Competitions on March 8th for a corporate party, for girls and mothers in kindergarten; games for children and adults

The first spring holiday - March 8 - is dedicated to women, however, everyone is looking forward to it. With its onset comes the time not only to congratulate mothers, girlfriends, grandmothers, sisters and friends, but also to have a great break from work. On the eve of the holiday, corporate parties are held at enterprises, games and competitions for March 8 are held in schools and kindergartens. This holiday is just as important for children as it is for adults - who doesn’t want to taste the treats from the “sweet” table and win a prize in a funny competition for the fastest, bravest, dexterous or resourceful? We offer you examples of the coolest children's and "adult" competitions for International Women's Day.

Drawing competition for children on March 8 at the “Jack of all trades” school

Before the start of the competition, participants are given two markers. Participate in the competition in twos - girls or boys. Each pair approaches a sheet of Whatman paper attached to a wall or stand and draws an object specified by the audience, doing this with both hands at the same time. You can draw anything - cats, dogs, the sun, clouds, houses. The winner is the participant who, in the opinion of the audience, depicted the given subject better.

“Cinderella is going to the ball” - a cool children's competition for March 8

Before the start of the competition, participants are divided into two teams. They are given a pair of huge galoshes. The first participants, wearing oversize galoshes, run to the handsome prince waiting for them at the finish line. There they take off their shoes, take galoshes in their hands and hurry back to their team to pass the baton to the next participant. The Cinderellas who attended the prince's ball faster than the other team win.

Competitions for March 8, methodological development (grade 3) on the topic

1. Competition "Collective Portrait". Draw a portrait on the board. A participant from each team comes out and draws one element of the portrait. The number of elements is equal to the number of children: 1st runs and draws the head, eye, nose, 2nd - hair, second eye - mouth, 3rd - torso, 4th - arms, 5th - legs without feet, 6th - th - shoes, 7th - beads, 8th - handbag. Whichever team is faster wins.

2. Competition “Learn fairy tales”. 3 crossover tales have been prepared. The teacher pulls out a piece of paper at random with the text and reads it with expression. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved. 1. Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Little Mouse and Frog Frog were running past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, went to the door, and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Apparently, Sleeping Beauty is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her. (7 fairy tales: “Three Bears”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga”, “Turnip”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “At the Order of the Pike”)

2. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Frog Princess. So one day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist Yasna Falcon. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she says to him: “Don’t sit down, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle. (7 fairy tales: “The Frog Princess”, “Finist the Clear Falcon”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Zayushina’s Hut”, “Cinderella”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

3. Competition “Food starting with the letter K”

Imagine that you have been invited to a feast, you need to name as many dishes as possible starting with the letter “K”. 4. “Culinary” competition . You need to guess the dish correctly and quickly from the recipe! 1st recipe: 3 glasses of milk, 2 glasses of flour, 2 eggs, 25 g butter, 0.5 teaspoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of salt, minced meat (pancake dough, pancakes with meat) 2- th recipe: sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, green peas, sunflower oil. (vinaigrette) 3rd recipe: boiled egg, onion, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, mayonnaise, herring. (herring under a fur coat) 4th recipe: mayonnaise, onion, boiled carrots, boiled egg, boiled potatoes, green peas, boiled beef or doctor's sausage. (Olivier salad)

5. Competition “Guess the Prize”

The girl must guess what the prize is. The boy answers “Yes” and “No” For example, Is this worn around the neck? It is a toy?

6. Competition “The most charming” 9 people participate in the competition. The girls choose the task card themselves. Contestants must take turns smiling like: - Mona Lisa; - girl - to an unknown boy; — the girl from the pantyhose advertisement; - teacher - student; - baby - parents; - a poor student who received an A; - Leopold - to mice; - third grader - high school student; - dog - owner;

7. Competition. Line up alphabetically by last name, by first name.

8. HOW BEAUTIFUL I AM! The boy ties a scarf on his head and, looking in the mirror, must say “How beautiful I am” 10 times and not laugh. 9. WHO WILL DRINK THE JUICE FAST. 2-3 boys participate. You need to drink the juice from the bag at speed.


4-6 people participate. 2 are blindfolded, 2 other children feed each other banana. 11. COMPLIMENT COMPETITION. A girl is invited to the middle of the hall. 3 boys take turns complimenting the girl, you can’t repeat yourself. The one who gives the most compliments wins.


