Children's ditties on March 8 for kindergarten and school

What are ditties?

Chatushki are short, rhyming folk songs consisting of two or four lines. They belong to the lyrical genre of poetry and, most often, contain irony and humor. According to one version, the name “ditty” comes from the verb “chast” with the meaning of speaking quickly to frequent beats of music, performing at a fast tempo.

In Russia, ditties originated in the second half of the 19th century and go back to dance songs accompanied by a balalaika or accordion. In this form, people give their assessment of everything that happens at every stage of real life. Similar forms of songs are common among other peoples of the world. There is an abundance of different themes of ditties: from lyrical to socio-political. For our children on the bright spring Women's Day on March 8th, I chose the best, most joyful and funniest ditties.

Ditties in kindergarten

In kindergartens, children prepare for any holiday, but with particular enthusiasm for the Women's Day on March 8. And this is understandable, because every day they are surrounded by women of various specialties who work in kindergartens, and mothers always come to the matinee. In front of such an audience, children happily demonstrate their talents, dexterity and skill.

In the script of this holiday, educators must include playful children's ditties using musical accompaniment. Here are the best of them:

Women's Day is the reason, That's why we sing here, Allow us, men, to congratulate you on Women's Day!

In March there is such a day With a number like a pretzel. How many of you guys know what the number means? The children will tell us in chorus: “This is the holiday of our mothers!”

Dear chefs, Always feed deliciously. Look at us - Our cheeks are just classy!

There are clouds in the blue sky. There will be snow, or maybe hail. Masha asks to be held on the way to kindergarten!

In the morning our mothers bring us in and we can be stubborn. We'll have a fight in the locker room, and then we'll go play.

In order not to oversleep in kindergarten, you need to try - you need to ask Mom to get up at 5 o’clock. Wow, oh, girls and boys, Wow, oh, let's jump like bunnies.

Teachers, like children, have fun and love to sing! They can dress up like a bunny or stomp like a bear.

Parents don’t have an hour to talk to their child, Whoever is spinning in the garden is developing quickly!

Vitamins are good for everyone - The doctor told us this And gave the guys in our group a vitamin to everyone!

Simple people are having fun in the kindergarten. In a quiet hour he cannot sleep, He sings in a low voice.

We go to the garden together to exercise every day. Because we need to crawl like a “worm.”

They take their children to our kindergarten every morning and every hour, and when evening comes, they forget to pick them up!

The Nurse, our Aibolit, will heal everyone. He will bring medicine to everyone and take tests.

The nanny keeps our group in order for a whole year, keeps everything clean, washes and scrubs everything for days!

Teachers and nannies You replaced our mother, It’s a pity that we can’t Take you with us to first grade!

Our dear mothers, you will forgive us for everything. Look how wonderful we are here!

Ditties for March 8th for kindergarten

The day of March 8 is coming soon, the boys will be hot.
They need to keep their word: You can’t offend girls! On this day we promise. Give compliments. And when you get older, we will give you flowers.

On the glorious day of March 8, we will not offend the girls. I want to pull the braid, it sticks out so temptingly!

We don't sit idle, we rush back and forth. The boys ran away to get gifts!

Our girls are beautiful with braids, ponytails and bows. We drag girls around for them. We are not amateurs in this.

Our girls, look, just a sight for sore eyes. And they dance and sing, to everyone’s surprise.

We dressed up for the holiday and will show you a master class. We can sing and dance non-stop for you for an hour.

In order not to oversleep in kindergarten, it’s worth trying. Ask your mother to get up at 5 am.

So that my mother can wake me up on time on her day off, I’ll set her alarm clock and slip it under the bed.

What is all the noise here and there? Mom is surprised. It's just that Dad and I are cleaning the house.

Dad and I thought and wondered, How can we surprise mom? And they decided to wash all the dishes for her for the holiday.

We congratulate our mother, We follow her like a shadow. My brother and I promise her not to quarrel all day.

Streams are murmuring in the forest, The girls are having a holiday soon! We will give them flowers and pay them compliments.

Day March 8 A fabulous date. Hiding from a neighbor Dad and I are two bouquets!

We made a pie, I helped Dad with this. I also washed the dishes. I was so tired, I felt bad!

