, not food!”

The forty set the table and called everyone over for pancakes: “Hares, wolves, wild boars, I’m waiting for you to come for pancakes!”

My mom's pancakes are fragrant and delicious! I’ll kiss my mother on the cheek: “Feed your daughter pancakes!”

Grandma bakes pancakes and keeps an accurate count of them, and Vanyusha, grandma’s grandson, ate as many as 30 pancakes!

My hands and pants are covered in oil, I ate pancakes with butter, and where did these stains come from? I ate pancakes carefully!

Funny ditties about pancakes and Maslenitsa, texts for children and adults

Ruddy pancakes symbolize the Sun and are considered the main attribute of Maslenitsa. In honor of this fun holiday, we have collected ditties about pancakes and Maslenitsa - texts for children and adults.

A few funny ditties about Maslenitsa and pancakes:

We are on Shrovetide Week, Oh, we ate too much pancakes, It’s a pity the guests left early, I wanted more pancakes.

The godfather ate pancakes, and gorged himself on sour cream, so he ate for free before fasting.

We follow traditions, We bake pancakes on Maslena, We will eat and sing songs, And after forty days we will fast.

Pancake with jam, pancake with caviar! With spring water! The Sun Festival has come to us! It feels so good!

Eat! Drink! Help yourself! And have more fun! Maslenitsa is at the gates! Open your mouth wider!

Spring is approaching, which means it’s time to learn funny ditties for Maslenitsa! We offer a collection of the funniest short ditties about pancakes and Maslenitsa for children and adults, with texts and videos (you can listen for free). Happy Broad Maslenitsa to you!


You can’t drag me and my girlfriend away from pancakes even by the ears, We don’t like semolina porridge, My girlfriend and I are gourmets!

Once Kostya Ivanov ate 10 pancakes, and then Kostya added 10 centimeters in height!

I’ll dip the pancake in sour cream, I’ll eat it with gusto, even if my heels are covered in sour cream, There’s no tastier food, guys!

Cheeks, nose and lips are covered in oil, Waists do not fit into skirts, After Maslenaya, apparently, We will all have to lose weight!

We are in sour cream - me and dad, And Timoshka's cat's paw, With sour cream pancakes are simply super delicious!


Rusovoloska, kind Maslenitsa, walks all week with all her heart! Bakes pancakes, pancakes, crumpets, rosy as the sun. Nice!

The holiday is famous for its cheerful round dance; all the honest people sing and laugh. Maslena the beauty welcomes spring. Goodbye winter, see you in a year!

This is the end of the winter cold, the turn of spring has come, On the holiday of Fat Maslenitsa we are having fun baking pancakes.

We can safely walk and feast all week. On Sunday we have something to do: We will burn the effigy.

Together, we will joyfully arrange a farewell to the gray winter. We'll set sumptuous tables and have fun.

Hello, annual Maslenitsa, our dear guest! Come to us on black horses, and on fast painted sleighs. So that the servants in the sleds would be young, They would bring us expensive gifts: And pancakes, and pancakes, and rolls, To our stove and their swords to our window! Are you my soul, Maslenitsa, Quail bones, Your paper body, Your sugar lips, Your sweet speech! Come visit us in our wide yard, ride in the mountains, roll around in pancakes, and amuse your heart!

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, What have you brought to: Until Lent, There is not a piece of bread, You gave a radish tail, For Lent.

Maslenitsa has arrived! Madam-Boyarina Maslenitsa! With cheese, butter, and pancake, And rosy pie!

And we were expecting Maslenitsa, We were greeting our dear guest, We were covering the mountain with pancakes, And we were pouring butter on top. The mountain is steep like pancakes, the mountain is clear like butter, And they pour snow on the mountain, And our mothers call us home. It’s not good for us to go home, We decided to take a ride down the mountain. Oh, you Maslenitsa-crooked neck, give us a good ride.

Cheese week starts on Monday. We've only been eating for two days, and we're already sweating.

I can imagine what will happen, How are we spending the holiday? Of course, we will get fat, we won’t fit into the dress.

We will all have to fast to lose some weight. Or on the next holiday, We’ll just look at the table!

Wide Maslenitsa, We boast about you, We ride in the mountains, We overeat on pancakes! Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, Pancake baker, Come early, Let's meet you well - With cheese, butter and pancakes And a ruddy pie. Maslenitsa - pancake eater Fed until lunch. And herself - behind the fence, For the whole day, for the whole day. She licked the cheese and butter, and then went out.