Various competitions for children on March 8 – Team children's competitions and competitions

Every time, even before March 8, all schools hold festive events, including various competitions. Both children, boys and girls, and adults take part in them. At the end of the competitions, the winners are awarded honestly won prizes.

Cool children's competition for March 8th “Granny with a Ball”

Before the competition begins, a “grandmother” is chosen. Granny goes into another room, and the presenter, using a ball of thread, wraps the participants, entangling the threads in the most complex way. The result is a “tangle” of participants. The grandmother’s task is to unwind the entangled participants as quickly as possible. The presenter records the time during which the main participant of the competition completes the task. The next “grandmother” does the same job. The results of both participants are compared. The winner is the one who frees the people wrapped in threads the fastest. The more participants in the competition take part in it, the more fun it is.

Competition-game for the holiday of March 8 “Roses and the Gardener” - a task for attention

Everyone can participate in the competition. Before the competition begins, a gardener is chosen. He turns away or leaves, and the rest of the participants (roses) move as they want. As soon as the gardener turns or enters the room, the roses should freeze. A rose that makes any movements and is noticed by the main participant in the competition is “cut off” and becomes another gardener. This competition-game is somewhat reminiscent of the very famous children's game “The sea is agitated once...”

Team competition for children on March 8 “With a jug on the head”

Participants in the team competition for children are divided into two teams. Each of the resulting teams is given a symbolic jug - a box of matches. Two members of each team run to the finish line, turn around and return to their team, passing the matchbox to the next participants. The team that finishes the relay first and drops the “jug” the least number of times wins the competition.

When preparing children's competitions for March 8, try to choose doable tasks that are age-appropriate for each group. If you are celebrating International Women's Day in a primary school or kindergarten, choose simpler competitions. Be sure to include competitions for mothers and daughters in the holiday script. Young children really enjoy competitions and games. If you are writing a script for a corporate event on March 8 for adults, consider the size of the room where the event will take place. If the room for the celebration is small, it is better to focus on calm competitions and games “Crocodile”, “Guess the melody”, “Drawing with eyes closed”.


Games for the holiday of March 8 for mothers and grandmothers. card index

Fun games for the March 8 holiday in kindergarten

We bring to your attention a selection of fun games for the March 8 holiday in kindergarten with mothers, grandmothers and children


As you know, mothers often dress their babies, but what happens if they change places?

For this competition you need to prepare a bag or basket with things. The funnier things are, the more interesting they are - T-shirts with funny designs, huge pants, ridiculous hats, scarves, holey socks, and so on.

Several couples are called - mothers with children. The children need, while the music is playing, to collect items of clothing from the bag and put them on their mother, who does not help in this process. Mothers can be blindfolded so that they do not get scared ahead of time. Then the rest of the mothers and children choose the most “stylish” mother.


What happens if suddenly mom refuses to eat on her own? We'll have to feed her. And to make it fun to watch, you need to blindfold the children. Yes, yes, mothers have plates of porridge in their hands, and children have spoons and are blindfolded. The team that has the least amount of porridge smeared on its face wins.


Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Moms are given inflated balloons and markers. Within a certain time, mothers must draw their beloved sons or daughters on the balloons. The jury chooses the most similar portrait.


Moms can do everything, and let them prove it. For this competition you need to prepare a pair of boxing gloves. Mom must unwrap the candy in them. If one mother fails, another mother comes to her aid. And if you prepare several pairs of gloves, you can hold a speed competition.


A light large ball or balloon is placed in the middle of the hall. Children take turns, blindfolded, walk a few steps forward and hit the ball.


Children are divided into pairs - a boy and a girl, representing father and mother. On several tables, teachers lay out dolls, doll clothes and combs in advance. The winner is the couple that manages to “get the baby ready” for kindergarten faster than others - to dress and comb their hair.


For this competition, handbags, mirrors, lipsticks, beads, scarves and clips are laid out on the tables. At the signal, the girls must put on makeup, put on jewelry and, putting everything in their purse, run to “work.”


The presenters hide all the mothers behind a screen. Mothers only show their children their hands, by which they should be guessed.


And now this is the case: You need to hang out the handkerchiefs so that they dry before the night. Therefore, we will call your mothers to help you as soon as possible.

2 teams. Each team has 1 mother and 2 girls. Mothers hold a long rope, one girl carries 1 scarf of a certain color from a common basin, the other attaches it to the rope with a clothespin. The other team does the same, but the girls hang up handkerchiefs of a different color. The team that hangs the handkerchiefs first wins.)