Ditties for moms

How nice it is for mothers when not only adults, but also children congratulate them on the Spring Festival with their family. These short quatrains contain an immense amount of warmth, love, humor and good irony.

Our dear mother, Happy Women's Day! We will sing ditties for you and bring you gifts!

Today for mom all the songs, all the dancing, smiles and laughter, You are the kindest and most wonderful of all, dear, dear person!

I shake hands with my mother, I hold my mother tightly, So that my mother is not afraid, And she does not get lost anywhere.

So that the evil alarm clock does not wake up my mother for work, I unscrewed three parts for him tonight.

We don’t quarrel with our brother for a very long time - all day long, After all, our mother has a holiday - the Long-awaited Women's Day!

Mom’s anger, like the first snow, melts quickly, quickly, she forgives us for our pranks a hundred times a day.

I train with a barbell, I started to pump up my muscles, but I can’t lift my mom’s bag.

What is this noise, what is this commotion? Mom is surprised, It’s March 8th. Dad is cleaning up.

Dad polished the floor until it shined and prepared a vinaigrette. Mom is looking, what should I do? There is no work!

I love my dear mother, I’ll give her candy, I’ll bring it home, - Mom, will you share it with me?

To make mom smile and be happy, I will draw a funny face for her in her passport.

Mom is a jack of all trades They say she’s both a Swede and a reaper, She’s a nurse and a cook, In a word, mom’s great!

Mom is a super person For me, like a talisman! Although I’m not a hero at all, she’s a mountain for me.

Our mother really loves to worry about “trifles”, so that later her blood pressure starts to jump again.

The river runs fast, Clean to the bottom, Our mothers' smiles Shine brighter than the sun!

After the shift, our mother rested at home: she cooked soup, washed the floor, and got us ready for school.

Our mothers create comfort in every room: Paintings here, flowers there, placed in different corners.

We will not get tired of saying thank you to Mom and we will help her in all household matters.

We wish our mother to never lose heart! Be more and more beautiful every year and scold us less!

We cleaned the carpet and washed the floors. Our mother was surprised - “Children, is that you?”

We painted a picture for our mother and brother, and used mascara and shadows to brighten the lipstick.

My mother cooks very tasty borscht, bakes a pie, and teaches lessons at school during the day for little children.

I trust my mother with everything, I take care of my mother. I always miss her without her, I can’t live without my mother!

There are no gentler hands in the world And no warmer soul, Mom knows how to understand everything And is in a hurry to help with everything.

My dear mother, I love you very much. You shine like the sun, warming my heart! Without you, without my dear, I have no life. Go around the whole wide world - there is no one better than my mother!

I love my mother very much. I declare directly, I will call a new star in the sky “Mom”.

If mom smiles, then we will become more cheerful. WE wish our mothers many good, bright days!

We are tired of singing ditties, But we will give this advice: Help mothers more, So that they can live at least a hundred years!

We wish our mothers to always be healthy and to be young and never grow old! Let adversity and sorrow pass you by, so that every day of the week is like a day off for you!

We stop singing ditties, We promise our mothers: Always listen to them in everything - Morning, evening and day, We will grow up kind, We will behave well.

Next ditty

A selection of material on the topic “Poems of congratulations for girls on March 8 from boys” for school.

Today I taught the girls Congratulations. And now I got excited - Eh, I forgot all the words!

It's a holiday for the girls today, we need to congratulate them somehow. Again the boy, a classmate, will rack his brains.

There are so many excellent girls in our class, no doubt: Kind, smart, energetic... Like a festive bouquet.

On this day, March 8, We wish you well, a lot of joy and happiness, and always be beautiful.

WE are ready to congratulate you, And we want to wish you Smile, have fun, Don’t be bored for a second

You are as beautiful as stars, And your eyes burn with fire, And your sweet smiles Eclipse the sun during the day!

We wish you only happiness, And we’ll tell you a secret: There are simply no more beautiful girls in the whole school!

From year to year, always in the spring, There is March and the eighth day. Health, happiness, long life - There are no other wishes for you! Let lilacs bloom every day, Let the sun shine brightly, Let every day be like March 8th for you!