The people are having fun on a grand scale and their faces are shining like a golden pancake. Today spring flew to us like a bird, and took Maslenitsa with it!

Good songs dance in a circle, The tables sag from the wonderful food, And life, like a tub of fragrant honey, is insanely sweet - just open your mouths!

There's a party in the city! Both old and young are here; Slides - Sleds are flying!

The long-awaited advances, The samovar is burning. All guests are welcome here - both young and old.

Glorious Maslenitsa, Guest, farewell! The Spring we desire, bring back the Sun, -

Warm, rosy, Looks like pancakes, Only everything is fiery; We are waiting for warmth and spring.

Burning scarecrow, Zimushka, burn! Bring the swallows fluttering into the sky again!

You eat on Maslenitsa, You drink on Maslenitsa - You allow any thing, In general, from the heart you are a bastard! So that you can live happily, So that you want and can, So that everyone is healthy, So that your loved ones love!

SPRING is in the air, honest people are rushing to the park, Yes, in the morning, and with families, This Sunday!

Anyone and everyone is welcome: It’s a special day in Rus'! On my shoulders! At my father's! Today is Maslenitsa!

My eyes see everything: Here is a concert, And there are battles. Resonant and clear - A vociferous song, It flies, now it creeps, About a merchant, about a maiden!

Dad and I are surprised: Cheesecakes and pancakes, They eat them in the heat of the moment, But they don’t disappear!

It smells like sunshine and pancakes - Today - MASLENITSA IS WITH US! Let's burn the effigy, We'll see off WINTER!

And we met Maslenitsa, filled the mountain with cheese, poured butter on the mountain, invited us into the wide yard and ate pancakes.

Oh, all the people are walking, Maslenitsa is coming, there are stacks of pancakes around, People are always ready to eat!

There are songs and fun everywhere, A groovy mood has infected all the people, Tea, they shout, pour it in!

Maslenitsa is a bright holiday, full of beautiful pancakes with caviar, butter and jam, with an excellent mood!

May prosperity come into your home with baked pancakes, May you achieve everything yourself, May you be lucky in life. And also - don’t have any troubles, Smile, to spite everyone, Celebrate Maslenitsa this way, So that you will be lucky in life!

Today we rejoice - Today it is farewell to winter With pies and pancakes, In the noise of sweet chaos. The sleds are flying down the hill, the girls' eyes are burning, songs, dances and festivities have been going on for days in a row. Young people are not too lazy to look for the betrothed all day long: Grooms - for the girls And brides - for the guys, And at the mother-in-law's pancakes, the son-in-law grunted contentedly: - Ah! I probably ate about forty pieces - What a festive scale! This is Maslenitsa, the Miracle is Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa, Round sides! The sun is caressing in the sky - You know spring is near.

On the plate I have pancakes in a heap, Round, ruddy - dear to the sun!

Grandmother baked pancakes, round and rosy. Maslenitsa came to us as a welcome guest. The sun is round as a pancake, smiling and shining. We are glad to have a warm meeting with him, adults and children. At Maslenitsa, I helped my mother bake pancakes of unprecedented width with my hands and feet!

Let's get up early in the morning, bake pancakes with cottage cheese, sour cream, and honey. Be healthy! With butter and jam, Here's a treat for you! Let's celebrate Maslenitsa. We'll burn the scarecrow. We will celebrate the holiday. Joy to every home! A bright ray of sunshine - for everyone in the window!

Hello, Maslenitsa! Joy, songs and pancakes are everywhere. This holiday is like a miracle from ancient times. Let's say goodbye to winter, And spring will burst into the world, And will warm us with itself, And will give us love in full!

Just like during Shrovetide Week, we wanted pancakes! Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you, my pancakes!

Our elder sister is a master at baking pancakes. Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you, my pancakes!

She puts it on the tray and carries it to the table herself. Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you, my pancakes!

We will bake 100 pancakes and prepare pies. Let's go burn the effigy and see off Maslenitsa.

Let spring come to you, And rosy and red. Let guests come to your house, everyone around you will be happy.

Today is the farewell to winter, Everyone is waiting for warmth, spring and sun, That will appear again from the darkness And smile at us with rays!

Happy wonderful Maslenitsa to you, I wish you peace and inspiration. Let the supply of happiness be full, May regrets melt away without a trace!