2 teams take part in the game - 4 grandmothers and 4 children. Between the set pins you need to hold a balloon with a broom. Whoever is faster is the winner.


Children stand in a circle and quickly pass a ball or a broom to each other. We decorated the broom and hung a bow on it.

You roll the funny ball (broom) quickly - quickly through your hands, Whoever has the funny ball (broom) will dance with mom for us

The child who happens to have a broom invites his mother to dance.


Number of players: any. Additionally: cups and saucers according to the number of players, matches, peas

On the table in front of the mothers there are cups and saucers, next to each cup there are 2 matches. There are 12 peas on each saucer. Mothers must use matches to transfer the peas from the saucer to the cup.


To the accompaniment of music, easels are brought out. They have paper attached to them. Children, as quickly as possible, draw their mothers with markers. Then the drawings are given to mothers and grandmothers.


A table is placed in the center, with strings with a stick at the end tied to its legs. There is candy on the table. Players on command begin to wind the string around the stick. The one who got to the candy faster won.


2 girls participate in the game. They sweep up “garbage” with paper “brooms”—balloons scattered around the hall, each into its own hoop.


Props: four small multi-colored balls of thick woolen threads with a tail of 5 meters.

In the hall there are four chairs on which lie balls of thread with tails 5 meters long. Two grandmothers and two grandsons (granddaughters) are called. Two (grandmother and granddaughter) sit on chairs on one side of the hall, two other participants in the game sit on the other side of the hall. Participants in the game take balls from the chairs. At a signal, the participants in the game begin to wind a tail of thread around their balls. The team whose members are the first to wrap the threads around the balls wins. The game is played 2 times.


For the game: 3 yoghurts, 3 spoons, 3 napkins, 3 bibs. Who will feed grandma faster?


Blindfolded, put clothes on the child - a hat, coat, scarf, mittens, boots.


There are 5 multi-colored flowers on the floor; children collect petals of the same color while listening to music.


Children are divided into two teams: boys - “Gingerbread”, girls - “Sweets”, stand in two lines, near each team there is a bucket of water. Music is playing. The child scoops up water from the bucket with a wooden spoon and, trying not to spill it, carefully carries the water into a transparent plastic cup, then returns and passes the spoon to the next player. When the music ends, let's see who has more water in their glass?


Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The remaining 2-3 people win and are awarded balls.


First the girls play with their mothers, then the boys. Children are the inner circle, mothers are the outer circle. To the music, everyone walks in a circle (mothers in one direction, children in the other), and at the end, the children look for their mother. 1 time - children look for mothers, then mothers look for children.


Number of players: 2-4. Additionally: balloons according to the number of participants.

Each person is given a balloon. At the signal, the children begin to inflate them. The player who inflates the balloon the fastest wins.


Various jewelry, cosmetics, and a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls. The task is to portray their mothers.


Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off. The task is not to lose the tempo and continue singing. Mothers are awarded “Most Musical” medals.


Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes there are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their mothers. Let's see how they do it.


A rope is attached between two chairs, and balls are tied to the rope by strings. You need to tie scarves on these balls. Whoever does it faster wins. You can make the game more difficult by giving out mittens.


2 teams are selected, each with seven people, and two dads are called. Dads are seated on a chair from each team, and the fastest children wear clothes for dads. 1 - socks 2 - cap 3 - bib 4 - feeds porridge 5 - gives water from a bottle 6 - gives a pacifier 7 - rattle


2 teams of 5 people each participate. They line up one after another. Each participant holds some part of the flower - core, stem, 3 petals. On the other side there are clearing hoops. At the signal, the children take turns running to their clearing and laying out a snowdrop. Whose will bloom faster? You can organize 3 teams.


We note the time using the hourglass, during which time dad must write a recipe for borscht. Then the dads take turns reading. At the end, the presenter says: “Moms won. How will you cook soup without water?


2 commands from dads are called. They take turns singing lines from songs that contain a woman's name. The team that sings the song last will win.


The teacher collects beads, watches, handkerchiefs, etc. in advance, in secret from the children. During the game, he asks: Whose mother’s thing is it?


Moms stand in a circle. Children scattered in the center of the circle. Music is playing and children are dancing. When the music ends, children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. At this time, mothers change places. At a signal, the children open their eyes and... “Who will find and hug their mother faster?”