Today beauty rules the show here, Having entered this stage in all its grandeur, it will illuminate the entire hall with wonderful girlish smiles.

The blizzards have long ceased to make noise, Spring is knocking on every house. We congratulate you, girlfriends, on International Women's Day!

Spring has come and the sun is shining, A reason to congratulate from the bottom of our hearts, The best girls on the planet, Happy Women's Day, the best day of spring!

We congratulate you today, We don’t offend you all day long, We open the doors to the classroom, We let you in everywhere

The holiday will add trouble to everyone! He comes for the girls! Their boys will congratulate everyone and give them gifts!

Happy March 8, dear ones, we send you a big greeting! Congratulations guys, smile back!

Our girls today are like rays of spring. On this excellent holiday, we will give them flowers.

To make them smile more often, Let's make them laugh more. To be admired, We will carry it in our arms!

On this bright spring day, We will hasten to congratulate Our dear, precious Girls with all our hearts!

We will please them with flowers and invite them to dance. Let them be proud of us. We will protect them from harm!

Happy March 8th to all girls! It's a school day - oh well. We'll laugh anyway, We'll have a lot of fun.

The holiday will add trouble to everyone! He comes for the girls! Their boys will congratulate everyone and give them gifts!

Happy March 8, dear ones, we send you a big greeting! Congratulations guys, smile back!

*** With the first drop, with the last snowstorm, We congratulate you on the holiday of early spring, we sincerely wish you Joy, happiness, health, love!

May Women's Day never end, May the streams sing in your honor, May the sun smile on you, and may the boys give you flowers.

May your beauty bloom, And may your dreams come true, And may you always be lucky in everything, Because you are as beautiful as flowers!

Let it happen that we argue with you and don’t want to communicate, but as soon as we don’t see you, we feel very sad.

Lessons are forgotten, books are abandoned. Today our boys solemnly, blushing, embarrassed, forgetting words, congratulate you all on Women’s Day!

Ponytails, braids, skirts, bows and ribbons. Happy March 8th, girls.

Let the sunny bunnies play with you, and the boys never offend you.

Dear girls, Happy March 8th to you! Let your smiles Light up the classroom.

May spring give you joy and warmth. We girls are very lucky to have you!

Congratulations on March 8 for girls from boys by name

Polina Polina, you are irresistible and, as always, unique. Don’t forget these lines, Polina is better than anyone in the world.

Lera, Lera, Lera, You're like a queen! Be always beautiful, cheerful and happy

Olya Olya is like a queen, her beauty cannot be compared with her! Graceful and sweet, drove everyone around crazy

Anna Anya is the sweetest and most beautiful of all, Anya is our joy. And she is the kindest of all, And as beautiful as spring

Lisa is birdsong, Lisa is a spring day, And love, and beauty, And hope, and dreams

Oh, beautiful Elena! You instantly capture hearts, You light everyone with fire - “Torch” in your name! We want all your dreams to come true, Pride and beauty of the Universe, - You deserve all miracles

Our Nastya is happiness! This is the bright light of the sun, which will instantly drive away bad weather, and there is nothing more beautiful than it

Without wasting unnecessary words, never argue about the fact that our KATYA is always smart!

Be happy girls - Never be sad! Smile, be surprised, sing songs until the morning

There is nothing more beautiful in the world, your lovely, feminine eyes! Thank you from us for everything - Sincerely, your class.

You are our classmates, No one is sweeter and more beautiful than you, No one is more diligent, smarter and, of course, more fun! Congratulations on March 8th, We wish you an ocean of happiness, a boundless sea of ​​joy, a bright, serene life! More positive, laughter and success in all matters!

We hope that our selection of poems of congratulations on March 8 to girls from boys in the class made your holiday fun and unforgettable.

Ditties about grandma

It is touching to the point of tears when the grandchildren do not forget to congratulate their grandmothers on the holiday, please them with a kind word, and even sing a funny ditty. People also composed a great many ditties about grandmothers.

It was a joy for our grandmother that we were born. Now she doesn’t have a single minute to rest.

Before we had time to be born, we began to shout loudly, To test grandma’s strength and class.

Granny is a champion in the culinary sport, “Napoleon” defeated everyone - There are a hundred layers in the cake!