The cat walked, sat, lay, waited for Maslenitsa for a long time. He sang songs, hissed, snorted: “Not winter, but chaos!”

He warms the radiator under the window with cat-like warmth! And he hopes that - here! Spring will come quickly!

The bells of the troika are beating vigorously, Voices are ringing loudly into the sky, The black troika is rushing like a bird - Beauty of glorious Russian prowess! It’s not the forest, it’s not the grass that spreads out - It’s the people gathering for the holiday! The square has become a pockmarked face - Rus' - The land is rich in people! Both in their shoulders and in their hands they have strength, Today there will be folk games! It’s not the forest, it’s not the grass that spreads out, the Maslenitsa holiday begins!

Like our in-laws, Butter pancakes, Tasty cheesecakes, Buns - curls. And your pie is burnt on one side. And the pancakes are hot, blazing hot from the oven, Fluffy and rosy with butter and sour cream. And your frying pan is smoked, trouble. Oh, yes, Maslenitsa, bows to the waist. Sort out the pancakes - there will be some for everyone.

Maslenitsa is an old bright holiday, beloved in Rus' from time immemorial. Winter away! Spring is knocking on the door, bring her a loaf of salt!

Tired of the severe frosts, Tired of the furious winter. The light is brighter than the sun, the icicles are longer from the roofs. The sound of drops. Is spring coming soon?

Maslenitsa is a joy for a week. Games, fun, towns, girls' cheerful swings, children with choruses, pancakes.

Get out, deadly cold. Leave. nasty gray darkness. Maslenitsa is the rebirth of life, Sunlight and goodness.

Take a ride on a troika with bells! All the horses seem to be selected. The cheeks were flushed, the bravery and enthusiasm were playing out in the veins.

Die quickly, cold winter! Honest people will help her now. We will knit a straw scarecrow. Set it on fire! Don't be sorry for the fire!

That's all. We've dealt with winter. We don't need her, the villainess. Come, spring! Make way for spring! We are waiting for you, beautiful spring!

We need to be in time everywhere - And dance, and sing a song! Eat a basket of pies! Yes, about three boxes of pancakes! We will cleanly sweep the whitewashed hut, Oh, the green melancholy We will not let into the house! We will drive away the cold and the snowstorm. Hey, say goodbye to winter with a merry fellow! Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week, Wide is moving into the yard! And we, girls, meet her, And we, red ones, meet her! Oh yes, Maslenitsa, stay for a week, Broad, stay for another!

Let the cold go into winter, And let spring shine like a pancake of sunshine. Let the people walk to their heart's content, giving pancakes to all passers-by.

We, with all the honest people, spend the snowy winter And today we will burn the effigy, We wish the best in life!

Accept, Spring, gifts, Round dances and bagels, Let's play tag together, Let's slide down the hill on a sled.

Have fun with us, help yourself to pancakes! Oh, pancake, how clear the sun is - Golden, and buttery!

There are rolls on the table. And the pancakes are hot. There is rosy sun outside the window. It turned red, as if it could drink five samovars of tea to the bottom. Outside the window he sings about the spring of drops, He sings about the passing winter. I don’t want to sit at home now: Spring is coming through the village.

And we saw off Maslenitsa, sighed heavily for it; Oh, Maslenitsa, come back, cling to the white birch tree, reach out to the red summer. And we spent Maslenitsa, lost our dear one, We thought she would be seven years old, But she stayed for seven days. Oh, Maslenitsa, come back! Show up in the new year!

With meat, cottage cheese, mushrooms - How delicious are pancakes! This Maslenitsa is with us, seeing off the days of winter. With songs, jokes and fun, invite spring, people! And in a good mood, eat a pancake each!


Our whole class is in love with super delicious pancakes, we chew them to the fullest and sing ditties for you!

Hey, boys and girls, Stretch up your strength, Nowadays everyone needs strength to eat pancakes for a week!

I'm going to visit Nastya for pancakes - what happiness! Bring a treat! For pancakes - Grand Mercy!

To the sound of the spring drops, the titmice sang songs to me, I listened to their songs, ate pancakes with jam!

This week everyone envy us the models, After all, we all, friends, can eat pancakes, but they can’t!

My little brother Ilyushka is all dirty, like a pig. I know what happened - Ilya ate pancake with jam!