Before the holiday, tie 14 ribbons onto a rope 6-7 meters long so that two ends hang. Tie the 15th ribbon in a bow in the center of the rope. They call 2 dads, who stand to the right and left of the rope. On command, each dad begins tying bows, moving towards the center of the rope where the bow is tied. The winner is the one who quickly ties lush bows and gets to the center.


Who can sew buttons faster and better? The difficulty is that the buttons are cut out of cardboard and have a diameter of 20 cm


Mothers are invited to visit a beauty salon, where young hairdressers will create extraordinary hairstyles for them. Mothers (any number) sit on chairs and hold in their hands a piece of paper, size A-3, in which a hole for the face is cut out and the outline of the neck is drawn. Children use a marker to draw hairstyles. Then there will be a defile of fashionable hairstyles.


Mothers sit on chairs with a basket on their laps. The presenter scatters fake candies throughout the hall. Children must bring one candy to their mother, for each candy the child kisses his mother on the cheek. Whoever brings the fastest and most wins!


Two mothers must put clothespins on their children and remove them blindfolded, who is faster. Children are quietly changed places, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.


Two are called: mother and child pairs. Mothers and children stand at opposite ends of the hall. Mom is blindfolded. The children shout, “Mom, I’m here.” Mothers must find their child by voice.


Boys are invited, they are future men and can already help their mother hammer nails. (The hammer is small. The nail is already slightly nailed on the piece of wood.) It is important to pay attention not to the speed of driving, but to accuracy, thoroughness and caution. The teacher insures the child. There is a desire to help mom, and a desire to do the work efficiently, without rushing.


2 grandmothers and 2 grandchildren are called.

Medical supplies are laid out on the table: thermometers, tablets. Warm scarves, jars of honey, jam, medicinal herbs. As well as distracting objects: any (baby pacifier, toys, etc.). The grandson must choose those items with which he can cure his sick grandmother.


For this competition you need blanks: pictures cut out from magazines with eyes, noses, mouths, hair, ears and so on.

Several boys are called (the number depends on how many cut out parts are prepared). On a piece of paper you need to “assemble” a portrait of your mother (or a beautiful lady) using parts and glue. The parts can be immediately distributed equally, or you can, by including an element of competition, leave them on one tray - let them find them at speed.


Every mother knows her child very well - this is a fact. But this fact needs to be checked once again. Two mothers with children are called. Mothers come out and are blindfolded. In children, something changes in their appearance - a button is undone, a belt is removed, their hair is combed differently, and so on. Then moms have to find what has changed. The mother who finds all the changes faster wins.


Competition for mothers or girls. There is one or more toy babies on the table. You need to dress the doll in a blouse, pants and a hat, and then swaddle it. An important condition of the competition: everything must be done with one hand!


Two teams are organized: mothers and daughters. You need to prepare a rope, clothespins and a few rags. The first team members are blindfolded and given a clothespin and a cloth. They go looking for a rope to hang a rag on. The other players suggest how to get to the rope. Having found the rope, you need to attach a cloth with a clothespin, remove the bandage and return to the team. Then the second players of the teams hang up the cloth and so on.


Hanging on a string on strings are pieces of paper on which are written the names of different products (as unsuitable as possible with each other - for example, on one is physalis, on another is herring, on the third is bagels, and so on). Each mother in turn is blindfolded, spun and released - she must reach the rope and cut off three pieces of paper. Then, after removing the bandage, the mother must quickly come up with and tell what dish she can prepare from these products and what she will call it.


Two teams are selected, and the first players are given scissors. There are colorful napkins on the chairs. On command, players run to the chairs and cut out a flower from a napkin, then use glue or plasticine to attach the flower to a large Whatman paper. All players do the same in turn. After this, the most beautiful bouquet is selected for March 8 in kindergarten.

Game "Beauty Salon"

Older children will be interested in transforming their mother in a “beauty salon.” To do this, they make preparations before the holiday - cut out ovals in half a sheet of whatman paper the size of a face. At the matinee, mothers are invited to the “beauty salon” and are handed out preparations, and the children are given felt-tip pens. Mothers look out through the slot, holding whatman paper with both hands, and the guys first draw her a new “hairstyle”, and then jewelry - beads and earrings. During the competition, it is good to take photographs of mothers after visiting the beauty “salon”. Stylists present their work to mothers - there will be a reason to laugh and admire it at home. Children present their work and give the necessary explanations about the decorations. The most beautiful mother and the best stylist are awarded a prize.

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