If the grandmother said: Now, don’t touch, now, don’t you dare, We must listen, because our House rests on her.

Without my grandmother, we once cooked dinner, washed the dishes ourselves, and since then there have been no dishes.

If the grandchildren want to eat, it’s a joy for Grandma Let the kids eat, After all, they need to grow up!

And I water my grandmother’s beds. For the health of all grandchildren There is no better way to exercise!

I adore my grandmother, I help her in everything, then we’ll read a fairy tale, then we’ll drink tea together!

Granny and I are similar The color of our eyes, hair and skin, She is not an old lady at all, For me she is a friend.

Even though our grandmother has hair like snow, Grandma’s life is more fun than anyone else’s!

Ruffles and beds And cabbage in a jar, Pancakes, pancakes - Grandmothers can do everything.

And the parents gave their grandchildren to their dear grandmother and sometimes take them home with them on the day off.

Even though our grandmother has glasses on her nose, Grandma very quickly knits socks for us.

Goes to school meetings, Grandma cooks broth. For this, the postman carries money to her every month.

Our grandmother is a magician, She is the highest class for us: She foresees and tells everything, She will warm us with kindness.

Grandmother gives us care and attention in the morning, That’s why our upbringing is simply “with a bang”!

Every day we play football with my grandmother, But it’s not often that I manage to score a goal!

We love you, grandma, and kiss you warmly. So as not to jinx you, we’ll spit three times over your left shoulder.

You, granny, don’t freak out And there’s no need to grieve: Years are not a reason to shed tears.

You, granny, don’t get sick, don’t go to the pharmacy, it’s better to visit our disco more often.

We hug you warmly, Be healthy, don’t get sick! And don’t forget to buy gifts for all your grandchildren.

And today - on Women's Day - we decided not to be naughty. We want to give a medal to our grandmother for her class!

Ditties for girls from boys

On March 8th, girls are always dressed up and even more beautiful - they look like fairies! Boys are very tense and preoccupied with preparing small but original gifts for girls. The whole atmosphere is imbued with a positive mood, full of fun and jokes. In both kindergartens and schools, it is customary for boys to organize various performances for girls and sing mischievous ditties.

The girls' holiday is coming soon. We need to sing ditties, - Oh, guys, in my ear. A bear stepped on me when I was a child.

Dear girls, Happy Women's Day! And we will all sing funny ditties in chorus.

We are groovy guys of unprecedented coolness, Congratulations to you girls, Happy Women's Day of Spring!

We sincerely congratulate our princesses on this day, We choose gifts for them Oh, it’s not an easy process!

Despite the cold, severe frosts, the boys brought tender mimosas to school, miracles! But on this day even the stump blooms!

Oh, spring, spring, spring Be honest with the girls: Give away your freckles to everyone, Well, we’ll sing ditties!

Oh trouble, oh trouble There is a leapfrog in our class, The boys ran away in all directions for gifts.

The girls in our class are smart and beautiful! And, I must admit, we boys really like it!

You are always beautiful: “Ponytails”, braids, Sometimes we pull them, Only out of habit!

I say frankly that I love Mashenka. And she sits, silent, and looks at Vanechka.

We sang ditties for you, don’t be offended. Clap your hands louder, smile wider!

We sang ditties for you, but we also want to say: We will boldly protect you always, everywhere and everywhere!

Children's ditties for March 8

A large collection of ditties for school and kindergarten on March 8th. Ditty congratulations for girls and boys to mothers, grandmothers, classmates, teachers.

- The girls' holiday is coming soon, We need to sing ditties, - Oh, guys, a bear stepped on my ear when I was a child.


- I won't sing! - Me too! - I'm shy! - I'm afraid! - Let's sing together, let them laugh!


Oh, spring, spring, spring, Be honest with the girls: Give away your freckles to everyone, Well, we’ll sing ditties!


I tried so hard all day to not look at the girls. I could barely resist - I wanted to pull the braid.

Our dear mothers, Congratulations on Women's Day. We will now dance for you and sing ditties.


Our dear mothers, We will sing ditties for you. Congratulations on March 8th and greetings to you!


We are groovy guys of unprecedented coolness. Congratulations to you, girls, on the Women's Day of Spring!