Why is it so cheerful? Maslenitsa has come to us!

There are also large ditties about Maslenitsa, which will help to arrange a whole performance for the holiday.


A children's choir runs into every yard throughout the village. They bring old things from houses, all sorts of rags. They carry everything outside the fence, making a big fire. It’s Maslenitsa, Glorious Maslenitsa!

The girls are happy, the guys too, Let's kiss everyone as much as we can. We will suppress the resistance of the Winter Cold, without a doubt. Let the spring-red maiden frolic with us too.


Like during Shrovetide week, we ate pancakes with jam. They ate and ate to their fullest, But Yegor said that it was not enough! We will feed him again, and remember his tricks. On Sunday we treat him, which means we forgive him everything!


I made peace with my sister. I say: “Now you sing!” She sings cheerfully and hands out pancakes with tea! Why is it so cheerful? Maslenitsa has come to us!


Tuzik stopped barking, Today he is an ideal! Today I was able to forgive everyone - I lay down quietly in my booth! Dad said without excitement: Our dog knows Sunday! Come visit us - Tuzik welcomes our guests!


Quickly climb into the sleigh and welcome the spring! Treat everyone with pancakes, forget about worries! Old people and children have fun until the morning!


As if we were saying goodbye to winter, we gathered at the club. They sang songs, ate pancakes, wanted to spend the winter, May spring come soon and bring joy to everyone!


I’m standing in a sheepskin coat and telling my friends: We need to meet Maslena, We can’t freeze! Put on your fur coats quickly, open the doors wider!


I ate too much pancakes, pies and pretzels, and then more barbecue, so he clung to me, and I also ate porridge - I didn’t regret my belly! I celebrated the Masleny holiday. I'm really tired of food!


Don't be bored today! Put on your fur coats immediately, put out the treats, forget all the insults! We will burn effigy and welcome the red spring!


No, believe me, it’s really better than Shrovetide Week, All week with all your heart, Eat pancakes, walk, dance!

We are behind our ears, what to hide, You can’t tear us away from the pancakes, Let all things wait. Maslenitsa has come to us!

I am the envy of everyone, I eat Pancake with caviar, There is nothing tastier, I won’t hide it, Pancake with caviar!

They invite me on a date, Masha, Luda, Anya, Well, in return for a date, I eat pancakes with sour cream!

I take care of my figure, I value my appearance, “Damn is good for your figure,” - I’ll tell you exactly!

I've been eating pancakes all week, Stopped fitting into my pants, Don't let me stand up in my pants, don't sit down, I'll continue to eat pancakes!

We've been eating pancakes for a week, We can barely fit into our dresses, Even if our outfits are small, what? Pancakes are still more expensive!

We ditties, as best we could, We sang to you about pancakes today, Our bow to you, gentlemen, And let’s go eat pancakes!

And don’t forget to make a Maslenitsa Doll - a symbol of the holiday and a talisman. It's easy to make - you only need threads (yarn) and 15 minutes of time.

We will sing ditties for you in front of all the honest people

Remember, when we were little, sometimes the adults sang ditties. This made it so funny, it was so much fun, and such a feeling of satisfaction with myself from the realization that I managed to join adult life. But there are also short ditties about Maslenitsa for children, which they can actually perform at the holiday to everyone’s joy.


In front of all the honest people, we will sing ditties for you, We will spend Mother Winter and begin to welcome spring.


On Monday, with a clear dawn, everyone is riding on the slide, chewing all kinds of food, singing songs loudly.


We didn’t break the holiday during Shrovetide Week, All our friends danced, sang, We ate pancakes!


We are not afraid of frost, Today we will burn Maslena. Let's have a lot of fun with bright rainbow lights.


We're on Shrovetide week. We ate all the pancakes with toppings. How delicious all Russian holidays are!


Like on our Maslenitsa, everyone becomes warmer. Go away, winter, away, We have more fun with pancakes.


Spin with a daring Russian dance Under the accordion... We say goodbye to Maslenitsa! Where are you, spring? Wake up!


Maslenitsa is noisy, the holiday is daring! On this day we say goodbye to you, Zimushka.


We burn an effigy of snow and cold weather, so that the beautiful spring will return to us again.


Round as the sun, We eat pancakes. With the breeze on the sled, we fly like an arrow.


We probably ate a hundred pancakes during Shrovetide Week. With honey, butter and jam. Yummy! Lunch!