Am I a gentleman or who - I helped Sveta take off her coat, He carried her briefcase to her desk - Today is March 8th!


Play it, balalaika, Balalaika - three strings! Sing along, don’t yawn, Come out, dancers.


We won’t let our girls get hurt today, We won’t even let anyone else get close to them.


Today is Women's Day at our school! Flowers and laughter! Let's say to all teachers at once: you are the most beautiful of all!


We sit in class and look at the girls: Both beautiful and smart - It’s simply not better to find. There is a magazine on the table, Well, there are fives in it. Because in our class there are smart girls.




She boiled the milk and walked away not far. I go up to him again: There’s no milk in sight.


On Women's Day, March 8, Dad cooked dinner himself, and, I'll tell you a secret, he did a lot of trouble.


Streams are murmuring in the spring, The girls' holiday is coming soon! Oh, March 8th will come and the boys will get hot!


How is our cool mom doing a lot with us? We promise on this glorious holiday - We will obey all year!


You are lucky girls, you are already happy, because we are the most beautiful.


The soup and porridge burned, he poured salt into the compote, when our mother returned, she had a lot of trouble.


It’s not easy to be a girl, You have to get up earlier than everyone else, Every morning for half an hour you have to braid your hair.


The whole day of March 8, Lena chalked the floor with excitement, but on the ninth she did not pick up a broom.


Fir-trees and pine trees are prickly and green, even grandmothers in the spring are in love with grandfathers!


In the morning, our Mila gave mom two candies. I barely had time to give them as gifts, and immediately ate them myself.


Something If I’m not at school, I got ready and was like that... Kolya ran away from class to get flowers for the holiday.

Dima blushes at the blackboard; he is not ready to answer. Just preparing for the holiday, he learned five verses.


In March there is such a day With a number like a pretzel. How many of you guys know what the number means? The children will tell us in chorus: “This is the holiday of our mothers!”

To our grandmothers and mothers Never lose heart! Be more and more beautiful every year and scold us less!


Very soon we will all celebrate Women's Day and Spring. On this day my mother asked me to give her... silence!


And we will sing a separate verse to the director. So that this day at school the rule is fun! Let our beloved director forgive us for our pranks And let the stern look fly by on the eighth of March! So that a smile illuminates Her beautiful face! Every day we repeat: Our director is golden!


We won’t hide it from the girls, We’ll tell them everything straight: Before your beauty I melt like a snowman!


There is a good day in March to congratulate the girls. We promise, our little ones, we won’t offend you!




I'm a groovy mom, it's hard to cope with me. But today I promise, I will improve, I know for sure.


I found a broom in the kitchen, and swept the whole apartment, but all that was left of it were three straws.


So I decided what I’ll do for Dear Mother’s holiday - I’ll become very obedient for a whole week!


Julia cleaned the smoked pan with sand. For three hours in the shower, Yulia was washed by her grandmother afterwards.


Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble! There is leapfrog in our class, the boys ran away in all directions to get gifts!


My brother and I will knead the dough ourselves. So that mom would have a surprise baked by us.


The river runs fast, clean to the bottom. Our mothers' smiles are as bright as the sun.


We envy the girls, They love to play. And for this, guys, we need to buy dolls.


We congratulate the girls on this day, like princesses. We choose gifts for them, Oh, it’s not an easy process.


Streams in the forest are murmuring, Everyone is laughing and shouting - March 8th is coming soon, The girls' holiday is coming soon!


On Women's Day, once a year, I washed the frying pan, and then for four days they could not wash me.

Vova polished the floor until it shined, prepared a vinaigrette. Mom is looking for what to do: There is no work!


On Women's Day, March 8, Petya cooked lunch himself, crumbled candy into the salad, and caused a lot of trouble!


You dance, sing, love to read books. Don’t forget to give us at least something in class!


Well, Masha, our beauty was simply knocked off her feet yesterday. I made a pie for our teacher.


The lazy mother says: “Make your bed!” And the lazy girl: “Mommy, I’m still little.”


We glorify girls, both with and without freckles. May the sun smile on them more often from the blue skies!


We'll shake out the rug, wipe it down, and clean everything ourselves. Our whole house will be clean - This is a gift for mom.


Dad and I are starting to cook. There is smoke and noise in the kitchen. It’s a pity that he and I didn’t graduate from Culinary College.


The long-awaited holiday of mothers is coming to visit us again. And we will cope with this difficult day with dad together! On this day we will wash, cook, and clean again. So that mom would appreciate it and give her candy.




New ribbons will be braided by our sisters! Well, grandma will bake us a delicious pie. Even the stump blooms on this holiday - Women's Day!


One day I went on my own to buy flour at the supermarket. But there was no flour there... And I had to buy sweets.


Let's dress up for the holiday and show a master class: We can sing and dance non-stop for an hour!


While mom is at work, To decorate your face, You can paint your lips with her red lipstick.


Dima was getting dressed in the morning and for some reason fell over: He put two legs in one pant leg for no reason.


Dad and I thought and wondered, How can we surprise mom? And they decided to wash all the dishes for her for the holiday.


And in your mother’s closet you can take her shoes and secretly from your mother at school (in a group) flaunt your heels.


My brother and I helped mom together. They praised us and then gave us candy. Helping is such a trifle. There is no better deal. We are good for this, not for the candy.




I was washing my hands under the tap, but forgot to wash my face. Trezor saw me, and he barked: “What a shame!”


Day March 8 A fabulous date. Hiding from a neighbor Dad and I are two bouquets!


Oh! I'm learning great and I won't lose count! For myself and my girlfriend I’ll count all the freckles




Oh! I'm learning great and I won't lose count! I’ll count all the freckles on myself and my friend’s!


Whose birthday is it today? For whom are they baking the cake? For whom did the spring flower bloom? The first March flower? For whom? For whom? Guess for yourself! We will give both the cake and the flower... to Mom!


We made a pie, I helped Dad with this. I also washed the dishes. I was so tired, I felt bad!


We sang ditties for you, Don’t be offended, Clap your hands louder, Smile wider!


You, spring, spring, spring, Be honest with the girls: Give love and friendship, So that they don’t have time to sleep!


We stop singing ditties, We promise our mothers: We will grow up kind, We will behave well.


We stop singing ditties, We promise our mothers: To listen to them always, in everything - Morning, evening and afternoon.




We stop singing ditties, We promise our mothers: We will grow up kind, We will behave well.

Ditties for March 8th for adults

Children's ditties for February 23

Ditties for holidays in Kindergarten

Funny Ditties about School

Ditties for schoolchildren about teachers

Currently, the teaching staff of schools mainly consists of representatives of the fair sex. Therefore, preparations for the Women's Day on March 8 are taking place with particular enthusiasm. Students prepare not only flowers for this holiday, but try to include all their talents and imagination to make it original and fun. Naughty school ditties are ideal for this.

Today is Women's Day at our school! Flowers and laughter! Let's say to all teachers at once: You are the most beautiful of all!

Let the strict headmistress forgive us for our pranks, We promise that we will study without fatigue. Let a smile illuminate Her beautiful face, Let her continue to meet us, Coming out to our porch!

And our school mom has a lot to do with us, We promise on this glorious holiday - We will be “cool” all year long!

We composed ditties about our native school, and, of course, included humor for fun.

During the lesson we chatted, didn’t notice anything, and then we searched for a long time in the Himalayas for the Volga River.

She didn’t answer about fairy tales. To Alyonka’s question, And they put “The Ugly Duckling” in her diary.

The school year has begun, the clock is ticking, and the question oppresses me: Is the holidays coming soon?

Vova is late for school. He explains simply: “And to study, Marivanna, it’s never too late!”

Our teacher is painfully strict, We didn’t go to class! How happy he was that he was freed from us!

I teach mathematics three hundred and forty days a year! The remaining twenty days - I just think about her!

In English I forgot my native speech And in Russian I couldn’t read my name.

I know the laws of physics Exactly, without a doubt. The Law of Attraction prevents me from waking up!

Our director bought all the advertising billboards and He placed the multiplication tables everywhere.

I don’t know what to do, How long can I suffer, I want to teach children, But they don’t learn. I go to class boldly, I am not afraid of students. If I give up this business, there will be more fools.