We will sing ditties, How we wait for Maslenitsa, How we yearn for pancakes And for warm spring days.


As a farewell, all the people will set Maslenitsa on fire. Warm up quickly, so that we can live more fun!


Let's go for a ride down the hill, Let's drive away the sadness and melancholy, We'll say goodbye to winter, We can't help it anymore!


“Goodbye,” we shout, “Zimushka-winter!” Please go away quickly yourself!


We sang ditties for you, How good they are! Clap your hands in gratitude from the bottom of your heart!

Listen to the kids of the Zhemchuzhinka kindergarten - ditties for Maslenitsa.

Various short ditties

Come, come in for rosy pancakes. Today is Maslena week - Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslenu to eat 50 pancakes. I'll eat them with some baked goods,

Bake, godfather, pancakes, so that they are fluffy. Today is Maslen week - You can eat too much.

I ate the fifth pancake, my skirt burst. I'll go sew up my skirt so I can eat pancakes again.

Play more cheerfully, harmonica, Maslenitsa, don’t be sad! Come, spring, quickly, drive Winter away from us!

We finish singing ditties until another evening. You sit until the morning, when there is nothing to do.

We start singing ditties, Please don’t laugh: There are a lot of people here, We might get confused!

My friend and I were walking, we covered a mountain with cheese, we covered it all with pancakes, we poured butter on top!

Like during Shrovetide week, pancakes flew from the table, and cheese, and cottage cheese - They all flew under the threshold!

Girls, the oil can is coming! Who will take us for a ride? In Petrushka's yard, Sivka disappears.

On Monday, with a clear dawn, everyone is riding on the slide, chewing all kinds of food, singing songs loudly.

For his beloved, for a scarf, the guy climbs onto the pole. And the pole is doused with water, That’s why it’s icy.

In trials, the boys are steadfast, And in the cooking, the girls are lively - They bake sweet pancakes, and serve treats.

The people smile, they dance in a friendly circle. It’s Maslenitsa, Good Maslenitsa!

Have fun, honest people, filling your belly. This is Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa is festive!

While eating the cheesecakes to their heart's content, the girls sing ditties. Every person around is dancing, And his soul rejoices.

With the onset of Sunday, we ask everyone for forgiveness. Our good aspirations are admirable.

As a farewell, all the people will set Maslenitsa on fire. Warm up quickly, so that we can live more fun!

They drove the diva around the yard, Oh, she’s stately and beautiful. It’s a pity for me to burn such a thing, but my wife won’t let me sleep.

We will cover the mask drawn with a pancake decorously. Let it burn completely, Everyone is tired of winter.

My son-in-law came running for a treat without an invitation, but he also made a mistake in strength, he didn’t finish all the pancakes.

The girls are happy, the guys too, Let's kiss everyone as much as we can. We will suppress the resistance of the Winter Cold, without a doubt.

Let the spring-red maiden frolic with us too. Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm, fun, laughter.

For the fire of competition, creative success. Now the moment of farewell has come, Our speech will be brief. We say: “Goodbye, Happy new meetings!”

We composed ditties, We tried very hard. We just ask that you don’t be offended by us.

Good or bad, we devoured a hundred pancakes!

Funny jokes for Maslenitsa for children and adults


All the girls were guessing that night, Together they threw the shoe. They hit the bear in the head, now there is a bruise all over his forehead!


We, friends, rode on a cheerful Russian troika. Having knocked down the cow Zorka on the way, Tears poured into three streams.


I’m a little afraid to sing songs, even though I sing loudly. My friend is dancing to the accordion - I stand rooted to the spot.


Hey, friend, don't be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea! If you want more - I don’t mind, eat it all!


We finish singing ditties until another evening. You sit until the morning, when there is nothing to do.


Come in for pancakes! Seven pancake recipes for every day of Maslenitsa here

Of course, in addition to learning the words, it’s worth showing the little ones (you can use your own example) that in these songs the way they are performed is also important:

  • loudly,
  • with gestures
  • with emphasis on some words,
  • and perhaps even dancing!

My dear friends, that's all! I hope the article set the tone for the holiday, and you will have a fun and interesting time! I remind you to come and visit, there are still many important topics waiting for you. And in order to know when my next article will be published and what it will be about, subscribe! Invite all your friends, together we will have a more interesting time!

Bye bye!

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