Once there was a collection of waste paper. The physical education teacher brought the most of it!

Ah, our teachers, What a resilient people! Neither viruses, nor colds, Nothing takes them away!

Sinichkin remained a repeat year student, five times, and now he came to his native school to teach.

In botany, we all leaned against our desks... About flowers, about stamens We had colorful dreams.

We were doing an experiment in a chemistry lesson, We looked around - there was no school, Where did we go?

Our teacher ordered everyone to sing ditties together, “And the bear stepped on my ears with its Paw.”

In the morning I go to school, the teachers are waiting for me. They will torture you in class, and I will torture them too.

I have no desire to explain the topic to the kids. Let the parents sweat, the Internet can help them.

Our director climbed onto the roof and builds a big nest: He hopes that the stork will bring first-graders.

They bought tutors and paid for the points, and the school director is happy to give Mom the result.

And “cool” girls strictly require a dress code, but she herself comes to our lessons in mini dresses. Kolya came out to answer, but didn’t know where to start. He remained silent, then said: “Anna Pavlovna, the bell rings!”

We, of course, love school, Our dear school, Although some are dragged to this school by force.

We sang ditties for you. They are all funny. We joked from the bottom of our hearts about school science.

Thank you! On the day of March 8, Let's tell all the teachers, After all, you have a lot of passion - You have dedicated your whole life to us!

We sang ditties for you - Is it good or bad, And now we ask you to clap for us!

Next ditty

March 8. Congratulations to girls from boys.

Today we dressed up, Shoes are on fire: Congratulations on March 8th We gathered as if for a parade!

In our class, we know all the girls almost from the cradle, They may be shorter than us, But they are calmer, quieter.

We wish you only happiness, And we’ll tell you a secret: There are simply no more beautiful girls in the whole school!

Happy March 8th, we congratulate our classmates! Let's read out our congratulations to our dear girls.

Happiness to you, love, good luck, mood, beauty. Let failures bypass and dreams come true!

On this day of our girls, there is nothing more beautiful and beautiful! Put on your outfits - Congratulations!

On this day, March 8, We wish you well, Lots of joy and happiness, Always be beautiful

WE are ready to congratulate you, and we want to wish you to smile, have fun, and not be bored for a second.

In our class we are proud not of grades sometimes, but of our girls, their intelligence and beauty!

The sun shines brighter, Every year, day by day! On Women's Day, your school friends congratulate you.

There are no better girls in the whole school than ours. And in general, our most wonderful and cheerful class.

We wish you to shine like stars every day. Best wishes to you. And, of course, don’t forget Us.

We congratulate you today, We don’t offend you all day long, We open the doors to the classroom, We let you in everywhere. We tell you from the bottom of our hearts: You girls are good! We are not too lazy to help you, the holiday is just a day.

I look at you, girls, I hear your voices, how beautiful they are, your calls, your radiant eyes. Everything in them glows in spring, Reflecting the heavens. This wondrous time You have a special beauty!

Now the snowdrops started singing about girls under the drop. We want to congratulate you - you girls are top class!

I look at you, girls, And the snowdrop in spring, Fragrant, tender, subtle, suddenly comes to mind. How much fragrance and hidden warmth it contains, How much charm spring life has brought to you!

Everyone knows our brew! Moving your shoulder towards her! It’s important to have an important conversation with her! You can have it in the morning, you can have it in the afternoon!

You are like fluff, a feather, a grain of sand! You're like a sweet star! Come here, quickly Polinka! Beautiful eyes of my soul!

Olya is nearby! The heart beckons! Olya is the best looking! It’s like I’m drawn to Olya by a huge magnet of feelings!

Everything with Nastya comes in very handy, I don’t need anyone else Nastya: Both in essence and in fact, you couldn’t find Nastya better.

I confess - I won’t lie, I’m telling you the whole truth: As soon as I see Elya, I feel in my heart: I’m burning!

Today we hasten to congratulate our classmates. We want to wish you happy, clear days!

So that your dreams come true, I wish you happiness, good luck, so that you dress in fashion, so that beauty blooms!

So that they don’t remember the insults and study well, so that they do their homework. May goodness surround you!

You are not adults yet, But you are already beauties, And the boys really, really like you. And today, on Women’s Day, is your legal holiday. Congratulations to you, girls! Be supportive: Give us smiles, And from now on don’t be sad!

We are glad that in our class there are so many beautiful girls - Smart, kind, lively, Friendly and simple!

On Women's Day, we wish you to have a blast without being childish, don't be sad, don't be offended, and smile more often!

Happy March 8th, we congratulate our Odnoklassniki! Let's read out our congratulations to our dear girls.

Happiness to you, love, good luck, mood, beauty. Let failures bypass and dreams come true!

You are our classmates, No one is sweeter and more beautiful than you, No one is more diligent, smarter and, of course, more fun! Congratulations on March 8th, We wish you an ocean of happiness, a boundless sea of ​​joy, a bright, serene life! More positive, laughter and success in all matters!

Congratulations on the Eighth of March, We wish the best girls to be princesses, like in a fairy tale, and smile more!

Always obey your mother and study with “Hurray”, After all, the beauty of spring has come and brought gifts!

May everything always succeed, May the sun smile on you, May spring bring joy and the sweetness of your favorite candies!

We hope that our congratulations on March 8 to girls from boys will make your holiday bright and unforgettable.

Funny and cheerful ditties on March 8 for children

A chastushka is a poetic impromptu originally from the village. It was most often created by young people. It is rich in linguistic means, often going beyond the literary language. Therefore, it was not always positively perceived by the intelligentsia. But ditties have always been loved by the people, as they contain satire, dashing enthusiasm, humor and, most importantly, fun and laughter.

Oh, the ditties are good, We sing with all our hearts, But don’t yawn either, And sing along with us!

We put all the toys away, We are not too lazy to clean up, But don’t be surprised: This is what happens on mother’s day!

On holiday I’ll surprise my mother - I’ll sleep for a whole hour during the day, And I’ll paint a fairy tale on the wall!

I found a broom in the kitchen and swept the whole apartment, but only three straws were left of it.

Alla was sitting at the table, thinking over the food, Pinocchio sat down next to her, Borscht and porridge in an instant.

Alina tried to eat half of the porridge. I got some bad porridge and laughed at Alinochka.

In the morning, our Mila gave mom two candies, barely had time to give them - and immediately ate them herself.

If you want to know a lot, achieve a lot, you must read it, you must learn it!

Wake me up at night In the very middle, I’ll tell you the alphabet Without a single stutter!

Petya catches fish deftly, Can make a raft, Only “hello” and “thank you” Can’t speak.

Yurochka’s dad asked: “Did you wash your hands under the tap?” And he heard in response: “I washed my face, but not my hands!”

They say that we are bullies, Don't ever believe us, There are commanders in our group Oh, there have always been girls!

Eh, I’ll stamp my foot, I’ll stamp the other, I can’t resist - Well, such a character!

Granny says to me: “My back hurts.” I sat with her for three days. Oh, I got sick too.

I was going to treat my grandmother in the morning and put a three-liter jar on her back.

Vova was too lazy this morning to comb his hair. A cow came up to him and combed it with her tongue.

Don’t be so shy, Irisha, stand with me quickly, Very soon I’ll carry your briefcase from school!

I am a fighting boy, I will remain a fighting boy. Oh, and woe will befall the one who gets me!

I have a rose in my pocket, And it is prickly, I have such a character, Like stinging nettles!

A spotted woodpecker is hammering an old pine tree with its sharp beak. Two "magpies" in the lesson break the silence.

No matter how we confuse where the Volga is and where the Nile is, if you confuse it a little, a crocodile might “eat it up.”

My friend was tired from the lesson, he was just sweaty. Why is he so tired? He waited the whole lesson for the bell.

Dima has developed a good ear, He can listen without fear, standing at the blackboard, from distant desks.

Streams are babbling all around, The girls' holiday is coming soon! When March 8th arrives, all the boys will feel hot!

Dad and I are starting to cook. There is smoke and noise in the kitchen. It’s a pity that he and I didn’t graduate from Culinary College.

Old people and kids - Everyone laughs heartily. All the people are happy about ditties - We will top the hit parade.

We sang ditties for you. All the ditties are good, you clap for us more boldly and laugh heartily!

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